The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 13, 1929, Page 11, Image 11

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    1 i .1. , 1 , . . . , . i
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New Fine Arts Building :: :
I ' " - . . . . '
....ii.Wr,ii.w.i.W.,.r,. in,,-,.,,.,,,,, ;. -. .,., , ..,.. . 1 ..
It. Campbell memorial taSdloc wbea tWsbed, wCQ beone of (be moft beautiful buDdlm
of its kind la the otto Padfle swrthvest. It wQl house the fl arts munua At the UairertltT
fu IIIIMnv -skmjV ttvffTl - m mm aaa ,
OleSwimmur' Holes" of Wl
North Howell Prove Very '
Popular With Residents
NORTH HOWELE, September water edge about 50 feet away.
1 J "With no- promise of rala or
cooler weather the "ol rrlmmloj:
holes', or North Howell continue
to .be as . popular . this month ,aa
they" were dmrinr July and August.
If you follow the road straight
east put the- charch and Grange
hall jpn will come to an; old cov
ered bridge orer Padding rlrer
near the Hartwell farm. ; Under
thia bridge is a tery popular and
much used swimming hole, which
Is easily accessible; ;
'After the days wortln the
onions or threshing or berry pick
ing one " can drtre across the
bridge and parking the car In the
shade, take the footpath to the
. At
- i PORTLAND Ore., Sept 12.
(AP Walter J. Finke. Jr.i. 17
who iwas- Sentenced to life Jmpri-oament-'here
- today -by Circuit
Judge John Gilbert for the killing
Of Herbert Beem, his riTal in
lore, will -probably be taken to
the 'state penitentiary at Salem
Aionaayy. ue snenrrs oriic an-
nounced. ; '
Flnke was Indicted on a charge
first degree, murder but Dis
trict Attorney Stanley Myers said
permitted the boy to dead
fLrjree murder because of his youth.
ine unat couix searins was r
rled out quickly and quietly. Rel
atives ol the prisoner practically
made up the small audience.
Finke faced the court "with a
stolid countenance, his only sign
of emotion being the -working of
his Jaw and! the aulrering of . his
lips as he repeated the plea.
The shooting occurred last May
in the corridor of high school
here. Flnke attempted to com
mit suicide- after shooting Beem
but wounded himself only slightly.
Another popular place Is on the
W. H. and here is
found AT sandy bank with a good
dlTtng board and plenty of shade
near the : water. To reach this
place drlro through the barn yard
and pasture of the SteYens farm
and then walk for a short distance
down he sandy slope to the waters
edge. Many prefer this because it
Is sandy and there Is no gravel to
-hurt ones feet.
: Pudding rirer meanders In and
out among" the farms of North
HoweU like a twisting snake and
It affords many a place to cool off
dnrinr these warm days.
At the old ParkersTllle mill Is
another hole, not so shady per
haps but easily reached and on
the Esson farm Is another good
one. There are also good swim
mlng places on the farms owned
by E. O." Wiesner and A. f. Cline
ana under the splendid new bridge
orer Pudding river near the Cllne
Among the good swimmers who
meet at these places we find Mr.;
and Mrs. C E. Waltman, George
and Alan Wiesner, George Cline,
S. C. Rickard Gib and Harley
Oddie, Tom Bump, .Elmer Peter
son, Don Vinton, ' Ellswortn
Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. R. C Jef
ferson, Bernice Summers, Russ
Coomler and erer so many others
who : Just go: an enjoy It ; all
whetner tney can. swun or not.
, sr.-it--' . . :, ,":."v. -
ifiv tn m
Uil Will IU
Well-Known Amity Girl Is
To Teach In Klamath
Fans District -.:
'AMITT, SepL It Miss Marlon
Umphlette left Tuesday for Lake
field, where she. will teach the
crammer school this winter
' Mrs. O. Robenbalm - left last
week tor Nashville, Tenu, where
ner mother is very tu.
Mrs. Alrln BJersen has heen
Terr HI for the past week.
Don Haasey and Lee- woods re
turned Thursday from their vaca
tion trip into Canada.
JBwr to UcAIinrnvOle
tm a. I Burr tamiiy stor
ed to McMinnnUe Prtday. Mr.
Burr piano to. drive the McMlnn-
mie school bus and manage his
radio shop. .
; Miss Cleone Caves, who. has
spent her summer vacation In Cal.
ifprnla, has returned home.
: Hiss DeLay Home
Miss Gate DeLarrwho has been
in the Salem General hospital tor
the past three months, was
brought home last Wednesday.
Lewis Tiffany lias returned
home after spending the summer
with relatives In Seattle. He
plans to attend Untield collar
atMcMinnviHe." Lewis is a grad
uate of Amity high school. -
"I Mrs, Mary Loop, who has been
iu for some time. Is improving
BROOKS, September 12 Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Carlisle and
daughters. Misses Blanche and
Bernice Carlisle of Springbrook
were recent guests at the A. E.
Harris home. Qther guests includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carlisle
of Newberg, Mrs. Anna Johnson
and Mrs. Kate.Glgger of Portland,
Mrs. John Lesher, . and grand
daughter DsEtta Louise Bias tan
and rMs. Wayne Gibson of Lake
Lablsh, Mrs. John Dunlavy, Miss
Marie Dunlavy, Mr, and Mrs. Ed
juersn, ana uev. jj. George coie.
' SeveiQ from Brooks have at
tended the tent meetings, which
ar being held at Lablsh Center.
, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blanton
are receiving congratulations upon
the birth of a son. This Is their
secondhUd. -
. Mrs. Ellen AsplnwaU and her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Britt AsplnwaU and children.
Evelyn and" Clarence AsplnwaU of
waconda, went to Banks.; Ore,,
where they spent the day as the
guests of another son, Mr. .and
Mrs. Mark Asplawall. Other guests
at the AsplnwaU homo were Mrs.
Mark AspinwaU's parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. Thomas and two grand
daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Walt
Thomas and two children, Clifford
and Evelyn Thomas.
At the Brooks Methodist church
Sunday morning, Sunday school at
10 o'clock and devotional services
at 11 o'clock. The subject of the
sermon will be "The Shepherd of
Souls. Read Psalms It: 1. With
Rev. D. George Cole in charge. ;
told to us
STJBLIMITTJ Sent 12 Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Benedict of Portland
spent the weekend Visiting tela-
tiTes,'-.. .. -. " ,
Jo Zuber who Is working at
Portland: spent a couple days It,
his home with his parents. . ,
: rilOssj KraaJc VWt . " :
Miss Irene Frank who has been
working at Salem this summer
spent a week viaiting; her mother.
Mr. t Alfred Hartman who has
been in the Willamette Sanitari
um for the past six weeks with a
broken leg is home, again and is
able to walk on crulchesx V
jMlss Clara Zuber who Is work
lug at Salem" was home , visiting
her parents Sunday. -. - ": :
'John Heuberger, August Albus,
Philip Albus and family have re
turned from a week's stay at
Breitenbush springs. " ; -
Mrs. Francis Castleberry who
had an operation at the Willam
ette Sanitarium is home again
and Is recovering nicely. -
Quite a number of people have
left tor the hop and prune yards.
County Bar Will
Elect Officers
At Today's Meet
Election ot officers for the com
ing year will be held- by the Mar
lon County Bar association at its
meeting and luncheon at the Mar
ion hotel Saturday noon.
President James G. Heltzel will
appoint a committee to represent
the local association at the an
nual meeting of the Oregon Bar
association which will be held at
Medford September 27 and 28.
Other important business will be
The Oregon Statesman and The
Portland Telegram, two great
dallies for 0 cents per month. To
order phone S00( .
- j
for Men
who loipw Shoe Quality
. - ; ..,' i- - - .
, 1 " ' ' '.'-
Specialists in Fine Footwear. !
. .V- See the New
Straight Line . i
' $ (0
i For Men
Genuine imported Calf Skin
Genuine imported Scotch Grab
aso r '
Featurinsr the neT styles, every style of which' tsV"
featured at remarkably, low price- a Buster Brown
policy,. . . . . i . 4
r4 -
The New
Buster Brown Shoe Store
Uefaird :
EvengloW. :
- ' -jmm 'Mix ' "W; . 1 n
- - ... j'; -I-
.. ; ;-. ft ;, .:; v vMcGaUunt ' '
V':- .X J
f ' , ' '"V - ' 1 . , " - " .
- f - r
j4n Exhibit ofl&ffl&enfi&o
D emons t r a tio n
Our Store
brings (oniibrt 3nir
5fbme at Lew Cfoil ;
. Rollins
EXTRA IengtK semi chif
ron Kose ,witK Pecot top
Dainty clinging and sleri
Service weight Full TashV,
ioneel, silk to the top, Qual
1 ity and service for thps
y who demand their moneyjl
- woxin : - j.- - -
, ... . . , ., . ( . . .... . - J
$2.00 The Pair
ti 3 Pair $5.50
Home pwzieri rKoj Appreciate real
jttmforj; tfe liomc 371II be inters
jested In Seeing, jmrf special 'demon
stratioS ti the Mbntag Calculator,
e. iprmly; fel2exp'i':'lsat. h jd
jmbst efficient; heating plant'ifor: th
ferage 7ester4 homei? Iri 5 good $
jewkbg addition to fxinuture
Jmy rboni fend doel feway Srith th4
heed f of several Unsightlf, bid tum .
iaeating stoves hi the lipuse.
: fWonhs Every Toni
powerful Monta'g sends waves p i SOLD ON EASY TERMS '"X
comfort-laden, "ventilated heat to
' leverjr room in th$ home; jpicEt 0 f
Jip die cold air from the floor, heats It and
Vafts4? gently. Into every ehiflj; nook and
corner. Ic .spreads, pheer 'and good health
y cjrcjalatiori. ,. ! ,
Low QqSt; Low Upkeep
cost of a Grculator ii pleasingly ; lorw1
put yoall sxnUe even rnox when yoii lean -bf
the surprisingly imodfrate costs for fceW
lug. JBurns either coal of SrbodV XI
are interested in true warmth conifort widi
Jxonomy3oAt fail to see tH oev Circu
lators during this (demonstration; ig grj
store! . - ;
j Ybuir Old Store ia Ezchr.njo
1 f
N -
r--f .rf.- twrf'