The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, pagsfitc i i .Department Heads on Job Beads of departments la the sen lorjilgb schooland saperrlsors tor 'the junior high school were back on the lob Mondar morning fol lowing the summer vacation. They wui Bart ut iaii wuri xor vueir .iesiehers virtual! outlined and all .la readiness for the opening of cbool. Superrisors and depart mental heads work on a ten-month oasis. Miss LiUh Hollowaj. who bad charge of the special room at farrlsh last year and who will ,tnis year direct the activities of FtM part time continuatioa school. '. was also on the job yesteraay. JBack From Idaho Idaho po tato growers are- mighty happy wtth "spuds" bringing 12.00 a hundred aboard the car at Twin Fills, E. S. SherrUI, Burroughs edging machine representative bete reported this week on his return from that section. Beans at 4 seres and one-half . cents pound als oare pleasing growers tau that district. SherrUI made the trip to Idaho on business. His home was in. that district before be 'removed to Salem, - ,Regitrtion Improving Regis tration of teachers contracts and certificates picked up materially bfondav, according to word from the county school superintendent's otflce. Many of the schools of the county are opening now, and in asmuch as the law provides that l&ary of teachers who fall to reg ister these papers before the school starts may be withheld, in structors are getting the contracts tiled. . IK ' I-eaves $3000 About 12000 in personal property is left in the es Jaje of 3ary A. Shearer, deceas ed whose will was filed in probate court here Monday. She was 87 at the time of her death. There are four heirs, three of whom, Katie Golden. Mary T. Shaw and Hilla L.. Gibbs, reside in . Salem. The fourth. Fay R. Shearer resides in Ms Angeles. He is named execu tor of the estate. Here From Milton E. E. Wal deo and family of Jtjlton, a prom inent farmer and fruit grower, visited friends and relatives in Sa lem last week. While here accom panied by their cousin, Mrs. Roy -Ohmart, they visited their grand father's old home in the Waldo Eflls. Judge Walden who crossed the plains in 1845 took up this place as a donation land claim and Redded there many years. Has Scalp Wound Clifford Feller who, lives near Turner, re ceived a scalp wound early Mon day morning when the car he was driving was in a collision with -abany, Mrs. Phil Parrott and chil car driven by Henry Wolfe, 040 24th street, Salem. The accident happened -on the Pacific highway near Jefferson. Movies Tonight -at Y. A spe cial motion picture presentation will feature the weekly entertain ment In the boys department at the Y. M. C. A. tonight at 7:80 o'clock. These events have been drawing attendance averaging 200 boys. To Collect Kotee- Suit to col lect two notes of $250 each has been brought by the Cady Motor company against G. C. Dixson. The notes are secured by tnertgage on considerable Cblnery owned by the defendant. Final Account Accepted T h e final account . of M. Helen Mes senger, administrator of the es tate of J. H. Messenger, deceased, was accepted in county court Mon- floss AdministratorOuster E. Roes was -appointed administrator 6t the eetate of Emily M. Me- fpnnd, deceased, rn probate court here Monday. She left property of the " estimated, value of $1000. There are seven heirs.' May Locate Hare Mrs. Z. J. Heath, whose home- is in Billings, Men t., was s Monday caller In Sa lem. Mrs. Heatb is contemplating staking this city her future home, and was. here with that in view. Allowed More Time Extension of time to answer- until October 1 has been allowed by John W. Geelan and Tera V. Geelan to C. A. Eldridge and Lola Eldrtedge who are defendants in a suit brought by the former parties. Four Too Many Four per sons in the driver's seat of as au tomobile driven by C. S. Briggs, 2285 X. Fourth street, brought a fine of 2.50 when he appeared in police court Monday. Find It Here Harbison Station South Come at Owens st. Will close 2 to 5 p. m. Tuesday during the funeral of Dr. S. A. Bowman. ' Harriett Peare for Canning- Delivered. Call 90F3 anytime or 3SS week days. Found Ball Pnp y Identify and pay for advertls- lag. mono foe. Dsr. Saurman Steevee ' - Announce the association of Dr. Verden E. Hockett in the practice of. medicine and surgery. 422-432 Vv S. Natl. Bank Bldg. IVuire With Thomas Bros. Band aM. Tftr A! .nil - Ctt, tllUT WIS ,1 - CM. Ab. - - Anniversary SJ to Continue ... All week beginning Monday, ' - Sept. 9th. Margaret's Baby Shop, - 4jl5 Court. . ' Want cd Eapesieared - Newspaper, solicitor for rural field. Willamette Valley territory. " salary and commission.. Apply Cir- 4 relatkm deptVThe Oregon States- .'. man'. ' " . . 1 - Brcy eight: 9:90 to I at the Marion hettf. Anniversary Snl to Continue AU week begtaalng .. Monday, i Espt. Ith. Margaret's Baby Shop, 416 Court.. . . Board Meeting Today The reg ular meeting of the T. W. C. JL board will be held at the T. W. thia morning beginning at 10:00 o'clock. Mrs. C. S. Hamilton is president. Following the business session, luncheon will be. served at noon. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Galla her, new general secretary, will meet with the board for the first time. , Qiuunme Improving Stanley Quamme, who .was seriously in jured several weeks ago while un loading a car near the P. E. P. company plant, has recovered suf ficiently to leave the hospital and return to bis- home. The injury, which necessitated bis wearing a. plaster cast for several weeks, will leave n permanent lameness. Called to Aberdeea Frank Murk, who was visiting at the home of bia daughter. Mrs. Irvin HochsteUer, was called to Aber deen, Wash., to attend the funeral Sundar pt hi sister, Mrs. Matilda Johnson; Mrs. Johnson,- who was 8 5 -passed away Thursday- follow ing as extended, illness; Time Miaetatra By error. the Statesman referred to the time of recent plcnle of the Pres byterian, church as Bandar, Sep tember 1. The picnic was held on Labor Day,' September 2, sear Mshama where the church owns property which it uses for picnic purposes. No Stop. Coat So Passing a stop sign- without coming to a- toll stop cost J. Beckmas. 28SJ Brooks avenue, f 5 when he ap peared ht Police court Monday. Beckmas, when stopped by Officer Charlton Sunday night, said. "X know I missed it, brother, I was going so fast I Just couldn't step. I'm guilty." in the case of Dr. H. C. Dipple of 1390 S. Liberty was postponed Monday by Police Judge Mark Poulsen. Dipple was being held in the city Jail on a charge of drunkenness and possession of beer. He had three quarts of beer In his possession when arrested Sunday night. Travelers Return Dr. Norman K. Tully, Dr. Roy Lockenout and Dean Roy Hewitt and his son Ron ald, who have spent the summer on the JJpton Close'students' tour of Asia, were to arrive is Seattle Monday on the steamship Arabian Maru. Their friends expect them in Salem early Tuesday morning. Visit Hechstetlers During the past 'week Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hoehstetler have entertained at their home C. R. McCabe of Al- dren of Parkdale, Frank Murk of Hubbard, and Mrs. S. Strawn and George Hoehstetler. Hearing Postponed Hearing Enter Willamette Robert Aul- derheide of the class of '25 and Fred Edmondson, '29, of Salem nigh school have had their credits transferred to Willamette uiver- sity, where they hope to enter tor the fall term. Kelley Moore Of the class of 28 will go toO. S. C Return from Vacation -Mrs. Thomas E. Riles, son Thomas Jr., and daughter Janet are again at their home here after spending a a chatteiHreek or so vacationlnr at Tart Colonel falea spent the week end there with them, accompanying them to Salem. Fox In CorvnUia Monday Wil liam W. Fox, rural school super visor, and director of boys' and girls' elub work In Marios county. was in Corvallis Monday to confer with the state-club officials on matters pertaining to the local field. ... - Car Recovered An Oldemo- bile tournlng car bejonging to V. F. Lynch ot route two, was recov- td by Patrolman Davis, about 2:30 Sunday morning. It bad bees stoles front -a down tows street shortly before 7:30 p.m. Drunk Befeased John R. Melris of Rosebprg. was released and ordered out of tows when he appeared in police court Mon day. He had been in the city Jail Sunday night. Toble, Bain Here Among Mon day callers at the county school superintendent's office were H. E. Toble. principal of the Stayton schools, and V. D. Bain, superin tendent at Woodburn. Made Defendant By court or der Katherine J. Middleton and the Salem Bank of Commerce hare been named as additional de fendants in the case of J. L. Locke" vs. Belle Bobbins, et al. Obtains License -Ellsworth 0. Martin. 24, who lives on Salem,. Route three, obtained a license to wed Eulalia Ogle, 25, who lives at Aumsville, in the county clerk's office Monday. King Released - George King, floter," was released. Sunday af ter spending Saturday night in the city Jail under a charge of drunk enness. He was ordered out of town. Runaways Caught Flurrey E. Stone and Eddie Dennis were picked up by local police Sacday night and held as runaway ram the Chemawa Indian school. They were returned Monday mornicg. . Complaint Amended- In. an amended complaint filed Monday by Otto K. Paulcs, E. It. Kemano is made defendant for f al leged to be owed ttt. plaialif f. v Cbe&tcr MtUet iu CU y Chest? Miller, who lives ra the TarrlsH Gap district, sear Jefferoo, was attending to fcaslre-s matters in the eity Meadey.- "-J: : -o -' ' Geew-Froo: Stlrerton -Robert Coals, erverlcteadm f vth 811 verioa- seberls. ;' Salem vtsfc or Monday, feeWln Silrerton witt cpen i.vxt Mondsy. Adaslidetnstjr Keened Ruth CummSugs. sister ot Thomas Cum- salnasr. Ceeeaeet; aa been named admlsislmr of hi? estate which is raiued at iicos.. , , Rve Crews Rushing Market Route Construction Says Johnson Market road construction, while well past the halt way mark tor the season is still going on apace, according to Roadmaater Frank Johnson who saye some crews will be active until November 1. Five gangs are now at work 1a various sections of the county. One crew, working on the An keny Hill-Buena "Vista market road have three more weeks of grading ahead ot them. After this week there will be fully three more weeks ot graveling left ac cording to Johnson. About 1500 yards of gravel are spread In six days and thia amount is sufficient to cover a mile or graded read. One Crew to Quit In two more days the ere w. at work 'on- the Pratum to- Maeleay road will have-finished Its work anil will quit for the season. A considerable amount of construc tion yet remains oa the- Slegnrunu road out from Staytoa and fully tour weeks work Is needed to end the Mehama-Taylor's Grove pro- Sect. One crew Is working on the Gervals to 11L Angel road. When that la ended noma work will be dona on the Sltverton to Monitor I read which has been virtually completed save for some construc tion around a bop yard. Work here was left until the hopplck- ing season esded is ordtr to facil itate harvest work. Johnson said the paving crew now working on the market road near Keiser would be through by Wednesday. About three-fourths ot a mile ot pavement will have been laid by that time. ' No more paring win be laid this season. VW1I IS HI SITTIIiG III CHEEK Mrs. Martha Wilson was resting quietly in a local hospital Monday night and recovering from shock and exhaustion. She was found sitting in 18 inches of water in North Mill creek Just west ot Summer street about 5 o'clock this morning. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Epley traced the cries and moans which had awakened them to find Mrs. Wil son almost under the bridge. J. C Perry, who lives next to the bridge was summonded and was aided by Officer Charlton in getting Mrs. Wilson into the worth prowler car to be taken to the hospital. No one had noticed Mrs. Wilson leave the house of her sister where she has bees living, although she had tully dressed before leaving, Apparently she had entered the water east ot the bridge and waded down stream under bridge as her hat and fur found on the bank above bridge. the was the British Steamer Abandoned With Entire Crew Safe VIGO, Spain. Sept. t (AP) The British Nelson line passenger steamer Highland Pride was aban doned, by Captain C. AHord and his crew late tonight. The cora- mandante of marine here aaid the snip and her cargo or j.ooi ions of general merchandise together with a deckload of cattle would be a total loss. The ship, en route to Buenoe Aires and Rio De ashore on Piedras Janeiro, ran Negraa reef Just out side the harbor early to day. The passengers with most of their baggage were landed with out difficulty by the boats of the vessel. St. Johns Man is Winner in Races At Yakima Fair TAKIMA. Wash.. Sept. I. (AP) As a feature of the open ing today of the Washington state i fair Guy Deulin, St. Johns, Ore., took; three of the fite automobile races. The big event, a 20 mile free for all, was a battle from start to finish among three drivers, Deu- len winning aadDel Valentine plneed third. The time was 23:21- 1-5. Mrs. Held Ends Vacation Mrs. Cora E. Reid, who has bees spend ing the past two weeks visiting in Aberdeen, Wash., with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Bagley, returned to her desk is the county school superinten dent's office Monday. Mrs. Held also spent some time in Seattle, Olympia, Tacoma and Rainier park. - Mick Tagged Ed Slick, 1622 Center street, was given a tag by local police Sunday on a charge of tailing to stop at a through street. Albany Man Arrested, T. D. Baits of Albany, mas arrested Sunday night on a charge ' et speeding within the Salem dry Saw for 9160 Suit to collect 21 f0 and costs has been brought by the Business Men's Adjustment company against 8. A. Pease. v Farsaer Jones Finned H. R. "Farmer" Jones of route four was fined IS in police court Men- day for overtime parking.. . SUverton Man Tays Ed Schar of SUtsBHoa. paid 1 7 la po lice court Monday for .overtime parking . Scheie andEllraJ 1929-30 Season is Opened facTt ttrseor wT.' ju."t "l A M 1 opening, and close matches lea- lured the first City bowling league competition on ine winter uaraen alleys Monday night. Shei's Cloth- ' lng won three games straight from the Man's Shop, and the Elks won after the same fashion from the Flying Clouds. The two sew teams, Cllne s Funeral services for Andrew J. Basey, who died 8unday at the home at 091 South Capitol street. will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Clough-Hustoa chapel. Dr. W. C. Kantner offi ciating. Interment will be madela the L 0. O. F. cemetery; He had bees Bl for nearly two and a halt years. Basey was 80 years old and had lived In Salem for many years. More than 40 years ago he oper ated one of the largest livery sta bles In the city. Besides his widow, Mary A., he 1 survived by the following chll urea: waiter ., jars. Ida LMsque and Mrs. Iva Klngsley, all ot Port land; Ira I., ot La Grande; and a brother, Isaac, of Wapato, Wash. CAUSE FOB DEMISE Jobs Lickess of Portland, who with his family was camping at a hopyard near Butteville, was drowned is the Willamette river at Butteville about-4 o'clock Sun day afternoon. According to re port reaching Coroner Lloyd Rig don, Lickess had eaten a quantity of ice cream and then gone swim ming, and it is presumed cramps were responsible for the tragedy. Lickess was about 53 years old, and lived at 402 Ainsworth ave nue. The drowning occurred with several members of bis family looking on. Although search for the body was started Immediately after the drowning, it was not re covered until 10 o'clock Monday morning, nor far from where Lick ess disappeared from sight. The body was taken to Aurora and will be taken to Portland today for services and interment. Lick ess Is understood to have been a world war veteran. IS Mrs. Martha J. Crowley, who became seriously ill two weeks ago, died Sunday night at the home at 1680 Center street at the ago "ot 70, years. She bad been in poor health for some years. Funeral services - will be held thia morning at 10:20 o'clock at the Rlgdon mortuary, following which her daughters, Miss Carlot- ta Crowley, ot Salem, and Mrs. Scott W. Leonard, "of FOrtuno, will leave for Des Moines, Iowa, where burial will be made. Her Unsband, J. A. Crowley, was buried there 20 years ago. . Martha J. Ratclif fe was born In Iowa, June 25, 18S0, and had lived is Oregon since 1911, the past six Tears betnc seent in Salem. She resided at McMianvillo- before com- hBflr we-, and was a member of the Eastern Star chapter there and also a member of the Presbyterian church here. Besides Miss Crowley aad Mrs. Leonard, she is survived by five grandchildren. Three chil dren died before their mother. Bob" Kelly Has Bad Foot; Worry Is Felt by Coach Backfield strength of the Sa lem high school football team may be seriously reduced If "Bob" Kel ly, star fullback of the last two seasons, does not recover In time from a foot Infection which has bees bothering him this summer. The injury is being treated by a physician but Is proving trouble some,- and -nnlesa it is overcome in the. next few weeks, Kelly will sot be- able to play football. He possibly may be kept out of bas ketball. We can-saye you money - oa guaranteed Ucocl Gcolic We Boy and Sell - - EverjUdng fsleb Bagx Uzzst & S&aJckCo, fee 820 N. Coml . Phone 4S2 BASH Full TO ; BE HELD IVEDHESDAY M CROWLEY BHKTf JUNK! JUNK! .JIIINK!: , Vi to 2c per lb. for Rags. 7Sc ea. for Auto Batt 10c to 40c per hundred for Iron. - : s ' 2Se per hundred for Paper and Hag. We also buy Sacks - Radiators - Brass - Bottles - Etc II. STEINBOCK, Pron. By the bridge. 145 Center SL Food Shop and McKay Chevrolet, staged a great battle, the apron wearers coming through with a wto out of three victory. Sam Stein bock won the Neber gall bacon with a high series of 602. and the Capitol theatre tick ets with high score ot 212. Each team was supported by a large crowd ot rooters. The score: Scarf's Cbnaiag STartse 1S1 17S 17i 5S5 Kdwaris - ..ITS 15S 132 I6S GroU ., , X3S 144 143424 McltUm , .167 150 190 SIS flmaUw 174 17 154507 TUls iur Km My Shirk Co HU -SSS 814 79S244S SUM -ie 135 ia m .1(4 S10 ISO 174 .135 110 144389 .15S 144 117417 .197 16S 181 544 Totals 78S 747 S9S SJ50 rlrlne Oloada 17 175 178583 . 15S 1S7 149 4SS , 184 110 104-!-4O9 Vowtoa Barr Ksksrfsa Krr -17S 185 150511 .174 IBS 175520 TaUto -811, S2S S14 2401 Elks Ctab QoMy Pratt 188 180 175543 15S 144 155457 139 ICS 125 080 Wiur .199 187 185551 Victor -169 ISO 199511 Totola .? os StT SIS Z54S McKay enmotat SUinbock -19S .198 J03L 213 808 ABsa 1S4 149478 16S 154471 US 1S8 3S7 ISO 140500 R. Johnson DeHarritt H. Stcinbock .159 .131 .ISO Totals 821 798 815 2444 Food Shop 140 180 S00 529 IIS 141 171425 14S 198 188 528 Koooa Poalia . Airuoa Xofcr . .158 173 17S SOS .185 112 157 5S4 Totals .728 901 890 2517 T Obituarv Basey Andrew J. Basey died Sunday in his residence at 691 South Cap itol street at the age of 80 years. Survived by his wife Mary A. and the following children: Walter S. of Portland; Ira I. of LaGrande: Mrs. Iva Klngsley of Portland; by a brother, Isaac of Wapato, Wash. Funeral services Wednesday at 2 m. at the Clough-Huston chapel. Dr. W. C. Kantner officiating. In terment Odd Fellows cemetery. Bowman Samuel A. Bowman, 70. died Sunday in his home at 1840 South Commercial street. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. John W. Harbison of Salem; a son, Samuel Cloud of Pennsylvania; three granchildren ; and by three sisters, Miss Sarah Bowman, Mrs. Edward A. Madden and Mrs. Hamll-Carpenter, all of Pennsylvania. Funeral services Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock in .the First Presbyterian church with Rev. W. C. Kantner officiat ing. Interment in Belle Crest Me morial park. The remains are in care of Rigdon mortuary. Crowley Mrs. Martha J. Crowley, 70, died is her residence at 1580 Cen ter atreet Sunday. Survived by her daughters. Miss Carletta Crowley of Salem, and Mrs. Scott W. Leon ard of Portland, and by fire grand children. Deceased was a member of the O. E. S. at McMinnvilie Funeral services will be held at Rlgdos's chapel at 10:20 Tues day morning. The remains will be forwarded to Dea Moines, Iowa for interment. Meyer Alfred Meyer. 49, died Friday leaving a wife, Lydia, two daugh ters, Myrtle and Edna, a son Ir vin; a mother Mrs1. Gottleib Meyer of Pratum; two brothers, Charles of SUverton and Oscar of Pratum; a sister, Mrs. Bertha Llchty of Pratum. Funeral services Tuesdsy at 1:30 at Rigdon's chapel. Inter ment In Pratum cemetery. Rev. Fox officiating. City View Cemetery Established 1808 Tel. 12)60 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided tor Prices Reasonable I Ptlerest iflemorial rheae jT a lSodorsM S2fl PalG rrte A Park Cemetery with perpetual care Jnat ten minutes from the heart of tows 1X0X9 TSSSOtt, Kgav Phone S9S ttnvf f m ft. -..I FOX GIVES OUT OATATOClOBS Final Instructions for Ex hibits at State. Fair Are Mailed With the approach of the annu al state fair, W. W. Fox. county club leader, Monday mailed let ters to each leader of boys' and girls and club projects in the eounty giving final instructions for the fair exhibits and wind-up of the year's club work. Marion county hopes to main tain Its previous high standard of achievement In competition with the rest of the counties in the state and at the same time ad vance the per cent ot clubs and members completing their pro jects, the letter states. Achievement Pin Offered Clubs that fimsh 100 per cent will he entitled to a leader'a achievement phi from the national department of agriculture, . the state dub department and the county club leader, these to be mailed after November 1, close of the club year. All livestock members, are re quested to send their final re ports to Mr. Fox or turn them In at the air. These exhibits must be in the barns before 10 o'clock Sunday evening, September 22. Exhibits et sewlngr cooking, and other club work should be in the 4-H booth Sunday also. A sup ply of entry blanks, premium lists and other club materials is avail able at county leader's office. A new numbering system for rooms in the senior high school building has been outlined by Fred Wolf principal, and R. W. Taven ner, assistant, and will be put into effect when school opens, Monday, September 23. Under the new scheme, each room will be desig nated by both a letter and a num ber, the figure being used to show the floor on which the room is located. Letter will be used to dif ferentiate the rooms on a floor, starting at the beginning of the alphatbet and continuing consec utively until are rooms are cared for. A reassignment of rooms to teachers wi'll be made shortly be fore school opens, the principal said yesterday. Mystery Film is On AtElsinore; Play Clever One Excitement, fast action, sus pense these are the thrilling ele ments which provide superb enter tainment in Paramount's all-talking mystery sensation, "The Mys terious Dr. Fu Manchu." "The Mysterious Dr. Fu Man- You Can Depend On It If You Get It At Sdtaefer Ice Cream or a good cold drink How-it picks you up on a hot day. And remem ber if it comes from Scfaaef- era. it's the best drink in town. Schaefer's Drug Store 285 N. Commercial Street Phone 1B7 h nil is ADOPTED FOB IV rE Statesman Publishing Company operates the largest printing estab-, , Hshment In th stats ouUido ef Portland. Presses' large and small"; and workmen skified in the trades daily product commercial printing jot ; high quality. Whether It U a book or catalog or bulletin, the StatesrnaA can print it for you. And if you irant crdtaary commercial forms: letterheads, en vdopes, office blanks, yesj may depend upon getting work of quality at res, scmable price at the Statesman office. . - SIKCS 181 Tha SU:eskxA aj led the 8a!em field in the line of commercial printing. Never has it better this to stirs than at the -present time, , - . : - - - - . i - - '- .. ' . , ,,- '-' .-'' EsUnates.eheofuQy furnished. Wcrk delivered when promiaed. ; I chu is Sax Rohmer's favorite story, which has been cleverly pie turlied into screen aad-"talki form. - "t" t Thb pictore, which features Warner Gland, star who interprets the role as Dr. Fu, is booked, tor the Elsinore commencing today, and continuing through Friday. 'CHILD STEALERS' CORVALLIS. Ore.. Sept. t. (AP) Held in Seattle and charg ed with child stealing, Mrs. Nellie Mary Ingram 'and George Morris are to be returned to this city to stand trial for taking two boys from the children's farm home here. The couple was arrested Sat urday by Seattle police, who no tified local authorities. Mrs. Ingram snd Morris appear ed at the farm here on Labor day and were granted permission to talk to Robert Morgan. 12, Mrs. Ingram's brother. Albert Banks, another boy, Joined the conversa tion. Later that day Mrs. Ingram and Morris were said to have returned in the letter's automobile, the two boys left the home with them . Suspect is Held For P.O. Theft In Coast Town TILLAMOOK. Ore., Sept. t. (AP) Suspected ot having rob bed ten private mail boxes in the Tillamook postoffice and of hav ing broken into the supply room of the local armory early yester day morning. Elliott Henderson was being held in the county Jail here today. A hole sawed is the wall was the means ot access to the armory supply room, where an undeter mined amount of materials was removed. Henderson had been employed as custodian of the arm ory but had not had access to the supply room. A hammer was used to break the glass fronts of the postoffice boxes and the contents were re moved from the openings. NOONTIME LUNCHES 30c - 35c MENU CHANGED EVER DAY NEW ARGOL A 222 K. Com'L Mr. and Mrs. HeatMield PILES CURED Without operation or lots of DR. MARSHALL SSS Orofoa Bids. time. ra n Young man with office experi ence, one who wants to learn credit business - must have knowjedge of txxkkeeping, must be between 21 and 25 years old, and willing to learn our method. See Mr. Patterson between 1 stnd 3 pan. Tues day only. ; Giese-Powers 0 Thai Pleases FIRM SERIES ' Dr. Samuel A. Bowman, Salem dentist,, died Sunday afternoon at his home at IS 40 South Commer cial street He had been HI about two weeks, suffering a severe case of indigestion while vacationing at Neskowin late in August. He was 70 years old. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at S o'clock in the Presbyterian; church, of which he had been an elder since coming to Salem IS years ago. Rev. W. C. Kantner win officiate at the services, in terment to be In Belcrest Memor ial park. Dr. Bowman practiced dentistry in -Newcastle, Pa., his birth place, until he, moved to Salem. Here he was a partner ot Dr. T. C. Smith, Jr. He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. John W. Harbison ot Salem, with whom he made his home, a. step-son, Samuel Cloud of Penn sylvania, and three grandchildren who live In Pennsylvania. Lad, 13, Held to Bteme ior Death CONDON. Ore., Sept. . (AP) Richard Hammer, IS, was killed here last sight when run over by a truckk driven by Delbert Emert of lone. Hammer, who lives with his parents on a raneh three miles north of this city, was said to hare veered his bicycle into the path of the truck. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT LOCAL OR EASTERN RAILROAD RATES PHONE 727 Oregon Electric Ry.S Willamette Valley Line FINEST TORIO 1 Qf READING LENSES. .V Eyeglass Insurance and thor ough examination included. THOMPSON-GLUTSCH OPTICAL CO. 110 N, Commercial St. NOW is the TIME To Fight Prune Borers Use Paradow Easiest and best method Gives 100 Kill Salem Seed & Orchard Supply Co. 178 S. Com'l St. Phone 063 I IS mm