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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1929)
TODAY'S THE DAY! Once a year comes the eir cu8. Men who hare children are more than pleased to take them to see the sight. WEATHER Generally fair today; Poa- 1 b 1 e thunderstorm 1 n mountains. Max. tempera tore Wednesday 89; Mlu. 47; River 2.4; X rain. FOUNDED 1631 SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 133 Sakm, Oregon, Thnrsday Morning; Angrat 29, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS i Zeppelin's Trip Will End Today Huge Airship Scheduled to Reach Lakehurst Hang ar this Morning Communication Established With Spot From Which Journey Started NAVAL AIR STATION, Lake hurst. N. J., Aug. 28 (AP) Naval officials awaiting the arriv al of the world-girdling Graf Zep pelin estimated tonight that the giant craft would reach here be tween six and seven a. m. tomor row, eastern standard time. They emphasized that the estimate was based on data available at the time and that developments might hast en or retard the ship's progress. NAVAL AIR STATION, Lake hurst, N. J., Aug. 28 (AP) The world circling dirigible Graf Zeppelin was within talking dis tance of this terminal tonight, and was expected to land early tomorrow. When the Graf does land it will gain for itself several records. It will have circumnavigated the world In less time than wa3 ever done before, it will be the first airship ever to fly around the world, and it will be the first air craft of any kind to have made a non-stop flight across the Pjcitic. From approximately 1,000 miles away the Graf spoke to the air station by wireless late this afternoon, the first direct com munciation since before It left Friedrichshafen, Germany, Its home port, on its eastward loop around the world. Preparations Finished For Big Reception The message was brief, saying merely that the great ship ex pected to reach Lakehurst tomor row morning. As soon as this word was received naval officers here completed preparations for the reception. Boundary lights were ordered"fefiiburning-during the night and landing crews were assigned to quarters whre they could be routed from bed at a mo ment's notice. The great hangar was strangely empty tonight as it waited for its huge occupant. The navy dirigi ble Los Angeles wa in Cleveland at the air races and the two little navy blimps cowered in a corner like frightened puppies. NEW CASTLE. Pa., Aug. 29 (AP) The Graf Zeppelin passed over here at 12:5 6 a. m., est.. New Castle Is almost directly east of Akron, Ohio. CLEVELAND, Aug. 28 (AP) The Graf Zeppelin passed over down town Cleveland at 1.1:13 P to. tonight. Her engines turning at high peed, the dirigible crossed public square at 11:01 o'clock at an al- (Turn to Page 2. Column 6.) sEimrfiw SEATTLE, Aag. 28 (AP) Flans to erect a si,z&u,uuu news paper ptant for the Seattle Times vera announced here todav bv Colonel C. B. Blethen, publisher of the paper. The present building at Times Square, five stories high, is out grown Colonel Blethen said, and the rapid construction of build ings around It has increased its value "that it was out of the ques. tion to use it longer for manu facturing purposes." The new structure will be three Stories high, and will cost S3 00, 00. A two block frontage on the outskirts of the business dis trict, has been acquired for it, of- as against' 19,800 feet in the ex isting building. The rotogravure Ulant, color press ana job depart ments, now In . otner Duiiamgs, Will ail Da unuer iuc oamo iuui. .... . Y. A 9 HAVE H BUILDING Condemnation Suit Ended Taking Hoquiam Plant of t Oregon-Washington Firm MONTESANO, Wash., Aug. 28. -(AP) Superior Judge J. M. Phillips set $510,000 as. the pres ent fair market value of the Ho quiam water system in a memoran dum decision handed down late yesterday. The decision, as far as the local court Is concerned, closed the condemnation suit of tha City of Hoquiam against the Oregon Washington Water Service com nanr. ownera ot tha plant. f xne company vamcu iub vivtr erty at $soo,ouu. More than $250,000 was said to have been spent -for attorney's fee, xpert8' fees and court costs In the trial of the auit, which opened Juna 10 and dose July Resigns hi ? -r?-- f - - A. The Reverend Mama 8. Poolson, of New York, has resigned as Su perintendent of the Anti-Saloon League to accept a church pastor, ate in McKeesport, Pennsylvania. F MR VESSELS SEEN Spectacle Declared Most Ambitious Event of Kind Ever Staged CLEVELAND, Aug. 28. (AP) The most imposing array of air craft ever assembled, participated here today in a mighty spectacle of the air, a kaeidoscopic succes sion of aerial events of a combined magnitude and daring never be fore equalled. More than 100,000 air minded persons attending the national air races, cheered themselves hoarse at the arrival of the navy dirig ible Los Angeles, and the man uevers of three baby blimps, an autogyro, gliders and hundreds of airplanes. The Los Angeles was moored at a special mast here tonight, and is to follow its big sister ship, the Graf Zeppelin to Lakehurst, N. J., tomorrow. ( Endurance Plane Shuttle Refueled Above Field The leading events of the day began with the refueling of the endurance plane Shuttle, piloted by Captain Ira Eaker in a round trip coast flight. Eaker is testing the feasibility of refueling planes in the air mall service, with the cooperation of the postoffice de partment. He is remembered as the pilot of the famous endurance flight of the airplane Question Mark. Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, and two navy fliers, provided some of the biggest thrills on the pro gram, when Lindy departed from his usual cautious flying and join ed the navy birdmen in some of aviation's most daring stunts. Long List of Dangerous Stunts Performed The navy flyers, Lieut. F. N. Kivette and Lieut. Frank O'Bierne, and Lindy did "all the loops in the books," barrel-rolled, dove almost to the ground as fast as gravity and their powerful motors would take them, flew upside down, and performed many other tricks that proved the cleverness of the flyers and the stability of their planes. Two more air derbies were fin ished at the airport today. Loren W. Mendell, of Los Angeles, won the Oakland, Cal., to Cleveland race, by less than three minutes margin over Joe Barrows of Oak- (Turn to rage 2, Column 6.) M . Ps Son Held As Law Violator LOS ANGELES, Aug. 28 (AP) Charles Hazlitt Cahan, whom Immigration authorities said Is the son of C. H. Cahan, Montreal member of the Canadi an parliament, was arrested today fol alleged illegal entry. Cahan said he was horn in New York, but officers declared he entered New York from Canada in 1919. They said he made trips to Mexi co recently . which precluded his gaining immunity under a I year limitation clause of the lmmigra tion bill. 29. The trial was said to have been the longest ever held in Grays Harbor county. The Oregon-Washington Water Service company, defendant in the condemnation suit just closed in connection with its Hoquiam plant, is also the owner pf the Salem water system, and local officials have been In more or less close touch with the proceedings at Ho quiam. Suggestion has been made fre quently over a period of years that the city ot Salem might acquire the company's system here. Within recent months, when the quality of (Turn to Face 3, Column 1.) r Ml 1 GERMANS BULK AND REFUSE TO ACCEPT New Arrangement Declared Unsatisfactory Des pite Conferences Latest Development Brings New Threat Against The Hague Meet THE HAGUE, Aug. 29 (Thursday) (AP) The allied creditors of Germany after two long conferences yesterday and another which lasted late into the night, were unable to obtain ac quiscence by Germany to the rep arations plan which they had agreed upon between themselves. Adjournment was taken until 10 a.m., today. The Germans demanded as compensation for releasing their interests in surplus payments un der the Dawes plan before the new plan becomes effective recog nition by the powers now occupy ing the Rhineland, Great Britain, France and Belgium, htat after September 1 the cost of occupa tion shall no longer rest upon the Reich. British Forces Leaving German Territory The British have already begun to evacuate the German territory and have announced they would push it to a quick conclusion. The French and Belgians, on whom would fall the cost of continued occupation if the Germans are re lieved of It, were unwilling last night to accept the German the sis. When no method of reconciling the differences was readily appar ent it was decided to adjourn the meeting of the big six to this morning to enable the delegations separately to seek a way for ob taining German adhesion to the acord of the creditors. ' So confident had the delegates been that the last obstacle In the way of agreement would be sur mounted that they arranged for a full public session at 2:30 p.m. today at which the proceedings would be broadcast by radio. With tha adjournment, the time before the public pessloa is eut .tft-four and a half hours but hope was still entertained that an agree- (Turn to Page t. Column 7.) 8 Actors Arrested By Police LOS ANGELES, Aug. 28 (AP) Detectives arrested eight actors and the stage manager at the Play House Theater here tonight when "Bad Babies" was being shown. The arrests were made on order of City Prosecutor Lloyd Nix, who charged the play was in decent. Bail was set at $500 each. Those arrested were Jobyna Ralston, Arthur Rankin, Marvin Williams, Marjorie Montgomery, Norman Peck, Ellnore Flynn, An nette Westaby, Dario Sbindell, all performers, and Frank Jennings, stage manager. The arrests were made by offi cers who stepped onto the stage just as the final curtain was fall ing. The detectives xose in unison from stations among'the audience as Miss Westaby said the final line. which contained eight words, four of which were unprintabe. The nine were rushed to the city jail and booked. They were released after posting bonds. The audience mistook the ar rests as a clever finale and cheer ed at length. "Bad Babies" was written by George Scarborough, and was bill ed as a "comedy drama of modern life." It dealt with the intrigues of a group of high school girls and boys and complications arising from the business of a society woman, played by Miss Westbay, fallinv in 1oto with one of the boys. Tom Kay Able To Sit up for Brief Periods Tom Kay, state treasurer, is now able to sit up in a chair for a short time twice a day. Dr. C. H. Robertson, his physician, reported last night. Kay has spent some time in a comfortable chair the past two days. Although there Is no word yet as to when the state treasurer will be able to leave his bed entirely, Dr. Ro bertson said his condition was slowly improving. Kay was operated upon here August 16, the day following his return home from a voyage to the continent, shortened by his III ness. His condition has been fol lowed with Interest by Salem folk since word of his illness was re ceived earlier this month. EMBARGO LIFTED MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 28 . (AP) The embargo on ship ments of barley, rye and oats from northwest points to Minne apolia and Dnluth and Superior, today was ordered lifted. Tries Again Seniyon Shestakof, Russian pilot of the ill-fated Soviet plane which attempted an unsuccessful flight to America, will shortly take off again in a second attempt to cross the Atlantic. F Hit and Run Driver Will be Brought Before Judge Small Today Today at 10 o'clock Max Pem berton.fl 9-year old son of W. S. Pemberton, fruit buyer, will be sentenced by Justice Brazier Small. The charge Is falling to report an accident. Pemberton entered a plea of guilty to the charge of failing to report an ac cident when he was brought be fore Justice Brazier Small Wed nesday. Pemberton was located by police at Astoria after he had driven a car in Salem which on the night of August 21 struck and Injured Faghtn Bartrutf, a. nura at hos pital "here. According to District Attorney Carson the accident occurred on North Commercial street while Pemberton and three companions were returning to -their homes from a dance. Pemberton says he struck the woman as she was step ping from a curb and that he stopped his car as soon as he could and returned to the scene of the accident. According to Pember ton by that time an ambulance had been called so Pemberton drove on. At first Pemberton is said to have denied the charge of striking the young woman but later admitted It was his machine which struck the nurse. E LOS ANGELES, Aug. 28 (AP) Efforts of the prosecution to in troduce into evidence a statement made by Delphine Walsh, 22, Hol lywood dancer, shortly before she died, in which Drs. R. S. Later man and P. S. Trailer were ac cused of performing the Illegal operation which caused her death today, were met with strenuous objection from attorneys repre senting the physicians at their trial for murder. The defense claimed the state ment was not made under oath, and was not privileged as a death bed accusation since the dancer was believed she was recovering. Jeanette Wilson, night nurse, and prosecution witness, who was present when the statement was taken, admitted, tinder cross ex amination, Miss Walsh believed she would live. She said the girl told her of plans to return to the stage. ST ASTORIA, OtseS Aug. 28 (AP) Robert Carrufers. ?0, promin ent young Astorian, suffered what physicians described as prob able fatal injuries late tonight, when a motorcycle which he was riding crashed Into a car driven by M. R. Irvine of Portland on the Astoria-Seaside highway about six miles south of the city. Carruthers was rushed to the hospital here, where little hope was said to be held for his re covery. He was preparing to re sume Ms efedies at Oregon State college, where he completed his freshman year this spring. OFFICIAL INJURED BRIDGETON, N. J., Aug. 28 (AP) William P. McCracken, Jr., assistant secretary . of commerce for aviation, was Injured slightly late tonight when an airplane Is which he was a passenger crashed oa a railroad track near here. HI ICES DEATH BED WflBD S mm n FviOFfjn 1 S HURT IN I c m CROUP FORMED TO BACK PLANS OF LOCAL VETS Funds to be Raised to Send Salem Drum Corps to National Confab Grover Hillman is Chosen as Chairman of Body at Meet Last Night Organization ot an inter-civic club committee to conduct the campaign for funds to send the drum and bugle corps of Capital Post No. 9, American Legion, to tha national conte&at Louisville, Ky., was effected at. a meeting Wednesday night in the chamber of commerce office. Gjrqyer Hill- man was elected chalrfcan. Representatives of the chamber of commerce, the Rotary, Kiwanis and Uons clubs, the Ad club and the realty board, were present at the meeting. Another meeting will be held next Tnesday night, at which the final arrangements for the cam. palgn to raise $5000 will be out lined, and the work will be started the following day. In addition to the representa tives named by each of the parti cipating clubs on this joint com mittee, other members of each or ganization will he called upon to take part In the campaign. The committee Includes: Chamber of commerce Grover Hillman, Walter Molloy and E. L. WIeder. Rotary Tom Huston, Lyle Bartholomew and Dr. Edward Lee Russell. Kiwanis Howard Hulsey, J. N. Chambers and Harry Levy. Lions A. C. Haag, F. E. Sher wln and Frank Doolittle. Ad club J. Gardner Knapp, Ralph Kletzing and Oscar Olson. Realty board Three represen tatives not yet announced. The drum corps has commenced a schedule of practices three times a week, in preparation for the expected trip to the national convention, which will open Sep tember SI. Thirty-five members will make the trip. , A yeatlgo, Capital post's drum eo-gsSued lor Salem an InesU imable amount of favorable pub licity through Its success in win ning second place at the national contest, held at San Antonio, Tex as. Salem Is Invited to Espee Fete " PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 28. (AP) Invitations have been sent to the chambers of commerce of Portland, Eugene, Salem, Albany, Corvallis, and other western Ore gon cities to join in the celebra tion that will be staged by the Southern Pacific company, Sep tember 14, when It drives the gol dn spike at Hackamore on the Klamath Falls-Altnras cutoff, James A. Ormandy, assistant pas senger manager here announced today. "Klamath Falls will be repre sented by a special train party of 400 or 500 persons," Ormandy said. "From Lakeview and Al turas, on the other side of the line, there will also be a special train of commercial organizations. After the celebration both trams will proceed to Alturas where t,he visitors will be entertained by rides through Surprise Valley and other features." BOX COMPANY BURNS PENDLETON, Ore.. Aug. 28. (AP) Damage estimated at be tween 130,000 and $35,000 was done by fire which destroyed the Milton Box company at Milton, Ore., today. Poets . . Here's Your Chance From time to time The Statesman receives poet ry from writers in Salem and other towns in the valley. Due to lack of space the majority of the con tributions are not pub lished. At a date later to be announced, The States man proposes to publish a page of contributed poems by local writers, reserving the privilege of publishing not to ex ceed two contributions from any writer together with the privilege of omitting any contribu tions its does not wish to use. Contributions gladly received from local writ ers and poems unused will be returned to writers. Boys Start 4 'vj.fcf :jts: yA ft V"'"' " ,J " I f 1 - frr??; V'l I f&s FA it? ruiiiw Dtuaio. Dr. H. C. Epley, on behalf of the Salem boy's chorus. Is 6hown above presenting Governor Patterson, honorary chairman of the Sal vation Army advisory board, -a check for $10O toward the proposed new Salvation Army building in Salem. This Is the first contribution to the army's financial campaign which opened Wednesday morning. Army Workers Get $621 Opening Day Campaign Starts Here Hope to Raise Total of $4575 to Wind Up Drive by Saturday Night TTfTORKERS (n the Salvatio T" $621 in their first day of soliciting Wednesday, the committee reported that night. Encouraging response was given to the appeal for funds, but the campaign will have to be speeded up in the remaining three days of this week, as the workers hope to complete their task by Saturday night. The operating budget0" " sought is $3575 and an addi- tional $1000 is sought to add to .the building fund. To the operating fund raised by popular subscription, the Army expects to add about $4000 raised through its general program. All of the money raised by sub scription will be used for actual relief work among Salem's needy folk, while other expenses and the small amount for the international organization will come out of the funds raised by the Army in oth er ways, it was explained to the campaign workers at the "kickoff" breakfast held Wednesday morn ing. Dr. B. F. Pound, chairman of the campaign committee, outlined the manner in which the solicita tion had been organized. Douglas McKay spoke briefly, extolling the service performed by the Army as he had come in contact with it overseas during the World war, and in connection with American Legion work since that time. Captain Earl Williams of the local Army staff outline dseveral typical relief cases as "indicative of the type of work which the Ar my is called upon to do constantly. Brigadier Baynton was another speaker. MAJOR TO BETID AT HIS OWN WISH TACOMA, Aug. 28. fAP) Major O. C. Nelson, who was re moved in August as commander of the 148th national guard field artillery here, willbe tried at his own request before a military board of efficiency in the Tacoma state armory at 10 o'clock to morrow morning. Brigadier Gen eral Maurice Thompson, -adjutant general of the guard will prefer the charges against the deposed qfficer. The row In the ranks of the na tional guard came to light two weeks ago when General Thomp son asked Major Nelson to resign "for the good of the service" no specific reasons were given then nor since and tomorrow morn ing's hearing if open to the public promise to bring to light the mo tive back of the ouster that fol lowed the outsting. JONES BREAKS PAR DEL MONTE, Calif., Aug. 28 (AP) Bobby Jones broke par by two strokes today and set a new course record of 70 on the diffi cult Pebble Beach links here,' where the national amateur golf championship will b eplayed Sept. 2 to 7. Campaign mmmm Wednesday; Officials Army budget campaign. raised E BY U. SJARM BODY Ten Cents More Per Bushel Extended by Newly Created Board CHICAGO. Aug. 28 (AP) An additional credit of ten cents a bushel on unhedged grain in storage, over and above any loans accorded on the same grain by federal Intermediate credit banks, was given grain growers of the United States today by the feder al farm board. Announcement of the granting of this additional credit was made by Alexander Legge, chairman of the board, in conection with the meeting here of the organization committee of the Farmers' Na tional grain corporation. Ills statement said: "Whenever cooperative eleva tors, terminal associations and grain poor organizations have ob tained loans from a federal inter, mediate credit bank, the federal farm board will make an addi tional advance of ten cents a bushel on unhedged grain. This advance will be made on the same storage receipts or documents which have been accepted by the Intermediate credit bank. These papers are to be deposited with the custodian of the intermediate credit bank. "The lien of the federal farm (Turn to Page 2, Column 1.) Iff) CREDIT GIVEN Speight Sent to Insane j Asylum, Ending Extended Series of Legal Tangles Marlon county's custody of Ed ward "Scotty" Speight came to an abrupt end Wednesday after noon when County Judge Sieg mund signed an order commit ting him to the state hospital for the insane. Speight has been held in Jail for several weeks awaiting trial on the charge of Involuntary manslaughter-crowing out of the death of Lawrence Walker, t, killed on the Pacific highway near Gervals. According to doctors who ex amined Speight, the man is a par anloc. He showed no remorse for the death of the small boy. Speight, who is a meat dealer in Salem, before the death of the Walker boy, bad been In court several times on charge of My War Gradually Subsiding British Forces Begin to Gam Control of Situation in Palestine American Jews Offer 10.000 Fighting Men to Aid English Army By The Aociated Pre mi The crest of Arab-Jew'.sh tf rr.T In Palestine seems passed but t sion and unrMt continues aisd Jews all over the world are rond to action against attacks on tbir race In Its aneioat homeland. Ten thousand fKtins m. mostly world war veterans, w-re offered to Great Hrirain bv the American Palestine Jewish lesi on, to aid the restoration of pe. the British government today in sured Ambassador Dawes in Gor don that Americans will be pr tected. Following a conference betwffcn Chaim Weizmann, Zionist leader, arid Lord Passfield, British colon ial minister. It was announced en ergetic measures will bo taken so prevent recurrence of trouhle Large British reinforcements are being sent to maintain British prestige in the Near East. Occasional Skirmishes Flare in Jernialini Jerusalem is quiet with only ,--casional encounters. Unrest cun--tinues in other parts of the coun try, despite lars-i British patrols. Troops everywhere are taking strong measure disarming .Arabs and Jews alike. Airplanes vct-re used to fight off an Arab attar on the Jewi-sh colony at Utth galim. Syrian Moslem demonstrated orderly In Beirut against the f-iti-ation of the non-Zionist popula tion in Pale-Un. it vm astrtI some Jews who do not sympatbiie with the Zionist movement wr among the demonstrators. Gigantic Ma Mooting Scheduled, in New York New York is preparing for a great mas3 meeting Thurso j night when thousands of Jw from the eastern states will mourn recent events in Palestine &r,1 protest againt Arab attacks. Sai uel Untermeyer will preside ;ml Senator William E. Borah, clift'r man of the senate foreign r)a trons committee, is listed an:er-g the speakers. On the other side of the world, in India, an appeal was receivtd in Bombay from the Syrlan-PfcJ-stine committer la Cario, urging Indian Moslnu to support tfcir" cause by all available means. Ttoe appeal said "hundreds of Pale stine Moslems had been killed by Jews and police at the Wailiig Wall In Jerusalem." Protests against British policy (Turn t9 P t. Column i.) TO BE STIMULATED PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 2S. (AP) The campaign to stimnU4e interest in the opening of trat continental atrmall service out f Portland, September 15, will e one of the greatest air minded -f-forts In the history of Paifi coast aviation, officials said hre I today. A contract ura. recently award ed the Varney Air Lines tv carry the air mail from Portland to Pasco, Wash. Virney already flies the mail from Pasco to Salt Lake City, Utah, where it is transferred into transcontintal planes of tr Boeing system. Radio, newspiper advertising, window displays, street . bannt-r., street car advertising and otbr means are being employed to con vey the message of the "firt flight" to the public. Air mail officials here said tte new service will cut down time of eastbound mall about 12 hours. -drunkene'sa. On several occasions he had declared that from one pint to severat quarts of liquor were necessary for his consump tion dally. Driving Speight's tar at the time of the accident wan Helen Adams, an employe of the market Speight ran. She testi fied before tha grand jury that Speight was drunk and had urged her to drive faster. Speight's committment to the state hospital makes it impossible for him to be tried under the, criminal Indictment. It is possi ble that Speight may be deported inasmuch as he is a Canadian who has not been naturalized. Under treaty arrangements with Canada he may be deported from tie United States aa an undesirable 8 lien. IIIL1IGEIS ri r If' r H ! :