The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 28, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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Tightening of Credit (Situa
tion Results in Some
Minor Losses
NEW YORK, Aug.. 27 (AP)
An unexpectedly early tighten
ing of credit in preparation for
the month end requirmeents set
the signal for a further corrective
reaction on the stock market to
day, but prices displayed a firm
undertone and losses were held
to moderate limits.
Operations for the advance
were pressed forward in some of
the rails, utilities and specialities,
and a fair sized group of stocks
closed 2" to IT points higher. A
ware of selling came into the
market when call money mounted
from 7 to 9 percent in the early
afternoon, but trading slackened
on the decline, and rallying ten
dencies were notable in the late
Paramount in the days news
was the placing of New Haren
common on a $5 annual -dividend
basis, as increased from the $4
rate Inaugurated last year, furth
er at testing the remarkable fi
nancial restoration of this carrier.
Several more large railway sys
tems reported Increased July
earnings, notably Atchison. New
York Central and Pennsylvania.
After the close of the market IT.
8. Steel announced the first step
in retiring funds debt of its sub
sidiaries. Also it was reported
that the recapitalization plan for
General Asphalt Included retire
ment of funded debt and prefer
red stock.
A few of the utilities were rap
Idly bid up. Philadelphia Co. ris
ing 17 points to a ew peak, and
American Water Works selling up
5 points to new high ground.
Stone and Webster reached a new
top at 181. but then fell back in
realizing. Standard Gas was
strong, rising about 9 points; Roy
p.l Dutch came to the fore. in the
oils, rising about 5 points to a
new top. Pan American issues
reached new high ground on
Standard of Indiana stockholders'
sanction on the merger plan.
Transcontinental reached a new
top on estimates that third quar.
ter ernings will exceed $2,000.
00. International telephone pushed
further into new high record lev
els, then reacted to close slightly
lower, while American Telephone
and Western Union each reacted
about 4 points in profit taking.
Other shares to turn heavy In
cluded such issues as Allls Chal
mers. Detroit Edison. Du Pont.
Greene Cananea, Bordens, Johns
Manvllle, and Montgomery Ward.
International cement reached an
other new low for the year, re.
fleeting sagging prices for its pro
duct. . U. S. Steel closed about a
point lower.
(Continued from Page 1.)
states would not only simplify the
relationship between the govern
ment and the public land states
but also was a highly important
conservation measure.
The proposal tha(j public lands
be turned over to the public land
states was first made by Secretary
Wilbur at a governors' conference
in Boise, Idaho, two months ago.
Among the western Republican
senators opposed to the transfer
as tentatively outlined by the
White House Is Borah of Idaho.
who said it seemed to be one of i
the dumping only the poor and
unusable land upon the states
with the federal government re
taining its rights to vast forest
reserves and the potentially rich
oil and mineral deposits. He said
he ww no advantages to the state
in the proposal as outlined and
was not certain that it would ben
efit anyone.
Senator Smoot, Republican,
Utah, said he favored Mr. Hoov
er's proposal only if the lands
would be given outright to the
states. This position also was
taken by Senator King, Democrat,
Utah, who has legislation pend
ing calling for the cession of these
public lands to the states.
A demanfl that the state be giv
en all mineral rights if public
lands are transferred to them, al
so was made by Senator Kendrick,
Democrat, Wyoming, he added,
however, that congress "might
very well prohibit the alienation"
by the states of these mineral
(Continued trom Page t.)
the surplus payments of the Dawes
plan over the Young plan between
Aaril and September of thi year.
They will meet the creditor dele
gations at 11:00 a. in., to discuss
this matter.
Should the Reich delegation re
fuse to accept the accord the
agreement by the creditors would
have failed to have saved tne eon
ference. However, the expecta
tloa was that the Germans would
adhere to the accord so as to be
able to go home with the definite
announcement that the Rhineland
Will be evacuated within a year.
An unbroken session from 5
o'clock last evening to midnight,
"with only sandwiches and coffee
to sustain the delegates, was-nec
essary to bring agreement out of
the seemingly hopeless deadlock
' which existed when the sessions
began. The Germans, who were
not directly concerned since all
creditors had early accepted the
young piaa tout or reparations.
r. '
Of the additional 49,000,090
Mayor Rolph Active
I" ,
ysJ w tea
James Itolph Jr., of San Francisco was 60 years old Friday. The
cameraman caught him giving a demonstration of "how to keep that
youthful figure-"
marks assured Great Britain, 36,
000.000 are attributed from un
conditional annuities, it had been
the contention of the British dele
gates that the Young plan
changes in the Spa ratios for divi
sion of reparations had not only
reduced the British share but had
placed it largely in the condition
al column which made payment
uncertain while France and Italy
were guaranteed the sums due
The agreement was generally
regarded as a striking victory for
Chancellor of the Exchequer Phil
ip Snowden, the financial expert
of the labor government while the
Interpretation of the accord given
out by the British was contested
by the French, it indicated the oth
er creditor powers gave way on
practically all points in order to
save the conference from founder-
Blunt Speech Surprise
Entire Conference,
At the very first session follow
ing the formalities of organizing,
Mr. Snowden bad astounded the
delegates by a blunt speech in
which he declared that Great Brit
ain had made every sacrifice
which could be expected and that
he was not prepared to accept the
i additional cuts proposed by the
Young plan. He maintained this
stand for three weeks while the
other powers made united efforts
to break down his will.
The increased British share
would . reduce considerably the
French share of annuities subject
to commercialization.
Delegates of the "Big ZI"were
still drafting the text of the agree
ment at 1:30 a. m.
It the details furnisbed by the
i British were exact there remained
I fr.w (K. fnmn oafife
iiri lug wulciculu vuij attn
agreement in principal on the pro
posed bank for international set
tlements, the organization of
which will be left to a committee
of experts.
It was understood that Premier
Arlstlde Briand of France and
Foreign Minister Gustav Stres
mann of Germany had already
agreed on July next as the date
for final and complete evacuation
of the third and last zone or oc
cupation in the Rhineland. This
problem has been dependent upon
adoption of the Young plan.
The Brit'-h delegates were ex
ultant when they left the confer
ence room at about 2 a. m., the
rFench and other -creditor dele
gates, however, appeared grave
and sober.
Advertising is
Solicited Here
Contrasting of local business
firms for advertising over KOIN,
Portland radio station. Is in prog
ress here this week. Floyd Mcln-
tyre, a Salem young man, rep
resents the Portland station.
which has offered local merchants
a plan whereby twelve of them di
vide an hour over the air and de
vote five minutes each to advertis
ing of their respective services,
The hour proposed by KOIN Is
between 8 and 9 o'clock each Fri
day. Merchants are said to have
been requested to sign a three
months' contract.
mora miAif wsw
KEIZER, Aug. 27 Mr. and?
Mrs. George Datson and little
daughter are visiting at the fieri
Evans home. They are Srom Los
Angeles, Calif., tat hare ba in
Iowa and South DaksU en bus!.
ness, stopping in Keizer to spend
a few dajs with Mrs. Datson's
- 7
-ti A..
l5 f5rv
jT V.
(Continued from Pag 1.)
ant in banking her plane for one
of the turns around the pylons
which mark the air course. Miss
Omlle filed a protest, denying she
fouled. Her speed had been 113.8
miles per hour. Mrs. Miller's speed
was 98.72 miles. Lady Mary Heath
of England and Blanche Noyes of
Cleveland won second and third
places respectively.
86,000 Awarded in
Race trom Portland
Prizes for the winners of to
day's events were $6,00 and lap
money in the Portland derby; S5 -500
and lap awards in the Miami
derby and $1,700 in the women's
speed race.
A revision was made today in
the outcome of the all-Ohio derby
yesterday, officials awarding the
race to Lewis Love, of Richmond,
Ind., who originally had been de
clared the winner but later had
been placed second to H. A. Speer,
of Marshall, Mo. A recueck of
elapsed time gave Love the race
and put Speer in second. To the
pilots it meant the difference be
tween 11,000 for first prize and
$500 for second.
Exhibitions of daring aerial
maneuvers engaged a large space
on the day's program with Col
I I A ! ...
tnanes a. umaoergn taking a
leading part. He and two navy
pilots shewed eager air fains Just
what an airplane can do. The trio
flying as a combat unit put their
pianes inrougn virtually every
pace known to pilots.
The two lords of the air. the
uerman dirigible Graf Zeppelin
and the United States army dir
igible Los Angeles, were to greet
each other here tomorrow. Com
mander Hugo Eckener of the Graf
Zeppelin sent word he would pilot
tne rouna-ine-woria snip over
Cleveland at noon. The Los An
geles will be here to take part in
other exhibitions.
Fanchoa and Marco's spectacu
lar and gorgeous "Dane Moods
Idea," featuring the famous 16
Hlrsch- Arnqld beauties, will be of
fered o n the El&lnore theatre
stage, for a three-day engagement
commencing Saturday.
"Dance Moods" is a brilliant
presentation of terpischorean art
and includes all of the phases of
rhythmic body movement, and
also interpreting the stories of
many dances which are artistical
ly portrayed in color, song and ac
tion. The cast is made up of noted
stage artists, including Gus Mul
cay, "the wizard of the harmon
ica" Earl Ask am, former baritone
of the "Desert Song," Betty and
Ramon, adagio team, Nadine,
dancer, and many others.
Greta ' Garbo in her Metro-
coidwyn triumpn, -wua orchids"
be th picture attraction for
thai sfcovr.
f 111
I DOVER, England, Aug. 27
(AP)-Two attempts to swim the
I English channel tailed today.
Salem School Board Tackles
Issue of Bootleggers
Near Senior High
(Continued from Pag 1.)
d, the small stores near Parrish
Junior high were brought into the
play and it is probable, selling of
cigarettes to junior high students
will be watched pretty carefully
this year.
Five Period Day
Will Be Adopted
Superintendent Hug reported
that a five-period day had been
worked out by Wolf and R. W.
Tavenner, assistant principal, for
the high school and would be ad
opted this fall. All classes will be
an hour long, with 40 minutes for
noon and 40 minutes for the ac
tivity period, which this year will
be held after the lunch hour.
School will convene at 8:40
o'clock as last year. Following a
ten-minute enrollment period,
classes will begin at 8:50 and
three be held between that time
and 11:50; then lunch and activ
ity period will set the next class
t 1:10, school to dismiss two
periods later or at 3:10.
The five-period schedule. Hug
said, will work for greater effi
ciency and economy and will make
of the classroom a laboratory with
supervised study. The change will
involve adjustments in science and
some commercial subjects, all of
which changes are held advan
tageous. Election of Seven New
Teachers Takes Place .
Seven teachers were elected:
Mary B. Smith of Salem who will
take the high school English po
sition left vacant by Edith Bragg'a
resignation; Edith T. Smith, for
mer teacher in Grant high school,
Portland, who will teach commer
cial subjects in the high school
formerly taught by Mabel Arthur,
resigned; Katherini Gilbert, sixth
grade teacher at Park, home econ
omics, high school; Walso F.
Fuegy of Salem, bandmaster, sen
ior high; A. W. Andrews of Salem,
manual training. Parrish; Mildred
Carr, Astoria, librarian, Parrish
junior high; Dorothy Thomsen,
fourth grade and music, Engle
wood. Several more positions are to be
filled before school starts, includ
ing two in the grades, a science,
a geography and history and an
art position.
Five janitors were elected to fill
out vacancies: Harold Moore and
Joseph Johnson, high school; and
Orsan C. Johnson, E. G. McMil
lan awl J. L. Stroud, Parrish jun
ior high. Salary of each will be
The bid of $298 made by Good
and Day for re-roofing the child
health demonstration building oa
North High street was accepted as
low bid. Only one bid for the 40
tons of coal to be purchased was
received, so the bidding was held
open until the next meeting.
A letter from the American Le
gion convention commission ex
pressing appreciation for courte
sies shown and assistance given by
the school board was read.
(Continued from Page 1.)
necessary in the most direct route
to Fort Worth.
BIG SPRINGS, Tex., Aug. 27.
(AP) The dispatches for the
Texas electric service company at
Wink, Tex., approximately 100
miles west of here reported that
the Graf Zeppelin passed over that
town a few minutes before 10:00
o'clock tonight.
LUBBOCK, Tex., Aug. 27.
(AP) A telephone call from Le
velland, Tex., to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
said the Graf
Zeppelin passed over that town at
11:65 p. m., headed northeast.
Levelland is about 30 miles west
of Lubbock and about 90 miles
south of the Texas-Oklahoma bor
(Continued from Pace 1.)
tery here. While yet a baby, Daryl
moved with his parents to Boise.
Idaho, where they lived until
1906. when the family moved to
Philomath, Oregon. Within a
year they moved from Philomath
to Salem, where Daryl has made
his home since.
He attended the Washington
grade school and later the senior
high, where he made an enviable
record la athletics, doing out
standing work in baseball, foot
ball and track. He was ever a
good mixer and popular with his
fellow students. Following grad
uation la 1916, he spent one year
at Oregon State College, where he
found little difficulty la making
his way to the top in freshman
athletic. At the end of his
freshman year in eollege. he en
listed In the navy, being stationed
first at Los Angeles and then for
about a two-year perotd- at the
base hospital at Philadelphia,
where he remained until he was
mustered out.
After the war, he returned to
Salem being employed for a while
ht the old Phes company and
then working at Wait's packing
Too Late To Classify
LOST Knotted cane between Ha
ger's Grove and 8mltB-Wtkfo Wlver
ornament en handle. Reward. Phone
Oregon, Wedensday Morning.
house, following which he joined
the Valley Motor company.
He spetkt some time la the vet
erans fcorfital in Tacoma several
months a;o, and underwent an
operation there, and although his
condition was much Improved, it
Is presumed he did not entirely
recover from that.
Proctor played second base on
the Salem Senators' ball team for
several seasons, giving that sport
up two or three years ago. He
had taken an important part in
Salem golf tournaments in recent
years, and only last Sunday play
ed on the Salem team against Cor
vailis. Mrs. Elizabeth Proctor. his
mother, has been spending the
summer in Seattle but will arrive
in Salem this morning. Besides
his mother, and his widow, Gla
dys, be is survived by one brother.
Errol of Portland; and the follow
ing sisters: Mrs. B. E. Otjen and
LaVerne Proctor of Salem, Mrs.
Vida Compton of Redmond,
Wash., and. Ina Latham of Califor
nia. Funeral arrangements have not
yet been made. Remains are at
the BJgdon mortuary.
Joseph E. Barlow Flung Into
Prison Without Reason
Being Announced
HAVANA. Aug. 27. (AP)
Joseph E. Barlow, American citi
zen, who has made claim tor
000,000 against the Cuban gov
ernment for seisure of property,
was- arrested today, and held
without bail in Principe Fortress.
The exact nature of the charges
was not made public. When he re
turned here on July 20, there
were reports that he was to be
Barlow has claimed possession
of clear title to large tracts of
land around Havana, the chief
claim of which ttow comprises
about 32 city blocks, which was
seized by the Zayas government
about 10 years ago. He claims he
obtained a Cuban court order tor
return of his property seven years
ago, but that this has not been
complied with and that a relative
of President Machado mow occu
pies the property.
Unable, as he said, to obtain
satisfaction in Cuba, Mr. Barlow
went to Washington in March,
1928, and enlisted the assistance
of the state department. Last
Aprfl the secretary of state In
structed the American embassy at
Havana to Inquire Into the de
lay in acting on the claim of Bar
low. Two operatlves of judicial police
headquarters took Mr. Barlow
into custody at his office shortly
before 5.00 p. m., he was held
at police headquarters for two
hours and then taken to the fort
ress. Under Cuban law he may be
given hearing any time within 72
Paving Slated
Soon Upon Road
In Keizer Area
Within a week, paving will be
started on a three-quarter mile
stretch of road leading into Keiz
er bottom trom the Keizer school
according to Frank Johnson,
roadmaster. The Job will require
eight days for completion. Dur
ing the day the road will be clos
ed but an alternate highway is
provided for use. At night the
Keizer road will be open to traf
fic. Resurfacing of Court street be
tween High and Church streets,
and paving of three blocks in the
vicinity of Belmont and E. streets
is to be begun by the county pav
ing crew before the close of sum
mer. Over 20 Persons
Fined by Poulsen
More than 20 persons paid fines
Tuesday when they appeared be
fore Police Judge Mark Poulsen.
Four were for dcfuble parking and
the remainder for overtime stops
in one block.
Warrants are being issued for
all who fail to report in answer
to the tag left in cars. The new
ordinance forbidding parking any
where in the game block for more
than the limit is causing many to
get tags.
OAKLAND, Cal., Aug. 27
(AP) Mrs. Caroline Charbon
neau, taken 111 in a hotel room
here tonight, died enroute to a
hospital, and tonight police were
holding Richard E. Morton, B9,
who registered with her at the
o d
August 28, 1929
Grand Mufti, Moslem Head
Makes ppeal to Stop
Further Fighting
(Continued from Pag 1)
leaving the Omar mosque, of which
the Walling Wall is an integral
part. Moslems charged that vitri
ol was thrown from a hose over
passing Arab worshippers and that
general riots followed.
Arabs and Jews Both
Criticize Government
In England Arabs and Jews
have criticized the British gov
ernment for Its handling of the
situation, while the British press
of aTl shades of opinion Joined
to attack the "burden" of Brit
ain's mandate in Palestine.
The United States government
Is giving colsest attention to the
situation both through Its repre
sentatives in Palestine and by in
quiries in London where responsi
bility for order in the Holy Land
is cantered by virtue of Great
Britain's mandate under the
League of Nations.
(AP) Members of the Jewish
delegation which delivered to Sec
retary Stimson today a letter for
Sir Esme Howard, the. British am
bassador, on the Palestine situa
tion, decided tonight to withdraw
the communication for the pres
ent. Reports said the letter was
withheld after It was found that
some points reciting the Jewish
side of the Palestine incident
might be controversial. It was
signed by Bernard S. Deutsch,
president of the American Jewish
congress and voiced a "respectful
and solomn protest" against the
"unspeakable atrocities" In Pales
tine. An official statement by the
state department tonight with re-r
gard to the communication said:
"After a friendly exchange of
views with the department, Mr.
Deutsch expressed a desire to con
sult further with the members of
his committee concerning the pro
posed communication to Sir Esme
The delegation had Intended
that its letter would be forwarded
to the British ambassador for
transmission to his government by
Secretary Stimson.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 27.
(AP) The Oregonian will stay
tomorrow that transfer of the 193,
000,000 acres of unentered home
stead lands to the states in which
they are located, as proposed Mon
day by President Hoover and
made public before the western
governors at Salt Lake City,
would" give Oregon unexpected
and much needed support for its
public schools and educational in
The Oregonian, in part, will
"Sales of public lauds netted
the federal government only $700,
000 during the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1923, and all money re
ceived went into the reclamation
fund. Under state ownership the
lands could be leased to stock
growers and sold to people desir
ous ot obtaining farms and made
to work for the school fund. Un
der the policy now In vogue the
federal government obtains no
fentals from the vacant lands and
they are grazed at will by cowmen
and sheepmen.
'All the western states, includ
ing Oregon have machinery set up
in their state land boards for
handling collection of rental fees
and the sale of the additional va
cant lands which President Hoover
proposes to transfer.
"Acreage of vacant lands in
western states as published by the
federal government follows:
"Arizona, 9,473,000: Califor
nia. 14,662,174; Colorado, 6,907,-
Idaho. 8.812,472; Montana
6.98038; Nevada, 31,449,940;
New Mexico, 15,617,800; Oregon
Home of 25c Talkies
Tonight and Thursday-
Brotherly Love"
13.331.298; Utah. 11.501,694;
Washington. 161,931: Wyoming.
Placing of 70 new signs in Sa
lem directing visitors attention to
especial points of interest locally
Is the immediate program of the
Oregon Motor association for Sa
lem according to Joe E. Shelton,
general manager of the organiza
tion who was here Tuesday. The
sign work has already been start
ed and will be completed within
the next ten days.
In conjunction with the plac
ing of signs a membership cam
paign is to be staged here with
the goal set as 400 new members
for the association. Manager
Gunther of the membership de
partment along with William
Knapp, V. E. Gustison and J. O.
Perry are in the city in charge of
the drive for members. Perry ex
pects to make his home in Salem
shortly and will serve here in the
capacity of district field manager.
McNar Leaves
For Washington
This Saturday
Senator Charles McN'ary leaves
Saturday for Washington, D. C.,
and probably will not return to
Oregon until after the close of the
special and regular sessions of
Congress. Announcement to this
effect was made from his office
here Tuesday. The senate Is soon
to resume its consideration of the
tariff bill as passed by the house.
Senator McNary who has been
spending the past few weeks on
his farm near here, will be in his
office in the United States Na
tional bank building throughout
The Oregon Statesman and The
Portland Telegram, two great
dailies for 60 cents per month.
To order phone 500.
way 'mamuAr N'jiy "r
A Romance of Fiery
(also on the stage)
SamI Pollnovsky, Young Russian Violinists
i usance
10 Hlrsch-Arnold
Meaater Caww THE SKNSATtON
a j
"GOLIATH," BSammth SEA tXEPHANT, Om -TMr Larger Then
Last feasm And Still Crewing.
WORt ttOPlX-MOXZUrACn-tMfa UntACOttl ahixali
Bridge Plans Authorized 5
Months Ago Are Not -
Yet Produced
(Continued from Past 1.)
Llvesley, learning that a move tJ
oust the bridge engineer wi oof
foQt, approached one of the lead
ers of the majority and asked hlraf
to defer this action until the North
Commercial street plans were com
What the bridge engineer's du
ties have been in recent weeks,
other than to inspect the work
done on the Church street bridge
and a few other minor structures,
was not brought out at the meet
ing Monday night called especially
to delve into these matters fully.
Follow the sports in j The
Statesman; full sport news re
ports fresh each rnorniug.
Last Times Today
100 VHptaon
Tftktng Success
AU . Talking Comedy
r7 nrs
Vitiphons Acts
Fox Movietone
Phyllis Haver
Youth with Red Hot Lor
tSt I I
Now Playing m
Sat Sun., Mon.
f n.-.. Tt i t J
a a ,. .Lai
P.M Doors Open 1 & 7 P.M
ncuroare tkicjslt sad casam
TtM Meat