The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning. August 27. 1929 PAGE NINE l- CULtimZO JYtTIAg Sealing aetieea, per line (2 line minimum e-arge) Classified Advertiil-fc per line Cteuifled Advtrtiticg. pr line ft limps tit 10c to 9s ClaMificd A-Tectitl-g. pi timea tin Oii month, daily eod En-day per HwT : ? Copv for this page accepted un til 6:S0 Uie evening before publi cation tor claudication. Copy re ceived after thlis time will be run under the fceaUIi.g Too I-ito to Classify. ' HOP PICKERS WANTED , x, - m- REGISTER ur. Tor hop p1"!nc. Williams Yard. Kola, l'ltoae li:.Fl?t Ray Farmers Hardware. Will start pkktrg Monday, rMD Hop i '.. leers for Mi'.oma ich. near .dependence, and rnn ram fnrt' i-r!i rn-nr Talbot. For par tlculats. lunuhfc Durbin ft Cornjyer. over J. C. Penr.oya store, N. Liberty St., or Lytic' Cigar stove. 130 North Commercial ttr.-t. WANTED Hop tickers. Will start Monday. Call 641-5 HOP PICXERS wanted. Pirklng now. Williams hop yard. Phone 11.H2. no? pickers Inquire l'-Ji Sag wanted 4 miles out. mw. Start Friday, ..n-.--HOP FICKERS WANTED RIGHT NOW E VRLT clusters, best picking;, beat hops In the vr.lloy. good accommoda tions for campers. Will drive you out from emplovment office mornings. Eight wiles north on river road. RUSSELL HOP YARD Phone 53F22. w&v-rrn Hon Pickera. Hartley and Craig yard. Mlnto Island. Starting Mondav, September 2. Phone S.QVV. HELP WANTED HKLP WANTED BEAN pickers at one. Apply L. L Tu r ne.y. Rt Turner. Oregon. HELP WANTED FEMALE V.' ANTED Girl for general houai vori.or Biri wi!0 wis lies to go to business cfillcse morninK;;. Give tele phone number. Write au. Statesman. SCHOOL girl to do housework, room, bo.-wd and small salary write bo &. btatesiiian. ,nrrii. ' W WTKD All around girl for res taurant work. Must have experience. Apply 17 8 South Llberty. " SALESMEN WANTED WANTED SALESMEN" TO SKLL REAL ESTATE Plenty Of listings and prospects. Must have CSTRI ANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street .JneXJ- - HELP WANTED Experienced salesmen with references for stock eelling campaign. Apply Box 90, a- kroJWTj-ur,r.-u-cl.J-.-r .n.i- n .xr. r. n n n r-u-.-j-.-ij-u- A LARGE national direct seljing company needs two good salesmen1 for Salem territory Direct sales exper ience helpful but not necessary. Posi tions are permanent. A car is neces sary. Pay about 50 a week. Phone Mr. Hansen, room 222 Senator Hotel for. Interview, aprointment. " SITUATIONS WANTED. WILLAMETTE young woman stu dent wants work afternoons during bc!io1 year. Good typist, neat and capable. Write 8S5. Statesman. FURNISH materials, experienced canner will prepare and can fruit or vegetables in her own home. 12c per quart. Box 903. Care Statesman WORK WANTED A bright, exper ienced young woman Is to enter Wil lamette university, this fall ; alio would like part time work; can do stenographic work, handle part-time bookkeeping or assist with family work. Highest references. If you liave env position please auaress box. (statesman ; more details will be fur rd Juiy npplicaUon. iqn.ri.i-i.nna HOUSEKEEPING In motherless home by neat capable lady. 66!7-73rd Ave., S. E. Portland. Oregon CANNING beans 40 lb. lots, 3 c per lb. .65 So. 21st. Phone 10. YOUNG man. Willamette student. wants position in omiro n p n. and on Saturday. Good typist. Can start Immediately. or box 991, Stasman TOR SALE Miscellaneous ' for iLEM "''ef eager service call 117. FOR SALE Small steam boiler witn electric heater: suitable lor dry clean. Ing work. Inquire statesman. XfRT.noRV PLAYER A special value at $195. Plain wal nut case, tone and action In perfect condition and Is fully guaranteed by us to give satisfactory service. Terma arranged to suit you. -SHERMAN CLAY k CO, 130 South High street ninnl nurrouehs Adder au, a ...... u-un 110. Mimeograph 925. Un- idorwood No. 6 $12. Thos. Roen, 42 1 Court. rSTt AVE VSTEINi -Rul if son's. R. $, Box 59. Phono 4F4. GOOD Used Radio electric equipped or can be used with battery. See this a-d hear it. Priced to go quick. Inquire at Western Auto Supply Co. 201 N. Commercial. TtAT'SS PIANO A real bargain $135. Plain case, full aweet tone, action in perfect condition, tf-rms to suit. SHERMAN CLAY & CO. 130 South High Street nriPHES for canning. Crawfords, r .rmis nnd Champions. Elbertas come later. L Townsend. 10 ml. north Of river roau. ..-o.v... , USED furnace. C96 N. Cottage. CRAWFORD peaches for canning. Bring boxes. Puritan CiJer Works, 791 WHITE distilled vinegar for pick ling luritan cider v orxs, n ci ; lem." I'hone 7yJ. " FOR SALE Encyclopedia Britan-nir-a 32 volumes, kitchen table, set sad i,.rL wvrral -stone jar. Story and r.i.,,1 ,.iii tilai k walnut organ. . rnndition. V, block off of Mar ket street. 1275 Friclien. R. P. Hunt. TWO teams weighing 3900 and 2500. All good woraers. un uinmj, Route Z, tJox lojA. F.IECTRIC washing machine. Fine shape. i;2 lbtr''-J,J - ,nnn,Vl. ir.nninH PIANO TTira niMO cannot be told from kiew. sold for $425 and can be bought V . . .... .... 1 ,,niHint lor balance on re'wru Soeclal $215. Terms like rent. V SHERMAN CLAY ft CO. 130 South High fctreet . AUCTION SALE k irc.ntpr 2 befinnina 11 a. m. 14 high grade Jerseys, full line good farm machinery, hay and grain. Located s4 miles west If Silverton on Sllvr- r,-nletn hiahway. cnrise none, owner. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Uaed pianos. In ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fnr nit'ire. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company. WANTED One car of nice grub oak wood. Phone 2985. Tracy Fuel Yr-rJ. MISCELLANEOUS c 'awitcrft. las, Oregon. 1118 Birch st pe 973. L. C. SMITH Typewriter Good as new. Priced right Terms. Phony 96$. GOOD homes for well broken kit tens. 1422W. FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED S Of room apart ments. 1209 court FOR RENT ROOMS HEATED room, $8.09. Phone 1362M. DESIRABLE room lor gentleman, rV',-ln. Phone 747-tV. ROOM and BOARD BOARD ft ROOM, 644 N. Com'L BOARD and room, or meals'. Home cooked food In real home. 722 Stat. FOR RENT APARTMENTS AMBASSADOR APARTMENTS UNDER NEW MANAGEBMENT CLEAN, nicely furnished 2 rm. apart ments, one 3 rm., turn, or unrurn.. ra dio, elec. refrigeration. Garage or free marking apace. New cooling sj'3tem tnstalled. Preference to Fermanents Phone 7 2 650 North Summer St. ONE or two room furnished apts. 1261 Hazel. Phone 1933W. A TY.O-ROOM apt. Light, water, parage. One bedroom. 1421 N. Church x:reet FURNISHED first floor 2 and S rooms, bath. 59$ Union. STEAM heateg apartments. Private lviiae. 60S Is'. Cottage. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, pri vate hath. 5 IS Court. Phone 1057. FOR RENT HOUSES sJavaeejSiaje1,jssseseae FOR RENT Houses furnished and iinf urnlahed. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street 5 ROOM furnished house for rent. Molvtn Jthn:..n or A. L. Dark. 320 V. S. B;m!c ldg. Tel. $37. FURNISHED houses for rent. Mel vln Johnson or A. L. Dark, 320 U. S. Ua-nk Itldg. Tel. 637. SMALL garage house furnished. J 12.00. Phone SS1J before 10:00 o'clock mornings. FOR ItENT Modern 5 room house, partly furnished or unfurnished. Very ilrsir.-.hfee. Call 2 ROOM modern iiouse. Inquire 771 N. Com'!. LARGE steam heated house for rent. Adults preferred. 6'JG N. Cottage. FURNISHED Iarce new 5 -room Iiouse, piano, very desirable. 539 N 21 st street. SIX room modern house, good con dition. Call 1540 State street. FOR LEASE Modern five room home 1191 N. Capitol St. $i0 per mo. Six room home 1449 S. Liberty st. $30 per month. W. H. GRABENTIORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty Street FOR RENT lf.20 State St. 5 rooms $20 M0 and 9T.0 lTnion, each S R. 25 r.r both for S3i 4nar. 32S S. Winter St.. 6 rooms 20 lis". Jefferson Ft.. 4 rooms 20 .mi Water Kt.. 7 R. iiouse 15 l'j93 S. Church st 25 Furnished houses $15 to RENT OK LOUIS BECHTEL r. 41 State Street Room 4 FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT S A. dairy farm near town, good bldgs., paved road, good laud. 120 A. ranch: 100 .in cult., fair hldga., fruit, stock, machinery and feed for sale. 50 A. farm all In cult., level, bldsS., fruit, near town. 35 A. farm, 6 A. berries and cher ries, bldgs., springs, timber. PERRINB & MARSTER3 212 Gray Building FOR SALE RE AL ESTATE 6 ROOM - house, plastered. Bath, toilet, electric lights. Priced $150C. Very easy terms. S ACRES stocked and equipped. 500 chickens, to trade for acreage near valley town. IH ACRES, new 4 room rouse, tu hearing fruit trees, wonderful view. For quick sale. $2060. terms. Best buy in town. NEW 6 room honae. strictly modern. Unfinished upstairs. $3800.00. Your own terms. !69 ACRES well-located, plenty or running water, good fences. For quick sale, $40 per acre. LOT on talrmount iuu. tjti. Rich L. Reimano 19 N. High St, Phone 8R5. TERMS LIKE RENT 2 ROOM house and garage. Vt Mock of bus and paved street. Price $C25. cash $25, baL $10 per mo. ft $ Interest. 4 ROOM hmtse ln E. Salem, street paved, walks in and paid. Price $1.- 400, cash $2&. bai. is per mo. ft t interesL LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone Ii27 6 ROOMS NEW. $4000.00 On extra lot excellent district. Being finished at 946 Tamarack street. Furnace, fire place, hardwood, three bedrooms, gar age. 8 root basemen', etc. aown ; balance like rent. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 North High Street GREATEST Trading organisation on the Pacific Coast. We have over 3000 proneitles listed for exchange. Eyery kind of prooerty. every price, every lo cation. We can match your exchange exactly. If you would Ilka to trade your property today, come la today. SE3 S. M. EARLE. Realtor ICC & Liberty Tel. 2213 FOR SALE To settle an estate, a 6 room home, famished, good location, priced to sell quick. See L. E. Stiff- ler. at Statesman office or 1710 N 17th SI. NEW HOME IN SOUTH SALEM 6 NICE rooms, Interior beautifully decorated, nice lawn and flowers, cor ner lot. Price $11650. cash $500, bal ance easv. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phono 1727 FOR SALS Attractive Fairmount Hill Built by owner ARTHUR RAHN Phone 1927 or 3t Home 6 ROOM furnished house, with bath, basement nni girage at 565 S. lKth street $2000.00: $300.00 cash. Bai. $30. 00 monthly, or will rent at $25.00 per month. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l. Phone 217. LARGE HOME New 2 baths double garage 4 bedrooms. 1405 Fair mount. Price $70tf. Term?. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 19 North High PRICED TO SELL $2500. GOOD modern four room home, corner lot. paved St.. (raraee, east front, fireplace. FURNISHED only S200. down ; balance $.'J5 per month, iocated at 1325 N. ISth street. NEW 4 ROOM HOME $2900. ATTRACTIVE . new modem 4 room home with oak floors, fireplace, basement furnace. laundry trays, shades and linoleum now placed, (rar a?e. cement drive and walks, paved street. $150. down: balance 835 per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. NEW FIVE ROOM HOME $3600. MODERN ln every waj", tile drain board, electrie water heater, full cement basement furnace, fireplace. Parage, paved street, east front, lot 50x127. $250. down, balance $35 per month. REMEMBER WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH THESE HOMES. SEE US AT ONCE. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street A GOOD HOUSE BUY NEW $ room house, good construc tion, strictly modern, garage, lot 83x lwr paved atreet close to school. Price $3200 with $300 down payment STRICTLY aoodern furnished house to rent SOCOrxFSKT ft SON . First National Bonk Building WOULD you like a suburban home 20 acres one mile on the Wallace road good buildings, some timber. Call 104 8M. TODAY'S BEST BARGAIN SUMMER street corner, good T room home. Priced ftway below value for a few days ely Call 1727 cor appoint mrnt Mrs. Rills with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors X5 Stats Street FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Own this attr-rtlve home, garage, half acre good land, eic p'lonal price, payments ilka rent. Carl Abrams, own er, 1547 Chameketa. TeL 18 94 J. FOR SALE Five room house, 1, 500 monthly pavments. Three room house, $1550. 1300. cash. Six room house close In. IS.OM. $290. cash. Four room house with basement. $2300. F. L. WOOD $41 State Street FOR SALE OR TRADE; Improved 20 acres, beautiful view, Vi mile from city limits, Salem. Also 16-acre tim ber claim. Also lot 90x200 located In Portland. Will trade or sell all or part. Will assume. Box 61, n States man. INVESTMENT PROPERTY Good seven room house, fireplace, bath, base ment, 3 nice lots covered with large cherry, walnut and ornamental trees, $3,800: with six big iota all covered' with fruit and berries. 2 lots face Les lie school stadium. $5300. Full block of lots adjoining Leslie school grounds. 51,200. Increasing in values rapidly. Will I sell all or part, 'lerins, & Kurai ave- I nue. W. C. Conner, statesman onice. I owner. Phone 1235W. ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN Located near Leslie Junior high. on S fhurrfi st. Six rooms, modern, im mediate possession. Price $S000. $5SS down ; balance e per roontn. ocr. W. H. GKAUEiN aUtUT 4k tU. 1S4 South Liberty Street Realtors $1550. 4 ROOM bungalow with toilet. oath. I 'replace, garage, cuojeci iu ntuMnn(. 156. down. $1200. 3 ROOM bungalow, toilet, bath. some rruit trees, noma itraii $900. 4 ROOM bungalow, toilet, bath. A riwwl niiv. Terms v $1800. 4 ROOM bungalow, toilet, bate flrepiace, garage. .uu aown. S2S50. 4 KlWa nungaiow, uaciinc.iv, i furnace, garage, paving paid. Terms. $J7J0. 5 ROOM bungalow on Mill stream, basement, luraace, garago. ClnnA terms $4200. A 7 ROOM bungalow, good lo cation, modern In every way, except fireplace, f 3e. aown. ti;fif A 7 room new bunaalOW on I lBtn St. Sioaem in every way. ui trade lor farm up to 100 acres. $5000. PRIVATE money to loan at " r-' ME IAIN JOHNSON or A. L. DARK 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone $37. "V " u " " J " "for "sale 14200. MODERN five room house. fine ior-flon Two blocks from school navement paid. $500. down balance likra rent Jisoo. WILL take this nice five room double garage, paving paid five ed ln any 8tate Harder, iOi First Na large cherry trees, nice lawn. If you tiona! Banlc Bldg., Salem. Oregon. i t.ol.inr for home, call HOLLYWOOD REAI.TT foo- "V.-rth Canitol Phone 2S07 Res. $96- IOU WOULD like this home, new. modern, with basement, rurnace, iire nlare. oak floors, garage, paved at. ONLY $150. down : balance $30 per month to include int. Price $i90tf. STOP YOUR RENT NOW. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street FOR $25 CASH TOTT ran move in your own home. S2 5 each and every month Just like rent until paid. No Interest to pay. Price $2400 : buvs a good 5 R. plas-i tered house and lot. Garage, paving paid. You ran t lose buylns this place. To see it SEE UiriS BECHTEL 341 State Street Room 4. EXCHANGE Real Estate TO THE TOURIST Let us trade your property for Ore gon. Phone 296 or see Mr. Stewart TOURIST REALTY CO. 775 Edgewater St. West Salem ru'nij-u',-ri.,-.r.i-u-ij-ti-i,-tr'Wi- - -. i,. K ROOM modern bungalow on cor ner lot In Portland will trade far Salem 5 room bungalow well located. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 4:t2 North Cottage Street PORTLAND FOR SALEM: 7 rm. nfrWIv modern new homo near Frank lin high. 2 lots, cost $5500. Will take (4800 and exchange lor liome in sa- lem. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 4Vi A. of sub Irrigated band and 7 room modem house to trade for house and lot in Salem. Apt. Is Klngwood Apts., West Salem. CALIFORNIA for Salem. Will ex change my 4 room modern bungalow near Riverside, cai., ior small nouse or improved acreage near Salem, fees owner. J. A. White. 2345 State. have a (rood 320 acre iarm in Saak. to trade for home in Salem or small farm. F. I j. WOOD 811 State Street ACREAGE FARM BARGAIN 90 acre farm. USt Ol Boil, lireaieu on I atiuu iirsiivj. Price $9000. for QUICK SALE. SEE i W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 South Liberty Street esyeve4eaeireseeaeAa"kkaiasssAaM 20 ACRE FARM ON PAVED ROAD North of Sa lem. Best dark loam all m cultiva tion. Family orchard. 1 acre berries. Good 5 room Iiouse ; barn ; poultry house ; garage. Price $500. Terma Exchange for residence or income pro perty. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor. EXCHANGE YOUR FARM FOR IN COME PROPERTY TWO story bldg. on cood corner lot 52Vixloo ft., z store ironts witn nv- ina: rooms ln rear. 3 separate apart ments upstairs, 2 garages. Stock and i fixtures in one store. Irice $10,000 with terms, or will take acreage" with or without bldgs. near Salem up to $S.O0f). LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors $20 State Street Phone 1727 FOR SALE OR TRADE Gas sta tion and acreage. $1000. 40 acres riv er bottom land $150. per acre. A new modern house. $4000. A three acre home. $3000. A good 320 acre farm; ask $8000. What have youz F. L WOOD 341 State Street NOW LISTEN! I HAVE the best farm in the valley. 320 acres on Pacific highway 10 miles from Salem. Will take residential pro perty ln Salem or Portland. This is a real showplace and worth more money than the place can be bought for. Wheat averaged 40 bu. this year. Fine herd of dairy cows, horses, farm ma chinery, hay. and giwin ln the barn. See me about this. H. C. SHIELDS 381 State St. Tel. 1784. 5 ACRES 14 miles from Salem, all ,reesU.,UrVears2 olTS pAce $187 Terms. 10 ACRES 7 miles south of Salem. WILL pay top price for 600 hens all in cultivation, small house andlani jqO cases eggs. Hollywood Pro- rrarsen noue very un wainui land. rrif.e f kjv, wim uuu teruia, 60 ACRES 4 miles from Dallas. 44 acres In cultivation, 6 room house, 20x40 barn. 12 or 15 acres of prunes, with lots of prunes on trees, well and spring. This place is worth more than 40UU. frice 2foU. Terms. 18 ACRES 6 miles from Salem on good gravel road, and lays fine, 7 acres prunes. 3 acres loganberries. 2 acres strawberries, good barn. Price. $4, 250. $225 down. $ ACRES ii mile from city limits, all In cultivation, best of soil and good building sight. Price $2 500. Terms. S ACRES at the end of D street. Most all in loganberries and fine land. Price $3600. Terma MELVIN JOHNSON or A L DARK 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 FOR SALE OR TRADE $5500. FORTY acre stock and dairy farm, seven room house, two barns, chicken house all fenced, well, creek and two springs, mower, binder, feed cutter, harrow and hay rake, dear of incumbrance, and they will take a good four or five room house. $2500. TEN acres good soil, SH miles from Salem, four room house, barn, well $500. down and you take possession; terms to suit on balance. HOLLYWOOD REALTY 200$ North Capitol Phone 2807 Res. 2968. SPECIAL ACRE BARGAIN With wonderful view located close In, south near bus line. Price $1000. $25 down: S10 per month. A RBAL LOCATION TO BUILD YOUR HOME. W. H, GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS 1S4 Sooth Liberty Street ACREAGE FORCED TO SELL FINE SO A. FARM OWNED bjr widow, who is unable to take care of It on account of health. Located oa paved highway, near school and only 8 miles from Sa lem. Price $4000. Will take a home In Salem up te $2500. Long time on bal ance. This Is a wonderful buy. If In terested SEE LOUIS BECfTTEL MRS. CLARK B or MR. KOEHLER 341 State Street Room 4. Phone 75C for an appointment. TWO FARM BARGAINS. 137 acres on highway. 7i dear, fair buildings, running water, $CS00. and one of 147 acres river bottom land, good barn, mall house, running water. $6500. and we will take a house on either one. F. L. WOOD 141 State Street WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Small modern home clear of debt, as nart navvnent on & good It acre suburban home all In bearuig fruit, 7 room house, electricity. near good school. Price $7500. This place la a real bargain. The price has recently oeen reduced ixovo. SEE W. H GRABEHORST It CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Business Opporlnnities OAS STATION EQUIPPED GARAGE DOING ft fine business, nrlce for quick sale $500.00. 3i0. down; baL time. BTORE, STORE BOOM FIXTURES, living Quarters, well lo cated on paved road and doing good business. Building ground, store, stork and fixtures as a sacrifice sale of $5,- 60.e. $0. down will handle ft aandy buy. HERE 13 A PEACH- NOT an eating peach, but a splen did business proposition, ft good two story building 30x54 ft. Good store room ana living Quarters, a wen stock ed grocery and confectionery, f ri-rid- aire plant both for fresh meat and Ice cream. Has enough ground to build a nice noma or to enlarge place. On paved road only SH miles from Sa lem extra good location and do- ing a big business. Everything goes for only Has own water sys tem and electricity. $3500.00 down and move in. Look this over. bEitl SEARS & TUCKER 184 S. Cora"!. St. Phone SECURE CAPITAL FOR TOUR BUSINESS. Incorporate a company and sell too stock. Corporations form FOR SALE Grocery stock. land and building. P. O. Bos 153, Salem. A BUY ONLY S blocks of nostoffice. good house, lias 3 apartments. 2 of 3 rooms and one or two room, i-ot Is worth the price of all. Only $4209.00, north on one of Salem s best streets. $400 down will handle. This Is g buy so hurry, see SKAKS ft TLCIvER 184 S. Com'l. St. Salem. Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN WE have private money for real es tate loans. Straieht and Installment loans on city property. Farm loans at plus commission. VNDERSON ft RUPERT Real tore 149 S. High St. RESIDENT LOAN : $12.35 per month retires a loan of $1,000 in 120 monttis. Pay faster if you wish. No membership fee. See Delano, 290 N. cnurcn. pnone zsju ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. BORROW MONEY On automobiles, furniture, livestock, personal effects. and other good security. SALEM LOAN BUREAU. 40 Bank or Commerce. MONr.Y LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments. You keep the car. P. A, NIKJCft Cor. Liberty at. and Fernr Phone 121 Salem. Ore. CITT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates-No Delay BTATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 70S-I First National Bank Bldg. Phone 457 Kalem. Oregon CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance denarfnent offers van ex. l pert hdviee and service In all lines, HAWKINS ROBERTS fine.) TeL 1427 205 Oragon Bldg. WE have several different loan plans. We try to arrange loans most convenient for the borrower. Farm and city loans. Lowest interest rates and expense. liUUiUNS ft SANFORD. FNC. Pho&A 219. Miller's Store Bldg. Salem. Oregon. iMWMWMWMweewivewwweei Private Mcney to Loan FARM LOANS Plenty of money to loan on good farm security. City Loans we are loaning pruaentiai in surance company money on city resi dences and business property at 6 per rent plus a commission, Hawkins ft Roberts. zo& Oregon tsuuaing. PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need see us before closing ft loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 LOANS TO men and women steadily employ ed. On your plain note, lowest rates, easiest payments, quickest aervlce. fairest dealings and newest methods. Loans also mado on indorsed notea furniture, pianos and other personal property. All transactions strictly con fidential. STATE LOAN CO. 212 Oregon Building Second floor, corner State and High. Office hours 10 a. m. to $:30 p. m. Telephone 932. HAVE $3000 private money on good security ln city. MKKTKUHK J. M. PAOB 493 North Cottage Street FEDERAL FARM LOAN Bci,. L Wood. 341 State Street. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan on real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty Street WANTED Private tnonay for farm loans. We have several applications on hand. Hawkins ft Roberts. Inc., 105 Orearon Bid LIVE STOCK and POULTRY MUCe- u5 Fairground Rd. TeL 715J, CHICKENS caponlsed. phone 1786J3. WANTED Two fresh Jersey cows, not over 5 yeara old. Must be T. B. and blood tested. Lock Box 455, Sa lem, Oregon. ONE work horse. 1 large sorrel farm horse 7 years old. one gray Jer sey cow 6 yra old. T. B. and blood tested. Good producer and high tester. One registered Jersey bull 2 S years old. All cheap, for quick sale. Route 7, Hnt IKS, Garden road. FOR SALE WOOD 4 LOADS of 16 ui. mill wood. $11. 4 ft 2nd fir, $8.0$ per cord deliv ered from car. AT TRACY'S FUEL YARD Phone 2985 FOR SALE Wood of all If. D. May fie Id. chone 72F2. kinds. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN h UEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 DRY fir and oak wood, coal and fuel oil. Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Telephone 830. MMwSWMM) GOOD WOOD at a reasonable Mice. Well seasoned second growth fir and old fir wab na insias wood, prompt daUvery. Fred L Wells. Buo lSU 180 BenjtB B-rc FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRT Wood coaL Tel. 13. Salem fuel Ce 751 Trade. DRY 16 In. old Tr. 4 ft fir crab oalc ash and maple,- cord measure. Reduc tions on large oraers. C. U. HARBATJGH 83$ Highland Phone 1)90. FOR SALE USED CARS MaasjAaSaaaySjaaaMaaaaBaaa Reconditioned Reliable Used Cars l2s Bulck 4-door Standard se dan, original finish inside and out like new. New tires 11021 27 Hudson Brougliam, new tires. iinisn inside and out excel lent. A-l mechanically 176 27 Oakland 2 -door sedan, origin al nnisn, A-l mechanically fl 25 Bulck 4-door sedan, new tires ana paint, tboroucbly over hauled (75 fit (25 495 476 195 $$5 $76 $76 2$ Est Coach, overhauled, new pa lot and tires . 27 Essex Sedan, new paint, tires. ana overhauled 2$ Dodga Sedan, new Duco paint ana tires 27 Essex Coupe, original finish, extra rood. New tires '25 Dodge type. A 4-door aedan. a-i in every respect 4 Hudson seven-passenger ee dan. only run 24.000 miles. New Duco paint job and A-l me chanically '2$ Moon Touring with glass en closure, A-I mechanically, fln 4sh Inside and out extra good, only run a few thousand mllee '2$ Overland Six 2-door sedan. A-l condition '24 Hudson Coach, overhauled. new paint and Urea . 29S 175 '24 Overland Sedan, new paint ... 21 Chevrolet Coupe, balloon tires $5 Ford Touring S7.50 State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS High ft Chcmeketa 'Phone 1000. 000s0 w,weewniWMW Save Dollars $ CASH IN ON OCR CLEAN UP PRICES CHEAP used cars at prices for quick sales. $23 to $100. b ord toadsters. coupes and tour ings. $25 to $100. Chevrolet tourings 100. Chevrolet Coupe 395. Dodge tourings, f : to . 8o9. Dodge '4' Coupes, $150 to 485. Dodge 4' Sedans up to 675. Studebaker Coupe ... 68S. Nash St. Sedan, '27 625. Chrysler '70' Coach-' 650. All cars in good running snape. sev eral with new rubber. Save Dollars $ at the Bonesteele Motor Co. 474 South Commercial Across bridge from paper mill. The Largest Stock o Used Cars in Salem to Choose From. The Best Prices. The Best Terms. 1927 Bulck Sedan, reconditioned $900.00 1927 Bulck Coupe 850.00 1926 Huiclt Coupe 695.00 385.00 385.00 185.00 495.00 450.00 235.00 150.09 125.00 675.00 425.00 192 Buick touring 1925 Buick Roadster 1925 Chevrolet touring 1927 Dodge Coupe 1927 Essex Coupe 192$ Ford Coupe 1925 Ford Coupe . 1925 Ford touring 1927 Pontiac sedan 1926 Pontiac Coupe 1917 Studebaker Standard dan , 1927 Oakland Sedan 192$ Oakland Sedan 1927 Oldsmobile Coach se- 795.00 695.00 650.00 295.00 225.00 85.00 375.00 610.00 125.00 1SL27 Ford roadster 1924 Ford roadster- 1927 Star 4 door sedan 1928 Dodge Banel truck 193$ Hup touring 1934 Oakland touring 1924 Studebaker light ( tour... 1925 Ford truck 215.00 215.00 195.00 198$ ERsex Coach 165.00 1927 Essex Coupe . 895.00 1923 Chevrolet touring 90.00 1925 Studebaker special coach 475.00 Consolidated Used Car Center BY VALLEY MOTOR CO., FORDS. W. L. ANDERSON INC.. DE SOT03. OTTO J. WILSON. BUICKS. Marion and Liberty Phone 1027 iaMAnSeenAeeAeneAnWnenwAWW Fine cars at any Prices Bargains at These I 1928 Oldsmoblie Spt Roadater $750 1928 Oakland 2-dr. Sedan $725 1927 Dodge Syec. Sedan $550 1926 Studebaker Duplex Touring $375 1S25 Ricken'jacker 4-dr. broug ham $550 1927 Dodge 8-4 ton Del $450 THESE cars carry our regular Used car guaranteed. Reo Sales & Service 877 N.irth High Street VaMey Motor Comrapany Reconditioned Used Cars FORDS Model A Tudor Sedan $550.00 Model A sport coupe 550.00 Model A Fordor 675.00 2S5.00 250.00 l'26 Tudor Ruekstell 1926 Coupe Kuckstell 1926 Coupe :oo.oo 1927 1928 1928 Roadster Wire wheels - 225. 0i Roadster 150.00 Touring 185.00 20 FORDS T-NDER $100.00 FORD TRUCKS $100.00 to $250. 75.00 1917 Harley Davidson, single.. 191$ Harley Davidson Twin 74 cu. Inch motor (as Is) $5.00 Open Evenlnga Valley Motor Company Phone 1995 Center at Liberty McKays for Used Cars With an 0. K. That Counts OUR used car stock Is completely changed every HO days. Cars ranging ln price from $25 to $800 are always hero for your selection. LOW G. sr. A. C. RATES POSI TIVE GUARANTEES. TOTT?INC.SI '2$ Ford, has original finish $ 65 "22 Dodge. Rons fine 90 '23 f'hev. Thoroughly recondi tioned 195 ROADSTERS '2$ Ford. A bargain 115 COACHES '24 Ford. Trade your touring oa this $65 1926 Pontiac, reconditioned, re- ?alnted $95 S Che v. 2 of tliem. Both dan dies 825 COUPES '26 CI iev. 2 of these the best you have ever seen $25 1$2S Chev. Run only $500 mllee (26 SEDANS 192$ Chev. This one is perfect 17$ 1928 Essex. The new is still on this one Ill 1$S7 Buick. New tires. Originii finish good - I2S Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. FOR SALE USED CARS AAsAsavsAaAjswsa4ayh4aaeyvVaM Lower Prices Pettyjohn's Best Used Car Values 192$-3ulck 4 Door Sedan 1939 Essex Coupe $1076 . : . 295 . 625 1927 Ford 3 Door Sedan 17 Oldsmobile Coach 192$ "Little" Marmon Roadater 976 750 476 150 650 1927 Bulck 2 Door Sedan 1925 Bulck Coach 192$ Chevrolet Sedan 1926 Nash Adv. t Door Sedan . 1927 PONTIAC DELIVERY TRUCK .. 4X5 OTHERS a low aa $i. F. W. Pettyjohn Cor- 3S5 N. ComX Street Phone 120. "After we sell we serve." -r- - - - i i-i,ir i ,-i ,r ox -y nnn LODER BROS. SOLD NINE NEW GRAHAM PAIGE CARS THIS LAST WEEK. THIS leaves us with some very fine used cars which we are thoroughly re conditioning and will guarantee for 30 da vs. COME to our used car lot directly across the street from our store and see theje cars. Oldsmobile Sedan $393. Ford 4 door Sedan 295 Ford Coupe 175. Hudson Coach 245. Dodge Touring 396. Studebaker Touring 295. Jewett Touring 296. Overland Bluebird 175. WHIye Knight Touring 335. SEVERAL Ford pick ups and Ford Tourings at $50 to $75. very easy terms may be arranged some oars will be aohl for as little as $35 down and $15 per month. See these cars today. Open Evenlr.s and Sunday. LODER BROS. 445 Center St Salem Phone 450. Graham-Paige Sales ft Service for Marlon and Polk Counties. 1929 Whippet 4 Sedan THIS car has been used as a dem onstrator will sell $125 off new car price. Car has never been licensed with new car guarantee. If Interested ln this car see it at SOON For It's a bargain and will be sold quick ! Capital Motors WANTED USED CARS CAPfl nald for F.nJ 1Clkr Anto. MOTORCYCLES $65.00 BUYS a good HARLEY-DAVIDSON l!e twin motorcycle, cood mechanical condition, good tires, some terms If you want 147 South Commercial Street BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry II Trs. Salem's leading Auctioneer and I- urnlture Dealer Residence and Store 1610 N. Summer St Phone 611 COL, A, U STEVENSON auc tioneer, 28 years experience ln the WUlamstte valley, for dates or ar rangements see F. A. Doerfler, farm advisor. First National Bank. Salem. Phone or writs. A. L. Stevenson. Cor vallia, Oregon. ii. F. Woodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who SeU 1 'Rite-Down-Town" Phone 76 20 Yeara Experience 21. O. Hagedorn Auctioneer. Farm equipment tad house furniture salea. Tel. 1759W. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. carton National Batteries Starter and generator work. 202 South High. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD B. RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles an drermlrrng. 387 Court. CLEANING SERVICE Center St Valeterla, tel. 2227. SUITS cleaned and pressed $1. VAR LEY CLEANERS. 1S N. Com'L over Bunicka Chiropractors Dr. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 256 N. High, TeL 7. Res. 2104-J. DRS. SCOFIELD, Palmer Chiro practors. X-Ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg. DOCTORS T n i T T1 1 U W n t,nmuin.(kl. A vjr. i. &sx... . . , iiviiicviniiiuij physician. General practice. Very suc cessful ln goiter, gallstones and drop sical cases. Phone 147. 29 N. Liberty Street ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 461 North Front at. TeL No. 2. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasions- Olsen'a. Court ft High St. TeL 80L CUT Flowers, wedding bouauets funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. lireitliaupt florist 612 State Street Tel 3 SO INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life and General Insurance TeL 607. 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. ANDERSON ft RUPERT General Insurance & High TeL 1844 16$ BECKE ft 189 N. High HENDRICKS TeL lit RICH L. REIMANN General Insurance. Loans 219 N. High St - TeL 64$ WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 215 Masonic Bldg. Phono No. $81, FARMERS Mutual Fire Relief Assn Wm. A. Peraey. Agt, 627 North 20th st.. Halem. Phiqe sum, KODAK FINISHING EXPERT KODAK FINISHING. Camera mm nnop. ise a. tinerty. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY Telephoiw 21 f IJ a Hlgb CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY The Lpundry of Pure Materials' Teleohono 16- 1244 Brosdwav MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Beddins Co.. 3030 North CapitoL Called for and delivered. All work aruaranteed TeL 1 1 MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianos. Stiff Furniture Company. H. L GEO. C. WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet musfe and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 432 State rteeet Kfttem PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for house rtccornllng, naperhangtng tinting, eta Reimwe wnrtrmsn PLUMBING PUJMBXKrj tut 4fu4Ml repair work. Ore bev fraa lit flav IJhertv Tat, Me. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pam phlets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department 2 15 S. Commer cial TH ten RADIO FOR every purpose, for every purse All standard sixes of Radio Tubea EOFK ELECTRICAL SHOP. 335 Court St Tel iS ROOFING SOLVE your roofing difficulties with Pioneer Yosemlte rock surfaced ahingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 170 N. Front. Tel. 4 87. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stove for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wlrs fenco. fancy and plain, bop baskets and hooka, togan hooka ISalern Fence and Stove Work. T5S Court K Rnr of Ihnlcfc'e TAILORS D. H, MOSPEP. Tailor for mea and rrtmffi 474 t oitrf sr TRANSFERS C PITAL City Transfer Co. 121 Btate St. Tel. 933. Distributing, tor- wardltm and storage our specialty. Get Our rules VETERINARIANS DOCTOR W. G. Morehouse, veterin arian, residence 725 8. Com't Phone 1510. Office 5r 8. Com'l. Phone 119S. WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR ING or money back. THE JEWEL BOX 17S N. Liberty Salem New First liaUonaJ Banx Building Directory BASEMEM De Luxe fchinmg Parlr Experts for Ladies and Gentlemea FOURTH .FLOOR Drs. O'Neill ft Burdette. vptometrlI Phono 625 401-402-403-404-401 EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C Ward Davts General Dentistry TeL $1$ Evening by appointment Room 80$ TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A- Johnson. Dentist Telephone 12-5 1001 o o REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON A RUPERT. Renlors 189 b. High TeL 144 BEC1CB ft HENDRICKS 1$ N. High TeL 161 JOSEPH BARBER P.EALTY CO. S00 Grey Bldg. Phone 710 LEO N. CHILDS CO, $20 State 8t Realtora TeL 1727 F. G. DELANO 290 N. Church TeL 2830 & M. EARLE 166 a Liberty St TeL 2241 HOMER D. FOSTER HE ALT i- CO. 370V: State St ToL 842 W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 & Liberty St TeL 61$ KELVIN JOHNSON 320 C. a Bank Bldg. TeL 631 GERTRUDH J. 49$ N. Cottago PAGE TeL 1186. RICH U REIUANN, Realtor 21$ N. High -t Tel. 861 SOCOLOFSKY ft SON 304-5 First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL 976 SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. a NaTL Bank Bldg. Tel 471 J.-F. ULRICH Commercial 12$ N. TeL 1354 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St TeL 651 r. U WOOD 441 State St Tel 79 NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby'given that the undersigned has filed ln ths Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly verified Final Account, as Execu trix ot the last will and testament and estate of Alexander Turnbull, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 3rd day of Sep tember, 1929, at tha hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Sa lem, in Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said Final Account and all objections there to. Dated at Salem, Oreron, this 30th day of July, 1929. HELEN D. TURNBULL, Executrix ot the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Alex ander Turnbull, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Orepon. July 30-A6-13-20-27 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marlon, as Administrator of the estate Ellen C. Barnes, De ceased, and that he has duly qual ified as such Administrator; all persons ha ring claims against the rotate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at th offic of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building. Salem, Mar lon County. Oregon, within six months from the date ot this no tice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, .hu 30th day of July. 1929. WILLIS CALDWELL. Administrator ot the Estate ot Ellen C. Barnes, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. July 30, A6-13-20-27 TAXPAYERS' NOTICE The board of equalization meets on the SECOND MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER OP EACH YEAR tor the purpose of examining and equalizing the Assessment Rolls of Marion County, Oregon. All persons desiring to protest any assessment on said rolls must do so according to the following provisions of law: "Petitions or applications for the reduction of a particular as sessment shall be made in writ ing, verified by oath of the appli cant or his attorney and be filed with the Board during the first week It is, by law, required to be in session, and any petition or ap plication not so made, verified. ad filed, shall not be considered or acted upon by the board." 0. A. 8TEELHAMMER, county aUMeer--A-Z0-27 ft.. Salem Markets rresa Fruits ( Whole t la QuoUtiosi) Apples, locals Apricots, Wh., crsta Peaches. Calif, crste Plumi, local, lb Bmn. lb. Limes, carton 5 dot. Ltc .1.10 -1.10 -1.25 04 .2.50 Dromedary, $8. 10 oi. pkga. 6.50 Cone' Pitted, " Calif., ra 6.25 Comb honey, new crop Lemons, Calif., 4 CO&4.50 12.00 Cantalonpea Yakima $1.502.50 Honeydewi II)., . 04 Ice Cream Meloas t 03 i Caaabai .. 05 Oraneet, Valencia 100 a 7.15 12G'i . 150 , lTa -oo'e -lC'a 25V ?93'a -..7.25 ...7.25 ...7.75 ..n.23 5.75 5.00 4 0(1 3.50 02 1.75 1.75 344'a Watermelons, lb. (irapes. Malaga Seedlo lira pet YereuMea (Whelesale Quota ilos) Cauliflower, local ...1.75 ?eaa. local, lb. 08 1 Oreea beans, local 04 Celery. Labidi, doz 80 1.00 Celery Heart 90 riiiinioh, local, orang. box 1.85 tl'ineh.d vecotablet. per do, kuoche - Carrot 40 Beet .40 Tarnip AO liadisae ,, 40 l'artley 60 Oaion 40 0rhf. lb. 20 75 1.25 Tomatoe. Itoseburf. lig Th Dallas, crate Ooiora Walla Walla Glob 2.r,0 Pickliof oaion, lb. 11 Lettuce, local , 2.25 Seattla iced lettuce 5.00 Now PotatoM Ib. 024 Cucumber, liotaout 75 1.25 Pickling Cucumber lb 01 Cabbag. 02 (.reen Peppert, Tb I'siiev box 75 Calaros. case 5.50 Keg riant. 1. 15 Summer Squash, box 80 Corn, yellow, 6 dot 1.00 White. 6 dor ..1.0 I Sweet Potatoes, ll lu reeds (Ketall Quotation) Calf meal. 25 lb. Srratch. ton Corn, whole, ton Cracked and ground . Mill runj ton P.raa, ton , Lgg mah With milk (Buying Trice) l:n-'l 1.25 ...53.00 1.49.00 50.00 31.00 .34.00 .50.00 .53.00 Media ma .. . t'ul!i-i rotutrv (Buying Prica) : :io . 2u 11 ...07Q.08 2$ -17(3.19 18 22 ltoostor. old i Hejvie :;-rlnira Sht. ('i)lored broiler 1 echora broiler .20 Vegetables and Traits (Buying Price I Potat-w, cwt. 2.75 Carrot, do, bo. 30(v.6O 'oat. Ib. Curracta .. :.ofan .... Union ... Ui .lubes. 1.75 3 0 6?. CO 30 Iff. 60 Bmerfat (W-olesale) Print ('nr'.oni .. Uj'.terfat .49 .50 .49 Butter (SetaU) r.-inte . Cai ton .53 .53 Gum ar.d Hy (Buying Prlca) Who-t Wes:crn r4, bu. Soft whits, lu. Oat, gray, bu. whita, bu. . Barley, ton Hay Oat and vet.-h Creased Meata (Bjy-.og i'r:?r) Veal, top - Hog, top ....r . Wool and Mohair Pin wool Medium Ceane I.ams'a wool . ...1.10 1.18 55 50 .33.00 .14.00 21 18 80 83 80 -2$27 Old Mohair Kid 40 50 General Markets DAIRY PORTLAND. Ore.. Aag 2. (AP) Butter: Entrai 47; aCandarde 4fl; prists first 4&; firta 42. Kgga: Extra 84; first 85; medium extra SI; medium first 80. PORT LAST) OEADT PORTLAND. .Or., Aug. 26. Open High Sept. 124 184 (AP) Closa 123 181 16 Iee. 131 131 M May 138 V 138 138H Cah gain: Wheat, Big Bend blue st i-m. hard whit. $1.25; hard winter, northern spring, western rod, 1.23. Oata, No. 2, 38 lb. whit. 34.00. Uarlay No. 2. 45 lb. B. W. $22.00. Cora No. 3, eaat ern yellow, ahipment 45.00. ililrun, stand ard, 29.00. HAY PORTLAND, Ore., Aug 28. (AP) Hay : Buying price: Kn stern Uregea timothy $21 .50(022; 4o. valley $18(3)19; alfalfa $18rr(lU: elorer fl415; oat hay $16; straw $7(3 ton; celling pnees, $1 mor. LIVESTOCK POBTI.AN', 0"., Aug. 28. (AP) Cattle and calve. Opening !ow; receipt: rattle 2850, calve 101L-- Steer 1100 1300 lb., good $11(211.50: do. good. $11 sifll.75; do. medium ID Ml '(11: do. rninmoa $79.50. Heifer, good $9)9.75; common to medium $6.76 (l 9. () . cv,d $0(8.75; do. commoa to medium $" c8; do. low cutter $3(3$. Coed beef. ?'7.50; do. cotter to medium $.3iiVt 7.25. Calve, medium te rhoira $10U 12.50; do. call to choice $7.'.0:.i 10. Yfa'er. nii!k fed. good te choice $1314.50; do. medium $lltol$ -'.! to romuibn $8(411. Hogs: Around steady; recaipta, 2200, including 11 h-llcd- through. Heavy vreieht $1012.50: mediae weight $llil?.e5; light weight $12.6 'eli!.7:.; light light $1 1.75Q l2.5. 1'arkiBg ni, rough and (moot- $8.76 (a 9.75. Slaughter piga $11 12. Feeder and stock rr piga, medium to choice $1 ( 12.7j. (Sr(:t or oil j hog and reacting P IT excluded io above quotation.) Sheep and lambs, quotably steady; re ceipt 700, including -70 ea eontr.ct. Lamb 3 lb, down) good to choice M1&13; do. median $9.5011; do. all weights, rull to common $79.50. Year ling wether. $S.50&9. Ewaa $45.25; do. medium to choice S3.S0(5; do. com mon $i.5u(3.:o. P BOD LOT PORTLAND. Ore Aag- $6. (API Milk: Raw milk (4 per cent) $2.85 cwt d Altered Portland, lea 1 per cent. Batter- fat, atatloe. e: trade 7e; eetiv.raeV at Portland 50c. Poultry; (Buying prices) A livs. heavy heat, over 4Vi lb- 26s; medinaa hens, 3V4fc Ihs 22S23e: light, seder 8 . lba 80021c; broiisrs, lh ib, 85 ft 2 8; colored broiler. 2 te $ lb.. 27eG30e: spring Pekrjn duck. 4 lbs, ead ever 20e; old aac-a, lseftsise; color.- aaeka 1jJ18. Potatoei Per cwt. Gem Ke. 1 grade, $2.50it.85; fancy .era. $3.50 2. 85; new, $3g-.2S. CHICAGO GXAIIf CHICAGO. Aug. 26. (AP) Wheat prieea rallied in a narrow range te day, their ton depressed by liquidation in September and the absence of export demand. Trading waa dull, and the early eaknes that matched a downward drift at Iverpoe! was not quite offset by the late day rally. The corn saarkst was sold down active ly because r.f boneflcial raius in t lie fir ing cornfield of the norC west, and closing waotation for corn were 1 1-1 te 1 6-8e lower than Saturday, viiile wheat finished 7-8 to 1 3 8c down, anaV oat H te lower. The Oregon Statesman and The Portland Telegram, two -great dallies for 60 cents per month. To order phone 600. i J