PAGE NINETEEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, August 25, 1929 4v t K 4fi i . i & 9 CLkStOTZO ADTZBtUZHO Be-iiar notices, per lia . I5e (3 liae aiiimsa charge) Claasifted Adeerthlnt, pr lie. 10 Classified AdTirtisinf, par lias time , , . sue ClatfiNed Advertising, p-r Uaa a time 80e (Ha month, daily aed Suadar pr Una . $1 CO Copy for thr page accepted un til 6 :S0 the evening before publi cation tor classification. Copy r :eived after thia time will be run under the heading Too I-t. to classify. HOP PICKERS WANTED REGISTER now. for hop pl.-fclng. Williams Yard. Kola. Phone nr.K12or Ray Farmers Hardware. Will start (poking Monday. WANTED ILP pickers for Mitotoa hop ranch, nerir Indfper.denf o. nnd Curtis ranch. - mar Talbot. For par ticulars, iuqulre Dj.bln Cornoyer. over J. C. Penny's store, N. Llherty nt., or Lytle's Ci-ar store, 110 North Otiirrierclal street. TTOP PICKERS WANTED EARLY and Lite. Crabj-Uarttey Crait. Phone 613 or S3'JV. WANTED Hop pickers. Will start Monday. Call Ml'-'. HELP VANTED tv ktkd Berrv pickers for ever greens on M'nto Island. Transporta tion furnished. Ir.,- jra at r.ortnwest Canning Co. D. It. No well. HELP WANTED EH'N' pikers nt once. Apply L. T'irre-.-. P.t. 3. Tumrr, Oret;o HELL WANTED MALE WVNTEDMid i!e-agd niiin to lift Invalid. Must U clf-.n. ue no tobacco, liquor, nor svfar, ble to drive, furnish references. L.trs 1 abuut house, single. Protestant.;' qualifications. Br tS) St.i teaman WNcTrin' a; -out 19 years of age to 1-arn optical fc'-!"P v.ork Call at 110 X. Coinni'l. s. Monday frrnoon. HEI P VXTRD FEMALE; rrl.-J.-.n.l-- ! WVNTED Girl for general house work or nirl wi'.o wisfces to go to l.iiaia'ss cll'go niorningM. Give tele phone'. Write 90:, Statesman. SCHOOL frlrl to do housework, room. K-.aid and small salary write box 5. Si ctf sinan. . - "SALESMEN WANTED vVATkT) SALESMEN" TO SELL HEAL ESTATE Plenty rt lutings :tnd prospects. Must have "" 'TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 4-'l Court Street Phone 6oL Salesmen: Old established higlily ritod c-nern. Sensational profit mak ing ."pociakv. All retailers prospects. 1. W. Ma in. Cedar Rapids, la. BIG money selling personal Christ nan greeting cards. Hand-oine sam ple bojk fieo. Highest cmmission. i.ttwest prievs. Unusual imp-ftel nov e:ties. Koclicster Art Co., Rochester. N V. SITUATION S WANTED WILLAMETTE young woman stu d -nt wants work afternoons during 6'hool year. Good typin. neat and capable. Write 8S5. Statesman. FURNISH materials, experienced Tinner will prepare and can fruit or veg- tables in her own home. I2c per quart. Box 903. Care Statesman. TWO Salem boys who are able and willing workers want job for the next month. Money earned ia to go to pro vide them with high tchool supplies. Tliev can be readied at 1386W or 2 ::tit WORK WANTED A briht, exper ienced young womaa is to enter WI1 I'wriette university this fall : Bha would like part time work; can do fc-enographla work, handle part-time bookkeeping or assist with family v ork. Highest references. If you have any position please address Box JOa, Statesman : mora details will be fur risiied upon application. HOUSEKEEPING in motherless Lome by neat capable lady. ES97-73rd Ave.. & E. Portland. Oregon CANNING beans 40 lb. lots, c per 1i. !U". So. 21st. Phone l'tfi. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOU SALKM Scavenger servJc call 117. - - r ri-.i-ii-n-M - - "" FOR SALE Small steam boiler with electric heater; suitable for dry clean ing work. Inquire Statesman. BARGAINS Burroughs Adder $50. American 1 10 Mimeograph $85, Vn-dc-iwood N0.1 5 $12. Thos. Roen. 42i Court. IKAVENSTEINS Rulifson"s. R. 8. Box 59. Phone 4F4.; GOOD Ustd Pvadld electric equipped or can be used with battery. See this and hear it. Priced to go quick. Inquire at Western Auto Supply Co. 201 N. Commercial. PEACHES for canning. Crawford. Carmels and Champions. Elliertas come later. L. Townsend. 10 mi. north of river road. Mission Bottom. USED furnace. CitG N. Cottage. CRAWFORD peaches for canning. Bring boxes. Puritan Cider Works, 7U1 Edgewater street. West Salem. WHITE distilled vinegar for pick ling Puritan Cider Works, West Sa lem. Phone 2374-J. FOR SALE Encyclopedia Britan rica. 3 volumes, kitchen table, set sad irons, several stone Jars. Story and Clark solid black walnut organ. All In good condition. block off of Mar ket street 127 5 Friehen. R. P. Hunt. WAN TED Miscellaneous U "WASTE DUsedplanos J In"' e v -change on Radios, phonographs, or fur niture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Compauv. WANTED One car of nice gruh oak wood. Phone 29 85. Tracy Fuel Y n rd MISCELLANEOUS C. A. WITCRAFT. well driller. Dal las, Oregon. 1118 Birch st. Phone 973. L. C. SMITH Typewriter Good as new. Priced right. Terms. Phone 958. GOOD homes for well broken kit tens. 1422W. PAINTING OR DECORATING Call Clirf Dunsmobr formerly of Duns inoor Bros. Tel. 2484. FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED 2 or mcnts. 1209 Court. 3 room apart- HEATED room, $8.00. Phone 13C2M. FOR 1 RENT Sleeping rooms in strictly modern home. Nice district Just 5 blocks from state house, near Par ried, Garfield and Grant schools. Phone 713 for information. - DESIRABLE room for gentleman, doee-tn. Phone 747-W. ROOM and BOARD BOARD. A ROOM. 644 N. Com'L BOARD and room, or meals. Home cooked food in real home. 722 State. FOR RENT APARTMENTS AMBASSADOR APARTMENTS UNDER NEW MANAGEBMENT CLEAN, nicely furnished 2 rm. apart ments, one 3 rm, furm or unfurn., ra dio, elec refrigeration. Garage or free parking space. New cooling system Installed. Preference to Permanent Phone 1972 550 North Summer St. ONE or two room furnished apts. S2I1 Hazel Phone 1939W. TWO mm& three room furnished mot 144 V 18th. Phone 157CJ. ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS A TWO-ROOM apt. Light, water, garage. One bedroom. ltil N. Church street. FURNISHED first floor 2 and S rooms, bath. 590 Union. STEAM heated apartments. Private horn. 696 N. CnttaKe. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT nousea furnished and ir. far oished. F. L. WOCD 141 State Street 40M00000i00S0000 m m00M0h00000 5 ROOM furnlslied bouse for rent. Melvin Johnson or A. L. Dark. 320 L S. Bank Eidg. Tel. 437. FURNISHED houses for rent. Mel vin Johnson or A. L.-Daric, 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 627. SMALT, garage house furnished, $12 00. Phone 981J before 10:00 o'clock mornings. BUNGALOW, unfurnished, modern, for two, 25. 602 N. Cottage, phone J.l. I 'OR RENT Modern 5 room house, partly furnished or unfurnished. Very desirable. Call 10S3J. FOP. RENT HOUSES n 1620 State, 5 rooms S!0.00 1324 Lee St., 6 rooms ls.Ou lllli near State, 7 R 27 00 Cv 4 R.. bath, garage 12.00 Modern 6 R. State street 40.00 7 It. house. North Salem 12. SO lSSO N. Liberty 6t 15.00 1185 Jefferson St., 4 room 20.00 U40 Union St., 6 rooms 25.00 12 rooms, 4 apts . SIC Mill St., corner of S. Winter St.. part ly furnished 40.00 SEE LOUIS BECHTEL 241 State Street Room 4. S ROOM modern house. Inquire 771 N. Com'L LARGE steam heated house for rent. Adults preferred. 6 N. Cottage. FURNISHED Large new 5 -room house, piano, very desirable. 639 N. 2 1st street. FURNISHED 5 rm. house for one year or longer to right party. Large livin? room, fireplace, bath, garage fine liwn and shrubbery. Near grade scliool and Islie Jr. high on busline. Phone nil-J. SIX room modem house, gxd con dition. Call 11.40 State street. FOR LEASE Modern five room home 1191 N. Canitol st. 150 per mo Six room home 14 49 S. Liberty St. $30 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 13 4 S. Liberty Street FOR RENT FOR RENT LOWER floor of my modern furnish ed homo. Hot water, heat. Closo to state hou.e. Phone 4 0!J. WJWmM;rKOK RENT 68 A. dairy farm r,ar town, good l)!lg. , paved road, good land. 12' A. - ranch: 100 in cult., fair bldg.'.. fruit, stook, machinery and feed for sale. 50 A. farm all In cult., level, bldgs., fruit, near town. 35 A. farm. A. berries and cher ries, bldgs.. springs, timber. PERR1NE & MAICSTERS ?1 2 Grav BnlMfng FOR -SALE REAL ESTATE 6 ROOM house, plastered. Bath, toilet, electric lights. Priced $150' Very ensv terms. 36 ACRES stocked and equipped, 500 chickens, to trade for acreage near valley town. 1H ACRES, new 4 room house. 70 hearing fruit trees, wonderful view. For quick sale, $2000. terms. Best buy in town. NEW 5 room house, strictly modern. Unfinished upstairs. $3SOO.00. Your own terms. 3(9 ACRES well-located, plenty of running m'ater, good fences. For quick sale, $40 per acre. LOT on Fairmount Hill. 1630. Rich L. Reimann 219 N. High SO. Phono SK5. TERMS LIKE -RENT ! ROOM house and garage, V, block of bus and paved street. Price $4S25. cash $25, bat $10 per mo. & Sc Interest. 4 ROOM house In E. Salem, street paved, walks In and paid. Price $1. 400. cash $25. bal. $13 per mo. A 6 interest. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 319 Stale Street Phone 1727 ( ROOMS NEW. $1000.00 On extra lot excellent district. Being finished at 945 Tamarack street. Kurnace, fire place, hardm'ood. three bedrooms, gar age, 8 foot bu3emen etc $50 down ; balance like rent. BECKK & HENDRICKS 189 North High Street. GREATEST Trading organization on (he Pacinc Coast- we have over 3iw'i pronertiea listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every lo cation. We can malcn your exchange exactly. If you would like to trade your property toaay, com ia toaay. 8 M. EARLS. Realtor lC S. Libertr Tel. 224! FOR SALE To settle an estate, a 6 room home furnished, good location. priced to serr quick. See L,. K. Stlir ler. at Statesman office or 1710 N. 17 th St. NEW HOME IN SOUTH SALEM 6 NICE rooms, interior tieautifully deeorated. nice lawn and flowers, cor nr lt. PrkG $J650. cash $500. bal- a.iuv easy. LEO N. ' CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street Phone 1727 Attractive Fairmount HIU Home Built ty owner - ARTHUR RAHN Phone 1927 or 3 SNAP One acre with three room house, close in. Price $lfi..0. $25 down 'ls per month to Include Int. at 1 I MM EI HATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South I.ibrrtv Street 6 ROOM furnished house, with bath basement and garage at 5C5 S. 16th street. $2000.00 ; $300.00 cash. Bal. $30 00 monthly, or will rent at $25 00 per montn. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. ConYl. Phone 217 LARGE HOME New 2 bath! double garage 4 bedrooms. 1405 Fair mount. Price $7000. Terms. BECKE & HENDRICKS 18") North High FOR SALE OR RENT By owner, 6 room bungalow, l?lo So. ConYl. Phone I040J. PRICED TO SELL $2a00. GOOD modern four room home, corner lot. pared St.. garage. east front, fireplace. FURNISHED only $200. down: balance $25 per month. Located at 1325 N. Htn street. NEW 4 ROOM HOME $2900. ATTRACTIVE new modern 4 room home with oak floors, fireplace, basement, furnace, latJtidrjr trays, shades and linoleum now placed, gar age, cement drive and walks, paved street, $150. down: balance $35 per mo. IMMKUIATE POSSESSION. NEW FIVE ROOM HOME $2500. MODERN In every way. tile drain board, electric water heater, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, paved street, east front, lot 50x137. $250. down, balance $15 per month. REMEMBER WE WILL BE PLEA S E D TO SHOW YOU THROUGH THESE HOMES. SEE US AT ONCE. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street A GOOD HOUSE BUY NEW f room house, good construc tion, strictly modern, garage, lot 85x 100, paved street, close to achool. Price 03200 with $300 down payment. STRICTLY modem furnished house to rent. SOCOLOFSKT A SON First National Bank Buirding WOULD you like a suburban home 20 acres one mile on the Wallace road good buildings, some timber, Call 1048M. TODAY'S BEST BARGAIN SUMMER street corner, good 7 room home. Priced away below value for a few days osily. Call 1727 for appoint ment. Mz Kflis with UaO N , CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, CLEAR A BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED SALEM RESIDENCE, EAST FRONT, CHOICE CORNER LOT 65x130 ft. PLENTY OF ROOM FOR ANOTHER HOUSE. House has 9 rooms, 5 on first floor, furnace and fireplace, bath and toilet, full base ment. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, fur nace heat, bath and toilet on second floor, and furnished Including electric range, also electric range on first floor. ALL OOES WITH HOUSE AT THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICE OF $6000. HANDY SEPARATE EN TRANCE to second floor, front and rear, making it a choice second floor apartment, which lias rented steadily to choice tenants for $30 a month. There are nice wide paved streets on 2 Rides, all paid. Owner going away, .will consider a good small rental pro perty for part with some cash differ ence and give good terms on balance. NOW, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CHOICE LOCATED HOME. COM BINING A NICE INCOME, you should Investigate thia at once. See WELLS TALLMAN for best propositions for sale and exchange. 411 Oregon Bldg. Own this attractive home, garage. half acre good land, exceptional price, payments like rent. Curie Abrams, own er, 154 7 Chemeketa. Tel. 18S4J. FOR SALE Five room house. $1.- 500 monthly payments. Three room house. 11559. $300. cash. Six room house close In. $2,000. $200. cash. Four room house with basement. $2300. if. La. wood 341 State Street FOR SALE OR TRADE! Improved 20 acres, beautiful view, H mils from city limits. Salem. Also 166-acre Um ber claim. Also lot S0x200 located in Portland. Will trade or sell all or part. Will assume. Box 51, States man. INVESTMENT PROPERTY Good seven room house, fireplace, bath, base ment, 3 nice lots covered with large cherry, walnut and ornamental trees. $3,800; with six big lots all covered with fruit and berries, 3 lots face Les lie school stadium, S5300. Full block of lots adjoining Leslie school grounds, $2,200. Increasing In value rapidly. Will jell all or part. Terms. 765 Rural ave nue. W. C. Conner. Statesman oltlca, owner. Phone 2235 W. ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN : Located near Leslie Junior high on S. Cl.urch st. Six rooms, modern, im mediate possession. Price $5000. $500 down . balance $50 per month. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 South Lilerty Street Realtors MILL CREEK SALEM HOME PRICE REDUCED FROM $4500 TO $3750 FOR QUICK SALE TOU WILL HE DELIGHTED with this CHOICELY LOCATED HOME with Its water front birder and its NEARBY BEAUTIFUL WATER FALL where you may enjoy It all free of the heavier traffic : ONLY 2 BLOCKS FROM BUS LINE. GOOD 5 ROOM house : full basement, fur nace and other modern conveniences : combination wood and gas range, gas water heater ges with house, nd garage, all in; first-class condition, pavement pafdi Owner going nwav. REDUCED I'iffCE $7 50 FOR GUP'K SALE. FOR THIS A.NJ A1A.M U I ll- lit GOOD PROPOSITIONS in citv or acreage suburban homes and farms. SEE WELLS TALLMAN 411 Oregon Uldg. 1550. 4 ROOM bungalow with toiiet. bath, f'repla-e, garage. Subject to pavement. $50. down. 12u'i. 3 ROOM bungalow, toil t. bath. some fruit trees. Some terms. 9n0. 4 ROOM bungalow, toilet, bath. A good buy. Terms. 1S00. 4 ROOM bungalow, toilet, bath, fireplace, garage.- $100 down. c.n i Trmf hiic-nlnw- basement. furnace, garage, paving paid. Terms. 750. 5 ROOM bungalow on Mill stream, basement, furnace, garage. Good terms. $42'.0. A 7 ROOM bungalow, good lo cation, modern in every way, except fireDlace. 8300. down. $5500. A 7 room new bungalow on N. 16th st. Modern in every way. wiu trade for farm up to 10ft acres. $5000. PRIVATE money to loan at MKLVIN JOTTNSON or A. L. DARK 20 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone &.7. 00S00 AAAAVV FOR SALE $4200. MODERN five room house. fine location. Two blocks from school. pavement paid. $500. down balance like rent, $1800. WILL take this nice five room double garage, paving paid, five large cherry trees, nice lawn. If you are looking for home, call HOLLYWOOD KKAL.TX 2009 North Capitol Phone 2307 Res. 2968. YOU WOULD like this home, new. modern, with basement, furnace, fire place, oak floors, garage, paved 6t. ONLY $150. down: balance $30 per month to include int. Price xsuu, STOP YOUR RENT NOW. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street EXCHANGE Real Estate TO THE TOURIST Let us trade your property for Ore gon, ltione zss or see Mr. Stewart TOURIST 1I.AU1 I CO. "5 Edse water St. West Salem 6 ROOM modern bungalow on cor ner lot In fortland win traao ior Salem 5 room bungalow well located. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage Street PORTLAND FOR SALEM: 7 rm. strictly modern new home near Frank lin high, 2 lots, cost $5500. Will take $1S00 and exchange for home in Sa lem. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Renltor 4' A. of -ub Irrigated land and 7 room modem house to trade for lioase and lot in Salem. Apt. 15 Kingwood Apts., West Salem. FOR TRADE 50 ACRES land In Florida with 5 acres in orange grove for good land suitible for English walnut growing. C. E. Saucrs. Route 3. Hamilton, Ohio. ACREAGE FULLY EQUIPPED 26 A. FARM SNAP OWNED BY A WIDOWER FORCED to s!l on account of poor lenlth and age. If not sold in next 20 days, will take $2000 for stock. Crop and implements located 18 miles north of Saln. Two good horses, fine mil- cow, chickens, hay In barn. 2 A. in fine corn, 1 A. potatoes, some iurni- ture. close to scuool. church, store. good road. Just off paved road. If It's a snap you are looking for see this one today, see LOUIS BECHTEL 311 State Street Room 4 Who makes a specialy of farm bar gains. YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE 45 ACRES fine land, good 4 R. house. large dairy barn, poultry house, family orchard, all good ienc' lng, running water, 25 tons hay in barn. 5 A. fine corn to fill silo. 9 cows, Z horses, 20 goats an farm machinery, only 9 miles from Salem on paved road. This place is bringing in a good Income, ana It is yours for only $7, 330.00, Reasonable payment down. RANCHER Look This Over Before Buying (0 ACRES on Pudding river this year thrashed 54 bu. wheat to acre. 5 A. good clover, 3 A. corn, 15 A. fine fir timber. Exceptionally good soil, house, barn, good poultry house, fam ily orchard. 1-A. at. berries, 3 good cows. S heifers, 100 Leghorn hens. 1 brood sow, 25 ton good hay in barn, wagon harness, mower, plow and all implements and tools. Running water. You will like tftla place for It is worth more than the price of which he asks. A FINE PAYING DAIRY IF you are interested in a large dairy, be aure and aee this one. 202 hi acres best of river bottom land, fine alfalfa land. ISO A. plow land, 75 A. crop. 25 A. good timber, running wat er, family orchard. 7 room house, bath and electricity, large dairy barn, that will hold 25 cows, and t horses. Located on paved oad, 17 miles from Salem. If good cows, one bull, 3 hdrses, tractor and all machinery and tools. Fine milking machine, a fine paying dairy ranch. Price $26,000.00 all equipped. Will take a home in Sa lem or a smaller place or part pay ment. What have you I SER SEARS A TUCKER 184 8. Com'i. St Phone tl$l. FARM BARGAIN 90 acra tana, best of soil, located on Pacific high ay. Price $9000. for QUICK SALK 8EE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 1S4 South Liberty Street ACREAGE Fin Farm Priced Right lit ACRE 3 extra good bottom land, Co A, oats, corn and alfalfa. Fin al falfa land. 7 room house, large barn, fine large poultry housa, 59 acres good saw timber, in good location on rood road. Prlca $114.0 per acra. Will take a home in Salem aa part pay ment. SEE SEARS A TUCKER 1 3. Com' I. Phoaa Sill. 20 ACRE FARM ON PAVED ROAD North of Sa lem. Best dark loam all in cultiva tion. Family orchard, 1 acra berrlea. Good 5 room house ; barn ; poultry house : garaae. Price 15500. Term. Exchange for residence or income pro perty. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor. - - i-wi - - r - r-fr-wWM-rrwj SNAP SNAP 114 ACRE FARM ONLY $0 PER ACRE NOT far from Salem on good gra vel road, not far off paved highway, good land and fair buildings, owned by a widow, a non-resident. She paid $120 per acra. Poor health and un able to manage a farm reason for selling at sacrifice price. For sale by LOUI8 BECHTEL J41 State Street Room 4. No charges for showing property. To sea it, phona J5 6 for an appoint ment. - - - - I,-, . 1 -ir-ii-w-.ry-nii-,rtfirP EXCHANGE YOUR FARM FOR IN COME PROPERTY TWO story bldg. on good comer lot 52x100 ft.. 2 store fronts with liv ing rooms in rear, 3 separate apart ments upstairs. 2 garages. Stock and fixtures In one store. Price $10,000 with terms, or will take acreage with or without bldgs. near Salem up to LEO K. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 FOR SALE OR TRADE Gas sta tion and acreage, $4000. 40 acres riv er bottom land $150. per acre. A new modern house, $4000. A three acre home. $3000. A good 320 acre farm; ask 08000. What have you? F. L. WOOD 841 State Street now listen: I HAVE the best farm in the valley. 320 acres on Pacific highway 10 miles from Salem. Will take residential pro perty in Salem or Portland. This is a real showplace and worth more money than the place can be bought lor. Wheat averaged 40 bti. this year. Fine herd of dairy cows, horses, farm ma chinery, hay, and grain in the barn. See me about this. H. C. SHIELDS 381 State St. Tel. 1714. 5 ACRES 1H miles from Salem, all in cultivation, 2 acres of nice cherry trees, 5 years old. Price $1S7j. Terms. 10 ACRES 7 miles south of Salem, all in cultivation, small house and chicken house. Very fine walnut land. Price $1200. with good terms. 60 ACRES 4 miles from Dallas. 40 acres in cultivation. 6 room house. 30x40 barn. 12 or 15 acres of prunes, with lots of prunes on trees, well and spring. This place is worth more than $40i1. Price $2750. Terms. 18 ACRES 6 miles from Salem on good gravel rond, and lays fine, 7 acres prunes, " acres loganberries. 2 acres Btrawlw-rrics. good barn. Price $4, 250. $-- down. 6 ACRES i mile from city limits, all In cultivation, best of soil and good building sight. Price $2500. Terms. 5 ACRES at the end of D street. Most all in loganberries and fine land. l'rice $300. Terms. MELVIN" JOHNSON or A. L. DARK 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 FOR SALE OR TRADE $3500. FORTY aero stock and dairy farm, seven room house, two barns, chicken house all fenced, well, creek and two springs, mower, binder, feed cutter, harrow and hay rake, clear of Incumbrance, and they will take a good four or five room house. $2500. TEN acres good soli, 3 4 miles from Salem, four room house, barn, well $500. down and you take possession ; terms to suit on balance. HOLLYWOOD REALTY 2"09 Non! Capitol Phone 2807 Res. 2?68. SPECIAL ACRE BARGAIN With wonderful view located close hi, south near bus line. Price $1000. $26 down: $10 per month. A REAL LOCATION TO BUILD YOUR HOME. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED To hear from owner of land for sale for fall delivery. O. K. Hawley. Baldwin, Wis. WANTED Small modern home clear of debt, as part payment on a good 12 acre suburban home all In bearing fruit, 7 room house electricity, near good school. Price $7500. This place is a real bargain. The price has recently been reduced $2000. SEE W. H. GRABEHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 South Lilerty Street Business Opportunities SECURE CAPITAL FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Incorporate a company and sell the stock. Corporations form ed in any state. Harder, Sud nrst Na tional Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. THIS booklet "HOW YOU MAY MAKE MONEY" In sound listed stocks through scientific investing, starting with $100 or more, will ba mailed post ( id on receipt of 25c. Goodell Co., Pnlirs , 51? S. Spring. IjOS Angeles. MONEY TO LOAN WE havo private mosey for real es tate loana Straight aad installment loans on city property Farm loans at 6 plus commission. ANDERSON A RUPERT Realtors 1C9 S. High 8L RESIDENT LOAN: $12.35 per month retires a loan of $1,000 In 120 months. Pay faster If you wish. No membership fee. See Delano, 290 N Church. Phone 2830. ON FARMS ANt CITY REAL ES TATK. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG BORROW MONEY On automobiles, furniture, livestock, personal effects, and other good security. SALEM LOAN BUREAU. 405 Bank of Commerce. MONRT LOANED OK AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payment. You keep the car. P. A. RIKJSrt Cor. Libertr St. and Ferry Pbona 121 Salem. Or. CTTY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 70I-I First National Bank Bldg. Phone 457 Kalem. Oregon CITT AND FARM loans at lewert rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance denarfnent offers you ex pert dvtce ana service tn all lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1427 205 Oregon Bide WE have several different loan plans. We try to arrange loans most convenient for the borrower. Farm and city loans. Lowest Interest rates and expense. HUDKINS A SANFORD, INC. Pnoa- 2210. Miner's Store Bldg. Salem. Oregon. Private Mcney to Loan FARM LOANS P-MacT at moner to loan on good farm security. City Loana Wt are loaning Prudential In nu ranee company money on city rest' dences and business property at 54 per rent, plus a commission. Hawkins Mooerra. zua in-egon uunains. PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or ther good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 LOANS TO men and women steadily employ. ed. On your plain note, lowest rates, easiest payments, quickest service fairest dealings and newest methods. Loans also made on Indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and other personal property. All transactions strictly con fldeati- STATE LOAN CO. 212 Oregon Building Second floor, raas Stale and High. Office hours 10 a. m. ta i :30 b. dl I lrrcpnonw rts. MONET TO LOAN HAVE $304 private money an good security in city. GERTRUDE J. M. FAGS 43 North Cottage Street FEDERAL FARM LOAN F. L- Wood. 141 State Street. LOANS WANTED WANTED PrlvaU money to loan on real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street '- i"-ir-i-)n riri n n i ii i l i 11 i io i rn WANTED Prlvaxa monT for farm loans. Wa hare several applications on- band. Hawkins A Roberts. Ino. 06 Oregon Rldg. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY WILL pay top price for S8 hens and 100 cases eggs. Hollywood - Pro duce. 1945 Fairground Rd. Tel. 7 15 J. CHICKENS caponised. phona 178CJ3. WANTED Two fresh Jersey cows, not over 5 years old. Must be T. B. and blood tested. Lock Box 45, Sa lem, Oregon. ONE work horse, 1 large sorrel farm horse 7 years old, one gray Jer sey cow 5 yrs. old. T. B. and blood tested. Good producer and high tester. One registered Jersey bull years old. AH cheap, for quick sale. Route 7, Box 18. Garden road. FOR SALE WOOD 4 LOADS of 1( In. mill wood. $11. 4 ft. 2nd fir. $$.00 per cord deliv ered from car. AT TRACY'S FUEL YARD Phone 2985 FOR SALE Wood of all kinds. M. D. Uaytleld, chona 72F2. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 18S5 DRY fir and oak wood, coal and fuel oil. Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. LARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Telephone 930. GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price. Well seasoned second growth fir nml old fir slab and inside wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells, Phone 1542. 380 South Church street. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coai. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel Ca. 752 Trade. DRY 16 in. old ftr. 4 ft. fir grub oak, ash and maple, cord measure. Reduc tions on large orders. C. U. HARBAIUH 838 Highland Phone 1990. SEASONED second growth old fir, knots and limbs, cut all lengths, prompt delivery. GEISER REAL ESTATE Phone 2312 FOUND In Willson park Keyring and ten keys. Owner pay for ad at Statesman office and get keys. LOST and FOUND STRAYED from farm on Howell Prairie cream colored heifer 8 months old. Phone 39F5. FOR SALE USED CARS McKays for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts TOURINGS 1923 Oakland Spt 1925 l ord 19 J 1 W. Knight COUPES 1926 Chevrolet 1927 Chevrolet Cabriolet . 1928 Chevrolet - $ 90 , P0 325 425 525 COACHES 192$ Pontlaa 895 1927 Essex 475 132S Chevrolet 625 SEDANS 1928 Chevrolet ; 525 1928 Essex 525 1929 Chevrolet Imperial 775 127 BuicK 82a LOW G. M. A. C. financial rates. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 1927 DODGE TOURING. A-l con dition, good rubber, price $425 on very easy terms. Trades accepted. See It today. LODER BROS. 445 Center TeL 460. Reconditioned Reliable Used Cars 1928 Buick 4-door Standard se dan, original finish inside and out like new. New tires $1025 25 Huick 4-door sedan, new tires and paint, thoroughly over hauled 875 '17 Oakland 2-door sedan, origin al tinlslu A-l mechanically .... (25 '28" Essex Coach, overhauled, new faint and tires 625 Essex Sedan, new paint, tires, and overhauled 825 '26 Dodge Sedan, new Duco paint and tires 495 27 E3sex Coupe, original finish, extra good. New tires 475 25 Dodge type. A 4-door sedan, A-l In every resiect 395 '24 Hudson seven-passenser se dan, only run 24,000 miles. New Puco paint Job and A-l me chanically 885 26 Moon Touring with glass en closure, A-l mechanically, fin ish inside and out extra good, only run a few thousand miles 875 26 Overland Six 2-door sedan, A-l condition 375 24 Hudson Coach, overhauled, new paint and tires 295 '24 Overland Sedan, new paint. . 175 State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 'Phone 1000. High & Chemeketa CADILLAC 4 PASS, sport phaeton In absolute ly guaranteed condition, all new rub ber. Why not own a real car once? Prlc $525 on easy terms. Open Sun days and evenings. LUUKK BKOS. 445 Center Street Salem Phone 450. Graham-Paige Sales A Service for Marion and Polk Counties. Lower Prices Pettyjohn's Best Used Car Values 1928 Buick 4 Door Sedan $1075 1928 Essex Coupe 625 1927 Ford 2 Door Sedan 295 1937 Oldsmoblle Coach 525 182S "Little" Marmon Roadster 875 1927 Buick 8 Door Sedan T50 192$ Buick Coach 475 1984 Chevrolet Sedan 180 192$ Nash Adv. 2 Door Sedan 650 1J7 PONTIAC DELIVER! TRUCK 425 OTHERS as low as 865. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 X. Com'l. Street Phone 1260 "After we sell we stYve." Save Dollars $ CASH IN ON OUR CLEAN UP PRICES CHEAP used cars at prices for quick sales. S25'tO $100. Ford loadstera, coupes and tour ings, $25 to $100. Chevrolet tourings 100. Chevrolet Coupe 395. Dodge tourings, f 25 to 350. Dodge '4' Coupes, $150 to 485. Dodge 4' Sedans up to 578. Studebaker Coupe 583. Nash St. Sedan. '27 4)25. Chrysler '70' Coach 650. All cars in good running shape. Sev eral with new rubber. Save Dollars $ at the Bonesteele Motor Co. 474 South Commercial Acroee bridge from paper mUi. FOR SALE USED CARS The Largest Stock of Used Cars in Salem to Choose From. The Best Prices. The Best Terms. 1927 Bulck Sedan, reconditioned $900.00 1927 Buick Coupe 850.00 12 Buick Coupe 695.00 1925 Buick touring 385.00 1925 Buick Roadster 1925 Chevrolet touring 1927 Dodge Coune . 385.00 185.00 495.00 1927 Rssex Coup 192 Ford Coupe 1925 Ford Coupe 1925 Ford touring 1927 Pontiac sedan 456.00 235.00 150.00 125.00 (75.00 425.00 1928 Pontiac Coupe 1927 Studabaker Standard se dan 1927 Oakland Sedan 1928 Oakland Sedan ... 1927 OldsmoMle Coach 192T Ford roadster 1924 Ford roadster 795.00 C95.00 650.00 S95.0O 225.004 85.00 275 00 1927 Star 4 door sedan 192 Dodge Banel truck 010.00 192$ Hup touring 1?S.00 1924 Oakland touring 215.00 1924 Studebaker light S tour... 215.00 1925 Ford truck 195 00 1928 Essex Coach 185.00 1927 Essex Coupe 395.00 1923 Chevrolet touring 90.00 1925 Studebaker special coach 475.09 Consolidated Used Car Center BY VALLEY MOTOR CO . FORDS. W. L,. ANDERSON INC.. DE SOTOS. OTTO J. WILSON. BU1CKS. Marlon and Liberty Phona 1027 1927 Dodge Coupe A-l condition. Tires 80c-, good condition. paint In Capital Motors Co. 350 N. I Ugh Fine cars at any Prices ins at These! 1?:S Oldsmoblle Spt. Roadster ..$730 1928 Oakland 2-dr. Sedan ..$725 1927 Dodge Spec. Sedan $550 1925 Studebaker Duplex Touring $275 1925 Rickenbacker 4-dr. broug ham $550 1927 Dodge 3-4 ton Del $450 THESE cars carry our regular Used car guaranteed. Reo Sales & Service my 37T North High Street Valley Motor Company Used Cars FORDS Model ATi:dor Sedan ...$3."0.00 Model A sport coupe 550.00 Model A Fonlor 675.00 1126 Tudor Ruckstell 285.00 1!2S Coupe Ruckstell 250.00 F2 Coupe 200.00 1927 Roadster wire wheels 225.00 lftl'6 Roadster 150.00 1926 Touring 1S3.00 20 FORDS UNDER $100.00. FORD TRUCKS $100.00 to $250. 75.00 1!J7 Harley Davidson, single.. l'.ij:?. Harley I Davidson Twin 74 cu. Inch motor (as ls 85.00 Open Evenings Valley Motor Company TJionfl9ji-jenit WANTED USED CARS CASH netd fnr Ford! Rlkr Aute. MOTORCYCLES $55.00 BUYS a good HARLET-DAVIDSON big twin motorcycle, good mechanical condition, good tires, some terms If you want. 147 South Commercial Street BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry IB Trs. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1610 N. Summer St Phone 511 COL. A. L. STEVENSON auc tioneer. 20 years' experience in the Willamette valley, for datea er ar rangements eee F. A. Doerfler. farm advisor. First National Bank, Salem. l'hona or write. A. , Stevenson. Jor- vallia Oregon. ii. V. Woodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who SeU " Rl te- Do w a-Tow n" Phone 75 20 Teara Experience Ii. O. Hagedorn Auctioneer. Farm equipment and :otise furniture sales. Tel. 1759W. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R, D. Barton National Batteries Starter and generator work. 202 South High BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN Columbia Rlcvclf-s an drenalring" S(t7 Court. CLEANING SERVICE Center St Valeteria, tel. 2227. SUITS cleaned and pressed 11. VAR- LEY CLEANERS. 19$ N. Com'L over Busicka CHIROPRACTORS Dr. O. L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 256 N. High, TeL 7. Res. 2104-J. DRS. SCO FIELD. Palmer Chlro practora X-Ray and N. C IL New Bank Bldg DOCTORS t n ir iriH r i kA-un.iM. physician. General practice. Very suc cessful in goiter, gallstones ana drop sical cases. Phone 147. 261 N. Liberty Street ELECTRICIANS HALTS ELECTRIC CO. 481 North Front st. Tel. No. 8. . FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasion e Olsea's. Court A High Bt TeL ML CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets fenersJ wreath , decorations. C T. Breithaupt florist 512 State Street Tel 880 INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life and General Insuranos Tel. 007. II D. a Bank Bid. ANDERSON A RUPERT General Insurance 169 8. nigb TeL 1844 BECKE A HENDRICKS 188 K. High TeL 181 RICH U REIMANN General Insuraaoa. Lean 219 N. High St TeL 111 WILLAMETTE INSUBULNCB AOENCT 215 Masonic Bldg. Phone No. Ill FARMERS Mutual Fire Relief Aaart- Wjn. A, Pereeyv Agt, 67 Herts- 1 0th reejVASt, Phone 9T2L at- Hasem. KODAK FINISHING EXPERT KODAK FINISHING, Camera Film Shop, 180 8. Liberty. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone IJ3 a High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Tie Laundry of Pure Materials Telephone 1 lis Brosdwmv HATTUSSS MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Bedding Co, SV30 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed Tel 10 MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianos. Stiff Furniture Company. H. L GEO. C. WILL Pianos, Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet muse and piano studies-. Repairing phono grapha and sewing machines. 432 State PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for house decorating, paperhanclng. tinting, etc. RelHM wnrtmati PLUMBING PLUMBTNTJ and general repair work. Graber P.-o. ISC So. Liberty T-l 5 SO PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pam phlets, program books or any kind of printing, call at tha Statesman Printing Department. 215 S. Commer cialTel RftO RADIO FOR every purpose, for every purs Ail standard alxea of Radio Tube. KOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 335 Court St.. Tel S8 ROOFING SOLVE your roofing difficulties with Pioneer Yosemite rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 170 N. Front. Tel. 4 87. STOVES STOVES and stove repa irtr.g. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All klnda of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets and hooka, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court Sc. Bark of Rusick'a TAILORS D. IL MOSI'ER Tailor or men and women 47 t'ourt St TRANSFERS C-PITAL City Transfer Co. 221 State St. Tel. 93S. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty, (ior our rates VETERINARIANS DOCTOR W. G. Morehouse, veterin arian, residence 725 S. Com'l. Phone 1510. Office 529 S. Com'l Phone 119S WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR ING or money back. THE JEWEL HOX. 173 N. l,lb tv Salem hew First i.a'uonal BaiiK Building Directory BASEMENT De Luxe Shining Parlr Experts for Ladles and Gentlemen FOURTH FLOOR Dra O'Neill A Burdette, optometrists Pbono 625 401-402-403-404-405 EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C Ward Davis General Dentistry TeL 818 Evening by appointment Room 802 TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johnson. Dentist Telephone 1285 100) o o REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY J ANDERSON 169 & High RUPERT. Realors Tel. 1044 BECKS A 18$ N. High HENDRICKS TeL 181 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. 200 Grey Bldg. Phone 700 LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 820 State St. TeL 1727 F. a DILNO 280 N. Church TeL 283$ 8.--L EARLS 8. Liberty St. 166 TeL 2245 HOMKK D. FOSTER REALTf CO. 870 Vt State St TeL 842 W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 8. Liberty St TeL $1 MELVIN JOHNSON 520 U. 8. Bank Bldg. TeL 827 GERTRUDE J. 492 N. Cottage it. PAGE Tel. 1186. RICH L REIM ANN. Realtor 219 N. High it TeL 865 SOCOLOFSKT A SON" 104-6 First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL 876 SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. & Naft Bank Bldg. Tel 476 J. F. ULRICH Commercial TeL 129 N. 1354 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St TeL 651 r. L. WOOD 441 Stat- SL TeL 784 Salem Markets rresh Fruits (Wholeaala Quotations) Apples, locals 1.10 Apricots, Wash., erata 1.10 Peaches, Calif., crate 1.85 Plains, local. Ib. - , .04 Bananas, lb. 07 Limes, cartoa aoa. 2.50 Dates Dromedary, 86, 10-es, pkrs. .6.50 Coos's Pitted, ease 3.75 Grapefruit, Calif., case 0.25 Oomb honey, new arep 4 00 4.50 Lemons, Calif., 12.00 Cantaloupes Xaktm as fl.30QI.90 Boneydewa lb., lea Cream Melons 03 Oasabai a Oranges, Tslsaeiat iou a 130's . iso'a , .7.23 7.J5 -7.2S -7.75 -8.25 -5.TS 5.00 4.00 -8.50 08 8.75 -1.76 176'a 800's aio's - asrs ,- , 888's 844's Watermelons, lb. Grape Malaga . Seedieee Urmpee vecetaeles (Wholesale Quotation) Cauliflower, local .1.75 Peas, least, lb. Oreea beans. Weal Celery, Labish, dee. 08 Mi 0 .1001.00 90 Celery Hearts BfOaaea, ieeal, a rears be 1.85 Bunched vereUUes. par dox. kuaches Carreie 4? Beats 4ft Tornfa - - -a UaOiaaes 40 oo 40 80 71 .1.25 Farsley Onions Gat lie, lk. Totaateea, Bosebarg, tag The Dalles, crate Oai one Walla WUa Globe PHkltng eaieas, lk. .150 U -8.00 mtvee. Meal Sekttie Iced lettaee Kw Potatoes Ik. - ,,, faeanfcera. -etaaeae -, , flfkllaf Oaswkers Ik. Ookkare -8 .T80ILS5 ..Ot -75 ftree Parpen, The Dalles, box Calavot. ease . Erg Pleat, r. Summer 8qaath. bex Cera, yellow. 0 doi. White. 6 dox. .1.50 15 80 .1.00 -1.04) .i0 Sreet PoUtees, lb. reeds fSetsil Quotations) Calf meal. 85 lbs. Scratch, ton - Corn, whole, tea Cricked and ground Mill ma. toa Bran, toa fcr math With milk . LS 53.00 -49.00 -50.00 94.00 .34.00 .60.00 -53.00 s tBuytng Pries) S'nrnhir.l .. V eJicmi i'lilir 35 80 0 ronttry (Baying Fries) Stact - 19 07.08 Roosters, rid Hfiviet Median , ..72 .17.1 16 I.ichU Colored broilers 22 Leghorn breilere 20 Vegetables aad Fruit 1 (Buying rrlce) Potatoes, c-t. 2.75 Carrots, dot. bo, 30Q.60 Peat, Ik. OS Corrsats 1.7S I.orani 1.75 Onion 0.6 Radiilies, .30 ii .60 .49 50 49 Butte rf at (Wholesale) Print . Carton ... Butterfs: Butter (Bet ail) Print .50 .53 Cartons Gram aad Hiy (Bvyiac Price Wheat, western red, m S(t white, ba. v Oat, gray, bu. vhite, bu. ... Barler, toa Hay Oatt aad Trteh Dressed Moats (Buying Prices Veal, tp Hues, to Wool and Mohair Fine wool . Mediant ...1.104 ...1.13H 55 50 .33.00 .14.00 20 17 30 . 3 SO Cearte. Lamb' a wool OKI Mohair Kid 2327 40 50 General Markets HAY FORTI. AND, Ore., Aug. 12. f API -Hay Buying prici r Kastcra Oregon timothy $2 1."0 (a 22; do. Tiliey. $1S(ij19; alfalfa, $lri(ls; rlorer fll'nl.'.; oil hay $16; straw, $7((tS Inn: selling prices $2 morf. DAIRY roim.AXD. Ore.. A-ij. tC. CAP) Butter Kxtrss 47; nadnrl 4"; prima firsts 45; firsts 42. i'.ez KUraa M; first! 3"; nied vin eitras 81; medi um firsdi 30. PORTLAND OEADT PORTLAND. Ore, Aug. .2. Wlieat fu'.urts Open High S'Tt. 121Vj 1264 ler. 131 5 3 133 3 3 Mav 139 -f APJ Close 126H 133 3 8 139 'ash - qra ins ' Wheat Hi? Renl :iuest'm, hard white, $1.S; soft w!nt. wv.;prn white $l.27j haril winter, northern spritiS, wentern red, 1.2 J1. a. Oat No. 8, 83 lb. white $;!4.00. Harley, No. J. 45 lb. B. V Cora Nn. , eastern rdlow, ahinment, 644.50 Millrun, atandarJ, $2!.0O. PRODUCE PORTLAND. Mre.. Aug. 22 AP) Milk: Raw milk (4 per renti $2.35 cwt., delivered Portland, lest 1 per cent. But terfat, station 40; trick 47; delivered at Portland 49. Poultry (Ruying price Alie.. heavy hens over 4H 1M., 5e; medium hens 3Vi te Ihs., ;2ffr23e; light, under Iba.. 20Q21I-: broilers, Vi lbs., 2" 26c; colored broilers. 1 to S lbs., 27 (. 30c; spring Pekin ducks. 4 li.. and over 20c; old Pekin durks. 15 13c; colored ducks 15lBc. Potatoes Per rwt., Cems, erade $1.50 (2S5; fancy (Jems. $2.50(j2.85; New $23.25. LIVESTOCK FOBTLAND. Ore., Aog. 22 (AP) Cattle and calves, steady; receipts, cattle 35: calves 10. Steers. 1100 1300 lb.; 011. 50( 12.25; do. good $11.50011.23; do. medium $10 if 11.50; do. common $7(10 Heifers $3.30(10; eoramen to medium'"- $6,756 9.50. Cows, good $6 $8.50; do. commoa to medinm $6fR.50: de. low cutter $3 (rj 6. Good beef $7(S7.25; da. cutter to medium 15 ($7. Calves, medium to choice $7.50 (f? 10. Vealers, milk fed, good to choice $1314.50; do. medium $ll(jt 13: cull to fommwi $4111. Hogs Steady; receipts 500. Hearyweight $10(j 12.50; medium weight $11($12.65; light weight 812.509 12.65; light lights $11.7512.65. Pack ing sows, rouirh and nmooth. $S.506i 9.50 ; Slaughter pigs $111312. Feeder and dock er pigs $11.50 12. (Soft or eily hoes and roasting pigs excluded in above quo tations.) bheep and Iamb Quotably steady. Re ceipt 200. Lambs, rood te eholea, $11(212: da. medium $8.MHjll; do. cull to commoa. 69.50. Yearling wethera. 6 M(! 9. Ewes. 120 lbt. dowa $4(35.25; do. 120 to 125 lb., medium to choirs $".V"9 5t do. all weights, common, $l.50(i 3.50. LONDON, Auk. 24 (AP) China continued today lt3 inten sive preparations for an eventual ity in Manchuria while official denial was ma do in Moscow of any Soviet invasion of that territory. The foreign relations conimitte) of the Nationalist government met in Nanking and in secret session drew up proposals for defenso which were submitted to the stato council. A Japanese dispatch, from Nanking said that 12,000,- 000 Mexican had been placed at the disposal of Marshal Chans Hsueh Liang for purchase of war materials and other military costs by the central government. This marked the first time that credit had been extended the Manchurl- an government by the Nationalist government. Despite the Russian denial that its troops had crossed the Man charlaa bordtr, Chinese unoffi cial sources maintained that the Russians still held Tungnlng near the eastern border, over which severe battle was reported to bare waged several days ago. An Associated Press dispatch from Peiplng Indicated that So viet border raids botb east and west probably had as their pntv pose to stop coal supplies for tbe Chinese Eastern railway and thus paralyse the chief artery of traffic in Manchuria. CHIUESE HE WAH PREPITIONS Date is set for County Institute The annual Institute for all teachers la the Marion county schools will be held Monday and Tuesday. October T and 8, Coun ty School Superintendent Pulker. erson said Saturday. Although the program has not been com pleted, two of the speakers have beea selected. Thet are a Dr. Moor from the facnlty of Cor nell University and Dean J. R. Jewell of Oregon State .college. Dr. Moor Is eoming west to as sist OA the program of a n timber of institutes In this state. Ml