The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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Te OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sanday Morning, August 18, 1929
r -r . ' ... rr r- . - - - ' -- - -- " - - " - - -- ilii
News Frnni MiVI-Vallev CoTYiTnunities for Statesman Readers !
ing home. Mrs. Sprungman and f Gerald Myers of Hubbard, were
BROOKS Word has been ire-
wired here that the five room
cottage belonging to Mr. sad Mrs.
Sam Smith ol Mapleton was .burn
ed to the ground, August The
Smiths Eared nothig. Mrs. Smith
is a sister ol Cecil V. Asbbugh of
Brooks, and were former residents
of Brooks, going t o Mapleton
about three, years ago and purchr
asing a farm near Mapleton. , j
Miss Mabel Low accompanied
by her f ier, Mr. Low of Molalla,
spent tfce week-end at Seaside,
Oregon. Miss Low is clerk in the
W..H. Ramp general merchandise
store in Brooks.
Mrs. Willard Ramp and daugh
ter, Cleo Ramp, accompanied by
Mrs. Cecil V. Ashbaugh and Nor
ma Jean Wright motored to Stay
ton Friday on business.
John Dunlary and son John
Dunlavy, Jr.. motored to J alalia.
Sunday to visit at the home of
William Harmon.
BROOKS, August 17 A family
reunion was held at the home o
Mr. and Mr?. Grant Bixler last
Sunday, their guests being thrir
daughter and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. E. V. Allen and daugh
ter, Doris Alien of Crescent City,
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bixler of Pross
er, Washington, Mr. and Mrs.
Frast Bixler of Yakima. Washing
ton, Frost Pruder or presser.
Washington, tbe latter being a
brother of Mrs. Grant Bixler, all
members of the Bixler family were
present except. Mis. R. A. White
of Sells, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Bixhr recently came to
Brooks, hairig purchased the L- S.
Murdick farm at Brook".
The Epworth League of the
Brooks Methodist chuvch..hld its
regular monthly businfctff ilieetih'g
in the church on Monday evening.
The business meeting T, afc'onduct
d by the resident. Miss Marie
the trip by boat.
RICKREAL, August Jl 7 :Mi.eV
es -Edna and Dorothy Mtddlcto?
are going to pick. berrie5tfD
Chi tetensons. They- wiTl b$rti
next week and Wck until "hopf
picking starts. - -
The . Ladies Aid met at the
borne of Mrs. Tom Burch, Wed
nesday afternoon, August il
Hostesses were Mrs. I. Dempty
and Mrs. Burch. Those iittendlhg
were .ins. r orei rente, . .aira.
Campbell. Mrs. J. Vaughn. MfC
William Hill, Mrs. Fred Vaughn.'
Mrs. V. A. Fox,- Mrs. Lowery. Mrs.
C. Larkin, Mrs. Herchel and Mrs.
George Wait, Mrs. West. Mrs. K.
Lucus, Mrs. J. O. Price. Mrs.
Bearer, Mrs. Nat Burch, Mrs.
Mrs. Stcnson. Mrs. Kellogg tnd
the two hostesses.
Misses Carmen and Luzelle
CripDen are going to Nelscott for
a weeks' vacation. They will go
some time next week when the
busy season at home is over.
- Bill Palmer is helping G. Rags,
dale haul wood for Charlie Ross.
The Larkin boys have shut
down their combine, until the
spring grain Is ready. It will be
ready to rnt in about a week.
Catherine Pewthered and her
parents are now in Pullman,
Washington. They visited Bel
knap Springs, went over the Mc
Kemle Pass tp Redmond, back
to the Columbia river highway,
then up to Walla Walla. Wash
ington, thence to Lewistcn, lda.
hon and back to Pullman.
, .-
WOODBURN, August 17 Mr.
land visited friend3 in Woodburn
and Mrs. W. F. Norman of Port-
Dunlavy. after which games were i Wednesday and Mrs. Norman at-
enjoyed by-all present. Mrs. A. H.
Scars and Mrs. John Dunlary
served candy to all.
Mrs. Edna Williams of Salem is
visiting at the home of Mrs. Frank
Snyder. Other recent guests at the
Snyder home were Mr. and Mrs.
V. A. Johnson of Salem.
Cecil V. Ashbaugh and ton,
Kaid and nephew. George Coombs,
went to Mapleton over the week
i (l to vis-it Ashbaugh's slr.ttr,
Mrs. Sam Smith and family. Mr.
Campbell, the relief agent at the
brooks Espoe depot, accompanied
them as far as Junction City. The
Smith's home was completely des
troyed by fire last Thursday. Very
little of the furnishing were saved
as the fire had made srteh ' pro
gress when discovered ft was nse
ler to attempt salvage. Mr. Smith
received a badly burned hand
while attempting to save some of
their bedding. The lostf is partially
covered by insurance. They are liv
ing in their garage for the pres
ent George .Coombs., fon of Mrs.
Sam Smith, who hos beu, visiting
at t. Ahhmirli home, far the nait
t o months, returned home.-
Mrs. Cecil V. Ashbaugh had as
I rr dinner guests on Sunday. Mrs.
Rebecca Johnson and f AVillard
Rrmp and daughter. Cleo -ftnmp,
Vrav and Kreta Fae Ashbatipn".
Mr. and Mrs. Cris Otto accom
panied bv Mr. and Mrs. Art jfcin
v.ird of Wacorda enjgyed a fish
ing trip the first of this week.
Mrs. Cris Otto's father. N. Brun
didge of Waconda, spent the past
week as guest of his daughter and
family. Another recent guest at
the Otto home mc.s Mirs Emmr.llna
Mrs. Ce fl V. Ashbaugh and
cUnghter, Kreta Fae Ashbaugh
rnd Miss Lena RU-'gi motored to
mity .Tuesday and were dinner
guests at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Ray Cozel,
Clyde Phillips has returned to
his duties as Espee depot agent
here last Saturday, having recov
ered from his accident of July 23.
when a truck loaded with iron fell
upon him. The iron was being un
loaded from a car by means of a
small truck which was being run
down on planks, when inrsbme way
one of the planks slipped, letting
the loaded truck down upon him.
Mr. Campbell, who has acted 8s re
lief agent, left for . Lyons. Sat
urday, where be will hold a simi
lar position.
Regular church services will be
held in the Brooks community
Methodist church on Sundas morn
ing with Rer. D. Cole, pastor. In
charge. Bible school will be held
at' 10 and devotional service
at 11 o'clock. The sermon topic is
"Ignorance is the Parent of De
struction." Text: "Mr people are
destroyed for lack of knowledge."
Read Hos. 4 : . The evening Serv
ian will be held at Keizer with
vnwortb league at 7 o'clock and
devotional services at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. B. J. Morits is spending
this week as guest of ber son. Mr.
and Mfs. John Moriti and family
st West Salem.
Mrs. Mary Molsan is visiting at
home of fcer sons, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred and Hubert Molsan la fori-
land. Mrs. Molsan expects to bet
rone about two weeks. I
" Mrs. Era Williamson and
daughter. Grace of Newberg were ,
dinner guests oh Wednesday eve-j
nin at the horns cf Mrs. Wil- j
Manisons nephew Mr. and Mrs. j
arl Aspinwall. Mrs. Williamson ;
rToiid nn Mrs. C. D. Naylor while i
In Brooks.
Wilard Ramp made a business
trip to Portland Thursday. Mr.
Ramp is owner and manager of
the Ranip warehouse in Brooks.
Jliss Hatti Aspinwall accom
Tanied by her aunt. Mrs. Era Wil
liamson and daughter, Grace of
N-wberg, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Williamson's sister.
Mrs. Allen Aspinwall in Salem
this week-end. r
John Carey has as bis guest bis
- niece Mrs. Charles Sprungman.
r of San Francisco. . Mrs. Sprang.
- jaan vras accompanied by ber
daughter, Mrs. Wlima Jones and
chlldrea. Betty and Billy Jones of
- Sprongmai will also, visit her
. daughter, Mrs. Arthur Tucker In
Ra-pm'ftnd will to to Vancouver,
vca.hinrtoH and visit "berbrother-
last week
Mrs. Robert H. Scott Is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Rowena
fBocney of Gold Hill. Mrg. Scott
left -Sunday - with- her- -brother,
"Ralph Bcnney and family of The
.Dalles, r -
; C. C. .Geer and daughter Hiss
Jtutb Geer went to Tacort, Wash.,
Tuesday, wliere tbey expect to
remain seyeral days attending to
business interests there.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. If all and
Miss Margaret Hall are vacation
ing at Neskowln for two weeks.
MiSs Emiir Hindman is assisting
Mrs. Martha Berry at the studio
during th-ir absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Iden and j
baby of San Francisco are visit- j
Ing Mrs. Idea's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank McComas of the state
training school, also her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Maupin.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McComas
are again on amy at tne training
school after a two week vacation.
They visited the coast from Reeds
port to Crescent City then back
to Crater Lake, Klamath Falls,
Bend and Grants Pass.
John Haller returned Monday
from the Salem General hospital,
where he was taken by his son
Virgil, of Portland. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington and
children returned Monday from a
two weeks stay at Beaverton.
where they attended the Free
Methodist camp meeting. The
Harringtons will leave next Mon
day for Marysrllle, California, for
a two -weeks visit with Mrs. Har
rington's mother and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Plank en
tertained Mrs. Plank's sister and
her daughter and son-in-law at
a picnic at Horse Shoe lake Sun:
day. In the party were Mr. anj;
Mrs.- PlanT-Mr:-and? Mrs-.TP-. l4 ;
Wood Vn"d"MrT"and Mrs. ' Waller
Mr. and Mrs. John Coffin of
Portland visited Mr. Coffin's moth
Portland visited Mr. Coffin's
mother. Mrs. Lucy Coffin. Tues
day. Mr. Coffin, who is employed
by the Standard Oil company at
Portland.. is enjoying his vacation
now. They hare taken in all the
northern beaches and have also
visited relatires in Taconia, Wash
ington. C. C. Geer and daughter Ruth
-left Tuesday afternoon for Ya.
polt. Washington, for a few days
stay to attend to Mr. Geer's prop
erty there.
St. Paul
tended the Presbyterian Ladies
Aid meeting at Mrs. Noyes.
Rer. and Mrs. Henry Hanson
and son LeRoy accompanied by
Mrs. Hanson's sister, Mrs. Aid
rich, left Monday for a racation
at Kitson Springs, near Oak
ridge. Oregon. Rer. Hanson, who
is pastor of the First Presbyter
ian church here, has well earned
his three week racation, and Mrs,
Hanson hopes to improve her
health by the stay at the springs.
Supt. and Mrs. Harold R. Ol
son and son Duane of Chowchil
la, Calif., accompanied by Mrs,
Geo. W Hillis (Lillian Olson)
and Carroll Olson of Ashland.
Oregon, are visiting their sister
here. Mrs. Wayne B. Gill. ..
tiss Ava Connor, three years
domestic art teacher at Wood
burn high. wa.s in Woodburn
Thursday and Friday visiting her
many friends here while she wat
the over-night guest of Mrs. Eu
gene, Moshberger. Miss Connor
finished her summer school course
at the Vniversiiy of California
at Berkeley last week and came to
Portland by boat and has been
visiting her sister in Salem for
the pat few days, she returnea
to Salem Fridav afternoon and
then went on to Corrallis to visit
a while v.iih her parent?. i
Miss Connor hts at-ctp.ed a po
sition as don-.estic art instructor
at Chowchilla. Calif., where she :
will teach next whur. Her m?ny :
friends here will miss her ana
wih her succc s in her new po
sition. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson and
son and daughter. Bill and Eruia,
visited the beaches over ihe week
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. t.uiss anti
sons. 'Warner. Jack and Rus-sel! !
were at the beaches several days
last week. i
Mrs. J. L. Snorey and daugh- ;
tera Alice and Kathleen are
among the many tourists who are
enjoying the salt sea air at Rock
away this week.
C. J. Espey and children Kath
erine and John and Miss Henri
etta ChapeHe returned recently
from Mr. Epey's old home at
Oysterville, Wash., where they ms,nairement of its leader, George ;
visited last week. i n-j...... .nioved a picric iast
John Gow. an old resident r . prjday at the Silrerton park.;
Woodburn. but who now resides Swjrilining and a good lunch, plusj
on nis ranch at Lyon, uregon. rrm wen? the chiet '
attended to his business interests; ' Tn prebtnt includ-''
Monday. ; , R.aniev Vinton. Clareice Rick !
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dickinson j Jonn Coomler R-bert Drake.;
are entertaining an old friend ; - (, ft rl5ne and tne ;
whom they had not seen in twen- ; Wiesner. "
ty-three years. George K. rrim-j " e wlesner accompanied.
Die, wno is irom me aauau - w Banghman.
Islands. Mr. Trimble is enjoying J AncJy Md
his visit here immensely but he ; cV tu,rt
prefers living in the Islands. He i " ?en1din8 it TMirs
claims the climate is the main at- ! Lesley oder spent last Thnrs-
Hiiv in our iitriiiii uuv j "
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith and
children Jimmie. Jackie and Dav
ey. and their friend, Viola Eder.
motored to Rockawar last Friday.
They expect to stay several days.
Mrs. Albert McKay and child
ren Billy. Mary Jean and Bobbie,
left for the beach.
Mr and Mrs. E. C. Davidson
and son Earl are leaving for Sea- j
side in the morning. Thy expect j
to stay a week.
" Moiidar Mrs. Mary Faber cele- .
brated lier 74th birthday. In j
the erening the Lady foresters
gave a surprise birthday party at
her home. Mrs. Fa her received
many nice presents. The evening
was pent by playing five hund
red. Mrs. Jo?in Davidson won tne
first prize, and Mrs. Mary Faber.
second; and Mrs. L. M. Simon
their families drove to Jantien
beach last Sanday and enjoyed a
picnic and the amusements there.
Social night for the Granger
and their families is always tbe
fourth Friday evening of each
month. Tbe committee in charge
for the evening of August 23 in
cludes Helen Wiesner, Bertha
Wiesner and Ena Harmon. Plans
are being made for a wiener roast
on the lawn at the Grange ball.
Perhaps we will have marshmal
lows too. All Gingers are invited
to be present.
A visit to tbe exceptionally fine
dairy herd of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Harmon was recently made during
the milking hour.
Twenty-nine cows and heifers
are owned by the Harmons, most
of them being registered Jerseys.
The milKing is done witb a surge
machine and the milk is then sep
arated and fed to the calves and
pigs and the cream Bold to a Mt.
Angel creamery.
mt. Harmon also operates a
threshing machine and is kept
very busy these days.
Mr. and Mrs. AI Cline spent
Sunday at Longview, where they
visited their daughter, Emily
Cline Richter. Mr. Richter baa
employment in the mill at Long
view. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wiesner
and son Daryl have been enjoy
ing themselves at the northern
coast resorts the past week. Mr.
and Mrs. Gus Pagenkopf ' have
been staying at the Wiesner home
during their absence.
Catherine Bump is visiting rela
tives in Portland at present.
Miss Mildred CHnfc of Portland
has returned to her borne there
after visiting at the Cline, E. G.
Wiesner and Hynes homes in this
Miss Bertha 'Wiesher's
The tragic death of Paul Rauch
last Sunday was a great shock to
his many friends and neighbors
here. The entire community ex
tends its sympathy to the bereav
ed parents.
Mrs. Lawton Whitely and little
son Dick and Billie King, all of
Portland, were dinner guests last
Tuesday at the A. B. Wiesner
Among the North Howell peo
ple who attended the. Pomona
Grange picnic at Silrerton last
Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Thom
as Bump and family, Mr. and Mrs.
E. G. Wiesner, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
chie Wiesner and family, Mrs.
George Vinton and Miss Ellen.
Mr. and Mrs. WiUard Stevens and
Miss Bertha Wiesner.
The usual delicious grange din
ner, a good program, swimming
and visiting were enjoyed by er-efvone.
. o
E. F. Wallace left Monday for
Kansas for a six weeks' visit witb
Bern ice Chastian of North San
tiam spent several days this week
at tbe W. B. Powell borne.
Tbe funeral of the 16 days old
infant of Mr. and Mrs. Sheets of
Newberg was held here Monday
morning at Mrs. Sheets' mother's,
Mrs. Parsons.
E. U. Greer of Salem, was in
town on business Wednesday.
Robert Howard of Junction
City, who has been employed by
J. M. Rones, was badly hurt Sun
day while rldlnc a motorcycle. It
Gerbon Donker left Tuesday for a
two weeks' vacation at Newport.
Mrs. Millie Martin is having ber
house shingled this week.
Mrs. C. Thomas and small son
are here visiting her sister, Mrs.
L. L. Hirtzel for a few days.
Myrtle and John Powell spent
the weekend in West Salem with
their brother, Willard Powell and
The Kentucky. Wonder Jbean
harvest is in full swing here this
O - O
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, of Portland spent Sunday at the
little. S. R. Tandy borne, the guests of
Miss Theluia Barnett who Is Mr8 jf. . Hutchings.
worklng-in Salem, spent Sunday T-Blie chiles returned Wednes-
at the home of her Barents. Mr. . , , v-
and Mrs. Harry Barnett. ! y Irom M1"on- -' V . "
v n u nnit. !c at the ; has been assisting bis uncle htb. fi
home of bis daughter. Mrs. Archie ?"?5:u .
uncle, Mr. and Mrs.. Wilson, and
then went on to Salem where his
mother resides.
JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs.
G. B. Roland and family. Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Roland of Jefferson
and Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Roland of
Miss Rinski, Ed Gilbert and ! will be some weeks before he will
V. . i i I 1 v ; 1 i . ! J I M i I . ;
Dr. and Mrs, Mary Hayter re
turned Sunday from a week spent
at their cottage at Nelscott. Miss
Julia Nunn returned with them
after spending a few days at Taft
with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ellis.
H. L. McMurphy is on a visit
to his father at Carey, Wash. G.
L. McMurphy Is a watchman for
a lumber company.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Gerlinger
and sons. Fred and Frank, have
returned from a motor trip to var
ious California points. Frank
Cerny accompanied them to drive
the car. .
Miss Ruth Murray of Portland
visited with her, parents, Mr. and
Mrsj -Murray on Sundtji 4,
MirrtHa telephone opjtatbtiii
the rjddd flamaritan hospfjaflj i f
Miss Lucille Rae, organist at
the Majestic theatre, made a short
visit to her father at Rose Lodge
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Grind
helm hare returned from a motor
trip that took them to The Dal
les, Pendleton, La Grande, Burns,
Bend and Klamath Falls.
be able to work.
The North Dakota picnic was
held Sunday at. the Christian tab
ernacle grounds. Charles Stand
ley of Turner serving as presi
dent. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Martin of
Moscow, Idaho, arrired Wednes
day for a week-end vij-it with Mrs.
Martin's mother, Mrs. Jane Wat
son. The school house is being paint
ed. Geo. Bergoin of Salem has
the contract,
Motier Harve and son Chester
came over from Newport on bus
iness connected with the Mat tie
E. Harve estate.
Mrs. Neal Edwards of Salem
called at the home of her uncle,
Arthur Edwards Friday.
The friends of Mr. Chas. Stand-
ley are glad to see he is able to j
be about town again.
Lars Larson is visaing Turner j
friends this week. He expects to
soon occupy his former home near i
Fargo. i
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillette and j
young daughter Rosella of Port- I
land spent Sunday with Mr. and :
Mrs. E. C. Bear. !
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Funstin, Mr. j
and Mrs. Thos. Littl", Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Titus and children
attended the. county grange picnic
alues to be had at
Marion enjoyed a trip to Cascadia
Mrs. A. L. Chute who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. S. E.
Hensn for several weeks, left for
Caldwell. Idaho. Saturday, where
she will spend the fall and winter
with her daughter. Mrs. H. F. Al-
tig and family. !
Mrs. Rose Buchanan was the j
guest of her daughter. Edith Kro- I
schel in Albany over the week-end j
and on Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Em- j
met Buchanan of Albany, took j
Mrs. Krosebel and Mrs. Buchanan
to Cascadia to spend the day at ;
rhe springs. .
vour face is
THEN you must keep your skin toft
and smooth with an emollient
cream which is non-fattening. Dorothy
Cnt'i TUiiv Csrim it rvactlv thit.
at Silverton Sundsri iiililiill ili Vs4c4e6ur skin Ts iocboed to be
1 O T. Union fftTmfrT r OT r J
Mrs. S. L. Hulen. formerly
Shaw.-hasTnored to Turner.
JEFFERSON, August 17 Mr.
and Mrs. S. R. Tandy. Mrs. M. A.
Hutchings and daughter Sarah
Margaret motored to Holly Thurs-
Kenneth Dunkleberger of Port- ! la? ,wh"e they enjoyed the day
land, who ls xattending summer , rismng Mr. nu
cwi at Mnnmonth JUt Batnr. i Mrs. Fruit is a, former resident
day and Sunday with his aunt, i
oily. Tissue Crcua keeps your lace
smooth and unlined without increas
ing its natural oils.
At aur ToiUt Goods DtpartmenS
$1.00 $1.75 $2.75 $4.50
AUMSVILLE. Aug. 17. The
annual borne coming picnic was
held Sunday in Highberger s grove
with about the usual amount of
old residents present. Dinner was
served on the grounds and an en
jovable day of visiting spent.
Mrs. Blanche Albright and ehil
dre nreturned home Friday after
spending the summer with Mr. Al
bright in eastern Oregon.
Mrs. E. Means of Drain came
Saturday for a visit at the A. J.
Richards home and visiting old
friends here. Mrs. Means was a
Mrs. W. L. Soebren. He will teach
in the Portland schools this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craven
returned Sunday from a vacation
trip spent a tNewport.
Mrs. Ray Scott and children left
on Sunday for a visit with her
sister. Mrs. Gavin, and sister.ln
law. Mrs. Ralph McCollum,
Mrs. J. C. Tracy and daughter
Patricia returned on Sunday after
spending a week at Newport as a
guest of Mrs. V. C. Staats. !
o - o ;
of Jefferson.
Ernest Powell, rural mail car
rier, is taking a two weeks vaca
tion, and Clarence Clodfelter. sub
stitute mail carrier, is delivering
the mail.
The Misses Virginia and Laura
Mason attended a birthday din
ner at Albany Thursday, honoring
jn I their uncle, D. P. Mason's 83rd
Mr. and Mrs.
Capital Drug Store
405 State
J. W. Hutchings
Mr. and Mrs. Colby and family
of Indianapolis, Ind.. are here vis
iting Mr. Colby's uncle, Henry
: crn tlio hnnliv Lunch was Eerv-i
i- midnight Airs. Faber is i resident here for several years.
i also the oldest member of the
i lodge.
Manr of the St. Paul people
attended the Woodburn picnic
given last Sunday.
Miss Louise Faber is visiting
with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Sei
fert. of Ryderwood, Washington.
The flax crop is almost com
pleted and threshing is now in
full swing. Many of the farmers
are going to start picking their
blackberies this week.
o s
TURNER. August 17 Miss
Thelma Delzell and her sister. ;
Mrs. Donald Fehlan, came up
from California by stage this .
week for a visit with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Delzell. ;
Mrs. L. Hutchens of near Mc
Minnville is at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. E.- S. Prather who
is confined to her home on ac
count of sickness.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purdy are
at the coast for Mr. Purdy's
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gunning
rlsited at the Geo. Moore home in
Salem Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Doran of
Salem spent Saturday evening at
HEMORRHOIDS (or Piles) can be cured by a few
PAINLESS treatments.
No hospital, no pain, no cutting, no burning,
no loss of time.
Dr. Agnes Lewis Dr. Henry Lewis
4C8 Ortson Building, SALEM, OREGON
North Howell
Tbe Corn club, under the a-:uve
Mrs. Hiram Overton is serious
ly ill with erysipelas which she
contracted from her son, Roy
Smith, whom she visited some
time ago.
Mrs. Charles Gorman of Port
land is visiting at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L-Bohn.
Miss Hazel Gooch. daughter of I
ing old acquaintances and tuning!
Picking of evergreen blackber
ries will begin here early next
week. J. S. Coomler. S. C. Rick
ard and K. D. Coomler each have
several acres of these berries
trained and prunes and they are
sold to Salem canneries.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rickard and
Mrs. Crystal Gooch of Donald, and i Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Coomler and
Announcment. . .
am opening a Pliotographic Studio
at 442 State Street, over Gray Belle
All kinds of portrait work - Kodak
Film developing free
Open for business Monday, Aug. 19
A. M. Eby
Former Owner of DeLuxe Studio, Salem
If s Fun for Two
Weeks But When
it Comes to Camp
ing Out the Year
That is a different story. The
bed and dresser that do "iot
match or are at best rather
chipped and scarred pieces of
mid-Victorian art . . . those
things have no place in a
HOME. Dq today what you
have been planning to do for a
long time--discard that old
"camp equipment" and come
in and see the new fall fashions
in bedroom suites.
I 1
340 Court St. '
Table Mod SS
Cm A.C. tabaa, IrtOitji
tobe, ksa tabes.
Thrill to the
new Magic!
QCKHN-GBrD ! Astounding new
w principle of radio applied
by Atwater Kent with unbeliev
able results. Old words like
"tone,'' "selectivity" and "dis
tance" blaze up with new mean
ing. The power and reach of a
giant with a voice like a
beavenly choir . . .Words can'r
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