The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1929, Page 20, Image 20

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, Angnst 18, 1929
Answers Framed in Weekly Report From Oregon State
Highway Commission
Pacific Highway
Portland-Oswego - Oregon
Ealem-Albany-Harrlsburg-J unction
Clty-Eugene-Cottage Grove-Grants
Pass-Medford-Asfcland - California
State Line: Paved.
Charm of Oregon's, great out-of-doqrs
is calling to tne tourists of
tae state and the attraction of the
highways and the byways of the
state loom large. This week's re
port on the condition of the road
present highway but occasionally
diverted over detour for short
Paving operations under way
tetween Canemah and New Era.
South bound traffic routed over
West Side Pacific Highway
Portland-Newberg-McMinnville -
Corvallis-Junction City -Eugene:
Columbia River Highway
Astoria-Rainler-St. Helens-Portland:
Paved. Portland-Heod River
-The Dalles: Paved. The Dalles
Arlington - Umatilla: Oiled ma
cadam. Oiling operations under
way between The Dalles and the
Deschutes river.
Old Oregon Trail
TJmatilla-Pendleton-La. Grande-BakerHuntington-Ontarlo:
Oilmg operations under way be
tween the Union county line ana
Baker, and between Pendleton
and Meacnam.
Roosevelt Coast Highway
Clataop, Tillamook and Lin cob
Astoria-Seaside: Paved.
Seaside-Mohler- Brighton - Lake
Lytle - KockafflfjCaflbalftp
Citr-Wllson iMtrl if a4a 4H f9
lng operations under way between
Cannon Beach Junction ana nam
let Junction. '
Wilson River-Tillamook-Beaver:
Part paved, part macadam
Beaver-Hebo - Neskowin - Devils
Laka-Silett River -Otter Rock-
Kewport Macadam.
Roosevelt Coast Highway
Douglas, Coos and Carry Counties
Reedsport-Lakeside-North Bend:
Macadam. Free ferry across Coos
Bay,. 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. Road
Road from Drain to Reedsport
open and in fair condition.
North Bend - Marshfield - Co
Qullle: Paved.
Cooullle-Bandon-Port Orford
Gold Beach-Brookings-Callfornla
State Line: Macadam.
Free ferry across Rogue river
at Gold Beach, 7 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Coos Bay-Roseburg Highway
Junction Pacific Highway-Myrtle
Point-CoQuille: Macadam. Sur
facing under way between Endi
cott creek and Mystic creek.
Oiling operations under way be
tween Roseburg and bridge.
Green Springs Highway
Junction Pacific Highway-Keno
Klamath Falls: Macadam.
Sioslaw Highway
Junction Pacific Highway-Ches-hlre-Goldson
- Blachly - Ralnrock -
Mapleton: Macadam.
Mapleton-Florence: Dirt road.
Impassable in wet weather. Oiling
operations under way between
Cheshire and Blachly.
Corvallis-Xewport Highway
Corvallis-Philomath- Eddyville -Toledo-Newport:
Macadam. Re
surfacing work under way on
Kline Hill Section. Loose gravel,
drive carefully.
Tualatin Valley Highway
Portland-HUlsboro-Forest Grove
Carlton-McMlnnville: Paved.
Mt. Hood Highway
Portland - Government Camp
Flood River: Paved to Multnomah
county line, balance oiled macad
am. Klamath Falls-Lakeriew
1 Highway
Klamath Kails-Bonanza: Mac
' adam.
Bonanza-Lorens mil: Newly
graded market road . In rough
- Lorens Mill Beatry-Lakeview :
The Dalles-California Highway
Tber Dalies-Dufur-Maupln-Was-'
co County Llne-Madras-Redmond-Bend-Lapine-Cheseent-Fort
Falls: Oiled ma
cadam. : Klamath Falls-Merrill-Callfor-'
aia State line: Macadam. Con
; structlon operations under way
between Klamath Falls and Lake
View Junction
: Oregon-Washington Highway
Pendleton-Washington State
Line: Paved. Pendleton-Pllot
Kock-Heppner-Ione-Heppner Junc
tion: Macadam.
McHianvllle-Tillaraook Highway
McMlnnvllle-Sherldan: Paved.
Sheridan-WlUamina-Grane Ronde-
Hebo: Oiled macadam.
Fremont Highway-Bend-Laplne:
Oiled macadom.
Lapine-S liver Lake-Summer
Lake; Unimproved dirt road
Ekimmeh Lake-Paisley: Nine
- miles, macadam, 18 miles fair
dir road.
liakeview-New Pine Creek-Call
xorc'.a state Line Partly mac-
adgmized, balance fair dirt road.
' Central Oregon Highway
Bend-Burns: First 12 miles un
der. construction, traffic detoured
over Bend-Burns road, fair condi
tion: 127 miles fair dirt road.
Eurns-Cranc: Macadam. Burns-
Vale via Drewsey; Earth road.
I John Day Highway
i jflLrlington-Condon-Fossil-Spray
; Dajville-Mt. Vernon-Jolm Day
Prairie City-Austln-U nit y-Iron
aide-Cow Valley-Brogan-Jamiesnn
Yafo-Ontarlo: Macadam.
. lodmond-Prineville-M 1 1 e hell:
itchell-Antone-Dayvllle: Dirt
fair condition. : ''
Sherman Highway
Biees-Waseo-Moro-Grasa Yallev-
Kent-Shaniko-Junction The Dalles-
California Highway: Macadam
Reconstruction operations between
MoTp and Grass Valley. Through
travel advised to use The Dalles-
California highway.
Crater Lake Highway
Med ford-Trail- prospect - Union
Creek-Fort- Klamath Junction:
Oiled macadam.
La Grande-Wallowa Lake
La Grande-Island City: Paved.'
Island City-Elgin-Minam-Wallo-wa
- Lostine - Enterprise - Joseph
Resurfacing under way between
Lostine and. Enterprise.
Raker-Cornucopia Highway
Baker-Halfway: 30 miles mac
adam and 30 miles graded road
bed, good condition.
Road to Oregon Caves
Grants Pass-Deer Creek-Kerby-California
State Line: Macadam.
From state line to Crescent City,
50 miles macadam.
Kerby-Oregon Caves: 10 miles
macadam, 9 miles dirt road.
McKenzle Highway
McKenzie pass is O K
Baier-L'nlty Highway
Baker-Unity: 25 miles mac
adam, 21 miles cushioned road
bed. Good condition.
Pendleton-John Day Highway
Pendleton-Pilot Rock - Lazinka
ranch: Macadam.
. Lazinka Ranch-Al bee: Graded
road open for travel.
Albee-Uklah: Surfaced.
Uklab-Ritterc Rocgh mountain
road, steep grades.
Ritter-Mt. Vernon: Partially
graded and surfaced, fair condi
tion. .
To Lewlston, Idaho
Enterprise -Flora: Improved
road to Paradlsef -remaining sec
tion rough country road to Ana-
Oiled macad-
Hill: Gravel
Albany-Lebanon :
Shea's Hlll-Cascadia: Macadam,
road impassable between Cascadia
and Ranger Station, 3 miles.
Willamette Highway
Gosh en-Lowell: - Macadam.
Lowell-Oakrldge: Rough but
Albany-Co rrallis Highway
Albany-Corvallis: Paved.
Alsea Highway
Junction Corvallis - Newport
HIghway-Alsea: Oiled macadam.
Alsea-Tidewater-Waldport: Ma
cadam. All oiling operations so conduct
ed that there is no splashing of
The Pacific Highway Is In good
condition to California points, re
ports the Touring Bureau of the
Oregon State Motor Association,
being paved throughout Oregon
and then oil and had-surfaced the
remainder of the way south with
the exception of a short detour
of eight miles where new con
struction workHs being carried
on between Weed and Gazelle.
The detour is a little, narrow and
dusty and motorists are cautioned
to drive carefully. Very little in
convenience and delay eauel hv
I Ancient Custom Bows to Nash "400"
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Fo centarles before the death of Dr San Tat Sea, China's great men have been borne to their final rest
ing places on the shoulders of worshipful coolies. It was little lees than revolutionary when the rever
ential throngs lining the route to Purple Mountain, near Nanking, watched the impressive funeral train
of the father of the Chinese Republic and founder of Kownlntang, make its way over a newly laid con
crete highway to the sacred mowntain with a Nash "400" fnneraj ear bearing; the body- ! their late
leader. - The plctnre shows the special Sash funeral car, covered with symbolical Chinese funeral dec
orations, proceeding to the mountain services. Diplomatic representatives from, come nineteen conn,
tries joined Chinese officialdom in paying their respects to Dr. Sen's memory.
the detour and the road is in ex.
cellent condition throughout.
9 tmi
Tires and ignition systems
cause motorists the most trouble,
according to an analysis Just com-
s answered 'by emer
gency road service departments of
the 1071 clubs affiliated with the
American Automobile Association.
The Oregon State Motor Associa
tion, Three A. club in this state,
reports a similar trend in its ren
dering of statewide Free Emer
gency Road Service to members.
During 1928, A. A. A. clubs
handled 226,236 requests for, tire
help, 183,031 summons because
of faulty ignition, towed 95,050
cars and took gas to 32,207
stranded motorists. Among oth
er important calls were::
Stareer 82,481; battery 13,
829; wrecks 28,279; carburetor
18,853; stuck in mud 17,282;
miscellaneous 14,140; gas line
14,139; frozen 3,928; brakes 3,
142; lights 2,357 and glass 788.
Calls for tires and ignition re
present 52.1 per cent of all emer.
gency service requests, while the
"big seven" combination, includ
ing tires, ignition, tow, starter,
battery, out of gas and wrecks re
presents 90.5 per cent. ,
The Redwood and Roosevelt
highways are in excellent condi
tion and each is carrying an in
creased portion of summer traf
fic according to the Touring
Bureau of the Oregon State Mo
tor Association which points out
that this scenic route is now prac
tically a hard surface road the
entire distance from Reedsport
to San Francisco or from Grants
Pass to San Francisco. Tourists
are inquiring; regarding the cona
tion of- this -read and -greatly
increasing number are using It as
an alternate route to the Taclfic
highway In going to or returning
All roads to Crater Lake 'are
from California points.
now poen' and reported in very
good condition with the exception
of the road around the rim of the
crater which is still blocked by
snow and probably will not be
available until late In July, re
ports the Touring Bureau of the
Oregon State Motor Association.
Adoption of the strongest pro
gram of motoring policies in be
half of organized automobile
owners in its hsltory featured the
27th annual convention of the
American Automobile Association
In Buffalo, N. Y., last week, ac
cording to word received by the
Oregon State Motor Association.
According to -the reports wir
ed to the Motor Association,, the
platform of the A. A. A. for the
ensuing year will feature:
1. Appointment of a commit
tee to conduct a nation-wide in
vestigation of the tendency to in
crease motor vehicle taxation and
the practice In many states of di
verting motor vehicle and gaso
line taxes to other than highway
ill B
FLINT. Mich., Aug. 16. Pro
duction at the plants of the Bulck
Motor company Is being rapidly
stepped up to meet the demand
for the new 1930 models, which
were Introduced to the public in
a nation-wide display on July 27.
Reports from dealers throughout
America indicate that interest in
the new line is running unusually
high and that sales are being
made in greater volume than at
any time in recent years.
Bulck's output for the month
of July reached 25,695 cars and
officials state that, in gearing the
production to meet the sales de
mand, It will be necessary to
boost the output even more dur
ing the month of August. Upwards
of two million persons saw the
1930 Buicks in the larger cities
on the day the cars were shown
for the first time.
Associated Press Automobile
cheaper method of building con
crete highways Is sought by the
United States bureau of public
The bureau is building a nine
foot concrete road a mile and' a
half long at its experimental lab
oratory here. This road will never
bear traffic. It will be cut up for !
testing speciments as to their'
strength and wearing qualities. !
. When the tests are completed !
engineers of the bureau hope to ;
show that the prevailing mixtures j
used In making concrete for high- ;
ways may be modified by using;
larger proportion of gravel, slag :
or crushed stone, and at the same '.
time, result in stronger and more
durable pavements. j
This, the bureau points out. :
would effect a great saving in;
highway construction costs as the '
principal item of expense for ma-'
f terlals is the cost of concrete.
The prevailing mixture for con- !
crete pavements is one part of ce
ment to two parts of sand and
three and a halt parts, of coarse
material. Engineers of the bureau
believe a saving of 11,000. a mile
in the' cost of concrete highways
will be effected if (be proportion
of coarse material can be increas
ed to four and a half parts.
.The test road is made in 10
foot sections, eac hcontaining a
different, kind, amount or size of
coarse material and a different
amount of water. Mixing, pour
ing and finishing is being done in
accordance with modern paving
t -After the slabs are cured they
.wilibe drilleW for 'test cores' and
also will be sawed into beams for
bending tests. .
the department says, resulting In
less breakage of. the pavement
More than J.000 miles cf the
5,000 miles of hard surfaced high
ways in Ohio were painted with
the center line-last year, andthis
year 20,000 gallons of white
paint are being used in striping
the roads at a cost of six-tenths
of a eentTi foet.
A specially prepared, quick dry
ing, durable paint is applied by a
machine. One gallon of paint
makes from 7 50. to 950 feet of 4'V
inch stripe, depending upon the
type of pavement .
-The paint Is applied in broken
lines because of the lessened ex
pense and because the lines show
up btter that wa-at" plght. Auto
mobile headlights clearly bring
out tha continuation of the line
after, an open '-space." Both white
and black lines are used, the white
on dark or discolored pavements
and the black o n light concrete
1 Of
Highways are made from 25 to 50
per cent safer by a painted center
line, the traffic bureau of the
Ohio state highway department
In addition, the traffic bureau
has found that the coet of main
tenance of highway Bhoulders has
been materially reduced. Driving
on the shoulders of roads as cars
pass has been virtually eliminated,
We Suggest
A Trip to ono of? tho
Tillamooli Coaches
Leave Salem on the west side highway and go to RJcrreall and
amity. At Amity take the cutoff to BeUevue and Sheridan 84
miles from Salem. Prom here follow the coast road on to Hebo
71 miles from Salem. Go straight ahead at Hebo on SO miles
to Tillamook. From Tillamook it la 68 miles to Netarts and i-8
miles to Oceanside. There are many beautiful beaches within
1 15 miles radius of Tillamook.
i it
J II 1 r
I J . T J ' Jfl 'L! L C - - - - '
Your trip will not be marred
by tire trouble if you have
Miller's on your car.
Her Tire Service Co.
197 So. Commercial Street PHONE SIS
Us fie
The advantages of our conveniently locat
ed Super Unit right down town across
from the city hall where you may have day
or night call and deliver service. Every
thing right at hand; Vulcanizing and tire
service, your car washed clean, polished to
look Kke new, a thorough grease job by an
experienced mechanic, your tires ihflated
to the right pressure at our Automatic air
Brake belt and ignition service in
charge of Mike Panek and Chet Starr.
Sure Tough!
Here's a tire that's bigger
that's better and Seiber
llng has pat a tread on this
Special Service Tire that's
tougher than anything we've
ever met In the tire busi
ness! And we back it up with a
Protective Service Plan
which guards you for a
whole year against farther
tire expense due to accidents
to this tire. "
We carry an sizes of re
placement Balloons for your
high pressure Tires without
change of wheels.
i xl il ynW
Zi . is
Qrmtest success . ,
in mII B
rack kistfM
. - and
High St.
More people have purchased New Buicks during the past
two weeks than in any similar period of any previous year
The New Bulck with Body by Fisher has met with a
veritable landslide of public demand. Many
purchased before ever seeing the car many thousands
of others placed their orders the first few days it
was on display other thousands have been taking
demonstrations and then making Buick their choice.
More Buick owners have entered orders more men
and women who owned other cars have turned to
Buick more people who formerly paid from "$ 1 OOO
to $2000 higher for their automobiles have purchased
Buicks than ever before during a similar period in
Buick's twenty-six year history.
The total demand during these two weeks is from three
to five times as great as that for any other automohUm
priced gbovf $1200.
Popularity so overwhelming carries an unmistakable
message to every prospective motor car buyer: See
the new Buick drive it compare it and you'll
quickly discover that it's the greatest dollar-for-dollar
value in.. the entire quality field.
Vhham if Gtmtrat Mttan
Canadian Factories BoiMcrt of
McLaoshlia-Bwck. Oshawa. One. Back d Maaiaettc Metoc Can
118 Wheelbase Models 1225 to 1295 124' Wheelbase Models 1465 to 1495
132 Wheelbase Models 1525 to 1995
i at W fa Hal 11. Spa Hal mmutpmamt nt
Bniett ATI. eicj prices iadade ooty i
flam. aanid tha
388 N. Commercial Telephone 220