The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1929, Page 17, Image 17

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Automotive and
Building New of
Interest Locally
Talk of the Road
News of the Day for Mo
torisU and Outdoors folk
Automotive Information
Salem, Oregon, Sanday Morning, Angus. 18. 1S29
I . I - ' ' '.
New Creations Will Seek to
Lower Speed Records on
Florida Beach
pe in
Routes of the Air Mail
t: -
This resort's natural speedway,
according to earrent reports, will
be the scene next spring of farth
er assaults' on the world's speed
record. . - .
New speed creations 7 designed
by American end : forelga' tntomo
tire engineers are being groomed
In a further effort to eclipse the
world mark of 2J1.3S2 miles an
hoar. That was the mark set upon
the sands last year by the British
racer. Sir Henry Segrare. in his
Golden Arrow. . It stands as the
fastest speed at T which , man has
traveled in an automobile.
Three weeks In March has been
set as the time for trials which
will be supervised by the Ameri
can automobile association's con
test board.
Undeterred by the tragedy last
spring when Lee Bible was killed
while attempting toimaka a ree
ord in tfcift S6-cylindUjftfeilei of
J. M. "Wffte of PhUkUttk, Jhsj
latter has saia no win iry again to
build a car which wlleatahlish a
new record.
Other Americans reported to be
contemplating an effort to cap
ture the laurels from the British
er are J. C. Sockwell of Miami,
the Duesenberg brothers of Indi
anapolis and Harry Miller of Los
Several foreign threats to speed
supremacy loom. One report is
that a car designed by Louis Coat
alen, European automotive engi
neer, will be driven by Kaye Don,
English driver. It Is designed for
a speed well in xcess of 280
miles an hour.
Capt- Malcolm Campbell, an
other Britisher is said to be pre
paring for another assault on the
straightaway record, but his at
tempt likely will', bo .made In Af
rica. Among others reported to b&
preparing cars for jiiglv spcd !
trials here are Major Berkardl of !
Italy and the nianufacturerj cf j
the Bugatti car. I
"While such attempts may not
bring direct returns to the auto
mobile industry," saxsfj&f contest
board, "the construction of a car
which will better the existing
straightaway record will represent
the pinnacle of honor for a design
er rhose tralni.3 and rr.lue to the
industry will be enhanced tremendously."
f a
eard AJon
Auto Row
Cut Courtesy Boeing Air Transport Co.
f t it
Bert Ellis, assistant used car
manager for the Valley Motor
company, left Wednesday for
DePoe Bay where he will spend
his vacation. .
Douglas McKay launched his
new motorboat in the Willamette
recently. The 21 foot vessel Is
equipped with an outboard motor,
I3 painted Chevrolet blue and
white, and has not yet been chris
tened. McKay Is the second -auto
mobile dealer in Salem to. take a
real interest in this Bport; W. L.
Anderson, DeSoto and Willys
Knight dealer, has a 10-foot
speed boat on the river.
R. E. Thompson, well-known
Salesi automobile salesman, has
recently joined the ranks of the
Baick salesmen wtih the Otto J.
Wilson Motor company.
Motor chambtr members last
summer established new produc
tion records for that "Season of
the year. While there has been
some moderation of output this
summer with certain larger fac.
tories slowed down for the intro
duction of new models, the total
for the year I3 to date, and is ex.
pected to continue to be above
all preceding years."
Steve Mollnr-r, formerly of
Longvierr, Washington, is new
office manager at the Douglas
McKay Chevrolet company.
Edith Shantz i3 taking
care of the switchboard at the
Valley Motor company while Ma
cyle Hunter is spending her vacai
tion at the coast.
Mark Waldespel, formerly with
the Capital Super Service station,
last week accepted a position as
bookkeeper with W. L. Anderson,
E. L. Kollenborn, Chevrolet
factory representative for thL$
district who makes his home in
Salem, left last week for Detroit
where he will attend the largest
meeting of Chevrolet factory rep,
rcsentatives ever held. Every
factory representative will be
there, and the millionth six cylin
der Chevrolet manufactured r.ince
January first will be on exhibition.
A Washington. Court House.
Ohio, baker delivers bread already
Ben Drager, Valley Motor
salesman, returned last , week
from a vacation trip to Crater
Pacific Air Transport Planes
Link States of Pacific Coast
Run of 1 1-00 Miles Covered in 1 2 Hours on
Regular Flying Schedules by Boeing Planes
-bais.. .-thA Ol&HIftHti .Belnap
Springs, aaul liasf fiakfe! 5whero
he reports fine fishing.
J. L. Loder spent four days
of the past week at Cannon
Beach and returned to Salem Frl.
day leaving his family to spend
the remainder of the summer
there. Mr. Loder drove a Graham
Paige four-speed (15 which had
previously been driven only 225
miles, for 391 miles and averaged
22 miles to the gallon of gas.
This was Mr. Loder's first oppor.
tunity to personally test this
model and he says he is not only
pleased but "immensely bopped
up" over the record made.
Kirk Wright, used car manager
for the past year with the Doug
las McKay Chevrolet company,
left last week to enter the gro
cery business in Portland.
About Ckmps an
The campers jou like to follow:
Born all papers aad other
combustible refase.
Bury cans, bottles and other
things which will not burn.
Pull teat stakes.
Leave a little firewood.
Keep the water supply pure.
Do not deface signs nor mar
green trees.
Are careful with their
Drown their camp fire OUT.
Briefly they leave a safe,
clean and orderly camp.
A person can ride farther for a
nickel in New York than any city
in the United States.
Performance and Operating
Economy Help Boost Sales
of Whippet Four
Ease of handling aad speedy
performance la traffic, besides
economy in operating costs, have
played an Important part In the
record reception acocrded the Su
perior Whippet fours this year,
according to reports received by
th Willys-Orelantf company
from dealers.
Of course, the present model Is
somewhat heavier aad roomier
than la the trade. Although ao
drastic changes have been mads
in the Whippet tour rate of top
speed and pick-up that has made
it a dominant sales factor ia the
trade. Although no drastic
changes hare been made In the
Whippet four engine, a number
of refinements and minor Im
provements account for Its fa
creased power. The stroke In the
present motor has been increased
three-eighths of an tach with the
iorfyfaaalnih? ip.e4aink Besides
I he' Increase -in. Che !Mtb the
compression ratio has also been
boosted from the old ratio of 6
to 1 to a new one of S.5 to 1.
How this added power Is Im
portant In climbing steep grade,
besides that of speed, is indicated
by the results attained in test3
conducted by WlBys-Overland en
gineers. A Whippet four sedar
carried three passengers up
the Sycamore Street hill In Cin
cinnati; me passengers up Look
out Mountain near Chattanooga:
five passengers up Signal Moun
tain, Chattanooga; and four pass
engers up Cove or Tuscarora
Mountain at Chambersburg, Pa.
An important fact about the
Whippet four, too. Is that the
second gear is considerably fast
er than In preceding models. This
is consistent with the modern
trend which enables a car to get
away rapidly In a traffic jam.
m X
on the Ghevrolet cStx
4 - Z;20 (extra cost
In keeping with the progressive
policies that have carried Chev
rolet to record-breaking heights
of success the new Chevrolet
Six is now made available in a
wide variety of colors at no
extra cost.
Still further enhancing the in
herent beauty of the marvelous
bodies by Fisher, these striking
new colors give to the Chevrolet
Six an order of smartness unap
proached in any other low
priced car in the world.
And when you drive the Chev
rolet Six, you will realize that its
performance is equally as out
standing as its beauty. It flashes
away at the traffic signal. It tops
the steepest hills with an abun
dant reserve of power. The
steering wheel responds to your
slightest touch. And the quiet,
non-locking, four-wheel brakes
are unusually quick and positive
Come in today. See this sensa
tional Chevrolet Six which
actually sells in the price range
of the four.
We prove why Goodyears
are superior
Cities fn Oregon. .Washington
and California are drawn closely
together by Boeing -mail-passenger
planes, flving over,, the coast
route of Tacific Atr transport, a
unit of Boeinc System, which ex
tends1 from Seattle to Los An
geles. The entire lin of 1100
miles is covered by the speedy
planes in approximately 12 hours.
The coast line of Boeing sys
tem Is the second longest daily
operated mail stretch In the na
tion, ranking second -only to the
Chlcago-San Franelaco line of
Boeing system, which Is the- long
est, dally operated route in the
world. Lea Tins Seattle at 2 p. m.
each afternoon, the Boeing four
passenger mail-passenger 5 plane
flies to Tacoma and oa to Port
land, arriving at the Swan Island
airport one hour and one-half
after the Seattle take-off. Accord
ing to the revised schedule of
Pacific Air Transport, the Boe
ing plane takes off from Portland
at 7:25 a. m.. the new time being.
more than one hour faster than
the old schedule.
As the Boeing plane soars over
Stiver ton, Salem.-may be seen 12
miles to the west the only large
city Tlsible fromjhlf point. The
flight is.' continueas ioieaiora,
whAr the nilotJands'fothe re-
plenishment of this gasoline sup.
From Medford, the route fol
lows a southerly direction into
California and to Ran jTancisco,
and the plane lands lit the Oak.
land airport, which is the main
base of operations for Pacific Air
. Transport planes. The Boeing
' School of Aeronautics .Js located
at the Oakland field. The landing
at Oaklanjd is made at noon.
Leaving Oakland, the P..A.-T.
mail-passenger plane touches at
Fresno and Bakersfleld, and fl-
nally lands at Los Angeles at 5
p. m; On the northbound trip, ac
cording to the new ; schedule.
Vhlch dropped one hour and 45
minutes from the Los Angeles
Seattle schedule, the plane takes
off at 11:45 p. m. Twelve hours
and fifteen minutes later, at 12
noon. It lands at Boeing 'field in
Seattle. Train time for this trip Is
from 40 to 43 hours.
The scenery of the Pacific Air
Transport route over Washing
ton. Oregon and California is In.
nationally famous, and is best
appreciated from the cabin of a
Pacific Air Transport plane. This
route has made Pacific coast cit
ies neighbors by hours instead of
days, and It is continually im
proving its service. The Boeing
planes accommodate four pass,
engers in the cabins, and are
flown by experienced pilots with
the regularity of railroad trains.
Boeing mail pilots have from
2.000 to S.000 hours -of flying.
Their experience assures safety
la flying, and they never Indulge
in stunting.
The P.-A.-T. planes are - the
type which Boeing System has
flown more than six million miles
during the past 25 months, a na
tional record. Nearly SO per"ernt
of the total air mail of the nation
is flown In Boeing marl planes,
which have achieved a remark
able record for safety" and; de
pendability. Boeing System has recently an
nounced an installation of radio,
phone equipment along the Pa
cific Coast route, to be started
immediately. These ground radio,
phone stations, which will be lo
cated at Intervals along the line,
will permit operators to converse
with Boeing pilots as high as 12.
000 feet and as distant as 200
miles. Thus the P-A.-T. pilots
will be is constant touch with the
ground, and will continually re
ceive weather reports and flight
instructions. The Boeing-developed
radiophone equipment, which
Is 1 already In operation on the
transcontinental" route, greatly
Increases the aafery of air travel
WE'RE always glad to meet the man whose
opinion is that "All tires are about alike."
We have the means of demonstrating: and proving
to him that Goodyear Tires are definitely superior tq
any other kind.
The next pleasant surprise we give him is that Good
years cost no more to buy. And that our complete
tire service, which backs up every sale, saves him
ThereTl be no "errors" in tire-buying chalked up
against you if you see us first.
Attractive Low
Goodyear Pathfinder
Superior to many makers'
highest priced tires. Usual
first quality standard fife-
time guarantee. Valaea
possible by Good year's great
er production, which towers
Full Oversize Balloons
20x4.4Q f53
80x4.50 ............ e.&T
80x5.00 ............ BJtS
31x3.20 ............10.20
BlxO.00 ...18.40
88x6.00 ...13.70
Big Oversize Cords
80x3 W CI. Reg 9AM
30x3 H CI. Oversize .. 5.10
31x4 as. 8.00
82x4 89, 0.00
S2x4H 13.45
All other suet at similar
low prices
Put "Puncture
Money9 into
New Goodyears
Why Buffer delays aad spend more aeay far
avactares and repairs taaa Tear eld tires are
worth ? Well take them off at fall raise mw
and put en safe, new, trouble-free Cedyesr.
Trade Your Troublesome Tire
. Goodyear Double Eagles
Goodyear Heavy Duty AQ-Weathen
Goodyear Reg. All-Weathers
(Master means all heads under one control)
Telephone 66 North Commercial at Center
The Roadster, $525; The Phaeton, $525; The Coach, $595j The Coupe, $595; The Sport -Coupe,
$645; The Sedan, $675; The Imperial Sedan, $695. All pricet f. 9. b. factory Flint, Micfw
COMPARE the delivered price welt the litf price la cmieiderlng automobile value.
Chevrolet', delivered price. Include onlv reaKmsble chargee lot deliver, aad taanclag.
430 N. Commercial St. Phone 1802
Ball Bros., Turner Hardy Chevrolet Co., Wood'born IIollls B. Smith, Dallas
Columbia Garage, Mt. Angel Halbtrtay's Garage, Monmouth
Champion Value
New Dictator
at new low prices
STUDEBAKER, holder of
every official stock car record for
speed and stamina, leading the world
in the sale of eights, adds champion
value in the New Dictators.
A New Dictator Six larger,
smarter, finer at the lowest price
for which a Studebaker closed car
has ever been sold 1 A new compan
ion eight, bringing thrifty luxury
to many who could not afford it
Studebaker's unique One-Profit
manufacturing advantage, tremenr
dous fine-car volume, and concen
tration in South Bend of all Studeba
ker' manufiicturing activities make
Retait deliverut StudeUier dealers in
factory i 1J1 mjf
possible these unapproached values.
Come, drive the New Dictator Six
or Eight. The experience will revise
your estimate of what may be ex
pected in cars of this price.
TktevUeruxef Champion Valiut
Hydraulic shock absorbers Steel-corc u&Xf
steering wheel Adjustable teeriaf columsj
and front setts Genuine mohair nphol
7 Amplified - ictioa 4-wheeI brakes
Doable-drop frame Tarnish-proof ck
mium plating.
six sicar
l95 $1$$
lojc iigr
"95 IJJJ
Sedan, for fire 0
Club Sedan, for five
Regal Sedan, for fire
(6 a-lrt vaeeb aa Creak rack)
Tourer r 0 0
Coupe, for four
Coupe, for two
io9j 113;
1045 iaje
raiczs at Tits racToar
235 S. Commercial
Wallace H. Bonesteele
Day and Night Service
Phone 362