The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1929, Page 15, Image 15

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Mid-Valley Dtetttot Go
iiimunities for Statesman Readers
ews from
AMITY, Auruct 17. Mr. andjtion Colorado.
Mrs. A. L. Burk and daughter and
Mr. and Mrs. Clurk Van Buskink
a on a trip tLrough- southern
,egon. .
Mrs. Kola McCletlan is visiting
here at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs.Guy Nott.
Mr. Johnson wio has been
spending some time visiting her
sister, Mrs. C. A. Fuller, returned
home to Minnesota.
M?s. G. Dumont and children,
the Misses Margaret Bulger and
Gertruc Adams left last week for
their home in Laiidsford, N. D.,
after .spending the summer here at
the Glenn Van nice home. Mrs. Du
mont and Miss Adams are sisters
of Mrs. Yannlce.
Alvia Runson and Soren Soven
80n attended the American Legion
convention in Salem last Thurs
day. George Gray of Black diamond
spent the week-end at the I. C.
Barmer home.
Franklin Grabel returned home
m Seattle the fore part of the
2rlW. R. Osborne and Miss Edith
leron spent Wednesday In
Portland on business.
Mrs. J. R. Snodgrass and Miss
Helen Karns spent Wednesday af
ternoon In McMinnville.
Mrs. Paul Walker and daughter
of Portland and Mrs. Kate Jones
of McMinnville, spent Tuesday at
the Mrs. M. Stimson home.
Mabel Keizer is visiting at the
horue of Miss Lois Newman this
and Mrs. O. P. Wilson of
eastern Oregon visited here - one
d.iy last week.
Mrs. Clara Martin is visiting
with her brother, II. A. Walker
of Brownsville.
Dr. Raymond Jones and wife of
Redmond, Washington, visited
with his grandmother, Mrs. M.
.Stimson on Monday. ', -l j
'i Marion UinptAf ite tntf on-
5dav afternoon in ShUnv.
" . Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MriferVfft4
Monday afternoon in Salem op
business. 1 r'',
Mrs. Lstella Day and Lulu Tall
niaft s;ent Wednesday in the Mc
Minnville on business.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hartman of
tun. spent Sunday at the J. R.
nod?rass home.
w Mr. ana Mrs. EH Durbreu and
A. ..III! ''1 vir I clUi u, o. , Visual!
last week at the Vannice home.
They left for Washington on
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Massey and
family spent the week-end at New
port returning home Monday eve
ning over the Roosevelt highway
to Hebo.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Ferguson
pent Sunday at the home of .Mr.
j and Mrs. William Groves. "ls
j K. T. Baker, left Wednesday af
1 tej noon to work, in a lumber'juill
In' LongviewWashingtoiTrr " "
Mr. and Mrs.: A. J, Williams und
daughter, and Mrs. Edward Kidd
and son. of Vancouver, B. C, and
Mrs. Richard Drake, of Victoria,
! B. C. are guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E, W. Matthews, on
tlus Walnut Crest.' MrsWflllams
aiid Mrs. Drake Is Mr. Matthews
mother. - . .
Mrs. Nina Hunter and Ms.Ce
eil Keitns spent Tuesday at the
F- W. Newman home. On. Thurs
day they left for their home in
Ioiwa. going by way of Canada td.L . " "
visit relatives there enrotfM.- f Jn V ,
l .. r.. t.. ,. , , -Ming friends who li
,Mrs. Glenn Buffum had her ton-
siU removed last Monday at the
McMinnville hospital.
Mrs. C. C. Randall and son
transacted business in Salem on
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Walker of
rownsville, 6pent the week-end
Mrs. Clara Martin of. this
city, and on Sunday -made the
j Jfebo-Newport coast highway trip.
-I Mrs. Guy Nott and Mrs. R. Mc-
Ciellan spent Monday afternoon
In Slem.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Henderson
sjeut the last of last week at Nes-
k'win on a vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cronk and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cronk and fam
ily spent last Sunday at Ketarts ;
.V. L. Burr has secured one-of
the school bus routes for the Mc
Minnville high school.
N. P. Nelson, the auctioneer of
Nwberg. was in town last Friday
On business.
A family reunion was held Sua
: day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Morse. Those present were
th parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Mrse of Portland, Mr. Robert
Morse of Seattle, Washington, Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Isensee- and chil
dren, of Escalon, California, Mr.
and Mrs. Milton McCllntock and
sons and Mr. and Mrs. Harold At
kins of Portland, and Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. Schroeder and children
of Webfoot.
Last Sunday afternoon at 2
p. -in. at ttie Methodist church.
Mis Winnifred Hall of Amity and
Ira O- Gorbet of Longview, Wash
ington, were united in marriage.
In ih presence of a few ImmedLi
relatives and friends, the Ret.
W. Stanton, of the. Methodist
jsrh performing the ceremony.
Alter the ceremony the newly-
weds . accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Gorbet, Mr. and Mrs.
Ottio Gorbet and Mrs. Baker, left
for Lo Angeles, California where
they will make their home.
f Orchard Heights
o o
17 Professor W. H. McCall and
eon. Robert of Bozeman, Mont
ana, are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clarke. They
drove through and Mrs. McCall
will arrive a Ititle later by train.
She Is a sister of Mr. Clarke and
will be remembered here as Miss
Errua Clarke. Professor McCall is
a member of the. faculty of Mont
ana State university. Both he and
Mrs. McCall are alumni of Wil
lamette university.
Miss Sarah Stewart Is th. nnvse.4
1 "V
charge of the convalescehce"ofTPears. Thev intend to return to
late Treasurer Tom Kay since
la 'arrival in Salem from lion.
O Mn. Grace Eby, -who has bee a
spending the Bummer with rela
i tires and friends here, left Thnrs-
Hi frtl flr Knma In nmnA Tnnl'
Gene Southwlck met with a
painful accident when the handle
came off a cross-cut saw with
which he was working, dropping
the teeth of the saw on top f one
foot. He is under a doctor's care
and will be laid op for some time.
Mrs. J. W. Edgar and Dorothy
Logan attended the annual camp
meeting of the Seventh Day Ad-,
ventlat church at Forest Grove,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stewart of
Portland, who are touting the
coast, were guests of Mrs. James
Stewart on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Perry of
St. Helens were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Southwlck on Thurs
day. Mr. Perry is an uncle of Mrs.
A Ford roadster filled with a
large number of young people,
held a joy-fest at the big spring
on Dr. A. B. Starbuck's prune
farm on Sunday night. They, de
parted some time near morning,
leaving a camp fire merrily burn
ing. Campers at the dryer, who
are working for the doctor, notic
ed the smoke and extinguished the
fire before it did any damage. One
hundred and fifty cords of wood
for use at the dryer, as well as
the dryer Itself were dangerously
sear the fire. Motorists entering
the doctor's premises In future
may expect to have their license
numbers taken.
Fred Gibson, who is hauling
pulp wood to the Salem pulp and
paper mill, met with an accident
to his truck Monday morning. He
had just gained the top of the
steep hill above the house occu
pied by. the J. W. Edgar family,
and got out to open the gate when
the brakes gave way and the
truck started backward down the
hill. Luckily it swerved before
reaching the house, and left the
road, taf fling entirely around land
brfrtunww; spilling the cordjandq
a aajf m green wood with whjch
t was loaded. It suffered a bad
ly bent fender, a wrecked tire and
a few other minor injuries but in
side of two hours Fred had It re
loaded and was on the way to.
MACLEAY; August 17 Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Clarke were din
ner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry E. Martins Friday.
V. L. Masten made a business
trip to Salem Monday.
Dr. Edith Witzel, who was the
week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry E. Martin motored to Sil
verton with them to attend the
annual county grange picnic
which was held In the Silverton
park. The county was well repre
sented, there being about 230
grangers present. Macleay had 20
members present at this event.
Mrs. Silke led the program In the
singing of many old time songs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roth of
Pratum were the dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell M. Lam
bert. - . .
- Jda Martin of Salem Is vfstting
Mrs. Larond V. Hackett.
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Purs
ley and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ba
ker motored to Silverton Sunday
where they spent the day fishing.
Velma and Kenneth Martin
onia. were visit
ing friends who live in the Mac
leay district.
Milton Kephart made a business
trip to Salem one day this week.
Harry E. Martin has been quite
ill the last few days.
John Kimsey's threshing ma
chine is expected to be in the
Macleay district about the first of
the week.
Larond V. Hackett motored to
Toledo, Friday.
Wilbur Parsley spent Wednes
day evening with Mr. and Mrs. La.
rond V. Hackett.
FAIRVIEW, August 17 Sun
day evening the Burtons entertain
ed the Fairview Community club
with singing, also piano and violin
music. Mr. Needham also played a
few selections on the violin accom
panied by Mrs. Needham at the
Miss Edith Renolds and sister
Mrs. Row, also Miss Constance
Jcwr of Portland visited at the
John Jory home last week. They
are all nelves of the Jorys.
Miss Aleen Day visited Thurs
day with Lucille Blage-nhelmer of
the Liberty district.
Dillon Jones spent Sunday with
William Dent. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barton" and
children, Dorthey, Mary, Paul and
James, all of Hastings, Nebraska,
who have been visiting at the Tur.
ner home for the past few weeks
left for their home early Monday
morning. They are returning by
way of California. Arizona, New
Mexico and Colorado.
; The Fairview Community club
has just received action on the
question of whether the read from
Liberty to Buena Vista shall be
called the Ankeny hill road, the
Liberty road or the Fairview road.
J Judge Seigmond of Salem says
that it may be called the Fairview
road and shall be known as such
on all road maps.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jory, Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander and daugh
ter. Margaret, from South Salem
were- visitors at the John Jory
home, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hartley were
week-end guests at the George
Palmer home.
Mr. and Mrs". E. W. Cannoy
spent the week-end at Yachats.
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, who
spent the winter in Portland,
have returned to their Red Hill
home just west of the Birdsell
place, expecting. to remain during
pear thinning and picking. They
.have an excellent crop this year
and expect about
five tons of
their home In Portland for the
TJ" y sjecideat-
ally shot herself la the right foot
while herding turkeys at her bom
on. the Ankeay bottom. The acci
dent --occurred Monday afternoon
and she- immediately taken to
the doctor who said the wound was
probably not serious. , -
J. M". Isllng underwent minor
operation Thursday, the eighth,
when his tonsils were removed.
The operation, was performed by
Doctor Marshall. He stayed Thurs
day night at the Deaconess hos
pital and was then taken -to his
"ome eight tnfles south of Salem.
Clara Jones ts making, prepara
tions to go to Portland August It
to have her tonsils remoVfd. She
expects to remain in the hospital
there! until the end of the week.
R.;C. Day and sons, Harold and
Grant ';SPat Saturday afternoon
aid -Suaday at Tachats. While
there they caught about 50 pounds
of sea trout.
Dillon, Jonas Is painting the
house on the Birdsell place. The
work will tate about a week or
ten days to finish.
H. R. Jones is having the prune
dryer on the Birdsell place rebuilt
n preparation for the coming
prune harvest.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hampton
have returned to Fairview after
their wedding trip in the moun.
KINGWOOD. August 17. Miss
Ella St. Pierre with her friend,
Miss Myrtle King, will leave Salem
Saturday, August 17, for Vancou
ver, B. C., for the Hawaiian Isl
ands. They will be more than a
week on the water before reach
ing Honolulu. Miss St. Pierre will
locate at Kealikikua, Hawaii,
where she-will be Instructor in
physicial education and hygiene
and perhaps other branches in the
high Konawena.
Her mother, Mrs. E. W. St.
Pierre,, her sister, Miss Mabel, and
a friepd, .Dr., Emma Curtis, Tucker;
wflj accompany the girls to Vafl-,
couver ana De wun mem mi iney
Mr. and Mrs. Rollln Beaver
and Mrs. Mary Beaver have re
turned from a week's delightful
outing at Yachats. While there,
they entertained at their camp
over the week-end, Dr. and Mrs.
A. B. Starbuck and family of Dal
las, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pat
tison and Mrs. Anna Pattison of
West Salem. The Beavers enjoyed
wonderful fishing, catching a n
abundance of kelp, tomcod, sea
trout, etc. Before returning here,
they visited at Waldport, Mr. and
Mrs. Desmond T. Fulp who are in
the' hardware business at that
place. Mr. and Mrs. Fulp, as well
as Mrs. Beaver, were members of
the faculty last year at Parrlsh
Junior high school.
Friends of Mrs. O. L. Adams
will be glad to learn that she fs re
covering nicely from injuries re
ceived In a recent automobile ac
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall and
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Blevlns, at
tended the Dakota picnic Sunday
at Turner.
Mrs. Em ml Bruce drove over
Friday from her home at Gervals
to spend the day with her father.
T. P. MaDill. and to can fruit and
vegetables for him.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. LaRaut with
their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy LaRaut, drove to the coast
on Sunday where they visited
Newport, Taft and Neskowin.
; James Russel Lang and his par
eats of Dakota, have been guests
at the Robert Hall home. They
have been touring California and
stopped for a brief visit with the
Halls, who are old friends. Mr.
and Mrs. Lang have returned to
their home in Dakota but the son
will remain at the Hall home until
fall, where he will enroll as a stu
dent at the Oregon state agricul
tural college.
: Howard Adams Is home from
Wasco county where he has been
working with a combine slncje
July fourth.
!; W. F. Gerber and family have
nioved' from the Meeher place to
Foley's , corner near Chemawa,
where Mr. Gerber and his brother,
Theo P.. Gerber, have purchased a
tilting station and refreshment
stand. Theo being a quartermaster
in the U. . navy, his brother will
have charge of the sew business.
; Otte Muellhaupt has been cut
ting grain for various farmers In
this and nearby neighborhoods;
and Is-ttew finishing up the job"
with his threshing machine. The
grain acreage in this locality is
Both Mrs. Jack Lynch and Mrs.
Ed Finley in painting, papering,
and. otherwise renovating the In
terior 'of their homes.
tO O,
North Santiam
Lewis Scofield while working
with a hay bailer got three fing
ers on his left hand badly crush.
jedV'lJe was taken to the Stayton
hdspital. Dr. Smith amputated
two of his fingers.
A. F. Keithley and wife motor
ed te Salem Saturday evening.
..Jfr. and Mrs. W. Keithley, Mr.
and. Mrs. A. F. Keithley and
Myrtle Howard attended the an
nual homecoming at Aumsville,
The.i J. S. McLaughlin family
tpt tfBnday at Shade Acres to
lebrats Mr. McLaughlin's birth
days Those in the party were Mr.
adW?Mrs. J. S. McLaughlin, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy E. Maple and child.
fen Stanley and Ona Beryl of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Por
ter. Mrs Ethel Gibbons and son
Darwin, Miss Grace Day of Salem.
i Announcements have been re
ceived nere or me Dirtn ot a son
August 11 to Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Brown o? Shedd, Ore.
Georee Soicer ot Wilamina. a
former resident of North Santiam,
visited with friends this week.
Harold Parker of Newberg is
spending the week with his cous
in. Jack Parker.
4 Myrtle Lacy of Aumsville is
soehdinr a few days with her
cousin, Mildred McNeaL
Mrs, Ruby McClellaa tnft Mrt.
Mina Keithley spent t&wsday
picnicking at H inkle Mill, Mrv
Keithley and Mr, McClellas art
working there.
Friends of Lewis Seoflsld are
glad to know he ts getting along
nicely from bis recent injury, Be
is still In the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker,
Mrs. U Parker of Newberg spent
Sunday at the T. J. Parker home,
ledo were calling on friends here
Mr. Hart and son Clark of To
thia week.
Mrs. Pearl Rlggins of Portland,
who has been visiting Mrs. Brown,
ing. was called home yesterday
by the serious Illness of her bro
ther. Richard Develln and family are
leaving today for Springfield, HL
ROSEDALE, Aug. 17. Mr. and
Mrs. Miller Porter spent Wednes
day visiting friends in the com
munity. They were accompanied by
Mrs. Irene Cunningham and her
father, Charles Townsend.
The Porters are former pastors
of the local Friends church. They
hare spent the past two years in
New York City, motoring from
there this summer In their new
Ford. They will be at the home of
their friends this winter in their
home on Kerby street, Portland.
Mrs. Cammack with daughters
Helen and Laura, and Mrs. Cor
bett motored to Portland Thurs
day. Miss Helen will remain in
Portland in work for the Port
land Bible institute.
The Scotts Mills quarterly meet
ing of Friends, which convenes
Saturday, will be attended by de
legates from here.
The last logans have been pick
ed and the community is taking on
an air of expectancy for prune
harvest. Dryers are being re
shlngled, cord wood is being haul
ed, and boxes are being repaired
all are sure signs of approch
ing prune-plcking.
' Mr, and Mrs. Almon are back;
.from Idaho. They thoroughly en
joyed the trip, and think Idaho a
fine place to live.
Beginning August 20, and last
ing one week a Dally Vacation Bi
ble school will be held at the
church for all children who wish
to come. The teachers are Mrs.
Haldy, Mrs. Gus Cole and Laura
Cammack. Classes will begin at
9 o'clock each morning and the
children will be dismissed at noon.
Transportation will be provided
for those having no way to come.
Mrs. Chester Tucker and daugh
ters and Mrs. Jasmine Ladd are
picking beans near Stayton.
Mrs. D. C. Bloom is having a
10 day vacation from the North
west cannery where she has been
employed during the summer.
Albert Bates has been quite ill
but is convaslescent-
Floyd and Lester Bates of Al
bany visited his parents here Sun
day. Mr. Bates is now at Grants
Pass receiving pears for the Hunt
Cannery company?"
Miss Lillian Bloom Is spending
a few weeks with her sister, Mary
Gardner of Albany.
Rev. Chester Hadley, a former
pastor here, "recently underwent
another surgical operation at the
Good Samaritan hospital in Port
land. He was recovering satis
factorily at last reports.
ZENA, August 17 Thursday
the F. J. Merrick thresher finish
ed up on all of the grain that is
now ready. Some late sown grain
is not quite ready to be threshed.
Consequently there will be a
short wait before starting out
again. Following are the crew:
Walker Purvine, engineer: H.
Merrick, separator tender; Archie
Pelker oiler; Will and Donald
Crawford, sack sewers; T. J. Mer
rick, water hauler; Jesse Walling,
Robert Crawford, David Shepard,
Elra Fisher. Carroll Hunt, A. Eb
erle and John Geiger, drivers;
George McKinley, Fred McKinney,
Elza McKinley and George Leon
ard, pitchers, and, Mrs. T. J. Mer
rick, cook. ,
The W. 6. Henny and W. Frank
Crawford families enjoyed a trip
over the Columbia highway this
Guests at the home of Mrs: W.
N. Crawford Thursday were Mrs.
Cmmett Cosner and three child,
ren, Alice, Mildred-and Emmett
Jr. of Aberdeen, Wash., and Mrs.
Ralph Tavenner of Salem, sister dt
Mrs. Cosper. Mrs. Crawford aard
Mrs. Cosper were girlhood friends
In Salem and enjoyed recalling
scenes reminiscent of that time.
- Mrs. Alvin Madsen and two
sons, Richard and Robert, and
Welcome fifcomC m
W. I. STALEY j - -
Member Rotary II
Capital Giese - Powers Furniture Co.
Business College C. F. Giese, Member Lions Club -
t , - - .... . . ;
Mrs. George Boyd and two daugh
ters, Merrilyn and Edrtxdell were
Thursday eailers at the home ot
their friend, Mrs, Ivan Merrick
of Lincoln.
Charles Lowe of Tulsa, Okla
homa, arrived here about four
weeks ago and is employed on the
W. Frank Crawford farm. He
likes the Oregon climate and has
sent for his wife and child, who
are expected here Monday.
Charles Dawson of Portland is
visiting his mother, Mrs. Clara
Phillips at Zena this week. Mr.
Dawson came last Sunday and
will probably return to Portland
Miss Mildred Hiatt who is
spending her summer vacation
with her father, J. S. Hiatt, at
Newport, is home for a several
days visit. Miss Hiatt came to
Zena Thursday.
Miss Alice Crawford is making
a short visit this week at the
home of her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Donnel Crawford. She
intends to make a trip to Port
land this week-end and will be
honee-guest for a week at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. H. E.
Mrs. W. D. Henry is expecting
her brother-in-law and sister. Rev.
and Mrs. Louis Randle ot Cottage
Grove to arrive here next week to
attend the family reunion of the
Crawford clan which will be held
at Zena, August 25.
Attending the Oklahoma picnic
at Penny's grove, five miles north
of Salem, Sunday were a group
ot former Oklahoma residents,
who now reside at Zena. Those
from Zena were Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Denham and children, Clif
ford, Ralph and Mildred and their
married son and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Burrell Denham of Oklahoma
City, Okla., who are visitors here,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barnes.
ZENA Vacation time is here
and many families are visiting
beach resorts and others are tak
ing inland trips. Among those who
visited the beaches recently were
Mrs. J. S. Hiatt who was a week
end guest lit 'JfewpioTt; iMr; J. S:
Hiatt is mechanic in charge of
machinery on highway construc
tion work there.
A party of vacationists made a
trip to Newport Saturday and re
turned Sunday, stopping at Nes
kowin and other resorts on their
return trip. Those in -the party
were Mr. and Mrs. L. Frank Mat
thews and daughter Marjorie, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Holt and daughter
Helen Holt and Mrs. Hattie Holt,
all of Los Angeles, Calif., Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Matthews, Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Purvine, Mr. and Mrs.
Milo Matthews and children Odile
and Milo, Jr., all of Salem. Mrs.
Earl Holt is a sister of Mrs. W. D.
Miss Margaret Purvine motored
to Portland Monday and will vis
it friends while there this week.
Miss Purvine is a teacher in Jef
ferson high school in Portland
and has been spending her sum
mer vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Purvine of
I Newport T
- o,
NEWPORT. August 17 Mr.
and Mrs. E. S. Hammond of Sa
lem are recent guests at the Gil
more. Mrs. J. I. Savage of Portland
Is spending a week with Mrs. P.
E. Pullerton in "Jusfo-two" cot
tage at. Whitten camp.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Purvine of
Salem had as their guests for the
weekend Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Mat
thews and Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Matthews and daughter. Mar.
Jorie, of Salem and Mrs. H. Holt,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holt and Miss
Helen Holt of Los Angeles. They
are sojourning at Rose City camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Baltimore of Sa.
lem and Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
Black of Philomath are occupying
a Sunset cottage.
The HaroMson, Baskervllle
Trio consisting ot Ruth Harold
son, violinist, Mrs. Gall Harold
son BaskervlHe, pianist, and Ar
thur Baskervile, reader, gave an
enjoyable entertainment at the
Presbyterian church.
Miss Dorothy Patterson of Sa
lem Is enjoying a vacation here.
She is domiciled in a Jory cot
tage. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Lore of
Eugene and Mr. Love's sister,
Mrs. G. C. Rains of BIythe, Cali
fornia, are occupying a. Jory cot.
tags. Mrs. Love is a former Sa.
lent, teacher.
Fred Slittler of Salem Is a New
port visitor.
A. F. Edwards, the Welsh
evangelist, is holding meetings at
Nye Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil White of
Salem tre guests at the Gilmore.
Mrs. Jennie X Smith and fam
ily ot Salem are occupying a
Whltten cottage for a week.
Mist Bertha and Mildred Wil
liamson of Salem are beach visit
ors. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mercer of
Salem are vacationing at Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stlffler of
Salem are enjoying a weeks ts.
cation at Whitten camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Knox of Sa
lem are sojourning in a Sunset
Mrs. B. H. White of Salem la
staying at the Gilmore.
Paul Stark Seeley, C. S. B. of
the Mother Church, First Church
of Christ, Boston, Mass., gave a
lecture In the auditorium.
Ira Balch and Burl Balch are
vacationing at the Old Play
ground. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Browning
of Salem are spending a week at
Whltten camp.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bradford of
Salem are domiciled in a Sunset
Miss Margaret Brown and Miss
Dorothy Boardman of Salem are
vacationing at Rose City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Irvine Caplln
ger of Salem are registered at the
Ira Jorgenson Is a recent New
port visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Fidler are va
cationing at the seashore.
Louis Bartruff of Salem spent
a few days at the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Doe of Sa.
lem passed through Toledo en
route to their ranch in south
western Polk county.
E. R. Wilson of Salem is
spending his vacation la the vi
cinity of Rock Creek.
Scotts Mills
Those enjoying a picnic on the
creek at Walter Scotts. .Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. S. P. MobCrg,
and daughters, Viola, and Vidna.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pounder of
Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Law
rence, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Law
rence and daughter, Helen, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Shepherd, Miset
Leona Korb, Miss Mary Gersch,
Ambrose Gersch, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Vallen, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dale
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. A
bounteous dinner was served in.
eluding ice cream.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Trainer and
Mrs. Trainer's mother, Mrs.
for San Diego, California, where
Mr. Trainer Is stationed In the
navy. Mrs. Crlte3 will visit there
Herbert and Matt Walbel re
turned home the first of the
week from Willaniina, where they
have been helping their brother
John, bale hay.
Miss Benita Haskin it Silver,
ton has been visiting her cousin,
Mrs. Otis Shepherd and family
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben DeJardln
were visitors In Salem Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. MulvihiU
and daughter of Portland are vis
iting Mrs. MulvihiU's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Brougher this
The Royal Neighbor club held
its annual picnic Wednesday at
Island Park, near Canby. About
40 went to enjoy the day there,
all reporting having had a splen
did time.
It was necessary for W. T.
Hogg to go to the doctor Wednes
day, having fallen while working
in the woods and spraining and
badly bruising his leg.
HUBBARD. August 17 Betty
Mack, small daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Mack of Portland,
wag a guest at the home of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
C. Mack, this week, while her
parents moved from Portland to
Independence, where Mr. Mar
has accepted a position with the
Williams Drug company.
Mr. and Mrs. William Smolnl
sky and daughters, Lillian and
Viola, were Sunday guests at the
heme of Mr. Smolnisky's brother,
Otto Painter left Tuesday for a
two weeks' vacation. He went to
Rseerg where he will visit sev
eral days at the home of his
uncle, W. E. Ott, then he will go
to Coqullle and Bandon. At Co.
quille he will visit with the Frank
Poor family. Mr. Poor was former
depot agent at Hubbard.
Issac Wertz and his sister, Ra
chel of Shatter, California, ar.
rived at Hubbard Thursday of
last week and are making an ex
tended Tisit at the homes ot their
father's cousins, Jake Ott and Ike
Sunday guests at the H. L.
Carl home were Mrs. Floyd John,
son and baby of Junction City,
and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Foster of
Salem. Mrs. Johnson is a cousin
of Mr. Carl.
Mrs. H. W. Croisant, a bride of
two weeks, is a guest at the home
of her, G." Croisant.
Mr. Croisant after spending a few
days at the home of his brother,
left for Lyon Sunday. He is Inter
ested in securing a farm. Mr. and
Mrs. Croisant were married at Dal
las, August 3.
Mrs. T. J. Watson attended the
funeral services of her aunt, Mrs.
Jane Coldwell at Portland, Mon.
day afternoon. Mrs. Caldwell,
who was 78 years of age had been
ill for a long time.
Mrs. Frank Grimps was re
moved to her home Saturday
from Coffey's clinic at Portland.
Mrs. Grimps is convalescing from
a major operation. Shirley
Grimps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Grimps is at the Anne
hospital at Hubbard.
Frank Cox Jr., accompanied by
Mrs. Cox and small daughter,
Virginia, of Eugene, stopped for
a short visit of several days at
the home of Frank's father, F. D.
Cox of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dick and
daughters, Jacqueline, Wilms,
Velma and Eila were Sunday
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Smith at Portland.
Mrs. Smith and Mr. Dick are sis
ter and brother. Mis? Jacqueline
remained for a week's visit with
her aunt, j , , l
Georce ' Knleht and family re-
turned home from their beach
trip at Oceanside Tuesday eve
ning. The family went to Port
land Wednesday and were guests
at the home of Mr. Knight's
brother, Albert. They returned
home Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stauffer
and children and Mr. and Mrs. i
Lester Will left Wednesday for a j
vacation at the Tillamook beaches, j
They expect to vi3lt at tl.e heme j
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry HinUle at j
Tillamook City while on the trip, j
Dr. and Mr. P. O. Riley k.'t
Monday for Gresham where they
s.pent the week with Mrs. Riley's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Knok.
Jack Curry, assistant at the En
terprise office, had charge of the
Enterprise during the Doctor's ab
sence. The first shipment, of pickling
onions from Hubbard this season
was made by W. S. Hurst & Co.
this week.
Miss Mildred Beckman and Miss
Florence Addleson, both of Polk,
Nebr., left for Chico, Cal., by the
midnight train Sunday. Miss Beck
man, who la a niece of L. A. Beck
man, of Hubbard, and her cousin,
Miss Addleson. left Nebraska dur
ing the'month of June and came
west to Mt. Vernon, Wash., where
they visited Mrs. William Dale, a
sister vf Mr. Beckman. They ar
rived at Hubbard July 17 and have
been the house guests at the Beck
man home. During their visit at
Hubbard many swimming parties
at nearby resorts, a trip to the
Oregon beaches, and a house party
were given in their honor. From
Chico they will go to Oakland, San
Francisco, Long Beach and Los
Angeles, all In California. They
expect to reach home in Septem
ber. Shad-E-Acree park proved very
attractive to many Hubbard folk
and their friends and relatives
Sunday. Among those enjoying the
resort were Mrs. Neva McKenzie,
accompanied by her daughter Ma
rian, four friends from St. Helens,
Miss Naldlne Mace, Miss Luella
Roen, Miss Hazel Hill and Howard
Hill, and her parents, brother and
sister of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. V.
W. MUspagh, Auston and Janice;
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Boje, daughter
Marie and son Gordon; Mrs.1
Blanche Brown, daughter Betty,
and seas Boyd and Wallace and
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Beckman and
daughter Muriel and Joan, sob
Boh and guests. Miss Mildred
Beckman and Miss Florence Addle
son, ot Polk, Nebraska.
O r- O
Spring Valley
Mrs. Henry Halns and their son
Floyd ot Salem, were Sunday din
ner guests at the home cf Mrs. j
Hams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Versteeg
of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Davidson and their two children.
Beryl and Gertrude Alice, were
Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Pete Willwert returned home
this week end after spending sev
eral weeks harvesting near Walla
Miss Lula Lenstrom helped Mrs.
C. S. Teepie cook for threshers
Charles Nlel of Portland ts
spending several weeks with his
aunt, Mrs. Belle Simkins and fam
ily. Sunday guests at the Fred Mc
Kinney home were: Mr. and Mrs.
W. Welch and children Wanda,
Maty and Billy of Aurora. Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Wilkinson and chil
dren Lyle, Dortha, Ruth, Darleen
and Louise of Brnsh college, Mr.
and Mrs. Boyd Wilkinson of Sa
lem, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wallace
and Wayne Wilkinson ot West &
lem, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc
Kinney of Silverton.
P. S. Eberly who is working for
T. J. Merrick during threshing,
suffered a sunstroke Saturday. A
physician was called from Salent
and after nearly an hour's time he
regined consciousness.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Ray and
son Johnnie were visitors at the
home ot Mrs. Ray's mother, Mrs.
Belle, Simkins, while Mr. Ray is
trucking grain to Sa'em for his
brother-ln-!nw, Arlie E. Simkins.
T.Irs. Chris Yun?en spent Sun- ,
day afternoon visiting -Mrs. Char
ley Hirhen near ni'"f-tlL '
bir. and Mrs. John Chlkiers
were Sunday afternoon visitors at
the It. J. llackut home in Lin
coln. Theodora !.. r.-t-med
to tho home of her grandparents,
Mr. end Mrs. IhiU':) Da mm, after
spc".):l:n; tevcai vorks vlth her
aunt, Mrs. Floyd Y;.n Riper ot
Mei.'c:il. Jirs. Van Rier accom
panied her heie and will visit her
Dinner fcuest-: ;! the L. F. Mat
thews home Friday were: Mr. and
r.'rs. W. D. Matthews and Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Purvine of Salem. Mis.
Hattlo Holt and Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Holt and daughter Helen of Los
Angel?s. f
Professor Murphy, newly elect
ed principal ot Anil'y high school,
was a caller at the homes of Paul
ina Simkins and Carl Yungen
Monday. Pauline is planning on
finishing her work at Amity and
will go on the bus from her home.
Mia. Clem Wolf and her two
small daughters, Maxine and Ger-
aldine ot Hazel Green, were week
end visitors at the Aaron Len
strom home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remington
of Salem were Sunday evening
callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Chllders.
Mrs. Emma Hoefling spent one
afternoon this week visiting Mrs.
Chris Yungen.
Sunnyside is now on the Route
7 mail service with Fred Gunning
as the new carrier. The route has
been extended, taking In the Prin
gle loop.
C. H. Taylor Is hauling lumber
for a new implement shed which
will be used this season In prune
D. S. Peerson is connecting up
with the P. E. P. Co. on his prune
ranch for lights and power for
house and dryer.
Miss Signa Paulsen. Dorothy
and Isabel Taylor are on their va
cation trip to Yellowstone Na
tional Park. They will spend sev
eral days in the park, returning
home by way of Salt Lake City,
the former home of Miss Paulsen.
Threshing is nearing comple
tion in this vicinity. The acreage
was small hut the leld good.
Read the Classified Ads.