The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1929, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN, SaleraT OregorCBnnday Bloraing, Augnst 18,1929
International Secretary Is
Prominent in Affairs of
Vital Nature
Fred C. W. VztUit of Chicau,
International recretary cf tlio Ki
wanis clnbs, has entered upoa tho
second decade cf hi v.ork with
Kiwanis International.
Mr. Parker brought to Ms work
la Kiwanls a wide and diverse ex
perience in service n;l organiza
tion work and a-breaJ:h o know
ledge through hi3 "work in many
sections of the United Stntes. He,
therefore, has ;.;ivau to Kiwanis a
leadership of peculiar vaiue in
meeting the needs of iho organ
ization in tho years of maturing
development during v.-h'oh he has
served the organization.
In hU cdaeatioa 2Ir. Parker
profited by attending several in
Btitut!ons and this Las definitely
contributed to It's breadth of in
terest "and sympathy. lie attend
ed Colgate c cade my and Colgate
university at Ilimilion, New York,
butcomp'cted h-3 oiiege v.-ork at
Brown univer-ily in Providence, It.
I., from which college he received
his A. B. i!e;.r:e. r.nd' where he
was honored for proficiency in
scholarship by being elected to
membership in Phi Beta Kappa.
He later pursued four years of
graduate work at the University
of Chicarc. Ill; qualities of lead
ership v.c o manifest during hij
student dr.ys- through his partic
ipation in mr.ny student activities,
and in his membership of the col
lege fraternity. Delta Kappa Epsi
lon. In college athletics he par
ticipated in basketball but gave
special emphasis to football, play
ing a3 tackle during hi3 prepara
tory days as well as both Colgate
and Brown universities. Ilis col
lege nickname '-'ColoaeV, ;Parker
has 'Stayed with hin during the
Vocational Interest Strong
Apart from his official secre
tarial positions he has taken a vi
tal Interest in industrial relations,
public school education, especially
vocational training and vocational
guidnce, and in various phscs of
service and religious work. For
10 years he served as voluntary
secretary of the group of person
nel and industrial relations execu
tives in and around Chicago, and
took a vital part in the organiza
tion of the Industrial Relations
association of America, now the
American Management associa
tion, which organization he served
for a while as secretary and mem
ber of the board of directors. He
was a former vice president of the
Vocational Education association
of the middle west, and was a
member for two terms of the
school board of Oak Park, a sub
urb of Chicago. He maintains a
keen Interest In many lines of
service work and Is active In the
City club of Chicago and the Ctai
:ago Association of Commerce.
Work Begins In 1021
Mr. Parker's work with Kiwan
is began on July 1, 1291, Imme
diately after the Cleveland con
vention, which be attended. At
that time Kiwanls consisted of 533
clubs and 47,870 nrembers where
as on July 1, 1928. there were
735 clubs and more than 102,000
members. During this period
have been developed the major
approved programs of activities
which have guided the Kiwanis
clubs In their remarkable achieve
ments in community betterment.
At the time of his taking up his
work In Kiwanls the organisa
tion's greatest problems incidental
to crystallisation after expansion,
were beginning to loom upon the
horizon and these were by bo
means simple or few. Kiwanls
was fortunate to have had an In
ternational secretary a man of his
broad experience, good judgment
and poised administrative ability,
when those qualities. were so ne
cessary in stabilizing Kiwanls that
it mig"ht continue Its progress with
the highest of standards and
Dirigible Built
Of Metal Will
Be Tested Out
(AP) The first all-metal dir
igible the ZMC-2 will attempt Its
initial flight Monday at the De
troit Aircraft factory at G rosso
Isle, Mich., before a group of nav
al aircraft experts.
Monday Morning Session
August 19
Hall of Representatives
9 :15 a. m. Singing, led by District Mu
sic Chairman.
Dr. Elmer Hill, Walla Walla.
9:25 a.m. Convention convened by
Governor T. Harry Jowman.
"America" & "God Save the King."
Rev. Earl Cochrane, Calvary Bap
tist Church, Salem.
9:30 a. m. Address of Welcome.
I. L. Patterson, Salem, Governor of
9 :35 a. m. Welcome on Behalf of Salem.
T. A. Livesley, Mayor.
9 :40 a. m. Welcome on behalf of Salem
O. P. Coshow, Chief Justice, Ore.
Supreme Court.
9 :45 a. m. Response.
Kenneth Ferguson, Victoria, Past
9 :50 a. m. Introduction District and In
ternational Officers.
9 a. m. Governor's Message.
T. Harry Gowman, Seattle. "
10:15 a. m. Singing led by
Geo. N. Angell, Portland.
10 :20 a. m. Report of District Secretary
Treasurer. Harold C. Jones.
10:30 a. ni. Report of District Finance
Walter H. Robertson, Portland,
10:40 a. m. "Responsibilities and Oppor
tunities of a Delegate to the District
I mm. Past Governor A. H. Syver
son, Spokane.
10:50 a.m. Renort District Committee
on Convention Program.
Scolt Page, Salem, Chairman.
11:00 a.m. Singing led by
Tom Kelwayyictorii,1 B. .C, ; ' :
11:05 al'm.'-' Messages of the L'ieu tenant
Division 1 Dr. Will B. Burnett, Van
couver, B. C.
2 Clinton S. Harley, Universi
ty (Seattle.)
3 Jack E. Stewart, Aberdeen.
4 Ole H. Olson, Pasco.
5 Geo. E. Erb, Lewiston.
6 Judge Jas. A. Fee, Pendle
ton. 7 Robert F. Moore, Astoria.
8 Claude W. Barrick, Tilla
mook. 9 Dr. Geo. A. Massey, Klam
ath Falls.
11 :30 a. m. Singine led by
Les Walfad, Gresham
11 :35 a. m. Report of District Committee
on Under-Privileged Child.
R. B. Miller, Tillamook, Chairman.
11:43 a.m. Talk, "The Handicapped
Child in th3 School."
Frank L. Chambers, Eugene.
11 :55 a. m. Discussion.
12:15 p.m. Announcement of appoint
ment of Convention Committees on
Credentials, Resolutions and Elec
tions. 12 :20 n. m. Adjournment.
Monday Noon Luncheon
12:30 p.m. Past District Governor Syl
vester W. Lawrence, Portland, pre
siding. Music. Entertainment.
Address, "Our Pacific Coast Empire."
DeLoss W. Walker, Seattle.
Monday Afternoon Session
Hall of Representatives
2:00 p.m. Music.
2:05 p.m. Report of District Commit
tee on Agriculture.
Dr. J. W. Kalkus, Puyallup, Chair
man. 2 :15 p. m. "A Plan of Agricultural Co
operation." Frank B. Matthews, President,
Roseburg Club.
2:25 p. m. "In Memoriam."
2 :40 p. m. Address, "Pep. Power and
Ernest L. Lucas. Field Rep. Kiwan
is International.
2:55 p. m. Singing led by
L. F. Barnett, Portland.
3 :00 p. m. Report of District Commit
tee on Good Will and Grievance.
Paul T. Jackson, Klamath Falls,
3:10 p.m. Report of District Commit
tee on Interclub Relations.
Charles O. Dignan, Seattle, Cahir
man. Discussion.
3:20 p.m. Renort of District Commit
tee on Public Affairs.
; A. A., Smithy Baker, Chairman.;
3 :30 p. m. Music.
3:40 p.m. Report of District Commit,
tee on District History.
J. A. Buchanan, Astoria, Chairman
3:50 p.m. Report of District Commit
tee on Monthly Reports.
Maurice J. Ainey, Pasco, Chairman
4:00 p.m. Report of District Commit
tee on Publicity.
Arthur W. Lawrence, Corvallis,
4 :15 p. m. Singing led by
Williajn A. Dunlap, Portland.
4 :15 p. m. Report of District Commit
tee on Music.
Dr. Elmer Hill, Walla Walla, Chair
man. 4:40 p. m. Preliminary report of Reso
lutions Committee.
R. G. McCuish, Vancouver, B. C,
4 :45 p. m. Adjournment.
5 :00 p. m. Divisional meetings for elec
tion of representatives upon Nominat
ing Committee.
Salem Kiwanians Proud of
Accomplishments of Their
Club During Last 8 Years
The Salem Kiwanis
the quickest organized club in Kiwanis history, has carried
that impetus for rapid, decisive action as a beacon lijrht
ii. ...... i- ii i ii ... ... ...
imuusu me neany eigm years oi trie club's Me. Its history is
uiaxivcu viin aciiieveinuuus mat nave originally raised the
standards of the capital city, and influenced the state at
On September 9, 1921, a group O
of prominent Salem men, Dr. Hen
ry E. Morris, T. M. Hicks, Roy
Shields, Oliver Meyers. Dan Fry,
Jr., Karl Becke and Sam Kozer,
met to study the organization of
a service club that would bring
business and professional men of
the city In close contact as a group
for the betterment of civic con
ditions. At Dr. Morris' request, the
Portland Kiwanis club made a sur
very of the' Salem . field, and de
cided to sponsor a club here. - The
first general organization meeting
was held September 20, at which
time the 75 members required by
the charter regulations were
signed. Three days previous to
this first organization meeting the
international field representative,
Walter Humpton of Minnesota,
came to Salem in behalf of the
Kiwanls International. This rec
ord of three day's work has never
been equaled.
The charter was presented to
the Salem club Friday night. Oc
tober 7. One hundred member
from the sponsoring Portland
club attended the banquet and the
ceremonies which followed. The
guest of honor was Sylvester W.
Lawrence, district lieutenant gov
ernor, and Fred Delano of Salem
was toastmaster. - Roy F. Shields,
president; Sam A. Kozer, vice
president; Henry E. MorTia, secre
tary; and T. M. Hicks, treasurer,
were Installed as the first officers
of the Salem Kiwanis club.
The Infant club immediately
started on a program of commun
ity development, the first signal
achievement being the lighting of
the town clock in the tower of the
Marlon county courthouse, a long
felt need. A sign was placed at
the Oregon Electric station at
Chemawa by the Kiwanians, tell
ing of the Chemawa Indian school
and its Importance.
The major objective of the first
year's work of the club was the
creation of the Associated Char
ities, which was sponsored and
supported by the Kiwanls group
until it was able to maintain it
self as an Independent working
Roy T. Shields, the club's first
president, was followed in office
In 1923 by John Carson. Under
CarBon's leadership, the club par
ticipated In the Willamette uni
versity endowment drive, the
team from the Kiwanis club tying
the rest of the teams in subscrip
tions received. The Federated
clubs of Salem was also organized
by the Kiwanls club during this
period. In order that duplication
of work might be avoided by the
various groups in the city, and al
so that concerted action in civic
enterprises might be assured. This
federation has not functioned no
ticeably during the past several
years, its groundwork being so
well laid that the various clubs
cooperate without a specific re
quest to do so.
In 1924. Dr. Henry Mor
ris was president, the drive for
funds to start the first unit of the
Salem general hospital was held,
with the committee for the Kiwa
nis club, assisted by the hospital
board of directors, raising the ma
jor portion of the $60,000 re
quired. The seed for the Marion coun
ty child health demonstration was
sowed at this time, when the Ki
wanis club wrote to the Common
wealth Fund of New York, asking
for information concerning this
project. Upon receiving the reply,
the Kiwanls club immediately as
sured the Commonwealth that
Marion county was within the re
quirements made. While Dr. Mor
ris was east the New York pro
ject asked that a survey be made,
and this was handled by Ihe
chamber of commerce. This year,
1929, sees the completion of the
work done In Marion county by
the foundation, but the county
health unit work will continue.
Two purely club activities that
remain as major incidents during
this period were the "every mem
ber contest" and the winning of
the international attendance con
test in the silver division. Sam
Kozer and ex-Governor Walter
Pierce both made 100 per cent In
the member contest, and the club
as an average made 96 per cent.
T. M. Hicks and Cooke Patton
were the contest leaders. This was
an unusually effective "get ac
quainted" stunt, with each club
member required to visit all other
members in their places of bus
iness. It was under the presidency of
T. B. McCullough in 1925 that
the Salem club completed a pro
ject which became the major ob
jective for Kiwanis Internation
al. The Salem club had been try
ing to secure a graded high school
for the Chemawa Indian school
for several years previous, and
had finally enlisted the aid of the
Oregon and Washington clubs.
When Ed Aras, president of the
international Kiwanis clubs, vis
ited Salem in 1924, his aid was
secured. He in turn introduced
this objective to the international
board of Kiwanis which secured
action from the United States de
partment of Indian Affairsj and
the high school at Chemawa be
came a reality. The combined ef
forts of the clubs succeeded
where the same objective advan
ced as a commercial enterprise
had failed.
Kiwanls members were out
standing in their efforts during
the Y. M. C. A. building fund
drive, which took place when Karl
Becke was president, in 1926. The
Kiwanis club team, one of the four
building fund teams, raised the
largest amount secured by the
competing teams.
The drive for the half million
dollar bond issue for city schools,
under which Parrish and Leslie
junior highs were built and a
wing added to the senior high
school, was sponsored by the local
Kiwanis, between 15 and 20 club
members addressing community
meetings In favor of this project.
The summer playground system
was also inaugurated by the Ki
wanis club at this time.
When Ed Schunke became pres
ident, In 1927, the club's influence
became statewide when It spon
sored the Jersey show at the Ore
gon state fair. Its agricultural
committee has furnished more
than 50 programs for community
clubs during the last several
In 1928, with Charles Wiper at
the head of the club, local Kiwan
ians organized a boy scoot troup of
35 members. A survey for zoning
and bridge developments was
made, and a city planning and
zoning commission sponsored.
The bond issue for new and per
manent bridges received enthus
iastic support from the club.
Under the present leadership of
Ralph Cooler, the Kiwanis club.
.has secured the promise of the
state highway commission to de
velop Holman park, a spot of his
toric significance in early Oregon
history, and which Is located on
the west side Paeifle highway.
While the Influence of the Sa
lem club has not been confined
to the limits of the city of Salem,
its greatest influence on neighbor
ing towns In the Willamette val
ley was made through the spon
soring by the Kiwanls club In the
capital city of Kiwanls clubs in
Dallas, Corvallis, Albany , M c
Minnville and Oregon City.
The visible sign of the club's
activities which has most influ
ence on the traveling public Is
the clever notice a few miles north
of Salem that the spot Is midway
between the north pole and the
equator. Numerous comments
have been aroused by the unique
Kiwanls sign.
The Salem club has Invited the
Pacific Northwest Kiwanls d I s
trlct to hold its convention here
for the last eight years.
We also "build"
among motorists by
always giving honest
values and sincere,
helpful service,
wherever they o in
the west.
Guaranteed Tires, '1
Batteries, Auto
Accessories, Camp
Goods, Golf Equip
ment. Aviation
Supplies and Radios
-Slorc than IgO Cic: x I - Cs Wsst-
i Supply Co.
Visiting Kiwanians
Buster Brown Shoe Store
On Bench
i i uMinur i mi in r "--
Not a baseball bench but the su
preme court bench of Oregon is
occupied by O. P. Coshow, chief
justice, and a local Kiwanian.
Xdiport H. Gordoa MC0 Brf
A. Borrcwiek. Dr. K. K. Admm.
XoMbvrc Dr. B. B. Shoemaker, rrmnk
B. JUtth.wt. Tom H. N, O. E. Houek.
Ch. Edwsrdi, J. R. Frrigo", Jn
5C. Throne. T
St. Helen! John I Storla, Joan X,.
Footo, Irrins Ban, E. A. AHin, Alox Kerr,
Phil Bowley. Joepo G. '" ,
Silem Geo. II. Ah'rn. Ralph Cooler.
Knrl Cochran, Judge O. P. Cohow. John
U Rand, Nte D. Ellio't. Dr. Henry K.
Morris, Ed Schunke. Scott Pse. J- J
Chambers. Sandpolnt. Idaho Jesse O. Fa mod.
Lm C. Robinson, Ernest T. Wolf. Brucj
Tornball, Allen Asher, Emmctt ll.tCii
ner Snfli9 3. Graham, XeiJ M. Rob
ertson. Clyde Mason.
Seattle, Wash. Chaa. O. Dipnan, Tea
1. Daken, Perce Brown. P. S. Coyno,
Geo. Perrr. T. Hurry GowTnn. Roy V.
Corbett, Chas. F. Riddel!, Harry Conmnj
ham. gheltoa. Wash. H. Emo Top, Ir. M.
K. Kennedy. Walter rVkert. T. H. Moore.
Herbert G. Angle, Chris Kreierbaum, Wal
ter M. Elliott,
Sjtnth HmA Wash T)r R P. ScVnl.
!.. R. ftadrer, Elbert Pedersen. Sam
Rose. Dr. Geo. A. Tripp.
Sonth Taecma, Wash. Ra'pli L. John
stone, Thns. Ho'.mbere. Glenn A. RoeTes.
Herbert Schreiber, Moe Mcsher. C. A.
Spokane. Wash Cha. A. Tlatt. IWt
H. Callison. Dr. Robt. Hamblen. M. V.
Themes, Homer Sessions, A'fred H. Sy
wersnn, Riy J. Venables, C. C. l.antrj.
Dr. Rav S--hulte. Frank McCaskcy.
-Claawoed. Wash. A. I.on Wilhite,
Wm. O. Hanson? Ieaae A. Ryrr, A. Geo.
Cooper. VTbi. L. Bailey, Albert Euih.
Tacoma, With. J. . Goff, Henry (ion
yea, Tom Hammer, Sa-i Stauffer, PercJ
Bri-sh, Gny T. Pierce. Warren Bntler.
The Dai;e- W. B.wtticTier. W. K.
Webbtr, Geo. Fla??, J. C. Kirk, R. A
Tillarcook T)r. TV-.v'i nbinon. Frank
B. Bennett. K. K Miller, C'.sudo V. Far
rioi. Clarenee II Co.'.
TJntrersHy, S-att:. Wash. Ilirrr
T.anrtf, Carey, Cinton S. liar
tj, Tal!a:ade 11:.!'.,. Jf. K. Follef.
VtuxciiiVvr, 2. C C V). Bru-e. j,
n,i y.t-Cn-tX P.rry '. Dr. F. o.JR
;reTi:h, J. G. I. :er. !'.- Will Ti. Bir Wf
nctt. Dr. K. G. HigS. U?nry
J. J. ilcS'e.
Vaucor.rer. Wash. T..v! Shan : ,,
DsJtev I'she; an. D'G .ru U.'.'ve
VlctarSa, B. C. H.iro'.l r" P;. .
Welter M. V.s5k;-r. A Kin?. 1!.. .
Bend!, . E. S c-Azj?, Kenneth 1 .
C"JsnT!- -
Well Walla, Wash. t C. El
Bo'i Gibbon. Dr. Kinier II :1!. Henry
rent Chester C. Slurey. C'aronce F. J.
.V.a Ealsb, Uo'-ert E. Ailea, WM
!.:fr. . ,
Vfiachee, Wash. Her. Frnost 1'
War- ii W. Woo-. C. U. Conner.
s-.-i'-r. M- c,em H- '
S:sr'er T'r!or.
Wtt Ses'.tle, Wash. ISobert O.
ner, K.-nest 11. Frk-ison, Rupert L. 1
' 'yaklma. Wash. Waller Howard.
Darine. Karo'.d West, Frank F. Si
A. W. Hawkins.
years, prior to the invitation be
ing accepted. When Dr. Morris
was lieutenant governor of this
district in 1928 the invitation was
finally accepted.
Oliver Meyers and Dr. Morris
are the only Salem members with
a 100 per cent attendance record,
and Dr. Morris is the only Salem
man with a perfect record for con
vention attendance.
On display at the statehouse
during the convention will be pan
els brought by various clubs
charting the activities of the or
ranization fn the communities for?
the past year.; The" idea of ther
charts was furnished by Kiwanls
International headquarters and
the display has been a feature of
Kiwanis meetings held through
out the northwest.
Clubs which have notified Scott
Page, chairman of the committee
planning for the convention heer,
that they would bring panels are
Gresham, Astoria, Everett, Kelso,
Portland, Roseburg, Seattle, Sal
em and Spokane.
These panels will be placed
about the rotunda at the State
house and will be interesting es
pecially to officers of Kiwanis who
can obtain from the exhibit ideas
for the work of their clubs during
the coming year.
Hotels Full as
Time Draws Near
For Convention
While there will be no oyer
crowding of hotels In Salem for
the convention, nearly every room
in the city was spoken for by Sat
urday afternoon according to Eu
gene Chadwick of the Senator ho
tel who has been In charge of
housing for the convention.
Many of the delegates and vis
itors coming to the convention
will be boused wltb friends In
Salem while people from various
clubs in the valley will go back
and forth each night.
Usaaoira Atbstbrasti: Co
U. S. Page, Membeij Kiwanis
A portrait of Jacopo Palma in j
l&zs, representing the martyd
dom of St. Bartholomew, has been
discovered in Como. Italy, and has
been restored.
(Continue4jfron Page 11.)
E. O. Drueker, A. A. Cleveland, Chester
L. Tincent, Geo. Cannon.
PayaUan, Wash. Stcre Gray, Mike
Martin, Emmet Barks, Ray C. Grerory,
Jaa. Blair, Dr. Chaa. Aylen, O. I. 8ov
ereifn. Dr. Fred J. Cnllen, Dr. J. W.
aUysaonA, Wash. Fred Sichner, John
Lanrenbach. Keith Rhodes. Brace Den
nil. Chat. Berry, Clarke Meredith.
to Salem
Ladd & Bush, Bankers
Capital Stock $500,000., . Est. 1868
"We Build" is yaur slogan.
"Dependably serving the lumber consumer" is our slogan
West Salem Tdephone576
2X1 N. Crauaerdal Strtci
f r '