The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 04, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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, Oregon, Si
Sunday Morning August 4, 1929
ews from Mid-Vallev District Communities for Statesman Readers
KINGWOOD. August 3-Ur.
and lire. J. p. smart. Margaret
an4 Jlmraie, drove to Portland
Sunday where they heard Rev.
Dr. J. Whitcorab Bronher, at the
White Temple Baptist church.
Dr. Broughev, who is a former
panor ei uie ttiiw; sempio cm- time, is still laying at the home
Oakland. California, - and is n ' Brufh College. She is' very ill.
Portland on a He and Mr.. MIr3 Fiorcr-e St. Pierre of
Smart were friends some years Kingwood flights ii staving with
ago in California Following ner annt Mr, Robert" Adams
ehnrch services., the Smarts were ; whUe Robert lg Ia eastern Ore
guests for the remainder of the I Kon work,ng Jn the harvest
day', of Mrs. Smart's aunt, Mrs. ; Heii9
r. Ma
J. . Biunz. I Tinio - Mvllenhprlr vhn vnrlra
at the J. R. Chapman farm, is
tor Lynch, hid her tonsils re-'lege. Mr. Wangh i out her with
moved on Wednesday. She ts do-! a commlifion chosen by Secretary
ing nieely, of Arrieulture Arthur M. Hyde,
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip BourOerjto investigate nd repart on a
and daughters, Loraine and The-j proposed building cf a tramway
odora drove to Portland Sunday j to theVnxr.in3t of Mi. Kood from
where with thrpe families of old Mt. HoodSo Tge. Considerable de
friends of that city they picnicked pends noon the commission's find
on Mt. Tabor. jing at to the advisability of con
cuss reuie iay:or, -wno nas sirucung tnts tramway
been in poor health for a ong
brother Mailin and wife of Sa
lem, made the round trip by mo
tor, from Salem to Arlington rnd
return on Sunday, leaving Salem
early and breakfasting at Hood
iver. They found the weather
Tery much hotter in eastern Ore
gon than in the valley.
Ous Livingstone is doing inter-
taking a brief vacation at Astoria,
since the cherry harvest is ended.
He will be away a week or ten
Paul Davis came home Friday.
tjroni the Veterans' hospital in
"Portland. He did not undergo an
operation as was expected. After
A-rays and consultation, it wa
lor carpenter work in tho Tioroe of j dpc!ded tnat h3 case noCif not call
Dr. A. I. Frantz of Salem
lMr.- and Mre. Maurice Roat
right of Route 7 v ere calling on
friends here Sunday.
Miss Mary St. Pierce went to
Aumsville on Wednesday, where
she will spend a week at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. Arba Mar
tin. Mrs. Theodore Bernard. Mrs.
A. L. Applewhite and daughter
Catharine, and Mrs. A. L. McCar
ty and two children, Patricia and
Amasa, visited Mrs. William
Fisher at Auburn ' on Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. Fisher was Miss
Beulah McDil of Kingwood. and
Thursday's guests were old
friends of other days.
, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rice from
r.agie hock, a EunurD or .1.0s ad.
poles, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Smart on Wednesday
and Thnrsday.
Mr. and Mrs. "Charles Adams
and sons Bobble and Danny start
ed Thursday morning on a motor
ing trip. They will proceed in
a southerly direction down the
ennst ifimnlnr at varinna nolnts
of interest, and expect to come
home bv way of Marshrield.
Where thev will visit Mr. Adams
itr, Mrs. Lena Snmpter and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry It. R. Neat
of Lodl .California, are visiting
Mr. Jand Mrs. S. A. LaRaut, who
are the parents of Mrs. Neat.
Mrs. Eugene- Krebs gave a par
ty on Wednesday afternoon, in
honor of the birthday of her little
daughter. Betty.
A family reunion was held on
the lawn of the R. R. Blevins
home, on Wednesday evening,
specially avnorlng Mrs. Blevins
brother. A. W. Prescott of Theo
dore, Alabama.
Mr. and Mrs. George Steward
hi'.ve arrived from-Coos Bay, and
moved onto the acre of land be
longing to them on Cascade
Drive. They are building a gar
age in which they will live for the
present. The Stewards formerly
lived in West Salem.
Mrs. Bob Livingstone of Port
land, visited her uncle, A. A. Liv
ingstone on- Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thomas
drove up from Portland Friday to
visit' his mother, Mrs. Ed Finloy:
O - : O
Orchard Heights
for an operation at this time. His
health is not improved.
Francis Ely, who has been
staying with his grandmother.
Mrs. Gilbert Adams, and visiting
other relatives here, has returned
to his home in Morrow county.
Ed Maher of Portland was a
guest on Sunday of his uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lynch.
Mr. Maher is an attorney and is
connected with the veterans bu
reau, where he investigates the
claims of ex-soldiers.
rr fi K tr-v iiLnniTC
k w i ' 1 IV 17 Aft k. v l i ' , -- r.
3.- On"Sunday. July CR. member"
and friends of the West Salpn
and Summit Methodist chiirche!
nil Qnnilov crhnnU artont A. de
IP 111
Sunday schools spen
lightful day together undtr the
bervutiful old oak" trees at Sum
mit church. The Sunday school
n'ssidn and church services were
h'-ld out doors ay was also the
recriilar business meeting of the tended
fourth quarterly conference of
the charge, with Rev. Dr. Tem
ple, district superintendent, pre
siding. Dr. Temple delivered a
very able address, after which a
wonderful dinner was served.
Mrs. William Layton of Inde-
tfpndcnce Is spending a few days
with Mrs. Eva Simmons. The
two ladies are friends of long
tManding. When Mrs. "Simmons
was a teacher long ago in Ne.
braskar Mrs; Layton. then a girl,
was one of her pupils. They had
not met for more than -thirty
Helen Bliss and Mildred Sim
mons go to Falls City, Monday,
where they will spend the week
t the annual Epworth league In
stitute. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beit, for
jnpr residents of this neighbor
hood, were over Sunday from
thir home at North Howell,
greeting old friends and ae.
oiiaintances at the quarterly
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yates of
Cathlamet, Washington, were
week-end visitors i at the R. W.
Clarke home. Mrs. Clarke and
Mrs. Yates are sisters. Another
sister. Mrs. D. M. Eby of Grand
Junction, Colorado, who Is spend
ing the summer in Oregon, re
turned home with Mr. and Mrs.
Yates, as did also their daughter,
Marie Yates, who has been stay
ing for some time with the
O : : O
j Mountain View
0U r. ' O
Mrs. Lena Sumpter with her
ion Roy have been visiting rela
tives here. They have returned
to their home In MarshfJeld. tak
ing -with them for a .rong visit,
jMrsi Sumpter's mother, Mrs. Gil
bert Adams, j
Sam Chapman, with Ernest
Bush ot Salem, sought the finny
tribe In VaseU waters on Thurs
day. Sam came home with 25
"trout. '
Raloh White, who has . been
visiting relatives nere .ana in
Washington, and touring" m ean-
Pasadena, California." -
Dudley .Jibson ? 1 Mutrresting
kis early - peaches. , He i ' has 4
Vinntlful crop ot fine ftUaUtr.
rranc 2ttlr laughter of Vle-
WOODHI7RN. Aug. S. Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Plank are attending the
Minnesota picnic In Hager'g grove
near Salem today.
Mrs. Henry Eeaman and son,
Clair, accompanied Mrs. Bear.ian's
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles
Bearuan to her home in San Ra
fael, California, recently for a
visit of two weeks.
Miss Vivien Nelson and Miss
Margaret Mochel went to Portland
Tuesday to swim at Jantzen
Rev. Katherine Powell and her
daughter, Mrs. W. B. Willard of
South Dakota, are spending a
week wfth Mrs. Keith Powell at
her cottage in Neskowin. Bing
ham Powell is spending the sum
mer on the Willard ranch.
Mrs. Clyde Whitman has re
turned from a Portland hospital
where she underwent a serious
operation. '
Miss Elf a Lyfle of the Moore
and Beers drug store Is enjoying
her vacation. . One week of it has
been spent in Portland, visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Haller and
other friends.
Vera and Maurice Bogard are
studying stenography and type
writing in a Salem business college.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Allen attend
ed the three-day Sunset Trail . a-
rades and pageant in Eugene.
Their daughter. Miss Helen Allen.
a student in drama at the Univer
sity of Oregon, took part in the
Dr. and Mrs. Donnelly and chil
dren have returned from a motor
trip to Republic, Washington, and
other northern points.
Miss Ann Baillio, a student j
nurse from St. Vincent's hospital
at Portland has been spending her j
vacation with her parents, Mr. I
and Mrs. Gervais Baillio. i
Tho members of the Woodburn '
Garden cJub are invited to attend j
a special meeting at the home of
Mr. and mVs. O. W. Noyes in Hall
addition, Tuesday evening, August
6, at 7:00 pym.
Mr. and ."fre. Fred Miller and
Mr. and Mrs. William Scollard at-
the Sunset Trail pageant
Harvey Adam?, a student
Oregon F'ate college and who la
in the reserve officers training
corps, returned recently from six
weeks In the field artillery at
Fort Lewis. He will spend the
remainder of his vacation at
Rev. and Mrs. D. E. Crabb and
two sons, who have been visiting
Rev. and Mrs. Henry G. Hanson,
left Monday for San Francisco,
where they1 will embark August 9
for their return trip to China.
Rev. and Mrs. Crabb are mission
aries. Mr. and Mrs. Handy left 'Tues
day for a motor trip to Mr. Ban
dy's home town, Spring VaHey,
Minnesota. They will go by ttie
Lincoln highway and will return
via Yellowstone park. They ex
pect to be gone a month and will
prpbably go on Into Wisconsin to
visit some of Mrs. Handya rela
tives. Mrs. Harold Miller returned
last Sttnday from visiting her
grandfather, S. P. Hopper at Kan
sas City, Missouri. She had been
gone about six weeks, stopping on
her way home at Loe Angeles and
San Francisco to visit friends.
Mrs. Kate Trimble of Honolulu
was a guest from Saturday to
Tuesday at the home of Mr. and
Mre. Arthur Dickenson on South
Front street. The ladies were
chums before Mrs. Dickenson's
marriage. Mrs. Trimble la re
turning from a two months rip
to Alaska.
Miss Margaret Poorman has re
turned from a visit of one week
with her friend, Miss Erma Wil
liams of Astoria.
Vest Stayton this week quite a
number from here are picking
for W. W. Bone. '
Mrs. George B. Howard, as a
guest of her cousin. Will Allen
motored to Oregon City Friday
returning home Saturday evening.
Mrs. O. H. McNeal had the mis
fortune to loose one of her cows
j :hi- week. lit was accidentally kill-
1 i
o : oi
North Santiam
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shattuck of
Dallas were Sunday visitors at the
J. S. McLaughlin home.
Mrs. Elma McAllister and
daughter Ruth and Janet, Mrs.
Cora Retd of Salem called on
friends Sunday.
M. and Mrs. O. W. Cobb ot
Wilamlna visited relatives here
Mr. and Mrs. John A. James
and family of Los Angeles, Cal.,
who have been visiting friends
and relatives here, have located
in Albany for the present time.
- Mrs. Ludwig of Turner is vis
iting her daughter Mrs. G. H. Mc
Neal. . Ball brothers pulled flax Jor H.
Loretz this week.
D. Henry of Salem called at the
W. Hethley home Sunday.
Will Allen of Oregon City Is
i visiting his cousins, the Howards.
George B. Howard and Will Al
len motored to Thomas creek
Thurdsay fishing.
Bean .picking corn'rences at
o o
. FAIRVIEW. August 3. Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Neuson, Mrs. Nor
ris and Russel Norris of Marsh
field visited friends in this vicin
ity Saturday and Sunday.
Russell Norris worked on day
Jobs during loganberry season at
the Roll and Jory fruit dryer last
The extremely hot weather the
last few days has done consider
able damage to the loganberries
around this vicinity.
Mr. Cunningham of the Liberty
district hat .finished cutting his
grain on the John Jory place,
where he haa quite an extensive
Sunday evening, July the 28th.
a singing bee was held at the
Fairview school house. It was
sponsored by the Fairview com
munity club.
About 20 persons attended.
Mrs. Sehon and Mr. Turner led
the singing. Ilene Turner played
the piano. -i.
Sunday the 2Sth Mrs. R. C.
Day and family motored to the
Alsea mountains to visit Mr. Day
who is staying there attending
the bees during fall pasturing.
They took a picnic lunch and
had a very enjoyable day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Isling and
about 35 of their loganberry pick
ers spent Sunday the 28 th at
Woodland park. They went swim
ming and boating; afterwards a
picnic lunch was served.
They returned home about sev
en o'clock in the evening.
NEWPORT, Aug. 3 Ninety
trout in three days was the record
of a modest Salem lady who made
the catch in Rock Creek. This
creek is in reality about 45 miles
from Salem but motorists no long
er brave the Falls City. Valsetx
road but instead have to make, the
trip by way of Corvallis, Toledo
and then over the fine rock road
which Lincoln county has built to
the corner of Polk to reach this
sportsman's paradise. A long distance-but
worth it according to
this lady. Should 'Polk county ever
see fit to build this shOTt stretch
of road Salem residents could mo
tor to Newport within two hours.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lalfur and
family of Salem spent the week
end at the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams
were recent Salem visitors at New
port. Mr. Henry Friesen of Salem
was in Newport the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wiles and fam
ily returned to Salem after spend
ing their vacation at Glenwood
Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen and
family of Salem are vacationing
in Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Clark and
daughter. Dorothy Ann, who are
sojourning in a Sunset cottage
have as their guests Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Clark of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J.tider of Sa
lem are recent visitors at the Gil
more. Dr. Altman and Mrs. AUman of
Salem are guests at the Damon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell ot Sa
lem are sojourning at Glenwood
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hunt re
turned to Salem after enjoying a
vacation in Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Starr are
sojourning at the Old Playground.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. St. Clair
are Salem visitors at Sunnyside
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Welch and
daughters, Elizabeth and Anna,
returned to Salem after spending
a vacation at Cherry City.
Felix LaBranch of Salem is
occupying his cottage at Nye
Beach. 1
J. M. Dutton is registered at
the Gilmore. ?
Mr. and Mrs. K. Rhodes and
family of Salem are occupying a
Glenwood coKage for a week..
A. E. Hedine and daughter,
Laura .Hedine of Salem spent sev
eral days at Sunnyside Lodge.
Miss Lucile Jasoske of Salem is
spending a vacation at the beach.
K. Anderson was a recent New
port visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Brundidge and
family of Salem are enjoying camp
life at Tent City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Odenborg
and family of Salem are beach
- Dallas
DALLAS, August 3. Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. I rubier and daughter
lone are leaving Sunday on a
tor trip to Yellowstone - park.
They will be joined en route' by
a University of Oregon friend! of"
Miss Imbler's. Mr. Imbler is mair
ager o fthe J. C. Penney company
in Dallas and plans to be away
two weeks. a .
Edward Fully, son of Mr. and H. T. Fully is home on
leave from the U. S. S. Colorado
now at Seattle. This is his third
year ia service and first visit to
Dallas. He was accompanied by
a friend, John Dell. H. T. Fully
came p Dallas about two months
ago and Is planer foreman for
the Willamette Valley Lumber
Dr. tfnd Mrs. A. B. Starbuck
and children, Mary, Myra and
Thom?ia are leaving on Wednes
day for a short vacation trip.
They will go to Crater lake, the
Oregon Caves and Crescent City,
returning by way of Marshfield
to visit a sister of Mrs. Starbuck.
They will be away five or six
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Patterson
arrived Thursday for a visit wtih
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hayter, the
parents of Mrs. Patterson. Mr.
Patterson Is an Instructor in the
school of forestry at Corvallis
state college and with Mrs. Pat
terson has spent the winter at
Palo Alto taking a post graduate
course at the University ofCal
ifornla. They witnessed the" for
mal notification of the nomina
tion of Herbert Hoover as presi
dent. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hayter and
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Soehren are
spending the week-end at New
port with Mrs. V. C. Staats.
Rev. O. D. Peterson, pastor of
he Christian church will leave
on Wednesday for a two weeks
vacation. Part of it will be spent
in attendance ot the-national con
vention of Christian churches be
ing held in Seattle. Later he will
visit in Spokane with bis parents.
He will be accompanied by Mrs.
Peterson and small son.
"Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Uglow and
children Abel and Rachel accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Uglovr of Los Angeles are touring
the beaches. This is their second
trip to the east within a few
weeks. On the first one Dan
Uglow landed a 35 pound salmon
and was so enthused that he
wanted to try his lnck again. This
is their first visit to Oregon
beaches and they are greatly
William W. Ball, of Mapleton,
Kan., is visiting his sister Mrs. J.
E. Clayton. Mr. Ball who Is a
banker Is makng his first visit
to Oregon and says that he Is
very much pleased wltb condi
tions out here and T'as enjoyed a
trip to coast points.
o -o
MEHAMA. August 3. Theo
dore Bohannon is in the Stayton
hospital, seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes
and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bevier
motored to Portland las45unday.
There are large crowds at the
"Ye Ole" ewimming hole these
hot days.
August 2 was the last logan
berry picking for pickers at
The banks of the Santiam were
an attraction for many people
Sunday. rrt'"" " ''
Burnett Bros. Jewelers "Pay Us As Yon Are raid" Fourteen Store-on tn Pacific Coast Not the largt bat (we hope) the beet!
Micro-Synchronous 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Bonney
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simon mo- I
tored over the Mt. Hood loop last
week. They enjoyed the beauti-1
ful' scenery and had a wonderful',
trip. ;
Mrs. W. A. Chapman and son j
Billy are here from their home In 1
Santa Monica. California, for a '
vacation and visit with old friends.
They expect to stay on emonth.
Dr. and Mrs. F. I. Hutchinson
and family were guests, last Sun
day, of Mr. and Mrs. Olin W. Love
of Portland, They enjoyed a fish
ing trip down the Columbia in
the Love's launch.
A prominent visitor at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. But
terfield last weekend was Mrs.
Butterfield's brother-in-law. Dr.
Frank A. Waugh, dean of the
Massachusetts Agricultural col-
wiU coarsen
your skin
THE daily cleansing of your
skin miut be thorough but
gentle if you would keep your
complexion youthfully lovely.
Knowing this, Dorothy Cray
has perfected an exquisitely
light Cleansing Cream. It melts
as it touches your skin, and thus
gently removes even- particle
of cosmetics and clogging dust.
Always use Dorothy Gray's
Cleansing Cream after expo
sure and before retiring.
On tale at cur Toilet
Goods Department
$1.00 $1.75 $2.75 $5.25
Waif ivhihi
you pay
i rrrvii wfuu fc?rNmy rTi zii inai in
id m v sk a in in. wa -mmm r m m mm
'1 ll
Capital Drug- Store
405 State
A nationally known Eastern Life Insurance Com
pany has opening for District Manager for Salem
and vicinity. This calls for a man of good reputa
tion, energy and ability who is able to meet the
best business men with a fine business invest
ment proposition.
Full commission contract with contract for sub
agents, a good opportunity for this right man to
build an increasing income. State age, occupation
past five years, married or single, and references.
Correspondence strictly confidential.
Address Insurance care Statesman
A small payment dowri
and we'll make delivery,'
live, balanced. 3 separate
units, all accessible . . . in
terchangeable. Marvelous
new dynamic speaker?
loud or soft at the torn of i'
a knob. Handsomest radio
cabinets ever built.
Also the superb new Victor- j
The nation is turning to
come in
The Birthday Party presents tomorrow
A Dinner Set of Iraporte
At a Price that is Sure to Make Friends
This sketch givo3
but a Door idea of
this fine dinner set
It is far more beautiful
than any description we
can write of it The Iv
ory border is decked with
wreaths of tiny flowers and
the edges are all finished in
gold. It will commend itself
to all women of refinement and
good taste and it can take an
honored place on the table of the
'Firs Families."
vs. " I m i I w
v i i i i tr
There are forty-two
pieces in each set a
complete service for six
persons oix L-unner
Plates Six Salad Plate
Six Fruit or Oatmeal Dishes.
Six Cups and Six Saucers-
Half a dozen Soup Cups a gra
vy Boat a large Platter -vege
table dish and a sugar bowl and
cream pitcher y
The Greatest
Sensation in
Geo, C. Will
432 State Street
Most good stores get twenty-seven
fifty to thirty dol
lars for this same "Nor
tike China but to make
the store's Birthday Party
a memorable occasion
the entire set is offered for
Nineteen-Fifty and on the
Burnett Budget Plan at
that take a set for half a
dollar pay the balance-
fifty cents or a dollar a
week. We really prefer
not to ell them for cash.
The selling starts off at nine o'clock in the mornin'!