The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1929, Page 9, Image 9

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Thf OREGON STATESMAN, Salera, Omoa, Sunday Morning, Jgly 28, 19?9
Mid-Vallev district Gomrflunities
ews irom
Award to be Offered for
Greatest Improvement in
Appearance of Yard
DALLAS. July 27. As a con
tinuation of its program for home
an1 garden beautification the spe
cial eonimittee from the Dallas
Woman's club -In charge of this
activity announced after a meet
ing 6b Thursday that $35 in
prizes will be awarded this year.
Mrs. C. L. Crlder is chairaian of
the committee, Mrs. W. G. Vassall
and Mrs. William Effenberger-the
other members representing the
Woman's. club, and Mrs. Charles
N. Bilyeu acting for the chamber
pf commerce.
The contest this year will be
different than the ones of ; form
er years, prizes to be awarded to
the places showing the greatest
general Improvement instead of
for the best appearance. The con
test will be in two divisions,! the
first one for the place showing! the
best Improvement in front yard
and park strip, with pictures to
be submitted of the year as It ap
pears this fall or on November 1,
the other picture to be of the same
place taken not later than June 1,
The second division will, be for
the back yard showing the great
est improvement in general ap
pearance with pictures taken by
November 1 and again by June 1.
v These pictures are to be taken
to the office of the chamber of
commerce not later- than June 5,
1931. where they will be submit
ted to out of town judges by
Jfina 10 who .will also visit the
gardens before announcing the
In both divisions a first prize
of 510 will be given and a second
prize of $7.50, the chamber of
commerce furnishing the money
to the Woman's club for the pur
pose. ,
O 1 r O
! .
DONALD, July 27. Mrs. Le
Roy Barringer of Ruther, Iowa,
visited at the home of her broth
er Krl Carver. On Saturday they
'motored to Eugene visiting with
another sister, Mrs. B. H, Bean,
going from there to: Marshfield.
where 'they will spent a week with
thoir sister,' Mrs. Dick Hansen.
Mr. Carver's mother who is visit
ing here from California,;' joined
them on the trip. .
Frank Padrick is digging a well
and plans to install his own water
system real soon.
John Groff, who injured bis
foot while swimming . at Shady
Acres, is rapidly improving.
Mrs. Pat Levy, who has been
Quite ill, is improving.
Fred Yergen, who has been in-
the hospital far the past two
months, is home now. Mr. Yer
gtn looks fine and says lie is glad
to be home.
O - i O
MONITOR. July 27. G. L.
Jensen left Friday morning in his
car for a fishlny trip in the
streams of the coast range near
T. O. Thornton returned the
middle of the week from a week's
outing in central Oregon.
Sunday dinner guests at the L.
D. Lenon home were Ben Kig-
gins, of Shelby, Mont., and Mrs
John Kiggins and Dallas Crosier
of Estacada. j
Little Jimmy Jensen under
went a tonsil operation at the
Portland sanitarium last' Sunday
Saturday night ' and Sunday
guests at the S. L. Brantner home
were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Duly
and sons Homer and Allen Jr
Mrs. Jess Carpenter and sons
' Jess Jr., and Howard, and Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Brantoer, all of
Hood River.
Mrs. Dilly and Mrs. Carpenter
are daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Brantner, and this was the first
time since Mr. and Mrs. Brantner
lived in Oregon eight years, that
all nine of their children have
been home at the same time, so
this was a rery happy reunoln.
Little Homer and Allen Dilly re
mained for a several 'weeks' visit
with their grand-parents.
Miss Berneta Thompson of
W'oodburn, was a dinner guest
Tuesday evening oi Miss Walvo
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Spinner and
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Spinner of Los
Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Al
Dunn of Portland, were calling
on their old Colorado neighbors,
S. L. Brantner and family, Thurs
day. Gilbert Lenon bought one of
the Graham trucks from Fred Wil
lig and left the last of the week
. for Nampa, Idaho, where he will
do trucking.
The Congregational I Sunday
school held an outdoor meeting in
Koster's Park last Sunday follow
ed by a basket dinner and a swim
in Butte creek in the afternoon.
Rot. Rogan of Nidiros church
has been given a month's vacation
by his congregation and expects
to leave Monday morning for
Parkland, Wash., where he will
spend a part of his vacation at
tending the Chautauqua there.
Fred Willlg has moved with his
tracks to Grand Bond where he
has a cob tract hauling legs.
Miss Gladys Palmer has bought
a new Oldsmobile sedan Irom Ed
Battleson, the Salem dealer. Miss
Palmer, wltJx her mother, Mrs,
Mary Palmer, and Mrs. John Me
Hollick sad children. BOlr and
Wilms, and Chester fi Peterson
drvve to Newport far the; aew car
and apeat several days on the
. beach. - ; ' .. fj I ".'
Mrs. Mary Cochran of Portland
la visiting at the home i ot her
nephew, Omar Hastle and family.
TURNER. July 27. Leo Dy
nett of the state flax department
has been grading the flax in tht
fields in this section this week. On
account of the late spring not as
much of the yield measures np to
first grade as some other year3.
He said a four acre field 'of early
sown flax on the C. A. Bear farm
was in top grade and the best he
had seen np to the day of grad
ing. Besides two or three flax
pullers in the vicinity, a number
of families are camping and do
ing hand pulling.
Rev. Earl Confer, who has tilled
the pulpit of the Christian church
about two years ha3 handed in his
resignation, as he wishes to be
located near Eugene where he re
sides. Charles Standley has been con
fined at homi for a short time,
from the effects of treatment for
an ear that has given trouble for
some timel.
Keith Roberts, who Is employed
at; the Portland post office; made
a brief visit at the home of his
brother, L. D. Roberts and fam
ily Saturday. They all attended a
family picnic at Rickreall Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear and
sons Kenneth and Willard. left
Saturday for Eugtne, to take in
the "Sunset Trail" psgeaut.
A visit was also made with
friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wing.
The retnrn trip was made Sunday.
jW. H. Purdy, who is mechanic
at the state highway department,
hs been in poor health for sev
eral weeks, and has Just returned
from a sanitarium.
Mrs. Henry Barnett spent the
week from Wednesday till Sun
day with her mother, Mrs, F. M.
Bear of near CrawfordsviJle. Mr.
Barnett motored' np Sunday, Mrs.
Barnett returning home with him.
Miss Ada Thomas of Portland,
called on old Turner friends last
Sunday and dining at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith.
;Miss Ailene Robertson has been
qtkite sick with measles, but is
now convalescing.
Mrs. D. S. Riches and house
gijest. Miss Anna J. Hale, left the
fifst of the week by auto for
Weiser. Idaho, where Mrs. Riches
will assist her mother during the
rest of the harvest season, as
there are many helpers to be fed
on the large ranches.
Ball Bros, flax machine Is be
ins; operated by Comen Tracy, Al
bert Giveng and Hollis Bofces.
Macleay, July 27 Macleay
school board have employed as
their teacher for the coming year
Mrs. Raymond who comes recom
mended by our County School
Supt., Mrs. Fulkerson.
Mrs. D. P. Junk and Mrs. Ber
tha Darby were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. -Martin one
day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. -E. Hackett and
children of Salem were the guests
of his brother, Mr. L. V. Hackett
and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Strawn who ;
are caring for the August Lentz
loganberry yard, report a very
good crop of berries and will be
done picking in another week.
Wilbur Pursely Is nowiworklng
for Mr. L. V. Hackett.
Miss Josephine Nannaman took
her first ride In an airplane Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Pur3ley andj
son Wilbur spent Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hackett.
Several games of horseshoes rrero
Miss Emily Bruck motored to
Stayton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hackett and
children spent Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Clair Strawn.
Mrs. Olive Beardsley made a
business trip to Portland this
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lambert
and son Lawrence were the din
ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Roth of Pratum Sunday.
Mrs. Strawn and relatives went
to the coast at Newport Saturday.
V. L. Masten of Macleay's gen
eral merchandise store, made a
business trip to Salem Wednes
day. L Clair Martin of Vernonia, Ore.,
and Mr. Jesse Martin who is a
landscape gardener of Salem, are
helping Harry Martin in the har
vest and-hay-making.
Mr. and Mrs. Banty will start
Friday, July 27, for a Vacation at
the beach. Mr. Banty is a lawyer
and Mrs. Banty is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. C. Teken-
bery have purchased several tons
of clover hay from Howell Prairie
Henry Benz is helping L. M
Lambert with the hay making.
MARION. July 27 Hough
ton drove down from Gatts Wed
nesday and spent the day visiting
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Doerfler and
daughter Virginia came over
from Albany Monday evening "for
s visit with F. A. Doerfler. V I
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Russell ere
enjoying a visit from their daugh
ter. Mrs. Nell Edwards of Seattle,
and her friend, Mrs. Ray H oilman
of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. George Chris tin
sen and children, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Baliff aad Mrs. M. Davidson and
children motored to Caseadla Sun
day and report a very enjoyable
Lillian Christensen and her
brother Kenneth had a narrow es
eape from serious injur last Wed
nesday evening while playing on
a piece of piling near their home.
The children ia some way dis
lodged one of th piling which
rolled down oa them, pinning
them against another piling and
had It not been that on of the
pillnf was cracked and formed
spec Between the pole where
ther fortunately lodged, they
would hare been quite badly In-
jured. As it was they escaped)
with a severe bruising.
' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Overhal
eer and family motored to Leban
on Sunday where they spent tha
day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert
k J. M. Christopher la spending
several weeks at Newport.
M. A. Barber has moved the old
creamery building from First
Street to a location on the Wayn
Barber property on Second street
and will build an addition to it
after which he will move the post
office and confectionery store to
this new location.
.O : i
CLOVERDALE. jnly 27 The
hay harvest In this locality Is al
most finished. The yield was
heavy this year.
Schifferer Brothers are baling
hay. They raise some of the finest
hay in the country.
The grain crop is exceptionally
good in and around here.
J. Morris has finished gathering
his fruits. He began with straw
berries and tfow has completed
gathering his cherries and black
caps. Pete Davis left Sunday for east
ern Oregon, where he will work
through harvest.
Fred Schifferer visited in Me-
Clay neighborhood Sunday.
Little Mable Schifferer la Im
proving nicely from her recent
long siege of measles and other
sickness combined.
Mrs. Anna Kunke and children
spent the wek-end In Salem.
We heard that the Grey Dig
gers lost their game Sunday a
very rough, wild game was played
too. If all reports are true. :
O o
DALLAS, July 27. H. G.
Black, county clerk, accompanied
by Mrs. Black and Rev. and Mrs.
H. A. VanWinkJe, of Spokane and
former resident's of Dallas, are
spending a vacation at the Black
cottage at Devil's Lake
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Retzer
spent several days the first of the
week at Walla Walla looking after
the harvesting of the grain crop
on Mrs, Retzer's farm.
Past Noble Grands of the Re
bekah lodge held a covered dish
supper in the city park Monday
evening for the members of their
families, fifty were present for
the affair.
Thos. F. Myers, manager of the
Queen Contest of the Oregon
state fair was in Dallas Tuesday
in the interest of a candidate be
ing entered from here. The mat
ter will be taken up by the direc
tors of the chamber of commerce
at their next meeting.
Mrs. Edith Guthrie is repre
senting this district at the grand
lodge of Neighbors of Woodcraft
meeting in . Portland, July 24 to
August 5.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Westfall
and family have returned from a
vacation trip to southern Oregon
beaches and mountain resorts.
Mr. Westfall is manager of the
local Brier store. i
Officials of the court house,
employees and families held a pic
nic lunch in the park Wednesday
evening with 40 in attendance.
Burton Bell, teacher In the
junior high school, is building a
new home on the highway to
Monmouth, it adjoins that of his
parents. Mrs. Burton Bell Is an
instructor in the Oregon Normal
O O,
North Santiam
Willis Keithly Jr., is reported to
be very ill.
P. A. Stevens and R. L. Howard
are cutting grain for I Walker
at West Stayton.
Mr. Darling of near here was
badly burned this week by the ex
plosion of a can of gasoline which
he thought was kerosene. He
poured it on some rubbish and the
gasoline exploded. He was taken
to the hospital for treatment.
The boys from( the Turner Me
morial Home are camping here
cutting wood.
The Ladles' Sewing club met
at the home of Mrs. George B.
Howard this week. This will be
the last meeting until October 1st.
The berry season is almost over.
Growers report but one or two
more pickings.
O o
FAIRVIEW, July 27 R. C.
Day is spending a few days in
the Alsea mountains where he
has taken his bees for fall pas
turing. Mrs. W. C. Calwell has return
ed to her home in Portland after
a week's vacation spent visiting
old friends and neighbors.
The G. H. Bingenbeimer fam
ily have recently moved to their
new home on the Jefferson high
way. They have been residents
of this community for 12 years.
J. Hooper and his son Lester
are doing carpenter work on the
new school house, which is be
ing built in McMinnviUe.
ROSED ALE, July 27. Miss
Helen Cammack ; graduated from
the Oregon State Normal on wed
nesday and is spending a few days
at home.
Ellis Canny. Kenneth Canny, A.
J. Haldy and Ormel Trick are
working In Salem In the new
warehoue of the Salem Coopera
tire Fran Growers Assn., on
ISth street. They drive back and
Mr. aad Mrs. S. B, Strand and
children of YencaUa visited the
former's sister, lira. Cammack. on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. Kiaer and daughter Carol
of Salem have also, spent a few
days at the Cammack home.
Geo. Wilde Is having his barn
painted. They spent Wednesday
at their raneh here.
Albert Bates has been over
Organization of Farmers
Held Greatest Need For
Agricultural Assistance
lThe great trouble with farm
er today is that they are not or
ganized. They are afrair to go
venture in new
fields." said J.
M. Isllng of
Mr. Isllng Is
keenly interest
ed in the prob
lems confront
ing the small
farmers of to
day and has
studied the sit
uation careful
ly. He cited
I Mrs. Callia
conditioni 1 n
where In many places the farmers
haye a strong organisation; head
ed by experts who are continually
studying to help the farmers in
the group.
.According to Mr. Isllng the
farmers of Oregon are receiving
a great dal of help from the state
agricultural college but this work
is not carried far enough to be of
laiting vilue to the grower.
The Isllng farm has 25 acres in
loganberries, 30 acres in prunes
and six acres in strawberries. An
otfeer five acres of strawberries Is
to be planted next" year.
tTbe loganberry crop has been
a great disappointment this year
slftce there is only approximately
one-third of the usual crop. Th
fact, together with a lower price
frm Tillamook looking after his
ranch here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blair and
son , from Mulino, Ore., visited
with the latter's sister-in-law,
Mis. Cammack, last Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary Gardner of Albany
vijsited at the D. C. Bloom home
IlLLEHEE, July 27 The logan
berry harvest is on in this local
ity. It is proving a little better
yield than was first expected and
everybody is very busy.
Mr. Luke has built a big addi
tion to his dairy barn, and expects
to add several niore head of cows
to) his herd this fall.
The Feller girls are working In
the loganberries at Ed Dragers.
Mr. Drager has a fine-acreage of
Iqgans this year.
Oi ; O
1 k Amity
O -Cr
I AMITY, July 27 Mr. and
Mrs. C. G. LeMasters of Orange
Cone. California visited in Amity
o Wednesday.
I Miss Florence Snodgrass left
Tuesday afternoon for a visit with
hfer si3ter, Mrs. Elfie Countrymen
at Milwaukie. ?
1 Merton Mack and daughter Fay
of stayton visited in this city on
1 Mrs. Clara 'Broadwell expects
to leave sometime this week for
Condon where she will spend the
Miss Edna Strout Is spending
tWo weeks at the home ot her
ant, Mrs. Modre in Seattle.
I A. J. McGowan transacted busi
ness In Portland on Tuesday.
I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bellemln
d son visited in sherridan
uesday forenoon.
I Mrs. Earl Massey and her
mother returned to their home In
Astoria Sunday.
Don Woodman of Portland
spent Sunday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wood
man of this city.
I Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Osborne
and the Mesdames Hunter and
Kiems. made a trip to Mt. Hood
one day this week.
Bud Caves and son stopped in
Amity Tuesday noon on their way
tb Portland.
I Mrs. Ina Jones returned home
after visiting Mrs. Lloyd Cole,
bier sister-in-law at Medford. She
Was accompanied by her niece.
Betty Cole.
I Dr. and Mrs. Harlle Shields of
Portland spent Sunday in Amity
on Sunday.
1 Leland Wood of Portland Is as
slstlng with work in the Vannice
barber shop. -
i Mrs. Glenn vannice and sisters
from Dakota left on Tuesday for
a trio to southern Oregon and
Crater Lake.
I Miss Edith Patterson left on
Tuesday for a week's visit with
tier aunt. Mrs. Helvie of Carlton
1 Mrs. Hope Forbes of Washing
ton, spent Sunday at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Briedwell.
I Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Ronig and
children of Portland spent Sun
day at the Otho Shields home of
this eity.
1 . r
: . o
two day championship golf tourn
ament will be played at the 811
verten Country club course the
latter part of September, accord
ing to plans made at s recent
meeting of ralfers at the Waverfy
club at Portland. L. C. Eastman
was elected president and Charles
Reynolds secretary for the treat
fhtrty-six holes are to be played
each day of the tournament
1 Prof. Edwin Tingelitad. who
lor the past four years has been
principal of the Bltverton high
Jchott!, Is en or tha speakers at
ffie summer chautauqua program
at Parkland. Wash. The dates of
the Chautauqua aro from July
mh to August 4th. ProLTlngel-
t MMt tact mm mam w p m
tenth." I
1 Al Vmattt. who want over the
1 4-foot SouthUrtr creek falls
year ago, will ride his canoe over
Shoshono Falls, at Twin FaDa,
dahor on- Jnly Itthv according to
advertisements received here this
than In previous years has made a
difficult situation for the grower.
It isn t only, problems ot mar
keting and farming that farmers
must solve but frequently the task
of providing educational facilities
for the youngsters is a difficult
one. It isn't often that the situa
tion is met as it has been in a
district ii; Morrow county that has
just come to light
Mae Dol.crty, a student of the
Oregon Normal iat Monmouth, has
boon dolns practice teaching in
the summer rchool at Salem and
has revealed the story of what she
is to do next year.
in tms district there U a very
good school' house well equipped.
However there. are only six pupils
In the entire districi for the com
tag year and all of these are fro ji
one family.
The family home is mora than
two miles frm the school house
so It was decided that the chil
dren should not have to walk that
Therefore the needed equipment
for the school ; was moved from
the school building to a small
shack in the backyard ot the fam
Ily home. Here the young teach
er will hold school next winter.
An' interesting sidelight is the
fact that the older children of the
family often have to stay out 'of
school to work so that much of the
time she will hot even have six
week. Shoshone Falls la a 212
foot drop
Gus Paulson, manager of the
local C. J. Britr store, has return
ed from an automobile trip which
covered 1000 miles of Idaho and
Washington country. Mr. Paul
son's family accompanied him.
stone, pastors of the Christian
The Rev. and Mrs. W. Living-
church, are at the coast for a two
weeks' rest. They will visit sev
eral of the beaches. A Portland
pastor will occupy the pulpit dur
ing their absence.
The Silverton fire department
was called out Friday afternoon to
put out a grass fire on the East
Hill near the Carrie Teterson
home. No damage was done to
any property although the fire
crept quite close to the Peterso
house. ;.
Watt Long, former member of
the Silyerton high school faculty,
has accepted 'the position of gen
eral salea manager for the East
man Brothers, manufacturers! of
Sibl'ocao furnaces, fire chutes and
playground chutes.
Moiintain View I
O' n - J
Philip Bouffler aild family at
tended the Masonic picnic at Hazel
Green on Saturday j and report a
very enjoyable time.
Mrs. J. R. Chapman accompan
ied Mrs. Harry Moran and her
daughter. Miss Hazel, on a motor
trip to Portland, Monday, where
they enjoyed a few iya' shopping.
Robert Adams goes to Heppner
Sunday where he wMl work with a
threshing crew on! the farm of
Frank Barlow, who: is well known
here, having spent portions of sev
eral winters in thisfvicinity. Word
has been received here of the un
expected marriage of Mr. Barlow
to a young lady frpm Idaho, last
Saturday. The couple were mar
ried in Walla Wall
Mrs. Phillip Bouffler was a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Brunk qf trunk's corner
on Thursday 1 evening.
O i : O
VALSETZ, July 27. About 11
a. m. Tuesday, Clarence Bradshaw
age 21, met with a very painful
accident while at work around the
ang saw. His lfft foot was
aught between a chain and
prockett. The Injured man was
moved to the doctor's office
Irhere-first aid was given before
ending htm to St. Vincent hospi
tal. No repbrt has been recevted
from the hospital as! yet in regards
1o how badly the foot was Injured.
Mrs. Walter Raymond and enli
ven have returned from San
ranclsco, Calif., where they spent
most enjoyable two weeks.
Junior Smith Is spending the
ummer at Gutherie, witir his
randparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
aker. j
Catherine Hahn Is the only girl
cout from Valseti fwho Is enjoy-
ng the encampment at Wildwood
'amp near Canby. The camp is
ponsored by a group "of Portland
omen for the Portland girl
coats but say Oregon girl scout
ay attend by paying: a small fee.
Catherine will be there two weeks.
The Murphy twins, Maretta and
Smerson. are spending a week
near Dallas with their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs.: Joe Murphy. ,
Mr. and Ms. Charles Taylor
liave moved to Talbot,
A bridge party; was given by
Jose Wells at fet home Thurs
day afternoon. Twa tables were
is play. Lets LawsoA, Ellen
Wright Betty Sanders, Madge
Trailer. Edna Mixer, Mable Erick
ron, Paulina Wellji and Juanita
Powell were the l guests. First
rtze Was won by Madge Frailer,
Juanita Powell, Consolation. A
dainty luncheon wan served by the
Mr. mad lira. Fred Yedd Sr.,
aad son Fred, of Tono, Wash., are
nsmnf ar xn nomes ox tneir
son. Bill Tedd. and daughter, Mrs.
Ann Emmett ;
Vratlnjr at the homo of Mrs.
Emerson Murphy drt her two sis
tars. Cora and Betty Bradshaw of
rails City, also a friend, Mrs. J.
If, Peters, ot North Bead. I MrsJ
Murphy and Mrs. Peters hat not
teen each other for n years.
Claus Wlckland ; Bud MeCall,
and Dan Smith motored to Sajem
Thursday and attended the box
ing. smoSer there.
Ella Louisa Hants ot Portland,
is visiting with her aunt Mrs.
Morrison Lawson.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Tokstad gave a progressive
500 party at their home. Twoi ta
bles were used. The guests were
Mr. and MrsJ Ed Potter, Mr. -and
Mrs. E. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Yedd and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Erickson. Mr. Erickson won first
prize, Mrs. Murphy, consolation.
The hostess served a dainty lunch
eon about midnight.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Craigbaum
have moved ) into the Campeau
house. f
Mr. and Mrs. John Lovegreen
left Saturday for Bridal Veil, Ore.,
where Mr. Xioyegreen has accept
ed a position with a lumber com
pany there. I
o I o
WACOXDA, July 27 Mr. and
Mrs. EHswoj-th Hubbard were
called to Portland on Monday by
the death of their brother-in-law,
G. Buswell. i
Mr. and Mrs. G. Lemery are
taking medical treatments it
Brooten Springs. George Lemery
Jr. accompanied his parents. Mrs.
Lemery is convalescing from a
nervous breakdown and Mr. Lem
ery from a Severely sprained an
kle. Mrs. Ralph Paquen of Se
attle, has been a recent guest of.
her parents, jMr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. J. C. Savage has returned
home from a visit at the home 1
of her sister Mtb. Sarah McCarthy j
in Portland, j . ' H
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Loran and
Mrs. Loran's mother, Mr3. F. J.
Ingram, were recent dinner guests
at the home pf Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Rassmussen of Silverton. Mrs.
Rassmussen is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Loran.
Betty Altai Jones, daughter of
Bert L. Jones, is visiting at the
home pf lie.r aunt, Mrs. Fred Vies
ko, in Mission Bottom. Other
guests at thb Vlesko home were
.Mr. and Mrs C. Gould.
RICKREALL, July 27. To
close the summer school term at
the Rickreall grade school, the
teachers gav a pageant. It was
a 'play depicting of Oregon, as it
was in the early days and is now.
Luzelle Crippen came home
Tuesday morning from Harris
burg, to visit her parents. She
went back Tuesday evening to
stay for a week or two, before re
turning home to stay.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Peuetherer and
daughter Catherine, left for Belk
nap"p Springs, where they will stay
for two weeks, then they, will go
to eastern Oregon. ;
Combines are starting to cut
the early grain in this vicinity.
Harvest time will soon be here.
KEIZER, Jur 27. Mrs. Fran
cisco gave a party recently for her
little son Junior, it being the oc
casion of his fourth birhtday.
The afternoon was pent in
games. Ice cream, cake and an
imal cookies wtre served.
Those enjoying the afternoon
were, Blanche Betser, Joan Marie
Holmes, Betty Jean Smith, Milton
Savage, David and Evelyn Mlson.
Jimmle Muckridge and ' Jewell
Turner. .
H. B. Merrill and family are lo
cated on the Shield's ranch look
ing after the picking -of the lo
gans and blackberries.
SILVERTON. July 27 Marion
County Veterans' Association will
hold its annual meeting at Sil
verton on August first at the
Knights of Pythias Hall.
The business session will begin
at ten-thirty at which election of
officers for the coming year will
be the chief feature. A dinner
at the hall will be served at noon
and in the afternoon the program
will be given.
The program consists of song,
American, by audience ;r invoca
tion, Florence Shipp; vocal solo,
Mrs. Tate; piano eolo, Richard
Nelson; reading. Frances Gourlie;
piano solo, Janet Comstock;
reading. Jauanlta Rankin; vocal
solo, Mrs. G. B. Bentson; piano
solo, Mrs. Gertrude Cameron.
Louise March
Celebrates Her
Ninth Birthday
VALSETZ, July 7. Th home
of Mr. and Mrs. George March was
the scene of a gay child's party
Saturday afternoon when Louise
March celebrated 5 her 9th birth
day, i ,
Ruth. Rose, Dorothy Davis, Ina
bell Cox, Doris Maseie, Irene Pat
terson, Francis Neize, Catherine
Hahn. Betty Babb, Marjorie Jean
Thomas and Lydia Huebschman
were the invited guests.
J&ames were played. Berore sit
ting down to the table, which
was beautifully decorated with
pink sweet peas, taper candles,
and nut cups, the children: sang.
"Happy Birthday." A lorely prise
birthday cake with nine little cand
les was the center ot attraction.
Betty received the dolL Irene
tht wishbone, Francis tha thimble.
Louise put a piece ot her cake
away for her. daddy, and it con
tained tha wedding tint.
We print Letter! Heads," Busi
ness Cards. Posters, Kens. Book
lets, almost anything In our Job
shop. Can JjO? for pflcea.
Famous Ford to
At Silverton
Ford which; made the historic dash
from Los Angeles to Phoenix win,
be on display at the local Ford gar
age neit Wednesday evening, July
31. according to H. H. Frisbee,
local agent, V
Th Phoenix Flyer, Model. "A"
Ford N. 183, is a Tudor sedan.
Its average speed from Los An
geles to Phoenix was 4S.26imiles
an hour. The entire 910 miles was
made w.ithout mechanical repairs
of any sort.'
After completing this run the
Flyer made a 5V0 mile speed test
at Muroc Dry lake In the MojaTe
desert. Thelre were eight turns in
the six mil0 course. The Fcfrd com
pleted the 500 mile run at sin aver
age speed Of C2.51 miles an hour.
-' .1 !
SILVERtON, July 27 Mrs.
Marie Busriess and Miss Alice Jen
sen were joint hostess to a group
:of friends Friday afternoon at the
home of their mother, Mrs. Anna
K. Jensen. j I
Guests fof the' afternoon were
Mrs. Hans Jensen Mrs. Oscar Sa
tern, Mrs. .J. C.j Larson, Mrs. John
Moe, Mrs. Ole jHatteberg, Misses
Nettie and Agntss Hatteberg, Mrs.
Edwin Hatteberg, Mrs. Victor
Madsen. Mrs. M. J. Madsen, Miss
Lillie Madsen, Mrs. Glenn Howe,
Mrs. Carl Benson, Mrs. O. S.
Hauge, Mrs. Clara Baltimore, Miss
Viola Larson Mis 3 Ruby Larson,
Miss Catherine1 Benson.
BROOKS. July 27 Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Cook of Grants
Pass were! visitors during the.
week of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Har
ris of Brooks. Mrs. Cook ha1
just returned.. from, an extended j
trip East j where. especially in
Minnesota and South Dakota, she
has visited; many friends and rela-1
tives of the Harrises, as well as ot
the 'Cooks;, The Harrises Pnd
Cooks were close friends w)ven
they lived in Minnesota 1 before
Harrises came to Brooks more
than "a decade ago. ' .
The Harris family ha? been
looking forward to this vl lt for
some time, and they were doubly
pleased for there were many
special messages of interest
from relatives and old friends.
Mr. Cook's wholesale .grocery
business" would not permit him
so long a vacation as that of his
wife and he has only Joined her
for the latter part of the visits.
Probably his wife's vacation has
seemed longer to him than it re
ally was for her, for he is telling
her that Grants; Pass has so
changed In the few weeks that
she has been gone, that she won't
know It. Hevsays "They have
even painted the church while
you were gone." Tney pian to
make a hurried fishing trip to
Newport and then after two more
visits en-route arrive pjne again
in Grants Pass by Stfndaf night.
- ; J ,
DALLAS, July 27. More than
100 Kiwanlans, their wives and
families participated In a basket
dinner in the city park Thursday
evening. Contests and games for'
the children formed part of the
entertainment. 3
Kiwanls members are: 3. J.
Page, president; J. R. AHgoodi
secretary; C. L. Cider, W. L.
Soehren, Dr. A. B. Starbnck, Dr.
V. C. Staats, Rev. J. A. Smith, H
A Woods, Harry Vlers, Dr. I A."
Bollman. J. R. Craven. Jos. Craven
Hugh Black, William Harcombe,
T. B. Hooker, T. C. Stockwell, Dr.
W. L. Pemberton. E. A. Wagner,
Maurice Dalton, N. L. Guy, Earle
Richardson, E. C. McCalldn, L. S.
Fliflet, Paul McCracken,;. A. M.
Knepp, Rae Craven. Rev. O. D.
Peterson, Tracy Savery. J. C. Tra
cy. Sidney Whitworth, R. R. Tur
ner, A. V, Oliver, Cecil Rlggs.
Frank Farmer, Conrad Stafrin,
Oscar Holmes, R. R. Imbler, Wal
ter Williams, J. E. Clayton and
C. B. Sundberg.
Farmers Winners
Oi Baseball Cup
In Dallas League
DALLAS. July 27 Friday
alght decided that the Farmers'
team were winners In the 1929
Twilight league baseball series.
Some 40 games have been played
during the season with five teams
competing for the silver trophy
given by the Spalding Athletic
Company, ' this now becomes s the
permanent property of the Farm- j
era league. t
Other teams that have partici
pated in the series nave been
made np of men representing the
mill employes the American Le-
flon. Firemen, professional men.
war mnrV games are still to bo
played ftnl the Farmer are al-
jj-eadjt j ha Tlctors. y.-,'
Claims totalinr S1149.4S have
been paid to Statesman readers
by tha North American Accident
Insurance Co. in leas than lone
year. These claims were paid on
tho $! policy Issued to State -
man readers.
- , , i; - - - M
Mr. and Mrsi Henry Gustaf
son and!iliece are! Be
ing Entertained
KEIZER. July 27 Mr, and
Mrs. Ray Better and family aro
enjoying' an Attended visit with
pMrs. Betxer's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Gustafaon of Oskaloosa. Ia.
They are accompanied by their
little niece, Joan Marie Holmes.
Mr. Gustafsqn Is a prominent
business' man of Oskaloosa, prop
rietor of a men's furnishing store,
specializing in: made to measure
garments. i '
They are delhted with Oregon.
Wednesday. Mrs. Betzer. gave an S
o'clock dinner in honor Of
guests, tho occasion
mother's birthday.
Present wenei Mr. and Mrs. P.
Betzer and sons, Ralph , and Lyle
of Salem; Mr. Ijftd Mrs. Frank Bet
zer and son. Btsfl, of Crabtree; Mr.
and Mrs. Henr.y Gustafson and
niece. oJan Mjjirle: Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Betzer, Blanch 'and Grover
Betzer. ! j - - ' "
Thursday. Mrs. Betzer Invited
in a few neighbors for an after
noon tea with her mother. Thf
children camejn honor of the
Joan Marie Holmes. Those present
were Mrs. C. V, Beecroft and Don
nie Beecroft, Mrs. Joe Bartruff,
Mrs. R. B. McCliay. Mrs. George W.
Browning. MrjGuy Smith, Betty
Jean and Ora?l! Smith, Mrs. John
McLeod'. Mrs.-tBondshu. Mrs. Will
Taylor. Mrs. W. E. Savage and
Milton SarageIrs. Francisco and
son Junior, Mils Marjoriei Mudge,
Mrs. T. A. Rpss Mrs. Bert Turner,
and Jewell Tucker, Mrs. Dave Tur
ner, Mr. Okerliurgl Mrs. Roy Mel
son, David. Evelyn and Ruth Mel
son, Mrs. Gardner and La Vaun.i
Mr. and Mrs, Betzer arje shew
ing their kuesjs beauties of Ore
gon, having m'fiile the trip over the
Columbia higiiay and around the
Mt. Hood loor.
They are spending the weekend
at Yachats on'-tie coast:. ;'
Miss Alma-,May Swearingen,
daughter of r. andpMrs. W. F.
Swearingen. ; fwas "married to .
Frankiln P. !fto3e ol Roseburg,
Oregon. Wednesday morning at
eleven o'clock! at the farm home
of the brida'fjf parcnts near Mon
mouth. Revl uL. L. Daijy, minis
ter of the Monmouth Baptist
church, readme service before a
group of about twenty relatives
and close frijtfids of the couple.'
, The bride was fattractively
gowned in peajch color flat repe,
and carried sijinpdragoins and fern
arranged in ;;S; showfr. There
were no attendants. Immediately
following thei reremotjiy a three
course dinner: was srved, after
which Mr. ant) Mrs, Rose departed
on a short wadding trip to Crater
Lake and other points.
Miss Sweafingen Ispa graduate
of the Monntouth high school,
class of 26. and was a; member ot
the graduating class of the Ore.
gon Normal School which receiv
ed diplomas this week. . Mr. Rose
also is a graduate of the Normal,
and both having ! teaching posi
tions near Cottage Grove for ths
coming year, jflf til"'
Miss Bttfschlis
HonoGuestt :
Bridal Shower
MT. ANGEp July:;
27. Miss
Marcella Butsch, daugt
ter of Mary
J. Butsch was deilghjtiuny sur
prised with a bridal shower at the
home of Henry Butsch Thursday
evening. Hostesses for She occasion
were Miss Irene Butsch, Miss Hil
da Butsch, MrjsuC. J. Trhaar, Mrs.
A, j. Butsch ana Mary j. nutscn.
The evening was sp mt in many
surprises, cards and (tames after
which all enjoyed si delicious
lunch. i; .
High honors in cards went to
Mrs. Albert Biichsler aild loir score
to Mrs. Peter Koppes.1 High score
In games to . Miss . Marguerette
Scbierbaum. ;; j
.Guests for the evening were.
Theresa Fickfr. Alphoiislne Hems-
horn, Grace Smith, Margueretta
Schierbaum. Florentine Terhsar,
Clara Hum pert. Henrietta Ebner,
Tna Engelhardt, Mary Blegler,
Dorothy Schwab, Helen. Keber.
Rose Hasslng, Elizabeth Unger,
Anna Erwert; Rose Sjthwab, Jen
nie Longen, Veronica DIehl, Lo
retta Barr, Zla Holmfes, Dorothy
Barr, Pauline Saalrtld, ..Helen
Saalfeld, Katherlne schlesinger.
Eleanor KImlinger, Helen Ficker,
Clara Keber,!, Barbara Schmidt,
Helen Eberle; Clara Mucken, Anna
Davis, ' Marian Holmes; Theresa
Steckelein, Louise Butsch, Maria
Werthoff, Amanda Schwab, Cath- -
erine nay, Kusa&etn Beyer, cat a-,
erine Markle, t Marcella Koessler,
Anna Wavra, Mrs. Alfred A. Kllng
er, R. O. Appleby. OI J. Oswald.
John T. Bauman, J. A. Kaiser, M.
Dardls. Louis A. LeDoux. John
Stahl, E. O. linger, Albert Boeha
ler, j. f. sauvais, plenty weu
man, Peter Koppes. Fred Schwab,
Anna B. Westhoff, Peter VaaDyke.
J. A. MUUri Paul Shwb, EmU
P. SeharbachjR. R. Walton, E. T.
Blsenius. A. J. Ficker, John Big
ler, Otto-Wellman. W. J. Kloft,
Herman Schf ab, LouIj Schaecher,
Jon Oberslnner, Q. L Holmes, H.
B. Craig. - Kmtt ' Bocjtuler, Fred
Gooley, Lawrence Butsch, A. W
HOimes sett! Butscn,
1, For
Sale signs, For Hen t signs.
1 Legal
Blanks, etc. tor sale at tha
man. 't - . -