PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN. -Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, July 26, 1927 POlFFjEiS COHEINT Pope fius XI Performs Rites Before 200,000 Crowd at St. Peter's the part with distinction and gns to'that is erea more interesting than her portrayals ot flapper dancer trpea. v An excellent supporting cast will be seen and heard, among them lreluding, Richard Alien, who will be remembered for his good work in such productions as !The Man I LoTe,"and others. Kay Franeis. whose rersatile role as the rampire in "Gentlemen' of ths Press," is another ceaaribnt ing factor. - VATICAN CITY, July 25. (AP)-f-The long rolantary impris onment ot Roman Catholic pon tiffs la the Vatican earae to an end this erening as Pope Plus XI emerged from historic St. Peter's luF''ltmJJ?.Xl?r- M- O. Dahl. home while they hare been in the east. She will Join her husband who Is with the customs serrlce there. Mr. and Mrs. Riches Ured at Marshfield before morlng to Portland. MRS. RICHES GOES HOME SILVERTON, July 25 Mrs. B. C. Riches and little daughter. Sue. left for Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Riches has been staying at Silrerton, caring for her parents. and biessea a tnrong oi iuny 00 persons that knelt before him. Amid deep religions solemnity, broken only at the beginning by cries of "Tiva il papa" (long live the pope), the pontiff made his way around the Bernini colonnade that circled the square behind a magnificent procession and back to a special altar at the other end of the colonnade! Herb he halted and as the spec tators deeply stirred by the sol emn moment, knelt, the pontiff blessed, them with the elerated ostensorrum containing the sacred host which he had carried in the recession. In the crowd were thousands of American visitors to. Rome, while f in the long procession vrere nu merous American bishops and pre lates. The procession itself, headed by the pontificial guard, started from St. Peter's at ten minutes to six j and 1$ was two hours and thirty-1 five minutea before th e pontiff once more disappeared within St. Peter's and the epoch making eventj made possible by the rocent-ly-eieneditalo-Vatican accord, had ended. Despite the size of the crowd whicli had swelled to at least 200. 000 by the time the ceremony was over, everything went off smooth- I ly. AC times there were some com motions In the crowd as here and therej spectators fainted in the in tense! heat, but temporary Italian Red fcross stations quickly cared for tjiem. About 15,000 troops were on duty fin the square and. surround ing streets which had been barri caded off, as the pope passed these troops presented arms in his hon or, symbolizing the accord reach ed after 60 years between the clrurcfh and the state. RHDTEN BUILDS BIG JEW Bli Stock Raising Forte of This Roberts Farmer; Herd v . Totals" Over 100 ROBERTS, July 25 JC. A. Rhoten has jnst finished build ing a large bam on his farm here which he Intends to use as stor age for hay. Mr. Rhoten has . a big crop of hay this year and has recently placed 2 S acres ot alfal fa which is looking splendid. The' dairy stock "on the Rhoten farm numbers more than 100 head. Twenty-five of these' cows are now being milked. The old bee tree that has stood IrgSg 'm' II"- s -ssjsSH LAST TIMES TONIGHT! LAST TIMES TONIGHT! Melodiously Synchronized . . . Love . . . Daring Romance . . . Starring The Two Lovers of the Screen for many years on the edge of the farm that now belongs to Mrs. W. U. Johnson is now a thing ot the past, A fine stand ot German bees was staken from the tree after macbs protest front the bees, also there were several gallon ot delicious honey.' The tree meas ured about four feet In diameter. James Fry has recently put on a new roof on his house. Hay Balers Hard at Work Hay balers are the most im portant persons in the neighbor hood at present especially to the cooks. Elmer Mulch and Ira Hecklnger are running their bal. era again this year. James Fry Is building an ad dition to his barn. He has an unusually big crop of hay this year. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Edwards of Salem visited with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Edwards Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Crouser, Matthlaa spent theTi and Naomi Crouser weekend at the coast. Beard ttndergoe Operation Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beard of Washogal, Wash., are -visiting with Mr, and Mrs. James Fry. Mr. ; Beard recently underwent an operation In the Veterans hospi tal In Portland. 1 Miss June Edwrads went Wed nesday to spent a few days with Miss Maria Statesman In Salem. C. D. Query who has been sick J in bed for four months seems to be feeling a little stronger lately. He has been able to sit up some and walks with help. : J. P. Bressler is much .better in health than be has been tor two years. He Is now able to do light work and can walk quite a distance. We print Letter Heads, Busi ness Cards, Posters, Signs, Book lets, almost anything in our Job shop. Call BOO for prices. W 9 V W W W 9 v rw v Starts Saturday - 4 Big Days! SEE i U 1 TAKE STARTS til Clara Bow's! latest all-talkie e o mj e d y success, "Dangerous Curves,' is booked for a forslay run at the Elslnore theatre, com mending Saturday. "Dangerous Curves" is a story of circus folk, and all the scenes are taken under the big top and in tie circus trains. Miss Bow : playa; the part of a bareback rider and ja clown. The characteriza tion kails for dramatic and deep ly romantic work, and she handles It r!L- 'r I mm ii I "IT girl in a AND 'Flaming Yoothr Production! r ii Tmimi 1 1 ii i i HEAR! this Comedy Sensation! Here SUNDAY Three Weeks in Portland mmmm Starts SUNDAY Ae Regular Prices nniu am is Oil HI HILL SB Late Spring Rains Aid Bumper Crop in McCoy . Community to McCOT, July 15 The cutting of grain is under full swing and there is a promise of a very good crop. The late rains were very beneficial to the crops. Earnest Sears and Mr. Leslie Stewart called on Miss Dorothy Kirkwood and Miss Marjorie Lincoln Wednesday Walling of night. Visits From Oakland Mrs. Gene Jordon of Oakland, California is visiting friends in this neighborhood this week. Mrs. Jordon is well known here as she and her husband at one time owned and operated the Mc Coy General Store and Postoffice. George Shivery is . making an improvement on his small farm by building an addition on to his barn. I r . North Carolina legislators claim to be tarseelng. In an act regu lating., airports, passed this year, hunting birds and animals from an airplane is declared a misde meanor. . ; Read the Classified Ads. WARinutBnos Continuous Shows Daily DANGEROUS CURVES" wiih ucruiwAiujEd ALSO L. CARLQS MEIER At the Organ Pathe Sound News Come Along! Everybody Will Want to SEE and HEAR It! ij ' - . : i w xw cat. m p a i x Siva iifcv r r ri i 1 i . . . -t m m a ur a DflCen Enpfiipes SaDnimX H 5c pacExctge of PABST (DEIIEIESIB , CANY FLAVOIU IF M IE IE wflHEi ecli paeddage oil 'purchased at your grocer ' until July 27th TWO treats far your family both delectable food L that are national fevcrites await you at your grocer a. One Is a ree Introductory Package a x j tnckage of Pabst Chrfne of finest quality, aged tor months. The other Is Pabst-ett, the nation's new dairy food that 'digests as easily as tnflV. YouH riever tire of its tippy, aged'tn tang and you seldom discover a food with so many di&rent uses , : TAtt cones In a lex, pecked twe ways ia ithe regular family peerage, land la iodhritiaat trieaguLir fsttt C&ecM b mad fat these Tarietiesi American, Puncnte (Swiss eod Brick, packW ia fsjoattar and half pooad pack jages and ia nvepoumd loawst isad Umburgse ia Quarter IpoissJieoly. AS are henna IcaUy acabd ia aUve i0 a x snap ia the flare Just pay the regular price for FabsVett and you will receive a tree package of Pabst Cheeta, (rvallis Creamery Co. Distrihutor ( ; V Portland. Oregon f ; C J Hollywood Theatre (Home of the 25c Talkies) FRIDAY & SATURDAY Special Matinee Saturday 2 to 5 A First National Vitaphone Talking Picture wawnt NILTOM DILD.S o A licit national Tlcturt mm TODAY and SAT. ?iP :T?k A tattiaf ple- fpy V mr with mar. I J vlwa soaaS rftp ffvcta ROBERT ARMSTRONG ! W LOUIS WOLUCIM Beii.t,a the Scenes in the aamDunf Helli or the Cnbtn Cspltti A Kerve Tingling, Dramatic 8tory -AU Talkie Comedy Vitaplione Arts ; Motietonews i : . . - - -. i. . t i i . - ... EAMR I i 1 FEST : . ' : - ! VLi Jl II II. II II rl lAZII M II ,.)..- t I I .J -. . . ' : ' ' ! ,'aaaBa J- .- ! ; -' Tteee New eieo V..Hitefe New "Wheelbases Tliree Ifew Price Ranges ' Onlzj ' -.'1 ., .. - , mvw ty JJ , Jfcgjeasy 000 T7HBN BBTTBtt AUTOMOBILES ABB BUILT ... DUICK V7ILI. 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