PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning; July 20, 1929 IP III- la" tic. 'V n ': - i' I- K -' i V, M : 4 .IK k If Ml Society Pretty Dinner Is Compliment To Bride-elect - Complimenting Miss Gertie Capps, bride-elect, a group of the young women in the secretary of state's office entertained at a din ner and phower in the Chinese room at the Gray Belle Friday evening, j A colorful arrangement of um met flowers between yellow tap ers centered the dinner table to carry out the color motif of yel low and gold. The guest group included Mrs. Max Flanery, Miss Christine Schmidt. Miss Fay Read. ! Miss Ruby Wiedekehr, Miss Edith Lib by. Miss Maimi Victor. Miss Grace Tharp, Miss Cora Randle, Miss Emma Dell Schwabbauerl Miss "Rath Kuan. Miss Clara McNeil. Mies Isora Templeton. Miss Grace Gilliam, Miss Helen Busselle. Mrs. B. J. Ramseyer, Mrs.; S. 0. Burkhart. Mrs. Morris McKen ney. Mrs. Tracy Hatch. Miss Nan cy Savage. Miss Grace Holt, Miss Katie Reinhart. Miss Velna Gil liam. Miss Velma Rominger, Miss Verda Olmstead. Miss Marcella Caspell, Miss Inez Wood, Miss Mabel Kilogre, Miss Leota Beall. Miss Alice Albers. Miss Florence Bnsch. Miss Florence "Waldo, and Miss Llllle Vaughn. . -M m i rS. Lpiey nonorea I With Birthday Party i Mrs. Leo Lepley was surprised by a group of friends who came to honor her on her birthday Wednesday evening at her, home on Saginaw street. The evening was spent playing "500" after which a dainty lunch was served. Prizes for scores were awarded to Emery Hendrickson, Mrs. Hen drickson and Mrs. Lepley. j The guest group included Mr. and Mrs. 'John Hendrickson, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Ivan Lepley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gortmaker, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hendrickson,: Mr. Lepley and Mr. Kronkey. Douglas County Folk Form Organization Former residents of Douglas county organised the Douglas county association last night at Hager's grove. Judge 0. P. Co show was elected president and J. C. Goodman made secretary fol lowing a basket j dinner early in the evening. About fifty former residents of the county were pres ent and anxious to make the event an annual occasion. , i Dr. Miriam Griffin of Manila has been a guest- at the home of Mrs. L.J M. Scharff. 2037 Nebras ka avenue. Dr. Griffin is return in? next week on the President Madison. She is medical director of the schools of Manila. Mrs. G. E Ross returned this xveek from the east where she has been visiting for the past six weeks in Chicago and Detroit with her mother. Mrs. Mary E. Ross, and her brother, Lloyd Ross. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Babcock and their sojn Bobby of Jewell, Oregon, will irrive today to spend the week-end' as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. - M. D. McCallister. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallace had as their house guests recently Mr. and Mrs. David Bottkder and their two children. Dean and Joy, of Tacoma recently. . Mr. and Mrs. D. Gordon Simp son (Charlotte Orr) are spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. John Orr. i i i i The regular meeting 'of the Knights and Lady Macabees will be held at 8 o'clock this evening in the Fraternal temple, r Mrs. Sam Laughlin and her daughter 1 Roby are spending the summer at Rockaway. Mr., and Mrs. Paul Boring left Friday morning to make their home at The Dalles. BIG; News and Club 3)uvi M. Doax. R- C. Kinney Marker Dedication Today An interesting event of histori cal note is the unveiling and ded ication of the R. C. Kinney mark er which will be held In the He Minnrille city park this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Daughters of the American Revolution and families of pioneers throughout the vail are expected to respond to the in. ritatlon issued to them by Mrs. E. C. Apperson. state regent of the D. A. R-, and Mrs. T. B. Sack ett, regent of the Yamhill D. A. R. chapter 3, which is in charge of the dedication and unveiling. The R. C. Kinney marker is made of two millstones taken from the old Kinney mill which used to stand near the site cho sen for the marker, just west of the park road. The marker was made possi ble through funds presented to the D. A. Ri by Mr. and "Mrs. James C. Walker, Jr.. of Portland who are relatfves of the old pio neer family. Miss Spooner Honored Thursday Evening Miss Phebe and Miss Ruth Mc Adams entertained Thursday eve ning in honor of Miss Julia Spoon er, president of the Oregon state teachers' association, who is in oaiem ior ine aurauon 01 ie Monmouth normal school session nere. Bassets or summer flow ers made the drawing room quite lovely. Among those who were present to honor Miss Spooner were Miss Margaret Cosper, Mrs. LaMoide R. Clark. Mrs. Mona Yoder, Mrs. Lola Newmyer, Miss Lois Tipton, Miss Lou Tipton, Miss ' Gladys Tipton, Miss Anna Miles, Mis Dorothy Taylor, Miss Isara Templeton. Portland Luncheon Honors Mrs. McNary Miss Mabel Withycombe enter tained at a luncheon honoring Mr. C. A.. McNary at the Town club in Portland Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. McNary are spend ing the summer at the McNary country home. ! Mr. and Mrs. Everett and their daughter Helen and Mr. land Mrs. Clifford Parker and their daugh ter Shirley will return today from Tahats beach where they have been spending several days. Mr. and Mrs. Craven and their daugh ter plan to return to Portland Monday after spending most of the last two weeks with relatives here. Miss Margaret Morehouse has returned from Tacoma' where she has been visiting for' the past week. Miss Morehouse motored as fare as Tacoma with her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. G. More house, who are making an ex tended motor trip through the northwest. Mr. and Mrs. IT. G. Shipley are home from a vacation trip which Included visits in Victoria and. Vancouver. B. C, and a week at Foley Springs. Mrs. Fred Thielsen and Mrs. Otto K. Paulus have been spend ing the week at Newport. Mr. Thielsen and Mr. Paulus will mo tor down for the week-end. Mrs. E. E. Ling returned 're cently from a month's visit with her mother. Mrs. J. B. Russell, in her home in Yreka, California. Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Sleeves are entertaining Miss Elaine Hunt of Spokane as their house guest at "Steevecote." Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hanson spent Friday at Cody, Wyoming. They are on their way home from Washington, D. C Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Kecne will motor to Ashland this weekend. Taxes are levied in the form of copra in the Gilbert Islands, a little known group of the south seas. " SPECL4 There are nearly all sues in the lot but we would sug gest early purchasing for good selection. THINK j)F IT Short and long coat ensembles of flower and design prints. Some have sleeveless jackets all have sleeve less dresses. Just two prices $1.98 and $2.48 BEACH COATS: Highly colored cre SSORT DRESSES tonne, crash "and Crepe de chine in painted cretonne the pastel for sports 1.00 1.95 2.95 Beach Pants 1.95 3.95 SH 11E Socktv Editor SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday Masonic picnic at Hazel Green park. t W. R. C. regular meeting at 3 o'clock. Miller's hall. ' Knights and Lady: Mac a bees regular meeting at 8 o'clock In Fraternal temple. i Interesting Guests Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Clark, have had as their house guests re cently Miss Rilla Jackson of the School of liberal arts at Syracuse university, New York, and au thor of "American Art," a hook which has been very kindly re ceived by the critics; Mrs. Lnln Sheldon, who was art supervisor here for several years; and Pro fessor Arnold Scheele, head of the art department at Michigan state college at Lansing. Miss Jackson is & visiting professor at O; S. C. this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Clark entertained their guests with a trip around the Mount Hood loop last week end. Ladies Aid Board Will! Meet Monday The executive board of the La dies Aid society of the First Meth odist church will meet in the church Monday afternoon. Mrs. W. C. Young, the president, will be in charge. The board consists of the gen eral officers and the presidents of the seven circles. Those who attend are, Mrs. W. C. Young. Mrs. I. L. McAdams. Mrs. P. V. Stolzhiese. Mrs. J. W. Phenecle, Mrs. G. W. Day, Mrs. E. T. B. Hill. Mrs. H. M. Southwick, Mrs. M. R. Gallaher. Mrs. Ida Shade, Mrs. A. M. Lausch and Mrs. F. A. Legge. CHAUTAUQUA WILL The Chautauqua at Champoeg will close Sunday with Oregon Press association day. Marshall Dana of the Oregon Journal will be chairman of the occasion. Hal Hoss will give the address of welcome, to which Dr. P. O. Riley of the Hubbard Enterprise will make the response. R. J. Hendricks of Salem and Attorney Martin Pikes of Portland, the first president of the association, will make addresses. Several oth er editors will also speak. Hubbard community band wiil play. Several other selections will be given by choruses and soloists. Dawes To Spend His Vacation In London District LONDON. Julyg 19 (AP)-r Ambassador Dawes Is so enamor ed with ancient and historical London that he has decided not to go away for a summer vaca tion. He brefers to stay here and peer into the musty old mu seums, art galleries, and other places of interest. Between official duties the Am erican ambassador has already found time! to explore the British museum with old cronies of the British army with whomjhe serv ed in France during the Var. Pago Pago Will Have New Oiiicer SAN FRANCISCO, July 19 (AP) Captain Gate wood S. Lin coln, for the past year coordinator of the San Francisco naval dis trict, sailed on the liner Sierra today to become commandant of the United States naval station at Pago Pago, Island of Tutuila, Am erican Samoa. The post Includes the governorship of the islands. BATHING SUITS Coinmbiaknit Catalina, and Pel ton Brassler-ln Also other makes 1.95 to 5.95 Caps 10c 19c Belts 15c 25c shades wear JL : iVJ' MT if BUY Affairs Sunday Rides Popular With Hunt Club The exhilarating Sunday morn ing rides seem to have become an extremely popular form of re creation with the members of the Salem Hunt club who are de manding them more and more fre quently, especially since the sum mer quarters are convenient to the shady trails that wind through the West Salem hills. Sunday morning the members will again ride forth from the West Salem stables at 8 o'clock for an hour's ride. Among the members who plan to ride are Mrs. .Eva Hansen, Mrs. H. P. Hughes. Mrs. F. M. Moore, Mrs. Mabel Rutherford, Miss Catherine Hartley, Miss Charlotte Zeiber, Walter Fuhrer, Amer Stolp, Rich Reimann. and Sargeant MaeManus, who will be in charge of the ride. Douglas McKay and -A. C. Eoff have also been invited to Join in the ride. Marriage License Business Better The business of granting mar riage licenses picked 'up Thurs day when County Clerk Boyer issued permits to wed to three couples. They were: Wm. R. Sny- oer or Turner and Helen Rohde or Aumsvllle; Stewart Thomas and Elsie Egans, both of Salem and Leslie D. Keuscher of Salem and Alta Gllham of Macleay. Do you sujgar? Use this knowledge for better cookery "3J Many people might thmk of sugar only as a sweetener. This is to miss at least half the value and berries by softening the fruit acids. A little ugar makes bitter chocolate mellow and tasteful If cereal is cooked with a dash of sugar, an entirely "new flavor develops. This is the delicate flavor of the cereal that the sugar has brought up so that it can be tasted. Add a dash of sugar to beets, peas, string beans, lima beans, corn, carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, squash, onions, tomatoes, ' cucumbers, spinach, asparagus, beet greens and celery While they, are cooking (preferably in little water). Tou will find delicious flavors rarely tasted in vegetables before. These are the natural delicate vegetable flavors developed by the sugar. Use sugar flavor to improve the diet and health of the nation. Most foods ire more delicious and nourishing Midget Originators of Low Prices Quality at Low Prices A purchase at our market will convince you that price and quality are Just as we advertise them to be. If you will give us the oppor tunity of selling you your meats you will find that we can supply you with a better article at a lower price than any place in the city. Fop Saturday We Of ev First Quality Sirloin Steak 25c lb. Sugar Cured Sliced This Is a real bargain. Do not sometimes advertised at a low hacon Is unexcelled. Young Pig Pork Roasts 20c Mb. Best Olemarfjarino. . .15c lb. Strictly Fresh LIVER Hoc nib. Pure Pork Bulk Sausage 2c Mb. - i Useless to pay more Home Rendered Pure Lard Ont of consideration to HI HUBBY BESEHIED BY WIFE Anthony Skonetinf repeatedly assaulted and beat her is the charge of Cecelia Skonetznl who asks for a divorce from her hus band and the custody of the four minor children. She also asks for $25 per month for the support of the children. Jean K. Stacy charges that his wife Violet M. Stacy deserted, him July 9, 1928. and asks that be be granted a divorce from her. Leslie L. Henry-alleges that his wife, Hattie W .Henry belongs to a peculiar religious cult which does not permit the use of meat, tea or coffee and that after work ing bard during the day he de sired these foods which were de nied him. Also his' wife insisted upon sending their four childran to a school maintained by follow ers of her religion and that even though he objected and could not afford the tuition charged, the children were sent to the private rather than public schools. He further alleges that his wife has now deserted him and taken the children with her. He asks that a divorce be granted to him. Duce Writes Fletcher Letter ROME, July 19 (AP) Pre mier Mussolini, in a letter of fare well to retiring American Am bassador Henry P. Fletcher pub lished tonight, says that he had had in him "the best and most sincere collaborator" in strength ening the ties between Italy and the United States. know this about 01 sugar tne ocveioper of natural flavors in good cookery. If a dash of sugar is added to unbeaten egg whites, and the two beaten together, the meringue will be lighter than if the egg is beaten before the sugar is added. Sugar brings out the natural flavors of fruita with sugar. The Sugar Institute. adv. Market 351 State St. Prime Beef Roasts 24s Mb. Bacon..... ...30c lb confuse with Inferior bacoa that Is price. For quality and flavor this Young Pig Pork Steak 252 Hl$. Milk Fed Veal Steak Pur Pork Link Sausage -Risky to pay less Finest x Weiners-Bologna 25 our employes, we close Satar Farm Board Devotes its i Attention to Fruit Fly Emergency in Florida WASHINGTON, July 19 (AP) The fruit fly emergency In Flor ida gained attention of President Hoover and the newly organised federal farm board. The board for the first time turned aside from Its task of or ganization to hear an appeal for relief from the Floridans. Chair man Legge indicated at the close of the day that serious considera tion was being given the case. i Mr. Hoover announced he would recommend to congress an appropriation to meet the cost to the fruit growers of crops which were destroyed by federal and state agencies In the drive for ex termination of the fruit fly. This appropriation will be in the mil lions but Just how much it will amount to has not been deter mined. It was explained at the White House that the government had es tablished the precedent of meet ing these costs after the question arose during the fight against the hoof and mouth disease. Establishment of a new policy, Ift9 Surpris Travel. $ 1 .00- A iWill Purchase EVery Subscriber of The Oregon Statesman Between the Ages Don't spend another cent until you have invested $1 For this protection. You need it. Your family is entitled to it. Take care of it this minute. Sign the application below and mail it to us with your dollar. It will be the wisest thing you have ever done and you may then feel secure for a whole year. : Here You Are - Just Sign the Coupon and You Will Be Protected however, whereby the fruit will be permitted to be shipped from the infested areas under certain con ditiona is expressed by Mr. Hoover to cut down the losses from dam age tremendously. Failure of a number of Florida banks appears to have added to the woes of the Florida citrus In dustry, and because' of the situa tion the farm board heard the plea of Floridans for a share in the S15O.OSO.OO0 fund available tor loans to cooperative marketing agencies. Senator Connolly, democrat, Texas, also appeared before the board today, and suggested consid eration of the cotton situation. The Texan urged the 'board to set up a statistical arrangement whereby a close check would be had on cotton conditions at all times. Chairman' Legge said the board would accede to a request made that it receive a committee- from the Texas legislature respecting cotton. Otherwise, he said the cot ton situation had not been taken up by the board. For How Little You Protect Yourself A g A CO YE of 15 and 70 a F&TCl Aeeid. Policy INSURANCE APPLICATION AND SUBSCRIPTION BLANK THE NEW OREGON STATESMAN Salem, Oregon. Gentlemen: You at e hereby authorized to enter my . subscription to The Oregon Statesman for OJe year from date. It is un derstood that The New Oregon Statesman Is to be delivered to my address regularly each day by your authorized carrier and 1 shall pay him for. the same at the regular established rate of 50c per month. j I ara not now a subscriber to; The New Oregon Statesman ( ). I am now subscriber to The Name Address City Occupation: Denef Iclary's .... , 1 am enclosing a payment of f 1.00 Policy fee. I am to re ceive a, $10,000.00 Travel - Accident Insurances. Policy Issued by the North American Accident Lasamace Company of Chi cago, Illinois. " v. - Moil Subscriptions mast be pad ia Aitzsice i - , Legge and Vice Chairman Stone called at the Whiter House to in form President Hodrer, of the board's operations I during the week. I It was announced that Chairman. Legge, Carl WUliamaV representing cotton, C. C Teagnifc. representa tive of fruit, Chris If. Christensen, secretary, and Secretary of Agri culture Hyde, would . attend - the meeting of the American Insti tute of Cooperation to be held at Baton Rouge, La., July 29. Mr. Christensen announced that all appointments in the board's organisation would be under civil service!. ' . StayioM Badly r ? T STAYTON, July If. Lloyd Ap- let, while riding hi motorcycle, was hit by an automobile. . His arm was broken," federal teeth were knocked out lid his nose &1BO) U WCe A wr"-"- ar pened near the grU' training school on Monday mbrning. Ray McLoughlif happened along in hia car after the accident and took Aplet to the, Salem hos pital. He had ownjd th motor cycle but a short tinte. Read the Classified Ads. Can a inst cl i - Mst Injured o img em It ,s AM. emit ..Date .1029 New Oregon Statesman . ( Age.., ..State r.ftzon .". .Relationship ; Open Saturday Nites Ufil 8: 30 " days at 7:00 P. L Harry M. Lery, Mgr. I