The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 19, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday. Morning, July 19, 1929
f '
I ,
Public Hearings
on Tariff
Concluded by Finance Body
Of United States Senate
Price trends were confusingly
Irregular in today's ttock market.
as traders', vroached the Thurs
day erenln- brokerage loan state
ment with a cautiousness which
contrasted markedly with the con
fidence vita which bullish opera
tion 3 have been pressed in the
face of rising - loans in recent
Sleet shares were firm. U.' S.
street selling up more than
points, but losing part
before the close. Republic reached
a new peak, in respons eto yes
terday's earnings statement. Com
mercial solvents continued to soar,
reaching a new peak at. 42. up
12 points. .Johns ManvMe made
an extreme gain of about i points
on persistent merger rumors. Yale
and Towne and Cutler Hammer
were other issues reaching new
highs in response to favorable
earnings statements. Radio ral
lied about 3 points in what ap
peared to be a driving In of shorts,
Macy was bid up 5 p:nts on earn
ings prospects as, result of expan
sion. .
Several of the utilities were
again heavily bought. . United
Corp. rising more than 3 points to
within: a few points of its- best
price, and North American and
Public Service of New Jersey pen
etrating further into new high ter
ritory. Rails were generally de
pressed, but Wheeling and Lake
Erie Jumped over 18 points to a
new top in a small turnover.
Associated Pms Staff Writer
fAP) The senate finance com
mittee today concluded the public
hearings it began June 19 on the
house tariff bill and Chairman
Smoot called a meeting of the re
publican . members for Monday to
bein rewriting Jhe measure, t,
With the democratic-members
4 . excluded, the committee will 'take
of its gainful first tne juesJo oi valuation
ana men proeeeo wiin-conaiaera-tion
of rata amendments.' Both
Smoot and Senator-: Watson of In
diana, the party leader and rank
ing republican on' the committee,
expect the measure to be ready
for the senate by the time it re
convenes August 19.
Questioned by .democrats before
adjournment, Senator Smoot de
clared he would sound - out the
majority members of the eommit-
b described as a chorus of principals.
ZEN A. July IS Howard Wll-
tna hat fcla lav smttntltAd m.t the
Shrtna hospital In Portland wed-
aeaday. Ha was lajared two
years .ago when struck oa tha leg
by a shinny club while playing at
sehooL Since that tlma ha has
been a patient at tha Shrine hos
pital except for short visits with
his mot he 9 at Lincoln. Tha
boy's case- has become a com
munity Interest In Zena and ha Is
well-known there.-
Mr. and Mrs, James ImLah mo
tored fo Klamath Falls on Tues
day where Mr.Imlah will attend
the Elks convention. While there,
they will be guests of Mrs. Im
lah's brother, Charles Ray.
They will visit Crater Lake be
fore their return, and expect to b
home the first part of the week.
We mail tha Statesmaa any
place In the world. Have it sent
to you during your vacation.
i to
Hailed as one of the most thrill
ing as well as most exciting talk
ies yet made in which a faithful
and sincere portrayal is given of
nrwsnaner life It "Gentlemen of
the Press." This production, j
which features tnat wen-Known
and famous New York stage star,
Walter Huston, will be seen and
heard at the Eisinore, for a three
day engagement, starting Sunday.
! Russian- Actress
Will Appear at
Hollywood Here
Baclanova. the great Russian ac
tress, whom Paramount has signed
for a series of important motion
picture roles, was once a star of
the Moscow Art, theatre and later
alternated with Lady Diana Man
ners in the nun role in Morris
Gest's "The Miracle." She rose to
prominence in motion pictures be
cause of her work, in Emil Jan
aings' picture, "The Street of
Sin." Her latest role is a dance
hall girl in "Avalanche," playing
today and tomorrow at the Hollywood.
Hitge Force of
Men Involved
If War Starts
By the Associated Proas
Should the present disagree-
"fientlenien of the Press" was raent between Russia and China
recently previewed at the Eisinore go to extremes, there would be
by the local newspaper fraternity, brought into conflict more than
one-fourth oi tne estimated popu
lation of the world and about sev
en per cent of the world's area.
The two could employ at once
armies aggregating more than 2,
000,000. with reserves of nearly
22,000.000 men, according to best
available data. Reliable figures
are lacking in both cases however.
tee as to their views on bis pro
posed , aliding scale sugar tariff
before calling witnesses on It He
also expressed tha oplaton there
would be o serious attempt In
the commute eto levy a duty on
Philippine products or place any
restriction on Island sugar Im
ports into the United States, al
though ha personally favored a
sugar limitation. Tne house hill
does not disturb 'existing free
trade relations between the Phil
ippines and this country.
Speculation persisted today
that if the sliding scale were dis
carded a compromise rata of 1
cents against Cuba would be
agreed upon.
No, one would comment offic
ially.'howerer, on such a prospect. ;
' While tha mala committee was
hearing witnesses suggest a score
or mora of changes In the admin
istrative sections of the bill, a
committee listened to a plea by
representatives of Independent
land midcontihent oil producers
for a duty of one dollar a barrel
on petroleum and compensatory
tariffs oa Its by-products, aU bow
o nthe free list.
Senator Pine, , republican, and
Former Representative Howard, a
democrat, both of Oklahoma; W.
Scott, Heywood, ' Jennings, La.,
representing the independent pro
ducers and royalty owners of Lou
isiana; H. B. Fell, Ardmore,
Okla., representing the Independ
ent Petroleum Association of Am-.
erica and H, L. Gandy, of the Na
tional Coal Association, appeared
ia favor of the petroleum duties.
Pine declared imports of cheap
foreign oil constitute da factor in
tha depression In the oil business
and that the present government
al policy to conserve oil resources
amounted to an attempt to control
production. Howard denied the
Standard Oil interests favored a
The finance committee received
another foreign protest today:
The Netherlands government
transmitting a complaint by the
General Norit company, of Am
sterdam, against the house rate
increase fro mzO to 45 per cent
on ae-coiorising carbon.
and it created much comment
' The management announces a
special surprise attraction in store
for patrons of the Eisinore after j
the last show. Saturday night. Im
mediately following the regular
attraction on that night, will be
sees and heard a special motion
picture, in which will be seen the
new current Paramount pictures.
This reel was recently exhibited at
the Portland theatre, and it
proved very popular. It gives you
a glimpse of the pictures now in
the making, as well as future re
leases, which the Eisinore has
contracted for.
All those attending the regular
Saturday night performances are
requested to remain over for this
special attraction. ,
In no other picture has there
boen bo convincing a demonstra
tion of the possibilities of the Vita
phone as in "The Desert Song"
which is running at the Capitol.
"The Desert Song" will go dowa
-in screen history as the first mu
sical play to be transfererd in its
entirety to the motion picture
Other 'all talkies' have been
made with singing, "but when they
undertook the production of "The
Daseft Song" they were confront
ed with a new problem the inclu
sion of a large chorus for the en
semble numbers, with Its members
erouDed all over the settings
whirh constituted the scenes of
the Dlay.
How well they met this situation
fa i nrf rated br the fact that the
Chorus consists of 100 men and
women, and that they bring to the
screen's first operetta the most
glorious ensemble work ever heard
In America, .
Many of the singers were solo
ists who had never berore worked
In chorus, or who had. graduated
, from that estate into principal
parts, and so great was the num
ber of these that the ensemble of
"The Desert Song" might almost
Read the Classif ied Ads.
Getting Up Nights
If Bladder Weakness, Getting
Up Nights, Backache, Burning or
Itching Sensation, leg or groin
pains make you feel old, tired,
pepless, and worn out why sot
make the jCystez 48 Hoar Test?
Don't give np. Get Cystez today
at any drug store. Put it to a 41
hour test. Money back if you don't
soon feel like new, full of pep,
sleep well, with pains alleviated.
Try Cystex today. Only SOc.
j (,ims Greatest Entertainment
Ends Sat. Nit
' j At His Best
A Spectacular Mystery
! Story!
Chuck Full
of Thrills . . . Love . . ;
Adventure !
, Synchronized
S - -Vs
Paramount News
the organ
Ccirafcig S-nday "Ccr.t'.emen of the Press
The Better Entertainment:
Lett to See . . .
ana near . ,, 5
Shows at 2:00, 8:20
7:00. 5:00
No Raise In Prices
Hollywood Theatre
Friday and
I Sy Matinee Sat. 2 P. M.
I id Oae-Price
feV 25
HOPPING their plane gently to earth
in a perfect landing at 2:13 p. m.
Friday, July 12th, at Culver City Air.
port near Los Angeles, Lorea Mcndell and
"Pete" Reinhart, co-pilots of the Buhl Wright
motored, air sedan "Aogekoo", completed
the greatest endurance flight in history, es
tablishing a record of 246 hours, 43 minutes
and 32 seconds in the air.
Physically exhausted themselves, bat with
their motor ia perfect condition, the flyers
were brought down after nearly a week and
a half of continuous flight because of the ac
cumulation of foreign substance on the sta
bilizer which made further flying hazardous.
Both flyers paid high tribute to Rich field Gas
oline and Richlube Motor Oil which they had
selected after exhaustive tests and which made
possible the perfject performance of their mo
tor throughout the flight.
Carrying an over-load of almost seven hun
dred pounds, in excess of the regular "pay
load" of the Buhl air sedan, their total gaso
line consumption was less than twelve gallons
per hour of flying time, while their oil aver
aged less than one quart an hour an almost
phenomenal record best expressed in Rein
hart's words, "The oil gauge' might just as
well hsve been painted. Ir didn't- drop a
pound of pressure during the entire flight.'
Once again Richfield has helped make air
history. The same qualities that made it the
, choice for the "Quostion Mark" army flight
first of die great endurance achievements;
the -selection of Captain Wilkins for his thril
ling dash over the North Pole and the choice
of winners in many other speed and endur
ance records are carried oa in this epochal
eleven days among the clouds -more than
22,000 miles' of continued flight.
Use Richfield and Richlube in your own car
the ideal combination for everyday driv
ingbetter by actual test.
Tim 246 Urn, 43 ms. S3
Tikis Ltun W. Mnitt d
"Ptlt" Ktmhtrt
Smn A. B. MrMtmmt, Jr. mad
tTm. G. McAdm.Jr.
Mtr Wright J-S '
PiwtrKitbfitU Anmthm Gmtimt
RjMrbt High Pmmn QrtmM
Hmmbtr tf SJfueUp SI
BxatJt stt pnvitm tttmJ hj
tbsm thrm dj.
P. rsn
For Richfield Products
'3 $L
mice Mftiii!
. A. J. Rousseau
Center at Church Street - Telephone 2283
Dunlop Tires
Car Washing and Greasing
k- TireJService
comr oftbi f
All work done by experienced men
Vilaohene Acts and News
' . ae a 1