The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 17, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Wednesday Morning July 17, 1S29
IAlitt itUtfib
On the Conventions
. and the Delegates
High Mass of Thanksgiving
. , Will bs Followed by
Joint Session
(Continued from Page 1.) .
dre.-i. iiven hy Arthbi-hop How
aid. The prelate expressed UA
great satisfaction of the obue:-v
ance at the fairgrounds Sunday,
and complimented the two organ
izatlons on- their work which he
considered Most consistent witti
the fundamental truths of the
Catholic church.
Connecticut ltn to
Head Endowment Drive
Wia. C. Siefen of New Havenj,
Conn., was chosen by the Central
Vcrc-m to head the committee dij
rectin;r the campaign to complete
the $250,000 endowment fund for
safeguarding the rociety's central
bureau at St. Loui;. The caun-
: Ml V .1 , t . 9
puiKll win lms uiiiuc a irniuir
the diamond jubilee, year and is i
expr.cted to be completed" befor
the l'J30 convention at Baltimore
Nicholas Dietz of Brooklyn, Xe
York, spoke on the development
of the society connected with the
organization along the lines o
Catholic Action., -He defined
Catholic action to be the same at
Christ's command, "Love Go
above all things an thy neighbor
-as thyself;" and then he showed
how thi3 love might be put into
actual practice in every relation or
life in which one man may enter
Into with another. He pointed ouj
J . . . a !ti
ine neea.oi a wen oruerru lauiuy
life; of activity in the life of thfc
parish; of interest in the civic and
political life; of the many disor
ders in the economic, life of th4
people; of true education based oi
that of the soul as well as th&
mind; of the service 'of foreigi
and domestic missions: and of "a
broad charity in all that is done.
McKlern Problems
l"p For Discussions
"Our present manner of hit-andj-run
marriages and divorces prove
to be a cancer to society In every
land and especially here," def
clared Rev. Gregory Robl of Port-land-
In an interesting talk on
"Fha PrnMAmfl Pnnfrnntinv frtlL
ern Ywith," given during the aftj
ernoon session. The speaker also
mentioned auto rides, intoxicants;,
immodest dress, salacious lUeraj
ture as exerting a tremendous
deletrioua influence on adolesj
cents.'He characterized the age as
one of materialism and sensualist
and gave the only remedy as that
of protecting the young with daily
religious Instruction. I
Abbott Bernard Murphy. O. 3.
B.. of the Benedictine Abbey of
Mt. Angel, reviewed, the three
quarters of a century during
which the Benedictine Fathers
have ahored in Oregon; and the
history of the Verein in Its battle
with liberalism was given by
Msgr. Hlldebrband. Msgr. Black of
Portland and the Rev. Appolan
aries of California also spoke
ptate Activities
Are Reported on
Reports of state activities were
received from delegates repre
senting the Connecticut, New
York, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas and
Michigan state leagues. The ses
sion also adopted the recommend
ation that a promoter be placed in
every society to further the inter
ests of the official magazine and
other publications authorized by
the Verein. ,
The main address of the Tues
day evening session was given by
Rev. F. P. Leipzig of Eugene, who
dircossed "Rural Cooperation."
Reports of committees on resolu
tions weer also read and adopted.
Committee and officers' reports
and reports from the state leagues
were presented at the Tuesday ses
sion of the National Catholic
"Women's Union. In the afternoon
Archbishop Howard attended the
session, and complimented the
women on their work and express
ed his appreciation of the. co
operation they were giving in
Catholic work.
Pin pose of
Marriage Told
The Rev. Louis A. Sander
McMinnville termed procreation
of children the primary purpose of
matrimony in a stirring talk on
birth control, which he gave be
fore the delegates Tuesday after
noon. He lauded the Catholic
church as the champion of true
motherhood and the proclaimer of
its innate dignity down through
the ages, and unqualifiedly con
detuned the practice of birth con
trol. "Nothing, said Father
Sander, "can ever justify the
breaking of a natural law of our
being, be it lack of finances, ill
health or any other cause.' God
made the law and it Is not for
physician or Judge, nor even for
priest or pope; to say that under
certain circumstances the natural
.law need not be obeyed."
The motor trip to Mt. Angel
this Afternoon, which a number of
delegates will' take following the
closing of the convention this
morning, will be of interest to the
eastern folk as sl-owing them a
! section of some of the finest agri
cultural land in the Willamette
valley. Where Is that register
for delegr.te who wish to make
that trip tomorrow afternoon?"
was the constant query in conven
tion headqua.ters Tuesday, and a
j constant stream of visitors kept
, ike girls in the office busy list
ing them ror the jaunt.
- In accordance with the dia
mond jitbilce of b Central
Vermin at Baltimore in 1930,
a suggestion lias been made that
all contributions by branch so
cieties toward the 250,0O en
dowment fund which la desig
nated as the "jubilee gift" be
made In separate checks of $75
or multiples thereof. The dele
gates consider Mich action as
not only a pleasing sentiment
but a constant reminder of the
significance of the ItKiO con
vention. .
A number of Mt. Angel priests
attended the Verein convention
Tuesday afternoon to listen to
Rev. Gregory Robl's address.
Father "Gregory belongs to the
Benedictine monastery, although
stationed in Portland.
ufOregon in mighty fine," de
clared one delegate, "bat I
know 'of one place that puts It
over thislace In one respect.
And that's the North Pole. They
always have a south wind there.
Yea, jou gneged it ... . the
wind can't blow front any other
Andrew Webber, noted Port
land Catholic and state treasurer
for the Oregon league, has been a
visitor at several of the conven
tion sessions.
"I've just returned from 4 trip
to one .of the canneries, and you
should see the truckloads of cher
ries they are receiving . . . just
truckloads! I'll Tet they don't
get paid very much for them. How
much? Eleven and twelve cents a
pound, and you call that good?"
and Mrs. V. Rieeer of Cleveland.
fthio, shook her head. "We pay
forty cents a pound for cherries
in Cleveland."
a a
The stirring resolutions adopted
by the t women's union aroused
more than the usual amount of
comment at the convention hall.
One of the men delegates, speak
ing of the stand taken on immod
est dress, said, "Well, I suppose
the ladies want it like that old
saw about newspaper stories and
women's dress .... long enough
to cover the subject and brief
enough to attract attention ?-yf
enough to attract interest
Nationalist Government Says
Russia Must Release All
Chinese Prisoners
in West Virginia, and so far as
we are concerned we don't need
modification of the prohibitoin
law in our state." f
Governor Trumbull, Connecticut:-
"We are intent on enforc
ing our own laws in our own way
in our own State.
(Continued from Page 1.)
at which black cherries are
packed are worried over the sit
uation. There are quantities of
these cherries from orchards that
were well sprayed that are free
from worm infestation. But there
are a few orchards whose cwners
did do some spraying that are
showing indications of wormy
fruit. One grower who is some
thing of an expert on ' 'spraying,
and who sprayed his black cherry
trees" five"-.tTmes, finds that " his
fruit. Is not" all free from indica
tions, of wcrra infestation. Hje
thinks that perhaps the' lateness
of the season has something to do
with tt. -
If that is not the case, then the
experts, will have to find different
methods for the control df the
cherry fly that produces the: cher
ry worms.
Any way, there is bound to be a
considerable loss from the fact
that neither the fresh fruit; ship
pers nor the canners can use; cher
ries infested with worms, j That
part of the crop will be a total
loss. How large a loss, no one
can say.
The receipts of Royal Ann cher
ries, black and red raspberries,
and loganberries are large at all
the canning plants. The Hunt
cannery is working day and' night
shifts, running loganberries at
night, 3 f
VALPARAISO, Chile, July 16.
(AP) Only one man of the
crew of the Chilean transport Ab
tac survived the sinking of the
vessel off this port today. Thirty
nine others drowned.
The nearest ships when the
transport sent its S. O. S. were
the Flora, Antactico and the Im
perial. The last named was the
only one to reach the scene in
time to pick up a survivor. Boat
swain's mate Enrique Aranda was
taken from tUe water.
The transport was enroute from
Lota to Iquique at the time of the
catastrophe. Despite the severity
of the storm no other vessels have
been reported in distress.
Horseshoe Meet:
To Be. Run Off
At Playgrounds
"' !
Horseshoe tournaments fpr the
larger and smaller boys and doll
dressing contests for the gifls are
! on the schedule for this week at
Lincoln playground. Boys and
girls both are working onf their;
badge tests this week and will
finish them goon. j
Finals in the tournaments will
be tossed off Friday or Saturday..
The girls will display their dolls,
Thursday. Prizes are to b4 "given
for the best dressed dolls. f'Mnch
interest is being shown by the
girls," commented Mrs. L01jis An
derson, director of the I play
ground, j
" AMITY, July .16 Amity base
ball team won from Toledo, Sun
day by a score of 3 to 1. It was
a. pitchers battle. Brown striking
Out five and holding Amity to
four hitswhile Rosenbalm struck
out eight and allowed Toledo on
ly two hits.
There was no scoring until the
fifth inning when a home run by
Woods rave Amity two runs. In
the sixth Toledo scored on a hit,
a sacrifice and an error, while
Amity crossed the plate again in
the 8th on a hit and two errors.
Amity S
Toledo 1
Rosenbalm and Sipola;
and Houser.
(Continued:, from Page 1.) ; 1
Soviet railroad officials had not
carried out faithfully the terms
of the 1924 agreement providing
for joint operations. ; j
The note termed it unfortun
ate that evidence of Soviet Rus
sia agents in Chinese- territory
spreading communist propaganda
so as to endanger the Chinese
government and its social system
had been discovered.
The note concluded, "The na
tional government, will always
welcome Soviet subjects and mer
chants in China but the recent
arrest of Russians in Manchuria IS
only Just, being necessary for the
suppression of communist propa
ganda and the maintenance, of or
der in Manchuria."
Settlement of Row
Declared Likely ;
Despite the 'official 'statement
this evening that "the Nationalist
government considers the alleged
crisis of comparatively easy set
tlement," it was learned tonight
ithat at least 15.000 troops had
already taken up positions at
strategic Manchurian points and
unofficial reports Indicated that
a still larger number were mov
ing toward the frontier.
An indication of the serious
ness with which the government
in fact regards the situation was
the instruction of the censor "that
correspondents should not at
tempt to send telegrams regarding
the report on the crisis which
President Chiang Kai-Shek was
generally known to have made
this morning at the central Kuo
mintang headquarters where the
foremost leaders of the party were
It was learned that the presi
dent informed these leaders that
the government policy toward
Russia would be carried out in
two stages, the taking over of the
Chinese eastern railway being the
Following delivery of the text
of the Russian note, which had
been delayed because 6f its length,
translation and transmission dif
ficulty. President Chiang; sum
moned Foreign Minister C. T.
Wang from Tsingtao. Although
he was reported today to hate
denied any knowledge of the Rus
sian ultimatum it was believed
that he would hurry to the new
The Chinese negotiators who it
was said would leave "very soon,"
will be Chu Zoa Yang, the Chinese
charge d'affaires of the legation
in Moscow who now is la Nanking.
Judge Rebukes
2 Officers Who
Arrest Suspect
o !
OMAHA, Neb., Jjily 1. (AP)
Dismissing liquor ' possession
charges against Harry Zimman,!
Omaha department store executive
and former city commissioner. Mu
nicipal Judge George Holmes to
day rebuked Federal Agents Stan
ley Relgel and Lawrence Thomp
son, who made the arrest after a
fistic encounter a week ago.
Zimman charged that he was
attacked and beaten by the dry
agents while standing on a street
corner with a bottle of alcohol he
was taking to a "sick friend."
TACOMA. July 16 (AP) -
Tacomo today placed its proposed
naval dirigible base sites before
Rear Admiral William A. Moffett.
chiel of the bureau of aero
nautics, and other members of the
special board sent out by the navy
department to investigate and re
commend to congress the best site
on the Pacific coast for the 5,
OOO.0O& base now projected.
Admiral Moffett and his party
were brought to Tacoma from
Seattle at .neon, were entertained
at luncheon went over the 'maps
and varie(L,data presented on be
half of the Fort Lewis areas here
considered not only suitable but
strategically advisable, and then
went by automobile to inspect all
of the suggested locations immedl
ateyl south and southwest of this
city in the Fort Lewis reserva
tion. A number of prominent Seattle
business men and chamber of com
merce officials as well as several
naval officers from the navy's
heavier-than-air station at Sand
PV)int, near Seattle accompanied
the navy's air chief to Tacoma and
joined in the trip to the proposed
One of the chief sites proposed
here is that where the nacy estab
lished the mooring mast, still in
service, which marked the Pacific
northwest terminal of the famous
flight of the airship Shenandoah
in October, 1925. Admiral Moffett
and lLeutenant Commander Char
les E. Rosendahl, two members of
the present board, weer on hoard
the Shenandoah at that time.
U. S. Commissioner of Edu
cation Explains Views
Upon Subject
William John Cooper, new United
States commissioner of education,
has become an advocate of the
"4-4" plan of secondary achools.
The plan, which is being adopt-
ied by sane cities, completely re
organizes the present system of
administering such schools by re
placing the present program of
following the six-year elementary
school. with the junior and senior
high schools of three years each.
It comprise an eight-year pro
gram with two units of four years
each. Such a program would car
ry pupilg through the period now
covered by the second year of college:
Life Greatly Changed
"American life has
significantly in the past half cen
tury," Mr. Cooper says. I
"Immigration from Europe has
brought new racial elements into
the country, free western land as
a, possible outlet for those who
failed In business wae exhausted,
manufacturing prices were chang-
colleges. There has been an in
crease of more than 100 per cent
In the number of such colleges
and approximately 275 per eent in
enrollment in a perpd of only six
years. .
"Studies of the curricula of the
colleges and secondary schools in
dicate remarkable shifts in age
groups and studies pursued.
Even a casual observer who
compares the work of his children
in the four-year high school with
his own school experience is im
pressed by the fact that such
courses as English literature, dra
matics, public speaking, elemen
tary economics, sociology, chemr
Istry, physicsand" other t ubject,
which constituted much of his
own freshman and sophomore
work in- the college, now. are of
fered in I the tour-year high
could possibly give us," said Cap
tain Yancey, "but if thtoj were to
keep up I would die n early
death. We are taking back to
America fine memories let ; our
Italian visit and hope 4b renew
these nvmories some time soon."
LOS ANGELES. Julyj 16. .
(AP) Colonel and Mrs. ICharles
A. Lindbergh made their first
dirigible flight here tonight upon
their arrival at the Metropolitan
airport by plane from San Francis
co, A blimp was anchored at the .'
field when the couple arrived, and
they, transferred to it fcir a 30
minnt tour immediately.!
Lieutenant Karl Lange.i pilot of
thef&s bag. said upon its return
to thefAirport that Lindbergh had .
takes.' the controls part of the
timW;" t
The Colonel and his bride were
laughing when they stepped from
the blimp. It was unofficially anr
nounced that the Lindberghs "
would remain here for several
days. ' J
ROME. July 16. (AP) Attert
Ian almost continuous reception for' ...
changed lSix days the crew of the American 1 MZITShfield MSh
trans-Atlantic airplane Pathfinder
tonight was .back; in Rome to
snatch a few hours of sleep before
setting out for Paris and a" re
union with, the French fliers who
had preceded them, across the
ocean from Old Otchard, Maine.
Both Captain Roger Q. Williams
and Captain Lewis Yancey appear
ed in the development of machl- ed fagged out by the hectic six
"There was
the control of Industry, a wide-1
owrflfi A vnortf h ir r9 otnl a anil !
days of reception. They have not
concentration of more than ve hours sleep
m any one night ana tne average
has been less than four. -
"We have received a beautiful
We mail the Statesman any
place In the world. Have it sent
to you during your vacation.
bonds made capitalists of an in-H
creased percentage of our popula-
tlon, wages increased and, better
standard of living resulted. Thej
movement of population from
country to city set in. and the!
character of the home has seri- ;
ously changed as the result of the
urbanization of pouplation and :
the widespread, employment, of
women In industry and business.
Junior Highs Popular
"Experiment in the ijrraniza
tlon of the high school are going ,
on all over the United States. Sev-
enty-two percent of the cities of 1
100,000 population and more have
established junior high schools,
and 61 per cent of the cities be-1
tween 30,000 and 100 000 havt ;
taken similar action. :
"With the establishment of the
junior high schools came an up- j
ward extension of the secondary
school by the addition of junio
Victim of Suicide
MARSHFIELD. Ore., July 1.
( AP) The Ijody of J.;E. Fit z
gerald, 65, was fojnd in a: pasture
today by his ; widow who? sought
him after he failed to return home
from milking the cors. Fitzgerald
apparently had ended his; life by
shooting himself through the head.
When you leave for your vaca
tion have the Statesman mailed
welcome, surely the best that Italy to you. Phone 500.
Tailored to Your Individual
We Guarantee to Fit You
$29.50 and $39.50
A Wide Range of Woolen- to
choose from ll -
.1- "i
216 No. High St. Senator Hotel Bldg.
4 1
2 4
B e ni
Pupils Will be
; Paid $40 Each
I Transportation
s .. i
Payment of '$40 for eah out
of itown pupil for transportation
to the Salem high school was
agreed upon by the Marlon county-
district boundary board Tuesday
after a conference with jW. H.
Bnrghardt, clerk of the i Salem
school district, and R. W. jTaven
ner, acting superintendent! The
payment will be made only tin case
the pupil utilizes the bus jservlce
provided by the Salem district."
MILWAUKEE, July 1-6 (AP)
Victor L.-Berger, 69. former
representative from this district
and long the only socialist in the
national congresss, was declared
to be in a grave condition tonight
after having been struck by a
street car early this evening.
Dr O. R. Lillie. who was call
ed to attend him said that he !
had suffered internal injuries, a !
severe scalp wound and possibly !
a fractured skull. It wil take
some time to determine definitely j
whether or not the skull has j
been fractured, the doctor said, j
In view of his age and the fact j
that his constitution is not very
vigorous, the doctor pronounced
his condition vary grave.
Mr. Berger recovered conscious
ness shortly after the accident but j
was suffering too acutely to dls-
cuss any details. j
MOSCOW. July 1. (AP)
diplomatic tension over the Chi
nese eastern railway dispute In
Manchuria lessened tonight on re
ceipt, of what was considered i a
conciliatory communique from the
Nanking government. This stated
that Ambassador Chu Zao Yang
would soon return to his post here
and indicated the Chinese belief
that matters could .be thrashed
out in conference.
Friends of peace took particu
lar note of the statement that
China desires to maintain peaceful
relations with the Soviet union. It
was indicated a fuller reply would
be made when the Nanking gov
ernment had had opportunities for
study of the full text of the Rus
sian note of three days ago.
Tass. the official news agency,
published a statement that the So
viet government does not intend
to reply to the communique re
ceived tonight but will await the
second Chinese note.
. . .in a swimmer it's
- a
i M urW" --.--j----fn inn ninnimimniiTi " mni - ji i
-c - ttirPT. :.t l
iinpiir-'ir"8! ;
it's 1 A 5 I c 7
11 l
We mail- the Statesman any
place in the world. Have it sent
to yon during your vacation.
(Continued from. Page 1.1
"The suggestion of division of
authority sounds logical. It will
be of great aid in doing away with
thb passing of the law enforce
ment buck. In "my opinion there
never will be modification in
Utah. If so-called public spirited
citizens obey the law, there can
be no difficulty in enforcing it."
Former; Governor Ralph S-j
Brewster,: Maine: "It is an ad-
.mlrable suggestion. I proposed
"such a division two years ago. If
tho Ettae$ don't act, the national
government will, and there will
M -an invasion of state's rights.
I Governor Byrd. Virginia: Tr.e
proposal rta very Interesting. I
want to sjtudy more of it beiore I
'comment ion it."
Governor Caulfield, Missouri:
"Interesting, constructive.'
Governor Conley. West Vir
ginia: "We enforce all the laws
Chautauqua Body
To Be Organized
Plans for organizing a Chautau
qua association, with the purpose
of conducting a Chautauqua in Sa
lem next summer on a business
like basis, were discussed at a
meeting held Tuesday night at
the Salem chamber of commerce
rooms. Another meeting at
which permanent organization
will be effected, was called for
next Monday night at the same
place. i
Athletic Stunt
Contest is Won
Thyra Salestrom won the ath
letic stunt contest at the 14th
street playground Monday after
noon, receiving the first prize of
a sash given by Shipley's. Lavelle
Sanford took second place and. the
book given by Miller' store;
Clara Salestrom was tllrd, win
ning the bottle of perfume given
by My Lady's Shop, and Charlotte
Rocque took fourth place and the
pen anil pencil given by the Cen
tral shoe store.
King George Said
Progressing yell
LONDON, July 16.KAP)
King George, tonight waB Again
said to be progressing well after
the operation i he underwent yes
terday for drainage of an j abscess
.in his chest. His physlciajns paid
their usual nightly visit tb check
his condition, after whicbj it was
stated officially that the king had
a good day and continues to prog
re3S satisfactorily. j
Vase of Flowers
Accident's Cause
A vase of flowers caused an au
tomobile accident In Salem Tues
day. Miss Genevieve Junk, 1255
North Capitol street, made out a
report explaining that the vase
overturned when she was turning
a corner: she reached to catch j
the vase, and the car kept on
turning and struck the machine
of George Wltte, route 6. which
was parked at the curb. The ac
cident occurred on Leslie street
between Church and High-
Victor L. Berger, former, social
ist congressman from Milwaukee
was struck by a street car here
today suffering a possible skull
Nrkmlck bu 3 route bctwna St
Fraacuc mad FortUa4. 1h Picifce
linkway, or Redwood Hifhwiy ia
Earek. Orar Cout Mlanes Highwir.
bMwws Su Diego, Lorn A fell aid
S Frn-Ui, it toschc buck dtiea
a4 aid MiMiona.
Hotel Senstor
Ph.e 696 '
TkM traat bmmtpartalMa it
Urn earar M.BOO mt Ammr
fca's Scoic Hiffcwayv xt
frea CaaaJa to Mtxk., tnm Fa
die to AtUatic mmi raaca tkaa
Ma4a ml ntarMnaf TacabM spats.
Te sav Wotk mtrnty mmi tost,
ad yaw vacatMsi Ufia. (km mum
to tm kwj a Ljg, rWertaU
tar caack,
San Francisco . . .$13.50
Los Angeles $18.00
San Diego $21.00
St. Louis $59.43
Vhicago . ...v.. .$63.45
New York $82.45
TiBiiay Ia0a tb Faciaa Hkwrf
batwan Saa Fnadaoa mmi PaRlaa'.
Batwara Saa ftaaetaea mmi Laa Aagaka
It aaam tbraafk Maaaata. FraaM.
BafcanficU mmi are filial aUa
Koala. Ciiawtlaa Baaa ta Lab
Tahaa. TaacsMa mmi Kfb
Biisi Hotel
Phone 742
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Good taste means all three, and all three
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Just one rule governs Chesterfield's making?
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