The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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    t . -
The CnrGON STATESMAN, Sales. Orc?gw Wcdaesiay llotaia?, Jehr 10, 1923
mm A
Former Dartmouth Gridiron
Star Wins Comeback
Wrestling Go
BOSTON. iJuly 9. (AP) Gas"
Sonaeaberg's famous flying tackle
overcame Ed V Strangler" Levis
for the' second time In seven
months and j enabled the former
Dart month football player to re
tain! his. heavy weight wrestling
title! here tonight at Fenway. park.
In so doing the champion suf
fered the first fall of his mat ca
reer, -which came when Lewis flat
tened him with a breast lock, but
he gained the next pair with his
deadly butting tactics. ' '
, They started off fast, Sonncin-
berg testing Lewis' boast that he
had perfected a defense for his vic
ious tackle, i Lewis was able to
avoid two of them with ease and
Sonnenberg i stuck to straight
wrestling, up to tha 15 minute
mark. i 1
Lewis Sidesteps, Sending
Sonnenberg: Into Mat
.- Soon: afterward Sonnenberg
started another series of. tackles
andj he was dashed to the mat
when Lewis sidestepped one of
them. The i champion appeared
shaken ' by his fall And Lewis
leaped on him obtained a breast
lock and slowly turned the cham
pion on his (back and forced 'his
shoulders to the mat just before
the expiration of 18 minutes. ,
After the first fall Sonnenberg
started butting immediately and
for; the first 15 minutes Lewis
was content to remain on the de
fensive, several times he avoided
the champion's rushes.
After Lewis obtained five head
locks and got Sonnenberg groggy
he left an opening- Sonnenberg
butted him j sf uarely under the
chin and threw; him. The force of
' the fall stunned Lewis, and the
champion took: the second fall in
19 minutes, j j
Winning Fall Obtained
In Three Minutes Time
The champion's. winning fall re
quired but three minutes. Son
nenberg renewed his rushing tac
tics; which worried Lewis until the
latter gained an opening for a
headlock. Sonnenberg sllpned
free. '-I
He missed a. tackle and Lewis
knocked hint outside of the ropes.
Sonnenberg landed heavily' and
- feigned injury. He staggered back
inside the ropes. Rubbing his
neck his actions deceived the chal
lenger and he was wide open when
Sonnenberg made a bull Eke rush.
His head struck "Lewis . middle
with a thud, and; as tha latter
' dropped, Sonnenberg flattened his
' shoulders. I j
The .match drew 25,000 cus-
- tomers ' and gate receipts of
' $90,000.
Postofflce sluggers went on a
rampage Tuesday night and de
feated the' Portland Electric
Power company ball team 11 to 1
in Van Industrial league game at
dinger field. ; The letter carriers
Beared seven runs in the fourth
inning after getting two in the
first' and two In the second. The
electricians scored their lone run
in the fifth when Barn holt singled
and Sealey followed up with a
two bagger.
Thompson and Collins were the
Postoffice's 8 tars at bat, with two
hits each. Including a three bag
ger by Thompson.
Score: '1
I P. E. P. Company
Player AB R
Hoops. If ...... ...l
Merrlott, lb . 1
, Sealey, 2b 3
- Boytana. c ......... 2
Hartwell, 3b 2
. Harvey, ss u.. 1
iMafhis. p 1
0 0
'Flagg. rt ...U.....1
Deckebaugh, cf . . . 2
Barnholt, If 1
Teed, c ............ 0
i. 4..:
J Player
Prjee. 2b
12 7
ONell. If ......
White, lb ........ 2
Thompson,! e ...... .2
Collins, cf 3
Welborn, ss . 3
Garrett, rt.. .2
Rider, p ' 3
Ff txrerald. S b ....... 3
ToUls ..........27 11 ,7
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jnly tv
fAPRosi Hocking of Victoria.
BJ C and Mel Drsnga of Seat
tle today advanced to the finals
rrt th Pacific northwest section
al tennis tournament here. Hock
ing defeated Rogers MacVeagh of
thm. I rvlnrton club. Portland, t-
S. 7-5,-4-t, 4, and Dranga eU-
mlaated Jack: Rhine, uuunomaa
clab, Portland, (-0, -2, f-4. 1
Tn ths actional doubles Shields
and Ryall, champions for tha last
tw t" reached the seml-fl-nals
by defeating Hjmei ' and R.
Smith. -2. t-2. 4-e. Johnson
and Lews! have reached ' the O-
nali b. eliminating CHara and
Aran. C-l. : 1-2.- ' . - ,r
Boh Rhine of Portland and K.
Hmes of Seattle, will play la
i ! . . 1... . . 1 ' ' ' . ' '' "
I ! A omm
Sate v J LSMX
EGEND now has it: I wish
yen luck, Jimmy," said
-Tommy, "but lam not say
ing what . kind of luck." Those
words marked the signing of the
papers arranging a boat between
Champion Tommy Leughran, of
Philadelphia, and James J. Brad-
dock, of New -jersey. lor tne
Worlds .Light Heavyweight Cham
pionship, to be held in New York
City, July 18. ft . 1 "
h?The Champion, as .may he svr
mlsed, was speaking to the Chal
lenger. ' ir ' -'
I This Braddoek boy is no set-op.
Eastern fans who saw the Jersey
fellow tumble over Tnffy Grif
fiths and Jimmy Slattery in New
York City last Winter, realized
that in Braddoek the king of the
Max Schmeling and Joe
Jacobs Both Suspended
By N. Y.
NEW YORK, July $. (AP)-
Max Schmeling, outstanding con
tender for the vacant heavyweight
championship, was suspended to
day by the New York State Ath
letic commission along with his
American confidant and manager
of choice, Joe Jacobs, "until such
time as . Schmeling i shall go
through with -his contract to box
Phil Scott at Ebbets Tield " j
The decree declaring the "Ger
man Dempsey null and void in the
rings of this and affiliated stains
was handed down by the commis
sion after a conference with
Humbert J. Fugazy, promoter of
the Ebbets Field affair tentative
ly set for August 7, bat now like
ly to be held later if at all; Jess
McMahon. his matchmaker; Arth
ur Buelow, Schemllng's repudiat
ed German manager who signed
for the Scott match; and Samuel
Wltte, an attorney representing
Max and Jacobs. ' &
I Fresh from1 his recent victory
dver Paolino Uzcudua, the slug
ging Teuton, is now engaged in a
barnstorming tour . and ; Jacobs,
who Is accompanying-him, wired
from Boston that they would be
unable to comply with the com
mission's summons : to appear to
day because of an engagement tor
an exhibition in Providence to-
aight. They were notified 1m
mediately f their suspension but
James A. Farley, l; commission
chairman, said no attempt would
be made to Interfere with the box
er's appearance in Providence.
; What effect the suspension and
Its application la such states as
Pennsylvania. Rhode t Island. 111!
nois, Massachusetts jsnd Kansas,
as well as Canada, all at which
nave working agreements with the
New, York body, will have ion
Schmellng's current Our the com
missloners did not vesture to say.
Certain It is. however, that
(he disciplinary action has creat-
Ihe Junior division of the sections.
Rhine having beaten R. Walch of
Tacoma, -, -, 8-3, and Hynes
having downed Bob- Johnson of
Portland, R. l-. 12.10.
In the sUte division f tha
tournament only oat npset ! was
recorded. That occurred ; in the
men's singles when Herb Sahr of
sas Francisco defeated ' Kenneth
May, seeded No. 3, la a three-set-
encounter, 2-f, C-4, f-3. Marjorie
uacFanane, ex-New Zealand
Champion, seeded lJr In the
women's . singles, advanced with
out trouble as did Marjorie Letm
tng of Victoria. B. C4 Golda. Mey
er Orasav of San Francisco; de
fending Champion, and ; Marion
Green of Portland.
t " f Ml MtetK iMIt - V -
flight heavies is clashing, with afback to watch 'Loughran'give the
worthy foe. Toffy Is tough and
Slats was no custard pie. Slats has
ringcraft aplentv and H was only
this that saved him from taking
the rap from tle Jerseyman earlier
than the nioth round. Braddoek
has been bout up to a crack at the
crown in the right way. it
wouldn't surprise the wise! ones to
see him stop Lougaran at the 176
pound weight. !
Tommy is a smart ringman.
That has been proven on divers
and numerous occasipns. I He has
been socked down in the early
rounds only to get back! on his
feet to win on points. One of
these Occasions was! his tilt with
Leo Lomsld when the fans put on
their overcoats in the first frame.
only to peel 'em off again, and sit
Dnuilht Ult Klac faatara Sroflcat tea
Athletic Group
ed a definite impasse which must
postpone Indefinitely anyj negotia
tions planned by : the j Madison
Square Garden corporation to
bring Schmeling and Jabk Shar
key together here in the .fall.
Meanwhile the triumphant Fu-
gasy, impressario of Ebbets Field,
smilingly emerged from the com
mission's council room Sand an
nounced that arrangements for
the Scott bout are rapidly being
concluded. The English! fighter.
he said later in the day. Is to sail
for this country Saturday and ar
rive here July 19.
The optimistic signori profess
ed confidence that Schmeling. in
spite of the obstinacy he showed
on a previous occasion, would ac
quiesce to the wishes of the com
mission. Others recalling how
Herr Max went back to Germany
last spring rather than participate
in a tout which Below had a hand
In arranging, were not sol sure.
Pirate Nine
Boosts Lead
The Pirates- increased their lead
over the Cubs to one and one half
games by defeating the Robins S
to 2 here today as the Bruins lost
to Boston. ' It was the third
straight Pittsburgh Ticjtory In
BrooKiyiu, ; -
Pittsburgh 1.........8
Brooklyn J...1
Kremer and Hargreaves, Hems-
ley; Dudley and Picinlch,
Giants Win Agate
NEW YORK. July t-H(AP)
The Giants won 1 their
straight from the Reds by S to i
here today In a free hitting game.
Cohen hit a homer for the Giants
and George Kelley got
two for
Cincinnati, i
Cincinnati ........ ..5
New Tork ; J...S
Donohue. Luque. Ash and Sake
forth; Scott, Genewich and Ho
ganv O'Farrell.
BOSTON. July (AP) Ben
Canttrejl held, the Cub j ! to five
hits and Boston evened Its series
with the Chicagoana today win
ntng f to 2. ;
Chicago I..... 2 f 1
Boston .... I 12
In National
Aberdeen Assassin a nice boxing
Loughraa has been fighting a
lot over the light-heavy limit. Some
say that he can't make the 175
poundage without coming in weak.
Loughran laughs this off. He ad
mits weakness in his bout with
Mickey Walker in Chicago, but
blames it on a bad cold.
Another i thing, Loughran has
never shown that he has a finsh
ing punch. JBraddock has one.
That something else to hang your
hat on, but don't overlook Tommy's
smartness. That's an asset which
may ; off set the dynamite.
It looks like a bang-up scrap.
If Braddoek does succeed in collar
ing the title, he ought to make a
good successor to the gallant and
able Loughran.1
W Li. ro.
W. Iu Pet.
Los A.
Bn FY,
'8 1 JB8
S S .838
T S .778
8e to
1 S .250
S T .123
1 S .111
5 S .750
6 4 .6001
W. L. Pet. I W. ti. Pet.
47 28 44Brookl. 83 40 .452
44 29 .62SlPhila. 83 42 .432
K. I .
St. u
45 82 .SMIBootoa 82 45 .419
$9 87 .507Cineim. 26 47 .855
, W. L.Pet.1 W.I,.Pet.
K. T.
St. I.
64 20 .730 Cltrcl.
46 27 -.680 Wash.
45 80 .500 Chirac
41 88 .519 Boatoa
87 J7.500
.28 44 .889
28 51 .354
23 55 .295
MUtloot 7; Portland 2
Hollywood 18: Seattle 5.
Lot Angele 6: Sacramento S.
Saa Francisco 9; Oakland 2.
Pitttburfh 3; Brooklyn 1.
Now York 8: Cincinnati 5.
Bostoa 6; Oiicaco 9.
St. Loui 7; Philadelphia 4.
Fair York 8:; St. Louis T.
Cfcieag-o 6; Philadelphia 4.
Washington S; Detroit 1.
Jonnard, Cuengros and t Goa-
tales; Cantwell and Spohrer.
Cards Whip Phillies
(AP) Jim Bottomley'a war club
was good for a pair of circuit
blows today and the St. -Louis
Cardinals downed the Phillies, 7
to 4 in ten Innings. He made
his : first, in the fourth and then
in the tenth, after O'Doul's homer
for the Phils had tied tha score in
the eighth, cracked but another
with two on base. The Phillies
were runless on their half. .
- R H E
St. Louis ...........7 13 0
Philadelphia ........4 15 0
Haid, Johnson and Wilson;
Bailey and Letian.
(AP) The government's position
on tha murder charges against
W. w. Thpmason. federal prohibi
tion agent, and three aids, result-
ins; from the laying of two farm
ers in a raid near Teeumseh Jn
ly 4, was being decided today.
-.John O. Madden, deputy from
Topeka, Kansas, headquarters of
tha Oklahoma f Nebraska Kansas,
division of 'prohibition : enforce
ment, went Into conference with
other agents and Roy fit. Lewis,
united States district i attorney.
, Meanwhile. Joe Belly, assistant
ta Randall Pitman, county iattor.
Sfeaimdlfei Lewis to Keep TMel
- . !- 1 : - ' . , Tv..:-". '1 :. ' " '-v j ". '. . '
J iSpn I Moe xrf Porihmd Leading Fwldm
Chick Evans, 8 Times Title
Holder, Fails to Pass
Qualifying Round
'MISSION HILLS, Kansas City,
July CAP Don Moe, smiling
collegian from Portland. Ore., to
day eaptnred medalist honors in
the qualifying round of the thir
tieth annual western amateur
golf tournament here. Moe's
card of 144 strokes for 3C holes
was one stroke better than the
total of Keefer Carter of Oklaho
ma City, who was champion in
1925. The Portland golfer turn.
ed in two consistent par .72
rounds to top the field.
. For the first time since he be
gan competing in the western am
ateur "Chick Evans of Chicago,
eight times title holder, failed to
qualify. His two-day total was
156. a good 75 today failing to
atone for an 81 of Monday..
Three of the four golfers who
had 71 to lead the qualifiers in
the first round yesterday scored
much higher than on their initial
round hut gained entry Into the
select '32 who will start match
play tomorrow. They were Frank
A. Aylward, Kansas City, with 71
80-151, Chester C. Jones, Kansas
City, with 71-80-151 and Clarence
Hubby, Dallas, Texas, with 71
78-149. Frank J. English. Kan
sas City, who was tied for the
lead yesterday, went so high with
his 85 today that he failed to
Yanks Win
Are Beaten
ST. LOUIS, July 9. (AP)
The Yankees made it three out of
four from the Browns by shading
the home team 8 to 7 here today
for their ninth victory over, the
St. Louis forces in eleven games
this season. The. champions in
creased their margin over the
Browns to two games and reduced
the lead of the first place Ath
letics to seven contests as the
Mackmen lost In Chicago today.
Babe Ruth's eighteenth home
run helped the Yankees. It was
struck with none on and none out
in the fourth with Wally Stewart
in the box.
New York 8 12: 1
St. Louis 7 15 0
Wells, Zachary, Hoyt and Ben
gough, Dickey; Stewart, Ogden,
Kimsey and Schang.
White Sox Beat A's ,
CHICAGO. July 9. (AP)
The White Sox made it three out
of four over the Athletics by tak
ing today's final 6 to 4. TJban Fa
ber outpitched Pincus Quinn, who
was shelled for fire runs in the
fourth inning.
Philadelphia 4 8 0
Chicago 13 0
: Quinn, Yerkes and Perkins; f a
ber and Berg.
Solons Take Detroit 2-1
DETROIT, July 9. (AP) -i-Washington
defeated the Detroit
Tigers 2 to 1, in the final game of
their series here today. Braxton
held the local players to four hits.
Washington 2 8 0
Detroit : 1 4 3
Braxton and Tate; Carroll and
ney at Tesumseh, disputed a state
ment from Washington that
j Thomason would, not be prose
1 cuted on the grounds that It was
a state raid, and he was requested
to join.
"There were no county officers
in the raid, and no one connected
with the state," Reily said. "We
will prosecute Thomason Just, like
the rest of them."
The murder charges against
Thomason and the other men.
Jeff B. Harris, Tom Little and
John D. Williams, grew out of
the deaths of James Harris, farm,
er, and his brother-in-law. Oscar
Lowery. Both were World war
All four of the officers are
eharged with4Hirris' death, while
Jeff Harris also is charged with
the killing of Lowery.
First Class Storage
- For finest Fcrniture and Pianos .with precaution
asrainst moths and micw
Local and Long: Distance Hauling:
Again with the best of tare for fine Furniture
Larmer Trcincf er & Storage
Decoys Drop Easy Game to
Reds by 7-2 Score;
Seattle Beaten
8 AN FRANCISCO, July. 9.
(AP) Portland lost to the Mis
sidns here today after starting oft
even In the first frame, which end
ed: with the score tied at two all.
After that the northerners were
powerless before Nevers, and the
Mission Belts scored, at strategic
intervals, Ortman pitched for the
Portland team.
Portland 2 t
Missions 7 12
; Ortman and Rego; Nevers and
Hoffman. 1
'" Stan Beat THbe !
! : iiOS ANGELES, July 9.- (A)
-Three Seattle pitchers were un
able to halt the slugging of the.
Hollywood team today and the In
dians went down to defeat before
the Stars 5 to 13. Though Sht)M
lenbach allowed the northerners
10 hits, teamwork made half bt
them futile. f
-'I R H -E!
Seattle . 5 10 ! 0
Hollywood 12 17 (2
' Graham, House Pipgras and
Borreani; Shellenbach and Bas-1
sler. j
'Senators Lose to Angels f
- The Sacramento Senators went
back into losing ways here today.
dropping the first game of the
series to the league leading An
gels, 6 to 3. The be-spectacled
Plitt hjirled the victory but had a
harder time getting by than the
score indicated. He blanked the
Sacs for the first five innings then
beean sliDDine. In the eighth: a
double play helped him out of a
bad fix with two runs in and tfce
bases full. Crandall was knocked
out of the box in the fifth. !
Los Angeles
6 14 ! 0
J Plitt and Sandberg;
Gould and Severeid.
3 7 11
Seals Wallop Oaks
OAKLAND, Cal., July 9. (AP)J
r The San Francisco Seals cl0-
bed out seventeen nits toaay am
trounce Oakland, 9-2. Hollls
Thurston was hit hard by the Oaks
but the locals wasted most of their
thirteen safeties. Oakland used
three moundsmen in an effort! to
stoD the massacre. M
It was Johnny Verges Day and
the young oak third sacker Was
presented with a 3300 watch, j ;
R Hi H
San Francisco 9-17 2
Oakland ... 2,13 I
Thurston and Mclsaac;. McEv
ery Jeffcoat, Joiner and Lombard!.
PARIS, .July '9. (AP) Pre
mier Poincare today cleared the
parliamentary decks for definite
action on the war debts,
i The opposition continued to ma
neuver and tried to draw the pre
mier into debate. '
; "What's the use!" Inquired the
premier. "You are going to get
a chance for all the fight you want
Thursday, what's the use of a pre
liminary scrimmage?
f The chamber sided with jM.
poincare so the big debate Will
onen Thursday on the text of the
ratification bills for the Mellpn-
Berenger and Caillaux-Churchlll
debt accords. !
'A The discussion will open with a
big majority In the chamber! In
favor of ratification, but divided
as to how it shall be done. The
faithful elements in the premier's
majority favor out-and-out ap
proval of the settlements without!
reservations. i
; Doubtful supporters of the gov
ernment want the chamber to I ex
press a reservation to the effect
that France will nver pay on war
debts more than she receives from
Germany. i 1
f We print Letter Heads. Bus-j
iness Cards. Posters. Signs, oooa-
Ujm. almost anvthing in' oar 7ob
shop. Call 500 for prices.; j
I We saw Spec Keene coming out
Of an oculist s office Tuesday, att,
ernoon. He didn't tell us what
was wrong. . But he can have this
consolation, that if his eyes keep
getting worse, he'll be eligible for
a soft, remunerative job as an
"Wonder why It is. that blind
men exclusively are employed as
umpires and proof readers ?.
By the way. they tell" hs we
weren't bacfcirom our vacation
ye.t- that the umpiring was extra
rotten out at dinger field Sun
day. And while we're being 'Curt,'
all according to promise, we've
got something mean to say about
headline writers. "Champions de
feat Salem Net Stars" was the
headline we saw Tuesday morning
over a story about Ivan White
and us .taking a . beating up at
Bend. There's only two things
alike about us and Bill . Tilden ;
we write for the newspapers' and
don't know when, to quit playing
But then. The Statesman's
headline writers aren't as bad as
those across the street.
"Trans-Atlantic Aviators Forced
to Land in Spain, Ocean Fliers
Land in Spain at Santander.
American Plane Pathfinder with
Williams and Yancey Lands." Aft
er reading that the subscribers
get the idea that he plane landed
in Spain.
It'll be a big day for the wolves
at Olinger field next Sunday pro
vided that King Cole pitches for
Longview. Cole has always taken
an awful razzing here in the past,
mostly because the fans knew he
took it to heart. This year they
laid off him while he was pitching
for' Salem. If he goes poorly
against the rejuvenated Solons,
he'll be due for an extra dose Sun
day but if he holds 'em down,
then the Senator management will
catch Heck for releasing him.
This will be the Forest Rangers'
only visit here this season. In the
first half, the Senators played a
doubleheader at ' Longview, but
there's no reciprocity in the sec
ond halt; the second game will be
at Longview.
SAN DIEGO, Cal.. July 9.
(AP) Ernest Lee Jahnoke, as
sistant secretary of the navy, ar
rived at the North Island naval air
station at 5:20 o'clock this eve
ning in a Ford transport plane,
and will remain in San Diego until
Thursday morning.
The secretary is making a tour
o f west coast naval activities,
starting with San Diego. He arriv
ed in San Francisco, from Honolu
lu this morning, and took oft from
Oakland. airport at 11:45 a. m.
the plane was piloted by Lieut.
W. G. Tomlinson of the naval air
station at Anacostia, D. C, Lieut.
Commander R. E. Davison being
second pilot. A stop for., fuel was
made at Long Beach shortly be
fore four o'clock.
Read the Classified Ads.
Motorcycle Competition tq'-: ;
Take Place on Croisan 1
Hill, Schedule '
At least a score of motorcrcla '. ..
hill climbers are expected in Sa- .3
em on Sunday to take part in tha rt
nual summer hill climb held lo-
ally on Crolsanhin, three miles tA
rom Salem on the Croisan hill '". '
The unusual steep grade which . -t
the motorcycle men wftl be forced j
to climb a grade estimated to b '
7 per rent places-a hard objec
tive before the climbers. To date
no one has succeeded in driving
his motorcycle to the top of the
hill, the steep grade being aug
mented by rough - conditions of
the roadway but themotorcyclists
are undaunted by this fact and
several- have made the assertion
according to Harry Scott, that
they would climb to the top ,of
the hill in Sunday's match. V
Three events have been arrang
ed which will call both for ama-
teur and professional participa
tion ' S;'
Included in the list of local and
out-of-town motorcyclists who are
coming to the event are Al For-"-shay
of Seattle. Ar St. Claire of.
Bremerton; Be Fox of Aberdeen.
William Cameron of Seattle;
George Falders of Spokane, N Ma
rion Dietrich ot Portland. Tom
Appletofff Portland, Olaf Dahl.
berg of ; Portland, William Davis
of Eugene, Emll Jorgensen, Guy
Hickson. Glen Rice. Francis Wil
der, Tony Jaegler, all of Salem.
Gene Ryan of Los Angeles : and'
Swede" Mattson of California.
Prizes in cash and merchandise;
will total about $250. .
Clarence Shrock of Salem Is tha
promoter of the climb, while WH-'
liam Mathena of Portland, an of
ficial A. M. A. referee, will handle
that phase of the events.
(AP) The wreckage ot an; at-
tempted flight around the world 1
that cost the life of Its author,
Mashashi Goto, 32 year old Jap
anese aviator of Los Angeles! was
discovered southeast of here to
day. "
Goto's body was, located In Dry
canyon, 35 miles from Heber, '
Utah, tn the wreckage of his plane
"Mame " which he and a fellow
countryman. Its ; designer, hid
built In the hope of carrying the .
fame of Japanese aviation, about
the globe.
Backed by funds raised by Jap- ;
aneae newspapers of the Pacific
coast. Goto had set out July 3 from '
Los Angeles and: had flown to '
Oakland and Rend. Nev., and then
on to Salt Lake. Next morning he
left the airport here! alone in his
22 foot machine, en route lor New
York. From there he planned to !
ship the' plane to England land'
then fly across Europe, to Asia to -Japan.
' : "i - ;.,
Wrecking of the plane ended his
attempt and his life as well when,'- -Sheriff
Virgil Fraught on reported.
It apparently had nose dived on a ..
rocky hillside. ; " '
Salt Lake City airport pfficials
said Goto was off his course, i'
.For Sale signs. For rent signs,
legal blanks, etc, for sale at the
Statesman. . rv
hare earned continued
phtlic favor because '
year after yeartbey are '
made better and better
r "The'Stride" i
: -V if 1 ' 1 .