The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    'a jJiiuA biA'UulAN, Salera. Oregon, Wecacsday Iornin.y, Jdy 10, lS2j)
PAGii fcAVAi.
t V
jlLdcal Nevys Bnefe!
TEu Refund Claimed A steady
rtM'-fcf claimants for Uz refunds
rnnder the over-coUectlon refund
"off the 1920 levy la comin into
Hhe-eeuaty clerk" office. The re
f finds were advertised la the local
ppaperi this week; and ranee la aUe
fftwsa i one cent :to $56.09. The
'rean for; the refund lies In the
tjntttthat the budget for 1920 ex
. cteeded the six per cent limitation
aand render . court : action, the
county -was compelled to refund
the excels tax colled ed to all tax-
r payers ot1920 In event the
maeaey is not claimed, the funda
WHt revert to the general fund of
ahe antr. i , .' '
A 1 1 ' i : : l ' ; :
V "iliepojd Yfca Mr. and. Mrs.
WJH. liippeld apd son, Billy. Jr.,
ware, visixrs tMsj month vita Mts
JJotani hfJ Lippold at her home on
27 'Souph LSthistreet- Mr. Llp
i paid j is director of the Louisville
ItnWttute of Technology, mam
tasteed by the Y. M. C. A. of Louis-
vtflle. a. doDartment I which has
raoere thin 1000 students enrolled.
MCnSe this Is Mr. Lippold's ti"t
vMatrto ne. rrest he Is thoroughly
tieeUghted with the country.
' I - ! i
inHll to S2ertig Dr. Da'd B.
(ECU ! leaves ! Saturday for Bates
FT. Colorado, where heTwill at
t tend tSis national conventen of the
nijii Tin of orthodontsista ot
vwhieh he t3 a member. The doc-
toMinects to be' away from Salem
i tor. ten days. Ordinarily he would
(take his movie camera with him
hbnthhe has loaned the camera to
herjhemeaetans to permit them
'Jesferson. . j
: I f !
lDr. Brown Visitor Dr.. and
t.Mtaj Charlea Brown ot San Diego,
C Calif.,' were visitors, in Salem Tuefe
dtdaytTcalllng on Mr. and Mr3-. A. N.
mash while here. They weie' on
i 4 beli way to tre meeting cf the
NXferional Medical association in
"Portland. Dr. and Mrs. Brown
"aaee I neighbors of Mr. and Mrs.
ifiuh in the lattjers' home in San
fHo. :
I i - ' . i - ''.
Cabled to Portland Rev. F. C
TTaxlor of the First , Methodist
. church has been called to attend
xa-uneetlnr of the Board ot Home
MSMSlocs'rOt the Oregon Confer
eeee in Portland Friday of. this
vwefek. OJ CJ Bortzmeyer ot the
r pshfic service commission is the
ieewetaryj vrft the Oregon confer
-'nee board. The . session will be
nbeJd in the First Methodist church
i Portland at 2-.00 p. m., Friday.
- fWo Ttoit at Chesnpiice; Rev,
Fired C Taylor, pastor vj the First
MtCntbedist ehareh and Prof. E. A.
(Hammond ox Kimball School of
TTaaology; wilt attend the annual
MSehodlst Day celebration si
t Chnmpoeg park Thursday. e The
vmlAwek service at First church
nWJU: be cancelled on account of
ilkeutbsen'ce of the pastor.
tfiranted ChihTs Custody Cns-
- r todv of Earl Bonney. - Jr.,. was
ccrantca te Rose Bonney. his moth
'ts during the piehdencr of n suit
- lor .divorce in circuit court here
:vi The plaintiff in the action i Earl
"f Soamey who . asked in a motion
hraght before the court to have
custody of the child himself.
' 4)rs. OonvMie--Practioally all-'of
the -physicians 6f Salem will at
ted the National Medical associa
tioi conventidn in Portland some
:ci th!3 week. 1 Par .lers are di
vsMing their time so that each may
j !ihav an opportunity to attend
' aente of the sessions.
Recklessness Alleged Earl
j rlrexson was arrested by local traf
1 i artificers Tuesday on a charge
i0fcreckles3 driving. He was fined
SfS. Eis addrese is 350 North 14th
r Ml eat.
rnjimicka Uit Mr4 and Mra.
iiEftmon Dimlck and small daughter
in Silent on Tuesday visiting
With loeal friends.
j t-'usaiRure Cptmteterer ,
hAnd repairing Giete-Powers
.fTeraiture Co.; v
ifttlar Dinner-
i -Every night t:S0 te t at tb
' SSJirion hotel. I .
l Fori Tsed Cars
i Vlck Bros, j High and Trade.
iThe- New PhUco I Hi
i 5ee it at H. L.-wtf Furniture
VCSaasB Tow Think of That
'ficnic, think of Lee's fancr
HJiyi 1 H I I I I 1 1 l HTTW Vail -
iFWe delivery. j
, j
iTer I'setl Can Scr
i Wick Bros. ; High and Trade.
- f I i s : '
TthsiuM Bres.: Bd
fMellow Moon, every wed. end
iSaisrday. "
Old. Time Dance at Armory
i Every Wed. and Sat. night.
' ! " ' M
yVm Iwa un cc
i VTlck Bros. High and Trade.
Ta NeW Phttco Is Hei
See lt at II. L- Stin -rnunre
! . 1 I ' '
tin corsets and ureases, nowwa
if Genet Shop. ;
lEsr Rent
a7ell furnished 5 room cottage
vwith garage.. Phohe 511. F. N.
VWeWdxjrj 1 ! ' 1
"l TUP Sew Philco Is Here i .5
I fiee It at H. L. Stiff Furiiture
'i-zw-iR. Lee Wood
h July 25'
tjmy -Ctearance ai
1 Ckintlnues at the Howard Corset
'4H That Week End VlaH, i
! iTakejyoar hostess a gift from
teux giftfT. P.omeroy ;Keene.-. -4
Illation Toaleht -. r
i At F. N, WoVKiry s amuob hip
jtkrt on Summer street. .1 consign-
Find It Herej
! Speeder Gets $10 Fin Victor
Meier, a young man living near
Salem, drove his car considerably
faster than 20 miles an bour In
the; city? limits with the result
that he was arrested Saturday and
fined lift and his license revoked
for 16 days when he-was brought
oerore Justice Braxier i Small on
Tuesday. Meier had some difficul
ty in- raising th money for, the
tine so for a short time Tuesday
he was lodged In jailj but a friend
obtained the money and Meier was
speedily .released. i M t
Bad Check Caue Troobla
Lloyd Demareat was hailed before
Justice Braaior Small on Tuesday
charged with lasuing ;a check
without sufficient f uads to. Otto
C Buff, who signed the bomnlalnt.
Tho check was made for service
performed on Demarcates car last
year and aecordtag to th state
ment made in court, the cheek.
which waa for 0j. had set
been paid, except for one S5 in
staJIraent. Demareat i Was .given
time to consult " -inset and was
released on 1.00 bail.
Miss Morgan on Vacation Mies
Genevieve Morgan is enjoying a
fortnight's vacation from her work
on The Statesman where for the
past year she has been employed
as- a reporter. She will spend the
majority ot her vacation with
her parents at Florence, Oregon.
Her father is editor of the Site
law; Oar, published in that town.
Elks to Convention Plans for
the annual-state, convention of the
Elks lodge will be made Thursday
night at the regularmeetlng ot the
Jodge is the .temple here. A good-
sized delegation Is being arranged
to. represent the .Saleta group. The
;-convention is t be held July 17
to 20 at Klamath Falls,
Rottles .,Tisic Mr. nd Mrs.
John J. Rottle'wero ia the city
early this week- on a business er
rand. They ark now residing in
Shelton, Wash.HT. itottle is trav
eling throughout the southwestern
part of the state supervising the
work of the Rottle chain of stores
in that district. j ;
Too Fast, Claim In reporting
a collision between his automobile
and ' the one driven i by! C. J3.
Wetherby, ot; West Salem, Tues
day morning ft Hood and North
Winter streets. Frank Richter. 149
Wilson street., claimed- that Weth
erby was drying : too fast and
hit hi& car after It had. passed
rhe- tenter of the Intersection.
'' Charged With. Theft Mrs. A.
Bnaham was charged with. . the
theft of a caat belonging to Miss
Catharine M-aare from, tha lat
ter'a heaae ' when Mrsa. !Benhain
was brought i before 1 Justice Bra
iler Small Titesday. She Bad a pre
uminary hearing and the case was
set forward to next iTaesday
when more evidence will be taken.
' . I', ; :
. - CJeik Books Com in Books
of various county eJerks Of school
districts throoghoat thei ounry
erf coming into the Office! of Mrs.
Mary Pulkersou arpder the provi
sion of the law that all clerks must
submit their books for inspection
before August 1.
Return t Valsetz Mr. and
i Mrs. Joseph Mortimer ofiValsets,
who visited in Salem orer the
Fourth of July week-end.? will re
turn to their homo today. They
were guests of Mrs. Mortimer's
sister, Mrs. J. F. Ulrich, while In
Salem. ' ;
Fall to 'Stop William Dietz-
man. Salem route 4; Gilbert An
derson. 2S5 South 21st street,
and Ed Parker were arrested by
local traffic officers Tuefeday on
charges of failing to P3p at
through 1 street intersections. ,
Speeding- Charged Korman
Anderson. l 29 North 24th street.
and Theodere Lang were arrest
ed Tuesday on . charges of speed
ing. Lang, who was reported to
have been,: making 40 miles an
hoar cm a; city street, was fined
7.50. I - i
Orewere'WHl Meet The North
Pacific Nwt Growers association
will hold a meeting Thursday aft
ernoon at the Salem chamber ot
commerce rooms. W. H. Beetle?
ot Duadee la manager of the or
Cotlteioai Reported Automo-
hiles driven by Fred Clbson, 190
Kingwood avenue, and Arthur
Clssnell the Captal City Trans
fer comamay, collided at Court
and 12th street Monday. ;
Drives Tee Tmm Robert
Green. 1070 North ISth atreet, was
arrested Monday night few - local
officers on a ctarge ot driving
mm auteaaoMle, he fceiaB aader the
ge limit. : '
Board Meets Tonight The offi
cial board of the First Methodist
church will meet la the; church
tonight, B. E. Sisson will preside
and business of the month will
be transacted.
AUcradons Planned k permit
was Issued to E. A. Johnson, Tues
day from tbe city buUdins Inspec
tor's 'office, to make alterations
costing i4& on a aweiirag at ZU3&
North Church street..
Clinic at Hubbard -- A child
health clinic will be conducted at
Hubbard this afternoon by repre
sentatirea ot the Marloni county
child halth demonstration.
Possession Brine Fie--tJnlaw
ful possession of liquor was charg
ed 'against E. B. Schomp; in just
ice court Tuesday Schomp admit
ted that the charge was jjast and
was flaed $250 by Justice Small
On Bnnese to CervaUis Mrs.
Cera Reed, assistant county school
superintendent,' made a : business
trip tot Cervallht Tuesday.; -
Dr. iPwrviae Back Dr. r.Iaxr Bj
Purvina who has been ransactlng
business in Portland Is f expected
to retarn to Salem today.?
; -.-.I. - - r
L Holer la City--CoI. Ej Hofer
was Salem business visitor Tues
Present! Status of Dry Laws
Not ISatisfactory, He
Tells Klwanii
The thmklnr publielof America
is ot satisfied with the- present
situation ) of prohibition, ' Rev.
Ward Wims ' Long; of Stockton,
Calif., declared Tuesday in,n ad
dress before the Salem Kfwanis
club. Opinion ts divided as to the
proper means of handling the ait
nation although the public is quite
generally agreed,. Long averred.
that the return to the licensed sa
loon Is not to be tolerated. He did
not suggest a solution! for the ex
isting - situation, other : than t o
state that; the way out -lead in a
return to j temperance and sobri
ety. ; !.! : x
Three other problems deemed
as great moral issues j before the
American public were touched on
by the speaker. The .first he char
acterized as the- problem of 'the
breakdown of moral standards, the
second the miscarriage of Justice
and the third the problem or inter
national peace. KiwanSaas can So
much to aid in the solution of
these problems, the speaker de
clared. . s '
Long stated that ill citizens
might well be divided into three
classes: men . who' didnt know
about the; problems confronting
America and didn't care; men who
were hostile to good government
and men who studied the problems
of government and! desired to do
their share' in their solution. In the
latter class, Kiwanians belong,
Long oeclared.1 i ,
Rev. Long has been visiting fn
the city for the past. Id 'days. His
nome is now at Stockton. Calif..
where he is pastor of the Presby
terian church In that city.
Sam Cohen, publicity manager
of the Elsinore theatre,! introduced
tne members ot the ranchon A
Marco "Opportunity Idea," to the
club and i Miss Salem, Dorothy
Beyerl made a short talk express
ing her appreciation oh being la
eer home city. One of the mem
bers of the cast gave a pianologtte.
i ne auenoance prue offered by
Harry Craln was awarded to Ger
ald Fletcher. 1
A number of Caltfornians were
visitors at the noon luncheon.
THY lit
- f
Tonight at the Elsinore theatre
the Fanchon Marco "Opportun
ity idea? will be presented by
group of girls choaea from leadinr
cities up and dewn the coast, Dor
othy Beyerl chosen several months
ago as "Miss Salem" will be star
red In the local presentation.
Tuesday noon the jdrls encased
in a parade about the streets of
Salem .while at 1; o'clock they
made an Informal appearance, at j
the Klwanis club luncheon.
Mayor T.iA. Llvesley in a letter
sent to the press Tuesday welcom
ed Miss Salem on her return home
and urged support of the Elsinore
in Its show. Mayor Livesley's let
ter follows
"Salem is again fortunate In the
matter of having a: girl who has
been ehosen and pjaced on the
Fanchon & Marco circuit due to
her own efforts and talents.
"I take this occasion to an
nounce the arrival of Dorothv
Beyer! showing in the I Fanchon
and Marco "Opportunity Idea".
Wednesday evening. July 10, at
tne jaisinore theatre. :
"I hope and believe the citizens
of Salem; will fill the theatre to
ever-flowing to show their aonre-
dation of her wonderful efforts
and again giving another boost to
Salem and if possible to aid her in
her work, i
Changes in the personnel of the
district officer of the Southern Pa-
etae company in Salem are an-
nemced by Mr. A. A. Mickel, the
general district freight and pas
senger agent of that company who
has been in charge ot local matters
fer many years.
K. A. Samarata who has for the
past three j years been traTeUner
scent la this district has been
transferred to Klamath Fails, and
Ifanler IscUaf-E. T. Strand,
ST1 Union street, was fined $-6
in municipal konrt Tuesday on a
charge of operating an autonobHe
not equipped with a ntuffler.
i : . !
Drunkennees Charged Martin
Vengler. f Portland, was arrest
ed Monday nigM by local police
on a charge of drunkenness.
Speeder Flaed John j Norman,
1S70 State street, was fied S5 tn
municipal court Tuesday on
charge of speeding. ,
i .... it
for clean! cotton rags suitable' for wiping
Is succeeded by A. N Bryant who
has been in the local office since
March ! 1 ; ! t amfllariiing & himself
with this territory. " o V ' "
i Prior te his arrival In Salem.
Mr. Bryant was - dty ipassesger
agent in Seattle and later travel
ing: agent; ft Vancouver and has.!
neea t with j,the ; Southern Pacific
for over ten years. K t
The place left vacant by the
promotion Of Mr. Bryant is filled
by Lester Hufstadter who cornea to
Salem from the general office in
Portland. Mr. Hufstadter was also
for a number of years, stationed at
Albany,! Eugene and other valley
points. ; . ; f - -;
ur. j. jj. McCormick tof th
Kimeaa School ot Theology will
mary Miss Myrtle L. Weise of Pa-
sadenaj Calif., at a very; ulet ser
vice in Medford July lfL Follow
ing the, ceremony, the eouole will
mace s number of trio into the
southern, and eastern parts of the
state, where Dr. McCormick will
lecture for the. various Methodist
church Epworth Institutes that
will be held. They expect to be
at home on Marion street by Sep.
Miss Weise. has been teaching
for a number of years in Pasa
dena. (Previously her home was
In Minnesota, where she first met
Dr. McCormick who is one! of the
most popular members of the fac
ulty. at Kimball college and Wil
lamette University. It was with
nuiauuexaoie uimcuiiy mat , VT,
McCormick spared enough time
between his numerous summer
appointments for his wedding.
im Me is
Friends of Raymond Rarey
were grieved to learn Tuesday of
his death In Kelso, Wash.; Mon
day. Rarey was a graduate of
Willamette university in the class
of If 21 and . was well known in
the nniverstty circle here. For
the past two years he had been
principal of Kelso high school.
His brother, Russell Rarey, is
pastor of a church in Illinois.
Death came from cancer of the
stomach. Rarey "was only 32
years ot age. His wife and two
small children, one a baby of
four months, survive him, as well
a his ; brothers and his parents.
His father is paster of the Metho
dist charch In Kelso.
Funeral servioes are to be held
in- Kelso today. j
The; Runny me d Sales. Inc..
with capital stock of $5000 and
headquarters, in Portland, has
been incorporated by Ei C. Howe.
H. W. Howard and S. E. Tyrrell.
Articles were filed in the state
corporation department today.
The Colonial Cash Market.
with capital stock of $3000 and
headquarters' in Portland, has
been Incorporated by William E.
Karambelas, Pete E. Karambelas
and Constantino E. Karambelas.
The ! Portland Practical Heater
company, with headquarters in
Portland, has filed notice of dis
solution. .
- City View Cemetery - -
Established 1893 TeL ISM
' Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
! Prices Reasonable
TStxxz&t ititmonal
FteM -JtS t, Modexstsly
2201 .StU jrlMa
A ! Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just ten minutes from the
f heart of town
New sod Use Plumbing:
j. Sapplies
Alse New r ased stpe, alt
steee. BeUiac an alsea. Oae
15,r Herali Bench Bind Saw.
saotor attached. Alee aew or
aaesl tools! aad m jr ether
ens, i
bay aad sell
Sakra Bstgab
& Sales Junk Co.
320 N. Com Phone 492
svi i rzrz l
Reincorporation of the C. t.
Breier Co. under the new cor
poration act passed in the 1921
session of the Idaho legislature
is fn. process now according to
Manager Crossler of the local
store who- Tuesday received; de
tail of the company's latest palm
for new financing. .1 J
rThe C. J. Breier Co. in its f
years of ' existence, feels it .has
Justified its position : as an econ
omic factor in the popular-price
field of department store operai
tien and that it has outgrown! the
limitations to which the old char-1
ter of the company bound it. Con
sequently the firm Is ready , tor
expansion. according to a state
ment received by Crossler.
Three purposes for Increasing
the stock have been listed by the
officers. They include the pro
vlding of additional capital for
developing and improving exist
ing store units, the securing of a
large group of stockholders thus
assuring a large following of pe
ople interested in the success of
the enterprise and the supply of
capital for adding to the stores:
now established.
Under the provisions of 4 the
amended charter the C. J. Breier
Co. will convert its 10,000 shares
of $100 par value stock into 200.-
000 shares of Class B no ; par
value voting stock. The amend
ed charter will authorize, a fur
ther issne of 1,000.000 shares of
Class A preferential participating
common stock to which the pub-
lie is invited to subscribe. ; An.
immediate issue of SO, 000 shares
of this class A stock, known as
foundation stock, will be offered
to the public at $15 a share with
rights to further purchase attach
ed to each share.
The C. J. Breier Co. has a re
cord of 25 years of department
store. operation In the west and is
now composed of 47 stores oper
ated in Idaho, Washington, .Cali
fornia and Oregon. Headquarters
of the firm are at 53 Fourth
street, Portland.
Funeral services for L. EL Bean,
chairman of the Oregon public
service commission, who died sud
denly here Saturday, were held
at Rigdoa's mortuary Tuesday.
The services were conducted by
Rev. D. H. Leach, of Albany, as
sisted by Rev. Fred C. Taylor, of
(Xn-h byJ Railroad clerk! j
Dullness pcrsorufieid to young Russ West- j
over! So be cjrewl pictures on the parcels j
he wrapped And even the'railroad pay j
vouchers he rriade out were not art-proof.' j
After that his; dad gave mltnd gotinm aj
jobin the airt department ot a aan t rancisco
papcr.jThe Art lAstitute, where he studied
evenings, abetted his artistic yearnings, too:
But aftcralli Russ found that he simply
could not take art seriously. He turned to
cartooning? f I j
The creator
Salenu'. The tody? was taken, 1 to
Eugene, with interment in the
Masonic cemetery. Graveside serv
ices were held., at the Eugene
cemetery. - . -. j ;
Active pallbearers at Salem In
cluded employes ot the public
service commission. A number! of
state departments were dosed dur
ing the funeral hour, and flags
on the statehouse were at half
mast. The floral tributes were nu
merous and eautlfuL )
. i
LONDON. July 9 (AP)-r-Pre-mier
MacDonald'a ' government,
supported by the liberals, tonight
won the first division in the new
house of commons on the tree
trade issue, defeating the conser
vatives by 340 votes'to 220. I
The union of liberals and la
borites against the conservatives
was a foregone conclusion because
the central plank of liberal policy
Is free trade and the division to
night occurred over a conserva
tive amendment to the reply to
the king's speech fn favor of safe,
guarding. ' :
Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Philip Snowden previously laid
down the government's policy oh
safeguarding, or tariff protection,
duties. , '
Mr. Snowden as a prelude to ta
bor's first clash with the opposi
tion on the conservative side,
challenged the conservative side
to , protection as a party policy,
saying that if the conservatives
did so they might content them
selves with being in opposition
for an Interminable period.
Declaring the government's de
termination eventually to remove
all duties on foodstuffs and re
calling the late Joseph Chamber-
sePaidnt 1O0 cwadettshte rooms,
each nek WA. SwiwiMi ntw.
" - 1 1 i i .
M ' ' ' . ij-' ;" -..'' j'i ' . i ': .: , . ,i ;;-.v
or a Long Leap from railroading I
of ,"TiIlic the Toiler';, holds
' ' " rOWjIOBO' ' ' " ' f- '
lain, dlcttttt that real Imperial
preference was only 1 possible I if.
foodstuffs were taxed, Mr. Snow
den proceeded to allay possible
indignation among the dominions
by announcing the governments
desire to call another imperial
conference; This conference wdild
discuss whatever other means
were available to foster trade be
tween Great Britain and her do
minions. ;
Junior Town to
Be Feature ol
Janior Town' wliropen at the
Chautauqua tent on Wednesday
morning under the d1"011 i'0
Miss Lucille Duffy. I
Miss Duffy who was in charge
of Junior Chautauqua here last
year, has (planned an interesting
program for the'youngsters which
will emphasize training in citi
zenship. "i
Officers of Junior Town will
be elected Thursday morning at
10 o'clock. The general program
will be made up of plays, songs,
picnics and other items of. inter
est to the kiddies. " !'
Need Told For ,
More Supplies
For Charities
"A little' boy, sick with bron
chial pneumonia for 64 days, aad
Eyeglass Insurance and thor-T
ough examination included.'
110 N. Commercial St. )
100,000 lbs. Cs
cara Bark and Ore
gon Grape Root
' We also buy all kinds
!of uak
Metal, Iron, Sacks, Rags,
Paper, Etc.
. H. STEINBOCK. Prop. .
Telephone SOS
143 Center St. By the bridge
t public record for allegiance to one womh
"Tilhe has been running for a good many
ycars, he said, "and l?m still enthusiastic
'about her.Maybe thars becausVhe doesnt.
have to, pay foriTillie'i clothesb ' '
The other woman I in the caseNfj?. "
Westover, has the upper hand of Tillie
Russ asks her eriticisiki on his drawings.
Probably that's vhy everything is so peace
ful at his little vine-clad cottage out in New
Focheller Russ works at home, you see. He v
never gotirty" enough, to want a studio. .
but one sheet left In the nousV
is the war, Mrs. Mae Young of Ahe
Associated Charities summed na
case which she has just ! discov
ered. The plight of the anxfews '
mother is, of course, pitiable. -
Anyone who will play Good Sa.-,
marltan to this needy family m ay -reach
Mrs. Young this morning by
telephoning 164 5-W. , I' -
Claims totaling $114. 45 have
been paid to Statesman readers by
the North, American Accident In
surance Co.. In less than one year.
These claims were paid o n the
$1.00 policy I issued to Statesman
readers. . , r .
We have a 1023 Dodge, ltSl
OvefUnd aad 1024. Far4
equipped with Pick up, bodied.
Theee cars are la pcrfect eo
dkkn at bargain prices, if
"The iloase That Service BuUf
Whatv is better I oh
these hot summer
days than a good cool
drink of your favor
ite beverage served
cold and pure? And
If It Comes From Schaef
er's It's the Best Drink in
Town. i
. Drag Store . ;; f
The Original Yellow Front),
and Candy Special-
Store ot Sairm.
' I Peaslar Agracy
153 !. Ceml. St.
Phoae lOt
tes(ts of furniture. . , , ... ...
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