The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, July 10, 1929
1 ' (
Army Beauty
! -k- k kk
Trips to Beaches and Enter
taining .Visitors Keep
People, Busy ...
HUBBARD,-July 9 Mr. and
lira." B. W. Baker, of Santa Anna,
CaW were called to Hubbard,
former home of Mrs.) Baker, Miss
Gladys Moomaw,1 when her fath
er, J. Moomaw was Injured at a
sawmill located on his farm. Mr.
Moomaw, much irnproTed. was- re
moved from, the Hubbard Mineral
Springs Sanatorium Monday to
his home. i ,
.Mrs. T. C. Watson and chil
dren Tommy and Clair, accom
panied by her sister, Mrs. Lulu
. Minions, went to Portland Satur
day for several days visit, with
their mother Mrs.W M. Caldwell.
Mrs. . Watson is manager at the
Hubbard .Mineral Springs Sana
torium, t '
Many from Habbard attended
the air-circus at Silverton Sunday
among whom wre Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Carl and son Marion ac
.. companied by Sollie Bidgood.
Mrs, A. iF. de Lesplnasse aad soin
and daughter, Franklin and Ma
rie, accompanied by Miss Frances
Leffler also attended.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McKey and
daughters Dorothy and Phyllis of
Seattle, Wash..! left for r their
home Monday after visiting since
Wednesday of last week at the
home of Mrs. "McKey's sister, Mrs,
A. F." de Tsplnasse. j - f
Mr. McKey, son of Mr. nd
Mrs. W. McKey of Roselawn gar
dens of the Pacific highway; Is
a Hubbard boy! and Saturday was
the ! guest of his former chum,
Clark Moor Will of Salem who
was also a Hubbard boy. Mr. Mc
Key 1 operates iai radio service
plank in Seattle.;
Hubbard was very quiet oyer
the fourth as many were away at
resorts and at; the Molalla Buck
erooj Among the resorts enjoyed
weres-Shade-E-Acres. Silver Creek
Falls, and the ocean beaches.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bevens and
daqgnter .Anita, accompanied by
MelVln Mitts motored to Nesko
wln Sunday for a day's outing at
the beach. k
They left at 5 o'clock In the
morning after listening in on the
radio program from Westminster
Abby, England. Mr. Beverly tried
deep sea fishing off the rocks but
the sand was washing In so bad
ly that he had no luck.
Christens Flagship
' k' . ' - i 7 k- k,
ij ' , " ..,..,v,xr v'
L -r ' l
-4U8 i?k ;
k4 srtiy""k , r1 v;!k k Pk; 'It -11
in th above picture. Miss Mary Fechet, pretty 17-yer old danghtcr of Major James E. Fechet, chief
of the V. Sr army air forces Is shown with a up-raised bottle lav her-havnd ready to christea the flag-f-hip
of the Sky Fleef1! of the General Tire aad Rubber company naming it the "General Jim" in
Honor; or ber.faturr. 1 ; .; I ( j
This ceremony, at Boiling field, Washington, 3). C. marked the official start of the "Sky (Fleet's
uO.909.mile air tour of the United -State. Cttji, Canada, and Mexico daring the next six months, in
ins interest 01 tne aeveiopmeut or commercial aviation
'::kl k?
, STAYTON,ily --ft. little
excitemeat was create . Sunday
noon' when the if Ire siren blew.
The wind' had been blowing a ter
rific! gale all morning and a tire
would certainly have been bad.
- However it was found that the
city council ordered that the tire
sires; should ; be : blown each day
at 'noon hereafter so that the
townspeople would have some
thing to "set their watches by."
On Monday morning about 10
o'clock the siren blew when a roof
fire was discovered at the Joe Bar
ry home. It was quickly under
control, the report that Mr. Barry
had small pox creating more ex
citement than the fire.
r- nri Mrs. Joe Pieser are
the parents of a son, horn July 5
Dr, Smith was ia attendance.
Mrs. J. A. Mayo and daughters
Patricia and Jean, are expected to
reach Portland cn Tuesday. They
haye been visiting relatives in Ne
braska "for several weeks. ,
WOpDBURN, July 9. The reg
ular quarterly meeting; of . the
Jtforth Marion Council of Religious
Education was held at the Church
of God grove just north of -Wood-burn,
The Jurisdiction of the organi
zation, takes in all protestant Sun
day schools from Gervais to the
north county line and as far east
and west boundaries go beyond
that line north.
jAt 10:15 classes were held for
tie various groups of Sunday
school students and at 11:15 reg
ular morning church services
were jheld. Mr. and Mrs,: O. F.
Lartttn- were in charge of the
singing and invocation was by
Rev. Hory Hanson of ;the Pres
byterian,, church of Wbdburn.
i The minister for the : church
services" was Dr. W. L. Van Nnys
field secretary of the board of
Christian education for Oregon.
Dr. Van Nuys has Just returned
from a-4rlp through the Holy
Land,; which hame hla : sermon
more Impressive by his: thorough
knowledge of the setting of his
scripture which was taken from
John 4. ; ; h ,
i During the potluck dinner serv
ed at noon several boys from the
statu training school furnished
music and singing as entertain
ment. I The afternoon services began at
2: 01k o'clock and opened with
singing accompanied by Miss
Ruth Schrock. The president. Rev.
John T. Myers, waa In charge of
the meeting. Prayer was offered
by Rev. H. L. Graflous of Ger
vais and was follow by. musical
numbers from various
The address of the aft
waa giren by Dr. W. T. Mllliken,
head Of the Baptist theological
seminary of Portland, who took as
his subject, "The Question of the
Greeks " ff
Several hundred people enjoy
ed the meetings and the; inspir
ing services in the beautiful grove
and will meet again the first part
01 uciooer iu ine Bernet
John T. Myers
tia s
chairman of the committee
O. F.
The third member of the
of this meeting and Mrs.
Larson was the secretary.
was Mrs. A.
Dallas Car Burns
On Road to Salem
i 1.
DALLAS, July 9. The sedaa
belonging 'to F. T. Kersey waa
totally destroyed by fire at 1:30
a. m. ! Sunday, about 3 miles from
Dallas on the Salem highway
The car evidently skidded on
a curve, ran from tone aide of the
road to the other, turned over
and roiled across the road where jit
caught fire. The fire department
waa called but the car ras a com
plete loss, j somewhat covered by
MrsJ Kersey, who was driving.
Mr. Kersey and friends ' who ac
compahled them were fortunately
REALL. July 9. The
second annual Boys and ulris'
club picnic is to be held Wednes
day. July 17. in ! the 1 Rickreall
There will be a short pro-
and I later different sports
and athletic contests.
Winner of Polk
Co. Alfalfa Race
Is Being Chosen
DALLAS, July 9.-This week
will be gievn over to the judging
of the alfalfa fields in Polk coun
ty In preparation to announcing
the. name of the winner Zjt 192 9
at the luncheon to be given by the
chamber of commerce oh July 16
The county has . been divided
Into eleven districts and the farm
era making the tours will select
the winner in each district, then
on Monday, July 15. O. T. Mc
Whorter of Hillsboro, and C. R.
Brlggs of Oorvallis will pick the
champion, who will receive the
trophy being given by the cham
ber of commerce.
This year a silver creamer and
sugar bowl were selected as being
both appropriate and useful. Last
year some SO fields were judged
and this year the number win ex
ceed 100. , 1
DALLAS, July In the In
terest of the Sunset Trail cele
bration to be held in Eugene on
July 25, 26, 27, Mr. Beard, Mr.
Miller and Mr. Steen were callers
at the Chamber of Commerce on
Monday, and asked their participa
tion In one or both of the parades
or to send a princess for the cele
bration. The matter will be tak
en up by the board of directors
at their weekly meeting on Wednesday.
BROOKS. . July The Fourth
of July passed very quietly at
Brooks, this year. As none of the
near-by towns celebrated this
year, people scattered to various
places. .
number of parties were made
up and took to the river banks
for their outings. Among those
picnleing at Wheatland ferry
were: Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bailey
and son Robert Bailey. Mrs.
George Cluf f and daughter. Miss
Rachel Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bertson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry We
ber and sons, Benny and George
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil V. Ash-
baugh and children. Kraid. Vera
and Kreta Fae Ashbaugb also
spent the Fourth at Wheatland. .
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ramp ac
companied by Mrs. Ramp's sister,
Mrs. Macel Cooper spent the
Fourth at Silver Creek Falls.
Merle Fruit of Salem and Miss
Roberta Morton of Salem spent
the Fourth as guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ramp
near Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes of
Tillamook, who have been guests
at the home of their daughter.
Mrs. Carl Aspinwall and family
since Tuesday, left for their
home Saturday. Miss Bessie As
pinwall accompanied her grand
parents home for a few days vis
it. I
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aspinwall
and daughters. Misses Bessie and
Hattie Aspinwall, I Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hayes, James and Del
bert Vibbert, formed a party and
spent the Fourth at Drift Creek
Falls. James and Delbert Vib
bert are brothers of Mrs. Hayes.
Mr. and Mrs. I Dunlavy and
family spent -the Fourth at Mor
lalla, attending the night show,
"The Spirit of the Trail. and
fireworks, which were unusually
Loganberry picking began here
Mondav morning, j An average
croo seems assured.-' Loganber
ries have not suffered from the
rain and wind prevailing recently
but seem to be as good it -not bet
ter than in former years. Many
pickers have been! placed In the
last few days, and: California car
licenses are much in evidence.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Murdick.
who were seriously injured on the
evening of June 11, when their
car crashed Into an Oregon Elec
tric train at Hopmere, have re
covered nicely and are able to be
ahont their farm duties again.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Earle of
Salem were dinner guests at the
home of Mr. ana Mrs. jjnanes
Coffindaffer on July Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlavy and
daughter. Miss Marie Dunlavy and
son John Dunlavy, Jr., were re
cent dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardy,
at Molalla. Mr. Dunlavy and Mr.
Hardy are cousins. Other guests
were: Mrs. Abe Hardy, Miss Irene
Hardv and Walter Hardy.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ramp
and children Earl and Cleo
Rami), and Mr. and Mrs. Bosch
and family all of Brooks, spent
the Fourth at Playmore park.
Miss Macel Low spent the past
week at her home near Molalla.
Miss Low Is clerk In Howard
Ramp'a general merchandise
store.' i j .
.'Mr. aad Mrs. A. B. Harris were
recent guests, at the horn of Mr.
and Mrs. Avery Howard at New
berg. , Mr. and Mrs. Howard were
former residents of Brooks. !
Mrs. C D. Nay lor who makes
her home with her daughter,
Mrs. John. Dunlavy, went to Ger
vais last week to visit her sister,
Mrs. Jojm Naylor. Her brother-in-law
John Naylor who has been
ill for some time, ia improving
slowly. ;
Dr. Archie McCahnel and daugh
ter Louise of Minot, North Dako
ta, were week-end guests at the
home of his cousin, Dr. and Mrs.
,A.,J. McCannell of Silverton.
Dr. McCannel is a delegate to
the national Medical convention
heldMn Portland this week.
On Monday. Dr. and Mrs. A. J.
McCannell, Miss Louise McCannell
and Miss Miriam Sylvester motor
ed to The Dalles up the Colum
bia River highway.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Stuck o f
Chicago spent a few days with Mr,
Stuck's cousin. Mrs. LJoyd Mills
of Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuck came by mo
tor and are on their first lap of a
fite month motor trip through the
western states acd old Mexico.
They left Tuesday morning for
Crater Lake and the Oregon Caves
after which they will spend some
time in California.
The Triple Link club will hold
their regular bi-monthly meeting
in the Coolidge McClaine park on
Wednesday afternoon.
As guests for a six-thirty picnic
supper, they have invited the Tri
phena Girls, a newly organized
club of the younger girls of ttad
Re be k ah lodge.
PAST coble ems
J GERVAIS, July The Past
Noble Grands lub met Saturday
evening at the home of Mrs. Min
nie Alsup. with I Mrs. Florence
Shields as assisting hostess.
The business meeting was con
ducted by .the . president. Mrs.
Minnie Moore after which the
time was spent sewing on articles
far the Odd Fellows home. At the
close of the meeting - refresh
ments were served by the host
ess assisted by Mrs. Florence
Shields. '
! Club members present were
Mrs. Minnie Siegmund, Mrs. Min
nie Moore, Mrs. Alma Cramer.
Mrs. Gladys Fitts. Mrs. Anna Dun
lavy, Mrs. Jessie Copmler, Mrs.
Florence Shields, J Mrs. Mary
Sawyer, Mrs. Ida Schwab, Mrs.
Minnie Alsup. Other guests pres
ent were Miss Marie Dunlavy,
Miss Lois Coomler. Betty Beck,
Grace Shields. Merle Fitts. Oral
Lee Fitts, John Coomler and Mrs.
Thelma Beck.
The Gervais Odd Fellows and
Rebekah Lodges will hold Joint I
installation of oTncers at the I. O.
O. F. hall in Gervais on next Sat
urday night. After which a short
; program will be given and re
freshments will be served.
Many of her friends hd talked
with her. the evening before and
she was apparently! Jn good health,
about :S0 Sunday morning Mr.
Shriver heard "a peculiar sound,'
and on Investigating found that
she had. already passed away, j
Mrs. Shriver was -a menfber of
tie Mills family and was. 72 years
old. f She is survived- by her bus-
daughter, Mrs.
I Francisco, and
band; who Is 87,. a
Giodlonton of -Sani
a step-daughter, Mrs. Martha Boyd
of Seattle.
i Mr. and Mrs. Shriver celebrated
tkelr golden wedding! anniversary,
ai tew months ago. ;
W. V. Lumber Co.
At Dallas Opens
After Shut Down
DALLAS, July 9 The Willam
ette Valley Lumber company
which was shut down for over
the Fourth, resumed operations
on Monday morning.
All units of the mill are now
operating two shifts with a total
of 340 men employed in the mill,
planer and pulp chip mill as well
as the loading docks.
In addition to the mill crew,
150 men are employed in the
camps situated above Black Rock.
The total annual payroll of the
company is $750,000. A great deal
of the mill cut has been for ex
port to Japan.
WILBUR, Wash.. July 9 (AP)
Baptiste Dick, an Indian, was
possibly fatally shot' Monday af
ter he had attempted to protect
two Indian women, and Joe Jo
seph, another Indian whom offi
cers said did the shooting, was;
"tracked" into the hills by air-j
plane observers and arrested. !
According to the report fromj
Nespelem to the sheriff's office!
here, Dick p heard the women
scream and attempted to enter Jo.
seph'g tepee to protect them. As
he pulled back the skin flap a bul
let struck him in the stomach;
Joseph dropped his gun, mount
ed a pony and fled into the hlllsj
An airplane was called from
Wenatchee and officers picked up
the trail. Joseph waa arrested by
Sheriff Fally of Okanogan county1,
! SILVERTON. July 9 The reg
ular semi-annual Installation of of
ficers In the Rebekah lodge will
tike place Thursday evening. July
11. with the following officers:
noble grand, Catherine . Gaylord:
viice grand, Mrs. Ruth Kottek, re
cording secretary, Mrs. Maybelle u
Gay; financial secretary, Mrs. Del
ia Fitzgerrell: treasurer. Mrs.
Frances Gehrke.
Appointive officers will be fill
ed as -follows: Chaplain, Mrs. S.
Tegland; out side; guardian, Zel
tna King; Inside! guardian, Mrs.
pessie Goeti; wifcrden, Mrs. Pearl
fc)avenport; conductor, Lois
Riches. i!
Right supporter to "the Noble
Grand, Emma Adamson; left sup
porter to the Noble Grand. Mrs.
Sylvia Allen; right -supporter to
Jthe Vice Grand, jMrs. Kathryn Tay
lor; left supporter to the Vice
IGrand. Mrs., Minnie Bennett.
Following thie installation - ser
vices, refreshments will be served
and. a social hour will be enjoyed.
RICKREALL. July 9. Mr.
and Mrs. John Winn nd Gert
rude Larkln (drove to Portland
Sunday to see the jatter's brother,
who is In the! Veterans' hospital.
He is improving slowly and will
probably be ready fa go home in
a month or six weeks. 'He has. .
been in the hospital two weeks.
6t Spokane ton iti ibont
Mrs. H. P. Shriver
Dies at Dallas
DALLAS, July 9. Mrs. H. P
Shriver, long time resident of Dal
las, died early Sunday morning alt
her home without awakening from
.try I uuaraqieea ZUteumatic
anJL Blood Toaie: j . . .
Spokane j Washi S?pt. 1, 1928
Mr. J. II. Casey :k; .
Dear Sir: It is rer desire to let yoa
know ' of the IwonderftSl results 1 ha
obtained ''fomi jonr j-henmatie remedy.
I hire auffered from rheumatiim prac
tical! J all of my life and - have been
frivea up a a hopleas caae by aeveral
different doctora. i When I waa told ot
Casey'a Rheumatic Remedy, I becan
with it immediately and noticed a great
relief from the first bottle. I continued
with it until I mm able to work every day
at hard manual labor.
I cannot- recommend it too hijhly.
Tours truly,
E. D. tlLLIE. .
W. 120S Alice. Spokane. Wash.
Tor eala by . leading droggista.
OMAHA. Neb.. July 9. (AP)
Miss Rosa i Sax, Tice president
of the Luther Leagne of Hickory,
N. C,, told the biennial confer
ence of the international organisa
tion today that "Sunday night
dates? abunld promoted, not
auppressed; by the league.
A: personal: element in devotion
waa urged by her. Luther league
meetings, she said, should foster
and direct contact between young
men and women, and should pro
mote! the Sunday . night date, not
oppress- It. f . -
'Anvrther hjecllTe of the or-
ganixatio"," the? continued, "is 4o
snpply youth' that refuse to be
blindfolded any longer; the infor
mation '.that he seeks, and then
help him to evaluate that infornt
ationi; ; j'-; -'-f" ; ;
DALLAS. July 9. In line with
the Policy adopted by the City
Park board f the council; two
boya wera arrested Saturday in
the' park, 'for, using profane . lan
guage and' destroying 'property.
The boys each paid a fine of
$10 Jn preference to spending 5
rt.vW In latt. Two care takers. are
now Ion duty, at Tegular hours in
thai park. and. will make every; ef
fort to prevent rowaytsm.
HUBBARD, July 9. The Hub-
' bard i Community band, has been
unusually actlTe during the past
week! Anf engagement or three
dayaM playing at the Molalla Buck
eroo Iwaa 'fulfilled. Friday ajter
1 noon i they played at - Playmore
park nd Saturday night gave the
second summer ! evening concert,
These Saturday : evening cob-
certs j which- are sponsored by the
Hubbard Commercial club are to
be ai feature: of each week duT-
lng the summer months.
- - The band stand la located in the
Methodist church park and . the
' concerts are f well , attend - and
, will put the
! -
Hamilton Beach Vacuum Cleaner
in your home
Prke has been
fm $64,00 to
Now You dm Afford
the machine you have long wanted
a: high-grade cleaner 'comhfnfng:
MotofJMrcn Brualit -
j' Powerfad Soctfoa,
kl-. Beedng Aedoa, Sweeping Actios,
Bafl-Beatiiig Motet k
- - - Never steeds oXng.
Save $23.00
-At this unheard of. low
1 price, you save 923.06. j
Surely you can come to ,
our store to save that, j
Call in for a demonstration
k -
cut jf
go M
m A
; f GuawmftStd for 2 Years ' ;
340 Court
r . ft
i . i I
The Portland Telegram Off ers
Open to All
: . . , . Costs Nothing to Try
Leaves Portland daily 6:10 P. IU
j Arrives Chicaco 95 A. M.
: . ' 1 i r :
Your fast, direct, most scenic route to the East. -
His new acliedole la planncdi for your utmost' '
convenience, Mr. Business Man! Delate equip
ment and de luxe service thru to Chicago.
Modern sleepers, observation car, men's club,
ladies lounge, buffet, barber shop, bath. Valet,
ladles maid. Unrivaled dining ear service.
Low round trip fares East effective until Sept. 50.
Return limit Oct. 31. Liberal stopover privileges.
1;! 5
BBBBaZ niA Ja m. II i II 1 1 ,ST '-gJSalsSS fCfc '
i i
Tlx -Big&zes bre,6 ,7.6
UrDPc rur oonor ru
Add tb flaorcal aoDtalBcd ' la tk 7ah
Bowt, Ulnatntad abevav Th tirarca mrm S. S.
. 4. C. . T. S. a Km near bighar r tevar. ajd
tker ara bo Comblaatioa f fiaaraa aach at
"m ar "Tk." Tba to pa a( tb aixM ara earvad. '
" . whlla th talla of ta Alaaa ara aUalsht. V
Barrottadias tb j "Fiaa. Bowr la PraaMeat '
. Hotter and aevcral nncbfri of tia cabinet who"
'ara ardsat fiahenoa. Tnay haara aotblnc t
' ' a, aawavar, with tbalflanraa U Tlah BowL
Caaa oal Orab yoar panell aad eaah ta
'bpa raal faactaatlnr faa. ha ha aar aaarvar
oa tha aolatloa blaak at tba riabt.
.avatra aopieo 01 Vt -run Bovl" Witt 1
lta mla. will h banc fra apo rst.
miww. a wniaaBjsauaaa to; .. , , , .
-Fish Bowl" Editor, ;-"'.' i
, vTbe Telecraun, Portland, Oregon.
total at tlx BKVtm ta tha "Flab
. mm
R.F.1). (if amy)..;.
V i:
. "IS"''"
ai ' a "V a
- ova
aaUr ; ;
hlahlr annreciated. Dr.. A. F. d
Lesplnasse is the director.,:
it-'-- :
" 1
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