The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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' v A new 'serial story starts
. Sunday - The States-tan.-!
You'll want to read - each
"'chapter. '' " " j
Sakm, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, July 10, 19291
lii ; liaA- A XI
i i " :" v - ' mmm
7-7 : x x . . I j:
1 UN
11 1 IcOH
He's Home
First Fatigue Detail Slated
to Get Busy on Friday
Night, Post Hold ,
Lewis P. Campbell Reports
Details 1 at Business
Session Tuesday
With the event less than a
month away, all plana for (he
Oregon department convention of
the l American Legion in Salem,
August 8 9 and 10, have been
lrj and the remaining days will
be devoted to potting-them into
effect, It was announced by mem
bers of the conyention commis
sion! Tuesday night's meeting
of Capital Post No. 9.
Some of the kwork has been
done, notably construction of the
barbecue oven at the airport, and
the first "fatigue detail" asked
from the general membership will
get ! busy Friday night, a shovel
crew of 35 or more veterans who
will pack earth in around the
oven. Plans tor this project were
! Williams and Yancey Unable
to Reach Destination
in1 Pathfinder!
Cbngressuuua Hawley
anVLewS PSph Congressman Hawley Avers
entertainment chairman.
Program Outlined
Before Leeionnaires
The program as now planned
was also outlined by Mr. Camp
bell as follows:
Thursday forenoon Registra
tion at the armory; sight seeing
trips; joint session of legion and
auxiliary atiWillson Park, open to
the public.
Thursday afternoon Probab
ly a polo game at Olinger field;
preliminaries of stunt" contest; at
6 p. m dedleation of the air
port, flying cireus, barbecue.
Thursday , jQight-rrConeert. - by
"Airplane Forced to Land In
Spain;! Trip' Will be
Completed Today
SANTANDER, Spain, iuly 9.
(AP) Rger Q. WUliams and
Captain Lewis Yancey, after a
trans-Atlantic air voyage! of 3,400
miles from Old Orchard, Maine,
slept on their laurels here to
night before completing their
flight to Rome tomorrow morning
in their airplane Pathfinder.
Want of, gasoline forced them
down today as night was falling
over the northern Spanish coast,
not far from the very spot where
their French comrades of the Yel
low Bird had to land.
They did not seem fatigued
when the Associated Press corres
pondent found them drinking i
glass of whiskey with Governor
General Saliquet.
Williams and Yancey said they
had realized a few hours after
leaving Old Orchard they could
not reach Rome, when they met
neaa winas.
Bad Weather Encountered
Needs of every Oregon industry On Most of Jannt 1 j
have been taken Into considera- During their flight slpce they
tion m tne new tarill put-now De- left! Old Orchard at 7:45 a. m..
fore congress, reports Congress- fE.S.T.) vesterdav; the had to
man ,W. C. Hawley, chairman of weather one storm and flew above
the ways and means committee of heavy fogs I which veiledl the spa
me; nouse oi representatives, wno i trom them nearly all the time.
of 600
Careful Study Made in
New Tariff Bill
1 1 n n i w m m m n ... .'
' l m m --- r.'.u
-- "
, 1
Twenty Four British Sailors
Killed as One Ship Sunk
and One Damaged
Rescbe Work Begun Prompt
ly But with Little Hope
of Success
Sustained Endurance Mop
Long Training Period
Seen as Factor
In Victory
1 Mrs. w,
C K-ataer-
I v
suteo n
Oregon Pioneer and Wife of
Salem Pastor Dies Sud
j denly1 Tuesday;
arrived at his home Here Tuesday. 1 Their easoline eupply
Congressman Hawley expects to Kallons was comnletelr
be In Oregon about three months, ed , by the unforseen
during which -time, according to I against head winds
his! custom. s will make inspec-1 v WlllUma and Yancey said their
Uon trips over the-4-istrlct ne
! (Turn to page - CohTmny
post saEcts itc
- -i ... i i
(Turn to & i. pot-oan 4.)
seryes. He expects to return to
Washington prior to October 1.
in the Interests of the tatift bill
which bears his name. . ,
This tariff bill," says Mr.
Hawley, "Is now the ,measure. of
first Importance, legislatively, be
fore the American people J
'A it passed the house; rt pro
poses .such readjustments; of du-
Men Chosen With the differences between competl-
WnmVf f Al tiT conditions here and abroad The grand lodge of lks, meet
IlUmDer 01 Al nrnvd to be necessary to cive ine in sixty-fifth annual conven-
American producers a proper op- tionj today elected Colonel Wal-
portu-lty in tne nome marxei. ter X. Anarews, 01 Aiiania ua.,
"The most material changes are I to its highest office, grand exalt-
in the rates of duties affecting ed ruler. After hearing an ad-
agricultural products. t mi 1 dress by the new presiding 0111-
cialj who succeeds Grand Exalted
I 1
ANGELES, July 9 (AP)
Fourteen delegates and four
teen alternates were elected Tues
day night by Capital Post No." 9,
American Legion.. as Its represen
tatives at the business sessions of
the Oregon department conven
tion here August 8. 9, and 10.
Out of a field of approximately 40
nominee!. ! th following were
- Delegates Douglas McKay,
Carl D. GabrielsonVlc MaeKen-
aieJ H. G. Malson. Brasier J.
Small. Drj W. Carlton Smith.
Frank M. 1 Moore, Raymohd H.
Hanaett." Newell WilliamsL Her
man Brown, Lewis P. Campbell,
Funeral services for Mrs. W.
C. Kantner ho died here sud
denly Tuesday afternoon at 1
o'clock will be held Thursday, ar
rangement being in charge 01
Rigdon's and will probably be
held, in the Congregational church
although final arrangements had
not been made at a late hour
Tuesday. Mrs. Kantner who was
72 years of age, died after a sud
den heart attack, her passing)
coming as a distinct shock to
hundreds, e of Salem townspeople
whe held her In high esteem for
many years. Burial will be made
in City View cemetery, j.
When only nine yeaxa of
she crossed the plains by ox team
with j her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. White who came to Oregon
from! St. Katherine, Missouri
where she was born August 3,
185$7Upon their arrival; In Ore
gon the family settled in Polk
county taking a donation Jana
She was married to Dr. Kant
ner jn 1877 in Salem and with
the exception of a few years spent
in Portland, Corvallis and, Seattle.
their home was made in Salem
for ttie remainder of Kheir life to
gether. It was here that tneir
wedding anniversary was cele
brated October 17, 1927.
During the 19 years that Dr.
Two British submarines collided
today in the SL George's channel
off Fishguard, sending the H-47
to the bottom with a loss of all
but two of her crew of 23. and
damaging the L-12 and killing
one member, of her crew.
Rescue work was immediately
begun. The best diving appara
tus available ,' was dispatched
from London and Portsmouth .to
the spot where the H-47, went
down In 270 feet of water.
First Lord jot the Admiralty AL
cxander had little hope the crew
of the H-47 could ever be brought
up alive. He announced in the
house of commons that salvage
of the submarine in such a depth
of water was most improbable.
The H-47 lay tonight three
times aa deen as the level to
which the American submarine
S-4 sank in 1927.
Vessels Rush To
Scene of Tragedy
Battleships, dockyard- tugs, and
expert submarine officers hasten
ed to St. George's channel tonight
from Portsmouth, and Plymouth
naval stations.
. Ocean Balvage experts thought
it would be possible to locate the
hull if the weather continued
fine, but the great depth at which
it lay would make jamng opera
tions most difficult.
The collision occurred wnue
Local Man Known To
Have Learned His
Work Well
(Turn to Pace 10. Column 4.)
Ruller Murray Hulbert, the dele
gates chose other officers and se
lected Atlantic City, N. J., as the
site of next year's convention.
Announcement that an eastern I
millionaire, whose name was
withheld, will make a ! bequest
nosslblv exceeding one i million
dollars in the form of a memorial
to the Elks national foundation
(Turn to Pae 10. Column 7.)
Suits Held
Too Scant
(Turn to Page 1", Column a.)
Contrary to an impression
which appears to be general in
Salem, "Pete" Reinhart didn't
Just : break into a big time a via-;
tion1 job with oply a few months
of training, it was learned Tuesr
day from close friends in Salemi
after the former traffic officer and
his partner L. W. Mendell had
broken the endurance flight rec
ord. These friends related that
"Pete" had done some flying 'in
Uncle Sam's service In the World
war, and had kept closely in
touch with the progress of avia
tion since that time.
But the chief factor which
brought him this opportunity fot
fame, they believe was his ex
ceptional knowledge of planes,
motors and their structure and
This knowledge was obtained In
rather a unique way. While sta
tioned in Salem as a state traffic
officer, Reihart came into the pos
session of a Curtiss "Jenny"
plane. He didn't fly it, because
the government wasn't licensing
those treacherous vehicles at the
But he spent much of his spare
time tinkering with the machine,
taking It apart and putting it to
gether again, working on the mo
tor, and thus gained- a . thorough
Vnowtadge which qualified him
for the "big chance."
a - . J t. V aM10
1 - 1 1 una. was uiue uj- mo icuuut
tJ 1 (tTTU11Vf T..1 : A T I I . -
iTAanmuiun, w uij ' irnd exauea ruier.
Other officers elected were?
1 William Conklin, Eagiewooa. nlt. 1 They're agin the law!
Girls, don't you dare go out In
public in those sun-back ; bathing
The treasury intensive war
. n -r-r a fMM TIT 4 m I -v.i vaaIaaa 1 TVTTWkTT 11-
. M -w 1 A V. . TT 4- ?. A Vr-AVrt I I . - . m !!.
, Roy o. iweene. quor inio mo i;.u NJ J t grand esieemea ; ieaum Here's what a 8alem city or
: Alternates Hen victor, v n- uanaaa in me "D Itnlgnt. . . i , , dlnance says on the subject:
liam Pauius. wax t-age. vane tne armount ot aicooouc us , nr. V J. McMlcnaei. uary. mu., 1 ,.Tt v.n v.
Abrama,-oyu iweu"". v.i exponea irom . grand esteemed loyai imgnu Dergon or Dersons to expose his
on. Rnfe White. John Brady, Urea by 357.155 gallons, i . A Moodv. Houston Texas E!i!: .L2 Lw Jv va
Karl Stelwer. Leo Page Lee Mc- Figures showed that in the year r-na esteemed lecturing knight, 1 hathln or awimminr In
Allister, : Jack ! Elliott, Karl Hin- endg Ia8t May 21 more than 5,- J, E. Masters, Charterlo. Pa.i any stream within the cbrporate
1 I - 1000,000 gauons or aiconoue oev- - secretary. limit ( Salem. Oreon. or to
Framed pictures or cnriora w. eragea had been exported from jjoyd Maxwell, Marshalltown, Uxnose his person while changing
Brown and Gr iti rlt Pint opposite Detroit Into this Iowat grand treasurer. his clothing for the purpose of
er eoun-- ,trr V- i--f country, ana scores 01 pronioiuo-, r. w. Jones, Pocatewo, iaano, batnin or swimming In sucn
who have ied within tW ,la8HCOast guard and customs ; agents ,.- stream." .
three years, nave oeea ooiaineu . .., int Ik rorinn witk or- , . iw.tinirr Hfd.. i v- .a -ntli.
and we?1owe hiwmUers to stop the smuggling, alled to tBe hoardiot trus. er section, says that the bathers
tim at this meeting. 1 ney wm 1 iai,,-i- .1 -- 1 . , u.. .i. . ..
. - ,.... v.11 tv. a-- u"i ueiwinw wm..w w . tfie .Q lnfl acancyb -t 1 snail do ureia ia twutun i
e hunt la pifert hall where the kow 1 ttfectiTe tne rum blockade SaVemeht of E. W4 Cotter. UaU be thick I enough to conceal
meeungs arc, u. , . . tweon was received, yester-ixr- nnnn tha new crana I hia oerson
va t .-. anA A nnr T WT I - ! I Jl-- w -w-- - . 1
."""".rrTr.T " i7: day by the treasury from the car h-.! officers will be lnstalle. in
r;""T. .r7. nadiim collector of national rev- "7r, nmndsv I A
man lor oisirict oi . --,- ; rtf,.w. wvft ,-rtdr'"""! w " "! '
llant, department service officer, -r- --fo""he
lu nt:..r:,771 " -IkV. 112.878 gallons, and the state-
wregon -"""---r 1 'i th.t In Jnn.f
that day nasseo tne lz.yuv oa 1 - - - .
rf?r- w II --.-! iat! ! th rnortatIona amounted;
wnicn nas oeea usi. -1 V,.:.V . .
her of years.
to 470,033 gallon, .
Two Detachments Entrain
tterejJbast JNi
To Fort Upon
Headquarters and mtdical de
tachments, of the 249th coast artillery.-Oregon
, National Guard,
left Salem by train at 10140
o'clock Tiesday alght for Tort
Wordea." on Paget Sonnd. The
get Sound
'nnita will
to, 24.
be at the fort July 10
rThreen Hundred raardsmen.
-.from Salem Marshfield. Ashland,
Albany", Cpttage Grove and Klam
ath Falls "will take part la . the
Jointr army and navy maneuvers
with several batteries of regular
coast - artillery and - the Pacific
fleet. The guardsmen will be dl
Tlded between Forts Worden and
Casey. ; i ; ' '
. a night attack on the narrows
between the two forts with aa at-
tempted landing wiU be the chief
' f pature of the I maneuvers. Ob
servers from ail coast corps4 areas
and from the, chief-of-staif s of
fice in Washington will attead the
event. " t -j"-5'!:.'- t '.!
Brigadier General 1 Georgia A.
White will visit the Oregon; units
next week daring the manei-vers.
He la now at Fort Lewla, Wash
ington, with the, Oregon headquar
ters detachmsml of .the 41st divi
sion which is In training there.
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas E.JII
lea of Salem; is division adjutant
of the 41st ad is also at Lewis.
Members of the medical detach
ment who left Salem 1 Tuesday
nicht follow! -r 1
Captain Jallus H. Garnjobst.
Captain Robert Lw , Wood.,? Staff
Sergeant A. B. Berger Sergeant
H. P, Phllpott, Corporal William
CTortt te Xge 10. Cotaran L)
That ordinance was passed In
18but Ithere is no record that
it HI ever been repealed.
'However, city officials Inter
viewed Tuesday on the subject
announced that they did not con
sider the tun back bathing suits
immodest, and that they wouia
make i no more effort to enforce
this particular law now, than they
have in the 20 years or bo that
ttwimmine attire "from the neck
. .fi.ifa doUct in thk knee" went out of . style.
raTiBArttlon noll-l Sun back bathing suits, wltn
Zi L. ---vik ..bwo! districts I nothing coverihr the swimmer's
"n,,.r:d nn- back i excepting two thin straps
on Tuesday by the county oouna-1 crosaea u - ;
on .ue Bar7--i-...Tw . Vcalluses." have made
r,rj: swat zXfcZ
Tne Doarn agreea - -i .... -... before
ationlwould be allowed .ot rSui
high school dlstrleV for wwc uieM". - r
largest nnmner 01 oo
uoners maae request, - r r
Petitioners mast be citizens who
have children going to high school.
the board stated.; in several in
stances in the county competing
districts have made an euort to
get pupils ' from non-high ! school
districts and under the boundary
board's decision, the problem of
where "they . will be sent kill . he
determined by the wishes of a
dren are concerned in the natter,
majoriry og citizens whose chll
; AnSouncement of Marlon coun
ty's deci&lou was immediately for
warded to adjoining coanty bona
dary boards who are facias the
same problem. ; '
BOISE. Ida., July 9. (AP)
Hopes that the forest road pro
gram dreamed of by western
states for the past several years
would come to an early fruition,
vara lipid out to the western as
sociation of state highway officials
hT Henrv H. Blood, preslaent 01
the association, in his annual ad
Aia nt the convention which
here tonisht.
Blood, who is chairman of the
TTtah state highway commission
riwl&red Dresent legislation before
congress calling for increased Ap
propriations for forest roads ap
neared to be acceptable and urged
the association to support It to the
Under the present rate 01 ap
nronriatlon. the federal aio sys
tems will, be completed to federal
standards In about ten years, he
said. In the case of the forest
rnada however, it would require
40 years to complete construction
across national ioresi
tions. Yet this construction, he
continued. Is a vital feature of the
general cross-country roaa pro
. He pointed out that in addition
to the present proposed amend
ments to the basic nignway iaw,
other legislation called fo-- an in
crease OI 193U-3J. eipenunaiM
from $7,500,000 to irz.suo,uw
annual for forest roads and a
specific sum of 83.500,000 for con
struction over inaian reserrwoB
and public lands.
McGuire Funeral
Scheduled Today
Funeral services will he jield
tMm mnrnlnr at 10 o'clock in the
RIgdon chapel f or , Elisabeth Ho
gan McGuire, former resldsnt-of
Salem who died at'er homailn
PortUnd Monday. She had resided
in, that city tat the -last 2 1 years.
She was bora in Dublin, ireiana
Jnrr 21. 1851. Four children sur
vive . her,. ' two f of c whom;: Mrs.
Georre E.1 Waters and Mrs;' Louis
AshUmaa, are both resident of Sa
Mother Is
Very Happy
Mrs. C. H. Reinhart. mother, of
R, B. (Pete) Reinhart. waa the
happiest woman in. Salem Tues
day. "I knew that Pete would
succeed in the flight," said Mrs.
Reinhart, when Informed that her
son and L. W. Mend all had eatab
lished a new refueling endurance
record. "Pete's nerves are of iron
and he does not know the mean
ing of the word failure. I hope
the boys are able to continue their
flight for a number of hours
Mrs. Reinhart Tuesday night
sent a telegram to her son con
gratnlating him on his achieve
ment, similar telegrams were
sent to Culver City by Mayor
Livesley and the state executive
Legion Post Asks
Reinhart to Take
Part in Dedication
Salem friends of "Pete"
Reinhart, world, champion
endnramce flyer, may have
an opportunity to congratu
late him personally in less
than a month. "Pete" is s
member of Capital Post Xo.
0, American Legion, and the
post at Tuesday night's
meeting voted to send him a
telcgram of congratulation.
The telegram also includ
ed an invitation to "Pete"
and his partner, L. W. Men
dell, to bring the record
making plane bere and par
ticipate in thcedU-ation of
Salem's, hew affport August
8 in connections with the
state American Legion con-Wntion.
Salem Aviator Con
tinues Flight At
Mark Made
No Indication : Given
As To When Pair
Will Land .
CULVER CITY, cilif., July 10.
( AP) -Having set a new mark
in endurance flying for planes re
fueled in the air, late Tuesday
by passing the previous record of
174 hours 59 seconds, the single
motored bi-plane Ahgeleno to
day was being pushed onward, to
greater laurels by itsi pilots, L. W.
Mendell land R. . B. jRetnhart. At
1:29:30 a. m., the fliers com
pleted 186 hourB in the air. At
7:30 last night theyjtook on 100
gallons of gasoline, jan all night
supply of fuel. ;
Operator of Highland Bus is
Only One Offering to
Tackle Problem
The problem of transportation
for 400 Bttidents who may desire
to be trucked, to high , school at
Salem, this fall confronted the
school board Tuesday night and
T. . McQlaln whp owns the High
land avenue bus ..was the only
operator who made bold to grap
ple with the difficulty and attempt
to solve it
, McClain proposes to enter lutoi
a two year contract with the board
to haul students from points out
side the district into Salem for a
maximum compensaion of $40 per
pupil per year. To such a conr
tract the board Is willing to com
mit Itself provided that McClain
pan give satisfactory service which
he asserts he will provide. . Me
Clam told the board Tuesday that
he would not only provide a bus
and a driver for each route but
would have -an extra bus and
driver as well as a car for emer
gency uses.
The board asked him to confer
with R. W. Tavehner, who has
Turn to Page IS. Column !.)
CULVER CITY. Calif., July t.
(AP) The new holders of the
world's refueling endurance air
plane flight record, L.' Wm , Men
dell and R. B. Reinhart, concetv-
ed the' Idea of going out to beat
all existing marks in a Jnares .
.Mexican cafe shortly before James
Kelly and R. L. Robbins, started
on a flight at Forth Worth that
elided in their setting a mark ef
172 hours, 32 minutes and one -second.
' , : -. j
PaulWhIttier one of the back
ers of Mendell and Reinhart in
their present i record breakfauc
flight, related tonight that Men
dell suggested it while he, Rein
hart and Whittter were dining la
the cafe with Robbins, Mendell". -close
friend. '
Bold Challenge1 Finnic
By Reinhart's Partner
"If you can make It in that old"
crate," Mendell was quoted as re-
marking' to Robbins. who waa.:'
planning the Fort Worth flight,
"We'll go out and break anyirec-
bord you set." i c,
The "old crate" was the rebuilt
plane in which was a re-conditioned
single motor. Robbins and Kel
ly astounded the aviation world
by smashing the tri-motored Ques
tion TOark s refuelling flight rec
ord of just over 150hourse at Los
Angeles last January. ' r . .
Whittler said Mendell. Reinhart
and himself went to Dallas to pur- .
chase two bi-planes, which they
flew to California Just before the
start of the Fort Worth flight.
After arrival here the three decid
ed that a different type of plane
was needed for the attempt. They
purchased the bi-plane, which to-
night Mendell and Reinhart eon-,
tinned to fly here after breaking
all records and passing the 111
hour mark. Their refuelling plane,
Whittler added, is one of the bi
planes purchased in Dallas. ;l .
Arrival of Willihald Eibner, na
tional president of the Catholic
Central Society of America, ia ex-
iwcted this morning from 'his
home In New Ulm, Minn. Eibner
ia comlnr early to assist In linai
arrangements for the 74 th annual
convention of tne organisation
which onens here Saturday,
Eibner waa elected to nia post
last year at St. Cloud, Minn., and
ia said to be one of the most ef
f icient members of the association
which numbers more than 100,000
members. He may, be chosen to
head the organisation during i the
coming year. r i -
Test Oregon meni who will have
a vote In the state convention as
a result of their election of of
ficial . delegates 'When the' state
convention was held 'la SllTHrt
ton last month, are John Meyer
of Salem, Henry Weber of Port
land,. Hike Welnaeht, of ML An
gel, August Moorman, of , Salem,
Edward Belle . Stayton J.. a
Gooding, of Portland, Frank
Kluck. of Salem. Anthony Bherwe
of Sublimity, Edward DomogaQa,
of SUverton, and Joe Horsch, of
Shaw. - 1 - r
ktww rmT.iCA.NS. Julv 0. (AP
Mrs. Reinhart, wife! wit th atreet ear strike situ-
01 tne nier, ieu ior uuiver ity ,Mnn neen dtv officials, civ
I ML , . 1 1 fc. 1 '
a uesuay aiier spenuing two weens ijc leaders and government concii-
m aiem Tisiting ner mother. Iiatora soucht Talnly during the
Mr. Reinhart is a graduate of do- to find compromise ground
it. f 1 .!. 1 1 A . I " -
M saiem nign- scnooLr rnor to aifor negotiations between tne un
year ago ne was empioyea as a inn and the comoany.
member of the state traffic force.! Both- sides were obdurate in
He was, stationed. at Astoria, Bend their positions, the New Orleans
and in the Willamette valley. I Public Service, Inc., armed with a
federal lnlunction against the
strikers, breaking off relations
with the union and declaring an
onen shoo policy, and union offi
cials declaring the men will not
return to work-nntii the union is
recognised. u
Further complication was seen
In a meeting tonight of other u
inna ln the city to consider a pro-
Two complaints were filed iDosal for a general sympathetic
Tuesday in circuit court here, one i strike which would onng tnoua
for divorce and one an action for lands of workers out ana aisrnpt
damages. 1 (the life of the city.
Geraldine Sheldon asks release I Upon the receipt of the mjunc-
from her matrimonial bond to E. I tion restraining the strikers from
R. Sheldon oh the srrounda that I further violence against street car
he haa been blue, morose and has operation and property, the Unit-
made life miserable for her led States marshal swore in zv
through constantly accusing her special deputies, armed with ro
ot actions she never took. Theyjvolvers and guns, and stationed
Were married hr February, 1923 I them at the car barns.
and have one chlul whose custody
Mrs. Sheldon asks.
4 George W. GInther brings suit
for damages against the iState In
dustrial . Accident commission.
While working in a Woodburn
cannery last October George Gin
ther, was set upon by veaclay
Trinstek, an employee, who In
lured him In a manner that will
makes his left arm permanently
useless. GInther asserts that he
was carrying oat orders of his
Work of tearing up the spar
track on- the south, side of Trade
street ; where It crosses Liberty,
was begun Tuesday by a Southern
Pacific crew. This is the traek
which' was below grade, and waa
the obstacle 'preventing ompler,
tion of the fill approaching ; the
new Liberty -street bridge. :j :
The company was notified some
time ago to raise this track to
grade, and criticism . of Its delay
in complying has since been voic
ed on the floor of the city council.
The work is in charge of -the
construction department of ,1 the
railroad, and local general offi
cials were unable to say Tuesday
whether the track would be re laid ,
at street grade, or abandon,.
They were Inclined AO believe the
latter. ' ' '' I' .
New Paper Money Slated,
To be Issued Today; Banks
Here Are Not Yet Su
him. .
-Urmron!mtelv J 3.9 2 1.0 00.0 00
employers when Tristek attacked! ot tn new Bm4u paper money had
been shipped to federal reserve
banks throughout the country to
day for issuance beginning tomor
row to replace the larger -cur
rency. J - ' .' h
The amount thai goes Into clr-ij
cnlatlon tomorrow depends on the
number of worn, out bills received,
by the haaks. Treasury officials
estimated thai $50,000,000 or
i more ot that Immediately issued
1 8T. CLAIRSVILLE," O., July $
-.(AP) George Griffin, 10,- a'
miner, -was believed to have been
killed ia an explosion in tne Grif
fin, coal mines at Somerton, 25
miles south of here today. s
; aim mi a vmssrn. ! Jnir a -
The sassenger serrlc of the will disappear, to be held: as souvej
rrt-r ar nra will be exi I nlrs. They do not anticipate an
tended to SeatUe about July 15i carrency stringency, however, bet
1- .--... a
officials announced today.
causa only hills of small denom
Inatlons, trom one dollar to twen
ty dollars, win he; included In Ua,
first issue. : .' t-H rvv-.
The - new ; bills, much smaiiar
than the currency that has been in
Use since the Civil war; are a-lt
laches long, and 11-1 inchea
wide. . , . -... i-!fv:
, The first Issue of the "new cur
rency will include United State,
notes, silver certificates, gold eer- .
tiflcates and federal reserve notes. :
National: hank notes will "not be
pnt into circulation , until .next,
week. - -1 ' . : ' ' '
. The bUls which will appear io
'morrow, will, be: .',. .;. ,. -.
Turn to Page II. Column L
1 f
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