- - , - , i - I. - - . , i null! n H H H ' I . , MMaavKaaaMMMBMaabaaMH I ruHiuuii' I .1 - ; . --frl i- .. ' Will He Fill Speaker's Shdes? WITH LEADERS 71 is Low Score Turned in ; by: Four Players in i Western Met y ' 11 MISSION BILLS COTX.TRY CLUB, Kansas City, July 8. (AP Four players who had not been courted among the favorites Shared low medal 71's for Uie first 18 holes of qualify lag play today in, tha Thirtieth Annual Western Amateur Golf tournament. j Clarence Habfcr Dallas, Tex., Billionaire who made his fortune by - raisins chickens ; Chee ter Jones, Lawrence hoy and Univer sity of,Kansa sophomore playing under the- colors of the Swope Park club, Kansas City; Frank J. English, veteran Milburn club player of Kansas City, and Frank Aylward, another Swope - park player, made 71. one under par. -j I .Chick Evans, eight times west ern amateur champion and the Choice of the galleries in the first qualifying round, faces the possi bility of not gaining the select 32 who jwiS begin match play, Wed nesday morning for the title. I -Eighty on-strokes, nine more than par. . were rc Quired by the veteran Chicago golfer in; his first 8 hol lest. r l Close behind the leaders came Dob IMos of Portland, Ore., and Keefe Carter of Oklahoma City. Each had. 72, even par. Hoe was among tha leaders last, year and la striving to Carry back again to his home city the title left unde fended by his fellow townsman. Frank Dolp. " . Cubs Swamp Boston In National BOSTON. July 8. (AP) The Chicago. Cubs hit LeTerett hard today and defeated the Braves 11 to 3. . ' - , f ' ,; ; R H Chicago : , - ,11 IS Bo?ton I 5 I Carlson and Sehnlte. Gonzales; Iverett, Cunningham and Spoh- rer. n - i Shades I ! , I &f tw tsaBB fro aw if mmTi , ) w , 1 i t "fc if' &PEPlEk3e. ; Giants Tvtwt CtnetanaU NEW XORK, July 8. AP Larry Beaton pitched an almost pierfect game today to glTe the Giants their third straight rictOry oyer! Cincinnati 3 to Benton gare only three hits and two walks. . . !i j -' : Cincinnati New ,Tork R .9 S H 8 1 May and Gooch; Benton and Ho- gaa Pirates Take Robins 8-4 BROOKLYN, N. T.. July 8, CAP) The Pittsburgh Pirates hit nara, against jonnny Morrison and Witf Ballon today to defeat the Robins 8 to4. Comorosky and Paul Waner hit horns runs tor Pittsburgh while Bressler sad Herman got half of 'Brooklyn's runs the same way. i 'A - R H E Pittsburgh , .8 12 s Brooklyn ..4 I 8 1 Grimes and Hargreares: Morris on, Ballou and Debery, Plclnieh. Phillies Shade St. Louis PHILADELPHIA. Jtilr t. (AP) -The Phillies landed on their former team-mate, Clarence Mitchell at opportune times today and after OTercoming aa early lead defeated the St, Louis Nationals. 6 to Si Bottomley, Cardinal first basemaa, cracked out a homer the first time up. t R W E t Philadelphia . S 11 4 St. Louis w .5 12 2 I Mitchell and Wilson; Wlllough by, 8weettaad, McGraw and Da- ' TiS." . . ! - " " By QU1N HALL , . : ' THERE HAT be Some import ant civic questions to bs de cided to Clevelaad, Okie, bat wterever men gathet in tt ere nings the" coaversation ' osuaHy Starts off with "This fellow Arer Ifl and is bolted down there se curely for a considerable part of thewreniag. 1 Ahneet every ball club has at least -oas . rookie who possesses ?rsst possOaities. The New York aokees has Sam fipd, Detroit has Alexander and "Johnson, the St. Louis CacdioaU have Gilbert and ' mt-L. ' Cleveland Us Ead Averill! Averili s cbe expensive out-' fielder purchased from the San Francisco Seals. He looks like "the prize rookie of 1929" to a let of fans who take their baseball seriously, and his purchase nicked the Tribe bankroll for a reported 850,000. , . Averill Is noted chiefly as a hit ter and has a record, which indi cates he is not ; only good with the willow but that he Is also consist ent He hit .853 in 1928. after socking the apple for marks of .324, in '27 and .348 in '26. fie smashed ont thirty-seven fear-ply wallops in San Francisco last year and-scored 180 runs. ' This prize rookie stands five foot ten. weighs 175 pounds; he's left-handed when he comes to the plats and right-handed when he throws. -' The Cleveland fans are already beprinnine to forget the loss of Tris Speaker, the irreat old Gray Eagle. They figure that, before the year is over. Averili will have done things aroand the American League which will be worth re hearsing daring ! the. long Winter evenings when they sit around munching apples and eating poo com. Averili Is only 24 years of age. Base runners have already discov ered that he has aa excellent throwing wing; he himself is nim ble on the oaths. LIU SB If. SCOTT By 7-8 LOXGVIEW. Wash., July S. (Special) The Longview Forest Rangers palled out a 7 to 8 vic tory over Mt. Scott In aa Oregon Washington league ball game here Sunday, by virtue of a three run rally in the eighth Inning. Leptich, Davis and Hoffard were Longviewls star stickers. Score: R H E Mt. Scolt 6 10 8 Longview w.. U..7 lfr Sax, Clow, Sehnee and H e 1- mcke; Cole, Coovert and F. Brown. COAST IXASTTE wrr ws-a : t CHWODM 1 DEFEAT SIMTOU S QUINARY . FIELD, July 8. 'Silverton M. W. A. and Chemawa M. W. A. met. In battle royal at Qijinaby base ball field today, this being the second gsmo of the sec ond half ,of the series, being play ed by Modern Woodmen. I Ideal weather for baseball and an enthusiastic crowd were fea tures of the game. 4 Matthes and Sturgis pitched for the Chemawans. unemawa woodmen woa over Silverton by two runs, .if The score: ' Chemawa I 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 Silverton ; 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 lid TOD Work k Ordered Done on Library : Aathorlsatlon 4St the repairing of the root on the city library and letting of the Job . of Interior painting to the Hutcheon Paint store were frlndpal items of basi nets transacted, by ths city . li brary board at its regular month ly. meeting' Monday night. R. J. Hendricks, vies president of ths board, -presided la the abseaee of Mrs. Frank .SpeanL president. ii "by defaalt; Cross defeated Church-4 Roatlna matters also attended to Dundee Defeats Eddie Martin in New York Fight NEW YORK. July 8.(AP) Johnny Dundee, former feather weight champion, woa the decision over Cannoaball Eddie Martin. former bantamweight king. In a ten round bout at Dexter park. Brooklyn, tonight. Dandee outpointed Martin by a wide margin all the way. ' The former, baatamwelgnt champion's tactics got him nowhere in the face of 'Dundee's clever boxing, i-Dundee weighed 129; Martin 128. Los Anr. ? a .875 San frsa S 9 .750 Hil7'4 5 S .714 Mitsioes 5 S .623, W. L. Pet. Otkltid S 5 .S75 Saeraa't S S 8S Settl 3 S .250 PortUnd 1 7 .12$ VaTXOXAX. IAOVB Pittib. ChkagS K. T. St. U PWIs. s Jt. T. St. U Detroit W. L. Pet. 48 28 .39i 44 25 .6381 44 32 .579 S7S7 ,SOO; Brookl'a Phila. Bolton Cincin. W. li. Pet. 83 19 .458 33 41 .438 81 45 .408 28 46 J 41 AJtfEBICAH tEAOOE W.UPeM i W.Ii.Pet. 54 It ,740,C1t1. 87 37 .500 45 ST .625 W.sh. 87 44 .880 45 2 .W8 ChicK 27 SI .S8 4187 t526Bopto 23 55 JMS u j Champions Defeat Salem N e t Stars i . - Ivsn White of -Salem played to the singles semi-finals In the cen tral' Oregon tenais tournament at Bend last week, losing to Kenneth Eallantyne of "Bend, who iron the singles title. White and Ralph Curtis lost in the doubles semi finals j to Dederlchs and Loomis, Oregoii Stats college players who won the championship In that di vision. i ! Survivors la ths summer handi cap 'tournament of ths Salem Golf club will play next Sunday as fol r lows: ) Hemesway vs. ; Proctor, Rltner T Sswton, BaMeres vs, Beschler and Cross vs. Eyre, i . Results Sunday were: - T j Hemeaway defeated Anunsen one np: Proctor def sated Peps one np; Rltner defeated Eraltk I and 2:' Newton woa by default from . Johnson; Baldens defeated Wood S and 1. . Beecaler won from Jim III 1 and 1; Eyre defiSalsl wpie.tt t and L.i include the apsyment of ths regu lar menthly bnls. ESUJLTS ; AMnzoAir tcAOxrs - Cleveland 5; Boston 2. , Philadelphia 8; Chicago 2. Waaainctoni 5 6; Detroit 4-16. Kev York 10; 8t. Looia 3. KATIOKAIi LEAGUE Chicago 11; Boston 8. New York 8; . Cineianatl 0. PittWrxh , 8 ; Brooklyn 4. Philadelphia 6 St. Louia 5. - i ' COAST LEAOtTB (Sunday) Lot ABtele 14-10; Prtlaaa 4-1. Kiasion 4-5; Oakland 1-2. San Fraacie 14-6; Seattle 11-2. Bacramemto - 3 7 ; Hollywood -S.,. Probate Court : Id Active Here AllDaMonday ., p - . , -f A number of routine matters affecting probate business were tiled Monday In probate court. An order was granted allowing the sale of a share of stock which constituted part of the estate of Frederick Wallace Harner, de ceased .'!.... A final journal entry was filed or Anna Beer, executor of the estate of John Beer, deceased. An order was approved of ths distribution JOf ths estate of Nich olson Blasius, deceased. George S. Schafer. administrator of the property. Delinquency Tax Statements Made Ths tax department of . the sheriffs office Is busy this week anLwlll be busy for several, weeks to coffieT preparing statements of delinquency whlch. are going foe- ward to all taxpayers wno tnus xar hove not paid the tint halt of ths 1988 levy das on .May 5.; These statements show" ths anrooat ct tax das and Indicate that eno per cent Interest will be charged, each month until ths tax Is paid, un def ths Oregon law the tax ta not legally jflelineuent untfl November 5, asd not until six; months .later. on May 5, 1980, can the certlfl cats bs sold. , . , r "." SENATORS KEEP SIT10N FIRST.P0 Salem Team Shades Kelso 8-7 to Retain ead in Baseball League - Ore.-Wash. Leagne : W. L. Pet. Salem 5 ; 8 1.000 Longview : 2 . 1 Wolfer's 1 l Montavilla 1 1 Kelso .... i 1 t ML Scott 0 2 1 .7 .500 .600 .833 .000 Sunday Scores At Salem Salem 8. Kelso T. At Portland 2, Wolfer'e All Stars 0. ; At Longview Longview 7, Mt. Scott . The winning punch was demon strated once more by the Salem Senators Sunday whn they de feated the speedy Kelso ball team 8 to 7 and catapulted Into a "niche all alone at the top of the Oregon Washington league percentage column. , ;' The aforesaid winning punch was pretty largely personified by Billy. Sullivan, who had a perfect day at bat for the second consecu tive Sunday, nftlatalning his 1.000 per cent' batting average for the second half of the season with five lilts out of as many trips td tne Plate. Billy's Texas leaguer single ; in the last half of the ninth put the game on lee, Hafenfeldt coming in on that hit for the winning run Just before. Lamb had scored on Haienfeldt's hard drive to the third baseman, to tie the score. Kelso had forged -ahead with run In the eighth after the teams had been tied . from the fourth at six all. Kelso started strong with two runs in the first Inning and four in the third. After that Barham tightened, allowing not more than one hit to the inning. The Senators came back slowly but steadily, scoring two runs in the second, one it, the third; and three in the fourth. The ninth inning rally was a thriller. Lamb poked out a1 two bagger. Then came Hafenfeldt's lightning drive that bounced off the third baseman's shins and hit the score board. Lamb scoring. Hafenfeldt went to second on Big bee's infield out, and raced .borne while the second baseman and center fielder were vainly trying to corral the ball that Sullivan hit. The score: Kelso Player AB R H PO A Trummer, ss S 0 1 18 WRESTLING UP Largest Crowd in History of Sport Expected, to See Big Match,- BOSTON, July js. (AP) Gus Sonnenberg and jEd "Strangler" Lewis will go through their heavy weight championship wrestling match here tomorrow night at Fenway park before the critical eyes of athletic I officials from tares outside Btates as well as a crowd that promises to be the largest in the history of the port. Beth wrestlers completed their long training sessions, this alter noon. Lewis- at j nearby Revere beach and the ckampion at his shady camp in ' Danvers. Lewis lost his title to the former Dart mouth football player hire last winter. , j Joe Coffey and "Doc' Krone, rival Chicago wrestling promoters who accompanied Commissioner Samuel P. Luzs oof the Illinois State Athletic commission here for the match, announced they had signed both Sonnenberg and Lewis and planned to match the winner or tomorrow night's matcn witn an opponent selected by the 1111- uois authorities. They said they would stage this match Jointly in Chicago on ort about Labor day, CHEMEKETINS WILL CUE HP SUE Ths - ' Chemeketans' summer camp, which they will make their headquarters all of next week, will bs at Marion lake, south of Mt Jefferson instead -of at a point on the north side. It was decided after a scooting party had visited the region Sunday. Snow condi tions necessitated ths change In plans. ; Marlon lake Is six mites from Hunt's Cove; which is the starting point for parties climbing the mountain from the south, so that the camp location chosen Is more conveniently located than the one previously considered. In addition, the Chemeketans will have access to boats on the lake, which is an excellent fishing resort. The Chemeketan party will leave Detroit July 14. driving for nine miles and then hiking 14 to the camp site, the route running through shady timber all the way. The advance scouting party In cluded Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ham ilton, Mr. and Mrs. . M. Hoff- nell, Gertrude . Breyen and Ben RIckli. Mr. ! Hamilton will be camp director; and Mr. Rkkli is in charge of preparations.; r,- . . t ; Hay Crop to Be Heavy fn Valley 'A . heavy hay crop in the valley is predicted by local buyers ; of hay who said Monday that the crop would be one of ths best In years, i Little buying has at yet been reported although some hay was sold last week at $14 a ton, baled,. in th efleld for ths, farm- eC .... ;:'!.: Rentfrow, 2b ..4 1 W. Anderson, 5 2 Wilson, 3b 5 1 Vitous, lb 4 1 Medlock, cf .4 0 Burdg, rf 3 1 Beall. rf 3 0 E. Anderson 4 0 Totals .....:..S8 8 ". !FolIow ths sports inj The Statesman; full sport news re ports fresh each morning. H 1 1 8 3 1 0 2 0 0- 1 0 11 1 4 2 6 0 13 27 it 0 1 1 2 0 0 ? 8 Salem AB R ...5 2 Player Lamh, 2b -. Hafenfeldt, 3b 5 2 Bigbee, rf 4 1 Sullivan, lb ....6 0 Sutherland. If 4 0 Cloninger, ct S 1 Gibson ss 4 1 Cardinal, c 3 0 Barham, p 3 1 Edwards, c". 1 O GUI t 1 0 Totals H PO A 2 3 3 2 0 If 512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 8 18 27, 8 2 winning run 1 0 1 e 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 9. , 1 0 Athletics And Yanks Both Win ST. LOUIS, Jily 8. (AP) The Yankees pounded three St, Louis pitchers today to defeat the Browns 10 to 3. George Pipgras weakened slightly after a fine start but lasted! the entire dis tance. Lou Gehrig hit his 22nd home run in -the th inning. RUE New York 10 16 St.- Louis 3 4 Pipgras and Dickey; Collins. Blaeholder, Coffman, Ferreli Athletics Win 8-2 CHICAGO, July 8. (AP)- Bob Grove held the White Sox to six hits today and Philadelphia won 8 to 2. II E Philadelphia -8 12 Chicago .2 " 6 Grove and Perkins: Adkins, Mc Kain. Weilan. Blankenship and Berg. piirt vlomments Br CURTIS' ! i LOSING GRONrjQ Howdy, fans. Did yon miss us? "Why do you 'Always' stick np for the Senators? Why ot i razs them once in a while like -the Portland papers to the De coys?" That's the line wo heard i m while back, bnt lot lately; These' comments are Supposed to be Curt, and they will be when conditions Justify, but we haven't seen the Justification lor lump- in on the Solons yet. They're 'a whole lot better ball team than Salem deserves to have, consid ering the financial support it has given.; And now 'they seem to be producing, even against the clubs with overflowing money bags be hind them. They'll be calling Bitfy Sul livan "Dinkelspell." Only a few of tho fans will get that one, bat anyawy It's no slam. Last week while you tans were looking in vain tor this 'column, we, were up at Bend getting our annual beating at a tennis tourna ment that we inaugurated. Yes, we were "eliminated." One of the players, used the word eliminatecr' and his small' son asked him If they gave the winners lemonade. If you think they play "oop" tennis up in central Oregon, you're badly fooled. There were varsity players there from.TJ. of O., Ore gon State and Willamette and a home town sawmill hand won the men's singles. And. the reason is that Bend Is ovevcrbvrded with public courts. ' Salem will develop a raft of good tennis ' players when it gets plenty of public courts and the boys and girls get the proper encouragement. Oh, that expression "oop players." It means players , who whang away at the ball, look where-it goes and then say "Oop!" in an apologetic sort of way. Some of the fans have been wondering when we'll say some thing .funny in this column. Give us time. Harry Plant is likely to pop a good one in our face most any day. 88 Two out when scored. xBatted for Barham in 8th. Two bass bits, Wilson, Vitous, Burdg. Lamb, Gibson, Barham; three base hit. W. Anderson: doa ble plays, Gibson to Lamb to Sul livan; wild pitch, Barham; struck Solons, Tigers Split DETROIT, July 8.-T (AP) The Tigers split a double header with the Washington Senators here to day, winning the second game 16 to 6, after dropping the opener 5 to 4 in 10 Innings. j Ri H E Washington 5 11 0 Detroit - 4(11 1 Jones and Spencer, Tate; Uhle and, Hargreave. v R H E Washington - 8 14 4 Detroit 18118 1 Brown, McCullough, Burke and Ruel; Yde and Hargrave. . Indians Trim Red Sox CLEVELAND, July 8. (AP) The Indians downed the Boston Red Sox here today 5 to 2. R H E Boston ....2 ill 1 Cleveland '. ......5 j 8 1 MacFayden, Bayne and Gaston; Shaute and Myatt. son, 5, bases on balls, of Barham, 2, off Anderson, 2, earned runs, Kelso, 4, Salem 6; 'left on base, Kelso, 4, Salem f. Umpires, Shea out, by Barham, 3, by E. Ahder- and Rankin; time, 2:10. We notice where Don TJp john has been raving against the big "show" signs at the street corners. Why doesn't he get np courageto drive Jnto one and find ont it's made of rubber? . Interest Falling: 0ff,s Yale College Professor Says In His Report . JEW 'HAVEN. Conn.. Jaly f (AP) College bssebali has be- come "an increasingly vexed prtblem," says Prof. George H. Nebtjfeton, Chairman of ths board of jcontrol of the Yale University Athletic association. In his annu al jreport, made available tonight. JEven friends of college bass bail frankly admit the consider able decline In general Interest ia tht( sport sahf ths:, report.. "Dbubtless the major reason tor this- is the great Increased Parti clpation of students la all forms, of (outdoor 6pcrts, with ths con., sequent multiplication of class and scrub teams and crews, and th4 increased opportunities for Inv, foitmal and individual recreation in jsuch sports as tennis and golf. fThls change, amounting . al most to revolution; in general stu dent attitude has. In the "spring at j least, largely; emptied the -grandstands and crowded all available playing fields of every kind. ''- f'Yale's early addition and con stant development of the policy 'atjhletics for air are matters of common knowledge. The logical ' results have been jraost gratifying even to those who. find themselves intimately connected with the nofw recognised decline of Inter" est in college baseball. No one would eontenance for a moment a icall "back to the bleachers but especially to various colleges closely associated with Yale in athletics,; the situation in base bail has become an increasingly vexed problem.' MOW m WINS 2-0 SUM PORTLAND. July 8. (S p e clal) Montavilta's ball team, tail ender in the first half of th Ore gon-Wasbington league race, de feated Wolfer's All Stars here Sunday 2 to 0, enabling Salem; to advance into undisputed posses sion of first place after twc weeks of the second half. , The revamped Vlllans played inspired ball, and Indicated that they Vill be wy-much In the race this hslf. Score: . R H E Montavilla ; 2 8; 1 Wolfer's . , 0 0 Traynor and Haworth; Swarts and McBride. GOQD FIELDING WINS FOR LEGION BALL 9 Superior , fielding, principally, gave the American Lgion oaii team a 2 to 0 victory over the Bjuilding Trades nine in a Com mercial league ; game Monday -night. Hooper of the Building Tirades held the ar veterans hlt tyss, but five errors permitted the latter to score runs in the second atnd third Innings. Schnelle. Le- gibn pitcher wasj nicked tor three Hits, two of them in Succession In tlhe third inning, but with good . support, kept the constructors lrom making the! circuit Score: S . Building Trades Player urch, ss . Hill. 3b . . Frame, cf . Rickman, e Cowen, lb Mason, If . , . Matten. rf Loy, 2b .......... .3 Hooper, p .2 ...J....1 S f t ..J...-.8 AB R 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals i ..18 Antcrican IiOglon Player AB R Gill. If ....... i... Parker, rf . . . i . . .1 & Kasberger. ss Z 0 Proctor, 2b 2 0 Malson, 8b .......3 0 Gabrielson, lb 2 0 Huston, ct 2v 1 ...... ..2 fechnelle, p a H 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 r j H o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 1 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 1 U..1T 2 0 w nrlnt Letter Heads, Bus-, ness Cards, Posters, Signs, oook ets, almost anything in our Job ihop. Call 600 for prices. I 100,000 lbs. Cas C2LTSL Bark and Ore gon vGrape Root TVs also,bny all kinds ; of Junk " Metal, Iron, Sacks, Rags, -tJ . 3wcar4 Etc : i; CAPITOL JUIIK CO. U. STEINBOCK. Prop. , Telephone S9S ' 143 Onter St. By tho bridge in 111 1 0 0 with the most modern equipment hy Mr. Ed Hamilton 0 Small 4 CyL Cars . Cbevrolet-Ford-WTiipBet 1.25 AO Hiht Sixes 1,50 Boick Master Six Nash Advance Six and similar cars 1.75 Lincoln - Cadillac and similar Cars : 2.00 Road oil removed at fair additional charge without damage to the finest finish. - ; i . i - - . I r ' ' ' !. r - 1 - ! (Master, means all heads trader .one control) . " 1 ' ' ' North Commercial at Center i 0mm r -iJa -e . . ; i O.