!: mm 1 : f ....- Hcinwu Here Mrs. Mary ScScMaldtJ M o t h r of Edward SniSehseldt who died here July 4. Toting, Mist Edna White and Be au mat son Tom Schmidt arrived In na Mickey, all of Los Angeles,- ar. SiBateae Sunday to attend the fun- rived in Salem early this week er Aral services which will be held at and will rialt friends here for sev KiJQifet'i ehapel today at one era! weeks. TheyT made the trip o's&Vlock. Mrs. Schmidt, cornea from by aalomobile. passing over the i tCtoteaa, Kaaiea. and her son from Redwood Highway to Crescent lUtoefcester,, N. Y. The two will ae- City,' from there fo Grants Pass cocouany the body back to IeJeaa.: r- i ' v ' ' ' IMDefaalti Decree Created A de-i fiCaalt decree was granted in circuit I con Monday in the case of W. J. I Busasrmgy vs. the Saver Fox. SalesJ ai:aDeTeJopmeat Co. The Judg- m aunt was lor S323C.25. interest scami ostsj A Judgment in the cam of et 13224X.05, .costs and interest vriMsu also granted M.. A. Shite gBinst the sane comoaay. -.-M--':.- ( -;; i . , , noKumsieK se- weo mar- r r?6 c'""? "T """ft I iBfjMBTcoawy ciera s oiace w ur. i Jooaara n. McuornUc ef lraiaiui Mrs. O. A. Noye acct-Hamio o bku . iiewuw. jw i Matt Myrtl t.iWelse at MeIor4, jiusuy.is. ibna aaa seen a, wcnaxiwca. u.,:ritax4.i iroa a xnjlof the News-Times. Roderick (offer at aambsr of years. Her hone j t- tbeA beaebes SUy evening. I Blatchfor returned with then for orsjapaauy wm naiwm.i ; - - ; ' -. . I wTTmI! J fit as as a H tbne ZLJ? - t. .vrat Cm ewmtfsrnr fli- fi.daBeliTa. sd they are haasruag tiiaworkwtketsoa wtton r, sesx Fosoi, is waceiCT mj. i HtteUeft Sanday and" will be on i iter at TOTungni, MUee.se laasMSM marriage !"emm was lssaea iais wetiemt u i .ik. of fir to John It H.H Bjley. Jr.. of Abajjleea. i sw.i. mti ppsrTReid s, vss ss j - w uircii mnm Hits PearTReid 'j B-rl cko a uhoAi teach- ' :Z ZZ Z ":LSt " i7u- is s ;iartt!4 engineer., The couple will m-ineae tneir none m oa5cuW. i. HUif AVorktng For "Y" Wes- Mildred Ihrig. statistlciaa and of- Too Fast, Claim In report iV Heise, graduate & Salem high Hcemanager at the Marion county tog a collision between her auto- -sehbol this year, is wonting on ..Mtaiiding I on a pieagtss oi iu . . C Q. JL.The pledges made possible .tte 1 eoastrcctian tte present t. bia.ing.r said to be one or the nieet' in, the northwest. Jftanv !at Park Sarviee Approx- . . i . v if loiaiteli 500 persons attended the r -reffisious services sponsored by the .! MiBisterial association in Wiilson i. rkrlt Sunday afternotm. The meet- i iiasa win oe regutar reoi. . . ... i , f f thet.sumner. Joseph Beaner . wljl te am orcnestra at future meet-rc", torn; BradT Reoorts w fivtiM f th Y. HI. C. A.! rfurtng June will be read at thejloway, f 10 South Winter street. i. $.uHiiinf th board of I was arrested early Sunday morn-1 ' ZZzZ. Ti,urf!airai. w h f sLiaeOld director of education in un.Looisville. Ky.. association, v iwi&be a guest. MS Mack oa Buying Trli Mrs. nJBaana 'Mack iwent to Portland MMaasday morning to look over new iretaoks. While urn Portland Mrs; Mack will be the guest of-her bro - .joker's family. She plans to return .. .to aicm Wednesday or Thursday. V IssUine Brother W. H. Lip- ' rti-rpMnrl of- duration in the .i.i.vnu PTv v M O A is vis- ti- n hrthr who lives in S- .'! , j ir sem. : Ales, uppoia ana a wu av- v company him. MhdltHere I Honlturo Uplmtetcree - ! And repairing Cleee-Powers rraraltmre Coj I ccordian fen the Musical Revue tVUnesdav ntzht at Chautauaua. f.llMter DUum-1 iktfSrfry night Jiurion hotel. 9:99 to I st t 1 9-fet Used Cars See MVlckBros.: High and Trade. ranLe 'Xrw PbBco Is Here - i 4ee It at H. L. Stiff Furniture C iCp. ;-.! i V.VTfarn Ton Think of TUat - iPicnic think of Lee's fancy . rA fM-c h,n .Mill 113FS. j v. - i Firee delivery. i Used Cars See i Vicki BrosJ High and Trade I fiver See a Hungarian Piano See and hear one Friday after- r.moon at the big Chautauqua tent, i A native Vlennan will play one T-I ! . .a-o ! 1 Y4 , Tftemai Bros. Kattd I K Mellow Maon, every Wed. and sSatarday. 'i l- .: -i . i:I3tefafaue Sean Oiien J i At PBtland. comets sad fantafls iiwrrvinr. Salem's Petland. 473 sState street. I (tUd'Tirse Dance at Armorj- !t5rery Wed. and Sat. night. j fiW Used Cars See t Tick: Bros. -Ilign and irade. TTe First Class. Entertainmeats j iFor $2.5a. Buy your-season ticket to Chautauqua. TT New Philco I Here 1 i i See ir at H. i.. stitr rwrniture vUtWlsh to Thank- 1 1 .Our friends for their kindness j-anu. sympathy during the illness liftd .death of our mother. H. El- jsaer, Joha M. and Roy E. King. H : 4-!" - -".V. ' 'rTl JfeW Philco Is Here , i SU See itrat H. L. Stiff Furniture ;i-co.fvk''ii:;fii is?u 'Yoar easonTIcket a nm XT1T None ran be obtained after W ednesday lBi-ht - : ' ; t - ' - iiMssenie Picalc ' ; .3a ve the.dateFree- admittance. SFsee Ice cramaa eonee servea j.ftJI n aJ AH Masonw aiiiuaies LJm their Invited cuests welcome. fSfliv 20 at Haxel Greea.Park re "iowd tor that date all day and ;f-free dance in evening.- utoamw cSalem No." I. PaciIlC ISO. v anaicaarge wi.sjftcuius, uu ras. Grotto. t 'kViM.na taftr - - - - - - ' - - ' - !'' IXsTor Snexpenslve gifts. PomeroyiMondayrla: tha case af Anna S. JiTaM:--''v - - ' -j-, ... - Calilornlans Visit Miss Vivian Tobjut. her moth vr. G-iana then south to Crater Lake before coming on north to Salem. Auto Tama Ovwi Th antnmo- bile drives bv c. T. Datv. Salem route i; wa cvertjarned in a eoU lisioa with a machine operated br Mary Easier, 12444 State street, at 171 aad Cbennsketa streets Monday afternoon at 12:16. ae- cordis j-t a police cfiieer who in- vestlcated. J5 es tos-injure. Mr. Doty was driving east jwt rwmakets and. lira. Ensley stmthj nth street. 5 !-' 4 f vwt Fro soiua usitotaiir. i ipavw w war nniweRmna fuiv n& Mr. C. -JL Store. otvXr-jtreT iTie - anw, was ; oan-, emj 4 Salem for several weeks., will rtm Joaraey in few days. The drow tkrwch from Bonth Dakota amd-eapeet to hack tacethar with another I ene wick them. 4 , ! ? ff Qozried. Tela Mrs. I Wolgamett; head of tee ctela nhysicsl edaeatien depart- - - 'Zr -"-.. 7 " v. V" . iw 7-y-l w0"". ralB" Jlu wA hlT of CaliffflmU. She waa on her way ZrtJ kT called by , word to Oregon City, that her mother was critically m im... trtun Canada Miss : au....w.- returned irom a vacation xnp w Toronto. Canada. While there she served as maid or nonor at u.e wedding of Miss Mildred Shack- ieran. formerly aj memoer or me health center staff here, to Paul Palmer Bushnell. I , - Speeder Flriedj Harold wood- school at the University of Wia burji, Salem route 7, was fined iMcensin arrived yesterday, and will in municipal court Monday on a charge of deeding, on which he wa arrested by local traffic offi- auntiay. xvoi xiui.. i va ivu wreei, was arresiea on sunuu i chirm. I in amber on t aeation Salem too juaey in ai k. u. uai- inr on a charge of driving an auto-l mobile-with four; persons in the driver's seat. Louis K. BalBnger, a o isorxn uoeriy, was arresieoj on a similar charge. B-wetlmg to Rise A permit was issued Monday frdm the city build ing inspector's office to Mrs. Em ma, Murphy Brown, for construc tion Kit a dwelling at 2270 Center street, estimated to cost 93,000. Price & Company have the coa- tract. "ere rromortn uaaoia jit. ana jars, ueorge A. Sturetevant lof flrand 'Porks North Dakota I . are guests at the J Burton Crary home. vMr. Sturetevant is Gen-1 era! Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Grand Forks, the former home i of the Crary's Abandons Studies Mrs. Marie I Tavenner, who has been attending summer school at the University i of Washington, has-returned to her home here, eye trouble lore- Mn her to bandoa her Indies for tB present. v Add to BulhHnff D. A. White and H. O. White received a per mit Monday to build an addition ta a store -building at 263 South Commercial street; at a cost- of $2,000. Frank' C Ferguson has the contract Yount Visits A. E. Tount of Portland, was in Salem for a bus- iness and friendly visit Monday, i . . , ii n tr i ul ne maue a can ou v-. a. nn wnom ne worxea on me siate com mtttee of the Y. M, C. A. Ul n The Upton Close party of whieh Dean Roy R. Hewitt, the Rev. Norman K. Tuuy.t Roy Lockenour shd Ronald Hewitt are members will 'land in Japan the first paty of this week, Daoehter Bora Mr.. and Mrs. Win ford B. Richardson are par- I eats of a baby Kirl. born July 2 Their hvme is 1227 Jtorth Fourth street. ! i- Fails to Stop Guy Crosby. 532 North High street, was fined f 5 in municipal court Monday on a charge ot tailing to stop at a through street intersection. AMratioas Planned Esther E. Kelson received a permit Mon day tu alter a dwelling at 1105 Cross street at a cost of $800. C M. Nelson is in charge of- the work. '' lights Lacking W. L. Ash, of 550 North Summer street, was tinaA t9 tit mnltMnsl jwtnvt Monday cn a charge of driving an autowjbiie at night without lights. Freperty Rale Approved Sale oft property in behalf of Ladd Bush vs. Charles B. Lomas. et al; was approved m an order issued! in .circuit court; Monday. . 4 .r-." nwer mm - Answer was Kl., -W J .. l.it. i y ,nWuua, .uin.u.i the casa of Charles -J. Terzan vs. . p Lad the defendant filing i lne papers. i ' ; . ae. 1145 Oak street, was fined $5. Monday In municipal court fo 1 taking the right of way from an 1 ntber notorisU - t L " ' .c --. - r' Rariag Charged-r-C.A; Smith posted 110 bail Sunday when 1 w arrcsi-cu uj w. vvuk u i,Mnlt Ordered An order - 'ldtfatt was issued in circuit court tuvoca vs. tiaroia u. luvock. Behlee In CityMr. 1 and Mrs. James Bohle were In Salem Mon day to risit fries ds . here, Mrs. Bohle remaining in JLha city for the week. Mr. Bohle is spending the snmmer at Falls City- where his parents reside. This fall he will return to Raymond, Wash where for the past tire years he has been a member of the high school facalty, serring his last three years as principal. He was a graduate of Willamette anTrerslty in the class of 1922. 5 f - Browaells to Eugene Long beards and sideburns along with mustaches 1 and ! Mother ,hirsutte adorameata' made seeing the "sights" In Xagene sotnething out of the erdinsay for Tar. and Mas. PM1 Brownell on a. trip made there Sanday. The day was spent with Mr; and Mrs. Darid HU1, paremU of Mrs. Brownell and Mr. HU1, keeping la line with the pro cession, was hardly known to his daughter when he appeared with well dereioped side whiskers, i c. J. GiUetts and small son .spent fSuaaay at the home of Mrs. Gil- iett e'g parents Dr. and Mrs. Ben Blatchferd. They returned snadiy night to Sorest Grove Mr. Gillette la the yabllsher a brieC visit. r Hro From Crooked Finger John. PUus who is a farmer in th ea tuger district .near Scotts MUls was la tie city Hon- day to attend to scheol easiness jwtth Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, coun- 'T superiHtena-eni. Mr. Plans Is clerks of the school, board in the urooaea rtmger dutrlct. Botti Can Turaing Two au- tomooties which were making re- SUte d Winter streets Sunday. .n11I aytA v , f ' simnltaneottsly at coUld and the drirer of ene was .itrhtl, ittiTiraA -.M- t eu F. Lacy, 20i0 Breyman street. isva at so ;. w cao UVVI" rue other driver was David F. Farlaugh, 689 Breys street. moDU ana mat oc A. wemstetn at-Shipping and Cottage streets Monday forenoon. Mrs, Evelyn McCumber claimed that Wein stein was .driving at an excessive speed, Drives Prom Wisconsin Edwin Doane who is attending Medical spend the remainder of the sum mer with his parents at 1531 North Summer streets. Mr.JDoane jarove irom Wisconsin in lour aays ousmess men too weir usual Monday noon walk towards the chamber of commerce rooms were out their exertion since the chamber is on its annual summer aca"on- The next luncheon-of v"c ul s"""uuu wm uc uciu ocp- Itember 16, Parked Car Hit' The auto mobile of J. H. Hathaway, 695 Court street, while -parked Sat urday -on Court street between Li berty and High, wai struck by a machine driven by Mrs. Hallie Rowan, 629 South Second street. Mrs. Rowan was backing out from th9 curb. Bank Debits Checked Vp June bank debit checks for. this year " "Ported Dy Baoson's show & IUIK1 UL J. 4 J.A.O .) WU1CU IS virtually the same as in June, 1928. when the debits were $14, 361,525. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Goodlin of Eugene are par. ents of a baby girl who ; has been named Patricia Joan. Mrs. Good lin, who was Miss Anna Porter, was formerly a resident of Salem. Accident Reported Automo biles, driven by Mrs. Lela V. Da vidson. 2217 Fairgrounds Road, and Ralph Hanson, employe of the state hospital, collided at court and Summer streets Sun Autos Collide Fred Hottin- ger of Stayton and Imogene Card ner. set North 24th street, were drivers of automobiles which were involved in a collision Sunday . i s ntgnr on r errj- sirrei. snDimiity air. ana Mrs. vviiuam.ciaaeK ana iamuy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bondel, and I Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Talmage spent Sunday at the George Tate rancn home near Sublimity., ; Mmit AntM Reistrtd Dnr- ine the month of June.: 573 autos W'ere registered at the municipal auto nark nere oespue tne laci that the summer .was late in get ting started. Maffler Lacking Jim Rockhlil of Dayton was fined $5 la muni cipal court Monday on a charge of driving an automobile : not equip ped with a muffler. Default Judgment Given A de fault Judgment was granted Mon day in circuit court in the case of R. E. McCaffrey vs. Roy H. Sim mons in the sum of ,$3800 aad interest. ! Feldmans Visit Mr. and Mrs1 W. E. Feldman. 1311 Court street, are spending a! two weeks vacation; In Los Angeles and vi clnuy Clinic at Rtayton An exam inatlon clinic will be held at Stay- ton today by Dr. Edward Lee Rus LSSiiUm, l'r'"'-u ""p""" sell ot the Marion county child grhool Board Meets The Sa tlem district school board will hold Its first meeting L of- the fT R,ntr 1,11, I "" -o school building. I fa s yrsserlptioa f-r i - COLDS, GRIPPE, FLC.t ; bEXGUE, BDUOTJ& FEVER - . -and B1ALARIA . : TLiM. th moat tftiy r y kaswav r t t ym m 666 Thc OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday llorninjr, July 9, Last Year's Record Output Will be Exceeded This ; Season, Claim Prospects for ! a splendid hvp crop throuchout the state were foreseen 'Monday by vDurhln Cornoyer. well known local grow ers and buyers, when they made an estimate that the yield of the state would ma between 90,900 aad 100,000 bales, while the 192S yield, considered very good, went to 89,000 bales. While quantity appears good, quality Is also high in these crow- era opinion. Also the present time some yards are fighting lice and a growth known as hoaey dew aad It la Imperative that these peats be checked since the foreign trade is rigid in its requirements that hops be dean. This yar Eng land s duty on : bops "Imported amounts, to .18c a pound and let ters for foreign; purchasers of hops demand that the grade . se cured from this country be Ugh The hop crop is to be larse in England this year, according to advices received from that coun try although some trouble is ex perienced there with lice. While American grown hops must face a duty of 18c a pound, plus a freight charge of 3.15c a pound and in surance In transit, there will be considerable demand for local hops due to the fact that these are blended by : English brewers with their own and German grown hops to produce the desired flavors. Faced by large production here and abroad, the outlook for a fa vorable price in the Willamette valley is ; not encouraging. No sales of the 1929 yield have as yet been reported by the cleanup of the 1928 crop indicates that me price lor this year will run around 15c a pound which is be low a price whieh will make any net profit for the grower. some saies oi me uzs croo left in Oregon have been made in the last fortnight until Monday the county showed that only 4881 bales of that yield were left un sold In the state. This is a slight ly larger carry-over than in 1928 and a much larger surplus than that carried over in 1927. Sales were made in the last fortnight as follows: A. J. Ray A Sons, 206 bales at 15c; J. Harry Hart 18 bales at 14 Vic; Arthur Sith, 158 bales at 15c; James Linn, . 22 bales at 14c; 50 bales at 13c; 27 bales at 13c; T. A. Lhresley. 45 bales of.fuggles at 13c. IE ESTATES FILED Check was being made Monday in the county clerk's office of all estates filed during the months of April, May and June pending the required report every three month's to the state treasurer for purposes of inheritance tax collec tion. Sixty estates were admitted to probate In the last three,, months state inheritance tax is required only when the estate is of a value exceeding $10,000 provided that the bequests are made to a rela tive. In cases of bequests to non relatives or under a collateral be quest, the inheritance tax starts at the $1000 mark in collateral lega cies and on all moneys left to non retatives. . . T.Z1 1 Dawson Leaves wSjor C. A. Dawson, U. S. Army, left Satur day for three weeks temporary duty at Fort Worden, Washington, in connection with toe encamp ment of the 249th Coast Artillery and the Joint Army & Nary Man- uevers. Detail Leaves An advance de tail consisting of Captain Cliff Ir win and Captain J. H. Garnjobst with 21 enlisted men of the 249th coast artillery left Sunday for Fort Worden, Washington. . 1 No Bioad Routes Jn No truck line routes for the Salem school district have sa ?et been reported to tne county boundary board al though the district is known to be working on its routes. Long Leaves Wednesday Rev. Ward Willis Lone of Stockton. Calif., leases Salem Wednesday af ter visiting for some time with local friends. , r - New ' Window i Placed A new plate glass window was placed in the Johnson building on. State" street Monday replacing one re cently broken there. CHECK BEIU "Colored Songbirds" Jacksons Jubilee Singers . Real Negroes Singing as bnly, Real t Negroes Gari Sing 1 f Rof-raising Spirituals ; i : , "Catchy: SmgfSongs Melody and Harmony . : ; Don't Mis Them - Free to all people ver seventy v4 Thursday afternoon and evening : r '' Buj'your season; ticket row. None can be . -':'-. purchased after Wed. nite Chautauqua Mrs. Ge Ed Ross of Salem Mrs. Q. Ed Ross, who Is spend ing a month or so In the east aft er attending the national Baptist convention, at Denver the latter part f Jane as a delegate from the Calvary Baptist church, has written Salem frieads of her trip as far as Detroit, Mich., and is ap parently enjoying a. delightful trip. Following are excerpts from her letter: ,"' '! 1 The stop at Boise was most pleasant. What impressed me most there was the beautiful city park alone the river, which covers what was the city damp being five blocks in length, with tennis cowrts, swimming pool, picnic grounds, soo, and ether attrac tions, where tired-. folk may go for rest and amasement. Also It la a good object lesson making the best of a bad situation. ' ; "The three days in Denver were delightful beyond words. The "mile- high" city personified Its reputation for Cordiality, and del egates were treated royally. The convention- program was, splendid, and Twy Inspirational. Ampnf the many special features was a dele gation of Crew Indians from Lodge- Grass, Montana, who, in their gay shawls and moccasins, and the men with long braids all singing a hymn ta their native language were an Impressive spectacle. ' "There also was a wonderful historic pageant depleting-; the work of Adaniram Judson and Of the 62 estates filed In the county court, IS were of an esti mated value of $10,000 or more. These estates follow: William D. Cornish, $23,000; John Scholl, $15,000; Walter H. Ruble, $15, 000; Robert A. Weitrel. $21,000; Sarah A. Hovenden, $10,000; Se vern Manegre, $12,600, Charles Sappingfield. $14,000; Melvin Thomas Miller, $15,000; Ida M. Keene, $14,000: Dolph Boyer, $15,800: Ida Mae Daue. $50,000: Lenta D. Westacott, $37,500; T. J.' Burke, $18,000. Si CAUSES JAIL TERM Robert K. Groshong and Simon Barnes, -both young men who re side in the neighborhood of; Ger vals, are to spend a 3 O-days en forced vacation in the county Jail as a result of a sentence imposed upon them Monday by Justice Bra- tier Small before whom they plead guilty to the charge of wrongful possession of intoxicating liquor. The two men were arrested in the Checkerboard roadside stand Sunday night after their continued misbehavior had caused the pro prietor considerable annoyance. He appealed to W. J. Mulkey, Jr., state traffic officer, for assist ance and Mulkey put the men 'un der arrest, not until they had of fered considerable resistance. REV. LONG VISITS SALEM Kll Rev. Ward Willis who ia known to Kiwanians of Salem as "Shorty," will be the speaker at today's luncheon meeting in the Marion hotel. Rev. Long Is pas tor of the Presbyterian church at Stockton. Calif.. but before his pastorate there was minister ot the Presbyterian church of Salem. Friday night the Kiwanians will ioln with Rotarians, Lions and Zontas in the annual inter-club picnic which wiir be held at Ha ger's grove. Wives of the service club members will furnish the "eats:" FINEST TORIC QC READING LENSES . . V ? Eyeglass Insurance and thor ough examination included. . THOMPSON-GLUTSCIl OPTICAL CO. HO N. Commercial St. PILESCURED Wltkost prttm mt less f Ubm. DR. MARSHALL r . . 329 Orsfloa Bid. VOX IXFORXAJI05I ABOUT LOCAL OK KASTJEBJi Ban.Roan trips PHONE 727 Oregon Dectric Ry.A VBlametU faRey Line LIQUOR 1923 his sood wife Ann. The lighting effects In this .Vera amaxingly beautiful, i s . : f r '. de attr1 boGoverno curios, irom we isaptut mission fields,- throughout the jworld. Then, there were the usual j con vention branch postoffice, tele garph office, bureau of in 'orma tloa and publicity depaiiment.' The hospitalities from very 'think able source were unbounded. One Pennsylvania delegate said to me. This delight lul in formality of the West Is Indeed wonderful -where people speak without formal Introductions,' ' "A few busy days were spent In Chicago with relatives! and many worth-while places visited. From here we motored to South Haven. Michigan, where I was met by my brother, and famUv of De- troit. and we motored on hen a trip delightful beyond wirda o express. Schmidt Funeral services for EdwaPj Schmidt, who died In Salem July 4. will be held Tuesday jat one o'clock at Rlgdon's mortuary un der the auspices of Capitpl Post number 9, American Legion with Rev. F. C. Taylor officiating. The body will be shipped to;" jGalena. Kansas, for interment therfe. ! 1 - j Bean . Funeral services for Louis E. Bean, si, who died in Salm Sat urday evening:, July S. willibe held Tuesday morning at 10:1.51 o'clock in tne cnapel of the Rigdon mort uary with Dr. D. H. Leach of Al bany and Rev. F. C. Taylor, of Sa lem, officiating. After the servi ces here, the funeral procession will proceed to Eugene wiere in terment will take place inijthe Ma sonic cemetery. The body Iwill li In state at Rigdon's Monday eve ning from 7:30 to 9 o'clock ami Tuesday morning from S iintiI9 McGuire Elizabeth Hogan McGuire died at ner home in Portland iMonday anernoon. sne was the widow nt tne late Terence McGuifre, and leaves lour children: MrsJ George E. Waters, Salem: ' Mrs Louis Asnaman, Salem; Charles" J. Mo uuire, Smithers, B. C; abd Miss ivamryn Mcuuire. Portland. " One granddaughter, Miss Heleh Ashli- man, lives in Salem. Mrs. Mc Guire was for many years a resi dent of Salem, but had lived ia Portland for nearly twenty years previous to her death. $he was born in ftublin,. Ireland, 'July 1. 1851. Funeral arrangements are in care of Rigdon"s. Funeral Wed nesday morning at 9 o'clock i St Joseph's church. i City View Cemetel stablished 1803 Tel ! Conveniently Accessibl le Perpetual care provided for Prices Reasonable Phena 220 A Park Cemetery with perpetual care Just ten minutes from1 the heart of town IndootBttfUiX IXOTD X. EIGDON, Msr. . You could fry an eg (Bbitmzp am III tric Fan it'q as cool as a veteran actor op opening; night.- Keep the air ia your office t or Home fresh And moviaig with an electric fan w low first cost; negligible dperatinjr ; msr... MaOv Rtvli. mar ill - i , - j IT I. TO Successor) to Commis sioner! Shortly Appointment of a successor t6 Louis . Bean as a member of the public service commission, awaits the decisloa of Governor Patter son. The question was raised here Monday as to whether Governor Patterson has authority to appoint a successor to Mr. Bean, who would serve later than the general election in 1930. This question was based on the 129 legislative act jrhlch makes the offices of public service' commissioners ap-1 potntlve, but provides that elect ive members of the commission shall serve out the term for which they were elected. Mr. Bean was elected to serve the term ending December 31, 1930. Attorneys expressed the opin ion that the governor's appointee to succeed Mr. Beaa would serve until January 1, 1931. when re- fPPointraent ot the official would be ma&s ander the .1929 law. It was pointed out that even though a candidate for office vacated by Mr. Bean's death was nominated and elected at the 1930 elections, he would be prevented from hold ing the office for the reason that the appointment under the 1929 act would become effective on January 1, 1931. Reports Indicated that Gover nor Patterson would be urted to Satisfaction Guaranteed Call and See . Dr. Eldridge's Unbreak able Gumlite Plate. If you are intending to har your teeth extracted t and de. sire plate work, come to my office. , No charge for . extractions where plates or bridges are or dered. PAINLESS DENTISTRY $10.00 for .Twentieth 'Century Plates $5.00 for Nature Expression Bridgework Etdriedge DENTIST 303 State St.. Sam - Oregon . pen for clean cotton rags STATESMAN BE F ILED 3 on the: pavement, bat next lyour WEST1NGH0USE Elec nrtPPSf-i ! " . "". . - - ' r 1- T $5100 u. N't $35.00; Corner Ferry and High StreeU PAGEFIVD consider Frank Miller of Albany: as a successor to Mr. Bean. Mr. Miller was appointed a member, ot the public service commission la 1907-when Oswald vWesJ resigned " to become governor. - Mr. MUler later was elected to tbe of nee and ienred tor a period ot eight, years'. Besides i serving' as publio service commissioner. Mr. Miller was a ' regent of state normal schools for a number ot years and ' has held . numerous ether offices of public trust. - 1 " Prominent republicans said that Mr.' Miller ' was the logical man, " for the office of publie service . commissioner for the reason that he once served as a member 4ot the body and is a" resident of, section "of the state not represent ed on the commission at the pres ent time. The two ' remaining members of he commission are H.v H. Corey, representing the-eastern Oregon district, and O. H. Bortzmeyer, a resident of Port land. The name of Fred Bnchtel ot Portland, ex-member of the pub lic service ; commission., also' was mentioned here today in connec tion with the appointment ot Mr. Bean's successor.' AIRPLAXE ARRIVES LIMA. jPeruv July 8 ( AP) The airplane Southern Star, which had not beea heard from sincet H left France field. Panama, early yesterday morning, landed at Las Palmas air field at 5rM5 p. m.. to day. SAYS We have a 1D23 Dodge, 1924 Overland and 4924 Fcml. eqnfpped with Pkk up bodies. Tliese cars are in perfect con dition at bargain prices. IF mm "The House That Service BnUt" What is better on these hot summer days than a good cool drink of your favor ite beverage served, cold and pure?-And remember If It Comes Front Schaef ers Its the Best Drink in Town. Schael er s Dreg Store : The Original Tellow Front and Candy Special Store ot Salem. Penslar Agency 183 N. Com'l. St. Phone i 07 Sto. suitable for wipmg in PUBUSHING CO. Hi: 6 I- i -V