The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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1 J
i -
irf iniiiRpnnfi -'
C.ZIcms I and - Yancey Take
Off Despite Heavy Fog
at : Old Orchard
-, fCoatliraed f ronr Vs 1.)
rtade wetNmost of the , coarse
Wit 111 nT friend to hire kmn
Oj reason fcr cutting -tf own ofti,r orders.
Cat of Project . .
Fixed at S3O.0O0 j-.
The Alrrla, Transport company
f New York of whieh Williams
ta resident, was revealed as the
sekr ork the flight. Charles
Kaanagate.j New York - attorney
end Williams' business m'anag er,
tU the flight, Including the plane
rafck was purchased from Mrs.
James H. SUllman, had cost $30,-
The eoorse I as outlined by
Yancey will take the Pathfinder
nar Cape Sables, N. 8., then
at southeast to the "corner"
reaction of ship lanes, 1,000 miles
Old Orchard, then along the
4 Sat parallel to Cape Ortegal,
Sssda. across to Bayonne, France,
over the Mediterranean to
.Taneey in addition to rellering
i tt-iniams at the controls of . the
.aanoplane and plotting the coarse,
iwJSUke temperature readings for
JDr, James Kimball. New York
v waather man," whose adrice ton
AUanUc weather conditions had
depended upon by all fliers.
Continued from Page S.)
- .that Mr.! Slater, himself will
a Vie to tell yon the story of the
case, and much mora completely
. than -we possibly could. We can
aly guess. ,
The Frenchman nodded.
What are your orders?" he
- asked, j .
;- . "Simply j to keep Slaier under
tmrvelllance night and day."
That ;we hare done. We hare
sgaed two of our best men,"
"And we shall want to call on
'this Mrs. Earl St. Clair. You
- lunre the address?"
; -Ot course."
ij The Frenchman gaTe an ad
dress of a 'private home near the
' Bate. . ; -
-"We shall proceed tonight,"
aid the doctor. "The sooner this
Is ewer, the better we shall feeL
-Aad we hare nothing to gain by
delay. It would be best, under all
- etrcamstances, for your men te
'smart thei St. Clair home, both
treat and rear. Mr. Slater may
want to make an abrupt exit aft-
- wa arrlTe." , '
The- Frenchman promised the
faaeet co-operation, and both the
' doctor l and Inspector Man
tanked him profusely.
We'U Just stop at the Hotel
to wash up," suggested the doe
t i tar: "and j the .we'll proceed at
emao to the American: widow.' If
we karen't soWed the SeweS
f caaa tonight. Inspector, I'll be
i ' wery - much disappointed."
To be continued tomorrow)
j j (Continued from- Page 1.)
Taction of William Rosa, former
43efin the Hawaiian Unite!
States court, and two wealthy
uonoiula Chinese.
The search was conducted by
weraission of the state depart
ment and word was awaited here
py ike collector of xustoms as to
the eisposal ei Mrs. Kao and her
nabaad, who arrived on the scene
M officials were opening the
trunks. I ' r
Mrs. Kao was ignorant of the
contents, she told the officers.
ylng they were the property of
friends In China. . who influenced
T7o Hove lit!
New and Used Plumbing'
. Supplies 7 . -
Also New or ased pipe, all
siaee. Belting, all sizes. One
IS Herald Beach Band Saw.
motor attached. Also aew or.
. aaed took and many other
We buy and sell everything
&!en Bargah House
h SdeaJci Co. 1
320 N. Com'l, Phone 492
.;; Royal Anne
10 Cents
1 - i, . (For first class cherries) . .. . ;
i. - . , i ( . , , u
Paulus ; Bros. Paclring jC6.
- ! ; Cor. Trade and High; . " .
1. ' -r :' '' ' ,' - ' r " i
her to nse nor diplomatic prtrO-
ares to orta baggaga In. ;
. At ; their: insistence - she : aald.
she produced ; the certificates ' of
exemption if rom search v and 1 bad
them attached tcll piece of
baggage. She understood at t that
time, she declared, the baggage
contained "$ resents" from friends
to her friends la1 this country.
When asked to rereal the names
ox the people here who were to
recelTO the "presnta" she refus
ed, saying that as she now knew
they, contained toplum, those who
requested her to hare the bag
gage orongnt here "would surely
ou ner or nare . mends in San
jTanciseo flo away with her at
Before the examination of the
trunks here, John I McNaB and
Timothy Healy, prominent San
Francisco attorneys retained by
tne Kaos to protect their inter
ests withdrew from the case.
Representing the Chinese ' and
his wife were attorneys Aaron Co
hen and Vincent Surr. Before
the search started,' they protest,
ed rigorously on the grounds that
the search ! was a violation of the
treaty rights between China and
ine united states, under which
baggage belonging to members of
the diplomatic corps is usually
granted immunity from search.
Smith, however, who supervis
ed the searching of the trunks,
said he had ample grounds for op
ening them and did so, with the
result of th eopinm discovery.
Smith also pointed out that
Mrs. Kao had ' attached aeals to
the baggage, and signed a declar
ation that the baggage was her
own, and that the responsibility
rested on her.
Each of the cans contained five
taels of opium. There were ap
proximately S,000 tins in the bag
gage, officials said. At retail
rates, the opium would be worth
between 40. and 150 per tael; or
close to 7S0,000 for the total
amount, and possibly higher, the
officials declared.
Continued from PagV 1.)
chine will be imported frvwnl Wash
ington county.
The telephone company's orig
inal proposal was to place the
underground cable not' more than
16 feet, from the center of the
road, but the -county court ob
jected to this on the basis that
the ditch woold interfere with
traffic. 8 he telephone company in
accepting the right granted them
by the county made it plain that
the ditch' would be rolled down
and smoothed. In some places con'
siderable underbrush will need to
be removed to run the ditch 25
feet from the center of the road.
C. C. Aller, manager of the tele
phone company here - and E. D.
Schoenenbach of the Portland office,-
represented the interests of
the telephone company before the
county court.
Salem Girl Is
Drowned Sunday
Near Portland
Dorothy Alva HadnoUlaged 8,
daughter of David E. Hadnot of
Salem, was drowned In the; Co
lumbia -river Sunday night. - The
body had . not been recovered at
latest reports Monday.
The little girl fell into a deep
hole while playing near the wat
ers at the old Columbia beach.
She and her sister Rosa had been
visiting at the Cornelius Evans
home In Portland.
The girl's father operates a
shoe shining establishment in the
basement of the First National
bank, building. v1
Are proving the most satis
factory burner for Salem
FneL . . . .
Salem. Ore. July 8. IS 19
I am pleased to let yon know
that the burner you installed
last fall' is satisfactory in every
way. l am saving 2 on
fuel and have had no back fire
or other trouble. .
ii C. A. FISHER, ;
74$ N. Church.
For farther information call
372 or 2086 J
Oppcn, 695 Mm St.
.--r - M- - i i
Keep your aaoney ia Salem I !
Rites Scheduled for Today
at Local Undertaking
' Establishment
.... s- .;
Hundreds of frleads of the late
Louis K. Bean, chairmaa of the
Oregon Public Service commission,
who died suddenly hero Saturday
f night, will! gather this - morning
at 10:1 o'clock to pay tribute to
his memory at the RIgdon morta
ary. Following aervicee here the
funeral pracesslen will go to Eu
gene where' graveside services will
be held at the Masonic cemetery.
The services here will be' con
ducted by RT. D. H. Leach, of
Albany, assisted by Rev. Fred C.
Taylor, of (the First Methodist
church. Employes of the service
commission will serve as pallbear
ers and prominent Salem and Eu
gene men ajs honorary pallbearers.
Active! pallbearers at i Salem
will be James Bunnell, Herbert
H. HausefJ Vera Drager, A. F.
Harvey, WUliam : P. Ellis and
Carl Clear, I all of the public serr-ice-
department. Active, pallbear
ers at Eugene will be E. O. Immel,
W. H. Brooke, E. R. Byson, Lynn
McCready, Dr. C. B. Willoughby,
and Carl R. Baker. : 1
' Honorary pallbearers at Salem
will be Justice T. A. McBride,
C. P. Bishop, . Seymour Jones,
John H. Scott, George Putnam,
H. H. Corey, O. C. Bortsmeyer,
Governor Patterson, all of Sa
lem; Ed. Orstrander, Herbert
Gordon, Giiy Harris, Dr. B. H.
Williams, J. P. NewelS Jay Bow
erman, Fran M. Warren, all of
Portland; I Roy W. RItner, of
Pendleton' and William Handley
of Burns.
Honorary pallbearers in Eugene
will be Senator John Bell, J. H.
Koko, W. jW. Carkins, Judge G'.
F. Skipwofth, Dr. R. T. Burnett,
Prof. John! Straub, A. A. Rogers,
A. E. Roberts, George H. McMor
ran, M. LJ Roney, A. T. Cocker
line, all of j Eugene; Harry Keeney
of Independence and Gene Simp
son of Oorvallia.
No estates may be closed until
a clearance has been filed there,
in by the state tax commission ac
cording toi a letter received by
County) Judge Siegmund from
that body I Monday In which the
commission outlines the working
of the new lntagible tax law. The
court eiplained that the letter
was sent lit response to numerous
Inquiries being received from at
torneys folr estates ; and trusts. .
The letter continues: i
"A five Per cent tax is Imposed
upon the Income received from
money and credits subsequent to
December 31. 1928 In" lieu of
property (taxes. While the act
is retrospective to January 1,
1029, it did not become a law
until the jth of this month. Es-
Ill ,. i . , , . ... . ill
A ! , 1 , " -il .
Cleanliness, i
Fully Automatic,
Full Enamel Finish.
Lining a Rutt Restat
ing metal.
One Year's Guarantee-Free Service
Vacuum Cleaners ; Percolators Electric Irons
Toaiters Corona Cooker attaches to light socket
Bakes, roasts, boils, steams cooks on stored heat.
- -! i n r fir
03EC0H STATSSI1A1T. gatesi, tteSIt foe&ay Uonxln?.
tatea aloaed an and alter tie lat
ter data should: have either aa
Ita tangible tax receipt la tun or
ceruncaie zront t&ia omce that
nouxiadaa. i t
-"In-order 'to ' aid. u la deter-
saining the tax liability. It Is re
nlred that the administrator or
executor.fnralsh us a eopy of the
final account showing la full the
reMlpU and disbursements, duly
certified by the probata court.
-"Ton may ha Interested - In
knowing that Judge Taxwell of
Multnomah county, who handles
a -Very largo portion of the Ore
gon estates, haa volunteered his
rai - cooperation and assures as
that he will approve) no final ac
counts uhtil the requirements of
this commission have been j prop
erly complied with."
Quantity packing of both logan
berries and! cherries was started
at local canneries Monday, with
prospects for a steady but prob
ably short run of both. Cherries
are particularly scarce. Cannery
men said the loganberry crop was
not equal to that of last year, al
though close to normal.
A difference. of opinion -has be
come evident oi the question as
to whether all of the loganberries
will be taken, which of course is
an Important matter to the grow
ers. Some packers have predicted
that all will be accepted, while
others expressed a belief that
some could not be handled.1
Black caps and red raspberries
are also arriving at the canneries.
These are minor crops. The pro
duction of black caps promises to
be about normal, while red rasp
berries are slightly below average
IReid Murdoch ft Co., at the
West Salem cannery, are working
oik cherries In the day time and
loganberries at night, both of
which are coming in good tonnage
ibw.' They will later get a quan
tity of red raspberries. A few
strawberries are still coming in.
While they were running day and
night crews on canning and cold
pack strawberries, they had about
500 people in their working forc
es at that plant.
Lee Eyerly Is
Winner of Many
Honors at Derby
After winning the "air derby"
race from Portland to Silverton
Saturday, Lee Eyerly of Salem
took first place Sunday In the 20
mile free for all race staged in
connection with Silverton's third
annual air circus. Tex Rankin
finished second. Eyerly also won
the balloon bursting contest, and
took second place in the dead
stick landing event. " Eyerly
brought back with him a large
silver cup, , a plaque and more
than 1100 in prize money.
NEW YORK, July 8. (AP)
Al Singer, Bronx lightweight, out
pointed Carl Duane. Brooklyn vet
eran, 'in a ten round bout at Star
light park tonight.
Landers Frary and Clart J
: t : i ' . j ' ; 1 ' ' ' ' -
The Range With a Guarantee
The Range With a Pedigree
Built For Durability
i -
9 m r-Tif sKm
- .
Eastern Washington has not
equalled eastern Oregon la i the
type of roads produced according
to J. E. Smith, county commis
sioner, who was back at his work
Monday after a - abort , vacation
trip -made with Mrs. ' Smith
through eastern Washington and
the Idaho panhandle. , ,
. Mr. Smith found that the prac
tice of oiling roads was Just her
ginning In eastern Washington
while Idaho had- not followed the
system with the result that trav
eling that country was hot and
dusty at this tim of year. .
The Whea crop through eastern
Washington In the Palouse coun
try la excellent, Mr. Smith reports
although the Pasco district nas
Its wheat crop quite badly burn,
ed by hot 'weather.
Smith found that a large quan.
tlty of peas was being raised on
land owned by Indians, these men
leasing their ground to white set
tlers who cultivated the crop and
harvested It for two-thirds of the
peas grown.
As a feature of tonight's band
concert and each succeeding con
cert during the summer season, a
public address system, will be in
stalled and the musie of the band
will be relayed to listeners 300
feet away from the bandstand in
Wilson park. This system Is be
ing furnished through the courte
sy of the Portland Electric Power ;
Co., and Radio headquarters, the
latter firm making the hookup.
The band will be arranged in the
stand In a means Jwhlch will allow
good broadcasting.
.The program for tonight, is:
March, Impresario Hughes
Selection, Lady Luxury Schrbeder
Italian Nights, Waltz Tobani
Popular Numbers
Creme de la Creme, Fantasia
. Moses-Tobani
Vocal solos Oscar B. Gingrich
Heart Bowed Down Balfa
Don't Cry Baby
Intermezzo, Nola . - Arndt
Selection, Mile Modiste . ..Hubert
Pageant of Progress, March Jewell
Star Spangled Banner .
Windows Will Be
Placed in Store
Placing of plate glasd in the
windowa of the new location I of
the Metropolitan Chain Stores,
Inc., on. State street is expected
to be undertaken this week as jthe
room is rapidly nearing comple
tion, preparatory to its being oc
cupied by the new store which
has a 30-year lease on the loca
tion. Decoration of the walls
was under way this week, j A
large amount of store furniture
for the new business is being
built In Portland.
f , 1
JuV 5. 1929
Kiwanians Will .
- See Opportunity
-I. r Girls Tuesday
: 4 ' i . - v. -
Aa a distinct feature on the Kl
wanls program Taesday noon, the
Fancbon Marco '"Opportunity
Girls! Will appear towards the
dose of the luncheon through a
spedal arrangement ; concluded
with, the Elainore theatre manage
ment Monday night. Miss Salem,
ehoseik at a contest hero some
months ago, will befeatured on
the program. The theatre perform
ance of the Opportunity Idea will
be given Wednesday night.
The appearance at the Kiwani
club this noon follows the parade
through the downtown section at
nopn. .
Schools Clerks?
Reports Viewed
j By Inspectors
i . w
Audit Of all the clerk's renorts
for the school districts of Marion
countyl la underway at the offices
of j the county school superinten
dent. J. A. Rowland and Mrs. In
ez biegmund being in charge of
the work-which is expected to
take the remainder of this month.
For How Little You Can
Protect Yourself Against
"ravel ! Accideinits
$ 1 oO o
Will Purchase Every Subscriber of The
Oregon Statesman Between the Ages
of 15 arid 70 a
Don't spend another cent until you have invested: $ I for
this protection. You need it. Your family is entitled to
it. Take care of it this minute. Sign the application
below and mail it to us with your dollar. It will be the
wisest thing you have ever done) and yoi may then feel
secure for a whole-year! . : V
Here You
: Are
Just Sign
. Tic- i..
; the
Win Be
Thai annual audit required ay
. A number of clerks are sending
In their - bonds as prescribed by
law; The requirement at the
law; make ft Imperative that the
clerk of school district file a bond
of double the amount of the mon
eys Jheld la his possession at any
one ;time. ' '
GerhartTeske x
Is Held in Jail
1 Monday Night
S . .r -
j Charged with assault 'on a girl
of only six years of age Gerhart
Teske. 22. Is in Jail, with ball
fixed at 11,000 but not forth
coming at a late hour Monday
night. Teske was hailed before
Justice Small Mondayand charged
with the assault, but was given
time to consult an attorney be
fore! entering his plea. ,
Teske Is said to be employed
by a local garage company. Police
officials said Monday that sim
ilar: charges - had been made
against, him by other girls in
Too Late To Classify
Kf)3R RFTVT .Tart aV(Allinr
TlAJitArr1 ftirnnn ra vswl srtTwtw Keaa.
at 201 Oregon hldg Salem, ,
! . -" 1 ' -1 ! ' ; -
- ' . - " i ; '.-'
, Salem, Oregoa.
. Xou are hereby authorized to eater ny nbecripUon to
The Orejcoa Statesman' for eje year front date. It 1 ma
dentood that The New Orefoa Statesmaa la to be deUrered to
my address reguUrly each day by your authorized carrier and
I shall pay him for the same at the regular estUbllabedl rate
of. OOe per month. . . -ft. f .. ;j '
I am not now m subscriber to The Newt Oregon Statesman ( ).
I am bow a subscriber to The New Oregon Statesmaa .
City -, ,
I ' '
I " I am enclosing a payment of f 1.00 Policy fee. I am to?re
cdvo a f 10,000.00 TraTel Accident Insurance Policy Issued
by the North American Accident Insurance Company of Cbl
Hctt Subscriptions nxsif
Charge Lodged
Against Hibbert r
In Justice Court
Charges of possession of liquor
were lodged against Ernest Ilib
bert in jjustice court Monday and
ball, wak set at 11.000. Hibbert
is in a local hospital recovering
from a wound in his calf and his
thigh caused - by shots fired by
Deputy Sheriff Haskihs Saturday
night In a , raid on Hibbert's ;
moonshine Quarters near 8uverton.:
Hibbert was 'recovering well ac- '
cording to hospital reports.
Grave Wanted
OnRoads, Word
. i : . -4-
Rocking of stretches , of road in
the" Crooked Finger district wasj,
requested of the county court
Monday, when a group of ten rca
idents in that district came to f
the courthouse to. make their de-.;'
sires known. Several sections of
the road ire. in poor repair, the
petitioners claim, and they want
these patches repaired so, the dis
trict can "come out of the mud." i'
The iommissioners Indicated aft-'
er the. meeting that -the rocking !
would be taken care of. . -
i ?
be pad in Aivcice
! ...1
f f