The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 27, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning; Jane 27, 1929
Local News Briefs
Visit Former Resident Word
irom George W. Hag, city school
superintendent who is attending
tie UniTersity of Michigan sum
mer teuton at Ann. Arbor, states
that he has Tisited sererl former
Salemites, including W. C. "Bill"
Hoppcs, who was elementary
school supenrisor here about ser
es years ago and Dr. William De
Xleiae, director of the Marion
county child health demonstration
until last summer. He has also
seen W. H. Burton of the Unirer
ity Chicago who Tisited in Sa
lem last winter and who was for
merly connected with the normal
school at Monmouth. He is stay
ing at the Beta Theta Pi house on
the unlrersity campus.
P. E. P. Folk on Vacation
Sereral employes of the Salem
P. E. P. company bare started
their annual racations, among
them Harry Clark of the opera
tion department. J. I. King, floor
salesman, and K. R. Boyle, chief
clerk of the operating department.
Mr, Clark with his family has left
for a CO-day orerland trip to Bos
ton, Mass., where Mrs. Clark's par
ents lire, and other eastern points.
King is dividing his time between
here and Portland and will return
to work next Monday. Boyle will
return the end of this week or the
Xlrst of next.
New ' Sign Planned Walter
Low, street commissioner, and
Alderman W. H. JJaney hare
worked vrat plans for a new type
of street intersection signs, to be
constructed of sheet steel with a
steel standard, j They will be pre
pared by city employes- at the
Ferry street shop In their spare
time. , I
Hit Parked Car R. L. Mc
Cracken, driring a truck owned
by W. I Hutchins, reported to
the police that he backed the ma
chine into a parked car on State
street, between Commercial and
Front, damaging a fender on the
Runs Into Ditch Karl Hedges,
who was bringing a truck load of
berries to the cannery for B. C.
Zitlinsky, ran Into the ditch near
Mrs. Louis? Johnson's home Wed
nesday, breaking the front and
rear wheel of the truck. Mr. Hed
ges was not seriously injured. L
Fail to Stop Cecil Barnard.
Salem route 3, was arrested by
local police Wednesday - on a
charge of" failing to stop at a
through street intersection. Hugh
Adams, route 2, was arrested on
a similar cliarge.
Plan Alterations A permit
was issued Wednesday to R. A.
B'.evins to make alterations cost
ins 1150 on a dwelling at 35
Hickory" street. . ,
Speeder Fined C. Eali, 2261
Hazel arenue, was fined $7.50 in
municipal court Wednesday on a
charge of speeding.
Funeral- services for Rev. Al
bert F. Cramer 55, who died at
i. cvtnHlor Vinmp June 22. will
1UC JVUH."' - -" F
be held at the Geruan M. E.
church on Ferry street, Friday
morning at 10 oclock. Rev. P. J.
Seimert officiating. Burial in City
Vifrw-cemetery. He is survived by
his widow and four children, all
of Rex," Oregon, also four broth
ers and three sisters. Arrange
ments in care of Clough-Huston
Leonard Llbby, 1. died at a
local hospital Tuesday.. His home
is in Portland. Surrived by his
widow, Mary. nd one daughter,
Mrs. H. A. Leisy, of Portland;
aL two brothers, Frederick and
Steven Llbby of Portland, Me.
Funeral services at 9:30 o'clock
Thursday at the Clough-Huston
parlors, Rev. F. C. Taylor offici
ating. Interment Odd Fellows
John Crittenden Coffey, 72, died
Monday afternoon at the family
home in the Liberty district Ma
rlon county pioneer. Survived by
hi widow, Jane Coffey, three
on. Ernest, Ray and Ora, all of
Salem; "two brothers, Frank N.,
of Saleit, and T. S.. of The Dalles;
also six grandchildren. Funeral
services at 3:00 p. m. Thursday
at the Clough-Huston chapel. Rev.
R. Putnam officiating. Interment
nAA Fellows cemetery.
City View Cemetery
Established 1893 TeL 1260
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
mtkttst jitemorial
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just ten minutes, from the
heart oflbwa
Visit From Silvrrton Miss Ro
sella Richardson was risking in
town from Silverton Wednesday
afternoon. Miss Richardson, who
has taught in Marlon county
schools for seven years, returned
early this year from Honolulu,
where she spent two years teach
ing at a plantation school. Of the
25 teachers at the school, fire or
six were Americans. Five hundred
pupils were enrolled, with the
Chinese children leading the list
to far as scholastic attainments
went, she said on her visit here.
Japanese children were second
brightest and much ahead of white
children there. The school prorM
ed a series of cottage3 for the
teachers, fire or six teachers liv
ing together.
Birth Reported Births report
ed Wednerday to the county
health officer Included: a boy,
Richard Lee, born June 24 to Mr.
and Mrs. B. M. Gunsaules, 1984
N. Commercial;, a boy, Marvin E.
born June 23, to Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Greenlee of sear Turner; a
girl, Jeanene Celeste, born June
21 to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Conklin,
fire miles south of town.
Measlea In Lead Measles lead
the list of communicable diseases,
both in Marion .county and in the
state of Oregon, according to the
weekly report of the state depart
ment of health. Ten measle cases
were reported in this county, oth
er diseases including: diphtheria,
and spox, three each; tuberculosis
and mumps, two each; and chlck
enpox, fire.
Liretdey in North Maytor T. A.
Liresley and Virgil M. Stoliker
will return . Friday from British
Columbia, where they hare been
since the first of the week. Miss
Dorothy Liresley, who has been
visiting relatives in British Colum
bia the past two weeks, will ac
company her father on the return
. Attending Convention W. M.
Hamilton, division manager for
the P. E. P. company's Willamette
valley Interests, and J. F. Lee,
range salesman with the local of
fices, are in Seattle to attend the
electrical convention. Mrs. Hamil
ton accompanied her husband.
Music on Program A special
musical program will b the at
traction at Friday's Lion' club
luncheon. Earl Paulson is in
charge of arrangements. The
three minute talks by - members
will be continued.
Portland Visitors Andrew Vin
cent, local artist, and his guest,
Ralph Graham of Cheyenne, Wyo.,
accompanied by Vincent's mother,
Mrs. Jennie Vincent, spent Tues
day in Portland.
Coming Here to Live Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Robenau and child will
arrive here today from Astoria
and will make their home in the
Oscar Zeller residence at 912
South 12th street.
Mrs. Xorris Here Mrs. Helen
Norris, formerly a resident of thi3
city, is spending the week in Sa
lem at the home of her grand
mother, Mrs. Rosa Browning.
Motors to Yakima Joseph F.
Cuddy has gone to Yakima, Wash.,
to spend several days visiting his
mother aAd sisters who reside
Gone to Camp O. P. West,
scout executive, will return to
day from a trip to the boy scout
camp north of Mehama.
Dwelling Planned E. C. Stew
ard received- a permit Wednesday
to erect a dwelling costing $2500
at 1895 North Cottage street.
Find It Here
Furniture Upb
And repairing Qlese-Powers
furniture Co.
Crery nlht !:! to I it Oi
Marion hotet.
For Used Cars See
Vlck Bros. High and Trade.
Thomas Bros. Band
Mellow Moon Saturday.'
For Used Cars See
Vick Bros. High and Trade.
Old Time Carnival Dance
Crystal Gardens, Thursday.
July 4.
For Used Can See
Vlck Bros. HIh and Trade.
When Ton Think of That
Picnic, think of Lee's faney
milk-fed fryers, then call 133F2.
Free delirery.
Dance With Thomas Bros.
Band at Dome's Pavilion, McCoy,
erery Friday night.
For Sale -
A good 80 acre dairy farm. Box
394, Statesman.
Bny Money Back Guaranteed
Used car from Bonesteete Mo
tor Company.
The Simmrr Home
Or the beach cottage of your
friend can be brightened by a gift
from our giftry. Fomeroy
Keene. - -
VO Have It!
New and Used Plumbing
, Supplies ,
Abo New or used, pipe, nil
'sixes. Belting, ail sixes.' One
15 Herald Bench Band Saw.
motor nttacbed. Als new or
used tools and many , other
We bay
sell ererythlng
Salen Bargain House.
& Salem Junk Co.
320 N. Coral, Pfcone 492
DeLlslo Sails Basil de Lisle,
S3 5 North Summer street, sailed
Tuesday on the Admiral Benson
from Portland for Los Angeles,
where he will remain indefinitely.
Leave For ' Colorado M rs. C. C
Cannon and daughter, Patricia,
left Wednesday for Denrer, Colo.
They will be gone two weeks.
Visit From Portland Mr. and
Mrs. L. D. Pettyjohn were in the
city from Portland Tuesday, com
ing down to riait relatives.
Couple Leaves for Honey
moon in Honolulu;
Stars at Rites
(AP) May McAvoy, film star
and Maurice J. Cleary, Los Angel
es banker, were married today in
the church of the Good Shepherd
here. The Rer. Father Michael
J. Mullins performed the eere
mony. The couple left immediately af
ter the ceremony for a brief hon
eymoon In Honolulu. They plan
ned a trip to Europe in the fall.
Lois Wilson, motion picture ac
tress, was maid of honor and Ar
nold Hangar, of Richmond, Ky.,
was best man. Hangar came here
by airplane front Kentucky at the
request of Cleary, who is a old
Bridesmaids were Mrs. Harold
Lloyd, Mrs. Lloyd Hughes, Mrs.
Robert Z. Leonard, Helen Fergu
son. Edythe Mayer . and Irene
Mayer1,-all of the Hollywood Film
26. (AP) If the country's best
professionad and amateur golfer
are not ready for the open cham
pionship now they will not be
this year, for the long 72 hole
grind will start at 8:30 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
.Many of the start remained
away from the course today, rest
ing for the later ordeal. Others
spent their time in last minute
practice sessions and the rest fev
erishly galloped - over the course,
playing 18 holes and eren 36
boles. Leo Diegel, who has been
suffering from a lame back, was
much . better today and had a snap
py 70 on his last practice round.
Fred Baronl, Pittsburgh and Al
Alcroft, Youngstown, clipped a
stroke each from par by scoring
71. Tommy Armour equalled par,
as did Gene Sarazen.
Harry Cooper, the Buffalo pro,
farored by many to be among the
leaders, scored 76, taking seren at
the 13th hole. Horton Smith said
he was "arourfd eighty."
Rotarians Will
Meet All Comers
In "Shoe" Match
Rotarians who are more or less
expert at horseshoe pitching,
hare Issued a challenge to the
other service clubs for a "barn
yard golf" tournament' in connec
tion with the' inter-club picnic
which wil be held July 12 at Hag
er's Grove. Lyle Bartholomew and
George Vick are coaching the Ro
tary team.
Alas for Kent!
His Yacht Goes
Down into Bay
WOODSHOLE. Mass., June 26
(AP) Atwater Kent's yacht
burned and sank a half mile off
Wing Light in Buzzard's bay near
here tonight. Mr. Kent, radio
manufacturer, and the crew all
were rescued uninjured by a coast
guard patrol boat.
100,000 lbs. Cas
cara Bark and Ore
gon Grape Root
We also buy all kinds
of Junk
Metal, Iron, Sacks, Rags,
Paper, Etc
. H. STEINBOCK, Prop. .
Telephone SOS
145 Center St. By the bridge
,' :..
"' AH glasses fitted by us are
insured against breakage. -
Cost tree to -patient. The
only firm la Salem extend
; ins; this splendid free serv-
ice. Reading - lenses only -'
$4.95. .Thorough examlna- --
- ttoa included. -
if ll
If, I
Soldier Who Quit Monastery
for Army Quits Mo
' rocco for France
TAZA. Morocco, June 26 (AP)
General Freydenberg, brilliant
French soldier whs quit a monas
tery for the barracks in his 40th
year, in an order of the day to the
soldiers and officers under his
command in the Meknes district,
today announced that he was re
linquishing his command and re
turning to France.
The dashing red-headed gener
al, who won all his stripes from
corporal to brigadier general on
the battlefield was in charge of
the territory where the French de
tachment was ambushed June 10
and where the post of Altyakous
was besieged by dissident tribes
men from the Atlas mountains.
Army 'circles thought that he
had been recalled because of the
Interpellations facing the govern
ment on its Morroccan policy in
the chamber of deputies.
Freydenberg has been one of
the most successful of all the
French commanders In handling
the difficult military problems
presented in Morocco. He has
fought against the Touaregs, who
brought him promotion from, cor
poral to captain and gave him the
gash which is still risible a a
white streak through his flaming
rea nair.
LONDON. June 26. (API
The British government is under
stood authoritatively to faror Lon
don as the scene for the forthcom
ing conference of representatives
of the power concerned to consid
er the reparations experts' report
and for final settlement of other
questions connected with this.
The riew has been communicat
ed to the powers whose replies
have not yet been received al
though Germany is understood to
oe agreeable to the proposal.
It is pointed out there that it
would be difficult for the British
ministers it leave London so soon
after taking office, especially if
the conference is held in July
when parliament will be setting.
Makes Attack on
Worker With Ax;
Gets Jail Term
PORTLAND, Ore., June 26.
(AP) Charles Cralle. 26. lum
ber worker, was sentenced to 11
months in the county jail today
when he changed his plea from
not guilty to Kuiltv to a charce of
assault with a dangerous weapon
after attacking Chuck Nordyke,
May 12 with an axe.
Nordyke recovered from the
blow which split his head. The at
tack was the outcome of a drunk
en party, police said.
Travel, Traffic, and Automobile
Insurance, all for $1 per year If
taken through the Oregon States
man. Don't leave on your vaca
tion without the Insurance or the
Wttaeet pmtton r Ion f
9St Oncoa BUx.
Dr. Edith V. Witzel
Osteopathic Physician and Sur
geon, specializes in dlseaaes of
women and children
Office 328 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 77S Res. 391R
Refrigeration Display
Now On
Gulbranson Pianos
450 Court Phone 1708
Buy Your Favorite
Drink Here
Our clean up to the minute
fountain and the spick and
span attendants add im
measurably; to your pleas
ure of an iced drink.
We serve it to you clear,
cold and pure
Drug Store
1&5 N. Commercial
Phone 197
$600,000 at Bottom of Sea
Made Known; Wiley is
Ready to Fight
OLYMPIA. "Wash., June U
(AP) Someone talked out of
turn, concerning the 1C00.000
treasure supposed to be lying on
the bottom of the ocean in the
Steamship Islander and E. H. Wi
ley's intentions of recovering the
Aid as a result, those persons
here close to Wiley Implied that
court action would be sought
against the person in Juneau who
talked and the publishers who
used the Btory.
"Yes," Wiley's friends said,
"someone talked, but publishers
Will be SUed if further lernnnta nf
the activities are published."
viley, an Olympia man, had
been In Juneau, Alaska, looking
over the situation with intentions
of recovering the safe from 272
feet of water and had guarded the
story and activities well for
eral months. But somehow the
story got out.
. The Islander sank 28 years ago
off thecoast of southeastern Al
(AP) AttemDtS to trim- tho Tnln
Adams life savin tr boat frntn Pas.
cock spit were abandoned today
wnen on me tnird attempt to shoot
a line from the boat which is
beached opposite the wreck of the
Frelighter Laurel, the offshore
line parted efforts to remove tht
lifeboat will be renewed tomorrow.
Captain Louis Johnson, master,
and K. McNaught, second mate of
the Laurel, passed through Astor
ia today enroute to Cape Disan-
v 2 a a OTrt ...
yuinimeni. iney will attempt to
board the Laurel
search for personal belongings
left on the wreck. It is believed
here that beachcombers have
Binppea tne vessel ol all small ob
jects of value durincr thfl nasi four
Policeman Says
He Tried to Get
Money by Graft
PORTLAND, Ore., June 26
(AP) peter N. Forsythe, former
Portland policeman and erstwhile
head of the "state Detective
Agency", changed his plea from
Stetson Hats :
Schloss Bros. Suits
Elder Shirts
Men's Pull Over Sweaters
Rayon Union Suits
Holeproof Hose
not guilty to railtr an a eharr
of attempting to extort money to
day and was sentenced ata year
in the county jail.
Ho was paroled
Forsythe changed bis plea at
the opening of bis second trial.
Jurors at the fimbria! disagreed.
He is saidrto hare attempted to
extort money from Chinese lot
tery keepers.
Wo hare a late 1928 Chevro
let conpe fnlly eq nipped, looks
and nuts like new, has had the.
KiTLT? $495.00
"The House That Service Built"
Reg:. Weekly
Sal. 1:30 p.m.
At Oar Sales Rooms
271 No. Com' St
RITE Down Town
Don't Miss It
Bargain Day
New Lang All Enamel
Range With Pipe
Keg. Value $120.00
Friday Only .,
Store-Wide Spe- n r
cials Brooms CtO(
H. F. Woodry &
RITE Down Town
on No. Com'l St.
Phone 75
For Friday. Saturday. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday
June 28, 29, and July 1st, 2, 3rd., we offer the unre
stricted choice of any article of Men's Wear in our store
at a discount of
From the regular price excepting only MONROE
SUITS FOR MEN, at $22.50.
This Offer Includes Nationally Known Brands of Men's Wear:
Campus Cut Trousers
Ironsox for Men
Men's Golf Knickers
Rayon Shirts and Shorts
B. V. D. Union Suits
Castle Hats
AND FINALLY, 25 discount from the regular price of every suit in our stock, except our
MONROESUrrS AT $22.50. -
Sttcitte Stoestt
Distributors of MONROE A
Search Goes on
For Spanish Men
LISBON, Portugal. June 2fi.
WOULD you, eat food that was covered with bac
teria? Certainly not ! But that is exactly what
you do when you use food that has not beeif preserved
at the proper temperaure. Food may be partly spoiled
and bacteria starting to form without being noticed,
but it will not spoil if it is kept in a good refrigerator.
A two door refrigerator
made to fit into small
space. Holds 50 lbs. of
. $21.50
Refrigeration is a necessity and you can't afford
to be without it -
Buy an
Men's Fine Caps
Imported Soft Collars
Arrow Soft Collars
Neckwear. Imported Silks
Topkis Union Suits
Imported Straw. Hats
(AP) Spanish and Portuguese
seaplanes which hare been search- .
la tnr ih CnmUh frana-A Mantle '
plane returned tonight and re-.
ported no success. They will con-
iinneuneir eiiori tomorrow.
A three door porcelain
lined ice box. Heavy con
struction, i Holds 50 lbs. of
ice box toda
Court St.