The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 26, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    i This Friday Is Bargain Day! Where Is a Woman Who'll Not Grasp This Opportunity by The Forelock?
Fair today with some
clouds. Maximum tempera
ture Tuesday 75; Mia. 47.
River 2.. No ram; partly
30,000 PEOPLE!
" They do a host of things
every day. The Statesman
j. w&nta to publish all the
news; use .the 'phone to tell
as about your visitors!
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, June 26, 1929
r vnniMpr nmnnw
"Comradeship as Opposed
to Force" Hoover's
"That. Phase Intent of Kel
logg Pact," Says New
United States Ambassador Charles
O. Dawes tonight told a diniver for
overseas delects to the' fourth
biennial conrereii-e of the British
- empire service league that his
chief instiuctions Trom President
Hoover Lad be; to promote
'comradeship as opposed to force"
as arouer i;eivs?ri nations, me
Prince of Wales presided at the i
dinner as patron of the leasuc.
The ambassador said that phraso
"expresses my chief instructions
received from the president of the
United States as I left for London
to take up my duties as American
ambassador and to enter on offi
cial relations with the two great
English fpeakinp peoples. That
phrase expresses the Intent of the
Kellogg pact.
Service Men May
Unite in Slogan
"It expif.'b'ses a purpose in
which you.- comrades of the
American Legion may unite with
you. It expresses a purpose in
which former service men of all
armies of the World war, whether
they served with or against us.
may unite with you. To further
the ideal of comradeship as oppos
ed to force as arbiter between na
tions is to further the hope of
peace and progress and happiness
of all humanity."
Ambassador Dawes prefaced his
xemarks by a personal reference to
the Prince of Wales. When on
Memorial day the latter visited the
wounded and talked with them,
the ambassador said, "he went
straight to the heart of the
American people, not only as 'a
prince but as a man."
Prince Delighted -to
Welcome General Dawes
The prince had previously ex
pressed his pleasure at meeting
delegates from all over the world
and said the gathering was "all
the more important for the pres
ence of the American ambassador.
This Is the first opportunity I
have had- to welcome personally
General Dawes to this country. We
greet him as ambassador but we
also greet him as- representative
of the former service men of the
United States.
LONDON, June 25 (AP)
One of the first acts of the new
labor government has been to ca
ble the announcement to all the
dominion governments of the
British empire that Great Britain
Intends to resume diplomatic re
lations with Soviet Russia in the
near future.
Official confirmation of earlier
reports to this effect was made
Political observers believe the
labor ministry's move will receive
sufficient support from conserva-
' live and liberal members of parli
ament to assure approval of Brit-
tlsh diplomatic relations with
LEWISTON, Ida.. June 25
(AP) Raymond Matthews, 25.
who told officers that a single
ballet accidentally discharged
from a rifle he was cleaning pass
ed through his body and fatally
wnnnded his father. Lee Maun
K8. prominent Cavandish
mincV Taiser and grain gTower,
vu brought to th ecounty Jail
here today.
. mi VTT
c u
' (Jut Tnose w eeas: &o says
I j Walter Low to Salem Folks
Who Let Tall Grass Grow
Cut those weeds!
Couched in slightly more diplo
matic language, Walter Low.
street commissioner, is broad
casting that demand to property
owners and householders in Sa
lem who have neglected to make
their, premises neat and present
abler and his demand Js going to
be backed np with legal compul
sion. With numerous tourists pass-
through the city daily and big
convention crowds due to arrive
soon, it ought to be a matter of
pride with erery citizen to clear
away the unsightly weeds and
Call grass, but
Ordinance Is Cited
By Mr. Xovr
- If they, won't, do It as a mat
ter of pride, Mr. Low is going
to Invoke the enforcement of the
following ordinance;
In Trouble
I 1
. nc . It..' ... . ....
of Senator Thoai3 Hefliu, noted
dry, told the Judge in Washing
ton D. C. he was under the in
fluence of drugs when arrested
for Ttrivinz while intoxicated be
cause he didn't want his papa to
carry out his threat to take son
ny's car away if he got In trounie
with , liquor. Anyhow, Hernn
junior is out on $1000 bail.
The tourist stream through
Salem has been on the increase
since the coming of warmer
weather, it appears from registra
tion at the city auto camp, ub
Monday night 3r cars were regis
tered, and -tate Tuesday after
noon it looked as though the num
ber would be duplicated.
More camping parties are on the
road now than there were three
weeks ago. Tuesday afternoon the
city camp registered cars rrom
Wisconsin and North Dakota, and
other camps near the city report
ed that the middle western states
were having &nr increasing repre
sentation here.
Conversation with tourists re
vealed that most of them are tak
ing the trips for the pleasure of
travelling, but that some are look
ing for new homes, and that Ore
gon looks fine to them.
LONDON, June 25 ( AP)
The question of relative naval
strength npon which world peace
depends so much formed the sub
ject of a series of conferences to
day between Ambassadors Dawes
and Gibson. President Hoover's
righthand man in efforts to solve
the perplexing problem.
The American ambassadqrs to
Great Britain and Belgium were
closeted together this morning in
the American ehancelley, lunched
together and then again this aft
ernoon, exchanging ideas regard
ing the international situation in
general and the disarmament
question in particular.
1 f1
8etio 1. It is henhy ierlxni U fc
th dntv f rr oroDertr . oeea-
pant of ay property or person fcaTiaf
th ear ef a&aia la to ViXJ ot saiem
Orepon, to cut close to the fTona4 and
rntnava or destror all weeds. laisuez,
frras. or other rank vegetable growth
growing npoa the property ewaed ay saeh
persoaa, ereapir er in care af such per
son, or growiaf upon the sidewalk space
between the piuperty lino sad tbo cars
line, from time t tiaso whenever the said
vegetable growth abeve enaaterated to
a heirht of twelve (1J inches or more.
Sectioa 3. It is hereby declared to bo a
nifdesaeanor for any property
enoant. or serson having the
care of any
property ia the City of Salem, Oregon, to
(ail, neglect or refuse for tho period of
five (5) days to comply with tho dary
sad obligation imposed npoa all oaefe
persona by Section 1 of this Ordinance
aiter written notice a to do has heoa
served by tho Street Commissioner ' r
aav duly aathorised person, ia ale behalf.
Isctoia S. Any partes whs iKaQ vio
late the provisions at this Ordinance shall
bo deemed gaitty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof In tho Recorder's
Court shall bo vanished by a fine of not
less than S5.00 nor more than $25.00, or
by imprisonment In tbo City Jail not to
tsceca tea flQ) days.
jjjpl 'XihA
? VP" '
t ' - VX
( 'V
' I
I L- , irjr $Jfit j
Sanitation for. Establish
ments aqrJ Handlers'
Health Touched
Douglas, Purvine, Williams
on Committee Which
Framed Program
The city council will be asked
shortly, probably next Monday, to
consider a food establishment reg
ulatlon. which has been in process
of preparation the past two vceeks
by a committee consisting of Dr.
Vernon A. Douglas, county health
officer, Ellis Purvine, member of
the county health unit committee.
and Fred Williams, city attorney.
The ordinance has two main
provisions: First, general sanita
tion of food establishment prem
ises; and second, health examina
tion for food handlers. Enforce
ment would be largely in the hands
of the city and county dairy and
food Inspector.
Food Establishments to be
Carefully Inspected
. Food establishments, in the or
dinance described as any place
where food is preparaed for sale
or sold, distributed or displayed
for sale, would be carefully in
spected not only for general sani
tation of the premises but for pro
per washing of dishes and utensils
and to make sure that only pure
foods be prepared or sold.
The health examination, as the
ordinance now stands only one be
ing required for each employe, is
designed to protect food from be
ing handled by persons with dis
ease. A health certificate will be
issued by the county health officer
to all employes and owners exam
ined. Food Sellers Seem
To Favor Proposal
Members of the committee call
ed in a number of food establish
ment owners of the city for a con
ference late last week. Besides
the' committee and cafe owners.
present were: Mayor T. A. Lives-
ley, Frank Neer of the county
health unit, and the two sanitary
Inspectors, Batty Cooper and J.
E. Blinkhorn. Reaction of food es
tablishment owners toward the
ordinance was good, Dr. Douglas
said Tuesday.
At their suggestion, the ordin-
(Turn to Page 2, Column 1.)
PORTLAND, Ore., June 25
Eight Juveniles, branded by po
lice as hijackers, soda works loot
ers and bicycle and automobile
thlefs, were nabbed by Patrolman
Lillls today along with their 12
year old leader, whose name, au
thorities said was "Johnny.;
Johnnq, police said, admitted
he and the others hijacked a boot
legging establishment and sold
th eliquor for $19.50.
In the soda works here they
are said to have stole cases of
syrups and sodas. Near hospitals
they are said to have stolen auto
mobiles and bicycles.
All were turned over to Juven
ile authorities.
Mountaineer at
Medford Gashed
But Keeps Still
MEDFORD. Ore., June 24
(AP) Clay Biles. 35. a monn
talneer living on the Foots creek
near Gold Hill was in a serious
condition at his borne today, suf
fering from many knife wounds
inflicted last night by an nniden
tified assailant. He has refused
to tell anything of the affray
His two brothers who obtained
medical aid for him. likewise, are
silent. Biles received an ugly
gash in his throat and two deep
wounds in his chest. One arm
was badly slashed; The throat
wound ia within a traction of an
Inch of 'the jugular vein.
Tallman Hunt is
On Abroad; Tip
Anonymous One
LOS ANGELES. June 25.--
(AP) The Los Angeles detective
bureau today cabled London and
Liverpool to watch for William L.
Tallman, suspected slayer ot airs.
Virginia . Fatty more than three
weeks ago. The action was taken
when an anonymous tip reached
the bureau that Tallman sailed
on a British ship. The British
liner Parthenia cleared front San
Pedro Port ot Los Angeles, oa the
same day that, the Admiral Ben
son. coastwise -Tessel on which
Tallman was supposed to have em
barked for San Franeisco, left Its
Shall Scouts
Get Camp?
Up to Public
Contributors, six In number
came into the Statesman office
Tuesday to add their bit to the
fund for a permanent summer
camp north of "Mehama but slight
ly less than $100 was on hand
when the count was made at 6:00
o'clock and $200 was needed to
bring the campaign objective of
$300 to a successful finish.
Tomorrow The Statesman will
publish a list of all contributors to
the fund up to the present time
and it is hoped that at least a
score more local citizens will "do
their bit" to make tbe summer
camp a reality.
- According to O. P. West, scout
executive for the Cascade Area,
more than 150 boys will this sum
mer take training work at the
camp. Heretofore the scouts have
been forced to take their summer
work at camps provided by other
councils but with the erection of
a permanent camp cookhouse, per
manent floors for tents and the se
curing of a long-time lease on 37
acres of land near Mehama, the
Cascade area can now have its
own camp location.
West is very anxious to see that
the $300 is on hand this week to
purchase materials for the per
manent camp buildings. All work
on the project is being donated
Contributions should be mailed
or brought to The Statesman of
fice, checks being made in favor
of the Cascade Council of the Boy
Scouts. Judge Harry Belt, presi
dent of the council, has heartily
endorsed the project.
Two Men With Highway
Commission, to Secure
Park Locations
Governor Patterson appointed
H. B. VanDuser, Portland; Rob
ert W. Sawyer, Bend, and C. E.
(Pop) Gates, Medford, members
of tbe state highway commission,
and Judge William Duby, Baker,
and R. A. Booth, Eugene, as mem-
bers of what will be known as the
Oregon Park commission.
The purpose of the commission
Is to cooperate with both federal
and state officials in obtaining
state and federal parks along the
highways. Members of the com
mission will operate without com
pensation. Appointment of the
commission was suggested by Will
Steele, supervisor of Crater Lake
park, and has received the in
dorsement of many newspapermen
and other persons interested In
the park program.
Seek Forest Fund
At the next session of the legis
lature Governor Patterson will
seek the passage of a law au
thorizing the expenditure of funds
for the perpetuation ot forests
along the state highways. The
money would be handled by the
state highway commission.
Governor Patterson pointed out
that a number of parks already
have been acquired by gift and
purchase. Among these parks
and their donors are Talbot Park,
by Guy Talbot; Pilot Butte park,
by Charles K. Brown, K. B. Mil
ler and F. R. Miller; Crooked
River park, by the Great Northern
Railroad company; Saddle Moun
tain park and others.
Many letters have been received
by Governor Patterson urging his
indorsement of the park program
Institute Will
Open at Chamber
This Morning
The business institute at the
Salem chamber of commerce
rooms, conducted under the aus
pices of the Oregon State College
extension service, will open at 10
o'clock this forenoon.
Today's program includes a
lecture at 10 o'clock by Prof. H.
T. Vance, "Advertising and Win
dow Trimming;" Prof E. E. Bos
worth at 2 p.m., "Turnover in
Business;" Prof Vance again at
8 p.m.. "Retail Selling."
Young Women "Hifce"
Cross Continent in
Time of Two Weeks
Misses Alice Morgan and
Anna Tracy left New York
City two weeks ago to walk
across the continent. They
reached Salem Tuesday
and admitted that they had.
n't walked much. The girls
say they expect to "hike
to Baa Francisco by tomor
row night.
From Portland to Salem
Miss Morgan and Miss Tra
cy were given at lift byr Cap
tain W. H. Patterson, mem
ber of too state board of pi
lot commissioners, and
Frank J. Smith, hUtartau of
tbe Oresost Steamboat Meat's
Tbo young women said
they left New York with
924 attd -expected to have
enough left to eat on when
they reach San Francisco.
Public Schools Not to be
Used for Prohibition
Pamphlet on Subject of
Liquor to be Avail
able on Demand
(AP) The treasury department
does not intend to use the public
schools as a medium for dissemin-,
ating propaganda favorable to pro
Announcement of this policy ;
was made late today by prohibi- j
tion Commissioner Doran after the
IUUIAVCLIIUU ML 0 laiu I'll 171, IU" f
taming slogans supporting prohi
bition and an admonition to teach-:
ers to help law enforcement in
their work, by Edna B. Sutter, di
rector of the statistical and educa- j
tional division of the prohibition
Commissioner Doran issued the i
announcement following a confer
ence with under secretary Mills,
assistant secretary Lowman and
deputy prohibition Commissioner i
Jackson in the office of Mills. Ear- j
lier in the day Miss Sutter was
summoned to a conference with
Assistant Secretary Lowman deal
ing with the publication of the
pamphlet, which also listed eight
subjects for schools which deal;
with prohibition.
Radio Propaganda
Not Given Approval
Miss Sutter also was quoted in
newspaper articles as having said
she hoped congress would later i
anDroDriate funds to enable the
bureau to disseminate prohibition j
propaganda over the radio and in
the newspapers. High treasury of
ficials said they had not heard or
the plan nor approved it.
Citing that the last session of
(Turn to Paso , Column 1.)
ASTORIA, Ore., June 25 (AP) j
-The 2800 men and officers at
tending the Oregon National guard
training camp here slept in pup
tents tonight and tomorrow morn
ing wil lembark on special trains
for their home cities.
All of the big tents were struck
and packed away today and the
principal units of equipment load
ed on freight cars. Troop move
ment will start early omorrow
m'orning and the last unit will
have entrained by late afternoon.
Salem's contingent will be on
the first train to leave the camp,
pulling put for home at t o'clock
this morning. Tbe outfit is sched
uled to arrive at the Southern Pa
cific depot here at 1-2:10 p. m.
MADRID, June 25 (AP)
Ships and airplanes of four na
tions united today in the search
for Major Ramon Franco, Spanish
ace who with three companions
left Cartagena on Friday for the
Azores on the first leg of a round
trip flight to New York.
The Spanish government main
tained its hopes that they would
be found safely somewhere, eith
er on land in some remote spot or
aboard a small vessel unprovided
with wireless. Nothing has been
heard of tbem since Saturday,
when a message purporting to
announce their landing in the
Azores was picked up by a Portu
guese ship.
Starts on Trip
To New York in
Tiny Skin Boat
. JUNEAXT. June 25. (AP) Al
bert Voight of Los Angeles will
start tomorrow on a second at
tempt to sail from Alaska to New
York alone in a walrus skin boat.
He started from Seward several
days ago but because of rough
water he abandoned his attempt
and came here today, saying he
would start tomorrow. By starting
farther south he hoped to -avoid
rough water. He will go by way of
the Panama Canal and expects to
reach New Tork In five or six
(.VP) Thorwald (Thunder)
Johnson of St. Paul and Owen
Hanghland of Minneapolis, pass
ed the it honr mark at 7 o'clock
tonight In their efforts to heat the
world's endurance flying record ot
17 S hours, $2 minutes and one
second. -
i n
Happy Over Their. New Job!
H -r &
.V .A'V.'.V.-,-.W.
if ST j r.y -
,v l at J?
1H i 114 ?
xmp J III III 111 ii , ,n.f
These Salem young women have tho honor of being the first op
erators of the elevator In the county courthouse. Theresa Kirech, left,
and Mirgaret Cram, right, divide the work, the former working in
the morning and the latter in the afternoon.
Erection of Post's Men to
be Made at Next Meet
of Local Group
Preparations to entertain le
gionnaires from all parts of the
state at the American Legion
convention here August 8, 9 and
10, were sidetracked momentar
ily by Capital Post No. 9 at its
meeting Tuesday night, while
matters connected with its own
participation were brought up.
With a membership of 1156.
Capital Post Is entitled to 14
delegates, the largest number in
its history. For the 14 seats in
the convention hall and the 14 of
fices of alternate, 86 nominations
were made and it was announced
that additional opportunity would
be given at the next meeting,
when the election will be held.
Nominees Are Listed
To Be Voted Next Time
Members nominated include
Commander Douglas McKay, Na
tional Committeeman Vic Mac
Kensie, Don Wiggins, Brazier C.
Small, Carl D. Gabrielson, Carl
Nelson, H. D. McMillan, Frank
Moore, Dr. W. Carlton Smith, H.
G. Maison, Herman Brown, Lew
is Campbell, Carle Abrams, Wil
liam Blackley, Adjutant Raymond
H. Bassett.
Gus Wysong, John Brady,
George Averill, Lewis Stanley,
Newell Williams, Leo Page, Hol
lis Huntington. Karl Hinges. Roy
Keene, E. E. Burch, Lee Mc Al
lister, Bert Victor, Max Page,
Karl Steiwer, Onas Olson, Lloyd
(Turn to Pago 2, Column 1.)
Hunt Cannery to
Be Open Today
' To Public View
Managers of the big Hunt can
nery on North Front street are
to hold open house to their
friends this afternooon.
-They will be pleased to show
visitors through the plant, and
explain its operations, for they
have installed a lot of Improve
ments, and especially a number
that will give an Idea of how san
Itary the canning of fruits can he
made nnder up to date conditions.
with the latest appliances.
.The entire plant will be open
to inspection, and the friends of
the managers In Salem are espe
cially invited to call and partici
pate In the tour ot inspection lit
- X K
Young Men Near Myrtle
Point All Perish In
MARSHFIELD, Ore., June 25.
(AP) A premature explosion
of a charge of dynamite killed
four men clearing stumps for a
logging road near Rock Creek,
seven miles west of Myrtle Point,
late this afternoon. All resided in
and near Myrtle Point.
The dead:
Rush Yoakum, 25.
Charles Christian, $2.
Ralph Thomas, 34.
Floyd Skinner, 30, survived by
his widow and two children.
Charles Thomas, who heard the
explosion, went to the scene and
found all four men dying. He said
tho men had been blasting a spar
tree and were leaving the vicin
Mrs. Susan Varty Named as
President of Business Club
At Annual Election Tuesday
Mrs. Susan Varty was elected
president of the Salem Business
and Professional Women's club at
the annual election held Tuesday
night when the club held a dinner
meeting at the First Presbyterian
church. Mrs. Varty will be as
sisted during the year by; Mrs.
Grace Sehon, vice president; Miss
Mary Sheldon, corresponding sec
retary; Mrs. Maude Pointer, re
cording secretary; Miss Ruth
Moore, treasurer. The officers
will be installed at the next meet.
tag, July 23.
Officers for tbe east vear have
been: Miss Josephine Shade, pre.
sident; Miss Signe Paulson, vice
president; Clara McNeill, corres
ponding secretary; Hiss Phebe
McAdams, recording secretary;
atom Toder. treasurer. The elnb
presented a silver bon-bon dish
to. Miss Shade In appreciation of
her work in guiding the group,
Mrs. Varty making the presenta
Report of retiring officers and
committee chairmen marked the
evening at which 12 members
and friends were present Presi
dent Shade's ' report showed a
membership of 108. 17 of whom
were new In lilt, and declared
the year a successful one. Out
standing feature of tbe year was
School Board Opposed to
Purchase of Trucks
for District
Many Phases of Problem
of Transportation Up
at Meeting
Dr. H. H. Olinger, chairman of
the Salem school board, and W.
H. Burghardt, clerk, were author
ized to enter Into negotiations
with J. E. McClean of Salem and
to complete contract if satisfac
tory arrangements are evident for
transportation of pupils from oat
lying districts to the local high
school, at Tuesday night's school
board meeting. Motion to that ef
fect was made by Director Frank
Neer. Negotiations will call for a
two-year service.
Neer's motion brought to a par
tial close several weeks of consid
eration of the transportation prob
lem placed upon high school dis
tricts through enactment of the
last legislature, and at the same
time his motion brought before
the board more clearly than ever
an me ranimcauons or tne im
porting" of pupils. The board
early went on record as opposing
entering into the bus business for
itself, due largely to a feeling that
another legislative session may see
fit to cancel the law, thereby leav
ing the district with a number of
"white elephants."
Numerous Problems
Bob Up Before Board
Problems which bobbed up at
Tuesday night's meeting and had
not been previously discussed in
cluded: drivers for the busses;
routes to be established and who is
to establish them; discipline to be
maintained in busses; number of
pupils to be transported in each
bus. Discussion of liability in case
ot accident was also indulged, the
paramount question being wheth
er or not the district will be lia-
'ble when it simply contracts for
use of a bus. The clerk read
statement prepared by W. M.
Smith of the state superinten
dent's office from previous cases,
in which it was found school dis
tricts were not held liable in such
instance. Whether or not the
board of directors would be liable
was held a different proposition,
dependent npon facts in the case.
Several members stated that
McClean had told them he intend
ed to hire high school boys to
drive some of his fleet, this asser
tion meeting some incredulity.
McClean could, of course, hire
such boys cheaper than older per
sons. The board will hold an ad
(Turn to Pago 2, Column ?.)
If suggestion made by Dr. H. H.
Olinger,. at last night's school
board meeting should bear fruit,
Salem high school will follow the
lead of Willamette university and
take unto itself a graduate man
ager. Olinger, following discus
sion of student body finances and
the present method of handling
them, asserted that the student
body could well afford to pay a
graduate manager, giving him a
generaous percentage and still
come out ahead. Board members
offered scant opinion.
establishment of the scholarship
loan fund. Miss Shade recom
mended a printed yearly program;
establishment of a contact com
mittee; earlier selections; and clab
membership In the ebamber of
commerce, among other things.
in addition to reports from
each of tbe officers, reports were
given bv: R. Phebe McAdama.
finance: Hetta Field, lerislativs
Blanche Isherwood, publicity, Dr.
Mary Purvine, cooperation; June
v nupot, education and personnel
research: Susan Varty. hosnltal-
ity; Grace Gilliam, headquarters;
Emily Howard, membership;
Grace Sehon. health. Miaa ail. '
Mam's report showed $1500 In tho
fond for a lot; the club proposes
to build Its own elnb house m
soon as a suitable location ' Is ---
found. . -. . ' -
Picnics This Summer . t
Tor the remainder of the sum
mer, tho business women will
hold picnic meetings, at which '
any business will be taken care
of. The latter part" of July tho ;
local group plans to unite . with
Oregon ; City clab and possibly -those
from other towns close for '
a picnic ' ' .
Guests present at last night' ;
meeting Included " Miss Julia
Spooner of Portland and Mrs. Ma.
dalene Callin. , ':'-;":
any hour of the afternoon.
- ' ' V-