The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 25, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, nesdar Morning, June 25, 1929
. C&luunhia Crew Comes Down Winner in Hectic
I ' . : : - ' . . , t : "
. - 1 C t .anBnaw I
7 , ft . rupa?
1IU wk - IK CaHLXU 1 1M.
i J.yfr'. ix c-nl '
Washington Comes Second
in Regatta; Confusion
Pervades Finish
Pousrhkeepsie, N. Y., June 24.
(AP)--Columbia captured
the classic four mile varsity
championship of the lntercol-
legiate rowing regatta here
today. A crew swamped near
.the finish line and it appar
ently was California. Wash
' ington was second, navy third.
t It was one of the most hec
tic finishes ever witnessed in
the Hudson river, one craft
going down in the final mile,
the others limping across the
finish line.
l ne wnoie . pageant was
wreathed in semi-darkness; it
was impossible immediately
to determine any places but
the first three.
The officials were as much
tamped as anyone. A wild burst
1 of delirium greeted the post of
Columbia as the leader, replacing
California's Golden Bears as the
world champions.
' Nvjr Comes la Third
Coltmbla swept back up the
course triumphantly after winning
by three good lengths from Wash-
Inptnn whlrh -or mm mnnnA Wash.
Ington was far ahead of Nary who
was In third place. Wisconsin
appeared to hare taken fourth
place with Cornell fifth and Penn
sylvania sixth. Syracuse and M.
I. T. failed to finish. A crew be
lieved to be California, swamped
near the finish line.
The officials' launch went over
to confer witfc the officials on the
stationary boat at the finish and
there was a long lapse of time after
Columbia's number was posted as
the winner.
, In the confusion attending the
wildest finish on record the offi
cials failed to post the time out
side of their placard announce
xneut that Columbia won the race.
In the weird half light of dusk
some doubt appeared as to wheth
er Pennsylvania, who was given
sixth plaee unofficially, finished at
Disasters Unparalleled
The big race was one ' of un
mixed superlatives. It contained
the greatest field and it witnessed
the worst disasters in recent his
tory of college rowing. The weak
er crews were forced out under
the terrific pace, one boat even
going down and forcing its crew
to swim to nearby crafts. The
expected duel between California
td Columbia never materialized.
was first the navy and then
Washington that challenged Cap
tain Horace Davenport and his
victorious mates.
One thing positively certain
about the race was Columbia's
smashing superiority1, which
brought the championship te New
York after a year's lapse.
22 Minutes, 7 Seconds Time
Pendins an official check of the
wftmltv fniish. a comparison of
available reports gathered at the
boathouses Indicated the final or
der behind Columbia was Wash
ington, ' second; Pennsylvania,
third; Navy fourth and Wisconsin
fifth and last. Cornell reported
fts shell broke under the weight
of water near the finish and the
lthacians 'thus Joined M. I. T,
Syracuse and California among
those swmped. , The unofficial
time for Columbia was 22 minutes
7 2-5 seconds.
Vacation time is here, have The
rirprnn statesman mailed to you
while you are gone. Fifty cents
per month anywhere, rnone ouw,
we will do tbe re?t.
no IS
WECT Or TAB .LiV MBEUun a mu
Amount ? P1 ,tMlL Ko
Set Iom-. wit r.5fi4T
TtoTMDtitnrM -S7.2 12.802.56
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TUfX Mntonl AUU.e l jf,,
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WlWtW 4 9 low - -
Ttol nCnHMe $10,204,37.T5
Cr W af aoTiSlt
MUUsainr ritks - -uV"
Dai f solMioa sua sroKWW-.
in ttkr " - - v
yuaOTSsliroBEoojf roa in
: . 1 As-vtata fa
yw prto. .ja,YaT
paU Marine th yr T3T.T10.T1
Vm i( Cwur-iHmw '
taal CnwnJtT Cmpnny. .1-- .
. K.Kent-J- .
NnaM f ScnUry-4(dwia X. Hit.
SUtntorr, tl4nt attornay far iw
14 Innings Required by In
vaders to Return Home
With Scalps-
(First Half Final)
" W. I
Lontrlew . 8
Kelso 6
Mt. Scott ; 4
Albany . ; 3
Salem ....3
Montavilla 2
Sunday Scoreo
At Salem Albany 12. Salem
10. (14 innings.)
At Kelso Mt. Scott 4. Kelso 3
(10 Innings.)
At Portland Longview 6. Mon
tavilla 0
Wen TnH
PniUdelpaln 44 IS
St. Lovia (S) 85 25
Xtm Tort , J 24
Dctrwt (t) IS SO
CUraUaft 18 10
Wathinctom 14 11
Chea : IS 41
Boato - , , , . IS 44
6t. Uisi
Won I -t
Kt Yrk
. ss
. S4
. 1
. 15
. IS
Baaalta Tastarday
At Saw York 4. Philadelphia 7.
At St. Laaia 6. Chic; 5.
At Cleretind 7. Detroit 8.
Humphries, 3b ....2 0
ms is
A NOTHEK foreign war will
l get under way at the
Yankee Stadium, New York
City, on the night of June 27th,
when Max. Schmeling, German
heavyweight, who resembles Jack
Dempey in looks, and Paulino Uz
cudun, Spanish tree whittler
from the Basque country, square
off in-the main 15-round event of
the show being sponsored by.
Gotham's big Milk Fund organixa
tkm -
In view of the present heavy
weight situation, this Panlino
Schnteling attraction is by no
means a small time affair. In
fact, it is Just about as good a
bout as anything which could be
arranged at present. Dempsey's
future plans are still rather vagu?.
toharkey is being kept in the barn'tmay soon work bis way up to the
for a show later in the Summec
and Schmeling vs. Uzcudun should
draw enough fans to pack the ball
park, which is considerable in the
way of packing.
Max gathered a host of new
admirers when he polished off
Johnny Bisko, Cleveland. Baker
Boy, and the tough Basque,
though a rather .crude- boxer,
clicks with the fans.
Both these foreigners are con
sidered menaces in the ranks of
the heavyweights. Their New
York duel will eliminate one of
the pair. It should be a grand
battle as there is a lot at stake.
The winner will likely get another
engagement possibly against
Sharkey later rn the Summer
and will be in a spot where he
Paulino has a line of reasoning
to show why he expects to be the
next champ. He says that neither
Schmeling nor Sharkey can stand
swift gruelling for more than 10
rounds. Both these battlers have
been knocked stiff twice. Uzcu
dun has never been flattened. So
Paulino figures he will be the next
king of the roost. The Basque
may come through at that, espe
cially over a 16-round route.
The fans who are in the Yankee
Stadium, a week from Thursday
night, will see some terrific hitting
and then the fellows, who are wor
rying about Gene Tunney's suc
cessor, can mark another name
off their list after the tilt.
CoottUM. IK. King Feature SjnJlcitf. lac.
All! WOW
"Matter One of Good Busi
ness Judgment" Holds
Manager Gibson
BRIDGEPORT, Conn.. June 24.
(AP) James J. (Gene) Tun
ney, retired heavyweight cham
pion, in an answer today to the
$500,000 breach of promise suit
brought against him by Mrs. Kath
erine King Fogarty, of Fort
Worth. Tex., and New York City,
denid that he had ever asked her
to marry him, but said that he had
paid her sums exceeding $35,000
to "relinquish all claims on him."
On the eve of the second Dempsey-
Tunney fight, Billy Gibson, the
retired champion's manager, paidJ
Mrs. Fogarty 11 to sign a waiver
to claims on Tunney, and on the
eve of the Tunney-Heeney fight.
$35,000 to sign another release,
according to the answer, the pay
ments being made as "a matter of
good business Judgment."
All .her claims at the time, it
was further said, "were baseless"
but Manager Gibson fared public
ity Mrs. Fogarty might give to
them would hurt Tunney's pres
tige and result in lowered gate re
ceipts and would so unnerve the
champion as to Jeopardize his
chances of winning the bout.
Mrs. Fogarty charges Tunney
with having proposed in 1925,
shortly after her divorce from
John S. Fogarty of Ft. Worth, and
says she accepted him. He then
married "another person" Polly
Navy and Army
Resume Old
Football Games
(AP) West Point and Annapolis
may meet again on the football
field next fall as a result ot nego
tiations now under way between
8eeretary Good and Secretary
Adams, to end the two year sus
pension of athletic - relations be
tween the two academies over the
eligibility rule.
Secretary Good ; announced to
day that he Is now conferring with
Secretary Adams with a view to
reestablishing the relations which
were broke oft after the 1927
game. ' ,
All Statesman carriers pay for
all the papers delivered by them.
It you arm leaving or changing ad
dress be sure to notify the office.
It ought to be easy for some
organization In Salem to sponsor
a rowing crew. The Willamette
river is close at hand, and al
though few know it, a top notch
coach is also available. He is Ed
ward F, Stevens, formerly head
coach at Harvard. He forsook the
shell game" for the tire business.
Commenting on the Poughkeep-
sie regatta Monday, Stevens de
clared that Columbia won be
cause It takes full advantage of
such weight as its oarsmen carry.
A man weighing 170 pounds can
exert all the pressure that a six
and one-half inch blade can util
ize. The Columbia crew, coached
by Dick Glendon, is one of only a
few that have bigger oars for the
bigger men, to make up tor the
handicap ot lugging that much
extra tonnage.
No deaths from heart failure
have been reported as results of
the 14-Inning ball game that Al
bany won from Salem on Olinger
iiem Sunday, but It's surnrisine
that there were none. There were
more thrills and anxious moments
in those 117 times at bat than in
any dozen ball games ever played
nere in tne past.
Winning a 14 inning game mav
be something for Albany to crow
about; but it doesn't Indicate any
maraea difference in the relative
strength of the opposing teams. At
thav salem lost because its two
overworked pitchers couldn't get
meir "stufl" to work: and Albanv
had such a hard time winning be
cause it played grammar school
ball in the field.
Most ball games between Albany
and Salem are "dog eat dog" af
fairs, but for raw meat exhibitions
this one surpassed them all. There
was incessant yowling from the
Albany bench, climaxed by an of
ficial protest in the eleventh in
ning which will not be placed be
fore President Oass because Al
bany won after all. Manager "Red"
Rupert protested on the ground
that Barham should have been
ejected from the game for throw
ing an undamaged ball out of the
"Spec" Burke was Albanv's hit
ting star of the day, getting two
nome runs and a three bagger.
Bigbee got as many hits but they
were shorter, and he lost most of
the credit for them by dropping
three balls In right field, one of
which was charitably called a hit.
Mimnaugh and Wolfer got four
hits each, including three baggers.
Duffy also hit for three bases.
Cardinal outdid himself at bat
for Salem with four clean singles.
Lamb hit three times, including a
two bagger. Sullivan and Hafen
feldt got two hits each.
Russell, who had pitched a game
Thursday, was hit hard in the
early innings and retired after the
sixth, when the score was tied sev
en all. Barham, who had pitched
five innings in the morning game,
allowed three runs in the seventh
bat had the visitors at his mercy
after that until the 14th, when an
error in the outfield put him In a
bad hole.
Salem's runs were scored on
bunched hits and errors in the sec
ond and fifth innings, two more
wild spells on the part ot Albany's
The. boys' doubles tennis tour
nament, under the auspices of the
i. M. C. A. boys' department, will
get under way early this morning.
Seven teams are entered. All
matches will be played on the Wil
lamette university courts. Follow
ing Is the drawing:
6:30 a. m., F. Tibbetts and D.
Collier vs. R. Smith and C. Col
lier. 10 a. m. Biliingsley and Luns-
ford vs. Devera and Ostlind; L.
Smith and G. Tibbetts vs. Pierce
and Needham.
. Bye, Brownell and Bean.
The semi-finals will be played
at 10 a. m. Wednesday, and the
finals' at 1 p. m.
Third Inning Comeback on
Diamond Monday Puts
Papermakers Down
The American Legion baseball
team put over a big rally in the
third inning to defeat the Ore.
gon Pulp and Paper company
team 6 to 4 in Monday night's
Commercial league game. Five
runs were scored by the Legion
teamin that rally, on two hits,
a walk and several mlspiays.
The Papermakers scored one
run In ttfe second inning and the
remaining three in the fifth.
Heath held, the war veterans hit
less except In the fateful third.
Player AB R H E
Watson, c 3 1 1 0
Versteeg. Sb 3 0 0 2
Fabry. s 3 1 0 6
Greene, cf 3 0 0 0
Lauderback, lb ....1 1 0 0
Gessner, 2b 3 0 1 0
Clinton, If 2 0 0 1
Heath, p 2 0 0 0
Stribling. rt ....... 1 0 0 0
Graig, rf .1 1 1 0
Totals 22 4 3 4
American Legion
Player AB R H E
Huston, cf-. 1 1 0 0
Gabrielson, lb 3 0-0 0
Proctor, ss 2 1 1 0
Keene, 2b ...3 1 0 1
Matten, cf 3 1 0 0
Oestrlch, c ........2 2 1 0
Schnelle, p 1 0 0 0
Carson, rf .2 0 0 0
Athletics Win
Tough Game
With Double
(AP) The Athletics staved off a.
ninth Inning rjally by the Mtoa
Red Sox today to wla the first,
game of the series .by a S to-. 4
score. A donbla play eadd the,'
game when the Sox had theases
loaded. Bill Barrett and A. Bastoa
hit acsua for Boston.
The score:
Boston 4 11. t
Philadelphia ... S 11 1:
Russell and A. Gaston; Rommel:
Shores and Cochrane. -
DETROIT. June 24 (AP) Emil
Ydes southpaw offering Droughts
victory to the Detroit Tigers over
the Chicago White Sox here today .
13 to 4. Urban "Red" Faber wa.
takeu out by the Sox at the end oti
the seventh and Dugan finished t
!.o game. .
The score: i
Chicago 4 10 5
Detroit. .' IS 13 1:
Faber. Dugan and Berg; Yds
and Shea. f
ST. LOUIS, Jnne 24 (AP) m
The Browns lost to Cleveland 4 to
10 today and dropped out of a tie-t
for second plase with the Yankees'
who hid an open date.
The score: r
Cleveland 10 12 2-i
St. Louis .. 4 8 2 '
Miller and Myatt; Crowder, Og-)
den and Manion.
Read the Classified Ads.
Senators Walk on Loggers ou"Ield.ln,the ei&bth and ninth.
by 9-0 Count in Mix
on Olinger Field
Jenks, 3b
Wolfer, cf
Bigbee, rf
Burke, lb
Hecker, ss ....
uuf ry, c .
Harris, p
Stevens predicts that Oregon
State college will come to the
front In the river sports before
long, because of the enthusiasm
with which Its athletes have tack
led the sport recently introduced
at the'Corvallis institution.
Gotta hand It to old Wayne
Barham. He pitched 13 -innings
Sunday and had 'em badly fooled
in all bu.t one.K
"Red'. Rapert has lost none of
his well known scrapplness, but
this year he has a couple of prom
ising understudies In "Ike" Wolfer
and "Spec" Burke.
To say nothing of a couple
hundred or so In the grandstand.
Valseti brought an exception
ally fast ball team to Salem Sun
dav morninsr but it Droved no
match for the more experienced Dowllng, lf..
Senators, who won 9 to 0 in a Mimnaugh 2b
seven Inning game.
Emerson, former Pacific uni
versity all-sport star, struck out
seven batsmen, three of them in
the first Inning; but between
strikeouts the Senators hit hard
and often, scoring in every turn
at bat except la the fifth Inning.
Gibson Star Hitter
Gibson proved to be the Sena
tors' star hitter, getting a home
aM tmtwx s1ai, on1 Va VfllV All t
of four trins to the plate. Hauk Gibson 88
hit a triple and a two bagger.
The visitors made their best
threat to score in the fourth,
when they got a man on third
with one down, but the home club
pulled a double play to cut off a
Barham pitched the first five
Innings for the Senators and Del
mer Russell the last two.
Quinn, cf
Lamb, 2b
Cloninger, If..
Sullivan, lb
Sutherland, rf
Hatenfeldt 3 b
59 12
Cardinal, 9S....6
Russell, p 3
Barham, p .... 3
10 6 1
4 8 0 0
3 3 0 2
3 IS 1 1
16 3 1
0 10 1
4 4 6 0
1 6 3 0
110 0
18 42 18 6
110 0
3 5 5 0
0 3 2 1
2 19 0 0
13 0 0
2 I 4 0
13 2 0
4 j4 1
1 o1h o
15 42 IS' 3
Ex-Korean La
Bests U. of O.
Tennis Shark
Totals 68 10
Score by innings:
Albany 302 002 300 000 02 12
Salem 030 040 210 000 00 10
Struck out, by Harris 4, by Rus
sell 1, by Barham 6. Bases on
balls, off Harris 1. Losing pitcher,
Barham. Earned runs, Albany 10,
Salem 3.
Stolen bases, Bigbee, Wolfer,
Burke. Three base hits. Wolfer
Mimnaugn, Duffy. Home runs.
Burke. Three base hits, Wolfer
Bnrke 2. Two base hits, Bigbee,
Sullivan, Lamb. Mimnaugh. Sacri
fice, Hecker, Hafenfeldt. Doubl
play, Cloninger to Cardinal to Ha
fenfeldt. Time of game, 3:15. Um
pires, snea ana ftegier.
"Red" Ridings may have
dropped from the Senators' ranks
because he had no time to prac
tice, and then again he may have
decided he wouldn't even have
time to play Sundays. A great
light dawned on his former team
mates Monday when they learned! No.
that a marriage license Issued at
Eugene Saturday named Harold
Ridings ot Molalla and Dorothy
Del Bean of Riverton.
HAVERFORD. Pa., June 24.
API Donald Cram, ot Vender
bilt university, who as the son of
. ri.A (of niuiAnarr. learned
to nlar tennis in Korea, pus hed j C I 1tt& rr n Wind
Lhlmself to the center of the stage w Jw
V m a . . a 1 aaaa, - a
in the Intercollegiate tennis cnam- mj on T trir in
plonshlps today. He defeated dO"l OUUtlll
Bradshaw Harrison, ot the uni
versity of Oregon, who was seeded
No. 7, and eonswerea me aara
horse horse champion ot the 107
who started competition.
In a tournament last week Har
Speaking ot ex-Senators, "King"
Cole shut ont Montavilla Sunday,
Ditchinr for Lonrriaw. Coleman
pmCl Grayson were la the losers'
MARSHFIELD. Ore., June 24
(AP) John Henry, 32, dro-vn-ed
la the Coos river lata yesterday
when a speedboat la which he was
riding capsized after striking
floating log. Charles Braner, Henv
ry'a companion, swam to safety.
Dallas Battle
DALLAS, June 14 (Special)
Tha Silvertoa American Trinn
rison upset Julius fieligson of Le- junior baseball team swamped the
high university, the defending Dallas team 23 to 1 In a strictly
champion, la straight sets, but to- one sided game here Sunday.
day Seligson rod oyer two oppon- Dallas was hampered by an in-
ents. landing safely la the third jury to Cate. Its only dependable
round while Harrison was left by pitcher, who was prevented
the wayside. thereby from . occupying . the
The other designated favorites I mound except fa one Inning.
moved ahead unmolested with Em- Plett, Flake and Kelly essayed
mett Pare, of Georgetown unlver- fruitlessly to stop the Silvertoa
sity, seeded No. ' i, setting the lads' onslaught. Dallas' lone nn
pace' by resting in the fourth was scored In the third Inning,
round as a result ot two Victories.
Vacation time is here. . Be sure
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tion have the Statesman mailed to Travel Accident Insurance policy
yon. Phone 60S. before you go.
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lo maintain a ;k . v ; .
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a lucky m (BpBl
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