i i 3 I I I 4 ii j 1 1 2 ( - s 1 I it i ii 1 4 I V. a-- PAGE W. " The OREGON STATESMAN. Salen. 0iigMi,f Tuesday Morning, jane 25, 1929 Society N ews and Club Aff airs Annual Reunion i j Cottage An annual Tent which, has come to be a tradition "1 the pic nic dinner for the old Arenac Tennis dub tor which Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert are hostesses ' acli year at their cabin on the North Fork ol the Santiam river. ' ,Th fortieth anniversary reun ion was celebrated .Sunday with of the original 65 present who Wganlzed the club June 26. 1889. Sphere are 44 surviving members tef the original dab membership. Jb this group there are now 38 children and 18 grandchildren. Tables were placed under the 4mi in the yard of the Albert N 'cmbta.-' Here covers were laidior ?3 ' 37 mmbers and guests. Mr. and Mrs. A C. Eoff, Miss Josephine ' Albert, and Bruce Spauldlng as- V : aiated in serving. Mrs. Mary Mc rrtnrM. had charge of the dinner " ' arrangements. . - -One ol the features of the after - aitoa of reminiscing which 'fol lowed the dinner was a group of original poems written by mem bers of the club upon the occasion of the marriage of George u Brown, and Miss Ruth -Mathews. In 1891. Mr. Brown was married- In California and the poems were sent to him there. He had them hound and thus they were ready to be read as a surprise to those gathered Sundav afternoon. Original members present for the Sunday picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stciner, Mr. and Mrs. Max 0. Buren, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wigging of Toppenish. Washing ton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith, Mrs. J. C. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. 9 Otto Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sroat'of Portland, Mf. and Mrs. E. Shelly Morgan, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Crosby, The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Me Nary, Portland; Mrs. E. B. Lock tort, Hillsboro: Mr. and Mrs. A. NF. Giesy, Portland; Mrs. Gene vieve Mackie, Portland; Mr. and jfrrs. John Krausse, Portland; Oorge Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. , JOseph Albert. ; Special- guests for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Krausse, It HolTerson, Mrs. George Rog "fcrs. Mr. and Mrs. Asel C. Eoff, H ( -T Miss Josephine Aioeri, Mrs. jn-r k " - - n -1 T Cna ill in V Mrs. S.Willis Afternoon Hostess . i . . , .The Missionary Society of the Calvary Baptist church, met at the home! of Mr. and Mrs. S. Willis on Ho Pnrtland road. Friday at 3 In'clock'. Devotions were lead by Mrs. Ad- cc rurtla. Her theme was "Our Vfcion in Life." This was followed with a song "Serf ice"' by "a ladies " quartette ecmDosed of Mrs. Harry Harms, lire. Charles Davis, Mrs. El ma Mc Allister. and Miss Mina Giie. . 'Resorts of the state convention at Roeeborg were given during the - &f Lernoon's program. " A potluck supper was served on tfco'iawn'at'6:30; with 60 present- Eastern Star Club To Meet Tuesday nurv M. DoAJL.Socutv Editor Dainty for Warm Weather l727W rfSC- Patten 1727 Stoiesnsn 15c Practical Patten Miss McDougall is Honor Guest For Bridge PROGRESS HE ON VALUATIONS P. E. P. Co. Report Up to 1928 Soon Ready Says J. P. Newell An adorable little frock that la very easy to make, very simple to launder and very becoming. Is sketched today for the woe tot bit of shirring or smocking In tront form the sole trimming. Miss Louise McDougall. who I will leave for Europe July IS has been the Inspiration for many af fairs among which one of the elab orate was the bridge evening: for I which Mlii Xleanore Wright was! joint hostess with Miss Rntheda Rapid progress Is being made in bringing down to 1928 the pro perty valuations of the Portland Electric Power company, accord ing to a letter prepared by J. P. vhm i..n.ina. ttn. .. KeweL consulting- engineer, for i M ATTT1 Al I Visa Haval IaIihm mmA I - -.t.. ...i. , - .vuu.vu n-pron ntlbMc service sumV' payable ieml-annually. lr.ri. bid must -bo accompanied by a certified check for two per cent .) of the par value of the bond.- . . . The approving lega Teal, Wlnfree, Mccuuocn Bus ier will be lunuanea wu ful bidder. 4. The right is reserved by the Common Council to accept any or to reject all bids In the Interest of the City. EIXTtt JS. jjujvv. Temporary Acting Recorder, June ai-IInc Salem, Oregon. mity, plane, etc,' are perfect for this model, and may be had In delightful patterns and colors for youngsters. The trimming bands are in a plain color or white. Ma be obtained only In sixes 2, 4, C and 8. Size 4 requires 2 yards of The guest rooms were beautiful ly decorated with a profusion of garden flowers. Following cards the hostesses served a midnight J supper. The guest list Included the hon or guest. Miss Louise McDougall, Miss Catherine Corey. Miss Mar- the Oregon public service com mission. A copy f Mr. Newell" 8 letter to the eommislson Monday was forwarded to Frank Grant, city attorney of Portland. "Pursuant to your instruc tion,' read Mr.Neweirs letter, "your staff began a study of the additions and retirements of plant, property and equipment 3 Inch material and yard forjgaret Corey, Miss ClaudU Buntln, j tftt) dftte 0f the original vain trimming. . . - j Miss Vrances Ltwi, Miss Roberta , This model is earr to make. No MI11 Kliaabeth Clements, dreaamaklBg experience is aeces-i . d ' 5??tl. Mlw. sary., Eaclt pattern comes to you with simple.nd . exact - instruc tions, including yardage for every size. "A perfect fit . Is guaranteed. Patterns will be delivered upon receipt 'of 15 cents in coins care fully wrapped or stamps. Be sure to write plainly your name, ad dress; style number and size wanted. Our Latest Fashion Book will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents In coin. Address all mail and ord ers to Statesman Pattern Depart ment, 243 West 17th street, New York City. President Honors Her Executives With Dinner Miss Josephine Shade, president of the Business -and Professional Women's club of Salem compli mented her officers and commit tee chairmen with a 6:30 o'clock dinner party at the Market Coffee shop Monday night. The long table about which the guests were seated was centered with a low basket of garden .flow ers on either side of wnich were tall yellow tapers. Covers were laid for Miss Signe Paulson, vice president, Miss Clara McNeil, corresponding secretary. Miss Phebe McAdams, Miss Mona Toder, treasurer, and committee heads. Dr. Mary Purvine, Miss June Phllpott, Miss Grace Hen drickson. Miss Grace Gilliam, Miss Grace Sehcn, Mrs. Susan Varty, Miss Hetta Fields, Miss Emily Howard. Miss Grac6 L. Taylor, Miss Olive M. Dahl. Mrs. Blanche Isherwood, and Miss Laura B Hale. Dr. Mary Purvine Is Beach Hostess Ruth Pick. Miss Kathryn Goulet, Miss Catherine Laughrige, Miss Faye Driscoll, Miss Virginia Holt, Miss Virginia Sisson, Miss Wilda Fleen or. Miss Margaret Brown, Miss Frances Martin, Miss Julia Creech, Miss Mazine Myers. Miss Louise Wilkes, Miss Margaret Stevens, Miss Phyllis Day, Miss Cynthia D.lano, Miss Yvonne Smith, Miss Lorraln Klnser, Miss I s o b e 1 George, Miss Evelyn Ross, Miss Margaret Bean, Miss Fern Harris, Miss Margaret Drager, Miss Caro lyn Braden, Miss Dorothy White, Miss Esther Wood. Miss Margaret Wilson, Miss Ellen Hemingway, Miss Grace. Holman, Miss Velma TCTnmatt UU, T.a Vara C)ina Mrs. George Trott mker M Mariri GleB M Ow Wilma OImt. Minn Bnla. RaIIov. Miss Myra Belt, Miss Mildred Rob erts, Miss Margaret Wagner, Miss Jean Lunsford, Miss Margaret Heltzel, Miss Irma Babcock. Miss Edna Babcock, Miss Helen Olsen, Miss Elizabeth Waters,' Miss Lou ise Quinn, Miss Velma. May, Miss Sylvia Da Boise, Miss Billy Cup per,, and Miss Eloise Wright. Leslie Church Can-Do Class Picnic atiou, December, 31, J91. The net additions to the property, in the 12 years have cost approximately 325.eoe.e0O and have covered every department of the utility. The records of additions and re tirements from 131? to 1923 are summarized in the valuation re cords of the power company is mora, than 1C.000 entries. - But little,' If any, less than a million items have been entered in the primary records In the 13 years period. Obviously It has been lm possible for your stall to cover such a mass of detail completely Apparent Errors Few thereupon concluded that calcula tions of the rate of return earned each year by the utility In each de partment and of the proper ac cruals ef depreciation la each part of the property might safely' be based upon the company's records of additions, leaving all revisions and corrections to be made as of December 31, 1128. the date fixed for the present valuation. "We are now preparing a state ment for each year of the entire property. Including the original valuations plus net additions.' In these compilations there, will be Included all branches of. the utility. city lines, Interurban lines, gas. and no-operating, as well as inree divisions of the electric, in order that there may be- no uncertainty as to the allocation of any part of the investment "Studies are being made of op erating expenses, receipts and net earnings, and proper accruals for depreciations, with comparisons of the amounts aeutaiiy accrued. The complete analysis of the 1S1 valuation, due to the state's well organized . valuation , force, has cqst '. the. state ' not. to exceed 3,000' members of the public service commission informed City Attorney Grant. The 19 1 6 valua tion of the company's properties was approximately 355,600.100. Has Bridge Afternoon eeeded it appeared for a time that corrections of Considerable amount would be required, but further study so far' reduced the apparent errors that it became evident that the total" amount of additions would be but little changed. We NOTICE OF "APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed bv the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun tr of Marion as executors of the estate of John T. Lucker, Sr., De ceased, and that they have duly qualified as such executors; all J persons having claims against the As our investigation has pro-J estate of said decedent are here oy nouiiea 10 present iuo eauie, duly verified, to us, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, our attorney. at 203 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. ' Dated ' at Salem. Oregon, this ltth day of May. . EDNA W. LTJCKER and JOHN T. LUCKER, Jr.. Executors of the. last will and tes tament and EsUJe of John T. Lucker. Sr- deceased. AONALD q. GLOVER. Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon. Jll-18-25Jly2-9 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed br the County Court of the State of Oregon lor tne couuiy of Marios aa Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Ida M. Keens. Deceased, and tnai he has dnlr Qualified as such &x- " " " a . a ecu tor; all persons having eiaims ainat the estate or said aeceaeui are hereby notified to present the same, dnhr verified, to me, at me office of Ronald C. Glover, my at torney, at Z03 Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Datd at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of May. 1929. ARTHUR A. KEENE. Bxecutor of the Last Will and Tes tament and Estate of ' Ida M.' Kecne. Deceased, t - -: - RONALD C. GLOVER, . Attorn f or .vSxecutor. r . ,-. Salem, Oregon. ; M?8J4-fl-18-25 NOTICE OF "BOND SALE Sealed bids win be received by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m., on Monday, the 1st day of July. 1929. and im mediately thereafter opened ny the Common council of the City of Salem. Oregon, at the city hall in said city, for bonds of the City in the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000). described as follows: City of Salem Sanitary Sewer Bonds in the amount of 330,000.00 in denominations of 31000 each being dated June 1. 1929. matur ing in numerical order at tne rate of 35,000.00 on the first day of Jnne in each of the years is 3 w to 1935. inclusive, said bonds. to bear Interest at the rate of four and one-halt (4 ) per cent per an- SO WEAK SHE COULOimVALK Helped by LyEarE. Pmk hunf Vegetable Compound Gretna, La. "After my first child was born I took Lydia . Pinkham'a vesjatabio com- sty 7 'i 1 w pound for a run down condition. could not walk csees xey room at times, 1 was te weak. A friend induced sse. to take; the Vege table Cotopound. Since that time I have also taken Lydia E. Pink ham's Herb Med ian and the Pills for Constipation, and I have used Lydia. E. Pinkhanr'a Sanative Wash I am a housekeeper and I am still taking the Vegetable Compound as a tonic to enable me to do my work." Mas. E. F. Vickhab, 829 Hancock Street. Gretna. La. Lydia Pinkham Vegetable Compound For Sale at Nelson A Hut Drag Store Corner Court ft Liberty, TeL T Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ulrich will be hosts to the members of the Leslie Methodist church Can-Do class with a 6 o'clock picnic din ner Wednesday evening. It will bfe a "no-host" dinner and the mem bers will furnish the hot dishes and table service. The committee in charge Is Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ulrich, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Roseman, and Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Boyce. V f Members pt the Eastern Star, so cial club will meet for the last meeting of the year at the Masonic Temple Tuesday afternoon. There will ,be a program; followed by a tea. hour. v . V- Mrs.J)avid Wright Is chairman of the tea committee and rhelphLg her are, Mrs. Mtltoa. Meyers. Mrs Marv Curtis. Mrs. Harley White, Mrs. Anna Nlsson, and Mrs. B. B. Herrlck. ,, ' a a Word, has been reelved "of the -marriage of James Rettle, and Miss Lois Morris, in Fossil, Ore gon, recently. Mrs. Rettle attend ed Willamette university one year and Mr. Rettie is a graduate, of -the university. He has been en- need in Y. M. C. A. work in the east II. Halve rson, "once prominent in Salem business, was a Salem guest -of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert Sun day. Mr. Halverson whose home Is now In California Is Visiting his daughter. Mrs., Paul Srot of Port land. Mr. and. Mrs. Rich L. Reimann Jr have been house guests-of Mr - Reimann's parents, Mr.' and Mrs, Rieh L. Reimann, Sr. They are now " spending a few days in Portland before leavinc for their home in Los Angeles. . a a Mrs. Harry Rowe, and Miss Kathryn Rowe returned from Pcrtland where they spent several days last week.. While there Mrs O. K. Parker complimented Miss Rowe with a dinner dance at her home in Irvington. Mrs. Jessie Bush, Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps, and Mrs. Ltla Lee returned from Portland Saturday where, they had been attending the normal school session of the Moore Fundamentals of music Election of officers will be the feature 'of the 6; 30 o'clock, din- - ne. cieetinc of the Business and 'Professional Women's club Tues day night, June 25. at the First Presbyterian church. .- '.Dr. Mary Purvine entertained the out-going state officers of the Business and Professional Wom en's club at the Purvine beach cot tage over the past week-end. " The guest list Included Miss Mvjzelle Hair of Eugene .retiring president; Miss Cecelia Beyler, Astoria, new state president; Miss Leila Hay, president of Corvallis club, and Miss Katherine Jones, Corvallis; Miss . LaVerae-; Hard- wicke, president . of- HcMinnvllle club ; --JI rs. Christina L.inke, Mc Minnville; 'Emma , Sammertteld, Albanv: Oia Renaef. president oi the Oregon C3tjr3 and. P'W. club; Mrs.' May JTtyon, Rosea arg;- Alice tracting Its share of enthusiasts. "Those of the store staff motor ing over were Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Chambers,' Mr. and Mrs. C. Eller and famll-r.' Mr. and .Mrs. Loral Hutchinson, Portland; Dr; Lncetta Warner, - Lawrence Heeman, Mr. Smith, Roeebwrg; Miss Josephine and Mrs. R. Magee and family, Mr. Shade, president ef the Salem club and Mrs.-George' Pe per and fam- ana fljisr ntKU'rwTin- -uy, ana Mrs. t. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rue, Miss Helen Cur No-Host Line Party lBoggus and daughter Margaret, I Mrs. Mark Skiff was - re-elected w-m a tt llsari xvamaeyer, Air. anu jars. IjU-l occreiai j-if eouier rareweil Arrair . ... . they nd family, Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cn.-rrane.T Mrs. ceaton, Mr. and Mrs. George Trott was hostess for three tables of bridge Friday afternoon at her home. Garden flowers in large baskets and roses formed an effective decorative note about the guest rooms, and a bowl of roses centered the tea table. Honors were won by Mrs. Lloyd Le Garie, Mrs. M. B. Wag staff, and Miss Gertrude Savage. Tea followed cards with Miss Ca therine Beardsley assisting Mrs. Trott in serving. Guests were Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. M. B. WagstaTf, Mrs. Lloyd Le Garie, Mrs. John Pollock, Mrs. George Littlefield, Miss Gertrude Savage, Mrs. Frank Breckenridge, Mrs. Lawrence Cradlebaugh, Miss Catherine Beardsley, and Mrs. J. M. Devers. Sunday Picnic Jarman Beach Home The lawn of the D. B. Jarman beach home furnished the setting for a happy picnic Sunday when the members of the Penney store staff and friends motored over to Neskowin to enjoy a beach outing. The occasion, was the annual pic nic held each year by the. group, and it was also 1a compliment to C Eller and Mrs. Eller. Mr. Eller leaves soon for Oak dale, Califor nia, where he will have charge of j lunch was served at noon and fol- one of the Penney stores. I lowing this there was a program Following the picnic dinner, on I or snort talks and old time music. the lawn games were enjoyed on The Huntley band and-William the beach, cards were in play on McGllchrist, Sr., with his concer- the lawn and. swimming was at- tina and songs, furnished the ftu- 20DQ DLO TIMERS IT HI! L PICNIC . The annual Old Timers' picnic was enjoyed by more than 2000 people at the state fair grounds on Sunday. . The morning was-, devoted to re newing oia acquaintances and a general get-together. A basket 1 mgtsa effl WcfflSlmCBI? 1 U. v 0 sic. Mrs. Halite Parrish Hinges, who was expected: to sing was un able to do so because of threat! trouble. . Short talks by Burt Brown Bar ker, R..J. Hendricks, Judge L. H. McMahan and1 Frank Davy were enjoyed by the old timers- present. ; At the election or officers R. P. Boise of Salem was. elected presi dent to succeed is. M. crotsan. tMembers of they;OTUgerxf61krMrs. Forgey,. Miss . Gladys Jones. enjoyed a. "no-host'.' line party x. ana Mrs. js. u. jarman. Miss SatnrdaT -afternoon-comnllmentlnxLVeta Lenoa, and Mr. and Mrs. -w- - I . si" 1 hi given in her honor before her de-1 GraX CluD Has panure ior inLccniinem.. . t- -m Those making up the party were rveunion JVleetinfiT Miss inciouiui, iis. nuiuiei . Mr. and Mrs. O. ... P.. Thayer, - '-: Harold 'Thayer, and. Mrs. Morris A .--.-were guests. of Mr. and Mrs. D.'B. Jarman at - . the Jarman - beach home tat Neskowin Saturday ' and Sunday.: - - . -.. ' v -. Mr. and Mrs". Robert T. S peers . are spending the week with their daughter. M rs. Alfred . Ltahn - tn I y Corvallis. , ,r':VC-r---;-r.- - jr. .Mrfc) P. .Thayeihas'as her house" guest' Mrs. Morris ' of Rock f tnrnsrTWRMftl'r'i'--- HotfneU, Miss Gretchen Thlelsen, I Miss Margaret Engel, Miss Mar garet Corey,-Missr-Hazel Johnson, Miss Margaret.' Sims. Miss Mar- agrjet Bean, Miss Jeanne Lunsford, Miss Margaret Brown, Miss Juan- lta Powell and Miss Grace Hol man. Tuesday . Willing -Workers ' class First' Christian church, ple at Hager's Grove.- Social afternoon,- Eastern Star social club,- Masonic temple. Naomi circle. First M. E. church, 2:30 oclock, Mrs. W. Pennington, 13 9 Center St. Sons of '. Union Veterans, fWomans. clubhouse, 8 oclock Encampment report. ' Business and Professional Womens club,, election of of-. fleers, 3:30 o'clock dinner, First Presbyterian church.: .Wednesday Joy Turner Moses advanced students, piano and violin, First Evangelical church. Ladies General Aid, First Methodist church. Mlzpah: class. Baptist Sun- ' '' Aa. .rhnnl Vm - Wnvt ' 7 1 f N.' Winter street, S oclock. . Woman's Missionary soci- iIt. First VC R phnrph Vn J. A. Remington, 213 C Che ; tnlcta trt a nVlfw-V Leslitv Cah Do oclock pic- Members' of "Grax" club, a Y. W C. A. organisation, motored to Hazel Green and' enjoyed a pot- luck supepr. The members of the club who have been away during the winter months at various col leges, and teaching, were wel comed back by the resident members. Those present were Mrs. Her man Garrett, Mts. Conrad Beach, and. the misses, Irene Breithaupt. Mary Erickson. Pauline Welch, Myrtle Smith. Evelyn Hebei,- Imo gene Gardner, Rosalie Buren. Ir ma Meeks, Loretta Varley, Mar garet Leavenworth. Elaine Chap in. Thelma Barnett, and Veiled a Ohmart Mrs. George J. Swift, wife of Paufs Episcopal church, arrived in Salem - Saturday - accompanied by Alice; ' Eleanor, George Hubbard, and Jean Claire Swift. Rev. Swift arrived in Salem a week ago. Mrs. Swift and Children had been' visit ing her parents in Sutherlln. Little four-year old David Smith Jr.. eon. ot Mr. and Mrs. David Smith," and -who - sings quite .tree qnentlyover KGWi was a guest soloist at the Elsinore, Saturday and Sunday night and quite won the heart of his audience. - JERSEY CITY MAYOR HELD : TRENTON, N. J. June 24 (AP- Mayor! Frank Hauge, of Jersey City, rice chairman of the national Democratic committee, was arrested Monday on a war rant charging contempt of the legislature for refusing to answer questions concerning the acquisi tion of his reputed wealth. ENJOY FRUITS WITH SUGAR Improve the Flavor of Thesre Healthful Foods MODEL 90 THE biggest; name in the washer - .... world is Maytag. ; Just as Maytag re- sources and production ' facilities outmeasure : thoseof all other washer manufacturers, Maytag lroducts outmeasure every contemporary ' washer in both per-' formahce and quality.' ' MODEL 60 . for a trial washing with one of' these new-day washers. If it doesn't sell H " adf, don't keep it Defcrrti payments Tar Smmt wilhoml it mwuiUH wilk im tmiil cwajm neor. The Maytag Aluminum Washer, Model 90, holds world leadership. Its cast-aluminum tubcontains 36 pounds of pure aluminum. Its new-, type roHer water remover repre sents a development cost of over a quarter of a million dollars. It is the measure of washer value every where. The Maytag, Model 60, has' many of the features found in siderably - lower : a remarkable value. .' The Frederick Washer is a Maytag product in the moderate price field. It has a counter-sunk gyratator in a sturdy nickeled tub. The cushioned motor and precision ' made parts ghre it remarkably silent operation. It washes a tub ful in a few short minutes. fOne of these washers will meet Model 90, including the . lifetime y0ur idea of price, and you win cast-aTummum tub and gyrafbam have the satisfaction of owning the """s .ux. jjhw u con- pesx mat your money can buy Everyone knows the importance of fruits in diet. Fruits give needed roughage, vitamins and beneficial mineral salts. It is important for ! children and adults to eat one raw and one cooked fruit each day. "The addition of sugar to' either raw or cooked fruits brings out their finest flavors. Fruits should be made palatable, or otherwise we are not likely to eat enough of them. Prepared as we like them, they will become a regular and beneficial part of our diet. "Fruit acids are softened by sugar,'' a famous- food scientist re- eeatlyreaid, jfFrutt flavors are de- ! veloped' by" sugar. Sugar promotes' and facilitates the ingestion . of- fruits." . .. . ' . . . . . c fa a a a a Mrs.. GeeThonseii and . daughter. Miss VF ay Iuhw grapeirun, oranges or any oi TtYAtM: .-itaT'.tiwn rnMd 1 1 the. f ruiU ' which appear on your ai dinner, Mrs. J B.;Ulrlch home- of C'A Bolesr and the) table. Too will: enjoy them more. 147S Sarrnaw-street: -! t---t w- .r u..v.- dai... i.' tuil nnr VtruJ na KaMfi Moreland. Portland. Mrs. Thomp son' 1 a member of he Parrish junior high school faculty. THE MAYTAG COMPANY, Newt on," Iowa S9 B M ' Fooaded 1893 The Mwtac C, Lt4.. WteaiBK. Cuaia, lNaaiiMlJmU f r T r fmi .M.S. MATTAG RADIO PROGRAMS J Mo!na-WuJlIi,llJ22Mi?UL''"i. SHi. 1475 Sag thaw street; -v ' Joy Turner Moees ; Inter mediate and' Dunning-" stu dents In recital, First Evan gelical church; fialem -wdmenelected to : state ' Ladles f First .Presbyter; lof f ices durinr the recent O." At 1L, with sugar. Varied foods benefit you more and you will, eat them with this finest of nature's flavors. . AH fruits can be made delicious with the addition of sugar.' Fruit pie hod. puddings are most appe- 222 Sixth Street- 328 IN? Commercial St PortlandPireaon - . . . . Telephone 2218 ;iim ehurtValrrer tei Friday: com 7 somV of- Mr edrga : F. i 1 Shipp: - UnZ Uisle i fimith Mrs. delightfully to lunch or eWtv For h Pearce,7. X Winter, street;-; tMinetU Dow, and Mrs. Dean Stat- weariness eat sugar. The Sugar 1 Salem, Oregon Institute. 7