The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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jNeyire from Mid-Valley District Communifaes for Statesman Readers"
1V4. A 1
lt B I I
. J s red and Fthel- rnm nun I1 V,
June 22. John;Btrt
XV. Gibbons returned Sunday fnm
Notre Dame, Indiana, where be
has been majoring in Journalism,
the return trip was made by nuto
in company of; Bob Barrett of Al
bany and Dennis Heenan, of Sa
lem. Rev. Dominic Wedenschweilcr,
pastor of St. Alary's Parish, In at
tending a retreat. During his ab
sence, Rey. Boneventura Hueisser
of St. Benedict's Abbey is attend
ing to bis duties.
Lawrence Butscb and family of
Oakland, California, is spending
a two weeks' vacation at the fann
, home of his father, Henry Butseli.
Mrs. J. D. Miller entertained
the bridge club Thursday evening,
"Mrs. A. J. Kicker receiving the
trophy for high score and Mrs.
A. J. Blusch consolation award.
The guests for the evening we-e,
Mrs. R. T. Bisenius, Mrs. R J.
Welton, Mrs. A. J. Ficker. Mrs.
C. J. Terhuar, Mrs. J. H. Bigler,
. Mrs Paul J Schwab, Mrs. A. J.
Butsch and Mrs. E. P.- Seharbaeh.
MONITOR. June 22 M r s.
Clyde Crawford of Taft has been
spending the week with ber mo
ther Mrs. Walter Long and fam-
Howard Mollett. who is work
ing on the new stadium at the
state fair grounds, visited bjs' sis
ter, Mrs. D. J. (inlanders the first
ef the week;
.Miss Doris Richards, who is
keeping house for A. K. Nelson,
spent the week-end in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs.,C. F. Willi made
a business trip to Portland Mon
1 day.
The J. A. Van Cleaves were din
ner guests Sunday of the J. J. Bid
well family In Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jensen and
family and Miss Juanita ,Nfn of
Walla Walla, were Salem visitors
Lizzie Hastie , was one ot the
members of the graduating class
at Mt. Angel normal last Wednes
day. Mrs. Hastie has been engaged
to teach the Thomas school.
Howard Van Cleave left Thurs
day evening fori Fort.-Lewis,
where, as a member of the R. O.
T. C. he goes into training for six
Miss Edris Roycroft, a high
school teacher of Scotts Mills, and
sister,. Miss Florence of Bend,
were recent guests ot their cousin.
C. V. Carmichael and family.
Ray. and Mrs. D. J. Gillandera
and little son Charles - left Wed
nesday In their car for Everett,
Wash., for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Jacobson are
sojourning at Belknap. Springs.
C M. Lindberg of Portland call
ed on his father, E. Lindberg, last
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Melby en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. M. O
White at dinner last Sunday.
Miss Juanita Nixon ot Walla
Walla Is spending a few weeks at
the home of her sister, Mrs. J. H.
Jensen and family. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ingvel Edland left
last Tuesday on their vacation
They expect to visit Pendleton and
other eastern Oregon points and
also several places -in the Puget
Sound district.
Dinner guests at the S. L. Bran
tue'r home last Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. George Miksch, Mr. and
. Mrs. Maynard Miksch, Mm,. Mary
Miksch and Mrs. Ball, all of Port
At the annual school meeting
last Monday A. K. Nelson was
elected director to serve three
years and Mrs. Elvira Carmichael
was re-elected clerk.
John Ferguson and little
daughter Jean and Helen, 'jf Port
- land, were visitors this neck at
the U D. Leu on home. Mr. Fergu
son was accompanied home by his
mother, Mrs. Kate Ferguson who
has made her home with Mr. and
Mrs. Lenon for the past year. Mrs.
Ferguson expects to go to Colo
rado after a short visit in Port
land. Ralph and Loreta Wolfe left
last week in the formers car for j
Veiser, Idaho, where they will
visit their sister, Mrs.. . Helen
Vick, and brother, Lester Wolfe.
Dorothy and Ethel Jensen, lit
tle daughters of Mr. nA; Mrs. Earl
Jensen of Wenatchee, Wash., are
spending the summer with their
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. H. T.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Lenon en-
. teftained the following guests at
tinner last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Coox of Los Angeles and
Mrs. John Kiggina-and Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Klggins o Estacada.
A. M. Soring is confined to his
bed with illness bat Is improving
under the .doctor's care.
. Mrs, Lester Stanton who re
cently underwent a major opera-
' tion is convalescing at the, heme
W her- sister-in-law,, Mrs. Ray
Waits in Portland.'--, -'
Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe of
Portland are visiting the formers
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Wolfe. Mrs. George Wolfe is a
ttacher ;in the Portland schools
and has Just closed a successful
, chool year.
Mrs. Ruth Smith and children,
Jimmy and Margery of Park Rap-
lJj, Mich., are visiting at the C.
.lv ! . smth
Mrs. Carmichael were old school
friends In the east.
West Salem
WEST SALEM, June 22. A
ery enjoyable party was given
n Monday afternoon at the home
ot Mrs. George Chapman on Third
street, the occasion being Mts.
Chapman's 64th birtb.lajr. Tbe
rooms were gay with flowers. An
Impromptu program of songs and
readings was given, after whicli
dainty . refreshments, were served
lyjMrsJ. E. Thomas, M5ss Lot
Ue(McAdaras and .Misi Fern Mil
ler. Mrs. Chapman was the reci
pient . of -many lovely sifts and
cards, v " . .
Mrs. Elisabeth Kashervarof aad
three daughters, Ereanore, Mild-
Ed. Clark, from Portland, were
Sunday dinner guests at the Bill-
George Chapman, who works at
the Spauldlng Sash and Door
factory, suffered a painful acci
dent Monday morning when he
backed into a track and f "11 white
carrying one end of a large tim
ber, lie is confined to his bed
with badly bruised limbs but was
fortunate to escape with no brok
en bones. He is under the treat
ment of Dr. Morse.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donough
drove down from Portland on
Sunday to spend the afternoon as
guests of the J. R. Bedford f-tui-ly
on First street.
Dinner finest on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Sbel'.ey and Mr.
and Mrs. Clod Filter of the L'b
erty district, were Sunday dinner
guests at the F. P. Wlls " home
in Kingwood avenue. In the aft
ernoon they paid a visit to the
Roaring River fish hatchery be
fore returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubbel Young
drove to Albany for the week end
where they were the guests ot
Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. esd
Mrs. Nutting of that city.
Sidney Hawthorne of Forest
Grove spent Saturday a the guest
of his friend- Robert Miller of
Second street.
Mrs. 0"Dell and daughter. Mar-
jorie ot Salem were guests on
Sunday evening at the J. R. Bed
ford home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson
of Grand Island were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Ro-cman of the 'Dew Drop Inn."
Miss Genevieve Gilliam arrived
from Tillamook Sunday evening
to spend the summer with her
mother at the home of her sister
and hnsband, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Ijrnvt's for Southern Oregon
George Steward left Monday on
a business trip to southern Ore
gon. He expects to go as far south
as Klamath Falls before return
ing home.
Ralph Blivens. who has been
West Salem's mail carrier, has re
signed from the postal service.
He will ente( the radio business
in Salem. Mr. Elivens has been
carry'ng mail in this city since
the carrier service was establish
ed. J. J. Arnold, local letter car
rier, is taking his place for the
C. E. Greene ha had a new
sign erected in front of his par
age on Edgewater street. Some
new t.igns have also been palmed
on the west side of the build
IB. Ralph Sebern is confined to his
home on Franklin street with an
attack of muscular rheumatism.
The Felsinger home on Third
street has been greatly improved
by a new coat of paiat. It aiso
has been re-shinled.
Mrs. T. J. Shipler and children
plan on leaving the city next w;:ek
to spend the summer with Mr.
Shipler who is in Allegheny, Calif
ornia. They had planned on leav
ing this week, but liulo Margaret
came down- with 'he mumps thus
delaying theh for a w?ek.
The house being erected ut the
corner of the Wallace end Clen
creek roads by W. A. Remington,
a local contractor, is n?aring com
pletion. This residence is being
built for Mr. Compton, who is a
superintendent at the Hunt Bros,
cannery in Salem.
Mr. Ora Gilliland of 1213
Franklin street, who is uffpiing
from a fractured ankle, is able to
be about' on crutches now. T'.ie
Gillilands recently moved ho re
from Oklahoma.
VALSETZ. June 22 The
baseball game between the Am
erican Can Co. and Yehetz for
Sunday. June 10 was called off
on account of the heavy rain.
Summer school opened for
work Tue day at 8 a.m.. with
about 46 pupils and 5 practice
teachers. Mrs. Brov.n has Miss
Wolfe ard Miss Krender. practice
teachers with her in the first
and second grade rooms. Miss
OBrten and Mi"s Catterson are
with Mrs. March in the third and
fourth grade. Mr.s Crater and Miss
Nineman have the fifth, sixth and
seventh grade:-. There will be s;s
weeks of summer school W;th
hours from S a. m. to 11:45 a. m.
'At the recent school meeting
Mr. Thomas was elected director
land Mr. Bartiom clerk.
Mrs. E. D. Mason of Portianu
returned to her home after spend
ing several days visiting her sis
ter. Mrs. Yeager.
Mr3. Jim Dodson and children
have gone to Pasadena, Calif.,
where they will sperd s-veral
weeks at the home of her sister.
About three weeks ago Mrs.
Jack Gobel injured her right foot
by dropping, a small door on it.
At first nothing mure was thought
about it, but last Saturday It be
came so painful that a doctor was
consulted. She is now walking on
crutches a the bones of the foot
are badly bruised.
Mrs. A. Erickson and baby have
gone to Salem to visit her mother.
Mrs. Potter and daughter,
Gertrude wfnt to Salem where
Gertrude intends to live with her
grandmother and work. Mrs. rot-
ter will visit a few days.
G. C. Lawrence has returned to
his home in Portland. He came to
Valsetz to attend'the commence
ment exercises ot the eighth grade
and remained a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will .McDonald
motored to Dallas Saturday and
experienced great great difficulty
on returning Monday afternoon on
account of the heavy rain. Each
car passing over the road cut It
up worse. ;
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Bagley was beautifully decorated
Saturday evening. A bridge party
was Jn progress with three tables
being In- play. The i guests were
Mr." and Mrs. Heydon, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond. Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Claud Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Grout,
Mrs. Hobson. Mrs. Walter Ray
mond, and Miss Louise Brown.
Miss Louise Brown won first
prize and Mrs. Claude Brown
FiiirJl prize among the ladies.
Claud Brown first and Frank Hey
don final prilzes a'mong the gentle
men. A dainty luncheon was serv
ed by the hostess.
Mr and Mrs. Don Bloyd have
returned from Portland where
they had gone to be with Mrs.
Wilson in her late bereavement.
Mr.' and Mrs. H. F. Thomas
have returned from Portland
where they had gone to attend the
wedding of Miss Vera O'Brien and
Paul Miller. Mrs. Thomas and the
bride are sisters.
Mis Neva Page ot Falls City is
visiting at the home of her bister.
Mrs. Vernon Murphy.
After spending several days at
the homed of ber daughter. Mrs.
Art Ross, and son. Lot Gardner.
Mrs. Anna Gardner has returned
to Falls City.
Falls City
FALLS CITY, June 22. Mr
and Mrs. Chester Ward .and two
sons spent Saturday, June 14,
with Mrs. Phoebe Ward.
Miss Fercie Miles, who ccs
taught in Falls City the last two
years, left Saturday for Portland
to attend the University of Ore
gon Extension Course at Port
land. Miss Miles will teach in Sil-
verton next year.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. M. L.
Thompson entertained in honor of
her sister, Mrs. Hale who is visit
ing her. Present were Mrs. Jelli
son, Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Tetherow,
Mrs. Neenan. Mrs. Vedder, Mrs
Giant. Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Gardner,
Mrs. Ward. Mrs. Cobb, Mrs. Hale
and Mrs. Thompson.
At a very quiet school meeting
held in the hifch school Monday
evening, Mrs. R. Paul was re
elected schorl director and Mrs
Clay Guthridge re-elected clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartley re
turned Thursday from a short trip
in Washington. The? leave Mon
day for Berkely, Cal., where they
will attend the summer session of
the University of California.
Georgiana Loftus celebrated her
13th birthday with a delightful
dinner party Saturday evening.
June 15. There were dainty rose-
hud favors and a lovely pink and
white cake. Guests for the evening
were Eada Watt, Bessie Baint2r,
Marguerite Miles. Rozella Frink
and Jennie June Hatch.
Marguerite Miles left Wednos
day for Salem to rpend the sum
mer with her sister, Mrs. Andrew
The Falls City Woman's club
met Tuesday afternoon with Mrr.
Creswell. Invited guests for the
afternoon were Mrs. R. Paul,
Mrs. Jellison and Mrs. Cobb.
A group of Falls City young
people enjoyed a wiener roast in
the Epworth League park Saiur
June 15.
WOODBURN. June 22. Mn
C. C. Geer and daughter. R'lth
drove to Portland with Mrs. Eu
sene Moshberger and sou and
daughter, Ladrew and Naomi, on
Monday. Mrs. Geer and Mr
Moshberger represented the
Woodburn Woman's club at
luncheon given in honor of the
state federation president. .Mrs
Sippel, at the Congress hotel.
Julia Bell Austin has recently
returned from an extended visit
to St. Helens where she has been
the guest of her brother.
Stanley Stark and Warne
Guiss left last week with Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Stark for Marsh field
Mrs. Stark and the boy will go
on to San Francisco to visit rela
Mrs. Robert W. Simmons and
Son, Bobbie, of Tacoma, Washing
ton. arrived here Wednesday for
an indefinite visit with Mrs. Sim
mons mother, Mr?. E. M. Castle.
C. C. Geer and daughter, Ruth,
went to Yacolt. Washington, to at
tend to their property there. They
re ported most '6f the roads rood
i ;mji then scenery at Battleground
Lake and Lewis River beautiful.
Woodburn delegates at the
Whittier circle state convention at
Newport this week arc Lottie Live
say and Myrtle Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nendel end
daughter. Leona Mae, Jeft the
home of Mr. Nendel's mother, Mrs.
Henry Layman, Sunday for their
home in Santa Maria. California.
During their visit here they at
tended the l'ose festival and made
the Mt. Hood loop trip with Mrs.
Arista NendeL and Mrs. Layman.
Saturday Miss Leona Mae's birth
day was observed with a party at
the Arista Nendel home. The little
girl received many attractive gifts
as well as two lovely birthday
Murel Nehl. popular W. H. S.
athlete, who had the index finger
on his left hand badly smashed in
a corn planter last week, not
have to have that member ampu
tated, much to tbe relief of high
schrool athletic boosters and
"Tuffy's" many friends about the
city. Under the care of Dr. Donnel
ly the finger is rapidly improving
and soon w ill he almost as good
as new.
o o
TURNER, June 19. The grow
ers ot strawberries" and hay are
wishing for less rain Just now.
Heavy clover end vetch is now so
heavy it is going down.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Riches of
Gaston visited home folks .'n Tur
ner Sunday.
Mrs. E. S. Pratber and son are
visiting relatives near McMinn
ville. Mr. and Mrs. Grfce of Shaw vig
ited'ln Turner Sunday.
Mr. Fred Smith, who spent the
winter at the Soldiers' Home at !
RoAburg. is visiting at the F. C. J
Gunning home. j
Mrs. Cornelia George who has j
made her home at the D. B. Park i
home during the year is spending
the summer at Newport.
The school election in District
Si. resulted In the election of
Arthur Edwards ior director ior
tbre years and W. F. Riches wa
elected clerk for one year. It was
Iso voted to have the school
house painted during vacation.
j TURNER, June 22. Ieou-ird
Farris. youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Farris and Miss Mabie
Sears were married in Corvallis
on June 14. Their new home w ll
be at Wrenn. Ore. Mr. Fan is
lived most of his life in and nr
Turner and is a graduate of the
local high school.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Funsfon at
tended Pomona Grange Wednes
day at Butteville. accompanying
Mr. and Mrs. Gulvin of Marion.
Mrs. E. S. Prat her and son Earl
Jr., have returned from a week's
visit with Mrs. Prather's parouts,
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchens, near Mc-
The M. E. Ail society met on
Thursday with Mrs. John Ran
som. Plans were made tc spend
all day ThuTsday, June 2 7 at the
home of Mrs. C. A. Beer. Quilt
ing and dinner will be the main
features of the aay. Friends are
nvited to attend.
S. H. Baker has returned from
Fred Smith returned Thursday
evening from Newberg, having
begn in attendance at the G. A.
R. state meet. -
Mrs. M. Cox ot Eugene spnt
the -week with her niece. Iter.
Grace Driver.
Prof. John Cox was down from
Albany Thursday, looking aftr
school Interests for the coming
Mrs. L. J. Rowley- spent the
week end in Portland, visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Baker,
former Turner people.
Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Edwards
have been called to near Baker
on account of the illnesg of their
son-in-law, Guy Hobson.
J. C. Jenson is able to be in
his blacksmith shop after his re
cent illness with penumonia at
his home in Aumsville.
E. T. Peirce, Elmer Ball and
Merle Pearson returned the first
of the week from a fishing trip
in the region of Mt. Jefferson.
Much snow was encountered ;is
would be expected at this season
of the year. But they found fish
ing good
Lake Labish
With a big M. W. A. all-day pic
nic on Sunday. June 23, at Pedee,
and the Old Timers picnic at the
fairgrounds on the same date,
people here are puzzled how to be
present at both places at the same
E. A. Matthes and II. W. Mears
spent Tuesday in Portland.
Some large plantings of po'a
toes are being made here. Mostly
of the Burbank variety.
James L. Matthes returned to
Kent, Oregon, early this week
His wife and daugfaer remained
here where Mrs. Matthes is con
valescing In the Salem General
hospital. James Matthes is book
keeper for the Tum-A-Lum
ber company ot eastern Oregon.
Some early hay has been cut
here, but the more conservative
farmers are determined to do no
hay cutting until after July 4
Fremont South, veteran rural
farrier, who has been ill, is re
covering. Mr. South has carried
the mail, summer and winter on-
Rural Route 8 for 30 years. If
anybody needs a monument in the
Hall of Fame, it is these faithful
mail carriers.
The county road crew has begun
work on the "Million Dollar Hgh
way." which extends from Birg
ham's corner to the .D,,nn place
and on past the Hayes place.
Among those who attended the
rose show in Portland last week
were: Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Mc
Claughry and family. Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Starker, Mr. and Mrs
H. E. Boehm and son Clyde, an
Hal Wilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Marko Emerson
of Aurora, attended the Children
day program last Suntlav morn
ing. and later were dinner guest
of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Starke
The Children's day program con
sisted of recitations, exercises, and
music, and a good crowd was in
Mrs. Frank Brown of Portland
is the house-guest of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Roy Perk inc.
Little six year old Cuddles
Perkins, is recovering satisfactor
ily from her recent motor acci
dent and will be able to walk as
well as ever.
O o
i Gervais . !
o o
GERVAIS, June 22. Recent
dinner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Sylvester Manning were.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jepsen and
family, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Aspinwall, of Woodburn;
Bud Long, Fred Ferschweiler, and
Donald and Cecil Manning and
Kenneth Manning. '
Orville Shcweb, Kenneth Man
ning and Lloyd Seeley have teen
practicing at Silverton prepara
tory to going to San Francisco to
play in the American junior base
ball tournament. Prof. G. W. De
Lay is their coach. This is a try
out for an opportunity to go to
Denver and finally to Chicago to
play in tbe world tournament.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aspinwall
left Thursday for Ashland where
Mr.. Aspinwall will attend summer
normal school. Mr. Aspinwall was
principal of the Woodburn gradft
school the past year.
Mrs. P. L. Palmerton, of Pierre,
South Dakota, 'arrived here Sun-
Mutual Sayings and Loan Assodat'on
A Salem Institution Organized la 1910 .
Place your savings with us
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day evening to visit her brother.
John Harper and other relatives
Mrs. Lester Colby and family
have as their guest, Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Hasty of Battle Creek,
Michigan, and George Hasty, ot
Hart, Michigan. They expect to
spend the summer here.
G. T. Wadsworth has received
word that his wife and three chil
dren, who left for Kingfisher. Ok
lahoma on June 3, reached their
destination last Friday evening.
Mrs. Theresa Barnes has as her
guest since the first of last week.l
her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Schwab
of Birkenfield.
Gilbert Oddie has a very sore
foot, having dropped a heav
piece of wood upon it. However,
no bones were broken.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cutsforth
of Canby were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper.
John Xaylor is reported as be
ing very ill at his home in Uti-
vais. He is suffering from a
case of asthma.
bad !
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cntsforf h
accompanied . by Gail Cutsforth
went to- Yahaats last week on a
fishing trip.
lone and Doris Turner, went to
Portland last week where they at-
tended tbe Rose Festival, and vis
ited with their, father, Fred Tur
Joe Endrigo Is reported as be
ing quite sick at his home north
of Gervais.
Mrs. Annie Baro, who has been
guest of ber sister, Mrs. . John
Kushnick for some time, left on
Wednesday for ber home in Wa
terloo, Iowa, going over the
Great Northern railway.
Mrs. Eleanor Harding and Miss
Amy Harding drove to Portland
recently and were guests of Dr.
and Mrs. White.
The parish of St. Louis chuich
will hold its annual church pic
nic on June 21. The ladies of the
Altar society will serve the cus
tomary dinner and committees aro
to make arrangements for the aft
ernoon. A splendid Children's day pro
gram was given at the-Gerv:is
Presbyterian Sunday school .e-
cently, before a large
Tbe program consisted of recita
tions and songs, and the c ,
was beautifully decorated for ' e
occasion. Helen Ruth, the infant
daughter of Mr. and Z'r . D
Mars, was given the ordlnan-e of
baptism at this service. Rev. II. L.
Graffions. pastor, gave an inter
esting talk and Mrs. Dale Cuts
forth sang "His Eye Is on the
o o
WACONDA, June 22. Glenn
Savage of Waconda has been iiiite
ill with a bad case of tonsilitis.
Savage was an instructor in the
Carlton school this year. .
Mr. and Mrs. Cotter Gould of
Eugene are . house guests at the
home ot Mrs. Gould's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Jones. .
Mrs. I. A. Loran was a recent
guest of Mrs. Rose Hogendorn in
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Savage have
as their house guest their son and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Sav
age of New York.
SILVERTON. June 22 The
strawberry festival which was to
have been held by the Loyal Ber
ian class of the Christian church
on Monday evening was postpon
ed until better weather; condi
tions. The date will be announc
ed later.
Father's Day was commemorat
ed at the Sunday school hour at
the Christian church, when the
oldest and the youngest fathers
present were each presented with
a bouquet. Mr. Fred Dickman
was the oldest father present, and
Agust Herr the youngest. Ta4ks
were given by Mrs. C. M. Wray.
J. J. Johnson. Girls from Mrs.
Merryman's class gave a - bible
Miss Lucile Lukins. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lnkins is
spending a two weeks vacation
from her duties at the Emanuel
hospital in Portland.
Miss Lukins was a member of
the May graduating class from
the nurses training schocl at the
Emmanuel, where she will be sta
tioned until September, when her
course will be completed.
: r
I Hazel Green
Mrs.. Davis, mother of Mrs. Van
Nuyes. has returned with her
daughter, Mrs. Gregory, to Rain
ier. Miss E. Jores-of Pbrtland, was
a week-end guest of Mrs. G. G.
Lonney, stopping on her way trpm
Philomath, where she taught in
Philomath college the past year.
Mr. Van Nuyes has sold prop
erty near, the school house to. Mr.
August Zielinski.
and Miss Gregory and Miss
Miss Gregory and Miss Sargent
of Rainier are staying at tbe Van
Nuyes home. Miss Gregory is a
niece of Mrs. Van Nuyes. They
are picking strawberries for Mr.-j
Lahrman and later will pick lo-j
ganberries for Mr. Van Nuyes.
Quenton, son of B. C. Zelinski
eut his foot while cutting straw- ;
berry runners Saturday.
HAZEL GREEN. Jan. 22. Miss j
rotor rtaiiro of Portland was a
week-end guest of ber Bister, Sirs, j
John Lahrman. Miss Dalke Is in i
training in the Good Samaritan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hashle
bacber are visiting Mrs. Hashle
bacber's relatives in Portland.
At the annual school meeting a
budget providing for a new fur
nace and new desks was voted.
John Lahrman was elected direc
tor and Louis Wampler clerk.
Edward Hashlebacher hurt his
haad severely when helping to
build a barn at Switzerland, Ore
gon. O O
EETHEL. June 22. Little Eve
lyn Romig is home from the Mc
Minnville hospital where she un
derwent an operation for appen
dicitis. Mr. and Mrs. John Holland are
the proud owners of. a new Ford
t ecu uraves. August nnocie and i and bids for fixing routes of
Henry Domes went to Dallas tostl)00, buses carrying high school
the county school meeting Wed
SiW filling is folng on at the
John Romjg farm.
Dances at the Domes dance hall
are proving a success and will
probably rub all summer.
The Henry Domes family and
Cecite Graves' girls motored lo
the Willamina river Sunday, but
as it rained all day they spent the
day at the L. R. Booth home.
Mrs. Morris Romig is visiting
at the borne of her brother-in-law,
John Romig.
Strawberry picking is well un
der way at the Marks fields. The
berries are ripening very slowly,
due to tbe rains and .cool weather.
HOPEWELL. June 22. Mrs.
Pearl Clarke of New York Is vis
iting her mother, Mrs. E. Bowers.
The wood shed at the Advent
church burned recently. The
cause of the fire is unknown.
The new director at the Lone
Starr school is G. E. Dunn. Mrs.
M. Carpenter was re-elected as
Mrs." Charles Sargent has been
elected as the new director of the
Hopewell school. Mrs. Mable
White was re-elected as clerk.
A party was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Hclmer Thorpe in
honor of Mr. Thorpe's sister Katie.
She and her children are making
their home with them. The eve
ning was spent in playing cards.
At a late hour refreshments of
sandwiches, salad, cake, ice cream
and coffee were served. Present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Parvin
and daughter Helen and son Matt.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sipola and
son Nets, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Settla
and family, Mr. and Mrs. John
Beaman, Beulah Campbell, Wayne
Kangas, Viola Kangas, Alma Kot
mftn.ka, Marion Rasaka, Helen
Stellman, John Stellman," Charley
Pajala, Oiva Kotka, William Kot
ka, Ivie Poulvie, David Oke, Hen
ry Kiminki, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Bantsari, Viola Stellman, John
Puutio. "
Howard Stephens is sick .with
the German measles.
N- "
KINGWOOD, June 22 Mrs.
Glenn L. Adams arrived home on
Thursday from Newport where she
had been since Monday attending
a convention of the Neighbors of
Woodcraft and enjoying the salt
sea breezes.
Mrs. Hoyt of Silverton has been
staying with Mrs. Ed Finley and
helping with the spring cleaning.
Mrs. Finley, 'who has been help
lessly ill for more than nine
months with neuritis and compli
cations, is slowly improving under
the care ot Dr. Franz of Salem.
Lot L. Pearce of Salem was a
caller at the J. P. Smart and J. B.
Smith homes on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Ben Miller ot Portland is
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Charles .Adams, having come up
to be present at tbe wedding of
Miss Mamie Hilmon. an event of
lest Wednesday evening at West '
O C :
DALLAS, June 22 Eugene Mor
rison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Morrison of this city, who has
been working at the car shops
with his father since school clos
ed, Saturday caught his left hand
in a band saw and was quite se
riously injured. The tip of his
North Cotnl at Center
thumb was cut off and the other whom the Normal school Is av
fingers were badly cut. He was ing here from Calif ora ia. School
taken to the hospital where he is being held in the morning from
remained until Tuesday. ,8 to 11:30.
Mrs. Cora Cobb of Portland. is An ice cream and cake sale is
visiting here with relatives on her to be held at the Grange hall Fri-
way home from ixs Angeiesjday night, June ZS. The purpose
where she has 6 pent the winter
with her daughter Mrs. Ralph
Borrelli. Mr. Borrelli was form-'.will be a program before the sale,
erry instructor for the Portland i Everyone is welcome,
playgrounds. I The school patrons held a meet-
The fire department of this i ing Monday night for the purpose
city has presented two players j of electing a new director and
benches to LaCreole field, which i clerk. Forest Pence was reelected
will be greatly appreciated by all) for director and Claude Larkin
of the ball players. They will be! was elected as clerk,
permanent fixtures as they are j Mrs. f. Pence and daughter
being placed on cement bases. j Betty, came home Sunday from
Members of the school boards j Walla Walla. Wa6h., where they
from the various school districts bad been visiting relatives,
of Polk county met in Dallas j Catherine Pewtherer is going to
Wednesday with County Superin-1
i tondpnt Wills to make nronosals i
students throughout the county
to standard schools. The schools
represented included Dallas. In
dependence, Monmouth, Rickre
all. Perrydale. McCoy, and Airlie.
Some proposals were made but
several of the districts asked for
more time to make their bids,
and it was decided that ten days
would be allowed them to get
their proposals ready.
RICKREALL. June 22. Mr.
and Mrs. Hershe-1 Wit and on
Kenneth, and Mrs. George Wait
and son. Ralph, left Thursday for
California, where they will be
visiting for about two weeks.
They expected to get as far as
Crater lake the first day and
camp there for the night. They
certainly will have a wonderful
Mrs. F. E. Pence and d?n?h
ter Betty left Sunday for Walla
Walla, where they will visit her
mother and other relatives for a
few days.
Katherine Price who received
first prize at the state fair for
her angel food rake, left last Sat
urday for Corvallis, where she
will attend the summer school
session. The two others who went
were Donald Pence and Mildred
Robinson. They also won pr;zes
at the state fair this year.
Summer school at Rickreall
commenced Monday, June 1".
There are 30 teachers under .'he
supervision of Mrs. Grace eParce.
' cnifesbtion of
Ihe beautiful iri Service
has buildcdour insalulion
with lis faultless equip
ment ' . , ,
"Whc-n the Summons Come
GEae Etetl(5)irfSia(g
meaas all departments amler
of the sale is to raise money for
the benefit of the Grange. There
Portland Friday where she will
visit her cousin for the week-end.
Luzelle Crippin was taken to the
doctor Wednesday to have a cin
der removed from ber eye. Slie is
gtiting along nicely now.
O -O
ROSEDALE, June 22. Sever
al persons from here attended the
Friends yearly meeting at New
berg last week.
The Wilde family spent sever
al days at their ranch.
Miss Helen - Cammack spent
Sunday evening with her mother
here. She is taking some Normal
school work at Monmouth for a
few weeks.
Miss Laura Cammack was in
Scotts Mills Tuesday evening,
where she acted as bride's maid
for Miss Althea Allen who was
married to Mr. Ira Dumas.
Albert aBtes, of Tillamook, vis
ited his ranch here Friday. -
Alonzo Surls, of tSayton, calle-d
here Monday. ' -
o r
PERRYDALE. June 22 The
road work which is going on
north of this town is progressing
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hansc i are
diiving a new Ford sedan.
The Perrydale community club
met in the high school auditori
um on Tuesday evening with a
large attendance and a good pro
gram. Extensive improvements ate
being made in the Perrydale mill
(Continued on Page 20.)
one cowtrol)
Telephone 66
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