The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGE SIX '
. Sunday Morning. June 23. 1929
ews irom
Mid-Valley District Comrnimities for Statesman Readers
J , -r . TJciHn o-Tiam Washington
MONMOUTH, June. 22 Mayor
1L W. Morlan. wlio as author
ized by the council at a previous
I meeting to negotiate a private
sale of the $15,000 worth of bonds
voted by citizens at a special city
election May 7, for construction of
a city hall and puchase of fire
equipment, reported Monday
night that the bonds had been sold
at par to the Pierce-Fair company
of Portland.
President J. 8. Landers of the
Oregon Normal BChool, will leave
Monday for Atlanta, Ga., to at
tend the National Educational as
sociation's convention.
An enrollment of 836 students
of the Oregon Normal school sum
mer session was announced Wed
nesday morning. Of these 176
have been assigned to practice
teaching in the various training
centers a Tollowa: Salem 54; Cor
vallia, 32; Independence. 38;
Monmouth, 30; Farm Home, 12;
Valsetz, 10.
a. J. Williamson, Monmouth
barber, underwent an operation
for appendicitis at a Salem hos
pital Tuesday afternoon and is
m reported to be reatrns comfortably.
Mrs. W, R. Graham -and Mrs.
Charles Calbreath were In Eugene
Wednesday and called on Arthur
"Nig" Hills, who is at Pacific
Christian hospital. Young Mills,
who wa3 seriously injured when
knocked from his motorcycle near
Cre3well Sunday last by a hit. and
run driver, has been obliged to
lo-e one root oy ampuiauuo, auu
will probably-undergo another op
eration soon to have more of the
leg above the ankle joint removed.
A sernm has been administered to
counteract blood poisoning, which
ensued from an infection sur
rounding the amputated arec He
will probably Jiave to remain in
the hospital for six months. Men
mouth friends and the local Lions
club members have raised a. re
lief fund of $148 in his behalf.
Training school critics in
charge of practice teaching here
this summer are: Grades 1 and 2,
Miss Catherine Edmeads of the
University of Southern California:
grades 3 and 4, Mrs. Irene Weath
erspooon; grades S and 6, Miss
Catherine Gentle; grades 7 and 8,
Miss Cora L. Turnidge.
Mrs S.i rh Howell and Mrs. C.
A.' Stanton Informally entertain
ed the members of Neighbors' of
Woodcraft Monday evening at
Gray's Coffee shop. Mrs. Iva Ham
ar, Mrs. D. A. Hoag. and Harold
Haley, delegates to the convention
of Sunbeam Circle ladies at New
port this week. Others wh odrove
over for part of the meetings are
Mrs. J. E. Wtnegar, Mrs. J. F.
Morcland, Mrs. Dorothy Winegar,
Mrs. Guy Deming and the district
officers, Mrs. E. M. Ebbert and
Mrs. George Kurre.
C. E.. Blair, "Monmouth repre
sentative of the Mutual Life Insur
ance Co., returned home Sunday
from Riverside, California, where
he has been for- several weeks.
W hile away he spent 10 days in
High Point, North Carolina, visit
ing his mother and other rela
tives, and stopped emuute in Chi
cago to visit a sister.
Miss Daisy Buckner, of the Mon
mouth post office staff, entertain
ed Miss Jean Pollard of St. Paul,
Minn., this week. Miss Pollard is a
student at the University of
Minnesota, and formerly was i
resident of Linn county,. Oregon
With a young woman friend she
is touring the coast dnring vaca
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clawson of Til-
lamook, were guests at the- home
oi ur. ana Mrs. jr. u. Bowersoz
for the week-end. They are the
parents of Mrs. Maxwell Bowersox
of Bend, who with her small
daughter left this week for Corral
lis, where Mr. Bowersox is at
tending the summer session at Ore
gon State college and working for
Miss Otha McCorkle. of Weston
was married Saturday afternoon
at Dallas, at 4 o'clock, to Claire
Egleston, a son of Mr. and Mrs,
W. B. Egleston of this city. Mrs
Charles Petrie, a sister of the
groom, was the only member of
the family present. Miss McCorkle
who has been teaching at Weston,
attended the Oregon normal school
in 1927. Mr. Egleston, who is a
'native of Monmouth, Is a member
of the Monmouth Co-operative
Creamery staff. They will make
ineir nome ln Monmouth.
, Miss RosV Hill of Gooding -Ida
ho, and Lee Egleston, were quiet
ly married Monday afternoon. In
honor of the weddings of their
two sons, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Eg
leston entertained at a family din
"ner and reunion at their home
"Sunday. Others present were Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Petrie and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bow
' man and children, and Mr. and
Mrs. Clay Egleston of Dayton.
Mrs. Lillian Gray, a sorority
housemother at the University of
Oregon, Is visiting her mother,
Mrs. A. J. Richardson, and her
eon George Gray, owner of Gray
Coffee Shoppe, which recently
was opened in Monmouth.
J Miss Edith Cfark, Monmouth
. high school faculty member, -and
her mother, Mrs. Agnes Lofting,
; are spending the summer at their
beach cottage near Rockaway.
Mrs. F. R. Bowersox, with her
mother, Mrs. M. J. Kitchen and
her aunt, Mrs. Ellen Morgan of
Albany, and her : ancle, S. - J.
Wheeler of Gold Beach., attended
the memorial reunion held
Providence honoring Rev. Joab
Miss Manlde HcPherson, librar
ian of the Oregon normal school
has gone to LaJolla, CaL, to spend
the summer with her sisters.
Mrs. Addle Robards." . and her
daughter, Miss Mary-Robards,
- Critic In the Independent train
ing school, spenV a part of last
week: visiting relatives In Battle
Crnand, Wash., and in Portland.
-i Miss Cora L. Turnidge, training
echoql faculty member, was the
guest of an aunt in Turner part
of last week. .
Mrs. Gussle Kauts Schmidt, an
alumna- of the Normal, called on
Dean Jessica , Todi and other
friends at the dormitory Sunday,
while passing through here from vacation at the home of Mrs. Alice
Portland with her young son, Holcomb, grandmother of Elixa
Jimmie. On - leaving this iflstitu- beth. Owing to the accident. Ra
tion after her' graduation , some mona returned to Portland Wed
years ago, BIrs. Schmidt success' nesday evening,
fully conducted a lumber busi- Mrs. Laura Townsend of Los
nees with her father, and later was Angeles, California was a Sunday
married to the man who was her guest at the home of Mrs. Hol
chief rival competitor in the same comb. Mrs. Townsend, a friend of
Eort of enterprise. Mrs. Holcomb's is visiting her son
Miss Mildred Scott, daughter of in Portlands
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, who has Mrs. Joe Calvert returned Mon-
completcd a successful year of day from a six weexs visit wim
R. K. Cobban of McCoy Lpoks Ahead
"R. K. Cobban, of McCoy, is
t.Mr.' . r.unH,i. nrnn her danehter. Mrs. Dave Hoven- doing some experimenting with
roc Pri.nd Men. and famllv at Seaside. Mrs. stock beets," I was told. Scenting
r a i . a a I m VLAflelrtlA . awf T wm r t a
;!. Tn A Halvert PTPtIV moved ner V1S11I yvaoiwio i
" "c bmjmji, uuua ai.u ..... o ---. . - p.ll.. V J , A f
... .v T . nj. t an1 Tior haa th M mucn lmDrOTCQ. I uwuwau uuiuo a.uu iuuuu uw " -
ea iuc hum Biiuw. juua cn-v,.... " 1 . . 1 nv - .! J 1
faculty member of the Washington She found tne weatner coimmonjp -
. m as A a a. 1 act i n atvavi m r
k:rk Kv. ,min I favorable mosi or ine umo iuh ;
women wUl speria the summer she waa there ana Eeiaom ma .Vv
with their parents here. a day tnai sne aia noi go u , " Vi , ,
, , beacon -- to e KTO-wn, Is such that It is im-
iir. ana Mrs. tu. in. .eeney were i
in Eugene and Springfield Sunday
Mr and Mrs. Fred wood oil possi Die ro gei me oeets in as
Loa Aneeles. California, returned I easily as they should be planted,
..SJm. a. Thursday after Tlsltln at the In an endeavor to solve this
Frixel, and Lena and L . . VnAri.' nrBk Mr. nrablem. Mr Cobban raneei
and Mrs. J. E. Pangborn of Peg- the Idea of planting
visiting the Parker Bros., and their
mother, Mrs,
Lizzie Frizell, all former Mon
mouth residents. Miss Lena Fri-
IS9 uena rI1"l- To. Dmr, Mra Wnda. Mlasl small mm! luu) anrl fhon tram.
sens, name appears on a nuQeniu.,.,,. . WMnm warn jnarrled nlantinr Hia iwMta vhn rh
honor roll cup of the Springfield 3 WoodB of An. groxmi thonnrghly prepared.
mgn scnooi, neaaing me usi oi ge,M and they aaT been epend- Three possible advantages were
3i graduates. ntJneyin0on In Canada, seen in this plan. The ground
Mrs. Evelyn Hall of the Rex The7 eipect to visit Crater Lake could be thoroughly woried and
confectionery; returned Saturday ana other places of interest in weeded before the beets were
from a vacation spent in Portland, Oregon on their return trip to planted, the seed could be sowed
Longview and Kelso, Wash., where California. . much earlier and the problem of
she visited relatives and friends. Miss Berryle Blosser, a teacher proper thinning would not have
airs. Araie raraer, assistant to 0f the Hubbard school, la lmprov- be be met.
Dean Todd, left this week for ue after a sickness of about two Thinning Job Is Difficult
uunKirK, N. x where she will I weeks. For awhile it was feared Growers of stock beets know
spend the summer with relatives that she had pneumonia. that tt is alwara difficult to thin
and friends. Mrs. Frank Grimps Is also im- them property. If, in the thinning
m iaa mae bmiin, primary en- proving but unable to leave me process, the tops are broken off
tic teacher, accompanied by her bed. She has had serious ear tne heet rootg continue to grow.
nvomer, nas gone 10 uamornia ror trouble. - the tona coma tjack and then
the summer. Miss. Smith will have Mi3a Mary Goudy, Hubbard pi- there Is more tian one beet in
charge of primary method classes
oneer, who underwent an eye op-1 a place which results in smaller
in the normal school next year. Uratlon recently Is at the heme of beets and a poor crop mra, j. y. jacwon ana Mr8i Weaver. Her eyes are The transplanting on the Cob-
lamiry oi wanvuie, Virginia, were ia a Tery serious condition. ban farm was completed -about
guests this week of Rev. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Orlle Boje and jnne 1. There are now 21 rows
V , JSv Constance children Marie and Gordan, left of beets set out, each plant be
iucy were accompamea jqj. yj)e Late Thursday to spena
w J!;verexi, wash., Dy JHrs. uaily a few davs at the home of Mrs
where thew. visited relatives, and Boje's- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
have located for the summer while Wagoner. Gordan will not return
Mr. Jackson ia employed in a wit his parents but will spend his
oears. noeoucK Drancn rrore. Mr. vacation with his grandparents
Jackson is a brother of .Mrs. Daily Miss Helen Tje of Mountain
and Constance Jackson. Home. Idaho and Ralph Pangborn
Mrs. C. E. Nash of Salem has f Hubbard were married at Van-
oeen a guest This week at the H. eouver. Washington Wednesday
were not watered when set out
and any root as large as a match
or larger seems to have thrived.
Mr. Cobban estimates that he has
a 95 per cent stand in tne nera
of transplanted beets.
fiSOO Plants in Day
Two men with shovels and three
little boys with them, set oat
8,800 plants In. one day. Tar.
Cobban points out that they could
set two rows in the same time
that It would take to thin one
row. Also they know that they
have the much desired, one plant
in a place.
The total cost of the field, in
cluding seed, has been 1 10.40.
Two varieties of beets have been
planted. Five tows are of the
Portland 'Seed company's Best
Cropper and the balance axe of
imported seed from the Coos bay
Getting Seed Task
According to Mr. "Gebfean, the
farmers of the Coos Bay district
have found that, because of so
much foreign pollen in the air, It
is very difficult to get a true
variety of beet from local, grown
seed. For this reason t-iey have
Imported seed from England and
in This way succeeded In prodnc
ing beets that weigh from 25 to
65 pounds. , , . .
Just now the Cobban field is
in excellent condition, and a re
port on the tonnage crop this fall
will be interesting. No doubt,
ing 14 inches apart and with 425 will be able to profit by Mr. Cob
plants to the row. The plants ban's experiment.
the home of Mr. Dunlavy. cons-, Hoyt went to the TO I If KW
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence rneipa. resjaencB, . us rTv" n the
Other guests Included. Miss Stella Loooey family met ier on the
Karten. Mrs. CD. Naylor, Mrs. porch and seising hei 'by the hand.
M. E. Karten and Miss Marie Dun- cause a meirauU
lavy. Mrs C. D. Naylor who has went to Albany where Dr. lort-
made an extended visit In Portland miller dressed the wounds.
and Miss Marie Dunlavy who Mr. Clarence Thurston and Miss
spent a week in Portland as guest Lucille Smith motored to Port-
of relatives and friends accom- land Thursday, returning Satua.
panied the Dunlavys home. - day accompanied by Mr3. K. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil V. Ashbaugh "r"?n- jno n vu
and daughter Kreta Fae'have re- in Portland
turned from their annual vacation t Mf s. Bess Cooper who ha been
trip, which took them over the visiung iu
Columbia River highway to east- r. f " "Z ' CI
ern Oregon, where they visited Mr. Saturday for Roseburg. where i ..he
and Mrs. Vem Ramp, at Bend, en- has a position during the sum
Joyed fishing on the Deschutes and 0 . . . .
Metollous rivers, returning orer uubwi - j , lIZZ
the McKensie Pass, to Eugene. American
They also visited Mr. Ashbaugh's and meets with the band Wednes-
slster at Mapleton. Mr. and Mrs. day evening for the first time.
Ashbaugh's two sons, Kraid and piayws ni 00-w.
Vera Ashbaugh, who bad been vis- J. t5"u.
itinr thir consln Oeorza Coombs, was a calier at the J. H. Roland
Joined their parents, bringing with home Sunday.
them their cousin George-Coombs. Mlas Virginia Mason l"end-
From here they went to Ocean g ua wnumr -
Lake and also Yisited several S c. going oac anu ii m
other Oregon beaches on their re- stage.
turn trip. Mr. Ashbaugh is rural Mrs. Earnest Wiggins n d
mail carrier on Brooks route one. daughter Flelda. of Portland, ac-
Mr. andMrsT Carl Aspinwall SSLU. S-JiE i
DCU rUClua VI oaawwvv, a"-
Monday at the A. B. Pneips
and daughter. Miss Beseie Asnin
wall accompanied by Mr. Aspin-
wall'a mother, Mrs. Ellen Aspin
wall and his sister Mrs. Helen
Busselle and children, Clarice and
Earl Jr.. went to Silver Creek
home. Both Mrs. Wiggins and
Mrs. Bell Phelps are relatives of
A. E. Phelps.
A. B. Hinx, local hardware
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Allen left
this week for Lakeview, Oregon,
where they will make their home
Mr. Alien win then leave ror a
visit with relatives in the east
while Mrs. Allen will occupy the
D. Ross home, and assisted in the They stopped at Hubbard while on Pulnit of the Lakeview Methodist
care o Mrs. Ross, who is 111. their war to Salem where they will ehuch during bis absence. The
L. L. Dally, instructor of arch-U.,v fcip home. Miaa Tve has Aliens maae many irienas wnue
ery in the Monmouth CommnnliT v... .... nt the Hubbard re &d wll be missed by many
club, and In the archerV division I Mineral Sorings sanatorium and Mr. Allen was the local Methodist
or the normal school nlani tn at. I o,ini. HhkitWii ! th ann of J. K. I tnurcu uiiumicr.
tend the national champion arch-1 Panrborn of Peggy's Tea room.
er's turnament at Santa Barbara Miss Mabel Ztak. who arrived
July 28 to August 2, from Conway. Kansas Saturday
BIrs. J. B. V. Butler Is convales- baa srone to Monmouth to take a
cing from a recent attack of bron- six weeks' course' at the Normal
chial pneumonia. school. Miss Zink is a niece of
J. W. Tllton and Flovd C.anA Mn Rot Trover of Hubbard. She
SILVERTON, June 22. Mr
and Mrs. T. E. Preston, accom-
naniwl hv Mm Prpstnn' alntAr
ana twns went io xacnats Friday will teach in JS.ansas mis cujuiua Mrs. Ed Geer. motored to Port
auernoon, reiurning home Sunda-. year. . . J land on Sunday to spend the day
uej iguflu weazner conditions JOhn SSmOinisay Ol iue auUw. with Mm flopr'a nn nnil f.mllv.
very stormy and unfavorable for Service store and his daughter M - . T oti.
fwblng. Verna, underwent operations xor . t d , Rd.
r A 1If-l 1 .. 1.. , .Vl inng i thO '
v. a. oiTerion, Aionmoum me removal oi iucu ward rtonrlan
. X . . I ... . r-m f ....I., m TllO. I "
yoBimasier. accompanied his Mineral springs Banaiunuiu u- a ,1..,!,.,, t
brother Grant Wolveri'on. to Port- day. They returned to their home ! ," . . . Ga,am -.
land. Wednesday, whence th Int. Wednesday morning. Miss Vernal ...v.
ter will leave soon for his home in returned from Eugene recently.
Calgary, Canada, after a visit with having finished her first year at
relatives In this section. the University of Oregon.
jars, r rea uajier oi Oregon City O-
and Clarence Fream of Roseburg,
were caned here this week by the
serious illness of their mother.
Mrs. Walter Scott, wtib underwent
an operation Tuesday morning at
a saiem hospital. Mrs. Scott's con
dition is said to be favorable.
Mrs. Sarah Howell will ea tn
another daughter, Mrs. Arthur
Worth. This was their first call
on Mr. and Mrs. Worth's week-old
Mrs. E. R. Wik and four small
daughters left Silverton on Wed
nersday for Pierpont, South Da
LIBERTY June 22. Miss kota, where they will spend two
Ruth How, music teacher at the months with Mrs. Wik's parents,
blind school, was a guest of Miss Mr. and Mrs. Anders Hansen.
Pearl Scott for a few days during Mrs. Lee Haskins . entertained
the nast week. Mls3 Scot and Miss on Friday evening in honor of her
Portland Saturday 'to meet her How le" Thursday morning for slater, Miss Lfla Hanson of Cut
rrand,rt rfS TVLEi??-? the east. Miss How will visite in Bank. Montana, who is in SUrer-
...... .HimiflKWUO! BTO , ------ -. , n I ton tnr nntlA. Tlt
ivn rj v hi , i:nirnEA wniiH miss ouuil wan i - -
- i x a o n n n w n nro i'iih i ami. inx mit Luci a i &i uir. uaucii in 111
of making this her future home.
Harold Smith returned from
Portland Sunday after having
taken in the Rose festival and
reports having had a very enjoy
able time.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Looney
and daughters, Elizabeth and li
enor of Jefferson, Miss Marian,
Barber and Terbert Statfaro of
Salem were among the visitors at
our Community club "ast Tues
day evening.
George and Robert Smith visit
ed at McMinnville Tuesday, going
over by auto.
Mrs. Livia Kaplinger Is keep
hug house for her father Fred
Haack, while her mother, Mrs.
Fred Haack and sister. Miss Bon
nie Haack are on i vacation in
the middle west.
Miss Thelma Bengs, of Salem,
Is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hobbs.
Royal Barber is here from Mc
Clay for a week's Visit at home.
George Smith is a possessor of
a new Ford roadster.
Wayne Barber came up from
Talent Sunday morning to spend
the day with his family.
At the annual school meeting
last Monday, A. F. J. Lafky was
elected a member of the school
board and C. F. Higbee was re
elected clerk.
Truck traffic has considerably
increased through Marion in the
last week due to the movement of
fresh and barreled strawberries
from Lebanon to Salem.
Falls SundaV and were, dinner dealer, is navmg a oums 6
n.o.. ,1 f- i.nin.,11'. hrnthr age built on his property in
b uvovo va avaa Aoytu v imi a '! , . 1 J
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aspinwall and town, in wnicn w od u"i,I
family ery car and also his new Packard
Mrs. A. E. Harris was a dinner seda.n-J- T- i0e Tom Hale
guest of Mrs. Catherine Blanton JJtag Je wejj.
on munuiij. air. wu -1 , i Xf orlnn
TIa rria anil Ur ,n4 Mn S A. y.--v.
' : Tm,J?.iTu ..ii county a parcel of land lying be-
t -tr tii. o I tween their property and the Pad
day school picnic at Keizer last c TVrJ7Z th.
I has a 200 foot frontage on the
OUIluay. , I l,iV. 1A Xfaln
All momhra nf ti A Rranrs "lsu " u 1
" I . . . "Cl . I A 1 . .
Community Club, are asked to be r "rTmi "
. i i . . lur me iiuuKio luimus ivui-
VriAw Tuna 91 wVion I VB.UJ Ul X Ul 114UU, naa ui lunu mo
fr. M1U Pnhort. Pamn -lll run. ""1 OI ID9 SW lOUKUlS 0er me
n tho M,,h in th f(n!,i Anntt territory and assisting in the. re
Rnnnnrpfl hv th PnnriT fpn organixation of the warehouse in
ntinn nf nnmm.,nH r-i,,K Jefferson, recently leased by E.
The regular church services will kIlBashford' owner 'tne Triangle
be held in the Brooks Community MilUng company and under the
mornine with Rev D. Georee Cole L CHarles Hoyt is moving his rock
pastor in charge. Bible school will crusher to Silverton, from across
h it 10 o'clock and devotional the river at Green's bridge where
services at 11 o'clock. The r-rrmon ttte Plant ta operating since
summer In Monmouth
on to Toronto, Canada, where the
will visit relatives.
Merrin and Chester Seasfer, i
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardle left
Silverton this week for Seattle,
hivnv nn.i, and ilatfd Scott where she wUl attend aummer
A ion wpv for th Lar-mn session at
avab aw w wa. -
the University of Wash-
Miss Marion McKenxie left Huh- mines where they expect to work iagton.
. l - U a
card on the .1:40 o'clock train for several weeks.
Tuesday for a ' six week's rial Mrs. Doud and her small daugh-
witn relatlvea at Omaha. Nebras- ters. Genevieve and eBtty Jean,
ka. She expected to arrive at have returned to their home in
Omaha Thursday evening. Her Corvallis.
moiner, Mrs. Neva McKenxie, who Mrs. William Zosel, who under-
has charge of the local telephone, went an operation in Portland
accompanied her daughter as far some time ago, has returned to
as Portland, and returned to Hub- her home in Liberty and is im-
oara me same day. proving rapidly.
Sunday, auto trip, were enjoyed las will be glad to know that she PpI!n,Ii vifr. iTnl to
by many Hubbard folk. recoverinTrapIdly from her re- J 'nrnf,orlU,Mi 0ln 10
.? V v" 'rJonn. smoUii?ky cent operatlond has returned - sllTerton city conncQ has
put a ban on the sale of fire
works within the city limits. The
ordinance bars the sale of any
Miss Hardle la returning toJ
Spirit Lalce, Idaho In the fall to
resume her duties In the high
school there.
Miss Helen Kleeb, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kleeb of this
city, who has been with the Duffy
players for the past year In Holly
wood and Los Angeles, is soon to
have her tryout for the movies
by the Pathe company. Miss
and daughter, Verna, Mr. and Mrs. to her home in Liberty.
k. c. Painter, Mr. and Mrs. George carl Coffey ha also returned
urimps ad Bobby and Junior, and tt hi. hom and ia improving
Mr ni r.. is a n-t.i - . 1 . . -. i oruinanc
r.rfti-.r tTirr? n torpedo, cannon cracker, giant
. 1-U mc Mr and Mrs. lyiC JUIUS YlSilVU I W -1r-. vnntan oan
hrirttro nonr rtatrnU TK I .... . t t. i-ii .
o- .v.w uiuuAuiigt tna nninn or air. ana mis. j. n. i n
klV mnn ft... J. J J i T . .. . . ... 1 UleS.
" iutouucuui uui. i Rains during tne nasi weex. nr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bevens. Miss Mr .i.via Palna are moving
Anna sevens, miss uungadene into their new home In North Sa
Bideood. Misa Helen Mltta anil horl t
brother, Welvin, drove along the MigS Mary Hale, of Seattle, fa
uoinmoia highway a far as Hood risittag her aunt. Mrs. J. R.
er. mey aioppea at many I Raing .
Places or. interest. - . . I - Ar tbA recent school election all
The George Knight family cndlnfrtrr. . re-elected Members
paries unttenaen and daufhter, 0f the school board Include: Wil
Kuoy, accompanied by Fred Par- ila R. Dallas, chairman; Mrs
sona oi MMinnviue, motored to Bruce Cunningham and John
Neskowin. Mr. Crittenden looked Dasch. Fred Scott was re-elected
auer a is property at Kose Lodge dedk.
TV 1IVJ lucre. I
I nam k iv vaai w fMfiw
com panied by Maxwell Smolaisky
went to Neskowin Saturday night. O
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Duncan and AMITY, June 22. Miss Louise
son, Williswent to Mills. City .to and Miss VIntoria Burch spent
spend the day. several days in McMinnville at the
Mrs. S. S. McMannis was host- home of their sister.
ess at a three atbie bridge party i J. R. Snodgrass and the Misses
at her home Saturday evening. ! Clara and Helen Karns spent
High score was v.ron by Mrs. Vera Tuesday afternoon shopping in Sa-
Boje. Roses and sweet williaml lem.
were artistically placed about the Mary Jean and Louise Taylor of
room. A two course luncheon was Portland are visiting with their
served. The guests were Mesdames aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Ella Stauf fer, Louise Grimps, Ruble.
Blanche Brown. Neva McKenxie. Mrs. Pearl Snodgrass of Mc-
Anna Stauffer, Cora Smith, Vera rMInnvilre spent Sunday at the
Boje,- Kathleen Beckman, Ella
Watson, Frances Ericksoa and
Mlsa Betty Brown.
Waldo F. Brown happily sur
prised his family Sunday, when
he eame home for a brief visit.
home of her son, J. R. Snodgrass.
Mr. McNealy and Basil McNealy
were Salem visitors Tuesday aft
The Marion Creamery building
is receiving a new coat of paint. It
Mr. Brown has charge of a big is being put on by the spraying
ranch at Klamath Falls which be-1 process. This will add much to the
longs to Dr. Robert H. Ellis of I appearance of the building and
Portland. Monday, Mr. Brown I also to the look; of this town
visited his - father George : H.
M. C. Storruste, manager of the
Silverton Food Products Co.,
passed the American Citizenship
examination in Salem, thereby re
ceiving his eltlxenship papers.
Mr. Storruste is a native of Cana
Members of the SUverta Cred
it Association recently voted to
dissolve the affairs of the organ!
zation. The association has been
organized since 1923, and since
1926. Att'y Rex Albright has been
secretary. Rellnquency of busi
ness is the reason given for dis
Mr. Al Beatty, a former teacher
tn Silverton high, who Is now
teaching in Puyallup high school.
is spending several days in Sil
verton visiting old friends. He
is the guest of Mrs. George Cusi-
ter on east Main street.
Mrs. Frank Hubbs was hostess
on Wednesday evening at her
home on Bethany road at an at
tractive evening of bridge. A
profusion of wild and garden
flowers were used In decoration
about the rooms. Three tables
were In play, at which Mrs. C.
W. Wilson received high score
and Mrs. Denny McCleary taking
low. Very dellghtfnl refresh-
menta were served by the hostess.
"i O
MARION. June 22. Sid Rus
sell is constructing a new bridge
Mrs. Clara Martin returned Sat- east of town on the Marion-Pleas-
Brown, at New Era, and Wednea-j urday after a visit with friends! ant Valley road, and will also
day, he went on the flax tour land relatives in Salem and Fort-j build a new bridge across Marion
sponsored br the Barlow crange. land. J creek on the road leading to the
Ramon , &f win of Portland Miss Aiaine Alderman i rori-1 cemetery.
m it mffeiwd a snrained ankle land is visiting with her grand-1 C M. Smith came down from
Tuesday, evening when a bicycle parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wood-1 Lyons Thursday for a brief vhit
which was ridln? skidded and man of this city. I at his Marlon store.
she felL- Mlsa Ramona and Marl Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burch spent I Mrs. AL Lnndberc has pnrchas-
Ellen Olsen accompanied Eliza-1 Sunday with the latter's motner.jea trom t. t. Gentry ma inwn
beth Soherty of Portland to Hub-1 Mrs. Amanda Pomalo of . Hope- residence and win take pones-
bard SatnrdaT for a few weeks' iweil. - . aion at once with me expeciauon
Rpllineham. Washington arc
spending a few days at the home
of Mrs. Mary Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. U Chestnut:
and daughter Merle, are vacation
ing in Seattle and other places of
interest for three weeas.
Mrs. A. T. Cocker left recently
for Roseburg where she will visit
friends for a few days.
Mrs. Ray Simpson sister of Mrs.
John Dawes is visiting in the city
for a few days.
Murray Niccolson, who has been
attending the University of Idaho
the past term, is spending a few
weeks with his father, Mr. Charlie
Mrs. L. E. Dike and daughter
Gweneth have moved to Detroit
recently where they will spend the
summer with Mr. Dike who is em
ployed there.
Mrs. H. H. Labenx and child
ren are spending a few weeks at
Damascus, Oregon, visiting relatives.
Miss Mabel Bradahaw left re
cently for Sacramento, California
to spend the summer.
Harry Mason was selected last
week for one of Jurors for the
Salem circuit court for July.
At the school election last Mon
day J. R. Olln was elected chair
man for a Z year term and D. B.
Hil! re-elected .clerk.
Joe Dawes, who has been oper
ating the Mill City confectionery
but who sold' it recently, has gone
to Seattle1,1' Washington where he
wilt be 'manager oi ram smith,
who lis ! entering a walking rare
sponsored by the Seattle Star.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mornscn
were pleasantly surprised Mondpy
evening by a group of friends who
gathered te'celebrate the surprised
couples 25th anniversary.
Those enjoying the evening
were Mr. and Mrs. John Sawn, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Hayneg, Mrs. Ada
Golden, Mrs. Fern Bailey, Mrs. M.
Knerr. Miss Betty Davis. Abe
Mason' and Rev. Bates.
Mfs. Johanne M. Jorgenson of
Mill City received her naturaliza
tion papers recently. She came
from Sweden.
tople is "A Curse Change a to a
Blessing." Read Zachariah 8:13
As ye were a curse ye shall be
The evening service will be held
at Keizer with Epworth League at
7 o'clock and ' church services at
8 o'clock. At this time T. H. Tern
pie will hold the last quarterly
conference at Keizer.
Mrs. Charles Comndaiier en
tertained the Brooks campfire
girls at their regular meeting at
her home on Wednesday. The
early spring. He has crushed about
70,000 yards, so far this season.
The crushed rock was used tor
road work.
O 1 O
Mill City
MILL CITY, June 22. Frank
Dropela, former resident of Mill
City, is now employed at' linotype
operator, on the Treka Journal in
Yreka, California,
Mr., and Mrs. A. L. Baher were
girls plan to organize a baseball " d J Sailmtfcreftl3r f
team and have elected Hattie "TIL . , " "r .. " , "
Ramp as captain.
stepmother, Mrs. Louella .Harris.
Robert Glover of Portland and
KEIZER, June 22. Mrs. Cora
Beardsley, teacher of the third
and fourth grades at Keizer 13 at
tending summer school at Men
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Scott have
as their house guests, Mr. Scott's
mother, Mrs. Esther A. Scott and
niece. Miss Mildred E. Card from
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This is
their first visit to the Pacific
coast They were pleased with I he
sunshine and with the beautiful
trees and. flowers, especially the
A Joint birthday party was held
at the Beecroft home Saturday
night In honor of Arthur Brown
ing and Lorraine Beecroft whose
birthdays are a day apart, A num
ber of nice presents were received
by each.
Tne usual social games were
played, and later iee cream
and cake were served. Mrs.
Browning assisted Mrs. BeecToft.
Present were LaVaun Gardner.
Carrol Cummings, Ruth Nelson,
Maxlne Bowman, Dorothy Rullf-
son. Warren Poole. Ernest Sav
age and Chris Bartraf f.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gardner
and family and Mrs. J. B. Hughes
of Coquille, Ore., are visitors at
the J. A. Garener home. They are
on their way to their new home in
Alberta, Canada.
Mrs. Floyd K. Kester of Marsh
field, Is spending the week end
with her parents in Keizer.
O : O
BROOKS, June 22. Mrs. Mary
Moisan had as her guests last
Sunday at dinner her son, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Moisan and children.
Malcolm and Lois Ann of Marsh-
field, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moisan
and Hubert Moisan of Portland,
Mrs. F. T. Nash and son Bernard,
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Mol
san of Gervais, and Mr. Al Moisan
and daughters, Agnes and Flor
ence of Salem. Other recent
guests at the Moisan home were.
Mrs. Agnes Nys and children. Ha
zel and Francis of Jefferson. Mrs.
Nys' nephew. Glen Cofflndaffer,
accom p anied her home for a visit.
Recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aspinwall were
Mr. Asplnwall's -sister Mr. and
Mrs. Forrest Glnn and children
Merril and Kenneth of Dallas, and
Mrs Ellen Aspinwall, and Clarice
and Earl Bussele.Jr. of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cozel and
Mrs. Cbxel's daughter Miss Lyle
Nyhan were, week-end guesta at
the home of Mr. Cosel's mother.
Mrs. Robert Hayes at Tillamook.
Mr, and Mrs. John Dunlavy and
son, John Jr., went to Portland
Sunday and were dinner guests at
Cecil Catherwood, employee of
iL. TV j i
Lvle Glover of Independence were azumono liumoer company
wv.nrf ,.,et. -t tfc- ; sustained bad bruises to his an
t,oi- I' ,n,i a uu h7 iaa weec wnen a
Hackit and his sister Miss Ellen rucvk Ioad of lumber 0Ter
Hackit. Other guests this week at u mT-' wa M .
tha TT.cirit -,0,0. vi0o I Miss Florence Nystrom, com
Finney of Hopmere. Mrs. Willard KfLtof ,th Dew8PPer
Ramp and Mrs. John Dunjavy 4"JU1C" uct uu viriy,
wore alan calloro . th. Ho.Ht 1 "V" HU6 B JOB re.
home this week - "" - 11111 DU imuy, bc-
' w I wa f a v. marin i w
Mr. and Mrs. Cris Otto and , " . "I Z,l,l7 "JU'.UC"-
daughter Miss Beulah Otto and Vni17,,, A SLTv""
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood and H"! wIU enthe Oregon
daughter Miss Arleta Wood re- iUt Bankers association meeting
t,.moH t,-,00a0 frnm . Monday and Tuesday. From there
Inz at Newnort. they will enjoy a trip through Ida-
w I Waanla4an a J T1 1
Dad" Brown sold his General vi. 1U"'U "uu.c,msu --
Merchandise store on the highway ,' T ,
at Brooks four corners recently to T Mte!J'Ml Mason a recent
Mr .nH Mr. r t. ini.n. BnA June bride being married at the
latter have "taken noa.eealnn Mr home of her Parents to Homer Me-
nnil Mrs A lllinn , tmrrt alam I V4 oiciu. iue DCiae Vl
Mr. Allison being a former guard Tery attractively ia a
at the State Penitentiary.
Mrs. Mary Hyman and ion, of
frock of rose georgette crepe.
Alter the ceremony the bride
and bridegroom left for Salem
where they will reside.
Miss Jessie was was popular,
JEFFERSON, June 22. Chil- taking part in all school actir-
dren's day was observed by the 1 Ue. -
Evangelical church Sunday school Mrs Nellie Gillenwater has re
on Sunday morning. A program I celTed 'word of the death of her
waa rendered and an offerinr w I momer in luisa, UKlahoma. Mrs
taken for missionary work, s GUlenwater had planned to visit
. . i . . vr i tier mntner tnla aiimmA
an. i;nariei mcn.M wnn wpnri suwu,
f Pncatelln Tilahi rvn aconnnt I ranK JVieiU. Senior OI the M. C
of ill health, baa not lmnrnveH w6h Bchool left recently for Gar-
much as was expected, so Be has ioala where he will be employed
gone to the Lava Hot Springs for ta thm.
further treatment. I mrB- wno was here
Mrs. Fred Wied has purchased 1 . luc luaer1 nr xatner Joan
tbe nronertv located three nnar. I riymaie returned to Auburn.
ters of a mfla north of town from v.a-aujgwn iasi monuay. sne waa
Emmett Buchanan. The consldera- f9ued aa xar as Portland by
tion waa not learned r- nd -Mrs. Kay Plymale.
Mrs. Wood and sons. Glen and L Waasom of Salem
Arnold left recently for W,. " visum .ax tne nome ot Her
tna- tn nnr aftnr i.rmt i srsnuparesn jvir. ano Mrs. Wll
v J Mum n eMci. t .
ests. Mr. Glen Wood, being a 1 " "Z .,7 uuvro operators
cessful teacher in the Jeffer-on .1"" "v "" ucrc-
school the past two years, will
De greasy missed Dy bis many
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hutchinrs
and daughter, Margaret, motored
from Portland Sunday; accompan
ied by Mrs. S. R. Tandy, who
spent the week with them In the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKee and
daughter, Jean. T. A; McKee, and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lynes left ear
ly Monday morning for East lake.
on a zishing trip,
Miss eJanle Spragg of Portland
was the guest ot her mother and
brother Sunday.
Mr. Gallekly has traded his
property In town for acreage,
south of town, owned by Ur Ja
Mrs. Frankie Cornell, and
daughter, Mrs. Ruby Grifnth, of
saiem, spent Sunday In Jefferson.
Miss Verna McKee has gone to
Portland, where she has secured
employment In tbe Good Samari
tan hospital.
Mrs. Cecil Holt and daughter.
Juanlta returned Saturday from a
visit to North Bend. Mr. Holt, ac
companied them to Jefferson, out
returned Sunday to resume Ms
work for the 8. P. R. R. Co.
, Miss Anna Klampe is assist
ing at the Stage Terminal, during
the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
McKee. who are enjoying a fish
ing trip.
Miss Marie Kihe left for Mon
mouth Monday to 'attend the
cummer s school at the Normal.
Saturday morning as Mrs. Lyria
- j j - --, ,
RICKEY,--June 22. Dan Max-
field hr hkving a wind mill put
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoots visited
relatives at Newberg Tuesday.
Mrs. George Edward3 spent
Tuesday with her daughter. Mrs.
C. Gesner. of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude McCullv
of Aumsrille were guests of Mr.-.
and MrsVM'f. Magee Sunday.
William Sheridan was elected
director and R. Mercer, clerk, at
the annual school election.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Van Cleve
of Portland, who have been vis
iting Mrs. Van Cleve's father, D.
A. aHrris, left for California on
Tuesday, where they will visit
Mrs. Van Cleve's brother. Frank
Harris and attend the convention
of the salesmen of Reid Murdork
o o
I Union Vale
o o
TJNIONVALE, June 22. Miss
Maud Williamson has been elect
ed teacher of the Wheatland
school for next term.
A silo Is being erected near the
sheep barn on the Charles K.
Spauldlng farm.
Uriah' Hamblet, who has been
serloUsiy ill at his home for sever
al weeks is slightly improved.
Mrs. d. E. Bartruff and daugh
ter, Winnie are in Lacomb where
they are employed picking straw
Miss Audrey Crawler has been
elected to teach the Hopewell
school next term.
O o
CLOVERDALE. June 22. The
children who took the state eighth
grade examinations received their
grades recently. Cox and Ida
May Lyons each received more
than 80 in geography. Edward
Tatro received 85 in physiology
and Rachel Garner 7J in geo
graphy. Mts. Claribell Neer and Mrs.
Mary Hd3y were hostesses for a
kitchen' she wer for Miss Mary
Hennia on Wednesday. The affair
-was a surprise to Miss Hennis,
who received, many useful cifts
for her new home. Many friends
were present from the neighbor
hood and also from Turner and
Salerno k
All) Statesman carriers are
chared tor an the papers they de
liver. Please always see that your
carrier , is -paid if you happen to
move. ,' - - -..
S;S?r,!t'9 MfT "chard ladders and
Wders. L4gat weitselected spruce.
Spaulding Buil
: IAS KAITTll nAvMa - -
T.TTf?Aa- t A upto . xax ; r
f v AiuiiaiiissAINTER