The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orejon, Sunday Morning, Jane 23, 1929
Local News Briefs
Bible School Orows Interest
1b the Community vacation, bible
i.chool, started the first of this
week for West Salem boys and
girls, is" gTowlag, with 4 'students
enrolled and an average dally at
enlarce of 35 pu-ils for the first
wek. If Is-- reported. The school
w.ll continue eaca day this week
from 9 to 11:30 o'elotk in the
owiralng. A' picnic tor the school!
wmbe;hld Friday, parents bttog
invited to this.
-wilt be held In the Kent Memorial
church Sunday venter; June 90;
' "fchea a short program. shcw'.na; the
Interests of ' tho school . will - be
'-given. -
k . . i m r. . n;
-wnen. on Saturday County Clerk
Boyer issued marriage licenses to:
Walter Meyers of Portland ' and
Ruth Mitchell of Salem; Glenn L.
Har bough and Ruth Chenoweth of
Salem; Gordon Woodford of St.
Helens and Isene- Dunagan of
Scotts Mills; Gerhard Menk and
Augusta Moener, both of Indepen
dence; R. C. Steinke and .Mary E.
Gibbons of Salem and Guy Domo-
galla and .Gertrude Bartotz of
Atiemding ConveBtion Dr. Es
tella Ford' Warner, director of the
Marin county child health demon
stration, left Saturday, .afternoon
for San" Francisco, where. he' will
attend the social . worktryc'fcnTef-
ence In. session there next, wliek.
Miss Mildred Carlton wlll'Join' Dr.
Warner at Medford. Dr. Warner
plana to return to Salem July 1.
Oo'rcpUlnt Filed Myrtle
Brooks has brought salt tor ai
vorce from Gtbo Brooks and fAnna
L. Livock from Ilsrrold E.'Livoek.
ln'cireult court the following eases
have been-filed: State of Oregon
vs. Edward Judd, Commercial In
vetmnt Co. vs. C. E. GUbreath,
Union Savings and Loan vsH. M.
Lehman. "' "-
To Make Move Soon The Ffrst
rtantiut Sunday school will use
ii icnorimpnt. which has
been in process of alteration and
construction for some time now.
for the first time a week from this
morning, reports the pastor. Rev.
i. pjviip Mr. Payne re-
turned Saturday alternoon ir
two-day trip to Brietenbush.
Visits Dr. Paul
t iiwMn Visits Dr.
Prehie, of the United States pub
lic health service, with headquar
ters in Washington. D. C. .spent
Saturday visiting at the Marlon
county child health demonstration
He is enroute to his home and
will make the trip to Sah Fran
clcco over the Redwood highway.
Kruegew at Coast Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Krueger. ompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Irvin E. Oehler,
formerly of Eugene but who are
visiting relatives here fore ?;
ine to Portland to make their
home, are spending the weekend
at ocast cities. They left Satur
day. Aid to Meet The West Central
circle of the Ladles' Aid society
of the First Methodist church will
hold Picnic at the rgroujds
Tuesday. The business meeting
will be held In the afternoon, fol
lowed by a picnic supper at 6
?c?k to which the families are
Members Announced X.
watv auctioneer and furniture
dealer, and E. W.
prietor of the shoe
State street formerly operaedby
Th J. Ttottle. are new members
chamber of com-
xnerce signed up la the past wee
ir.t... RiMid C C. Mahan,
Lake county assessor who spent
Friday In the Salt m Wjm
charge of lntoxication,r re
..rlr Saturday Tworning
v, . friend nrovided $2 bail
The bail was forfeited when Ma
han failed to appear in municipal
court at the appomieu
Speeding CWgedA. Pauli.
..t. 9 .wu lined la
municipal court Saturday on i
rharre of speedlnr, WllUam Gahls
dorf, 1855 North Cottage, was ar
rested by local police on a similar
Inspector Leaves E. C. Cle
Mntir lnsnector? tor- the
federal poWflce department left
Saturday afternoon for his home in
Portland after spending two days
at the local posioince.
Parked Car Hit Ersel .Mun
j.. 1 7in rterrv street, report-
ed to the Police Saturday that his
automobile, parked n outh .Hteb
street; was hit by a mcMn driv
en by J. Harbison. f?tf-
v-ik In PorUand--J- P
t Saturday
Ticn,- iociii icanu., - -
aaenaios "
Visits From Brush Creek J. l
Goplerud of Brush Creek was i
Saturday -visitor In Salem.
Find It Here
Furniture UpHoistcree - '
And repairing Giese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Dollar Dinner , .t
Every night 1:1 to at t
ajarion hotel.
For Used Cars See -
Vick Bros. High and Trade.
Gasoline Pump Wanted
Phone 13.
XC. M. Garner
Barber. BHgh Hotel. In state
St. , . 1
For Used Cars See ' '
Vick Bros. High and Trade. -
v- LobkIbo Watcnee
W1U check np with tne longine
- Time signals every night. Pome
roy & Keener are Salem dealers.
During: July, and August
The following floral shops will
open at S a. m. and close at 5 p. m.
- ADAMS Florist,
Cter TJaed Can
Tick Bros. High and Trade.
Here Prom Perrydale J. C. Ry
an, head of the Perrydale school
system, la in the city until Mon
day, and Is visiting his daughter,
Miss Rachel Ryan of the Krueger
realty office. Mr. Ryan reports
that at a meeting this week the
Perrydale school board started
plans to organize a anion hill
rseHbol district there and also au-
t,ri r .
to tne Mnool grounds.' The addi-
f rr,nnaJ land will be used for athlet
ic purposes.
Blame Steering. Geur--Fallure
of . the steering rear en - M. M.
Stewart's automobile to work pro
perly, was blamed for the colli
sion between his car- and one
driven, by Allen F. Smith of Park
Place, in a report filed with the
police Saturday. The crash occur
red Friday night on South Com
mercial street between Kearney
and Bush.
Vigilance Held Lacking An
automobile driven by H. H. Hul-
seyr 1905 North Fifth, was xnak
lug a turn at South Commercial
and Bush street Friday night when
it became Involved in a collision
with the machine of Henry Esau,
1090 North Fifth. Hulsty In re
porting the accident claimed that
Esau was not watching the street
ahead of him.
Collision Reported Automo
bile collisions reported Saturday
included one in which cars driven
fby A. E. Barker. 1560 Nebraska,
and Ed Vicsko, 2060 South High,
wero involved, at 14th and Mar
ket streets. Another involved
cars driven by Mrs. A. F. Waller,
Salem route,' 9, and Emit Carlson,
1475 NbthFou4j. '
Powells Enjoy Trip -Postoffice
employes have received a card
from Elbert Powell, of the money
order force, that he and Mrs. Pow
ell and their baby are having a
splendid time in California, with
weather conditions Ideal. They
were at SawteUe when he wrote.
Mr. Powell win probably not re
turn to the office until the second
week in July.
Canse Visits Brothers Joseph
Canse of New York City is visiting
hi3 brothers in Oregon this sum
mer. During the past week he has
been visiting his brother James in
Portland, and today he is visiting
his brother John M. Canse, pres
ident of the Kimball School of The
ology. Mr. Canse is day clerk at
the Penn hotel in the metropolis.
To Attend C. M. T. Camp Five
Salem high school boys will be
among the youths who will attend
the Citizens military training
camp at Camp Lewis, July 1 and
lasting a full month. They are:
Bill Gahlsdorf, Milton Taylor,
Frank Cross, Francis Welch and
Edwin Hoffnell.
Returns Frcm Halsey Miss
Rita Reid, Parrish junior high
teacher, .returned Saturday after
noon from Halsey, where she has
spent the past week as a guest of
Miss Pearl Pehrsson. Miss -Reid
and Miss Pehrsson, were sorority
sisters at O. S. C.
Sale Is Successful The Mid
summer Clearance sale of the Mil
ler store was especially successful
this year, according to S. E.
Keith, advertising manager. Bus
iness conditions are Improved over
those of the same period last year
stated Mr. Keith.
' McCormlck in Idaho Dr. John
D. McCormick is spending this
week at Harvard, Idaho, where he
is teaching at the Grizzly Camp
Epworth League institute. Dr. Mc
Cormick is scheduled to teach at
three other Institutes this summer.
Week-end at Home Miss Mary
Elliott, secretary to Dr. Estella
Ford Warner of the child health
demonstration, is spending the
week-end with her parents', in
Newberg. .
VWt Front PrinevUlfr Mrs.- H.
P. Belknap and grandson, Wilford
Belknap, Jr., of Prineville, are
guests tt the home of Mrs. Naomi
Salomon. 1335 B street. Mrs. Bel
knap Is a niece of Mrs. Solomon.'
Visiting Mrs. Ford Mrs. J.
Scott Milne and son Robert are
here from Portland for a several
weeks visit with Mrs. Milnes
mother. Mrs. E. G. Ford, 537
South High.
Guardian Named Gordon Tow
er, their father, has 'been, ap
pointed guardian of Virginia. Wal
lace. Eugene and Pauline Tower,
minor children.
Visitor From Merced! Miss Ef
fie Stanclift of Merced, California,
is spending several days with Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Ney at their Mar
lon street home.
Rejro1.r Dinner 75c
DeLuxe dinner $1.00: -Gray
Belle. 440 State St.
Special Fried Spring Chicken-
Chicken and Baked Chicken din
ners served all day at the Spa.
For Dinner This Evening '
Special Sunday dinner X1.QS tl
tne Marion note tooay.
- " - - - - , - - . v.--v
Special Chicken Dinner 50c
, New Argoia, 222K N. Coral :
Special Chicken DinkeiC1 '-' "
COc and 75c at O'Leary's.
Fried Spring Chicken
And Chicken Dinners at State
Cafeteria. Open all day today.
Sunday Chicken Dinner
At the Home Restaurant,
Delicious home made pie.
Coffey's Cafe Open All Day
14S South Liberty.
Hotel Argo Dining
Chicken dinner today, iOe.
Where To
Numerous Activities in Va
rious Sections Attract
- State Men Away
With bridge dedication cere
monies at Smith River, Cal., re
view of the Oregon national guard
troops, at Camp Clatsop, conven
tions, state and national, and the
first tinge of summer heat, state
business virtually was at a stand
still here Saturday as far as state
officials are concerned.
Probably the largest number of
state officials was attracted to
Camp Clatsop, where they re
viewed the national guard troops
as guests of Brigadier General
White. The bridge dedication cere
monies ' proved a strong counter
attraction, while eastern conven
tions and short Jaunts contributed
to the weekend exodus.
Many See Review
At Camp- Clatsop
Among those who attended the
Camp Clatsop review were Hal E.
Hoss, secretary of -state; C. N,
Laughrldge, deputy secretary of
state; Carl Gabrielson, head of
the state motor vehicle depart
ment; T. A. Raffety, chief state
traffic officer; Carle Abrams, sec
retary state board of control; Miss
Beatrice Walton, secretary to Gov
ernor Patterson; George Alexan
der, state prohibition director, and
Sam -A. Keser, state budget di
. SUte officials attending the
bridge dedication Included Gov
ernor Patterson Roy Klein, state
highway e&gyreer; . Joseph Dev
ers, attorney for the state high
way department, and James Stew
art, investigator for the state land
Kay and Howard
Both Out Of State
Thomas B. Kay, state treasurer,
is In Europe, while C. A. Howard,
state superintendent of schools, is
en route east to attend the na
tional convention of the national
educational association. George M.
Brown, justice of the state su
preme court, is at The Dalles re
cuperating from illness.
Other state officials marked ab
sent from their desks today Includ
ed Rhea Luper, state engineer, at
Enterprise; L. E. Bean, public
service commissioner, at Washing
ton; Brigadier General White at
Camp Clatsop; Tom Rilea, assist
ant to Brigadier General White, at
Camp Clatsop; O. H. Bortzmeyer,
member public service commission,
at Portland; James Goodman, dep
uty state insurance commissioner,
at San Francisco; and J. Lyman
Steed, superintendent of the state
school for the deaf, at Minneapo
lis, Minn.
Ray Stumbo, of West Salem,
has taken over the lease on the
Hollywood Theater and is prepar
ing to reopen the theater Just as
quickly as the necessary equip
ment can be received. He plans
to install a "talkie" and has plac
ed his order for the sound-picture
Samuel C. Martin died at a local
hospital Saturday morning at the
age of 74 years. Survived by his
widow, Harriett E. Martin, and one
son, Howard, of Glendale, Oregon.
Remains will be forwarded by the
Salem mortuary to Glendale,
where funeral services and inter
ment will take place. -
Rev. Albert T. Cramer, IS,
whose home is In Rex, Oregon,
died Saturday night at the Schin-
dler Home at ' 340 West Myers
street. Survived by his wife and
four children: William, Ruth, Paul
and Grace, all of Rex; four broth
ers, John Cramer of Grandview,
Wash.; Frederick of Berea, Ohio;
William and Gustavo of Cincin
nati, Ohio; and three sisters, Au
gusta Cramer, Hannah Cramer
and Frieda Cramer, all of Cincin
nati Funeral announcements
later from the Clough-Huston mor
tuary. City View Cemetery
Established 1803 TeL 12M
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
Selcrefit iflemorial
A Park, Cemetery
with perpetual care'
Just ten minutes from the
heart of town
Wo Hove It!
New and Used Plumbing
Also New or used pipe, all
size. Betting, all slzeOne
15". Herald Bench Band Saw.
nMor. attached. Also new or
need tools and many other
'We buy and sell everything
Sdcn Bargatb Hesse
fi Sslso Jnk Co.
320 N. Coml, Phont 492
Helps Dedicate Bridge
- r
V -fit , -
. 7
Introducing Governor Young of California who took part Sat nr.
day In the dedication of the bridge on the Roosevelt bighway.
West Salem News
The Reid-Murdock Company,
which is operating the cannery in
West Salem, announces that there
are now about 350 men and wom
en employed. The company has a
large order for boxes placed with
the Salem Box factory.
Miss Margaret Blnshadler of
Lebanon, who has been teaching
near there, is planning to spend
her summer vacation with Miss
Pernice Sloper at 1091 Edgewater
street. Miss Binshadler and Miss
Sloper were school chums when
they both attended Salem high.
A birthday party was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Simmons Frida yevening in hon
or of Miss Mildred Simmons and
Alvln Meade's 19 th birthday.
Games were played on the lawn
from 8 to 11 o'clock, when re-
Mr. Stumbo has been operating
theatres in Mill. City, Sheridan.
Willamina, Valsetz and Grande
Ronde. He will continue his shows
iu these places.
The Hollywood Theatre, which
is located in the Hollywood dis
trict on North Capitol, was badly
damaged by fire early in Febru
ary. There was considerable de
lay over the Insurance adjust
ment, and succeeding litigation
has held up the re-opening of the
theatre. In the interval the build
ing has been rebuilt and when
re-opened will be completely
modernized in its furnishings and
French aviation companies pro
pose an agreement with railroads
whereby air passengers might
check their baggage by train.
The Shedd aquarium at Chica
go will bring in 1,000,000 gallons
of sea water this year for its 6,000
finny residents.
Can You Afford
fl ) o Well
Hotel Argo Dining
Aran tt EUaCxe IMve
Deep onto the rocks below car propelled by Its own power.
Will she burn up when she hits the rocks? Mangled form
will be removed. A smal admittance charge of 25 cents will
be made, proceeds will be used to build roads and clear rub
blst for the protection of tree life at the Fails.
. .... rOR 1939-30
Juued hf the "Ari'Point" Studiot, producer
efSocuIl Correct SocImI Stationery. . edited
' by Virginia Courteiuy, modern authority ...
Detcrihinj the proper ocm mteje and illuttrat
IdJ with actual tamplea,
WmiiG CARDy:
Yoa are larltea to conaJt it, on em comntcn.
wttboot edwnM or olhHoa,
V- ::-' ----- --:'
freshments were served in the
house by the hostess, Miss Mild
red Simmons. Among the guests
were the Misses Bernice Woods,
Sarah Bridgeman, Mr. Irvin Sim
mons, Rev. M. A. Groves and son,
Meredith, Molly and Jacob Fox,
M:s&es Marie and Janette Sebern,
Wendell Sebern, Miss Helen Bliss,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burgoin,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Mrs.
Simmons, Mrs. Grace Bliss and
Mr. and Mrs. Meade.
Ford, Memorial church services
foT Sunday, June 23: Rev. J. R.
Benton wll preach at the morning
services. Miss Sarah Bridgeman
will sing. There will be several
musical numbers In the evening,
Including a piano solo by Miss
Bernice Sloper, a vocal duet by
Miss Mildred and Mr. Ervine Sim
mons and vocal solo by Mrs. Bar
bara England. The pastor will
on the sermon subject of "The
Last Glory."
100,000 )bs. Cas
cara Bark and Ore
gon Grape Root
We also buy all kinds
of Junk
Metal, Iron, Sacks, Rags,
Paper, Etc.
. H. STEINBOCK, Prop. .
s Telephone 898
145 Center Si. By the bridge
to Tat at Home?
- cooked, Well-served
Chicken Dinner Sundays,
as you Like it Noon and
Evening. gQ
Today and Every Day
Room, 345 Chemeketa
Staff of 25 Meets On Wii-
lamette Campus Past
Two Weekr
Unique type of religious edu.
catien work-has been in progress
in .Salem the past- two. weeks,
with 25 persons, carefully se-.
lected from. Oregon,. Washington
and northern Idaho, meeting in.
almost constant session . engaged
In a basic research .work which
even the conservatives have de
clared wilj create, a. '.'new day"
in church work and activity.. Ses
sions have been held at Willam
ette university and the scholSra
housed at Lausanne hall.
The procedure Is styled a semi
nar in retigioBs education, but in
reality has Included almost c?ery
aspect' of religious emphasis and
church problems. The education
approach to the church establish
ment problem was seen in its re
lationship to every phase of
church program and purpose.
The work was under the aus
pices of the board of education of
the Methodist Episcopal church,
with Dr. Charles R. Boss, Jr.. and
Dr. Nathaniel F. Forsyth, bot'i of
Chicago, in .charge. Rev. Edgar
J. Purdy of Tacoma and .Rey C.
I. Andrews of Salejn were the lo
cal promoters. Mrs. -F. D. Learn
er of Salem served as secretary
and stenographic reporter, and
Rev. Oliver Gill of Pleasant Home
was librarian.
The following persons, all Me.
thodist pastors unless otherwise
indicated, were enrolled in the
course: Rev. B. A. Hylton, Day
ton. Wash.: Rev. W. G. R. Dann.
Ritaville, Wash.; Rev. Henry R.
Cross, Culdesae, Idaho; Rev. C. L.
Creasy, Sunnyside, Wash.: Rev.
Harry R. Stone. Puyallup, Wash.;
Dr. Andrew Warner, superinten
dent Tacoma district, Tac-ma;
Dr. Roy L. Sprague, field agent.
College of Puget Sound, Tacoma
Rev. Harry Allen, Winlock,
Wash.; Dr. Robert J. Reed, sup
erintendent Bellingham district,
Everett, Wash.; Rev. J. M. Wea
ver, director religious education,
Nerve racking head
aches are caused by
strained eye mus
cles. An eye examination
may aid you.
This we will do
without charge or
Our glasses are in.
sured against
breakage and reas
onable In cost.
k when
University church, Seattle; Rev.
R.T. Decker, Seattle; Rev. Dean
Poindexter, Hood River; Rev.
Oliver J. Gill. Pleasant Home;
Rev. Earl B. Cotton, Williamson
River; Rev. Paul Roeder, Dufur;
Rev." Thomas Hardie, Silverton;
Mrs. Alta M. Gentry, Rev. Harry
E. Gardner, Dr. A. S.LHlsey, su
perintendent eastern district. Mrs.
F D. Learner, stenographic re
porter, and Rev. C- I. Andrews,
director religious education, Ore
gon conference, all of Salem; Rev.
WilUrd Palmer; Portland; Rev.
Henry Louis Graf ious, Presbyter
ian pastor, Gervais; Rev. J. Ed
gar Purdy, Tacoma.-
The seminar just closed is the
second annual one, -the first hav.
lng been held at Epworth Heights.
Wash., last August. Date and
place for next year's meeting
have not been set. and although
Pnret Sound is strongly consid
ered, the session on the Willam
ette campus has proved so satis
factory there is strong sentiment
in favor of making Salem the
permanent seat of the school.
Turner People
To Attend Meet
TURNER. Ore.. June 22. Dr.
T. H. Temple preaches at the M.
E. church Sunday morning, June
In the afternoon a number of
Turner people will attend the
Sartiam district Sunday school
convention, held at the old Pleas
ant Grove PTesbyterian church,
located a mile west of West Stay
ton. It is one of the oldest Pres
byterian churches in Oregon.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call and See Dr.
Eldridge's Unbreak
able Gumlite Plate.
If you are intending to have
your teeth extracted, and de
sire plate work, come to my
No charge for extractions
where plates or bridges are or
$10.00 for
Twentieth Century Plates
$5.00 for
Nature Expression Bridgework
803 State St.,
Salem Oregon
Plan Your
recerre the utmost benefit Irel
l your racnuoo pun a now, ana enjoy:
die time
You can tamHy satisfy all jxxtt Tacartoa
newts by rambling through oar : Went
Ads. The resort, tour or camp will sug
gest Itself; you will find die car you
need aft equipment for ramping, hunt.
lng, fishing, tennis outfits, golf seta, etc
can be found in our Osssinrd Columns.
And if 700 no longer want your last
year's vacation needs, a Want Ad will
soon find a buyer eager to take advan
tage of your otTer.
The Oregon
Aiimn i AniiAFM'
The chorus choir of the Knigb
Memorial church will present
sacred concert this evening begit '
ning at 8 o'clock. Rev. H. 0
Stover is director and Donald J.
Allison, accompanist.
The program ' includes the fol
lowing numbers:
"Praise Ye the Lord, Tour God"
(HowoodX, Choir."
"Protect Us Through the Com
ing Night'' '(Curchmafih) Octet.
"Thou Art My. God! (Blount).
Solo. Miss Pearl Eyre.
"O Mother Dear Jerusalem"
(Lansing), duet, Beneitta Ed
wards and Harriett Adams.
"Fading, Still Fading" (Hey
ser), with obligato solo by Leon
ard Chadwick.
"Closer Still with Thee"
(Rolfe), Quartet, Mrs. David Tal
madge. Mrs. H. L. Braden. Miss
Pearl Eyre and Miss Myra Glea
son. "Praise the Name of the Lord"
(Pctrie). Choir.
1923 Dodge pick np delivery.
Has extra Ur tmir aitfl In fiiM
r"..... $175,001
"The House That Service Built"
Buy Your Favorite
Drink Here
Our clean up to the minute
fountain and the spick and
span attendants add im
measurably to your pleas
ure of an iced drink.
We serve it to you clear,
cold and pure r
135 N. Commercial
Phone 197