The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1929, Page 17, Image 17

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Th OHEGON STATESMAN, Salen, Oregon, Snaday Morniag. Jcae 23, 122
We Have More Than Two
Thirds America's Hop Acreage
Oregon Has Twice as Many
Acres in Hops as Rest , of
Country, and Then a Few
A Three Million Annual Income Asset for Sa
lem District for Costs Alone, Even Though
None in Left for Owners of the Yards
- - - .
Oregon la the leading hop state
In the nnjon. This has been true
for several years. It Is growing
more so. It greater as a
hop growing state 4ban all the
rest together arrtf -all the rest
that are lett are California and
Washington. New York, once the
greatest of the;, hop states, has
Kone out of the f emmerctal grow,
ing of bops and Is devoting its
high priced land to other uses,
and the few other states that got
into the game including Michi
gan, are out of that line.
In February of last year a care
ful check showed 17.382 acre of
hops in Oregon; nearly all within
the trading district of which Sa
lem is the center! 'in the Willam
ette valley counties. .New yards
covering 600 acres have been
planted this year, and very few
acres of old hops that were on
the land a year ago have been
taken out.
California has about C00Q
acres in hops.. . ,
A recent cheeky showed 2.555
acres of hops'.' in ' Washington,
nearly jill in the Yallma district,
western Washington having prac
tically gone out of that business.
More to the Acre
' California grows more hops to
the acre than Oregon does. De
cause all the yards there -are ir
rigated. The same Is true of
Washington. The Oregon growers
who irrigate their yards get as
large a per acre tonnage as do
their neighbors on the north and
south. But only a few of the
larger yards In Orsgdn use lrrU
Oreron in 1928 produced 3.-
88C bales of hops; figured at 200
pounds to the bale, of which 8,
620 bales were of the early or
fuggles variety, grown on 2.042
acres. The rest wete of the late
or cluster variety, i j .
California produce ;hst year
about 60,000 bales o hops.
Washington produced 31,310
bales, about 28,000 of them in
the Yakima district.
What Became of Tbrm?
What becameof all the 1928
cropf'of hP? Henry Cornoyer, ol
the firm of Duroin Cornoyer,
Salem, among -the adding grow
ers and dealeri'd '-(ait dist.-ct.
told , the reporter-a couple of days
ago .that there were unsold and
la tie hands of pur growers 5551
tale of clusters '-'and 965 bates of
toggles hops. There is r no . sale
far the fags?;, but some of the
custers were sold that day.
P. E. Needham, of T. A. Livesly
ft Co., the foremost hop merch
ants in their section, and among
the largest growers here, and
among the largest in, the world,
counting their connections with
hop growing in British Columbia,
said on the same day that there
were unsold in the hands of the
growers in this country the fol
lowing: In Oregon, 6177 bales, in
Washington. 2740 bales: In Calif
ornia. 10.189 bales of the 1928
cron and 4779 bales of the "old
old3." meaning the erops of form
er years, running baefc Jo 1926 or
.The rest of the hops hare been
EOld, about 80,000 bale3 of last
year's crop going to consumers in
the United States and th re3t to
other countries. The reports show
about 23,000 spates going to the
Irish Free State,! England. Cana
da, South Americsrnd European
, About The 1029 Crop
Mr. Needham said the grow
ins conditions indicate for Oregon
a 100,000 bale crop this year. The
late rains have Insured a more
than average yield. But the har
vesting of. so large a crop will
depend partly on . the persistence
with which spraying is done by
the growers, for,; all the yards
are already infested with lice.
The Livesley p-tofctoraBfea other
large growers hcOT .prwfng be
fore the last heavy , rain, were
stopped by th st&rtn especially
the high wind accompanying it,
and are again at the work. Keg
lect of spraying would reduce the
tonnage; how much would de
pend upon' how general was the
. There was an attempt last win
ter at organizing a coast wide
association of hop growers, .one of
the objects of which was to limit
the acreage pickedi in order to
prevent a surplus over the mar
ket demand. The movement met
with indifferent success, but
about 600 of California's 6,000
acres will not be picked; the vines
have not been trained. This is also
true of a small acreage in the up
per Willamette valley, around
HarrWburg and Eugene.
Washington authorties are ex
- nectlnr a cron in ihat state of
about 24,700 bales' this year.
What Are Horn Worth?
Mr. Needham estimates the av
erage price paid for Oregon hops
last year at 23 cents a pound
for fuggles and 22 cent for
clusters. The price depended
partly upon the time of the sales.
What can growers get bow on
contracts for this year's crop of
Sales and Service
High Street at Tndt
hops? Mr. Cornoyer says con-
tracts were being made in the ear
ly spring at 18 cents a pound, and
that about 30.000 bales were
signed at that figure, mostly for
domestic consumption. But he ad
ded, that dealers are now offer
ing only 14 to IS cents a pound
on contract, and he estimates that
it costs the grower who must hire
all his labor 15 cents a pound to
produce hops here. He says Dur
bin & Cornoyer figure 15 cents
a pound as their cost of growing.
Munch Money, Any Way
So the present outlook for con
siderable profits to be made by
the growers this year are far from
bright, though bad crop news
from England might turn the
scale, but they would have to
ho very bad, for that country has
a large hop surplus held over, and
business conditions are far from
good. England has In former
years taken large tonnages of
Oregon hops, and has needed them
for certain types of their brews,
um, regardless of large or
small or no profits to our grow
ers, the hop industry is a big as
set to the Salem district. Even
tne expenditure of the money
making up the costs of the hops
in the bale, running to around
15 cents a pound, means a 3.
000,000 expenditure for . a 100.-
100 Per Gent Cooperation
Sought by Hop Men Along
Lines of Mutual Protection
It Is Very Plain That This is Highly Necessary
If Their Industry Is to he Kept From
Destruction and Stabilized
An effort is being made to or
ganise the hop growers of Oregon
nto a cooperative association. The
preliminary work is neiilg done
largely by F. E. Needham, of T. A.
Livesley & Co., Salem, who has
already collected a mass of infor
mation and written many letters
to the growers.
There; are 517 different hop
yards-tin Oregon, as told else
where In this issue, nearly all of
them In -the Salem trading district.
Counting families and "partner
ships, and all the year around
help, there are perhaps 5000 peo
ople directly interested In the In
dustry here.
Counting the 50,000 pickers
and helpers needed In harvesting
time, there are about 55,000 peo
ple directly interested. Counting
all who benefit from the $3,000,-
000 to 15.000,000 or more hop
money annually entering the chan
nels of trade here, practically all
of ' the people of the Willamette
valley are interested, to say noth
ing of the rest of Oregon's pop
ulation. Mutual Benefit said Protection
The effort being made under
the direction of Mr. Needham is
for the mutual benefit and protee-
tlon of the growers, in all the
ways that are usual with a cooper
ative association.
A few months ago, a movement
was started in California to limit
the acreage of hops harvested.
Meetings were held. The field was
well covered, but not much was
accomplished, beyond holding out
about 600 acres of California's 6,
000 in hops from bearing any crop
this year; refraining from train
ing the vines, and a few acres in
the upper part of the Willamette
valley, around Eugene and Harris
burg, will be held out this year.
That is something, but -not a
great deal in accomplishing what
must be done, if the industry is
to be protected and stabilized.
One of the ideas for the propos
ed- new organization is to buy sup
plies in car lots. The plan is to
have the growers pay 10 cents an
acre into a common treasury for
a working tuna, iney can save
much more than this in the buying
in car lots of soap for spraying
- There .Are Many Ways
There are many ways in-which
a cooperative organization could
help the hop growers of this state
They may have the benefits of the
new farm relief law in tnis way.
They can get nothing as individu
als. They can obtain help only as a
cooperative concern.'' Under the
new law, no aid will be given to
any other group, and individuals
as such will not be considered at
Recently a movement was start
ed by the federal authorities to
trace all the grapes grown In Cal
ifornia to the dealers, thence to
the eastern buyers and the con
sumers, with a 'view to finding
what is dona with the grapes; if
the bulk of them were being made
into wine, and the wine used ia
violation of the prohibition laws.
. The California grape growers
association, with a million dollar
To Save Our Hop
rpHE Salem district has the primacy in the whole world in
JL quality of hops produced. It has some of the best equipped
W mm m am - . a
yaraa in tne woria; some ox tne largest, u not tne largest.
In acreage, this district has more than two-thirds of the hop
vines of the United States, grown commercially. Based on
the probable yield this year, we have a $3,000,000 crop, for
the expenses of production' alone,
to the growers. Thus the industry brings $3,uou,oou or
more annually into the channels of trade .here the most
widely distributed income of
for nearly, every resident gets
Our hop industry has its
ganize, to either exist in anything like its present size, or to
be stabilized and prosper.
It must have better tariff
of its by-products, lupulin. ' (See
There is an effort on foot now for cooperative organiza
tion, for mutual protection and benefit. There are many
things that may be done by
can be accompusnea oy maiviauai growers, mere is a pos
sibility of advertising the virtues of non-intoxicating malt
drinks, for one thing. There
It is to be presumed that the present effort will succeed.
No one who grows hops, and expects to keep on growing
hops, has a right to stay out. Nothing else will either save
or stabilize the hop industry, on its present acreage size here.
000 bale crop such as is expect
ed the coming harvest.
And the $3,000,000 has a wide
distribution, going to around 50,
000 men, women and chUdren la
picking and packing time, to the
laborers needed in cultivating the
yards and training the vines, in
various avenues of transportation,
etc., etc
It makes up a S3.000.000 annu
al asset that would be much miss
ed from the avenues of business
There is an attempt being made
now to organize the Oregon hop
growers ,into a co-operative asso
tfipn, of which -more is said, in
another part of this issue.
fund for last year alone, was Im
mediately aroused, and it was
shown that there are as many as
27 by-products of grapes, outside
of their use in making fermented
Finding Other T&es
The California association has
chemists at work finding other by-
prod act uses of grapes. It was
found recently. ' among other
things, that gasoline can be made
from grape Juice: or at least a syn
thetic product that will run auto
mobiles. So, if it is wicked for a
farmer to grow grapes, because
wine may be made from them, it is
qually wicked for any one to grow
corn or wheat or barley, or any
kind of fruit under the sun, be
cause some form of intoxicant can
be made from them all.
How many known by-products
can be made from hops? There are
several, but the matter has had no
adequate study by the chemists.
An association of the growers
could secure this, where an indi
vidual would be all but powerless.
One man cannot do much In that
line, but many combined may do
much. In union there is strength.
This is just one argument in fa
vor of organisation.
One Br.Product Hurtful
They grow hops in Jugoslavia.
but they are of a poor quality.
They are unsalable In the dry
form, in bales, to the high class
trade. But they contain a good
deal of lupulin.
The hop men of Jugoslavia have
discovered the trick of shaking out
and extracting the lupulin from
their hops, and sending it to the
Lnlted States, under a tariff rate
of 75 cents a pound.
The tariff on "hops coming into
the United States is 24 cents
pound. One pound of lupulin is
equal to 20 pounds of hops, there
by making the tariff, when com
And exchange it for hard wheat patent flour, or any
of our long" list of milling specialties. We do custom
grinding. We supply what you. need for what you have.
481 Trade St.
Oregon Pulp and
Paper Company
Slanufacturcrs of
Sspport Oregon Products
Specify 'Saien Made Paper tit Your
Of fice Stationery
Industry, Organize
without figuring any profit
that amount of any we have;
ome of the hop money.
back to the wall, it must or
protection, especially on one
news article in this paper.)
common effort; nothing much
a a mt
are numerous other possi
pared with hops, three and three-
quarters cents a pound.
Through this loophole In our
tariff law, the Jugoslavians last
year sent to the United States the
equivalent of five thousand bales
of hops. They are now educating
the malt syrup makers of this
country In the use of lupuUn in
place of hops; and any one-can
see what this Is likely to do to
the hop industry of this country
if no relief la afforded, through
a tariff rate high enough to put
the1 foreign lupulin on an equality
with hops.
If anything Is to be done , in
this line, it will have td be done ajt
once, while the tariff- bill is being
rewritten ia the senate committee,
or while the tariff bill Is being
rewritten in the senate committee,
or while it is being debated on
the floor of that body, or being
ironed out in the conference com
mittee of the two houses for sub
mission for final passage.
All But Unanimous
Up to a couple of days ago,
about 12,000 acres of the 17,000-
odd acres of hops in Oregon had
been signed as in favor of the
proposed cooperative organization.
and about 5 per cent of the men
ovning the Oregon yards. The
work is going on, with the hope of
making it 100 per cent.
Certainly, if the Oregon hop In
dustry is to be made a permanent
one, full cooperation must be had
among the growers. since tne
cost proposed is so low, no one
who expects to continue to grow
this crop has a right to stay out.
No one is asked to sign anything
but a card saying he Is In favor
of organization, and when the co
operative association shall have
been formed. If the effort is suc
cessful, every one will 'have an
equal voice in conducting it.
Many attempts have been made
in the past to organize the Oregon
hop growers, but they have all
been along lines of proposing to
pool their product, or to limit pro
duction, or to undertake a lot of
other things that were considered
impractical by part of the grow
This is the first attempt to or
ganize merely for mutual benefit
and protection, and there are pros
pects that It will be 100 per cent
strong, as it must be in order to
accomplish the ends aimed at.
Cook County hospital. Chicago,
will establish a cancer research
laboratory to study the disease.
Gideon Gtols
Manufacturers of
Vinegar, Soda Water,
Fountain Supplies
Phone 26
Phone 318
Reid-Murdock & Co. Plans I
Great Improvement in Big
Plant Just Purchased Here
Magnitude of Company's Operations Best Ex
-plained by Statement of Huge Business
Conducted In Eastern Part of Nation
(Continued from Page 1)
It Is the intention of the Reld
Murdoch company to build and
landscape a park, 150x400 feet on
the north end of the property.
running from Front street to the
Willamette river, with a bridle
path around the exterior of this
park, with a sunken garden and
a cement paddling pond for the
kiddies, terracing the river bank
to the water's edge and putting
in a bathing beach and a harbor
for canoes and motor boats. There
will also be dockage large enough
for anchorage of amphibean
People of Oregon, unless ticy
have resided in the middle west
or east are somewhat unfamiliar
with the magnitude of the in
dustrial enterprise carried for
ward under the name of Rcid,
Murdoch & Co. In points where
they have established canneries,
tho Industrie have become im
portant factors In local develop
ment. The Statesman gives a
sketch and description of the or
ganization to indicate to local peo
ple the substantial character of
the enterprise.
Firm Founded in 1853
The history of the house of
Reid, Murdoeh tc Company is one
of the conspicuous romances of
American business. ' 1
Over three quarters of a cent
ury ago, when covered wagons
were trending their way across
the prairies and through the
mountain passes, making the pio
neer history of the West, two
Scotchmen, Simon Reid, and
Thomas Murdoch, were doing
their pioneering on the banks of
the Mississippi in the establish
mt-nt of a mercantile house to
provide supplies for this western
These same two Scotch pioneer
raercnants, energetic and re
sourceful, first to sense the grow
ing Importance f Chicago, took
their business there when the
town was little more than a bust
ling western trading post But
their prudence was equal to their
foresight, and v.-heat the great na
tional disaster overtook the grow
ing city of Chicago, and the build
ings of Reid, Murdoch & Co., to
gether with those of all other
wholesale grocery housese were
wiped out by the Chicago f're.
Reid, Murdoch & Co., were one of
tho few firms that saved their
books intact, and the business
went on without Interruption
It was in Chicago that Reid and
Murdoch built the first great
wholesale grocery warehouse in
the west. They chose for It, ap
prcpriately enough, the site of
the "Wigwam," famous in Aroer-
Keep Your Money in Oregon
Buy Monuments Made
.Salem. Oregon
Capital Monumental Works
J. C. Jones & Co., Proprietors
All Kinds of Monumental
Factory and Office: t
2210 S. Commercial St,
Opposite I. O. O. F.
Cemetery. Box 21
Phone 89 Salem, Oregon
Neuman's Paint Store
R. A. Neuman Broa Inc.
, Wallpaper Hangers and Decorators Paint Contractors
477 Court - Salem
Selector makes
eoltr jelccbse tdij
New colorful
Satin Eggshell Finish
Ha room ia the house need b
without tne ffav charm of color.
And yoa can make the change
youxsdf with easy-co-uae colorful
paints. Why not begin with the
- SatmEggshefl Finish fix walls
and woodwork is a paint easy to
- pot en and easy to keep clean.
And the B-H Color Harmony
determining color slots will sag
gest any number of lovely color
combinations t toe.
Cohi 'Hannm' Inferior Enisles
."The way tm
lean history as the placi wivre
th) grocery clerk president. Abra
ham Lincoln, had been nominated
for the presidency in IS 60.
Business Expands
Forced by the constant growth
of business and the demands of
expansion, they later built a mam
moth warehouse extending the
fall length of the block from Clark
street to La Salle street boulevard
on the Chicago river, opposite
Wacker drive. Atwthelr docks
steamers load and unload, and at
their doors a modern railroad
system "assembles theprodncts of
tneir iar nung factories and takes
away the many food product osld
under the "Monarch" label, that
supply, three million - American
families, through 50.000 Inde
pendent retail grocers.
Some idea of the surprising
range of operartions of a great
national manufacturing organiza
tion such as Reid, Murdoch &
Co. Is. may be gained from the
fact that it is not at all unusual
for them to have 10,000 acres of
cucumbers under contract in one
year, to fill their requirements, re
quiring a harrest of approximate
ly 2,000,000 cucumbers. This
means that 10,000 middle west
American farmers draw revenue
from-, pickles alone.
Then there is the importing of
coffees that go into tha "Mon
arch" brand. These come direct
from, all the countries producing
high grown, quality coffees, from
Mexico to- Bogota, Colombia.
Similarly with cocoa, tea, spices
and the other imported products
that go to make up a grocer's
Tomatoes are selected from
thousands of acres of ground in
Indiana, delivered fresh to the
Pierceton, Indiana, plant, where.
within an hour from the time the
tomatoes . are picked from the
vines, Monaicn catsup and chili
If you could see how
the dust and dirt your
garments can absorb
m say three months
you would have them
cleaned more often.
We call and deliver
We Call and Deliver
Telephone 753
bathrooms with
Send our name and ioc to Bass
Hueter for a Color Harmony Se
lector and Betty Holmes' com
panion booklet on color. Them
come to os fix your paints.
i h in ml ttm i nl 'it Tlit f-rit
fcsantifal Ksssa
J tltatlh
HiA4V a Appetxntnct
I 12 Demands
II rSSo If Frequent
I a I, Qattto
soace flows- from silver-lined
tubes into sterilized bottles. The
capacity of the-Pierceton plant Is
about 24,000 bottles of Monarch
catsup a day. This plant also has
a capacity of .something over 48i0
dozen tins of. pork and beans a
day. Altogether nearly 2,000
cars of merchandise are sent from
this plant yearlyr
There is" the plant of LaPorte,
Indiana, supplying the demand for
Monarch Teenie Weenie Toffies,
the plants ef the west coast,
where the finest of fruits and
berries are packed and where pre
serves are made.
There are the five canneries al
ready operating in Minnesota,
among them the one at Wadena,
whose output of golden bantam
corn has for. several years boan
awarded first prize by the Minne
sota dairy and food department.
Then there is the new Rochester,
Minnesota, cannery just being
completed, which is intended to
make the outstanding cannery
east of the Rockies. The main
building is 127 by 330 feet and
will be completed in time tor this
year's pack. The daily capacity
of this plant is estimated at 3C00
cases of corn and 1500 cases of
Sixteen additional canneries
ara operated In Wisconsin, as 4
there are others in Michigan, Il
linois and other states.
Distributing plants, with inde
pendent sales staffs are operated
at Chicago, New York. Boston,
Pittsburgh. Tampa. Jacksonville.
Wilkes Barre, St. Louis. Phoenix.
ixw Angeles and San Francisco.
Altogether well up to 1.000,000
square feet of floor space is re
quired for the present needs of
Everything In
Cobb & Mitchell
A. B. Kelsay, Manager
840 S. 12th St. Phone 813
We have obtained the distribution of
Paints and Varnishes
And are making an introductory offer
Anyone desiring; paint for any purpose for inside or
outside work, of the highest quality made will
find it to their advantage to see us.
West Salem: Telephone 576
Pependabr Serving the Lumber Consumer
rnfcllihaa tack weak
by Gsbrtel Powder a
sappiy co.
SO. 0
Families That Have
are Out
They are in the swim bat It's the wrong whlrL These fami
lies cannot join in the MODERNIZATION MOVEMENT that is
gripping today every lire community.. They ran only snend
their days dreaming of a permanent home one that they can
taae a jusunaoie pnae in ana Keep moaern ana np-co-aate.
Your Opportunity
Their loss Is yonr opportunity, and now Is the tJrao to take
your home out of the house boat class and put it into tho ex
clusire list of MODERNIZED HOMES! .
A Charming Result
For a small sum of money yem can beautify your home, add
greatly to. itaf value and imtneasuraMy extend, its comforts.
It may he only a small sun porch a few bathroom improre
meats m better roof the.eiterior partially or wholly shiag.
led 4o transform your hone
witb real twchltectural chi
Romantic Folks '.
Tho house boat family m a romantic tribe of Impractical
derers. handicapped by liring conditions, as you are if you
Telephone vm at 2248 or 728, or BETTER STILL
COME IN AND SEE US- Not only can we offer you the best
ta building materfala but we can also offer pan for modern
fauUiou which will aare tow much, time and etiint lit member
, OakrleU welcomo you exen
area? utto ready to
this pioneer organization. j
An example of the, pioaeerii
spirit that has kept Reid, Mi
doch & Co., to the front the
many years. Is to be fonnd
their operation this year of a hi
tri-motor Ford airplane for car
rying, throughout the country, a
display of "Monarch foods. !
This airplane, yarned the ""In
dependence," in ' honor of Inde
pendent merchants. Monarch pro
ducts are the only nationally ad
vertised foods sold exclusively
through independent merchafits.
carries In stead ef the usual "12
passengers, a dsplay of mora thn
250 Monarch food products. The
"Independence" is now engaged
ia a series of flights that will take
it to practically every city In the
country having adequate airport
facilities. It wHl probably be on
the west coast late this year.
Radio Headquarters
175 High Phon. 1161
Zcitst sy
A. Xakrack
YatephoM SMS mt 7SS
Jane 23, 1930
to Live in Houseboats
of Luck!
from tbe dowdy class to a
if you are fjust flgnrtns
E v