The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1929, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salt. Oregon. Sunday Morning. Jane 23, 1925
sets mm
Great Plane Assembled In
Less Than Two Days;
Flies Nicely
.. i
"On June 4, at Roes Field In
'Arcadia, the Goodyear airship
'Volunteer gently but eacerly
khoud her blunt shining silver
nose out of the wide-flung dcors
of her dock, and pausing for
moment aa though to let the gold
en western sunshine permeate h
whole being proudly took th
air. - In command of Lieut. Karl
Lange, and with the hand of he
co-pilot 'Bud' Campbell at the
throttle, the sh:p droned swiftly
and gracefully away on her maid
n flleht over Los Ani:ele." wild
Frank Doolittlc. Ooodyear dealt
of Salem, this week; It wm
splendid climax to a tremendou
effort on the part of her com
lnder and crew.
. At K:17 a. m. on the . morning
of June 2, the ."Voinntetr" was a
Inert and Inanimate mass spread
'out on the floor of the deck. On
fjune 4. at 4:00 p. m. a graceful
'throbbing creature of the air
etfaklne through the sunshine
; high above Los Angeles. A world's liail Wn maf) in airshio
. . cvvi U amv vvm " - -
1 .. mnA lha ' V'nl
fiinteer" wns ready for any dven-
Adventure followed swiftly. The
lolly playfellows of the Mystic
Shrine wanted the "Volunteer
'for their National convention. So
she waa dedicated to Al Malaikah
Temple of Los Angeles ana deslg
nated the official patrol ship of
the Shrine convention the first
aerial patrol in the history of
The "Volunteer" merited all of
the confidence the Shriners re
posed In her and flew at the head
of all official functions for the
week. Some notable flights were
made each as the two night flights.
one over the patrol parade on
Wednesday aud one over the Elec
trical pageant at the coliseum on
Thursday: a day flight over the
big parade officially opening the
Will Rogers is
Crowded By His
Son's Talents
Will Rogers, Jr.. 17. is riding,
polefng, public speaking and Joke-
cracking hard upon the trail of
Ms dad. "Like, father, like -on"
Is an axiom be seems to, be seek
ing to prove.
A "chip off the old V-oct- Is
How Detroit Police Check Brakes
I mi " I "i ' ' "51 'l'S!f:
r " vefot - As
XTlTCT TUf npfrri rin tw
1 .Y iL VVr1 " 1 1 BnLm -u tl- n-tio.. motor e.pit.U
rth De Sot Sti and Dodge Brother. New Six MiaiM, demonstrated that ears earn be brought ie a
u.V- j-?"" da f1"1 "Ke q"'nU by more than SO per cent, stopping in less than
r" .lrS.d,t "f """T? by tk The first picture sWs both ears eomio k do wn the street
for th. teat imder offietal niprnwon. No. a ahowa the aorel MtraM.i. -u!! i. "i "r. --V!!-
3 fa m cktac-ap of the decclcre ter, the latest device for registering these testa.
NEW YORK. Jane 21 (AP)
The New York American tomor
row wil say that Norman Kerfy,
film star, boarded the liner Majes
tic and sailed for Europe tonight
without passport, ticket or other
credentials, in the hope of effect
ing a reconciliation with his es
tranged wife. Roeaiiic, who sailed
on the Majestic to visit their
Kerry failed in an attempt to
board the boat by way of the gang
plank because he had no ticket or
passport. He then ran forward,
scaled the fence in front of the
baggage compartment, and leaped
on the escalator used to take bag
Rage aboard. He evaded several ol
the crew who sought to stop him
apd went aboard sitting on top cf
a trunk.
Only a few minutes before. Mrs.
Kerry la her stateroom aboard the
liner, said she did not expect Ker
ry, and fhat she did not expect a
reconciliation and none was
ANDERSON, Ind.. June 21.
(AP) Three boys ranging from
seven to 11 years did were killed
here today when a cave-in of one
side of an open sewer trench bur
ied them alive.
Recreational Use
Of Parks Going
Up Very Rapidly
Touring figures for 1S28 reTeal
the tremendous Increase in the
recreational use of our national
forests, according to statement re
cently released by the Oregon
figures are based on the U. S.
forest service records for the year
and they show that a total ot 2,
649,627 people, enjoyed the beau
ty of Oregon's national form
playground last year.
"This figure represents aa in
crease of 19 per cent or 1827
and according. to three season in-,
dications. there will be approxi
mately the fame percentage of in
crease in 1929 over the figure of
State Motor association.
Those 1928.
Save Your Threshing
demonstra lion and Vo.
you Will. He resembles his bu
morist-ramer a great deal in
iooas. and has won a place fori
himself with his athletic and for
ensic feats.
The elder Rogers prides him
sen, among other things, on be
ing quite a horseman and riolo-
1st, but young Will is beginning to
i,u uia uau at mat. it also is
said that Rogers is having a time
holding his own as a wisecracker
while his offspring is around.
The younger Rogers has at
tracted considerable attention
hereabout as a swimmer. As for
public speaking, numerous debat
ing and oratorical prizes will at
test to his talent along that line.
James Gilluly of the United
States geological survey has ar
rived in Baker to start a survey
of the copper districts. For the
survey the state and the federal
government hare appropriated
30,000 each.
Read the Classified Ads.
First Class Storage
For finest Furniture and Pianos with precaution
. against moths and mice
Local and Long Distance Hauling
Again with the best of care for fine Furniture
Larmer Transfer & Storage
Phone 930
" ev
mime out
with I he Boys
CTAtT with st tfettt st fXM-ssa
mh t ry wck or pay Say, sad
. asso 'U hs taiiat 'i bnaca
I Mm-nttn is tk f a
Th TbniV' acui with ."43'' ;
I Tis - alw , tit obi is
l-m -uthm. Tki wOtrfal Twbl
sails st S290 Urn. b. facta,
tat as alww yea the 1929 aasaVIa,
SiaaUe asd Twnia, and cxpUia svr
Sai.aa Club, mmi Pay A-Yai.aia
Plai n. Coaaa ia asytiaia wa'i
p sveaiacs.
In addition to eliminating the need of costly binder twine, wiping out the
expense of shocking and hauling bundles, reducing threshing crews to two
or three instead of twenty, Holt combines save the threshing bill
Instead of paying large checks to the custom thresherman, instead of work
ing for weeks for labor exchange, Holt owners simply keep the money,
deposit to their account of harvesting better, quicker, cheaper, easier
Make it a point to call and inspect these machines, but if you cinnot' U this
write us for special folders on cost cutting harvesting of wheat- oats, sey
beans, and other crops.
We have machines tor your inspection at
Fori land Saleroai, 845 E. Madison; Salem Salesroom. S4!i Center; McMiunville,
Ore., at Hriedwells tiarae and at Albany, Ore., opposite Souther. PaHflc Depot.
Loggers & Contractors Machinery Co.
'The Cycle Man-
147 S. CorTI St.
PRone S
SCO U 3 PAT. Off
345 Center Street Salem
345 East Madiaor Portland
Som ethiing New in Automobile Shows
a wide variety of newest color designs
and up-at factory
.Standard Equipooent iiachjdeM
A hydratdic ttvo-yuay shcU tib
aorbers electric gas and oil
gauge radiator shutter
addle lamps windihield
riper glare proof rear -iew
mirror etectrolock controls
on ttctring uherl oil bright
port chromitcnv-platcd.
Personal choice of color which has been a limited and costly luxury in
car ownership, is now available in many options, at no extra cost, m the
14 distinguished models of the.Greater Hudson. The variety of color
designs is so great that you may have almost individual distinction.
It restore to car ownership the delight and priv
acy we have in self-cbosen thuigs, and the' iden
tity that makes your car your own. la the many
thousands of Hudsons you see and pass count
lessly, observe there is no monotony, but the re
freshing interest of individual color exprcssion
It is a fiakhine detail in the brilliant Hudson
program of value-giving whict has successfully
established Performance Leadership, not ex
celled by costliest cars Value Leadership with
custom qualities produced in volume and Style
Leadership which is the pattern of the industry. '
It is a factor, too, in making this the greatest
year of Hudson's long and successful history
and in increasing ownership among women
by tens of thousands. ,
Corner Chemeketa and High
Telephone 1000
Standards.. Do Lmxm Coupon ljj J, J . . j ?Q
jjjj sni
mm m ar si m m w ok awei "oo.'uubv sbbbbbso . aa
aV i ail k m. avr. ' w . m
13 U KAN'' J
r nx
SEE this different car . . America's first with Four Forward Speeds
x at prices within the reachof every motQpstl
THIS 8mart Hchly-appoioted New tyrant
Six Sixty-Six is destined for a dutinguished
career. it improves yastly on the game
the Durant Four-Forty and the Durant Sir-
siijjyi iuikd doitktk mrm auiv in Rhaitof oil .:.! :
...iTeiikie-tFo-; , - -pewormance
Speed traoasaisoioa in tW ajwlsfe.
sipwd and patented by Daraat ea.
Siaeerm, k used. It k noloeleos asd
operates wit!ireauorludleeose.IrfT
Ike New Daraat Sia Sixty-Six for
cords for low-priced cars. ii nhnsiLS
almost revolutionary. Fuel economy fs
20per cent greater than that of Us predeces.
sor, the snccefulDurant Sixty-Five. Accel
eration is increased by 50 to 60 per cent.
ElimDing power is 12 per cent better.
AlMl ULIL, 0 0 (0) nil Q i.,f