The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1929, Page 13, Image 13

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakn,' Oregon. Sunday Morning, June 23, 1929
Thermometer Stands at 115
Degrees, Salem Tour
ists Discover
It's All in the Breaks Say Fliers
(Continued from page 11)
road Just about wide enough foi
one automobile and as we enter
ed the first curve approaching a
5 mile climb we encountered a
Yelloway stage coming down the
mountain. Both cars must stop
and carefully edge a parsing which
necessitated our driving in inter
mediate gear for several rod3 be
fore getting into high gear again.
Many cars are standing along
the road at passing turnouts as
we descend on the other side of
the summit with radiators steam-
ingf hoods open and some even
lifted entirely oit m the cars.
Where water is available car
owners are seen pouring water
into the radiators in a constant
stream in effort to cool the en
gines. We have had no trouble of
this kind with our Nash "400"
which has not heated to the boil
ing point at any time during the
whole trip so far. We are now at
Kingman, Arizona, making' a short
stop here and then away toward
our destination for the night. The
country through which we are
new passing is pretty much the
same and for the most part of very
little special interest, r? j .
At Peach Springs, (Arizona; we
stopped at the hotel fovef ; night
and in the morning had oar breakfast-with
a large crew of highway
builders who are working on con
tracts in this section which they
told us was to have fine roads in
tha near future. Our next inter
esting visit was in the Haalpai In
dian reservation where we were
splendidly treated by the inhabi
taiits who showed us- ver;r cour
teously through the vanejl por
tions of the reserve, the ; homes
and occupations of - the Indians
ar d told us about their habits and
customs of life.
Everything in sight Is chang
ing now. Here Is onr first glimpse
of country simllarjto Oregon and
northern Californffarjtb'e pine,
cedar, and Juniper trees 'trWund.
Roads are gravelled and pretty
good. Ranch life is more apparent.
There-are thousands of cattle,
sheep and goats to be seen grazing
in almoatcevery. direction, t is
rather pretty countryf-; with -; the
green foliage which. t-.Wet arevtold
will soon turn to brown fco8er the
' - I iteP nips
v J.w-
under the wine of
Cpt. Ixrwln A. Taneey, murigator, asd' Roger Q. WHUiunm pilot,
the "Rroen Flash" m It waa poised for flight at Old Orchard, Maine.
The breaks were against the "Green Flash however for when i tattemptod to follow the Yellow
Bird" in Its flight across the Atlantic the "Green Flash" broke its gear and dashed to the earth, with
out Injury to the filers.
summer tan. Then. -too,
er and much more comfortable, as
we near the Arizona city of Ash
fork where we are to partake of
our first meal at one of the cele-
snow had fallen the night before
and although the walks were clear
much of the snow remained on
the lawns and in places shaded by
trees or buildings. This (Wil
liams) Is a very pretty city of es
pecial interest to tourists as the
gateway to the wonderful Grand
Canyon of the Colorado. We re
plenished our supplies and refuel
led the Nash "400" here in prepar
ation for our after luncheon drive
to Grand Canyon.
. Rough Roads Seen
Rough roads are encountered
Just as we leave the city of Wil
liams but become smoother after
some miles and the last 30 miles
to Grand Canyon we traveled like
the wind arriving at this most in
teresting destination a 1'ttle after
two o'clock in the afternoon. We
registered in at the Government
Camp, located our cabin (No. 18)
and then went immediately to
view the afternoon reflections of
the sun and to watch the sunset
which is a spectacle of wondrous
Returning to our cabin we find
that no convenience has been ov
erlooked by operators of this
camp. The cabins are strictly mod
ern in every respect and equipped
with all the conveniences of a ho
tel or home. The tourist could hot
desire more in comfort than is of
fered here. We were up early to
view the picture in the sun's
describe .4be feelings of ecstasy
that swept 'over. us. This would
ero AanfrwV t aitf T l e4MvT
ants. AsMork Is !! real attractive
and we have visited - th restaur
ant, have , 1ad ,a fine meal ana.
wonderful caps of coffee all- of
which gives us a fine feeling of
appreciation for what we are able
to see and enjoy in this little city.
The "Harvey" people have a large
room In the' restaurant literally
filled with Indian curios and we
spent considerable time looking at
the varied articles manufactured
mostly by hand of the 'Indian.
There were so very many novel
ties that we could noiesfst the
temptation to makeSseveral pur
chases, just as most of the tour
ists nearly always do. .
Now we begin to climb in the
mountains again. The hill sides
fairly 'bristle with pine and hem
lock like Oregon and Wisconsin
and the scene is beautiful. Cooler
weather is in the offing. The
change comes quickly and much
enow is in evidence on the higher
hilla and now considerable snow
is lying in places along the road
side. Arriving at the city of Wil
liams we find that three inches of
Should be Intradural to
This Machine
WHEN this machine
meet yo or brake
drums yoa will at hat
find Jbrake efficiency. The
- Tru-DfuM lathe trues the
drums, removes scores and
grooves that chew linings and
wear tires, and makes pos
sible the perfect adjustment of
your brakes. Driving safety,
and .brake economy are yours
when we do your brake-work.
r.3Utc Pencil
Salem's Brake Specialist
Now in onr new home at
Cor. Chrmeketa Jfc High St.
(Across the street from the,
. fir department.) : 2 ; .
poet wff'inust leave it to such a
gen!u3. By da; the Grand Canyon
is Just a great rift in the earth
four to fourteen miles in width
and about one milo in depth with
the Colorado river flowing like a
900 in
Automobile registrations for
the month of May, 1929 exceed
ed those for May, 1928, by more
than 900 cars. This increase would
no doubt have been greater still,
except for the new law providing
for the: issuing of automobile li
censes on and after June 4 th at
the three-quarter fee, many oper
ators buying new cars or who had
not previously licenses their cars
for the current year, taking ad
vantage of the saving permitted
under the new amendment.
torrent through the Canyon bed,
From the rim of the caiyon the
river looks to be about five feet
wide but field glasses show us a
very considerable stream of angry,
rushing waters. During the day
we visited "Yaki Point" an ob
servation post at an altitude of
7629 feet, driving up the incline
in the Nash "400" which surely
is a marvelous ear ever faithful
to our touch. We returned to
camp at six for another glorious
view of the sunset. Pinner over,
we visited at the camp where we
found tourists,, from over the
morning rays. and we simply can'U whole world including a family
from the home town in Wisconsin,
where they had known Mrs. Stew
art as a little girl. The next morn
ing we were out early for the
morning sun and then departed for
Williams, Arizona, to resume our
eastward Journey. More about our
trip later.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvln B. Stewart.
Bits of News
ror oDortsmen State of Oregon
Gathered From All
Parts of the Great
Colorful Scenes Portrayed
by Artist as He Jour
neys Over Country
Heard Along
Auto Row
For the second time within the
year, Carl sammons, nanonaiiy
famous artist, whose reputation
has come through his colorful pre
sentations of western scenes, has
completed an extensh e motor tour
of the western states.
This1 gifted artist, whose can
vases grace the homes of many of
America's greatest men, pays a
high price tor his contributions to
American art. Sammons goes out
Into the desert and catches the
colors that are found there when
the desert sin is cruelest. He goes
into the high Sierras when the
mountain passes are blacked with
snow in order that he may authen
tically reproduce those cold colors
that cannot be created in. the ixn
aginatifon. As a result of Sammon's
accurate reproductions of western
scenery, his canvases have a
strong appeal for both men and
women who love the west.
gammons largely attributes" his I
reputation as an artist to his
motor car. He says that his "part
ner" is his Durant Six coupe, In
which be travels to the farthest
corners of the western region in
his search for scenes that will win
the approval of lovers of western
Diamond Lake will yield a take 1
of eight million rainbow trout
eggs tor the hatchery department;
of the state game commission. hU
season, according to Matt Ryck-
man, - superintendent, who has
ust returned from central Ore
gon. The number falls far short of
that taken last season but the un
usually large yield from Crane
ralrie and Spencer creek makes
the total take in excess of that of
1928. "Diamond Lake was frozen
over to a depth of three feet and
as a consequence many of the fi3h
spawned near the shore line,
said Mr. ,Byckman. "The ice was
three-times as thick this season
as it was last year, and that ac
counts for the shortage of rain
bow eggs."
(Continued from page 11)
formerly manager of a store at
Aurora owned by Ed. Battleson.
A new model, Chrysler 75
four-passenger coupe, in mid
night blue, is on display in the
show rooms of the Fitzgerald
Sherwin Motor company.' Also
on display Is the Plymouth
Sport Coupe ia a new lis'-t
shade of sand.
Arthur Hobson and family of
Scobey, Montana, accompanied by
H. O. Edland, also of Scobey,
drove through to Salem arriving
here Wednesday to spend ten days
with Ed Battelson, president of
Capitol Motors.
F. W. Pettyjohn was in Sa
lem Friday morning. When he
returned to Eugene In the aft
ernoon he took with him Karl
Pease, bookkeeper for the F.
W. Pettyjohn company in Sa
lem. Mr. and Mrs. Pease returned
to Salem Saturday.
M. D. Morgan, secretary of the
Siuslaw Rod ahd Gun club has
written to the State Game com
mission that coyotes have not only
been killing deer, but slaughter
ing ewes and lambs of farmers In
the lake section north of Florence.
The report has been turned over
to Stanley Jewett, leader of the
U. S. government predatory ani
mal control.
, A rim will cut through the fin
est rubber and fabric. Watch your
tire inflation.
t-ii r
TIttSsrfaa SmrT
Sir 545
AS HmIJ. . h.
tl rumt,
rad twice aa wU mm
tha list prica ht
!. Cfc-nnlfa
aVnaml meic if
riaaaanly amHi
tkt en far deliver
Among all the delightful
performance characteris
tics of the Outstanding
Chrrrolet none is creat
ing more widespread en
thusiasm than its thrilling
speed and flashing acceler
ation! The great new six-cylinder
Talve-in-head engine re
sponds to the accelerator
with an eagerness that is
literally amazing. Touring
speeds are negotiated with
such smooth, silent, effort
less ease that you almost
forget there's a motor un
der the hood. And when
the throttle is opened wide
the pace is faster than the
most experienced driver
would care to maintain!
Back of this exceptional
performance if a brilliant
array of engineering ad
arMments typified by a
high-compression, non
detonating cylinder head.
automatic acceleration
pump hot-fpot manifold
semismtomatic spark
control and a heavier
crankshaft, statically and
dynamically balanced.
Come in and drive this car.
Learn for yourself, at tha
wheel, that no other car
can approach it in the
price range of die four!
j-a Six in the price range of the four!
430 N. Commercial St-Phone 1802 .
Ball Broa Termer HeBls B Saaitn, Dallas
Columbia Garage, Bit. Angel Hailaday's Garage Moamoath
Designed to meet the, require
ments of practically every form of
business, the new Whippet Six
1 ton commercial unit, recently
introduced by the Villys-Overland
company, has met with an unusn
al acceptance on the part of users
of this type of vehicle. The pre
sentation of this new line com
pletes the company's 1929 Whip
pet commercial car program.
Marked interest is shown in
the mechanical features of the
Whippet sir commercial chassis
which includes four-speed for
ward transmission, "Finger-Tip
Control", Invar-strut pistons,
timing chain, heavy seven bear
ing crankshaft and full force fesd
lubrication, which have been in
corporated in the chassis design
to meet the needs of commercial
car operators who demand power,
speed, lower cost per ton mile and
general reliability throughout.
Cat fish planted by the state
game commission In OLalla
Slongh. near Toledo, aro being
caught in large quantities, ac
cording to John U. Price, dep
uty state game warden. He also
has reported that large number
of sua fish are being caught.
The cat fish were salvaged
from Columbia Slough, near
Portland two years ago and
transplanted la Olalla Slough.
Deputy Price reports that the
catches made In the slough have
greatly increased the number of
licenses sold in Xincoln county.
i. x'-:. .
Quite a number of j&e Shriners
stopped in- Portland enroute to
the east from the convention in
Loe Angelea purchased non-resident
angler's licenses and fished
streams of . Oregon. Several went
to the Deschutes and others tried
their luek at salmon fishing be
low Oregon City falls.
Responsibility for the en
forcement of the commercial
fishing laws Is imposed upon
the , state fish commission and
not upon the state game com
mission, according to Ilarold
Clifford, State Game Warden.
MI wish to make this matter
clear in order to correct a mis
taken tde tha is la the naiads
of anany Oregon citizens,' said
Mr. Clifford. TWfih com-,
mission has exclusive Jurisdic
tion over salmon. ( When a;esae
warden makes aa arrest for t; f ,
olation of laws projecting sai
nion ho mast have been special
ly authorized by the fish com
mission, and the offender must
be prosecuted under the com
mercial code.
There is a constant agitation
on the part of sportsmen who in-,
sist that the game commission
should protect salmon, particular
ly Chinook and Silversides. The
commission assumes responsibility
for the protection of these fish in
streams and waters closed td com
mercial fishermen. During the
past year 60 arrests have been
made, much property confiscated
and 12100 in fines Imposed for
violations of the commercial fish
ing code by efforts of our depart
ment. If the game department Is
to enforce the commercial fishing
laws it must be given entire Jur
isdiction or else gome method of
raising additional funds must be
A twist of the wheel may save
a tlrs.
for your outside painting. We will change everything
except your house address.
500 N. 20tk St. Phone 26842484
See today's
, specials
for big savings!
The motoring public has quickly realized that our
written Guaranty is the final proof that our "Good
Will" Used Cars are the market's best buys. That's
why these fine cars are the talk of the town. That's
why the shrewdest buyers select theirused cars' from
our stock. They have learned that "Good Will" used
cars are carefully checked and reconditioned that
they are remarkably low-priced and sold with a
written Guaranty! These are the reasons that scores
of satisfied buyers say, "If it's value you want, buy a
Good Will' Used Car." A varied selection of makes
and models awaits you here. See them today.
The buyer
same as s
1927 Chevrolet Coach. Exceptionally
good. 75 new balloon tiree and fully
equipped. A real
'Good Will" Car .... .
192 S Pontiac DeLuze Sedan
of this car will have the
brand new automobile.
equipped and in
A 1 condition for
1927 Pontine Sedan. Driven only S7C4
miles. Appearance, performance finish
upholstering. Urea like . C7C ft ft
heir. A bargain at . JOIJ.UU
192S Chevrolet Coupe-New Dneo finish.
85 new Balloon tires fully equipped
and motor completely
Early 1927 Pontiac
Landau Sedan
4 Door type. S5 new tires. Has
everything in the. line of equip
ment snd It is "Goad Will" re
conditioned. A real value at
1926 Ford Coupe
1927 Pontiac Roadster'
Beautiful Duco finish, in perfect
condition. Car runs like a watch
Rare buy at
Duco finish, 4
thronchout. new
new Balloon ures
1928 Oakland All 1
American Coupe
Here , Is a ear that haa had the
best of care. Original finish Ilka
new. Completely equipped.
Small Down Payment? Easy C. M. A, C-Terms.
daily bargains la tne uaaetnea secaon.
Es. mm
Mich Gtecot jai tirade
qxq)d "smjL mm mm
Q .U A. L I X Y