The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1929, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, June 23, 1929
Wallace Beery Declares
He Does Not Want
Ranch Cut Up
LOS ANGELES, 'June 22.
(AP) A little band of survey
ors trekked through San Fernado
alley Friday running lines for a
flood control channel planned hy
the Los Angeles county flood con
trol board. The transit line and
the ditch -were destined to pass
through the 14-acre estate of
. All f f w
nuua neerj, uiuun yitiuic s.iui.
S- were the surveyors, but they
din't. eBery several days aso
served notice that he did not want
and ditch or surveyors.
. When the transit wan sighed
at the big front gate, the ugly
muzzles of half a dozen business
like rifles nrotruded through the
heavy, wire mesh which keeps !n
terlopers out of the Beery pre
serve. As many rought and re appearing
characters, fn two-gallon
hat and with pistol 'fan"1
through belts In approved wild
west yle, were behind them.
"Where's the war. brother," a
surveyor asked mildly. "Injnnfs
off the reservation?''
-''Careful witfr them machine
guns!" a guard said tensely, pyrin-
the surveying Instruments.
"We got orders to keep everybody
off this place."
Pteh, Finn,"
Say Surveyor
"Pish, pish!" rejoined the
surveyor. "We only wan to obtain
a bit of topographical data
fore a contemplated condemnation
suit Is Instituted this biinjt the
usual custom of our organization.-
"If them words mean what we
think they mern. none of us know
what you're talking about." came
from behind th3 fenc?. "Yon b-d
better get before we find out."
So the surveyors went awav
from there, counsel for the flood
control board be;an preparation
of a condemnation suit, and She
riff Will'in R. T'-eas'er prem;ed
to lay siege to the Beery troops
if and when the supit is upbiid
In court.
Beery declined an offer of the
board to purchase a right of wr.v
through his land, on grounds
that the ditch would damage his
property. The flood control board
cotends a flood would damage it
Road Oiling Not
To Bother Autos
During This Year
Oiling of Oregon roads Is being
carried on this year with a mini
mum of Inconvenience to motor
ists and with practically no com
plaint, according to information
from the Oregon State Motor as
sociation. Although the state
highway commission has had ten
oiling crews working over the
state for the past 0 days, the
work has been carried on almost
without the knowledge of motor
Numerous inquiries come to the
motor association regarding oiling
operations in the state and the ev
ident fear of the motorist of oil
ing operations is very apparent.
I Visiting motorists speak very
I highly of Oregon's method of oil-
s fag and the remarks, are espeeial-
'1v Bllltlltllllltr tmw fallfnrmlrf
motorists who hiv- had trail hi A
vm v nair m nm m rava v
hwmv 0V .
Sky link Between the Americas
K. lit , ' v-
lO ill
m1 d t ill " ' ' f' ?
III r ir t- - -r- nr- ) -ju 4:
V 11 1 1 . .. . 'y.' " ' '''A' '. " IJB l,-v"- n .w.v....- rtfntf..-
Closer Union of North and
Air Transport Promises
South America With
Central American
ROGRESS needs to "march"
no longer. It soars on wings.
The establishment by the
Pen American Airwajrs of a pas-sez-jsr
route joining the two Amer
ican continents with the nations of
Central America has been hailed
generally as a step that not only
will bring into closer frienship the
countries ot the Western Hemis
phere, but" also will mean a greater
strengthening of commercial rela
tions. Leaders in aviation anticipate
that on routes such as that over
vraich the big Ford air transports
will fiy in increasing numbers, com
mercial aviation will demonstrate
most quickly its real benefits.
Passenger travel between .Cen
tral America and the Northern
clues has been slow, even on the
fastest ships. By the ready means
of the airplane it is estimated that
hundreds of thousands of dollars
may be saved in time alone, and
A tri-motoradaH metal For ah traneperi. tite type ef airplane used by
the Pan American Airways, Is shewn peted for the take eff. Left. In
terior ef ena ef the new Ford plan, revealing the attractive cabin W
lgnd to give the passenger restful surroundings en a long air trip. Upper
right, a Ford transport in flight through the deads!
that closer contact will mean a new
stimulation for business between
the various countries through which
thevPan American lines will pass.
Ford air transports are being
operated by a number of leading
business houses and important cor
porations in the United States, in
cluding three of the large on com
panies of the country the Stand
ard Oil of Indiana, the Standard
Oil of California, and the Texas
Company which employ the air
plane for the quick assembling of
officials for meetings and! tor in
spection work of executives over
oil properties.
Progress In Design
They are used also by a number
of the leading passenger line com
panies, operating on local lines as
well as on long air cruises, and
will be employed by the Transcon
tinental Air Transport for the com
bination air and rail service be
tween California and New York.
The latest Ford transports re
flect the recent progress made In
designing of airplane Interiors In
anticipation of the more general
use of the air for passenger travel.
The Ford Company has recog
nized that the patrons of the air
lines 0Y. being established will
spend au good many hoars in the
cabins of the transports and conse
quently will desire an interior of
pleasing tone, free from harshness,
For the new Ford planes colors
have been chosen because ot their
restfulness and depth. The cabin
ceiling Jn, all of the new planes is
of cream, giving a cheerfulness and
brightness to the passenger com
The cabin walla of the new Ford
transports are ot a new plymetal.
developed on specifications ot the
Ford Motor Company. It is two
thicknesses of aluminum with a
core of balsa, the latter being a
tropical wood much lighter than
cork but of much greater strength.
The balsa core acts as an insulation
against the noise of the three motors.
Answers Framed In Weekly Report From Oregon State
Highway Commission
Morgue and Potter's Field Beckon
Fred Wllkenson Just a few
years ago was employed by a
local store and made a num
ber of acquaintances in Sa
lem. For a time he worked on
this newspaper. A tunny-faced
chap he mirrored in his every
day living much of the happi-
nesa of the wanderaa, Now
that he Is gone his story can
be told.
. - Of the 52 commercial minerals,
45 are found In the state o( Geor
gia. ... -:
LL THE world is thrilled with
tales of so soldiers of for
tune; those reckless, f un
loving, restless, brave men who
drift from vne end of the earth to
the other, ever searching for new
sights, new faces. Ton'll find thenar
in the great cities of the world
eager, at times a bit wistful al
ways far from home, and almost
always; happy,
Forty years "age a lad of Mer
rifr England' played cricket on the
lawna- of his father's estate. Fred
Wllkenson was the boy's name:
aad it was a aame that was des
tined to- become known la the far
XL countries- of the -world. For he
loved adventure, this lad. And he
for ypui
we suggest
A Trip to Fall City and
Blacli Eloclx
The Little Xucliiomuto
Leave Sale en the west side highway to Rlckrean 10.4 miles,
continue stnghl on to Dallas 4.7 miles. From Dallas It is 10.5
miles to Falls City. From Falls City you follow tha Little Luc
klamute through a very beautiful country to Black Rock. The
fishing Is good on the little Lucklamute both above and below
Black Rock. This makes a dandy Suuday trip ot about 70 miles.
Tour trip win not be marred
by tire trouble if yo have
Miller's on your car.
PHONE 313 ' ,
set off eagerly in search of it.
when he was barely 20 years
old, he left England; left there
his young wife, his father and
mother, his friends. There was in
him that resistless urge for travel
and adventure.
Money Is seldom found in the
pockets of a soldier of fortune. So
the son ot an English gentleman
soon found himself working on the
crew of a ship, bound for Africa.
He drifted to the Congo, where
his fortunes prospered, and he be
came an ivory buyer for the Eng
lish, and later for the Freneh. Day
by day, the long lines of elephants
brought to him the precious ivory; almost penniless, 111, he lodged 1b
brought it from the fabled lands
of the interior, nnder the scorch
ing tropic sun. For many a year
this adventurer stayed in the Con
go, thrilled with the fascinating
life of an European trader.
Then came the World war. Not
content to remain far distant
from this struggle, he hastened
back to England, where he joined
the Forty-second Regiment of the
Line, that famous Highland regi
ment of the British army known
as the "Black Watch." He served
for four years with this spirited
group, and was then severely
In due course of time his
health returned, and he set sail
for America. In this country he
worked as a salesman for various
concerns. Here he became a drink
er; it was his one vice, and the
one that put him In Jail from time
to time. He came to the Pacific
coast, where his kindly disposi
tion won him many friends.
Finally he drifed to Portland;
Already blue skies and the
charm of Oregon's great out-of-doors
is caning to the tourists of
the state and the attraction ot the
highways and the byways ot the
state loom large. This week's re
port on the condition of the road
Pacific Highway
Portland-Oswego - Oregon. City-
Salem-Albany-Harrisburg -Junction
City-Eugene-Cottage Grove-Grants
Pass-Medford-Asffiand - California
State Line: Paved.
West Side Pacific Highway
Portland-Newberg-McMinnville -
Corvallis-Junction City - Eugene :
Columbia River Highway
Astoria-Rainier-St. Helens-Port
land: Paved. Portland-Hood River
-The Dalles: Paved. The Dalles
Arlington -Umatilla: Oiled ma
Old Oregon Trail
TJmatilla-Pendleton-La Grandt-
Baker-Huntington-Ontario: Oiled
Roosevelt Coast Highway
Clatsop, Tillamook and Lincoln
Astoria-Seaside : Paved.
. Seaside-Mohler- Brighton - Lake
Lytle - Rockaway - Garibaldi - Bay
City-Wilson River: Macadam.
Wilson River-Tillamook-Beaver:
Part paved, part macadam.
Beaver-Hebo - Neskowin - Devils
Lake-Siletz River -Otter Rock -
Newport: Macadam.
Roosevelt Coast Highway
Douglas,. Cops and Curry Counties
, Reedsport-Lakeside-North Bend
Macadam. Free ferry across Coos
Bay, 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. Road
from Drain to Reedsport open and
an humble boarding house. Weak
ened by drink, far from his loved
ones, amid strange surroundings,
this adventurous soldier of for
tune, died last Sundya. There were
none who knew him at the board
ing house. They guessed that he
was a tramp, and his body was
sent to the morgue.
Thus ends the true story of an
adventurous lad, raised in luxury
in England, by turn African trad
er. English soldier, and American
business man. His father is in
England; his wife in Holland. The
officers of the American Legion in
Portland are now endeavoring to
prevent his being buried in the
Potter's field.
An answer was filed Fri
day in circuit court In the
case of the . Bank of Stayton
vs. W. Beringer. The bank has
sued to collect on notes it alleges
are due from Berllnger. The lat
ter says he signed the notes only
as a surety for another party and
maintains that the bank had re
leased him from this obligation.
Beringer also maintains that the
bank was amply protected by a
mortgage on personal property
owned by the maker of the note.
Vacation time is near. Take out
a Statesman Travel accident in
surance policy before you start.
a? .
S-y 525
Uj T U U ri t, fr. O. B. IWi, phm
1 W crs f9f frs mmd
m' I raav-rtTT - 4lirmry. Mmmptrt ami
11 lqlLuif
You'll like the easy-riding
comfort of the new Ford
THE new Ford is one of the easiest"
rk y g cars on the road because of
its low center of gravity, minimum
unsprung weight, four Houdatlle
' hydraulic two-way shock absorbers
and the unique construction of its
transverse springs.
Furthermore, you are as comfort
able in mind as in body when you
drive the new Ford. You have con
fidence in the performance of use
car because you know
something of the. quality
that has been Da2t into it.'
Remember these two points
when you select your next car
comfort in mind . com
fort in body. They are combined
to an uncommon degree in the new
Come in see the new Ford car
and drive it yourself through
thickest traffic, up steepest hills,
over roughest roads. A thirty-min
fite demonstration will convince yoo
that there If nothing quite
like it anywhere in design,
quality and price.
M00dOert ft5O Pncro, fU60 . TWor Sed, $523 ButSmeu Cpe, $32
v Compe, 550 Sport Conftfiih rtmUe Utt, f350 or dor Sedtn, f62$
' v ' (Jttfrieuf. . D&ir&nclmT& fr frgkimJieBrtrr.
Chemeketa and liberty Streets . Telephone 1 995
in fair condition.
North Bend - Marsh field - Co-
qullle: ' Paved.
Coqullle-Bandoa-Port Orford-
Gold Beaeh-Brookings-Calitornia
State Line: Macadam.
Free ferry "across Rogue river
at Gold' Beach, 7 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Coos Bay-Roecborg Highway
Junction Pacific Highway-Myrtle
Polnt-Coquille: Macadam.
Greem Springs Highway
Junction Pacific Highway-Keno
Klamath Falls: Macadam.
Sinslaw Highway
Junction Pacific Highway-Ches-
hlre-Goldson - Blacbly - Rainrock -Mapleton:
Mapleton-Florence: Dirt road.
Impassable in wet weather.
Corvallls-Newport Highway
Corvallis-Philomath- Eddyville -Toledo-Newport:
Tualatin Valley Highway
Portland-Hillsboro-Forest Grove
-Carlton-McMlnnville: Paved.
SIC Hood Highway
Portland - Government Camp -
Hood Riven Paved to Multnomah
county line, balance oiled macad
am. Open to Swim; chains re
quired east of Rhododendron
Closed by snow between Swim and
Cooper Spur. Road between Gov
ernment Camp and Wapinitia
closed by snow.
The Dalles-California Highway
The Dalles-Dufur-Maupin-Was-
co county line-Madras-Redmond
Bend-Lapine-Crescent-Fort Klam
ath-Klamath Falls: Oiled macad
am. Oiling operations under way
between Redmond and Bend.
' Klamath FaUs-Merrill-Califor-
nia state line: Macadam. Oiling
operations under way between
Lakeview Junction and Merrill.
No inconvenience to traffic.
Oregon-Washington Highway
Pendleton-Washington State
Line: Paved. Pendleton-Pilot-Rock-Heppner-Ione-Heppner
tion: Macadam.
McMinnville-Tillamook Highway
McMinnville-Sheridan: Paved.
Sheridan-Willamlna-Grand Ronde
Hebo: Oiled macadora.
Klamath Falls-Bonanza: Mac
adam. Bosanza-Lorenz Mill: Old road
unsurfaced grade, soft after roin.
Lorenz Mill Beatty-Lakeview:
Fremont Highway
Bend-Lapine: Oiled macadom.
- Lapine-S liver Lake-Summer
Lake; Unimproved dirt road.
Summeh Lake-Paisley: Nine
miles, macadam, 18 miles fair
dirt road.
Lakeview-New Pine Creek-California
State Line Partly mac
adamized, balance fair dirt road.
Central Oregon Highway
Bend-Burns: 12 miles macadam
127 miles fair dirt road.
Barns-Crane: Macadam. Barns-
Vale via Drewsey: Earth road,
rough. Make Inquiry at Vale or
Barns retarding snow conditions
before attempting trip.
. Sherman Highway
. Arlington-Condon-Fossil-Spray-
Dayvflle-Mt Vernon-John Day
Pralrie ' City-Austin-D n 1 1 y-Iron-side-Cow
Vale-Ontario: Macadam. Oiling
operations nnder way between
Condon and Fossil.
Redmond-Prineville-M 1 1 e hell:
Mitchell-Antone-Dayvllle: Dirt
road, rough but passable. Through
travel advised to take route via
Service Creek.
Crater Lake Highway
Med ford-Trail- Prospect - Union
Creek-Fort Klamath Junction:
Macadam. Closed from Prospect
across Crater Lake National Park
on account of snow.
La Grande-Wallowa Lake
La Grande-Island City: Paved.
Island City-Elgin-Mlnam-Wallo-wa
- Los tine - Enterprise -"Joseph-Wallowa
Lake Macadam.
Baker-Cornacopit Highway
Baker-Halfway: 30 miles mac
adam "and 3 0 miles graded road
bed, good condition.
Road to Oregon Cave
Grants- Pass-Deer Creek-Kerby
California State Line: Macadam.
From state line to Crescent City,
43 miles macadam, 10 miles, nar
row roadway, i
Kerby-Oregon Caves: 10 miles
rnat ami iny 9 uinco us v a uau, v. uu .
strnction work under way on last
8 miles and closed to travel ex
cept Sundays. ,
McRenzie Highway
McKenxie pass Is O K
Baker-Unity Highway '
Baker-Unity: . 25 miles mac
adam, 21 miles cushioned read
bed. Good condition.
Pcndleton-John Day Highway
Pendleton-Pilot Rock - Lazinks
ranch: Macadam.
Lazinka Ranch-Albee: Graded
road open for travel.
Albee-Uklah: Surfaced.
Ukiah-Rltter; Rough mountain
road, steep grades.
RItter-Mt. Vernon: Partially
graded and surfaced, fair condi
To Lewiston, Idaho
Enterprise - F 1 o r a: Improved
road to Paradise, remaining sec
tion rough country road to Ana
tone. May be blocked at any tim
by snow or mud between Flora
and Paradise.
'Whe last word in fire.
With Fisk All-Cords on your
car, you can forget your tires.
But you won't forget the ex
cess mileage they deliver if
you want the most tire service
for your money.
"We Serve You
2390 Fairgrounds
Phone 1708
A rcmarkabla
Ora motor eads
i 1 iiiisasMiMwiswsaswsssMwwasaaswBwwssajwiwrir"HrTTiiiiiii iiiniiiiiniiiisi mn iniiiiiiiiiiwiBsssswwsMaBuaM-
1 dts style
sets tlie mode
THE Knight" engine's
remarkable simplicity of
design effects smooth, silent
performance, with an even,
unfailing ilow of-power, and
also results in rugged endur
ance, economical operation,
and exceptional freedom from
carbon troubles and repairs.
In thisnew gtyle Willys
Knight fo-BM superior
motor is "fallible in its
smartest setting- the most
beautiful, largest and most
powerful Knight-cngined car
everoffered atsucH a lowprice.
Let us -arrange a demonstra
tion of theoiBUnd you,
like hundredr of- thousands
of other expended motor
ists, wiUA become T Knight
enthusiasts? .
CmtM 10 ft tUn llldtt .
" $4S Tmrimf S104S. tTmt
mxlmUi, frkm . a k
Tm Oik, md ftifemamm
lc$ M tJUmp writitmi wtkt. Mfmlf.
360 Marion St.
W Sfc Owercial Stmt-PnONB SI-
3C3 928