The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1929, Page 11, Image 11

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    Automotive and
Talk of the Road and
News of the Day for Mo
torists and Outdoors folk
Building News of
Interest Locally
Automotive Information
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, Jnne 23, 1929
New rligh Record For Year
Forseen by W. R. Tracy,
Sales Head
Development Goes On Along
Same Lines of Rest
of Auto Deals
SALES are uk
l " fypf I
Sales of new Oakland and Pon-
tiac Sixes for tho first five months
of this year totaled more than 35
per cent of the entire output dur
ing the 12 months of 192S. W. R.
Tracy, rice-president in charge of
sales of the Oakland Motor Car
company announcss.
As a result of the volume
achieved to date. Mr. Tracy Plat
ed that every indication paints to
a now high record for th2 J ear,
substantially exceeding the pre
vious record of J 62,000 units sold
DOfipite a three-day vacation ;
shutdown of the plant daring the
latter part of May, shipments for
the month were 28,41 1 new Oak
land All Americans and Fontiae
liig Sixe?. according to Mr. Tracy.
The high Hay figure brings thej
number of cars shipped to dealers !
during the first fiv months of
1929 tf 143. 86$ unit3, a gain of
11 per cent over the 131,203 cars
shipped in the same period la3t
1 " M
Heard Along
j 4uto i?ovy
Roy Peed, general salesmaK
ager for the De Soto division
of Chrysler Mwors, Inc., was in
Salem Tuesday, spending- sev
eral hoar.4 with the W. L. An
derson Motor company. Mr.
Peed is making a surrey of the
west, travelag by airplane, iumI
toppiag at Seattle, Portland,
Salem 'and Saa PrancHco.
Mr. Peed tlU ap .Interesting
story of bis experience Itt the "iu
tomobile line. In 1907 he worked
with the Maxwell people. A year
ago after spe'nding the interven
ing Hme In various lines of bus
iness he went back to work for
the Chrysler Motors. He now has
charge of the sales, of the High
land Park plant, model plant for
the building of De Sotoa, built on
the ground where the plant stoad
lu which he originally .worked.
F. A. Little, orange grower of
Riverside, California, is spending
a few days with VIck Brothers,
while in Salem looking after busi
ness interests here. Mr. Little
drove through from California.
Just before Iprljia; hla home
state Little paid a
recently opened government oil
field la Cattlemen's Hills. Here
every day 3,000 barrels of
gasoline, pare enough to he
used in automobiles flow fr m
the initial well. An inlerestikx
tale Is that of this original well,
l or three years men drilled and
no oil was found. After going
thousands of feet they care up
but in cleaning not the hole
preparatory to closing it up. a
gusher was struck and now the
feW is considej'cd the richest
oil field ia the world.
M. F. Swift, foctory representa
tive of the Willys-OverUnd com
pany, who makes his home in Sa
lem, spent the week ia.iontLern
Oregon. The fina$JJlciiditions
there are fine, he nays; the larg
est pear crop with prospects ter
the best price ia years ;fs to be
found in the Meford district, ac
cording to reports beinj circulat
ed down there.
of Aurora,
the aw bookkeeper at Capi
tl Motors. Mr. Roaeberry was
(iratiBue4 on page 13.)
Tpper left nilitfay scene along
the laipqua river, between Reeds
port and Scottbarg. I'pper centtr
View of coast line between Port Or
ford and Bandon, on Roosevelt high
way. I pper ri;ht Brush creek, at the
base or Humbug mountain, on fioose-
Telt highway. Center, lett Radiator
party at Gold Beach, meeting with
citizens of city In front of office of
Clold Beach Reporter: Left to right,
Darwin F. Voran, Eugrnr, leader of
party; O.. W. Norton, president of
chamber of commerce; K. R. Morris,
Eugene; Robert W it hero w, editor of
iold Beach Reporter; J. D. Faye,
member of the famous Applegate
family of pioneers; Ralph Starr, tiold
Beach; R. J. Reynolds. Eugene. Cen
ter, right Radiator party and cham
ber of commerce officials at Nortti
Bend; left to right: Darwin E. Tomn,
E. R. Morris, Dr. J. E. Snyder, man
ager of chamber of commerce; Miss
Bernice Sandlne, North Bend; Edgar
McDaaiels. editor of Coos Bay Har
bor, and R. i. Reynolds. Lower, left
Radiators a ad people of" Bandon
on point overlooking Bandon beach.
Lower right Eugene party at Co
quIUe; left to right: Darwia E. Yonn,
. L. Stevens, president Bandon
chamber of commerce; Miss Allien
Wilson, secretary of chamber; Dr.
P. M. Drake, director of chamber;
George W. Taylor. Coquille; E. R.
Morris. II. A. Young, editor of Co
quille Valley Sentinel; R. J. Reynolds.
In center of lower group is new
Chevrolet slxedan In which motor
log of Radiator party trio was made.
E. R. Morris, of the Morris Chevrolet
company, was pilot for the Journey.
A party of Eugene Radiators left
this city recently bound for Gold
Beach and cities en route, with the
aim of telling people down that way
all about tht coming Sunset Trail
pioneer celebration which Kugena is
to stage July 23. 26 and 27. By the
time the group reached Gold Beach,
however, they had to remind each
other to speak up for tfie celebration.
C'"'"'; )
31 J
I Iririai
ti V vrr-' -ana
a 't If ' " 1 ' "j ." r i niw ii i .1"
1 ' I" V. I
for the sheer beauty of this scenic
coast country Just about crowd out
any other thoughts or Ideas that may
be In one's head.
Howeverr-after complimenting the
native on the gorgeous beauty of
the rhododendrons that are now In
full bloom along the highway and
m every slope, after examining the
delicate colors and exquisite fra
grance of the asaleas that are found
in wondrous profusion, and after
dwelling at length on the sheer en
joyment of such sight wlm acres of
blue-tinted wild lilac hills dotted
with brilliant orange "Indian paint
brushes,' the Radiators would get In
a word or two about the coming Eu
gene pageant, pioneer and Industrial
parade and air circus.
On the trip, led by Darwin X.
Toran, Eugene postmaster, were Mrs.
Toran. Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. Reynolds,
2. R. Morris of the Morris Chevrolet
company and Mrs. Morris, and Mr.
and Mrs. George H. Godfrey. Cities
visited included Gold Beach. Port
Orford. Coquille, Myrtle Point. Ban
don. Macahfield. North Bend. Reeds
port. Scottsburg and Elk ton.
The trip was motor-logge4 In a
new Chevrolet six- sedan. The per
formance of this car was equal in
enjoyment to the beauties and
scenic grandeur along the route.
Although the residents of the vari
ous cities were ready and willing to
listen to descriptions of their coun
tryside, they also listened eagerly to
word of the 8unet Trail pageant.
At each city representative of the
various chambers of commerce met
th Radiators and assured them of
the hearty cooperation of their re
spective communities. Many stated
outright they planned to attend, and
at the request of Mr. Yoran several
are now hunting up pioneer relics
to enia la Vie parade or place In
the pioneer exhibition.
Th party returned to Eugene early
in the week, bringing word sot only
of the succeas of the Jaunt as a pro
motion venture for the pageant, but
enthusiastic account of this trip
along the Roosevelt highway. Th
trip, especially from Bandon to Port
Orfcrd, has been described as one of
the most beautiful in the world.
This Is certainly not an exaggera
tion, those who went along declare.
Ac this season of the year all the
flowers and shrubs In that area,
where vegetation thrives unusually
well, are doing their best to out
rival one another In adding to the
beauty of ths land.
Although all flowers and shrubs
came In for their share of praise, the
azelea, with Its creamy-pink flower,
and its delightful scent, was the
favorite. This grows especially well
near Gold Beach, where It dots all
the hillsides and comes dewn along
the highways. It has been In bloom
now for several weeks, and will last
the rest of this month, resident say.
To one who has niver seen this plant
in bloom In the forest, a trip to
Gold Beach would be on that would
never be forgotten.
Rhododendrons grow in profusion
all along the Roosevelt highway.
They vary In color from a light to
a deep pink and blossom on small
shrubs as well as tall bushes that
grow as high as 20 feet. Wild lilac
ha a particular shade of blue that
blends into the green about it In a
particularly effective manner.
The trip Is also attractive for the
rugged coast scenery, for much of
the highway between Bandon and
Gold Beach is along the Pacific
ocean. At times the road drops into
the deep forest, again it rises sharply
to some summit. Those on such a
trip never tire, for no two miles are
the same along this route.
The trip is the first of many plan
ned for all sections of the state by
the Eugene Radiators. Small caravans
will go out armed with news of the
coming 8 unset Trail pageant, and
every city In the state will be visited
soma time this month by members
of thi enterprising Eugene organization.
With exports of American au
tomobiles Increasing at a rate
which promises to keep this lead
ing industry forging ahead to new
and greater records, ft is inter
esting to note that this develop
ment has required the same
length of time that was required
to hrin? about th? present almost
universal use of the automobile in
this country.
More than SO years ago when
the automobile was struggling
against strong opposition in this
country, these early American
car were being exported to Eur
ope, Asia and Africa. The differ
ence has been that economic con
ditions enabled the automobile to
forge rapidly ahead when once it
obtained a foothold here, while
It is only in recent years that a
substantial increase has been reg
istered in countries of the Old
Oldsniobiles were among the
first automobiles to enter India.
It was in 1898 that a shipment of
three Oldsmobiles was received at
Bombay and formed the vanguard
of the approximately 125.000 au
tomobiles now registered in that
These Oldsmobiles were pur
chased by Rustom Cama. solicitor
of Bombay and a descendant cf
the Oriental scholar of the same
name;: Jamestji Tata, industrial
ist of India, and Kavasjl Wadia.
who subsequently became the
Oldsmobtle dealer in Bombay.
Whew! Needles Warm Spot;
Thermometer Stands at 115
Degrees, Stewarts Discover
The lowest-priced Graham
Paige ever built has been received
For several weeks readers of The Statesman have followed Mr
and Mrs. Alvin B. Steward as they made their way east in a Naah I by Loder Brothers, Graham-Paige
sedan. This week s account of their trip takes the reader through dealers for Marlon and Polk coun
Arizona and into the district of the Grand Canyon. ties. The new model is a two-door
Beautifully bright and cool, this Sunday morning finds sedan and completes a full line 1 ward
us saying good-bye to the desert as we travel eastward from
the city of Daggett, California, in our Nash "400" Special
Six Sedan. The country through which we're now traveling is
sparsely settled. There are great expanses where signs of hu
man habitation are, few and although we are supposed to
have left the desert behind us, it is awful dry, growing hotter
and drinking water is scarce.
of Graham-Paige motor cars in
different price groups.
An individual feature of this
new sedan is the system of ad
justing the front seats which gives
it much of the desirability of a
four-door model. By this system it
4s unnecessary for the occupants
of the seats to rise to allow those
who ride in the rear tonneau use
of the doors. By merely turning a
knob located at the bottom of the
seat a spring is released which
pushes seat, occupant and all, for-
To push the seat back to Its
normal position one presses on
the efloor with the feet and ceases
to press when a comfortable posi
tion has been reached; the spring
locks and the seat is in a solid
The model on display in Loder
Brothers' show room is in slate
green with matching mohair upholstery.
the train at grade crossings
1928, railroad statistics show.
Skidding tires are costly to the
motorist. Tests hairs Indicated
that main-traveled pavements af
ter a few years of ut-o become
about S per cent rubber.
From 25 to SO per cent more
mileage may be obtained by keep-
More than 7.000 people lost to4n tlrM nnted to the pressure
recommended by manufacturers,
tests 'hare shown.
Advertising is
Need For Sales,
o r i - -
The experience of the General
Petroleum corporation in mark
eting Viol Ray gasoline parallels
the majority of modern merchan
dising successes. Conditions today
necessitate not only a good pro
duct backed by courteous service
and clean business policies, hut
sufficient advertising to acquaint
the public with the worth and
value of the goods offered for
sale.." This is the opinion of A. J.
Donnelly, assistant division mana
ger for the corporation. -
"The General Petroleum corp
oration has found newspaper ad
vertising a most effective medium
for telling the public of the qual
ity of Violet Rsy gasoline and the
the courteous and thoughfol serv
ice of their S.000 independent
dealers on th Pacific coast.
The roads are not good, cer
tainly nothing to compare with
the excellent roads we know so
well fa Oregon. Road building
however, is in progress here and
today being Sunday, tourista are
permitted to use portions of the
new highway or we would other
wise be obliged to drive over the
old "Wash Board Roads" for miles
and mites. The heat is ineressing
aa we; near the citr of Needles
where we- 'pause briefly in the
shade. Soon we, art at the Colo
rado rirer which wo cross at To
pack" the hottest place we have
ever been, the thermometer reg
istering 11S degrees in ahaded
This surely must be the "fur
nace room in Hades" much hot
ter thaa in Death Valley because
there is positively not breath oX
air stirring la thtf laterao. our
Nash "4 00" Special Six Sedan
however, does not seem to mind
the weather having required no!
extra water in the radiator even
In this terrible heat. Leaving this
plaee the reads grow worse Awe
near the Black mountains a range
of mountains In themselves .and
Rotable on account of the Kold
minlnr operation! carried on
At the ctty of Oatman, Arizona.
there Is some Improvement in the
road conditions which is pleasing
to the tourist. Everywhere about
are evidences of gold . mining, tin
work of th mimiajr engineer and
is eactoma of the miner. If ia all
very iatereatlag indeed but we
most be on our war Into ho hUisi
aad eastward. The -highway mew
becomes . a succession of ateep
wmiIm mmA halrwta turns on
(Continued oa page 13.)
Storage, Washing, . Greasing
and Wheel Aligning
264 N. Hit Street Phone 114
You Know Why Our Customers
Continue to Patronize Us
Hie Station With a Clock
Car Washing and Power Lubrication
Center and Liberty Sts.
I r i