The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 02, 1929, Page 9, Image 9

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    The OREGON STATESMAN; Saiga, Oregon, Sunday Morning, June 2, 1923
Society News and Club Affairs
Bridge Afternoon
At A. C. Perry-Home
3DUYE M. DouLK. Society Editor
Graduation Frock
Mrs. A. C. F. Perry was host
ess for three table3 of bridge at
her home on Washington street
Friday afternoon. Wild lupine,
bachelor buttons, and columbine
In combination with pale green
taperg made an artistic decoration
for the guest rooms. At the close
of bridge playing Mrs. C. B.
Stricklin held high score.
Following bridge ' Mrs. Perry
served, assisted by Mrs. Roy Pot
ter. Guests for this afternoon
were Mrs. C. E. Stricklin. Mrs.
U. G. Shipley, Mrs. Fd Stamp,
Mrs. J. H. Ryan. Mrs. Noel Bois-
sier, Mrs. linn Cronera'ller, Mrs.
E. Ling, Mr3. George i King,
Mrs. E. E. Bragg. Mrs. James
Nicholson, Mrs. W. R. Speck,
Mrs. Roy Potter, and Miss Sally
Mrs. Rex Adoph
Gives Farewell Party
Complimenting Miss Josephine
Eaungartncr, who will sail from
New York June 23 for Europe,
Mrs. Rex Adolph entertained with
bridge and a handkerchief show
er at her home Wednesday eve
High score for the evening of
bridge was held by Miss Mildred
Christenson. and second high
scor was held by Miss Pauline
Knowland. Following bridge, Mrs
Adolph served assisted by Mr3
Wilson Caughill. 1
Guests for this evening were
the honor guest Miss Baumgart
r.ers, and Mrs. Frank Deckebach.
Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mr3. John
Caughitl, Mrs. Kenneth Wilson,
Mrs. E. C. Purvine, Mrs. Warren
Jensen, Mrs. E. C. Purvine, Miss
Pauline Knowland, Miss Helen
Kamsden, Miss Prudence Patter
son, Miss Irma Bolander, Miss
Helen Arpke, Miss Margaret
Lreitenstein. Edith Bragg. Marion
Harris, of Portland, Mi5S Helen
Ereitenstein, Miss Katherine Hart
ley. Miss Marjorle Chrittensen and
Miss Mildren Christensen.
W. C. T. U. Plan
Members Reception
A W. C. T. U. meeting In hon
or of new members will be held
in the Union Hall cn South Com
mercial street Tuesday at 2:30 p.
ra. Preparations are being made
for a large attendance and a good
Fecial time following the pro
gram. The devotional will be in
charge of Mrs. L. M. Bidden.
Miss Mattie Beatty, the princi
pal speaker, -will give some, in
ttructve facts concerning legisla
tive acts that will be of interest
to all women voters. Special mu
sic and readings will also be given
on the program. All friends of
W. C. T. U. are invited.
Jason Lee Circle
Plans Picnic
Pattern 1603
Statesman 15c Practical Patten
School days are soon over, and
every smart girl needs a. dainty
frock for graduation and parties.
Design 1603 Is extremely youth
ful with Its adorable trimming of
lace and tucks. The V neck Is fin
ished with a pert ribbon bow,
which is repeated at the waist,
Organdie, georgette or fine
Toile would be charming mediums
for the development of this model.
White, of course, will be used for
graduation, but any of the pastel
shades would be exquisite for par
ties if cream lace, or lace dyed
to match the material is used.
May be obtained only In sizes
14. 16, 18 and 20.
Size 14 requires 3 yards of ma
terial and yard of lace, 40
Inches wide.
This model Is easy to make. No
dressmaking experience is neces
sary. Each pattern comes to you
with simple and exact instructions.
Including yardage for every slxe.
A perfect fit is guaranteed.
Patterns will be delivered upon
receipt of 15 cents In coins care
fully wrapped or stamps. Be sure
to write plainly your namt, ad
dress, style number and size
Our latest fashion bcok will be
sent upon receipt of 10 cents in
coin. Addres all mail and orders
to Statesman Pattern Department,
243 West 17th Street, New York
Parrish School Has
Interesting Episode
la the recent paper drive which
was sponsored by the students of
the writing and spelling depart
ment of Parrish school a most
unexpected result followed. In ad
dition to the 13 fi tons of paper
which were gathered In one week
and which netted the youthful
workers $135.00 for their efforts
there were some old magazines
produced which caused almost as
much excitement as the realiza
tion that the prize winning room
would secure a glorious placque of
Saeajawea from Carponi A Sons,
dealers in exclusive works of art.
These old magazines came from
the home of Mrs. J. W. Norwood,
grandmother of Wallace Beckett.
one of the industrious paper hunt
There were 18 copies of "Peter
son's National Ladies' Magazine"
bearing the date of 1869 and 1878
two copies of Frank Leslie's "Pop
ular Magazine" of 1878. a "Deli
neator" of 1889, and the Oregon!
an of 1901. In which was given an
account of McKinlcy's assasina
Some of these old copies are
being bound and the others are
being kept on fije In the school
after having been very graciously
donated to the school by Mrs. E.
M. Beckett, mother of Wallace.
Mrs. Dale Taylor
G. K. P. Hostess
The West Side circle of the Ja
Fon Lee Methodist church are
planning a picnic for Friday if the
weather does not forbid. Dinner
will be served at noon athe Fair
grounds. It is requested that each
member bring la : covered dish,
sandwiches and table 'service.
Mrs. Clifton Mfdd, will present
her students in plane in a private
rectal at her home' 1715 N. Capi
tol street Wednesday night. Tfce
first part of the program will be
given over to the younger stu
dents and the Jast will be given
to the advanced students.
The recital is invitational but
anyone interested may receive an
Invitation by calling MrsMudd.
Assisting with the program is
Lawrence Morley, and William
Mudd, who will each give read
ings. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. ' Durland
and daughter Ruth, stopped for
a few days visit with Mr. Dur.
land's sister Mrs. J. J. Nunn,
while en route from La Grand to
Corvallis where they are going to
attend the graduation of their
on. Benjamin,; from Oregon
State College.
The C. K. Spaulding family and
the Eli Seese family including
children and grandchildren held
their annual family reunion at
Newberg Tuesday. Mrs. J. B. Crab
tree and Mrs. John II. Grimes, sis
ters of Mrs. Spaulding were in at
tendance. There -were 29 repre
sentatives of the clans gathered.
Mrs. Charles Williams, sister
of Mrs. R. S. Miller, who has been
visiting here, since last Septem
berl left for her home In Raw
lins. Kansas. Mrs. Williams hopes
to make her home la' Oregon in
the near future.
Mrs. Clifton Mudd acted as
one of the Judges Saturday night
at Jason Lee church of the con
test to pick a song to be used at
the Falls City conference of Ep-
worth Leagues.
f - . -
Mrs. Paul Wallace was recetly
elected patroness of the Beta Chi
sorority. Mrs. WY COnnell Dyer 18
also a patroness '-'of the same
house. . -
Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Doney tIs-
Ited Hood River Wednesday. Dr
Doney delivered the commence
ment address at the high school
there. ' .. -; ,
.:K '
Mr. , and -Mr. Johw.JSUbe and
Mr: and Mrs. C. KSpartdtn are
spending the week-end; at Nye
' beach, 'Newport.-''f-'"-
- 'X;Y
" Mr. andSlf ra." Lj sh: "Arheson,
and daughter Inga of Corbett,
: wet .Saturday; egtf ;at- tW-Jv A
Kemington home. -
The Salem Camp Fire girls,
their parents, and sponsors motor
ed to Mchama Thursday. At' Me
hama the girls and some of the
oldfr folk hiked to Shelburg falls
and back to Mehama again where
a- picnic supper was enjoyed at the
girls summer camp.
Those fe'Jing on this outing were
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Minkiewitz and
daughters, Betty and Peggy, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, and
Esther and Mary 'Elizabeth Hun
saker, Miss Helen Page, Mrs. L.
O. Clements, and Edith and Eliza
beth ClementsDr. and Mrs. David
Bennett Hill and Charlotte Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Feldman, Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Schomaker, and
Marjorie and Maxine Schomaker,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Stout and sen.
Herald, R0S3 MeDowell, Ruth
Glover. Bessie Newcomb, Dorothy
Burk, Wanda Rose, Virginia My
ers, Marguerite Clark, Alice
Hayes, and Hazel Duncan.
A1J thQ Salem Campfire girlg
will meet at the corner of Cherry
and Hazel avenue Thursday from
which place they will start on a
Gypsy hike to Painter's woods.
Mrs. Minkiewitz, president of the
sponsorers, will meet with the
girls and aid in making plans for
the summer camp in Mehama
which will be opened in August.
RS. E. J. HODGE entertain
ed in her home at Wood
burn for Salem folk Satur
oay afternoon with a 1 o'clock
luncheon tnd bridge following.
ine guest rooms were lovelv in
an artistic profusion of garden
Those motoring to Woodburn
for this affair were Mrs. Lou
Grote. Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Ray Hart-
man, Mrs. Frederick Brock. Mrs
George Vehrs, Mrs. Ross Bidwell,
Mrs. is. E. Ling. Mrs. Karl Ku-
gel, Mrs. E. J. Hodge. Mrs. F. G.
Myers, Mrs. T. W. Creech. Mrs
Roy Mills, Mrs. Walter Spaulding.
Mrs. Frank Burns. Mrs. George
Blower. Mrs. Zoe Stockton. Mr.
Paul Johnson, and Mrs. Sam But
Reception Will Close(
Art's League Season
The last meeting of the Salem
Arts league will be a reception
for" which Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Bishop will be hosts at their home
on Court street Friday evening.
Invitations will be out the first
of the week for this affair which
is planned in honor of Andrew
Vincent, Salem artist. Mr. Vin
cent will display a group of his
own pictures at thi3 reception.
It will be remembered with
pleasure that Mr. Vincent dis
played a group of his paintings
once before in Salem at the de
lightful tea -given by Mrs. Frank
Durbin, Jr., early In the spring.
It will be a real plesaure for those
attending the reception planned to
be able to see another like exhi
Mrs. B. J. Teel
Entertains at Dinner
- J. Lyman Steed has extended
an invitation to the Salem Wo
man's club to attend the gradu
ation exercises of the students of
the school for the deaf, to be held
In the school auditorium, June
4, at 8:15 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roth
are spending the week-end at
Neskowln. ,
First of Her Country
- i vv
.Gives Martial Air,
1 i
:vi x:i. ;-".-:
mi, A)
WOODBURN, June 1. A ca
pacity crowd witnessed the grad
uation of 14 students from the St.
Benedict's grade school Sunday
Senator Samuel M. Garland was
addressed the class on his Euro
pean tour. The program of musie
and skits was. a song, chorus of
senior and junior girls; song,
boys chorus; greeting, Joseph
Donnelly; song, hoys' chorus; pi
ano duet, Margaret Hermle and
Anna Doubrava; action song by
Junior boys and girls; song, John
and Frank Beck; flower drill by
senior girls. "The Burglar." a
comedy, Etheloy Susee, Benieva
Blaschko, Mary Bartos. Hilda Ka
hut, Rosine Pavelek, and Adella
Krupicka; vocal solo, Donald
the speaker of the evening and Courtney ; graduates farewell, con
ferring of diplomas. Rot. J. B. Ru
bls: address by Samuel JL Gar
land. The graduates are Rita Becker,
Maxine Sanderson, Catherine Mc
cormick, Mary Bartos, Rosina.
Pavelek. Hlda Kahut Geneva
Blaschko. Margaret Hermle, Mar
garet Aplln. Etheloy Susee, Lillian
Zak. Mary Zak. Anne Coubrava,
Adella Krupicka. Antoinette Po
korny. Lawrence Koch, Frank
Pavelek. Cecil Sowa, Floyd Ho-.
venden, Donald Courtney, Leo
Halter, Daniel Lo rents, Armcld
Halter and Norman Vanderbeck.
. This striking blouse Is made of
knitted jersey and is given a mar
tial air by the three-tone strap
that runs diagonally across front
and back. The large scarf carries
oat the motif cf the blouse. The
color is brilliant red.
Mrs. Dale Taylor entertained
the members of the G. K. P. club
at her home on South 19 th street
in rather an unusual manner re
cently. A room In the basement
was made into a gay banquet
room with pink crepe streamers
forming a canopy over the long
table which was centered with
yellow and pink flowers and yel
low tapers in silver candle hold
ers. Here at the table a three
course supper was served, follow
ing a business session in which
plans were laid for picnics and
summer activities.
Members of the club present for
this party were Mrs. Harry Harms.
Mrs. W. S. Foster, Mrs. W. C.
Pickens, Mrs. Newell Williams,
Mrs. Katherine Middleton, Mrs. O.
P. Pickens, Mrs. "Walter Nelson,
Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. T. A.
Raffety, Mrs. H, 8. Gile, Mrs.
Thomas Roen, Mrs. B. E. Slsson,
Mrs. J. F. Billeter, and Mrs. Dale
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. Walter Nelson.
Miss Gladys Miller
Lectures in Salem
Mrs. B. J. Teel entertained
ith an informal luncheon honor
ing the birthday of her husband,
Thursday, at the Teel home.
Covers were laid for 12 around
the table centered with a birthday
cake with lighted candles.
The guests were, the honor
guest, Mr, Teel, and Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Goodman and children,
Lee and Margery, of Rainbow,
Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Teel
and children, Eileen, Ellis and
Adah Mae of Salem, and Mr. Cy
rus Clowser.
Miss Gladys Miller, a graduate
of Oregon State college, and for
the past three years head of the
art department of a large depart
ment store in the East, was a Sa
lem guest Monday. While here she
gave an interesting lecture on
"Style and Fashion" at the Miller
Store, at which many represent
others from out-of-town stores of
the Miller chain attended the
Miss Miller is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Miller of the
Miller stores, and is visiting her
parents in Portland for a short
time. She has many friends both
in Salem and in McMinnville.
Mrs. E. A. Miller
Missionary Hostess
Mrs. E. A. Miller will entertain
members of the Missionary socie
ty of the First Congregational
church at her home Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. This
will be a picnic meeting. Busi
ness will be transacted in the aft
ernoon and at 6 o'clock the hus
bands and children will arrive for
a picnic dinner.
The hostesses for the social
hours are Mrs. E. A. Miller assist
ed by Mrs. M. D. McCallister, Mrs.
William McGilchrist, Sr., Mrs. J.
Morris and Miss Leora Morris.
For the afternoon meeting Mrs.
W. C. Kantner will lead the de
votions, and Miss J. M. Breck will
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Thomas will
present their pupils in a violin
and piano recital Wednesday eve
ning at the First Evangelical
church at 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lower of
Los Angeles are here for. an ex
tended visit with Mrs. Frank
Brown and Mrs. Frank Meyers.
Mrs. C. H. Monroe and her sis
ter. Miss Minnie Brugger, of
Portland, were the guests of, Mrs.
S. P. Talkington Decoration day.
Mrs. John Carson, who has un
dergone a serious operation at the
Salem General hospital, is improv
ing slowly.
Dewey Coffin, of San Francis
co, has been the guest of Mrs.
Russell Catlin for the past week.
Miss Jean Bell, of Portland, was
the guest of her mother, Mrs.
Henry Bell, Decoration Day.
We guarantee satisfactory car
rier service. If your Statesman is
not delivered on time or correctly
we want to know, phone 500.
Special Showing of Axminster Rugs
in Style-Right Patterns and Colors
rm VHBSB new soaninsters of famous Bigelow-H-rtford quality are
shown in unusual diversity of designs. There are modernistic
motifs, hooked rug designs, Oriental, floral, and plain effects. The
rcry new small all-over designs in Oriental motifs are especially
Finest Tarns, expert wodemanahip, and sturdy construction make
for ocrsrsTvfing quality.
The prices are remarkably low, especially when you consider the
exuaoidinary patterns and colors, and the economy of long wear.
9x12 Sizes from
Mrs. Kamaladeri Chattopad
hyaya, famous South India
woman leader of Bombay, In
dia, will her the first woman
ttoa: hex country to be presec?
at theGeiuva conference 61
edacatort when that body:
ineeu - this Jone, Sbe J wUI
then ccntTntte' "fief tour and
visit Dexunarlr,
S "
467 COURT.. .s.
w Bs 2ss5 gSVMBSBSSBw
JJF - -?-
n a , V- c4i- - .
n fl I -v- ri
-If? 1 '1-V- -
Millers Present Striking
Values in
We believe these to be among
the most outstanding coat val
ues offered in Salem this sea
Offering an Immense
Assortment of Finer Coats
Miller's present their annual -coat event,
starring, the-finer qualities beginning Mon
day, Jane 3rd. Every price range as quoted
at the right will hold coat values that merit
immediate attention.
Sports, dress and utility coats in the season's
smartest fashions will be sponsored In these
groups and as for size range, color, etc., Mil
ler's win see to it that no jonejwfll be disap
pointed. . Broadcloths', lUsnmira, Basket Weaves,
Suede-like Weaves
Sizes IS to 48;
iffl jj .00
it I f
$ -n 0.75
-VI !! I I I ii. Ill