The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 02, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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- . '
Senators' Manager Lets Other Fellow Worry
"TTAHAr And a string of additional ha's". It was Leo
" "Frisco" Edwards, manager of the Salem Senators,
who laughed, and the cause of his mirth was the rain that
fell copiously on the just and the unjust in Salem Saturday.
This time Edwards had the weather man fooled, for it
didn't make two whoops difference to the Senators' boss if
the whole sky fell in. All Edwards has to do is wait until the
appointed time this morning, and then if the Longview club
management doesn t call him
up with word that it's wet in
Longview too, just collect his
ball players and set forth.
That's simple alongside the wor
ry ins that has fallen to Frisco's,
lot this spring, all caused by too
generous rainfall. For three suc
cessive Sundays games here were
called off; the hoys didn't even
get to practice, and Then the
games did start, they were a cou
ple ot weeks behind the other
teams. otherwise, us naraiy
likely they would hare lost the
first two games, when the margin
was but one run In each case.
If today's double header is
played at Longview, the Senators
are facing -a lough day. The For
est Rangers are leading the league
with four rletorJes and one defeat,
and they hare been playing -good
ball consistently. The club is
long on hitters, and has been giv
ing opposing pitchers lots of trou
ble. The fact is that Longriew has
amassed 63 hits in five games;
an average of nearly eleven hits
to the game. That hitting
strength is present all the way
from the top of the batting order
down to the catcher, and Salem's
pitching staff will not be able to
ese up at any time in the two
On the other hand, Longriew's
pitchers haven't been any too
stingy with hits; Kelso got nine,
Albany ten, Mt. Scott seven, Mon
taviila ten, Kelso five in the sec
ond Tame and 12 in the exhibi
tion game Memorial day.
Longview has just kept ahead
of the other clubs by out hitting
them, not through tight pitching.
If past performances are any cri
terion, there will be plenty of ac
tion in today's games.
Babe Ruth
Gets 10th
Home Run
NEW YORK. June 1 (AP)
Babe Ruth's tenth home run and
Tony Lazzeri's fifth helped Waite
Hoyt and the Yankees to defeat
the White Sox by 3 to 1 hero to
day. Lazseri hit for the circuit
against Danny Dugan la the third
with two on, while Ruth's poke
was directed at Grady Adkina in
the eighth with Gehrig on base.
. Jt. II. E.
Chicago 7 1 6 2
New York 8 7 0
Dugan, Adidas and Autry; Hoyt
and Giabowskl.
Athletics Win
(AP) The Philadelphia Athlet
ics continued their winning way
today by defeating Detroit 11 to 2.
The league leaders hammered out
four home runs, Simmons getting
two, and Haas and Earnshaw the
others. .
R. H. E.
Detroit 2 6 2
Philadelphia n 13 1
WhitehlU and Phillips; Earn
shaw and Cochrane.
Senators Beaten
Going into the ninth inninr one
ran behind, St. Louis scored twice
defeating Washington, 5 to 4.
here today. Washington had tied
the score in the seventh and gone
into the lead in the eighth.
7 R. H. E.
St Louis 5 8 0
Washington 4 9 1
4 Stewart, Streleeki, Crowder and
Schang; 1 Burke, Marberry and
Cleveland Shades Red Sox
BOSTON. Jane 1 CAP) -
Cleveland defeated the Red Sox
here today, 3 to 2. Two of the
Indians runs were unearned and
Morris held them to six hitfc.
Cleveland 3 0
Boston 2 t 4
. Miller, Miljus and L. Sewell;
Morris and Heving.
CHICAGO, June 1. (AP).
A world's record went tumbling,
, three world performances we.e
equalled, and four marks for the
meet were cracked as 900 athletes
from 30 states finished competi
tion in the University of Chica
go's 25th national inter-scholastic
tr;ck and field championship meet
here today.
-k Keller of East High. Co
lumbus, O.. after tying the worl "
r.cord ot :15:2J0 in the 120 yard
high hurdles, came back to sin- .
the world mark in the 220- low
. hurdles by scissoring his way over
"the barriers In :24. This perform
. ance clipped two tenths of a aec-
ond off the old record hung up
by Eugene Beatty, Northeastern
HiSh of Detroit, in 127.
Athletes from Frobel i High of
Gary, Ind., captured the meet by
' scoring 42 points, with Arsenal
High of Indianapolis, Ind., - ee-
-V o--d with 28. Fort Collins, Colo.,
. winner of the U2 8 ' meet,' v was
third with 28 1-8. Fulton, Mo.. St
.Joseph. Mo., and Tilden Tech; ot
Chicago, . tied tor fourth- - place
with 22 points each. East Hirh of
-j Columbus was fifth with 20. East
High of WJehltaKans- Wax sixth.
with-If, and Northwestern High
of Detroit, seTeuth, . with lt.
' . . Sixth tad seven teams broke In
to' the" point scoots g; "61- - - 1"
Br SEALS 3-8
Portland Team Nosed Out ty
Narrow Margin in Ten
Inning Contest
PORTLAND, Ore., Jane 1.
(AP) Portland lest to San Fran
clseo again today 9 to 8 la tea
innings. At one time the Docks
bad ( to 1 lead but the Seals
got busy off Chesterfield, drove
him out In the sixth under a
shower of hits, scored six runs,
went ahead 8 to 6 and held this
lead until the eighth. In that in
ning Portland scored one and then
tied the game in the ninth only to
lose in the tenth.
San Francisco 9 13 3
Portland 8 14 2
(10 innings)
Glynn, Jonce and Reed;
terfield. Beck, Oilman, Powers
and Woqdall. ..... . j
Tribe Split Pair
SEATTLE, June 1. (AP)
Manager Ernie Johnson's' sacri
fice fly in the last half of the
ninth gave Seattle the second
game here today by a 2 to 1
score over Los Angeles after los
ing the first fray. In the first
battle, with the score 3 and 3 in
the ninth, Webb's triple after
Statz' walk and a sacrifice by Ditt
mar, put the game on ice for the
visitors. The score was 4 to 3.
Los Angeles 4 10 0
Seattle 3 9 0
Walsh and Hannah; Collard,
House and Cox.
Los Angeles 1 4 0
Seattle 2 8 0
Holling and Sandberg; Pipgraa
and Cox.
Oaks Wallop Stars
The heavy hitting Oaks made a
rule of today's game with Holly
wood, walloping three star pitch
ers for a 19 to 3 score.
Oakland piled up eiht runs in
the second inning and added six
more in the fourth. Five home
runs featured the lop sided game.
Stan Schino drove two out ot the
park, and three team mates, Roy
Carlyle, Buzz Arlett and Ernie
Lombard! followed his example
Lombard! further strengthened
his claim as .the league leading
batter with three other hits.
Oakland 19 IS 1
Hollywood 3 11 3
Dumovich and Lombard!; Mar
ty, Coyne, Hollerson and Bassler,
Reds Smother Sacs
(AP) The San Francisco Reds
smothered the Sacramento Sen
ators today by a 12-2 score. The
series stands four games to two
in favor of the Reds. Ike Boone
had another big day at the bat,
slamming out two singles, a doa
ble and a home run. He also bat
ted in four runs. The Reds got
after Bryan in the first inning
and finished him in the second
when they staged a rally and
scored five runs off six bits.
Sacramento 2 8 0
Missions 12 18 1
Bryan, Rachae and Koehler, E.
Harris; Hnbbell and Baldwin.
U. of O.
LrLj' f at " i
i wuc
I-8teabSMMMeHest' -k
-vAviw a
1 :-"rU::
TkhtM vorti knowiaa ahoat
to Swim Week" recently, with Uaiversity ef Oregon students in charge
.. i mm mmAm attMutratias' the eross-ekest earrr. From
Young. Portland: Edna Kearas, Klamath rails. Upper left, Job Allea, Eugene, shows an effective Way M
traaair'twe tmntaistnrM apart. -Briow, leftrBermaa- Gawer, Portia ad, demoastratea the 'f v
earry en Frank Learned, PorUaad. Center, below, two demonstrations of the Sehaefer method ef jesner
ttUoa, by Gawer and Helen Carlson, Lower right, Gawer deawMtrate the firenua'e - carry, with ije
lCeGee. Peadletoa, ea ais akoalders,
Bearcats' Record
Willamette Tossers Record Good
rc fi (. .
w I V
1 -TV
The Willamette ualversity baseball team, which won the western division championship in the
Nortbwpt conferences and lost to Whitman is a tight series for the conference title. From the left,
top row: Nelson, pitcher; Hnk, third base; TrarfiseL first base; Adams, second 'base; Ledbetter,
pitcher; Van Nice, pitcher; Narsters, manager, second row: majOTsai, piccner; ximi, qsursurt; um,
right field; Beetz, center field; SatchweU, left field; McGinn, center field; P. Glrod, second base;
Scales, right -field. Bottom row: Welch, right field; Cardinal, catcher; Gibson, shortstop; Coach
Kerne; L. Girod, shortstop; McBfallm, left field.
Salem Fans to Get Chance
to See Taylor and
Fox In Action
Fight fans in Salem will hare
an opportunity to see both of next
Wednesday night's main e venters
in action prior to the big show at
the armory. Matchmaker Harry
Plant announced Saturday.
Allle Taylor, the Bend wildcat.
will arrive in Salem Tuesday, and
the arena will be erected that day
so that Taylor will be able to stage
his final workout there Tuesday
night at 8 o'clockr'Tbe fans are
Ted Fox, the other party to the
main bout, is now making his
headquarters in Salem and is
working out at the armory gym
nasium each afternoon at 2:00
Fox is in sTiape that much
can be gleaned from his showing
at Valsetz last Saturday night,
when he knocked out Jack Clark
In the sixth round. The "flu"
germ that kept Fox out of the
ring for a large part of this season,
has from all appearances left him
for good.
Tom Loutitt has promised
faithfully that he will be on hand
to referee Wednesday n 1 oh t' s
bouts. Last time he was scheduled
to officiate, but the sporting
goods business became so rush
ing that he couldn't get away and
sent Collie Stoops in his place,
Stoops did a good Job, but the
fans would rather have Tom.
Polo Title Will
Be Decided Today
BOISE. Idaho, June 1 (AP)
The northwest polo championship
will be decided hero tomorrow
when picked teams from the Boise
squad meets Portland Hunt club
in the second game of the year'5
meet. Tomorrow's game is only
one played in the circuit cham
pionship, winner being entitled to
represent the circuit at the na
tional meet In Chicago.
Europe fears a plague of wasps,
Students Teach Lif eving
' " ' " K" " vnn ni. , m I,,, 1 1 w. i i, ,L i. .ii.
Hfe-saving were .taarfet te several
nrwHi wii a vw -
jr m v.-.-
Lof THE clubs
W U Pet W I, Pet.
45 19 .703IHoUr. SI St 4500
SS S9 .5678:'to 28 41 .406
SB 80 .559 Portisna S3 99 ,111
BSSS .515SU1 3S 89 471
Ijos JL
a V.
vatiowaz. rxAaxra
W L Pet. W I, Pet.
St. Louis 25 15 .934!
Pittib. 23 15 .605!
N. T.
18 17 .514
14 22 .888
15 24 .80S
18 26 .888
22 15 J95
20 17 .541WXneL
W Li Pet. W 1 Pet.
SO t .7SC1T1. 20 20 .SOO
St. Leais 26 15 .634
Wash. 18 24 .S&l
Thier 18 81 .840
Bolton 21 28 .882
K. T. 21 16 368
Detroit 24 22 .522
Saa franeieso 9; Portland 8.
Lot Aagvles 4-1 ; Seattle 3-2.
Oakland 19; Hollywood 3.
Xiuion 12 Sacramento 2.
.Philadelphia ; PitUburffb. 4.
, Cincinnati 3; Boston 2.
New York 7; Chicago 4.
Brooklyn-St. Louis postponed ; rain.
, New York 8; Chicago 1.
Cleveland 3; Boston 2.
Philadelphia 11; Detroit t.
St. Louis 5 ; Washington 2.
S AFFORD, Aris, June 1
(AP) C. C. Pyle's plodding pil
grims, nearing their goal in the
dash afoot across the United
States in search pf gold at the
end of the transcontinental rain
bow, have broken all existing re
cords for long distance running
They are in a fair way of provid
ing the most exciting finish in
the history of foot racing.
The bunioneers hare covered
2,883.4 miles of the trek to the
Pacific coast, and are expected to
end the jannt at Wrlgley field,
Los Angeles, on Sunday night.
June 16. two weeks from tomor
row. They have been pounding
pavements and dirt roads for 83
days, having left Columbus Cir
cle, New York, March 81.
Pete Gavuzzi, .be whiskered
Italian ef England, and Johnny
Salo, the flying cOp, Passaic, N.
J., battling for supremacy since
the corn carnival moved into
Ohio, have enabled the patient
plodders to dwarf by comparison
the records made In last year's
cross country ran.
scores of Eugene people daring L
kr left
ef lastraetiea. Atta opper
left to right they aret Helen wuoa.
. wr. ,,. - j - -
Shows Slowly Increasing
i I
Four Previous Records Are
Shattered; Trojans
Place Second
phia. June 1 (AP) Four re
cord smashing performances, in
eluding a sensational half mile In
1:52 1-5 by Phil Edwards of
New York university, brought the
fifty-third intercollegiate A. A.
A. A., track and field champion
ships to a climax today as Stan
ford university won the team ti
tle for the third year in a row.
The Cardinals from Palo Alto,
coached by "Dink" Templeton,
not only gave the far west its
eighth triumph over a span of
nine-years, but did It by the most
overwhelming margin In thirty
years. Not since 1899 when
Pennsylvania's great team won
with a record total of 57 points,
beating its nearest rival by 29
points, has any team captyred the
historic meet by so one-sided a
margin as Stanford.
Stanford scored exactly 45 3-8
points, tallying In nine pf the
fifteen events. This more than
doubled the count of the nearest
Cardinal rival. Southern Califor
nia, which tallied 21 points and
thereby added to the route of the
east. Pennsylvania finished third
with 18 7-8 points. New York un
iversity fourth with 14 and Tale
fifth with 18 5-8. California,
the third contender from the Pa
cific coast, finished in a tie with
Pittsburgh for sixth place with
11 points.
Giants Beat
Cubs 7 to 4
At Chicago
CHICAGO, June 1. (AP)
Ragged fielding by Chicago helped
the Giants win the first game of
their western invasion by 7 to 4
today. Carl Mays was knocked out
in the fifth but old Jack Scott
saved the day for the clan Mc-
Graw. Gur Bush went the route
lfor the Cubs. The Giants have won
nine of their last 10 games.
R. H. E.
New York ......7 10 0
Caieaaw 4 8 4
Hays, Scott, and O Fan-ell;
Bush and Shulte.
Beds Defeat Braves
The Boston Braves opened their
first western tnvaaion here today.
losing to the Reds 3 to 2, in a
pitchers' battle between Smith
and Ash,
R. H. E
Boston . . .
Cincinnati 3 8 8
R. Smith and Taylor, Spopher;
Ash, May and Sukeforth.
Phillies Get 5 Homers
PITTSBURGH. Pa,, June 5.
(AP) Five home runs by Phila
delphia featured their 9 to 4 Tic
tory over the Pittsburgh Pirates
today. Hurst hit two and Klein,
Whitney and Lerlan each one, ac
counting for eight runs.
R H E.
Philadelphia .9 11 0
Pittsburgh 4 12 0
Benge and Lerlan; Petty,
Brame, French
and Ilargreaves,
EUGENE, Ore., June X (AP)
Eighteen ot the best athletes
who competed in the annual nor
thern division Pacific coast confer
ence track -meet hero, today de
parted tonight for ' the national
collegiate track and field classic
at Chicago June 7 and -8
Coach MHec" Edmnndson, Wash
ington, led eleven of his track
etcrs out ofEugene, Eart Schlade-
Curtain Rings Down Thurs
day Until Football
Next Fail
The curtain was rung down
Thursday on one more athletic
rear at Willamette university, a
year replete with triumphs and
yet marked by frequent Disappoint
ment. In each sport, the Be area is
rose to heights not paralleled in
the present decade, but the grim
spectre of Marcos Whitman stood
in their way each time they aspir
ed to reach the ultimate goal, a
Northwest conference champion
The program was varied slight
ly in basketball, Willamette ap
parently winning a clear right to
the title and then seeing it cloud
ed when Whitman scheduled and
won two games that were not on
the original ticket, then claimed a
Western Division
Beaten In Baseball
For the first time, Willamette's
baseball team was undefeated in
the western division, but lost to
the well known "Nig" Borlesjce's
crew in the inter-division playoff
The Bearcat tennis team defeated
all comers excepting Whitman
The track team didn't'do so well
but made more points in the con
ference meet than it has for sev
eral years.
Now that the balls and bats
shot and Javelin have been stored
away for the season, athletic in
terest at the local university Is
turning again to the super-sport
of the college year, football.
Football Training To
Start Earlier This Year
Strange to say, the football
training season is neare - at hand
than It was at this time last year
That's because Northwest confer
ence officials set the opening date
at September 9, instead of Sep
tember 15.
Willamette's football season
last fall was one of ups and
downs. The Bearcats held Univer
sity of Washington to a low score
crossed University o f Oregon
goal line for the first time in 14
years, gained a clean victory over
College of Puget Sound after
long series of defeats and then
was beaten by College of Idaho,
Pacific and Whitman.
Prospects for next fall are Just
so-so. or tne 60 or more promis-
ng athletes who responded to the
first call last fall, the majority
have not been seen on the camp
us this spring. Be it said for
Coach "Spec" Keene's 1928 squad
that few of these absences are due
to scholastic fatalities. Financial
embarrassment is responsible for
most ot them.
Experienced Reserve
Strength Is Lacking
Except for two highly impor
tant positions, quarterback and
end, Keene has good men to fill
every berth, but not sufficient ex
perienced reserves.
Acker-man will be back to flit
a big gap at center, but he has no
capable understudy. Guards are
fairly plentiful; Emmons, Bob Hil
iis, Harry Hillis, Gill and Philpott
all saw action last season. Mort
is the only letterman lost in this'
department. He graduates this
Versteeg, Flock, Carpenter and
Ruch are the tackles still in
school; Rasmussen will be back.
and Jones, a freshman from Sa
lem high, will come in handy in
this position if he doesn't fit bet
ter in the backfield.
Big Holes Loom
In End Positions
But there isn't a single wing
man who played with any regu
larity last fall. Holt, Gibson and
Schlffman are possibilities, along
with Benjamin, who entered at
midyear. None of last season's
quarterbacks is in school either.
but Engebretsen will be back. Cra-
nor may be designated for a share
of the signal calling.
The rest of the 1928 backfield
regulars will be on the job:
French and Page, halfbacks, and
McMullin, full. Jones and Carpen
ter, and another new recruit, .Mc-
G-nn, will give McMullin -plenty of
competition. Other halfbacks who
will make last year's regulars
step are McBee. Faber and Hall.
Willamette will nave an unus
ually attractive schedule, Includ
ing games with University ot Ore
gon, Oregon State College and Col
lege ot the Pacific in addition to
all of th Northwest conference
schools excepting College of Pu
get Sound.
College of Idaho, Pacific uni
versity and Linfleld will all play
on Willamette's field. The Lin
field game has been scheduled for
Armistice day.
man, Washington State college
mentor, took five, while Oregon
sent Ed.Moeller, discus thr&wer
and Ralph Hill, Miller.
The Washington men to make
the Journey were: Steve Ander
son, Olympic hurdler; Captain
Bill. Shelly, low hurdler and
splinter Talbot Hartley, quarter
miller; Rofus Riser, national mile
champion;- Paul Jesse. and Julius
Ramstead, discus throwers and
shot patters; Crosby Pendleton,
sprinter;. Ed Genung and Gordon
Dodds, half rollers; Elbert Sellers
and Bob Reed, two m tiers.
Tho Washington' state athletes
were "Kenneth Kelly, Quarter
miier; Jim EUenaoha. two miler;
Rex Taylor, miier; Angus Clark,
half miler and Jack Mooberry,
Retail efealn stores along Amer
ican lines are being developed In
Denmark. .
Steve Anderson is Leader
Of Husky Attack; Oregon
Shades W.&C. for Second
Associated Press Sports Writer
EUGENE, Ore., June 1. (AP) Splashing through a driv
ing rain, Steve Anderson, America's premier hurdler,
led a small but mighty band of athletes to an overwnanung
triumph for the University of Washington in the annual
Northern Division Pacific Coast conference track meet on
Hayward field here today. .
Anderson pointed the way
of the elassic when he nasnea over
the high hurdles in 14.4 seconds
to tie the world's record for a sec
ond time in his life. This also
equalled his own conference mark
established last year.
Three other conference records
were shattered in the discus, low
hurdles and bile run.
Web foots Nose Out
Cougars By One Point
The University of Oregon ana
Washington State college battled
it tooth and nail for second place
with the Oregon Webfooters get
ting the call by one point on the
result ot the next to the last
event. Oregon State college
showed brilliancy in spots to cop
fourth place. Idaho finished
fifth and Montana sixth.
The scores were:
Washington, 59;. Oiegon, 87;
Washington State, 36; Oregon
State, 20; Idaho, S, and Mon
tana 1.
The summary:
100-Yard Dash: Won by Fos
ter, Washington State; Prender
gast, Oregon, second; Pendleton,
Washington, third; Shelly, Wash
ington, fourth. Time: 10 seconds.
Mile Run: Won by Riser, Wash
ington; Hill, Oregon, second; Tay
lor. Washington State, third;
Hughes, Washington State,
fourth. Time 4:16.8, (New
coast conference record).
440-Yard Run: Won by McKin
non, Oregon; Hartley, Washing
ton, second; KeHy, Washington
State, third; Bitter, Oregon State,
fourth. Time 49.4.
Shot Put: Won by Jessup, Wash
ington; Ramstead, Washington,
second; Boerhave, Washington
State, third; Hill, Washington
State, fourth. Distance, 49 feet
4 inches.
High Hurdles: Won by Ander
son, Washington; Brodie, Wash
ington, second; Cordey, Oregon
State, third; Martin, Oregon State,
fourth. Time 14.4, (tied world
record ) .
220-Yard Dash: Won by Pen
dleton, Washington; Pendergast,
Oregon, second; Mooberry, Wash
ington State, third; Foster, Wash
ington State, fourth. Time 21.2.
880-Yard Run: Won hy Ge-
nung, Washington; Clark, Wash
ington State, second; Young, Ore
gon State, third; Dodds, Wash
ington, fourth. Time 1:54.4
High Jump: O'Brien, Idaho,
and Carter, Oregon State, tied for
first at 6 feet. Nelson. Montana.
2 Salem Bowlers
Play Long Match
Virgil Stoliker and Wayne
Kantola, two of Salem's leading
oowiers, win engage in a SO
game match this week, the first
ten games probably being play
ed Monday night A prise of
ZOO is at stake.
Iilutoal Savings and Loan AssocialicD
A Salem Institution Organised la 1119
Place your saving? with us
Let us finance your home on weekly
or monthly payments
142 South Liberty Street
Prescription He Wrote :
In 1892 is the World's
Most Popiilar Laxative
When Dr. Caldwell started to
practice medicine, back in 1875,
the needs for a laxative were hot
as great as they are today. People
lived normal, quiet lives, ate
plain, wholesome food, and got
plenty ot fresh air and sunshine.
But even that early there were
drastic physics and purges for the
relief of constinatlon which Dr.
CaldVell did not believe were good
for human beings to put Into their
system. So he wrote a prescrip
tion fro a laxative to be used by
his patients.
The prescription tor constipa
tion tor a laxative to be used by
practice, and whlcn lie put In drag
stores in 1892 under the name
ot Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
la a liquid vegetable remedy. Is
tended for women, children. and
elderly people, and they need Just
such a mild, sate, gentle bowel
stimulant as Syrup Pepsin. -.
Under successful management
w prescription has proven Its
worth and Is now the-largest Bell
ing liquid laxative -!n the world.
The fact that millions of bottles
are used a year proves that It has
von the confidence of peoole who
needed It to get relief from head
aches, biliousness, flatulence. In
digestion, loss of appetite and
sleep, bad breath, dyspepsia, colds
ana tever.
V - v
to victory in tne iourwi event
and Couch. Washington State,
tied for third. 5 feet, 9 inches.
220-Yard Low Hurdles: Won by
Anderson. Washington; Shelly,
Washington, second; Martin, Ore
gon State, third; Selgmund, Ore-
gon, iourtn. Time zs.z. truew
Pacific coast conference record).
Two-Mile Run: Won by Reed,
Washington; Sellers, Washington,
second ; Ellenson, Washington
State, third; Heath, Idaho, fourth.
Time 8:39.
Discus: Won by Moehler, Ore
gon; Jessup, Washington, second;
Stager, Oregon, third; Hildreth,
Oregon, fourth. Distance, 157
feet 2 inches. (New coast confer
ence record.
Pole Vault: Herron, Washing
ton State, and Robinson, Oregon,
tied for first place at 12 feet. 8
inches; Lainhart, Washington
State, and Smith, Oregon State,
tied for third place at 12 feet.
Broad Jump: Won by Bred
thauer, Oregon; Lainhart, Wash
ington State, second; Humes,
Washington, third; Kier, Oregon,
fourth. Distance, 21 feet, 8
Javelin: Won by Wbltlock, Ore
gon State; Dickson, Oregon, sec
ond; Eilers, Oregon State, third;
Stager, Oregon, fourth. Distance,
194 feet 5 Inches.
One Mile Relay: Won by Wash
ignton State college. Time 3:2 3.
Free yourself from the
ever-present Phantom of
Wash Monday by letting
as take care of your laun
dry. So many women
say it's an actual pleas
ure to look at the things
we've laundered they!
ao beautifully dona,
Japanese Hand
Laundry and
. . 453 Ferry Street
v jr Telephone 753
AtMl mm
i Million ef families are now
never without Dr. Caldwell's 8yr
up Pepsin, and If yon will once
tart using it yon lrlll also al
ways have a bottle handy lor
emergencies jfe
t It Is -particularly pleasing to
know that the most ot It It bought
by mothers for themselves and the
children. though'Syrup" Pepsin is
Just as valuable for elderly people
Ml drag stores hare the generous