The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Horning, Jane Z, 1929 1 1 i 1 N 0 W HITTING STRIDE X 1928 Record Not Reached But Hope Looms For Rapid Spurt -Bonding' record! for 1929. which up to this month hare trailed benina me maris sei in corresponding months of 1918. wjll Vnow plunge ahead of last year's figures provided the actlv Itjr remains at the leTel set in April and May. There are numerous evidences that those months will be exceed ed, bat if building merely holds its own for the next few months. It. will make rapid gains on the 19 a inM. I Last year the peak was in Ap ril, when permit figures reached a mark or azeu.&is. ai. .wa ihln1 with 1250.985, but after that construction actiTitr dropped on ior mo iciuwuuci w Jniv s&w a slleht reviv al, the total being $138,475. The figure for April of this .year, $132,532, was the highest since Jiiy. , , :niMl activity was noted In December and continued into the .r taVtnr Into considera tion the winter season. -Tbo heavy construction of Mirth, April and May. 1928. save that year a big start on 1929, but the present year has a good chance to surpass 1928 even yet. iMay fell only $373 below April, aid these two months were only w sightly below the 1928 average, counting the lean months along with the strong ones. The year's total was $1,605,643. ' June is certain to surpass both April and May, as the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com pany building will be Included in this month's figure, and possi bly the state office building, which would throw this month out of all 1 comparison to those Which have preceded it. While new business accepted by West Coast mills for the week end ing May 25 was $.57 per cent in excess of current production, the favorable showing is the result of lessening production rather than increased orders, reports to the West Coast Lumbermen's associa tion indicate. Production at 203 identical mills for the week end-tag- Mar as wmm 17,401.970 feet and 191,780,752 feet during the week previous. Orders for the current week were ten million feet less than the week before as re ported by these same mills. ; The average of orders in excess of production since January 1, as shown in the reports of 112 iden tical mills, is now 6.56 per cent. Inventories are low and unfilled orders high. The position of the Industry is relatively strong. Pro duction since January 1 has aver aged 4.96 per cent below that of taat Tpur and orders dnrinr the first twenty weeks of the year hava been 7.4$ per cent below those reported lor the similar per lod of 1928. i On or about une 5, the Salem Automobile company moves Into ft new i headquarters at 43 N. Commercial street. This new home of the Durant dealers in Salem is $45,000 building planned to be one of the finest automobile sales and service concerns In the state, The building which is of con crete wil have a showroom with J 600 square feet of floor space. p II. E. Shade, secretary of the company, says that fine, new equipment la being added to that which haa been used In the old Quarters on North High street. An electric brake tester, hydraulic Jack lifts, and other mechanisms wil make the service department as modern as the fine salesroom. Postal Clerks y Perform Tasks Amid Big Noise i ' f Since Friday morning, postof fice employes here have a Job and a- half: doing their regular work and trying not to hear the inter mittent rasps from the power drill which is cutting away the rear wall of the original building pre paratory to setting In the new ad dition, in course of construction for a week. With work this far along, the Incoming mall department and all carriers will be moved to the basement, the move to bo made Saturday night. , Fruitland Plays Oregon City Nine m Frultland, leaden of the Son ley school baseball league, will meet the leaders of the twilight league of Oregon City in a return tame Monday. The game wilt pro bably be played In Oregon City. Frultland won their previous en counter i to t alter a hard-fought contest. f ILLS CUT DM 1 LUMBER PRODUCTION 10 COil TO jHDBUffi Cozy Little E The Bureau of Mines at the State College Should Have Ample Funds The Oregon bureau of mines, nowat the Oregon State Agricul tural college. Is such largely In name only. It has no working funds worth while. This is a lack that ought to be remedied. A reasonable sum should be provided, and made de pendenable, to last Indefinitely. The mineral wealth of Oregon is great, but It is not developed or even marked out so as to be known as it should be, in order to attract capital for its develop ment. A Case in Point The Mining Congress Journal, in its current Issue, gives the fol lowing: "The Industrial development development conference, recently held by the American mining con gress, was marked by an excep tional attendance of research csientlsta and men actively en gaged in Morag things.' "Among them waa Mr. B. G. E3ugh, of Birmingham, who spoke on the necessity for extensive re search, and who quoted one clas sic instance of results of German research on American industry: " 'A certain German company buya phosphate rock in Florida, ships it to Hamburg and then 145 mile rail and, canal haul to Ples- torits. At that place they are min ing lignite of only 4,000 B. t. u. hauling It direct to the boilers, generating steam electric power, which la used In four 10,000-K. r. a. furnaces, with which along with the phosphate rock, they manufacture both prosphorus and phosphorie acid. At Leunawerke, is the largest synthetic ammonia plant In the world. This ammonia has Ita hydrogen produced from water gas by means of coke which has already stood a 250 mile freight haul The. hydrogen la combined with ntrogen from the same kind of air we breathe here, A Ii:lyir ;.y, .... -v. 1 SL-yX aiu i L I j-atJa2 ' Mill RESEARCH MI You'll Find It Easy To Pay This Loan On our 142 monthly payment plan, payments on a $1000 loan start with $12.00 per month including interest Payments each month decrease until both principal and interest are paid off. Tonll find it easy, convenient and practical to borrow from us on the above basis. Hawkins & Roberts have made it possible for many Salem people to own their homes without being - financially burdened. Perhaps we can also make home ownership more convenient for yon, too. Why not discuss it with us? Hawldits & Roberts Inc. ; -205 Oregon Bldg ; ' , LOANS INVESTMENTS . INSURANCE Bungalow Note tlie ciever imam lur ukm cozy little, home and yoa will wast to on that lot of yonrs. Then see the outside picture of the house and you Will be assure cd It Is quite the best yon nave nen of late. Plana are available through the O. 8. Hamilton fur niture store or by application to The Statesman. into synthetic ammonia. This am monia is taken to Pelstorits, com bined with the phosphorie acid Just mentioned, into di-ammonl-um phosphate, which is made into concentrated fertilizing materials, a main constituent of which -Is phosphoric acid, which ia !tben shfpped back to the United States, where the phosphat rock came from, and sold at a profit' " "This shows courage and vision, and a proper valuation on con structive research. We shall con tinue to pay tribute unless we also proceed with constructive indus trial research to an even greater degree." h The recent showers have been good tor nearly all crops and for the few fields of late sown flax they have been especially bene ficial. Title Game To Occur Tuesday On Local Field The game on which the title of the Sunday school baseball league hinges was postponed from Friday to Tuesday at 6 o'clock on Wil lamette university field. Frultland holds first place and First M. E. can tie the score by taking the contest. The teams played to a 0-0 tie in 14 innings and have won by prac tically equal scores from other teams In the league. In the event of a win for the Methodists, the title will be decided by two games of a three game series. Two Salem Men Head South For Shrine Meeting Bound for Los Angeles and the Shrine convention, Oscar Steel hammer, county assessor, and Adolph Bombeek, both members of Al Kader Shrine band, left Sa lem at 5 o'clock Friday afternoon and both men will be gone for the next week. They took one of three special trains which same through Salem Friday on the way south. Steelhammer plays the trom bone In the Portland band and Bombeek the clarinet. All ex penses for the trip are paid by the Portland organisation. COMPSTOH TRIMS HAGEN MOOR PARK, England, Jane 1 (AP) -Archie Compston, Great Britain's best match play golfer, took a bit of the shine from Wal ter Hagen'a 1121 triumph In the British open championship by am Doing nun. eignt np and seven to play, in a 86 hole match. ... . , . .1 SO UP FDF HUDSON Anm J Report Shows Fine Advance' Over 1927; Plant Growing - Announcing production tcred ulee for 120,000 Hudson and s aez can during the second quar ter and predicting that earnings for that period would far exceed any previous quarter In the com pany's history, President W. J. MeAneeny told stockholders of the Hudson Motor Car company, at the annual general meeting here that this was by far the best year in the company's history. The optimistic statement was In the nature of a birthday present to the stockholders, for this is the "coming of age" year for Hud son. Roy D. Chaplin, who presided as chairman of the board, the late R. B. Jackson Howard R. Coffin and MeAneeny, backed by J. L. Hudson, started the company 21 years ago. It la now the second largest Independent in the field. Mr. MeAneeny said: "Since the introduction of our present Hud son and Essex models we have enb Joyed & consistent and record breaking demand. Shipments for the first three moots of the year were 108.048 cars. This volume resulted in first quajter earnings of $4,466,783 or $2.86 a share the most favorable first-quarter showing ever made." ITER RESOURCES t GREAT ASSET They Are as Certain as the Sun Hert, by the Very Laws of Nature EDITOR'S NOTE This article was held over from the Sunday slogan number. H. 8. Rogers, dean of the school of engineering, Oregon State Ag rlcultural college, said in a recent contribution: "If complementary things can be superlatively com pared, these water resources are the greatest single permanent re sources endowed by nature. Upon their occurrence depends the de velopment of rivers and harbors, the Irrigation of arid lands, the improvement of wet and swamp lands, the supply of power for un told Industries and the health and happiness of cities." Dean Rogers waa refererlng es pecially to the water resources of the Cascade and Coast ranges, and the Olympic range in western Washington. Dean Rogers says the water of the earth passes through a cer tain natural eycle. Beginning in the oceans, it Is evaporated Into the atmosphere where it is con veyed by the winds over the land areas. From the atmosphere it is precipitated in the form of rain, dew, frost, or snow upon the earth through which it percolates or from which it flows in streams on its return to the ocean. Reliable Rainfall "Most of the rainfall of the Pacific northwest, says Prof. Rogers, "Is caused by the upward deflection of the southwesterly winds which blow In from the Pa cific ocean, and striking the Coast and Cascade ranges are raised and cooled so that the air precipitates its moisture upon the hills below." This makes for a reliable rain fall, rsinee our water resources are brought to us upon these Now The Modern Lock Doors Lock Without Keys No home completely modern without Schlage Button Locks. To lock just press the botton in the knob. To unlock just turn the knob. Let us give you prices on these new modern up-to-date locks for your new home. Sofloca EIoc?dwai?c (So. Phone 172 Real Estate Loans 6, 6 7 Money and plenty of it P. H. Bell 219 U.S. Bank Bid. Phones: 07-3009-J Salem, Ore. r Consult us Before Building X can help yon plan your home, bay a lot to suit you and hmfld your house tor a small payment down. I have a new house completed, ethers under construction. AO priced very low. H.C. HUMMEL Phone 2254-R Heard Along Auto Row C. H. Elspas. district represen tative for the Ford Motor com pany, tpent Friday at the Valley Motor company. Mr. Elspas Is spending a week in the Salem dis trict. Two Cfcryslera of models new to Salem are oa display tn the show-room of the Fltzgerald Bherwin oMtor company. The Special Custom S Sedan has beside the nsnal Chrysler fea tures two fender-moiinted tires foldgin trunk -rack tn rear, and n special interior finish. Desert Sand, a very popular sport shade, is the color of the sport coupe .wtth a rumble seat. Hal Stacey, new sales-manager BitS Of N e W& Gathered From AU , , Parts of the Great ror doortsmen State of Oregon "The finest bunch of trout I have ever seen." Such was the de scription given by Matt Ryckman, superintendent of hatcheries of the hatcheries of the state game commission, of the fish he recent ly Inspected at the Oak Springs hatchery in Deschutes county. "We have more than a million treat -Jess than nine months old at the hatchery and they win av erage five inches in length," said Mr. Ryckman. "That Is is a phen omenal growth and it is all due to the hot spring at the hatchery that keeps the water at a year around temperature of about (5 degrees." While in Central Oregon Mr. Ryckman visited the Crane Prai rie egg taking station which has produced eleven million rainbow eggs this season. These eggs are being eyed and distributed to va rious hatcheries of the state. The Willamette river has been more free of law violators winds we may truly say they are as certain as the sun," concludes Prof. Rogers. But the variation of winter and summer rainfall In the WiUamette valley requires engineering ex perts to develop the high sources of water supply in the hills and mountains. ' In due time, they will direct Ahe construction of great reservoirs, to conserve the supply for both power and irrigation. But they will be able to always depend upon the copious down falls of the rainy season. In the very nature of things, these will never fail. We will always have our rainy season, as well as the summer dryness, to mature and provide for the harvest of our crops. What Is Left What is left for man to do is to apply the knowledge of science to the storing and use of the sure supply. This will all come about, as a matter of course. Necessity is the mother of invention. It is the fos ter parent of applied Invention, too. The foundations are surely laid. It remains only for the fu ture population of the Willamette valley to move in and take posses sion of what nature has provided - to develop the water and Irriga tion resources that have been here since the hills were raised up and the valleys laid down, and will per sist as long as the tides of the ocean ebb and flow and the winds blow above the wares. Mexico spent nearly 110,000, 000 on Irrigation projects In the last 12 months. 120 N. Commercial St 1TS0 N. Capitol St." for Fitxgerald-Sherwin, says that the coming of these new summer models marks the beginning of what promises to be a very suc cessful Chrysler year in Salem. A. U. Peterson of Plenty wood. Montana. is visiting with E. W. Battleson of Cap itol Motors this week. Mr. Pe terson who is distributor for Chevrolet in northeastern Mon tana, ie Tery much impressed with Salem and this part of Oregon and says that he has never seen finer roads anywhere in the United States than can be fourn in this vicinity. W. 1 Phillips accompanied by his family drove to Portland Wed nesday on business. this spring than during any per iod since it was closed to com mercial fishing, according to Harold Clifford, state game warden. A constant vigil has been kept by game department deputies and illegal fishing has been almost nil. On June 4 a law passed at the last session of the legislature which makes It illegal to be caught with a net on a closed stream whether it Is In use or not, will go in ef fect. This will make the work of the commission much easier, it is thought. A patrol of the Willamette and Clackamas riv ers will be kept up until July 1. The work of building a new Fall River hatchery in central Oregon has been started by the state game commission. Its location Is to be four miles from the old site and the hatchery will be sufficiently large to care for the increasing nuumber of rainbow trout eggs that are being taken from lakes and streams of the district. A cougar familiarly known to ranchers west of Sheridan, Ore gon as "Old Baldy" and one of the most vicious sheep killers on record was killed last week by C. J. Smith, Jr. The Smiths, father and son have accounted for 12 cougar during the last four months, but they took more pride in the killing of Old Baldy than in all the others. On May 12 the younger Smith saw the cougar crossing the road and fired at the animal, wounding It In the shoul der. Dogs pursued the big cat, treed it, and Smith killed it with a shot In the head. The recent activities of deer killing cougar "on Sardine creek, not far from Gold Hill have aroused the indignation of John B. Hammerly, famous southern Oregon hunter. With pack train and a pack of train ed cougar dogs he has gone in to the mountains to attempt the slaughter of the big cats. One cougar is reported to hare kill ed nine deer in a week. Harold Clifford, state game war den and Ben F. Dorris, chairman IN 1940 Salem Will Have ? WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? A good Investment In Salem property today will make you happy later. Becke & Hendricks 189 N. High Street IB TTom KoaTOf 5ai?i?sr-" v Common Lumber Ceiling Flooring Oak, Fir qnd Hemlock Siding-r-Fir, Cedar and Spruce Shingles Cedar, Rag Felt, Asbestos Last Metal and Wood Plaster Cement Mill Work in Stock Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Ironing-Boards, Medicine lockers, Cupboard-doors, Flour bins, and Drawers 582 Mm of the game commission were In attendance at the annual banquet of the Jackson county Game Pro tective association last Friday night. banquet is one of the most important events in the year from the anglers and hunters of the Medford territory. The fbh Pullman" of the state game commission left Portland early this week to start its work Fleener's For Fixtures Buy Your Fixtures at An Electrical Store nccncrfpSectric nontfaUtoMeUre your copy Pr BEAUTIFUL Nearly All Paint is Adulterated with with ground Rock and Sand r,HPJAIKLIHI IPAHSn 100 PURE and is Guaranteed to contain no adulteration, no substitutions and no Fish Oil. are also 100 Pure and contain no gaso line, no Benzine, no Resin. The formula is on the can and branded 100 pure . BRING US YOUR PANT PROBLEMS DOUGHTON & SHERVIN Paints and Hardware 286 N. Com'l. St. Windows, Screens, Kitchen Cabinets and Built-in-fixtures All Kinds of Special B13I Work to Order of planting rout from the Oak Springs hatchery. It will continue its work through central and east ern Oregon during a good part of the summer. Modern Homes Are More Beautiful When Papered I nave a large assortment of new artistic wall decorations. Ton will enjoy seeing them. C- ""v frx ftomnle . book IOMES Spanish -English -Dutch-Colonial - and other types of architecture are illustrated in homes of various sipae Phone 639 Phone 344