Tfes CSEGON STATESMAN. Saka. Oregon, Sunday llarnlng. Jane 2, 132S PAGB FDTCSN Become m a Great' Mining Willjjne 1 Gold Output of Oregon v . Likely to Double jin Very Near Future, Says CoUfege This Much Will. Come From Operation of Single Mine, and That Not Primarily ;X Gold Mine; General Survey Needed The following if famished for this annual mining Slogan number of The Statesman by John C. Ban ner of the department of indus trial Journalism of the Oregon State Agricultural college: The glamor that surrounds gold mining in the popular fancy shows no orosoect of diminishing even In this highly deTeloped and rela tively nroaoerous age. Oregon nas seen her share of the stampedes resulting from real or bogus "strces, from ths "early yean of the first "dlgglnga" In this sUte to the nresent. Like the Industry In every state. mining here has had Its share of attention form the eroka ana near crooks. bwt these ve mere than balanced by tho substantial and honest developments. Though Oregonr because of eth er abundant, and. diverse resourc es, has never been known prima r-' ily as a mining state, mineral pro duction. especially of the metallic minerals, has tor half a century been a major industry, and right now la thought by many to be on the verge of a ..real revival that may push It to the forefront. Gold Out-rat to Double Gold production alone, in thlj state, 0ay- within the very near future be .doubled in volume oyer the present anftfial output through the operation ofe, single mine and not a gold mine at that. In the exclusive sense of the word. To understand how that is pos sible, let it be said first that the annual output of metalic mineral in this state for 1127, the last year for which complete figures are available, was $393,(57 in val ue of -which S303.383 was repre sented by the gold output. In oth er word, s though much has been heard of copper and lead develop ments, and less of silver, approxl mately 80 per cent in value of the metal mined in this state is gold Baker county right now is in the midst of a mining revival that is not of the boom variety but rather the culmination, of extensive and even very expensive preliminary work conducted over a number of years in preparation for large com mercial operations. Copper ia the Drimary metal concerned In these operations,' but ar is so frequently the case, according to mining men the determining factor in making some copper mines profitable the presence of gold in greater or less quantities in the ore, which is recovered as a by-product in smelting operations. One Mine to Do It Such, according to disinterested reports, appears to be the case at Baker, where large scale opera tions are about to begin on a huge deposit of ore which carries, in addition to the copper, a probable average of at least S3 a ton in gold. Thus if developments re sult in an output of but BOO tons a day, the amount of gold recov ered in a year will exceed the total 1927 output for this state. Gold production at present is far below that of past years, as shown by a glance at comparative figures for the last 10 years. The United States bureau of mines re port for If 2 shows that in 1917 the total metal production ot the etate amounted in value to fz,- 270,874. No Industry was struck harder by the after-war depression than that of mining, and the total figures tor this state diminished until a low point of S334.740 was reached in 19 2 C As noted be fore, the tide turned slightly in 1927 and a further rise, is general' ly expected. Whether gold will remain as the dominant metal in future remains to be seen, several factors entering into the question. including the prospective copper developments. When Alining Began Gold mining first began in this state some 15 years after the tren ded days of Ml in California, Many of those who left Oregon for the promise of sudden riches In the south, passed directly through regions which later were the scenes ot rich strikes, notably in south western Oregon. At first placer mines constitut ed the major type of operations, and many of this kind are still producing today, in fact, the fed eral bureau listed ISO placer oper ations in 1927. Nevertheless, the lode mines have 'increased as the richer placer workings have been exhausted. These lode mines have In some cases met, with difflcul ties common to a changing indus try, but Indications for sound de velopment on a strict business ba sis were never better than now. During past rears, sporadic at tempts have been made at mining in nearly every section of the state, but the two regions that have always led in mineral pro duction are the southwestern and northeastern sections of the state Today the counties that figure in gold production are Josephine, - Jacason, - Douglas and Curry in the south, and ' Baker, ' Un ion, Wallowa, Grant and Malheur in the north. Geologists believe however, that these two widely separated regions are closely re lated through the counties of Des chutes and Crook with contiguous territory. After the mineralization ot this area perhaps the Cascade range arose, separating the two regions. The entire mid-section was then covered with lava, bury ing the older metal-bearing strata in some cases thousands of feet below the surface. Where streams have cut deep canyons, outers u- plngs of these older format! ana may be found. No Adequate Surrey Just what are the potential min eral resources of the state, in gen eral and the gold resources In par ticular, no one now is able to aay. as an adequate survey of 'these resources has never been made, The Oregon Mining Survey baa been created by the legislature and Is located at the school of imines ot Oregon State college, hut no appropriation has ever been made for its operation, hence it exists largelx in name only and has hot been able to serve the in dustry as effectively as planned: Present cooperation is limited to office studies and reports on spec imens submitted for examination. As for prospecting, in the gen erally 'accepted sense of the term, the state has been fairly well cov ered. Yet some sections of west ern Oregon,' in the known mineral bearing regions, are so densely mantled with vegetation and soil, that' rock outcropping are hard to find. What lies beneath re mains for the future to reveal, possibly by the aid of geophysical prospecting, and now Is merely a matter of conjecture. ' ' On the other hand, certain Hm ited sections jA eastern Oregon, notably in the Cornucopia district north of Baker, offer possibilities for farther prospecting, accord ing to geologists. Some renewed activity has been shown in 4 this district recently, -as ia also the case west ot Baker at the old Pal sley-Elkhorn mine. Some renewed interest has also been .shown recently in the re gion' of Bourne in Baker county, where in 1904 the series of mines known as the North Pole, E & E, Golconda, Columbia and Taber Fraction were at the .zenith of their gold production. These znlnes closed down when the rich est ores were exhausted. Recently a movement has been undertaken to consolidate these holdings with the idea of , working the lower grade ores by new methods. Another part ot the Blue Moun tain mining section undergoing renewed development is the Mor mon Basin district near the Idaho line and close to the boundary of Malheur and Baker counties. Three properties have been con solidated there and are now un dergoing unified development, and this may result in greatly increas ed gold output. Larger scale production 1 n southern Oregon, where some of tthe richest lodes in the country have been found, is also predict ed by mining interests of that re gion. Many of these rich strikes have -proved of limited extent in the past, but others opened up through sluicing and . dredging have been continued on a fairly large scale. The largest present development reported is that of the Llano de Oro placer mine op erated by George Ksterly, though a few lode mines are increasing output. The Esterly mine has been op erated for the past 60 years and is Just now undergoing expansion so that the average daily output will be increased in volume 16 or 15 times, according to reports. Mod ern equipment is being used in this operation, power being chief ly electric. Another project, probably pat terned after similar operations in the Sacramento valley, is a huge dredging "ship" which is design ed to dig itself through the valley of Foots creek, where gold Is re ported In paying quantities it such an efficient means of recov ery is used. It is said that 101 years may oe required ror the Voyage" through the valley. Thua the modern forty-niners are still at work throughout the state. No longer are the pick and pan so much in evidence, however. as are the transit and other tools of the trained mining - engineer. With the passing of the boom camps .and ghost towns, emblem atic of the vicissitudes ot that era, is growing the more highly organized and specialized mining Industry scientifically operated and carefully administered. The glamour of gold remains, but its recovery by the prospector and his pan is much more diffi cult, while no opportunity at all is onered. it indeed there ever was, for those frenzied folk whose chief equipment is a craving tor sudden riches which they hope to fulfill by a week-end treasure hunt. . SALEM A FUTURE MINING CENTER IALEM win some day be a mining center. When? When ) the undeveloped mines of the Santiam region are de veloped. There is no longer any guess work about the wealth that lies in the mountains there, near the summit of the cas cades. In the case of the Northwest Copper company's prop erty. William J. Elmendorf. one of the greatest mining engi neers of the country, has satisfied himself. The ore is there, and in quantities to pay the costs of working, with large profits. And the extent, from every indication, is all but ex- haustless, in the common acceptance of that term. If the Santiam mining district were near Salt Lake or Spokane or Denver, or any other place where the people are mining minded, it would not remain undeveloped for a day; rather not a day would pass without the teginning of majoripuc ot Oregon, there is no. ques- development undertakings. One of the greatest sources of wealth for Salem is so far untouched in a way to bring its golden stream into use. Salem has a great mining district almost at her front door. . A good system of crop rotation will usually do more to increase soil fertility and insure a good stand of clover in Oregon than anything else, says the experiment station. Although most commer clal fertilizers are of little value to this crop, clover which has good stand but which makes on ly slow, small growth, will prac Ucally always respond to the use ot land plaster. To prevent over-crowding of chicks and consequent stunted growth, young chicks should be roosting at six weeks of age. 5 mm i E N6 There Is Wealth Sufficient to Make This a Fact, in Santiam District That the Salem district, mean Ing the trade territory of this city, will eventually add materially to the arte of the great mineral out- SDldECK i lira BED Students Discarding Old Type of Auto for More Modern Styles The sloganized, ram shackle, collegiate automobile with Its gro tesque mottoes and exhibitions of art on every avauable inch of space from radiator to gas tank is fast dlsappering, ecording to re ports from university cmpuses and automobile companies the country over. Instead, the spirit 'of youth in motor car demand is turning to cars embodying characteristics ot youthful beauty and performance It is true, students from this vicinity have shewn a decided change in attitude toward the au tomobile they want to drive now compared with a rear ago or more." declared W. L. Anderson of the De Soto agency here. "Rumor says the same fair co eds who refused to accompany hat- less student sthrongh the streets ot college towns also issued an ul timatum against the freak auto mobile mode of personal transpor tatlon which swept the campuses. "The open type of automobile is in high standing now, according to a national survey made not long ago by a well-known colleg iate magazine. Modern youth de mands the freedom the speed the dash ot the open car." Watering pans for young stock may be set on top of wire cov ered frames to prevent the cicks from picking the moist ground. tion. The whole upper Santiam dis trict, np near the summit of the Cascades, is mineralized. There are many paying mines in the making in that region ; no doubt running through the . Cascade range. Ever since the pioneer days, whoa the Little North Fork ot the Santiam river, clear down to Manama, ws worked by placer miners, there has been prospect' ing; in that territory and a lot of copper, lead and sine prospects are marked out all of them car rying from a trace to a consider able showing per ton of ore of gold. Northwest Copper Company A large number ot Salem peo ! pie have long been Interested in the property that is now known as that ot.the Northwest Copper company, formerly the Lotz-Lar-sen claims, and still further back the developments of a number of other pioneers of that future great camp. William J. Elmendorf of Seat tle, one of the ablest mining en gineers of the conn try, has been the consulting engineer of the Northwest Copper company, and he has had prospecting done on a thorough scale. This has gone far enough to show him that there is the making of a great mining of a great mining camp up there. The claims of the company that have been thus thoroughly pro spected are near the confluence of Gold creek with the. Little North Fork et the Santiam river, about 50 mflee from Salem. A Good oRad Long years ago, the Black Eagle Mining company, with claims Just below the Northwest Copper company properties, spent about $75,000 in building a road along the north bank of the Lit tle North Fork literally blasting it out of the solid rock for seven or eight miles. There is now a very fair auto mobile road all the way to the property from Salem. It is paved over half the way, that is, to Me-hama. Men who are good judges have predicted that in the course- of time the- Santiajn region win pour weaiu into tne top oi saiem in sufficient magnitude to make this city known everywhere as a min Ing center. With the newly awakenina In terest in mining in this state, the time when there will be major de velopment in the Santiam section cannot be far away. The North west Copper company property witl be known as a Conner mine. though It will yield also lead. zinc. silver and gold. The ore la especi ally desirable for smelting. . Keep Tour Money in Oregon Buy Monuments Made at Salem, Oregon Capital Monumental Works J. C. Jones A Co., Proprietors All Kinds of Monumental Work Factory and Office: 2210 S. Commercial St. Opposite L O. O. F. Cemetery, Box 21 Phone 8 Salem, Oregon V Gideon Gtols Company , lfannfarfr Vinegar, Soda Water, s Fountain Supplies BRING IN YOUR NEW WHEAT And exchange it for hard wheat patent flour, or any of our long list of milling specialties. We do custom grinding. We supply what you need for what you have. CHERRY CITY MILLING CO. Salem, Oregon 481 Trade St Phone 318 The New Ford has been built to endur e Tie JSMrf mem Imrdor Seism Ss dhtmtmshei h skmpBdrf mf its Bmes. ComfortMm mmd ww fur mtt fire pessemgeru Richly mppvintti. Your choice of colors. TWENTY jean' experience la building more than 15,000,000 automobiles are be hind the new Ford car and have counted in its making. Resources unmatched ia the motor car Ladastry are itt heritage and its birthright. It has been built to endure. So we say to you (earn about this new Ford car. Know the thrill of driv ing it. Consider its beauty of line and color, its comfort, its speed, its quick acceleration and ease of control, its safety, its power on the hills, its economy The Ford policy of owning the and low cost of txp-keep, its sturdy ability source of raw materials, of doing bus. ' to stand up under thousands upon thou ness at a small profit percar, has cut sands of miles of service assay dollars off die price you would-. Then you will know that there is ordinarily hare to pay ior , - nothing quite like the new a car of similar quality and dS Ford anywhere la design, performance. . tfiaury and price. CM m telephone far damonstrmom . Business CmH &23 , Fordor Sodom, $623 - (Att prices ... De, pirns caxrge or frpthl ernd 4497' RiMtr, f430 Pkitfn, $460 Tudor UUm, 525 - Compr, S3S0 - Sport Cmmpo, with rmubU st, fS3Q VALLEY MOTOR CO. Chemeketa and Liberty Streets. . Graham-Paige Is Popular Stock; Big Issue Sold Graham - Paige stockholders have subscribed to more than IS per cent of the recent offering of additional stock, which expired May 20. Of the 28S.7S8 shares offered at $25 a share, subscrip tions for 278.430 shares, or 9S.1 per cent, valued at ICS SO. 7 60, have been accepted. The Graham Brothers corporation purchased unsubscribed shares at the offered price. Everything In BUILDING r.lATEniALC Cobb & Mitchell A. B. Kelaay, Manager 849 8. lata St. Phone SIS Oakland Pontiac Sales and Service VICK BROS. High Street at Trade Oregon Pulp and Paper Company Manufacturers of BOND LEDGER GLASSINE GREASEPROOF TISSUE Support Oregon Products ' """ " Specify "Salem Made" Paper for Your Office Stationery IFdDIP MB SdSDOD mm (Mm! Eon (Effeati: Our Reeord-brealdng Spring Sale is extended nothe week to give every motorist an opportunity to get the f amoos Gam-Dipped Firestones the tires that hold all world rec ords, or Firestone OldfieMs, world's leading standard quality tire at the drastically low prices quoted below. Prepare for spring and summer motoring by having your ear equipped all around. Do it now, whue these astounding values prevail. Drive la today! Every Tir4f Fresh Stock GuaroMttml for Lifm Agwhtst Any and Att Defect Q0G X V) o . GUM-DIPPED , IinCS SdPrleaHoiilnEft 30x4.50 $9.10 30x3 Ex. S. S7.1S 31x5.25 .13.50 30x3 SS 9.75 32x6.00-15.80 32x4 12.65 AH mt Same Saxingt uu. um mmt A -u .m 30x4.50 .$6.60 30x3'2 Ex. S. $5.25 31x5.25 .10.10 30x3 S. S 7.10 32x6.00.11.85 32x4 9.50 mm ft ism t am ((TP ' rnt mm - m k - -w AH Slse$ at Same Savingi STORAGE WASHING GREASING Day and Night Service , eU. .1 264 High Street--Phone 114 Salens Phone 20 Ore.