The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 30, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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Tie 03EC0N STATESMAN. Salem,
Tfcroday Ilonung, Hay 30, 1323
. : z -
If Independence High Winner in
i POINTS HRF I Rome Hop Longest Ever Planned IMS
F .IxEii, "Nadu? -w-c
Dallas Comes Close Second,
With 51 Mark; Mon
mouth Far Behind
MONMOUTH, May 29. The
Polk county high school track and
field meet he,ld May 25 on the Ore
gon Normal school campus was
won by Independence scoring 59
points. Dallas made 51 points;
Monmouth 11 4 and Bethel 9Vt.
J- Events: 50 yd. dash. Indepen
dence, first; Dallas, second; Dal
Ua third.
100 yd. dash. Bethel first; In- i
dependence second, .Dallas third.
220 yd. dash. independence
first, Dallas second, Dallas third.
Half mile, Dallas first, second
and third places.
Mile, Dallas first, Monmouth
second, Monmouth third.
120 yd. low hurdles, Dallas
first and second, Independence
220 yd. low hurdles, Dallas
first, Independence second, Dallas
440 yd. low hurdles, Dallas first,
Independence second and third.
JaTtlin, Dallas first, Indepen
dence second and Monmouth third.
Pole vsult, Independence first.
Bethel second. Independence third.
Shot put, Independence first
and second, Dallas third.
High Jump, Independence first;
Monmouth second. Independence
Broad Jump, Independence fifiV
Dallas second, Bethel third.
The meet was supervised by
O. O. Chrlstensen of the Oregon
Kormal school faculty, assisted by
Coach Larry Wolfe.
In the county high school ora
torical contest held in the normal
auditorium that evening, Dallas
won all first places in the four
entries; oratory, humor, drama
tics and extempore, Douglas Kab
ler of Monmouth received second
place on bumor; Mollie Geyer
second place on extempore.
Grange Well Attended
Polk countv Pomona era nee
f. . meeting at Suver Saturday was
i 1 ' -II .J JJ I J t XI
season. The Buell degree staff ex
emplified the third degree excep
tionally well.
Afternoon speakers were Coun
ty Agent Beck who gave a report
on the recent Jersey Jubilee: and
F. S. Laughary, president of the
Monmouth Co-operative creamery
talked on "A Journey in Califor
nia Counties." Rev. E. G. Ranton
of the Independence Methodist
church' pleased with a violfn solo,
"Krom Fiddle to Violin."
Mrs. Virginia C. Bacon, state li
brarian, was the final, .speaker,
and in her very -pertinent talk on
Service of the State Library, she
graciously urged the members of
any club or organizatiod in need
of material to apply without hes
itation to the" state library, and
the requirement would be mailed
as soon as practicable.
The members decided to hold a
Pomona grange picnic soon, to
which all Polk county grangers
are welcome. The date ami place
jnll be announced later.
Sponsor Dance Party
The Oregon Normal school stu
dents residing at the dormitory,
the senior cottage, and Normal
east and west houses, sponsored a
dancing party Saturday night in
the gymnasium.
The affair was informal, and
many out of town guests were
present. The gym was elaborately
decorated, furnishing a charming
setting for the colorful frocks and
gay spirits of the merry partici
pants. An orchestra of local talent
provided the music; and patron
esses of the evening were: Dean
Jessica Todd, Mrs. Addie Robards,
Miss Millicant King and Miss rra
The O. N. S. rifle club has been
making execllent progress in prac
tice with classes meeting almost
dally. A rifle range has been ar
ranged west of the baseball dia
Teams will soon be organized
for men and for women, as well
as a mixed team'; and events are
planned to be scheduled between
teams of this institution and those
from other colleges.
ommW i rack
siira girl
Miss Hailer of Normal Guest
of Honor at Affair of
wm b
1 1 mm
MONMOUTH. May 29 The
home of Mrs. R. D. Elliott was
the scene of a delightful affair
Saturday afternoon when Mrs. El
liott and Mrs. Sylvia Belden, fa
culty member of the music de
partment of Oregon Normal
school, honored Miss Mary Hailer,
bride-elect, at a shower party.
The rooms were attractive with
gay spring flowers, forming a
festive background for the novel
presentation of the gifts which
little Betty Lou Elliott and Edna
Hailer, inorgandy frocks, assisted.
by Waren Elliott as a presiding
judge, brought before .the assem
blage after cleverly intriguing
toger Q. Williams and ("aetata Lewis A. Yancev ar waiting at Okl (Wlmni Rmji. nt iM m
;eather to rive them at least an cm hnak hofnm .HMnthw k. i aa n. is.,h, I Miss Halelr Into a playlet which
to Rome. The map jihows their probable route and which would srire them the world distance flizht disclosed the Interesting news or
record if they are successful in making Rome. By mn odd eoiacidence, the present record holders, tne marriage which will be an
Ferrari and hi ro.nilor. honned from Rom when thv fi a Ann .iia. ri Th. niBM k. event of early June. Miss Hailer s
shows the Bellanca. Green Flash, in which the d&rln AnvHnn. will fl. it i.nrii nid Orchard ance is Merrill A. Timentel,
neara aiier tne nop from tw xork.
Mrs. Terry Guest Qf Honor
to Group She Has Lead
During This Year
Brush College Sets Reunion Date
JEFFERSON, May 29. The
Junior Epworth league of the M.
E. church gave a farewell party
Friday evening at the parsonage
in honor of their leader, Mrs.
Terry. The fore part of the eve
ning was spent in playing games
after which a wienie roast was
After lunch an Interesting
game of baseball was played.
Mrs. Terry was presented with a
tion of the interest she has taken
in the league. The Junior league
contributed $12 to World's serv
ice during the year. The league
is composed of children between
the ages of seven to 13. Present
were Shela, Shirley and Doris Ro
land. Edgar Husted, Francis
Phelps, Ben, Delman and Everett
Smith, Jean McKee, Bernice. and
Eldon Hutchinson, Anita Cooper,
and Mr. and Mrs. Terry. Her.
and Mrs. Terry expect to leave
for Chicagp in about two weeks.
Violin Recital Given - :
Mrs. C. V. Clodfelter presented
her pupils " In violin and piano
May 24 in the high school audi
torium at Scio. Each selection
was well rendered, and a large
crowd gathered to enjoy the eve
ning of music.
Back From South
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Reeves re
turned from Southern Oregon on
Saturday evening. They have dis
posed of their property in Cen
tral Point, and are moving their
household goods to Jefferson,
where they will occupy the Sarah
Reeves residence. Mm. J. H. Ro
land accompanied them on their
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reeves of
Salem were Jefferson visitors on
Sunday. -
Seniors Hear Sermon
The baccalaureate services for
the senior class of Jefferson high
school were held at the Christian
church Sunday evening. The or
chestra composed of Mr. and
Mrs. Clodfelter, Melrin Clodfelter,
Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle and V. D.
Looney -played a processional
march, during which the class of
'29 entered. The invocation was
given, by Rev. A. W. Oliver aft
er which Miss Genevieve Wied
sang a solo. Rev. Hertzog of the
Willamette university delivered
the address to. the class. Follow
ing this a hymn was sung by the
congregation, after which the
benediction was pronounced by
Rev. A. W. Oliver.
Mrs. R. W. Curl returned from
Medford last- Friday where she
attended the Rebekah assembly,
which was in session in that city
last week.
Miss Helen Kihs is enjoying
vacation after closing a successful
term of school in the DeVaney
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bam a were
Albany business visitors Tuesday.
The annual homecomins at Brush
college held at the Brush
College community park, June 1.
Tne Brush college community
club, A. E. Uttley, president,
sponsors the event. The Brash
college helpers will have charge
of the dinner arrangements. Ad.
dress of welcome will be given by
Mrs. U. J. Lehman at 11:30
o'clock. Mrs. W. C. Kantner of
Salem will give the respons for
guests followed by prayer and
After the picnic dinner the pro-
ZEN A, May 29. Invitations are
sent each year to former Zena res
idents and the Zena church is gen
erally crowded for the. Memorial
program given there. A good
speaker Is secured for the occa
sion and many old timers gave
reminiscences- of past achieve
ments and affairs of other days.
This year the invitations have
been issued as usual.
A crew of men are putting the
Zena cemetery in order for the
event. Cleaning off lots and using
a garden tractor with harrow and
roller attached for -the heavier
work on the grounds.
Dozler Goes To
Azela, Town He
i Has Property In
STAYTOJI, May 29.- John Do
ll er made a trip to Azela, In
southern Oregon, taking his son
Norbert down where he will be
employed in a store there. Mrs. E.
Steward accompanied -him to Stay-
ton where she visited her daugh
ter, Mrs. Harry Humphrey, later
going to Monmouth to see anoth
er daughter, Esther. The Doilers
and Stewards own the town of
Asela, whieh consists of hotel,
garage, store, camp ground and
J" eerrice station.
Mrs. Dunlavy Is
Dinner Hostess
BROOKS. May 29. Mrs. John
Dunlavy was hostess Thursday
evening at a six o'clock dinner in
her home ' at Brooks, having as
her guests, Miss Letta Wallace
Mr. Wayne Harding, Mr. George
Cole, Mr S. Calnan, Mr. Dunlavy
Miss Marie Dunlavy, John Dun
lavy, Jr. The evening was spent
with music.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Harris re
turned Friday evening from Med
ford. .where they attended the
State Rebekah assembly. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Moore and Mrs.
Kenneth Coomler accompanied
them. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Coom
ler ware delegates, representing
the Gervais lodge.
Mrs. Jennie Gilbert entertained
the following guests at dinner on
Sunday In her -home in Brooks
Miss Marie Dunlavy, Rer. D
George Cole. Mr. Keith WUHams
and Mrs. Harriet Spicer.
The Brooks Ladies' Aid socie
ty will meet on Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Will
iam Buchanan in Hopmere. The
aid Is meeting on Wednesday this
time on acconnt of Thursday be
ing Decoration Day.
Read the Classified Ads.
faculty member of the Albany
high school.
The guests jnclnded Miss Edna
Mingns, Miss Manrine Moore, Miss
Margaret Scruggs, Miss Virginia
Parks, Miss Ethel Moore, Miss
June Thiering, Miss Emma
Henkle, Mrs. John Hailer, Mrs.
Smith, Mrs. James Riddell. Mrs.
William Riddell Jr., Mrs. Allison
Witherspoon and Mrs. Victor P.
Morris. A dainty luncheon was
served as a climax to the pleasure
of the afternoon.
The B. Y. P. U. of the west
e m
On" Topic Used
Salem Minister
to Graduates
HUBBARD, May 29 Bacca
laureate services for the senior
class of Hubbard high school were
btld at the Congregational church
Sunday evening.
Rev. W. C-Kantner of Salem
preached the sermon, using as his
theme, "I Press on Toward the
Prize." This was the third time
that Rev. Kantner - had ben
chosen by graduates of the local
high school to deliver the bacca
laureate sermon; having been
chosen the last two years in suc
Dr. Ethel Riley of Hubbard
sang, "The Lord is My Shepherd,"
accompanied by Mrs. L. A. Beck
man at the piano. The Grils' Glee
club of the high school accompan
ied by Miss Anita Bevens sang
two selections, "Onward Chris,
tian Soldiers" and "Steady and
True." They also led the audience
in the singing of "In the Garden."
Strawberry Crop
Harvest Is Begun
Strawberry picking begun In
Josepn Morris' patch. Monday.
Mrs Arthur Knnke nd chil
dren returned home Sunday from,
Salem, where they had spent the
Lectures given by the health
nurse closed Monday. Classes
were well attended and of great
interest to the ladies
Continuous Banking
gram will be given with
Mary C. Sehon and Mrs. Ann Willamette Baptist association is
Irons, directing. Dr. Corydon making arrangements for an all
Blodgett and Bob Lehman willjdT icnIc Thursday at Rlckreall ;
k a . a . park. Games and athletic events!
" " vi wvi ... fotnred a recreation
of games, races, horse shoe pitch- JJ" D " " ,i " rt:
i,. j ' n j '., with a picnic dinner in the park
ing and nail driving contests. of VM,C k r-i.-i,
The Women's Federated clubs V" Y,. l , i
of Polk county are giving a picnic
at the Dallas park, Dallas, Tues
day, June 4. Every person is re
quested to bring their own dish-'
es. A short business meeting and
short program will follow the dinner.
member of the Monmouth high
school, will be a local patroness
of the affair.
Lillian Johnansen, Miss Evelyn
Helgeson and Robert Prophet, all
of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R.
Schubert were Sunday evening
guests at the Yungen home.
May day exercises of the Scotts
Mills school were held Friday
morning. A good program of
drills, singing and speaking were
enjoyed by a large crowd. Corrine
was crowned May Queen and
made a very pretty picture with
her maids and attendents.
Student Picnic Is Given
Miss La Tern Rich presented
some of her pupils in a student
recital Saturday evening at the
Christian church before a large
audience, and each number was
well given.
La Petite March de concert . . .
Lawrence McCracken
May Breezes Virgil
Shirley Tommas
The Rosa Garden Bilboo
1st piano .;..La Verne Rich
2nd piano Mae Coffey
Numbers Selected
Dan Schmaltz, Jean Dixon,
John Robinson.
Rain "Song Weston
Reta Drake
Minuet In G Beethoven
La Verne Rich, Lawrence Mc
Cracken. i
Rosa Petals Lawson
At the Party Bilbro
Mildred Rich
Sparkling Fire Flies . .Mattlngly
Cleo Saueresslg
Little Dancer Virgil
The Wavelet Paldl
Margaret Langley
Serenata Moskowski
1st piano ....La Verne Rich
'2nd piano Gerald ine Fry
Butterfly Merkel
Gypsy Roads Hayden
Mae Coffey
Minute Waltz . . Chopin
Margaret Langley, LaVerne
Alia Tarantula MacDowell
Second Valse : Godard
ueraiaiug x ij
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Elmer and
family visited Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Landwing In Silverton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Scott are
moving this week to Cottage
Grove where they have bought a
saw mill.
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Adkins of
Salem, visited their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Scott over the weekend.
Mrs. John Kellis of Salem vis
ited relatives here - Saturday ev.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sandiforth
and family and Mr. W. E. Maple-
thorpe of Portland visited Mr,
Maplethorpe's niece, Mrs. W. T.
Hogg and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William MeBee
left Tuesday for Cottage Grove
to live, where Mr. McBee will
work for Merle Scott in the saw
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brougher
of Salem visited relatives here
Saturday evening.
Plar Ball With Dallas
The M. W. A. played baseball
with Dallas -M. W. A. at Dallas
Sunday and won by a score of
9 to 8. The local M. W. A. have
won every game played so far
this season.
Noble School closed .Thursday
and held their picnic Saturday.
Pupils Enjoy Sports at
Close of Affair Mark
ing End of Year
ROBERTS, May 29. The
neighborhood picnic at the school
house Friday marked the close of
another school year. Parents,
frln1 anil nnntVa In
ROSEDALE, May 29. Mr. and thm Bnni.t- f0ii0wln the dinner.
Mrs. Mott and other relatives vis- Qf Bpec5al interest was the ball
ited their friends Mrs. Heldy Sun- game piayed by a mixed team of
day. Her sister, Mrs. Webb and pUpil8 and 0ider Tisitors.
son Bobbie remained until Mon- Raymond Higgins and sister,
day evening. Jcnice Higgins went to Aumsville
Mrs. M. Cammack was in Port- g&turday. Janice spent the week
land Saturday. end there with a former teacher,
The young peoples Sunday Mrg. Blanche Albright. Harold
school class was entertained at the Albright returned with Raymond
Bingenheimer here Saturday eve- ani stayed with him until Sunday
nlng. m night.
Miss Glover who has been 111 for Ed Clymer. who is working at
several weeks is improving. Marshfiold, drove up snd spent
Miss Esther cammack is visit- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Heyden, Mr.
and Mrs. N. C. Casper and baby.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Niger and
Helen. Carl Hayden and Gertrude
Heyden motored to Neskowln,
Cutler City and Taft Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Kugel of
Salem visited at the Query home
Sunday afternoon.
BROOKS, May 29. The Brooks c. D. Query, who has been very
Camp Fire girls, accompanied by 8Ick for several weeks, is not much
several invited guests went to Ha- improved. Several relatives from
znl Green park Saturday for a pic- Washington called to see him Sat-
nlc In the group were: Miss Ruth nrday.
Nithman, Miss Joan Evans, Miss Mrs. L. A. Ferguson and two
Bernice Croner-Miss Marie Dun- little girls of Eola, Mrs. J. H.
lavy. Miss Hazel Nys, Miss Lena Crawford and Mrs. Carol Ruggles
Rlggi, Miss Hattie Ramp, Miss of West Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
Emmaline Sears, Miss Gladys Ot-1 liam Gritton and children, and
to. Miss Edna Lesher. Mss Ln-lMr. and Mrs.-Frank Johnson and
ellle Asplnwail, Miss Ina Lesher. I baby of Salem were visitors Sun-
Miss. Marguerite Wood, Miss Bes- day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
si Asplnwail. Miss Donna Bish-1 Blankenship to see, especially, the
op. Mis Catherine Blanton. Miss new baby there.
Doris Wood and Mrs. Charles Cof- Ray Barton ot Salem is having
flndaffer. , a new house bnilt south of the
highway near Croison creek.
Keen up on local news, read the Charles Gustafsen of Salem
Statesman every day. I spent Sunday with Paul Carpenter.
ing her aunt at Turner.
Camp Fire Girls
Put On Picnic At
Hazel Green Park
and Mrs. Eugene .Klrkvrood and
family of Salem, spent the week
end as ruests of Arlie Simklns
Kand his sisters. Miss Beatrice and
Pauline Simkins. Mrs. Belle 81m-
klns Is In Seattle where she b en
joying a visit with her son-in-law j
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. r.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tungen en
tertained as their Sunday guests. !
Mr. and Mrs. John Grimm, Mrs.l v
EXatlZ E3!2Q
than any other brand
of baking powder in
the world. The
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There arerxju8tas
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be idle this
Please notify us so that
we can give you the
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The Pacific Telephone
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WE will be closed all day today Memorial Day
POSITORY Service is always available for your
We shall be pleased at all times to explain
the details of the service
Salem, Oregon
Be among the first to see what distinctive appearance
and what remarkable performance Buick can build into
a six at a price within the reach of millions. The Mar.
quette will stand at the head of its price class as naturally as
Buick leads its field, p Fitted with the latest design in closed
bodies by Fisher, every line of this attractive new car spells
style but to appreciate the outstanding difference between
the Marquette and cars of comparable price, you must fudge
it by performance. In this new six are the sparkle and snap,
the responsiveness, balance, and ease of control of a truly
fine car with the added advantage of Buick-built
. sturdines's and stamina that mean uninterrupted service.
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