PAGE TEN the OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, May 30. 1929 I f "Daphne" (Continued from Pae Coald I leave a message for klm?" she began all orer again. . Ortainly!" Mr. Colby bridled, at tne other end of the wire. Then will yon please tell him," Daphne said timidly, "not to send the ear back for me, because I'm Bot going straight Lome " ' : "Tell him whatt" "Not to send the man" "X thought you said cart! Ton'll kave to speak more distinctly. Heinz, I don t know what you want. Theto isn't any here. Is sotucoue coming? What's that? I don t hear you - Ia the end she bad to give np. Til Just have to be back at the Wilding to tell the chauffeur not to wait, that's all," she decided. sick. I'm getting' so I dont trust anybody any more. Greely, my lather! friend" She got unsteadily to her feet. posnea oacs: ner cnair. she even managed to struggle, unassisted into her coat. As she walked through the maxe of white-covered tables, past black-coated waiters, who seemed to be lunging at her with trays, she thought she could hear Ralnh'a voice still. Snarling. Snarling arhir whom he need to lore. j ' (To be continued tomorrow.) COMMISSIONERS COURT The following is the official publication of the record of claims before the Marion county commissioners court for the February term, 029, hut it wasn't so easy to break the with the amount allowed, bills TO IvftlDll. 1 A4ittnAil a m mAMwmliwitv - f a r - luiiuirucu. w i.a n m 1 iiiiiiir bju i He ordered a marvelous dinner. ,rAa ; tkot Jfc ayvcMM DttMU, HIESK uu UIUU rooms, all the things she liked. He cm lied at her across the table, ad miring her, noticing all the little things, things she had always wanted him to notice sod be never kad before ... "Pretty hat, Daphne.' The old blue hat she had bought to please him last summer. That -- had been invisible to him before. Her fingers flew to it instinctively. A little pat. "Do yon really like It it's old now "Yes. blue is your color, isn't it?" - . She wished she had whole blue outfit. But her pleasure was marred by the furtfve glances she couldn't help giving to her wrist . watch. Five minutes to six. Six clock. Five minutes past six. The waiter brought the steak with flourish. 'Shall I serre, sir?1 Tea minutes past six before he vac finished and gone, "This is something like!" Ralph grinned. "Sauce, Daphne? Remem ber the first dinner we had togeth er. At the hasb-housa down by the ferry?" Did she remember? Could she ewer forget? And she leaned for ward, her eyes dark with excite ment, shiny with unshed tears, "Of course, I remember, Ralph mad Ralph, I'm afraid I'll hare to , harry tonight, because Mr. Greely Is sending his car back for me at half-past six and the chauffeur won't know what to think if I'm of there " so ne sends his car for you BOW." "Not all the time!" she laughed. mm& her voice sounded unnatural. even to her own ears. "Just to night, because I fcas going to be late. Just the one night I met county clerk. (Continued from Page .) "Don't let that embarrass you," fee said coldly. "I'm not surprised, Its more generally known than yoa think." Her hand flew to her throat. "What's more generally known? What do you mean. Ralph?" He stared at her coldly, inlmi- emlly. Lake a stranger. "You don't think that Mr. Gree ly . . . that Mr. Greely ... Oh, Ralph!" ue conunuea to watcn ner, a strange gleam In his eye. "Come," at laid, "don't make a scene. Of coarse, people talk. What do you expect, with Greely s reputation? Don't pretend you don't know all about the women he's had!" "At eighty! Oh. Ralph! And eves if he is like that, you don't suppose I'm one of them do you?" The Idea was so ridiculous r. Qreely, with his cuss words, ua nis cane, ana bis congress boots, t . . Her first hurt indigna tion melted! Mr. Greely!!! She couian't oe angry. "Its so f-f-funny!" she giggled, the tears tn ber eyes "Ha, ha!" he laughed with her. . tia, na:: it is runny to anyone who knows you as I do, Daphne. But it looks bad to other. Darn bad. That's what I rn going to taT to yon about tonight. I've got to thinking about it. and I see I made a rotten mistake, taking yon to bis office that way. I had a little run-in- with him this morning. From now on it's likely that there will be no lore lost be tween us. You'll have to quit, Daphne. Right away that's flat." She blinked at him, wondering If she heard aright. "Why, I eoaMn't quit If I wanted to. Not Just now. anyway. I'm doing spe cial work " Allan's work . . . work that might be worth thousands of dol lars to Ralph ... to Ralph, who had stood the loss for his friend. "Oh, you dn't understand Mr. Greely!" she burst out explosively. "He's thinking about your intes eta all the the time " "Cut that!" he ordered sharply. "Ne soft-soaping me. It's a fight to a finish from now on. Yon Sheridan, Kenneth, team work Magee, M. M., patrolman. Road District No. 22 Parton, H. E- labor . Uersch. Fred, patrolman. Road District 3fo. 23 Ames Hardware, pick handles, etc Schultess, Gee., use of team Strom, J. C, grading. . . . Loske, Fred, patrolman Road District Xo. 24 Zimmerman, Ed, labor . . Zimmerman, Arnd, grading Road District Xo. 25 Alb us, John, labor ...... Albui, Philip, labor .... Riesterer A Hassler, caps Howard, McClellan, labor Howard, W..A., labor . . . Steinkamp, Tony, dragging Steinkemp, Henry, patrol man Road District No. 26 Denhem, W. Jay, patrol man Road District Xo. 27 Fabry, John, patrolman . Road District No. 28 Westenhouse, W. W., pa trolman oRjtd District No. 2H Grettle, O. C, labor .... Stevenson, Bob, labor . . . Blankenship, J. P., grad ing Salchenberg, M. L., grad ing Bettencouxt, R. J., patrol man Road District No. 20 Edwards, Cecil, labor . . . Trueax, Will H., labor .. Harris, John, patrolman . Road District Xo. 29 . Ballf, Paul, labor 25.51 11.98 31.52 4.78 13.18 2.90 8.40 32.94 9.97 6.3? 11.97 15.95 15.95 2.00 6.38 11.14 5.99 25.94 3.98 9.98 7.98 7.50 1.99 4.C0 2.25 4.06 13.46 7.97 4.78 2.99 5.99 17.95 14.35 11.16 27.92 it be friendly with both canine. Yeall have to choose " Still she refused to take It seri ously. "You feel differently about It, when you're cooled down. He roars a lot, but he'd do anything for you " "Are yon going to quit, or aren't yon?'.' She saw he meant It then, and her temper, violent as It was rare, wee to meet his. "Quit! Of coarse I'm not going to quit? Yon failed me the night my father died. Ton've always failed me . . . and then yon pushed me aside for Cry- For Crystal . . . what was ahe aayiog? Talking to him like a jeal- ena woman . . . accusing him . . owing- him she cared. . . Tears blinded her. tears of ha m illation. She clenched her shak- - tng hands In her lap, staring at her plate, too proud to brush the , brimming tears away, .hating htm, anting herself, hating- everything. And his voice came, thick with anger. -Accuse me! That's rood. Whea yon double-crossed ne for AUaa that crook that Jail "For Allan!" She handn't meant to answer. The words Just slipped "Yon-heard me. Didn't yon go w reeiy-s tne pair of - yon? Didn't I lend my ear for the day? Tea, like I've been lending him ujings rer since I first set eyes m him. School books. Sweaters. stoney. ETerythlng! And then yo. do yoa think I was blind? ana now Greely . , . it makes mo Chapman, H. T., labor . , Chapman, Murel, labor . , Chrlstensen, George, weld lng Farlow. Lee, piling 4.20 Rex. Transfer Co., plank hauled Sherwood, Frank, labor . Simpson, N. M., labor . . . Wilson, Andy, labor .... Winn, Tom. grading .... Russell. S. H., foreman . . Road District No. 81 Chapman, H. T., labor .. Chapman, Murel, labor . . Russell, S. H., patrolman. Road District No. 34 Rhoda, Selas, labor Rhoda, John, labor Sisco, Ed., labor Smith, Claud, labor Fink, A. K., labor Case, Raymond, team work. etc A. . Case, Bales, patrolman . . I load District No. 85 Hammond Lbr. Co.. nails Santiam Lbr.. lumber ... Clark, Geo. B., labor Grafe, Roy, labor Bartoz. Hildegrade, labor Richards. E. J., patrolman Road District Xo. 80 Booker, M. M., labor.... Newport & Booker, gaso- lin( etc -m Stahlman, Ward, labor . . Bewley, J. F-, patrolman Road District No. 88 Bingenheimer, Geo., augur Need ham, O. D., patrolman Road District Xo. 40 Brown, Willis, labor Clark, Geo. B., labor Richards, E. J., patrolman Road District No. 42 Loske, A. M., labor . . Utter, M. H., patrolman Road District No, 48 Van Arnam, Grover, labor Syron, E. G., patrolman . . Road District Xo. 44 Grossnickle, A. C, labor Grossnickle, V. F., la'bor Stark, Walter, labor 28.70 Schotthoefer, Wm.-P.. pa- trolmaa 99.89 . "Road District No. 45 FamW. H dragging. .. 17.17 Schaapter, Frank, labor. . 3.19 Hennles, A. H., labor .. 3.19 Hennles, L. E., patrolman 23.94 Road District No. 46 .... Gath, Arthur, dragging 7.48 Gilford, Harry, labor 7.S6 Strong, H. C. labor .... 6.3T Rosenbaum, N., patrolman 25.91 Road District No. 47 McAllister, V. J., dragging 1.97 MeAUIster, C. L. patrol- tuma Road District No. 48 Looney, D. H., use of team. etc it.07 Looney, George, labor . . . 3.19 Smith A Fontaine, nails. . 1.00 Hahn, N. E., patrolman.. 9.97 Rood District No. 48 Owre, P. W., patrolman . . 11.1 6 Road District Ne. 81 Coburu. J. M grading .. 11.93 Davidson, T. L., patrol man. Ut : Road District No. 88 Fisher; Andrew, dragging " t.ii Morley, C. E., labor . . ; . i.l naner, Theodore, patrol- 28.70 23.91 3.75 1.75 6.38 11.90 6.38 29.94 58.39 9.57 6.38 57.88 3.19 9.57 9.56 9.57 6.38 79.84 79.81 1.00 9.40 20.73 3.19 3.19 39.41 99.75 8.40 105.73 105.73 .50 .99 34.93 7.97 40.41 12.76 37.93 6.38 9.98 12.76 3.19 Baadlftstrict Xo. CO Marquet, G labor 23.92 Hasten, v. shovel, etc., 1.65 Nash. Vernard. labor ... 5.17 OberH. Theo.. labor .... 13.92 Klmsey, J. E., patrolman ij.z Road District No. 62 Cole. Robt.. checking grav el, etc . T.98 Rood District No. 04 La Brnn. Al, team work 11.98 Pllgee, Roy, team work . 5.99 Manning, Ed. team work 5.99 Du Bo is, David, team work Corrv. C. E.. team work . 5.99 Manning, John F., patrol man 35.94 Road District Xo. fl5 Klenskl, Jo, dragging ... 5.99 Klenskl, John Jr., drag gin? . Patterson, Pearl, dragging Road District No. 68 Feenaughty Mae hinery co-culvert pipe 7.93 Road District No. 69 Bochsler Hardware Co. shovel handle -65 Gilles, John, dragging .. 14 Gilles, Chas.. patrolman 8.38 Road District Xo. 70 Schmitt, Edward, use of .of tractor 15-99 Schmidt, Jake, labor . . . 3.19 Schmitt, Alvin L. patrol- man Road District No. 88 Linn County, use of grad er Keech, George, patrolman Tmck Account Allen Brothers, gasoline. Lawrence, The Geo. Co., spark plugs Caterpillar Account Adams, J. D..-& Co., sinion Bartruff, Omer, operating caterpillar 14.97 Fabry, John, helper on caterpillar. 14.96 Scharf, John, operating caterpillar- 23.96 Scharf. Fred, operating caterpillar 95.84 SUverton Crasher Account Bowen, G. D-, rock 105.75 Dallas Mach. & Lcmtve. Wks., bucket teeth . . . 14.00 Link-Belt Meese A Gott fried Co.. chain, etc. 63.38 Davis, Lesle, labor '15.96 Davis, W. M., labor .... 79.80 Parrlsh, W. E.. labor ... 69.85 Wagers. J. I., labor .... 79.80 Wagers, Robert, labor . . 79.80 Hoven, Oscar, foreman.. 175.80 Stayton Paving Plant Acct, Stowell, A.' C. & May. rent of land 76.00 Newberg Bridge Acct. Electric Supplies ft Ctong. Co., bridge lights .... 2.61 Yamhill Electric Co., bridge lights . ... 1.50 Buena Vista Ferry Acct. Barber, Ralph, operating ferry ' 87.40 Motor Patrol Accounts Bernard Motor Co., re pairing grader 1.4 5 Burns. W. E.. Alemlte fitting 1.28 Ernst, C. H., Hardware, wrench, etc 2.98 Hubbard Garage Co., Die. gasoline 2.00 Sowa, Paul, repairing grader, etc. T.90 Weisenfels, Louffi, weld ing, etc 7.75 Bartruff, Omer, operating grader 80.77 Griesenauer, John, oper ating grader 117.29 Mcllwain, Lester, operat- . ing grader 103.74 Miller, R. B., operating grader 81.29 Scharf, Dan, operating grader 87.78 Shovel Accounts Barr, Theo. M., bushings .96 Sacre, Lyle, repairing shovel , 95.76 Van Cleave, R. A., repair ing shovel Market Road Xo. 1 Simpson, X. M.. labor .. Market Road No. 2 Looney, D. H., labor by hired man Looney, George, labor . . Hahn, E. W., foreman .. Market Road No. 8 Newton, C. J., labor .... Market Roads Xos. 8-9 Jones, Grant, foreman .. 21.94 ' ' Market Road No. 9 Fisher, J. S.. tile 5.9.00 Blosser, Chas., labor .... 6.38 Gerrard, Frank, labor .. 4.78 McLaughlin, Elton, ditch ing, etc 9.18 Zeek, Geo., ditching, etc. 11.16 Market Road No. 11 Giesy, Binger, labor .... 9.57 Market Road No. 14 Wengenroth, GalL labor . 9.56 Wolfe. Wm., dragging .. 5.98 McCormlek, . James, fore man ....... ........ 17.94 Market Road No. 15 Willlg. C. L., team work . 6.99 Van Cealve, Joseph A., foreman 3.99 Market Road No. 16 Sweeney, Geo., land for cudve 25.00 ec 9.5TI 9.57 14.76 Bdlme, Olaf .labor Sande. John, labor Womack, Fred, foreman . Market Bead Xo. 28 Glvens, Bob. labor Market Road No. 84 Kaser, Floyd, labor ...... KnenxL Arthur, labor -. Kuenxi. H. M.. foreman . . Market Road No. 88 Simpson, N. M., labor .. Market Road No. 41 Farr, W. H., ditching . . . Hennles, L. foreman. . Market Road No. 48 Bailer, Abe, labor 3 Bartell, Otto, labor Brown, Claude, labor ... Brown, H. hailing dirt ..T Brown, Roy, hauling dirt Buell .Arthur, labor . . . . , Elliott, al226.. Elliott Hubert, labor Slater. Frank, labor .... King, Wm. R., foreman .-. Market Road No. 49 Coolmer, Howard, hauling dirt ., Dunn, Leslie E., hauling dirt Johnson, Nels, hauling dirt Market Road No. 53 Chard E. E., labor McMellon, H. D., labor . . Papenfns, John, labor ... Paulson, Hans, labor ... Wilder, C. C. labor .... Market Road No. 54 Needbam, O. D., foreman Market Road No. 61 Feller, A. E labor ..... Miller, Vernon, labor .... MiDer, J. H., foreman Market Road Xo. 64 -Stabenow, W. A., team work 14.97 Miscellaneous Market Roads Albus. John labor 17.54 Albus. Philip, labor .... 17.54 Howard, W. A., labor .. 22.33 Steinkamp, Henry, fore man , . 25.93 3.19 7.58 7.68 9.48 12.76 6.99 3.99 .19 6.38 3.19 23.95 17.97 , 9.5T ..23.9or . 11.16 . 31.90 13.96 5.99 5.99 5.99 63.40 15.95 12.76 22.33" 65.59 5.97 3.18 8.18 3.98 1.00 15.50 62.30 8.40 1.20 14.70 - " 15.15 24.73 36.35 100.00 103.74 27.3 99.75 95.76 149.74 11.98 11.98 75.81 74.79 15.95 6.38 6.38 7.98 6.38 Cutler, Oscar, transit ... Brown. Willard, labor .. Drager, John, labor . . . Gleeson, M. E., labor .... Hardcastle, Donald, labor McGee, J. F., labor Moores, I. L., hauling dirt etc Moores, W. M., hauling dirt, etc. Shaw, A. C, labor Swart, H. S., sal. , dep. Roadmaster 149.74 Van Cleave, L. M., fore- man 17.96 Mlscellaneons Bridge Accts. Bye, Robt. Jr., labor .... 19.95 Fisher, Theodore, 7.98 Hennes, Al., labor 13.96 Bobl, Greg A., labor .... 55.72 Schampeer, Frank, labor 15.96 Fischer, Phillip, foreman 79.72 Miscellaneous Accounts Allen Geo. E., valves, etc 31.02 Archerd. Chas. R. Imp. Co., bearing, etc Atlas Book Store, rubber stamp Co., The, wheels, etc. . . Capital Journal, pubL call for bids Case, L. M., hauling gravel Collard. W. P., gravel . .. Cook, J. L., foreman . . . -. Cooke, Malcolm, grading, etc. Culver, Stella C, typing reports Culver, W. J., Sal. ft Exps. co. roadmaster .' 101.85 Daily Journal of Commerce pubL call for bids .... Dave John's Service Sta tion, gasoline, etc De Sart. Earl, checking gravel 25.92 Drager, D. G., cash adr. for license fees, etc . . Doughton A Sherwin, rope etc Factory Motor Car Co., lights Farmer, Ray L. Hdw. Co., plates, etc Gabriel Powder A Supply Co., powder, etc 15.45 Haag. A. C. A Co., tractors . 2,300.00 Harper, S. W., hauling r 87avel 425.35 Howard-Cooper Corp., grader blade, etc. . . Howe, I. N., hauling gravel Hoyt, Chas. H., gravel .. Iowa Machine Shop, weld ing flux Jensen, H. P., repairing tools, etc Johnson, F. O., cash adr. for freight Johnson, F. O., sal. A exp. dep. roadmaster Jones, Ronald, hauling gravel , Jorgensen, Ira, truck bodies, etc 1.433.76 King. P. A., hauling gravel 83.93 Larsen, P. J. A Sons, ma chine work Lattare, J. L-, Equip. Co.. Shovels Loggers A Contractors Mach. Co.. shaft etc. . . Miller. Fred J., viewing roads 40.79 Moser, Lloyd, hauling gravel 251.32 Natbman. John B.. pipe . 2.25 New comb, V. E.. tire, etc 13.90 Oliver, H. E., hauling gravel 436.79 Oregon Gravel Co., gravel 256.93 Oregon Statesman, pubL call for bids Ore.-Wash. Water Service Co., water service .... Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co., telephone service .... Pohle-Staver Co., plow. etc. " Portland Blue Print Co., paper, etc. Portland Elec. Power Co., light service, etc . . . . Reo Sales A Service, trucks 4,135.00 Rigdon Bros., gravel .... 416.50 Salem Iron Works, gear, etc 28.08 Salem Sand A Gravel Co., gravel 212.25 Shell Oil Co., gasoline, etc. 71.42 Shell Oil Co., gasoline, etc. 407.93 Shell Oil Co., gasoine, etc. 174.21 Silver Fals Timber Co., lumber ; 10.68 Smith. B. R.. use of car . . 8.90 Smith, B. B., traffic Offi cer 124.70 Smith, Homer H., Ins. Agency, insurance pre miums 124.00 Smith A Watkins, tire. etc. 26.85 Stewart, Fred J., hauling gravel . 121.68 Taylor, W. A., viewing roads .............. 49.99 Union Oil Co., of Calif., gasoline, etc. ........ Valley Motor Co., vapor izer, etc. Van Damme, Emile, labor West Coast Powder Co., powder, etc Woodbury A Wheeler Co., bolts, etc 73.29 Ashby, Claude C. foreman at shop 129.74 Ashby, Claude C, foreman at shop 74.83 Beckner. Lyle, team work 47.92 Binegar, O. D., driving . 1 track Bums, J. A., labor ...... Dutton, F. A., labor .... Hawkins, Ben H., labor .. Hen-en, J. H., labor .... Mcllwain, Wm., labor .. Wells, Lee, labor Woelke, Frank R-, labor. Woodruff, Clyde, labor . . Wooldrldge, W. C. labor State lad. Ace. Comm., ac cident Insurance 5P. 8 6 91.90 103.74 129.74 91.77 130.30 103.74 141.54 87.94 107.74 207.68 MANY FfllEOS IT P11BITIER RITES 284.64 25.51 81.90 699.20 . HAZEL GREEN, May - 2?. Maurice Dunnigan "and family spent Tuesday at. Sheridan, the former home of Mr..Dunnlgan. A number of neighbors attend ed the funeral of Mrs. George Par- mentier. who was well known, having lived here for the past ten vears. Manv more weuia nave ai . .. tended had the notice reacnea them sooner. "Mrs. Parmentier showed great patience through her years of suffering. Mrs. Harmon of St. lauis. ure- gon, was? a eauer ai an. l.oui Johnson's." Mrs. W. P. Williamson, who has been in for some time, was taken to the hospital Tuesday. Four Tables Put On For Bridge . VALSETZ. Mayy29. A bridge party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomas Mon day evening." Four tables were in play. -Present were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Brayton, Mr. and Mrs. George March, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Gront, Mrs. Frank Hill, Miss Cecil Thomas. Mr. Shields and Mr. Thomas. Mrs. Walter Ray mond and M. E. Thomas won first prises; Mrs. E. E. Davis and Mr, Shields the consolations. Mrs. F. B. Thomas was the guest of hon or. Mrs. Shields and Mrs. Bert Thomas served the dainty refresh ments. 13.48 1.20 165.95 3.50 434.68 186.75 I 41.37 16.33 9.00 7.80 1.88 9.68 5.65 3.50 42.53 j 27.81 .. 22.28 138.00 2.00 8.05 1.66 171.34 ' MEMBER J IK m THEM TODAY . ii tsj w imams 11 uit ft Service Store q 82.17 I Road District No. 56 Hoffman Welding; shop, - repairing axe. etc .... Starr Hard wards Co. axe handle . Neat. Herbert, labor . . . ; Loe, C. labor Taw, Jalmer, labor t....' Rue Leonard, labor .... Johnson, Oscar; hauling .lng rock ............ Solle, O. AI, gradlnx .... Solie, Ernest, libor Kaufman. . E. Z.. , patrol- . ; man Road DLstrlc t No, 69 Voris, Wayne, labor .... 9.98 .75 ... 90 62.61 19.14 S3.4I 62.63 2.99 7.48 3.93 28.90 1.69 Engeman, Ray, team work 5.99 Fandrich, Dan, labor ... 6.38 Feddern, Herman, labor . 6.38 Iverson, Bertra ,dnlab..H ...J. Iversen, Bertrand, labor. 6.38 Kaser, Joe., labor 6.38 S torts, scm, labor 6.38 Thomas. I. D., team work 5.99 Market Road No. 17 Daws, John F., land for carve 26.00 Schmaltx, N. A Sons, tile, etc 18.65 Shcnider, L. A., removing shed, etc. 125.00 St. Benedict's Abbey, gravel 5.2w Wachter, Paul, labor ... 7.97 Market Roads Xos. 17-18 Eikhoff, Wm., labor .... 18. XI Schmitt. Jos., labor 11.16 Annen, W. B., use of trac tor, etc 63.28 Market Koad No. 18 Bolme, Olaf. labor ..... 14.85 Fuller, W. S., labor .... 14.35 GUlse. John, labor 4.76 Sande, John, abor 14.35 Gilles, Chas., foreman .. . 6.98 tack. Fred, labor ... 17.95 Market Rood No. 20- Trick; T. D., loabor ..... , .79 . Market oRad No. 3 Hoots, Joe, labor ....... 14.35 Hoots. Robert, labor .... 14.35 Magee. M. M.. labor ..... 17.9 5 Marquet. xO labor ..... 23.90 Nash, Vernard. labor ... 12.75 Oberg, Theo., labor ..... 12.31 Klmsey, J. B.. foreman . . 23.92 Market Road No. 25 V Probst, Carl, labor ..... 12.76 Davidson. T. L., foreman 1 1.9 7 Market Road No. ANNOUNCEMENT DEGINN1NG Saturday. June lf 1929, we are opening a new Wholesale Department for the Benefit of Painters and Building Con tractors. . NEUMANN PAINT STORE R. A. Neniaaii HitMk, Inc . 'WALLPAPER HANGERS AND DECORATORS PAINT'CONTRACTORS 477 Court Street - Salem .' Your North American Accident Insurance Policy Purchased Through the Circulation Department of The Oregon Statesman I It Pays and Pays Promptly If You Are Injured. EUSAffi) TTKIIIS-r The following: claims hare been paid in Salem by The North American Accident Insurance Comnanv on SI Policies issued by the Oregon Statesman in the past i few months: W. S. Beaton, Car Collision, Wrist Fractured.$60.0(T j T? n Stnvr Ovpr.f nrnwl rar hmlcMl 1r 90 AO Harry P. Gustafson, Auto Skedded from highway.contusions of head, other injuries $448 Mrs. Grace Burns $1000.00 Carl E. Burns received injuries in an auto accident .which resulted in his death. Other claims are waiting. Traffic congestion is growing. Traffic accidents be coming daily more .numerous. You can not afford to be without the amazingly inexpensive protection af forded by the North American Travel Accident policy. Subscribe for The Oregon Statesman today. Send in an additional dollar with your application for the policy.