The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 21, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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Generally fair and warm
today with low humidity.
Max. temperature Monday
77; Mis. 42; Hirer- 8.8;
Wind northwest; Clear; No
9 They Pay!
Classified ads bring big re
tarns; thoy are the little
merchant for the mall bay
er and big seller.
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning May 21, 1929
iili nun i luieu
imlttuip cltc
WILLI lltiu dLLd
Optimistic Tone Pervades
Conference Following
Note From U. S.
Washington Takes Lead in
Offering to Reduce Its
Claims on Germany
PARIS, May 20. (AP). The
reparations conference, now in its
15th week, took on a more optim
istic tone today with announce
ment that a memorandum had
been received from Washington
through the American embassy
for the two unofficial American
delegates, Owen D. Young and J.
P. Morgan.
The note from the American
capital, which Edwin C. Wilson,
secretary of the embassy, talked
over witb a special committee of
the experts charged with receiving
representations from countries
not officially represented, was the
new feature of today's proceed.
Sensation Is Caused
In French Papers
The news caused quite a sensa
tion in the French press and in
circles close to the reparations
committee, but the experts them
selves treated it with greatest dis
cretion. During the day the experts of
the creditor countries continued
their study of the German condi
tions and they hope to be able to
talk over their conclusions with
the German delegates tomorrow.
The reparation annuities
among the creditors also were
touched upon and it was said that
some progress had been made.
This was thought to mean that
somebody's share had- been cut
down further, but whose it was
Impossible to learn. ,- .
The Belgians and Italians re
mained firm in demanding more
that Mr. Young's figures would
give them, but it was thought
that tf the creditors can get their
portions shaved down just a little
further, the smaller creditors will
not stand in the way of an agree
ment. The representatives of the cre
ditor nations worked late this eve-
ning to complete their study of
Germany's conditions and to tin
ish the observations which they
themselves, propose to insert In
the final report touching those
Reduction by the United States
of its claim against Germany for
expenses of the army of occupa-
(Turn to Page 2. Column 1.)
SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 20.
(AP) Police and sheriffs depu
ties were searching all over San
Diego county tonight for two ban
dits who Just before noon today
riddled with machine gun bullets
the money car in which the Sun
day receipts from the hotel and
Casino at Agua Caliente, near Tia
Juana, Mexico, were being brought
to a bank here, killed Nemlslo
Monroy and J. V. Voreto. the mon
ey ear guards, and escaped with
bout $6800 in cash and $380,000
In non-negotiable cheeks.
The small touring automobile
In which the bandits rode along
side the money car in which they
tied from the scene of robbery.
the busy dike road between Na
tional dty and San Diego, was
found this afternoon in the city.
It had been stolen May iu rrom a
San Diego agency and bore the
California license number S-E-4,-132.
The records showed, the po
lice aid, that this license number
had been, issued to J. E. Mills,
1672 Haight street, San Francisco.
Engine Repairs on Airship
Being Rushed Forward to
Completion by Workmen
C TIERS, France, May 20 (AP)
-Engine repairs to the German
dirigible Graf Zeppelin were well
under way today, with the air
ships crew and mechanics working
day and night to get her ready for
th ereturn trip to Fried richshaf en.
Captain Lehmann today said
that all plans depended upon Dr.
Hugo Eckener, who is expected to
retnrn from Frledriehshafen,
Wednesday morning. There will
be no trial flight. The Zeppelin
will start direct for home onee
she is oat of the hangar.
She probably will hare-four
good motors in running condition
by Wednesday, when Eckener ar
rives. Two disabled engines were
taken out and a new, one installed
Gets Post
Dwisuc W. Davis, of Missouri,
ex-Secretary of War in the Cool
idge administration is to be next
govenor-general of the Phil
ippines to succeed Secretary of
State Stimson, who enjoyed the
postion for some time, since it
affords a generous salary and a
virtual palace for a residence.
Hubert Dalk Graduate of Lo
cal High School Two
Years Ago, Taken
Hubert John Dalk, a graduate
of the Salem high school with the
class of 1926 and recently en
gaged, with his father and broth
ers in the wood business in Salem,
was drowned in the river
near Silverton Sunday.
Dalk, with William C. O'Neill,
carrier for the local postoffice,
and Sergeant McClain of the U. S.
Army recruiting office here, had
separated near the Al Downs farm
at Silvereton about 5:30- o'clock
Sunday morning, agreeing to start
the return trip at 8 o'clock. When
the appointed time arrived and no
Dalk, O'Neill left for town, in
tending to return later. Meantime
McClain went in search of Dalk,
seeing the body in the river, from
which it was taken with the help
of Downs and hisdaughter, Ruby.
A pulmoter failed to restore life.
Dr. C. W. Keene of Silverton say
ing Dalk had been dead two hours.
Just how he came to drown will
never be known, but it is suppos
ed he slipped on the rocks.
Herbert Dalk was born Feb
ruary 25, 1908. He came here in
the fall of 1925 with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dalk, from
New Washington, Ohio. The fam
ily remained here a year, return
ing east to Tiffin, Ohio, again to
Salem only a few months ago
They live at 1167 D street.
Besides his parents, he is sur
vived by two brothers and two sis
ters: Dorothy Pauline, Gertrude
Marie, Louis C. and John C. Jr.,
all of Salem. Funeral services
will be held at St. Joseph's church
this morning at 9 o'clock, Father
Buck officiating. Interment in
Saint Barbara cemetery.
Dustin Wins Suit
Against Spaight
A verdict awarding damages of
$2780 to the plaintiff in the esse
of Dustin vs. Spaight was handed
down Monday afternoon in circuit
court by a jury out only one and
one-half hoars. The case grew out
of an accident on the road north
of Kelser when the car in which
Dustin was a passenger left the
road and ran into a ditch. Frank
Whltemore was the driver of the
machine which was owned by
Spaight, the latter being a pas
senger in the car.
today. The latter came from Ger
many and will be hooked up to
A third engine is on the way
from Genoa, and the fourth will
be on of , the two engines still
aboard. Farts are to be taken
from one to replace any found de
fective in the other.
The first motor dismounted
had a broken crankshaft, the oth
er had one side of the crank ease
almost' completely smashed where
broken parts, presumably connec
ting rods, had torn through the
steel walL
The Germans are making only
a superficial examination here.
most of the parts being boxed and
sent to the Zeppelin and Maybach
Motor works.
if ' ' ' 1 v ' ' ' ' ' ' l
' '- y' - ' I
yh fry..
Youthful Love Affair Ends
In Tragedy at Portland
Monday Afternoon
Crowd of Students is Panic
Stricken as Shots Heard
in Corridor
PORTLAND, Ore., May 10.
(AP) Maddened and stung by
what he thought was unrequited
love, a seventeen-year-old high
school boy today shot and killed a
student of his own age, .then
turned the revolver upon himself,
inflicting a possibly fatal wound.
The affections of a sixteen-year-old
high school girl prompted the
Herbert Beem, Jefferson high
school student, was killed. Wal
ter J. Finke, Jr., his slayer, to
night was In a precarious condi
tion in a hospital here with a bul
let over his heart. Hospital at
tendants said he would doubtless
Corridor Crowded As
Shooting Take Place
The shooting occurred in the
crowded corridor of Jefferson
high school as students were
crammed into the hall on their
way to and from classes.
Finke is a student of Benson
Polytechnic school. He walked
into the hallway of Jefferson high
at the end of the sixth period to
day and baited the 10-year-old
glrL In a loud roice he Quarreled
with her, mentioning several let
ters written to her by Beem. He
then waited outside a class room
"Is that him?" he shouted at
the girl as Beem appeared.
Yes, she answered.
Rival Struck In Chest ,
By First Bullet
Finke drew a small revolver.
He did not speak. .Beem was
struck full In the chest by a bullet
and turned to run. Blocked by
the crowd of stadents, he turned.
Two more bullets were shot into
his back.
Boys and girls were panic
stricken by the shots. Before
those nearest Finke could reach
him he had turned the muxzle of
the revolver to his own breast and
had fired.
Finke was hurried to a hospital
and put upon the opening table.
Physicians said they dispaired of
saving his life. The bullet tore
through his body Just above his
Washington, May 20 (AP)
The result of years of labor by
the Interstate commerce commis
sion in valuing railroads for rate
making- and other purpose was
seriously impaired, if not entire
ly swept aside today by the su
preme court.
The highest tribunal, dividing
5 to 3 with Justice Butler not
participating, held that the com
mission In Its valuation work:
mast observe such elements as
the present eost of constructolon
or reproduction.
The controversy reached the
supreme court through an appeal
by the St. Louis O'Falloa rail
road, a nine-mile . coal line In
southern Illinois, it sought to
have set aside an order issued by
th interstate commerce commis
sion calling for a refund of a part
of Its earnings. Coming under
what 1 known as the recapture
clause of the transportation 'act,
permitting railroads to retain one
half of their earnings in excess of
six per cent, and requiring them
to pay over to the government
the other half, the case was passed
primarily on the validity of the
methods used by the commis
sion in valuing railroad property.
Further Search
For Humphreys
Is Found Futile
PORTLAND, Ore., May 20.
(AP) Although more than 100
men spent th week-end searching
th Deschutes river near North
Junction, Ore., no trace was found
of Lester W. Humphreys, promt
ent Portland lawyer, who disap
peared last Tuesday while fishing.
He is believed to have drowned.
Humphreys was formerly Unit
ed State district attorney here.
Havana, May 20 (AP)
General Gerardo Machado Mor
ales at noon today took th oath
as president of Cuba for a term
of six years, to which office ho
was elected without opposition
He had Just completed a term of
foar years in the executive posi
New Corporation
. To Be Dedicated
To Varicose Veins
Tie Varicose Vela clinic,
with capital stock of 91000
and headquarters in Port
land, has been incorporated
by C. M. Forseth, A. E.
Wheeiock and J ease G. War.
rington. Articles were filed
in the state corporation de
partment today.
The Bennett Construction
company haa hjeesi incorp
orated by O. R. Bennett, E.
A. Bennett and Joe Allen
Lack. The capital stock la
9500 and headquarter are
la Portland.
Brilliant and Varied Career
of Lord Roseberry Comes
to Final Close
EPSOM. England, May 21.
(A P) (Tuesday) Lord Rose-
berry, statesman, author and
sportsman, died at 1:42 a. m. to
day. It would be difficult to point to
man of present day English life
who had so brilliant and varied,
and yet strange, a career. After a
meteoric career as prime minister
in 1894-96, the Earl had been for
30 years completely retired from
political activity.
During this period he had de
voted himself to literary labors.
in whieh he had had great suc
cess, orations and social functions.
He was the only prime minister to
win the derby while in office and
won that race three times. Highly
popular on the turf, In society and
in literate, it seemed strange that
he did not push on in the political
career he began so brilliantly.
The loss of a son in the World
war caused him great grief. He
suffered so from lnsominia that
he was accustomed to take mid
night drives in his carriage with
postnilona In an endeavor to quiet
his mind. His Interest continued
in all phases of life although fail
ing health In recent years kept
him from active participation in
social affairs.
Principal J. C. Nelson, who this
spring terminates h 1 s fifteenth
year as head of the Salem high
school, has been selected to give
the commencement address for the
class of 1929, it was announced
Monday morning from the office
of the city superintendent.
While it is not customary for
one connected with the school sys
tem to give the address to the
graduating class. It Is felt both
townspeople and students will be
especially pleased with the choice
of the speaker this year, in view
of Mr. Nelson's long record here.
The principal said Monday after
noon that the announcement
came as a distinct surprise to him.
and accordingly he had little idea
of the subject he would use.,
The commencement program
will be held at 10 o'clock Friday
morningr Jun f, at the Elalnore
theatre. It was decided last week
and after th class announce
ments had already designated an
evening hour at th armory. A
little dissatisfaction with th, new
Urn has been Jheard, but not en
ough to .cans any strong reeon
slderation of the matter.
Mr. Nelson said Monday It may
b possible, with th uses o t
benches from Willamette univer
sity, to seat the 277 graduates on
th Elalnore stage, thus providing
more seats for relative. Th New
Salem hotel has given th class
permission to assemble . there to
march to the theatre, and Chief
of Police Frank Minto has agreed
to place two traffic officers on
duty to see that traffle does not
interfere with th march to the
show house.
Suspects Taken
For Fatal Row
With Preacher
WALLACE, Idaho, May 20,
(AP) The sheriff today had cor
ralled three men suspected of fa
tally beating the Rev. Andrew
Lajunen, itinerant Finnish min
ister. Tom Takala, Matt Erickson and
Walter Harris ar believed fy
the authorities to have been
members of the quartet which is
supposed to have attacked the
preacher at Mnllan, near here,
and fatally hurt him.
Lajunen died In a hospital
without revealing who beat him.
Search Js being mad for the
fourth man.
20. TAP) An army pilot, Flor
is W. Shade of Hays, Kansas, was
killed when his plane crashed near
here today.
Effort Made to Extort Huge
Sum From Ambassador
to Mexico
Constance, Youngest Daugh
ter, Spirited Away to
Safety by Police
BOSTON, May 20 (AP) The
Boston Post in a copyrighted story
tomorrow will say that a plot to
extort $50,000 from Dwlght W.
Morrow, United States ambassa
dor1 to Mexico, by threats of muti
lation and death to his youngest
daughter, Constance, was respon
sible for the unheralded flight of
Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh and
members of the Morrow family to
North Haven, Me., Saturday.
The Post will say that the plot
was responsible for the guard of
secret service operatives which
has been posted about the Morrow
summer home. It wll say that
Constance was secretly spirited
away from Milton academy here
while another girl Impersonated
her. Th girl Is 15 years old and
a sophomore at the academy.
Letter Demand
Sam Of 950,000
The story will explain that Miss
Morrow first received a letter de
manding $50,000 and threatening
(Turn to Page J, Column S.)
SjOloneer; and Father-in-
Law of State Treas
urer, Passes
Colin A. Wallace, who belonged
to the thinning ranks of men and
women who crossed the plains to
Oregon in 1852, made his last
Journey Sunday, dying suddenly
that afternoon in Portland, where
he had motored that morning with
his son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. T. B. Kay. He had gone,
at his own request, to the city to
visit his other daughter, Mrs. An
na Todd. He died at her home. Mr.
Wallace was 95 years old. He had
made his home with Mrs. Kay re
cently. Colin A. Wallace was born in
Coldwater, Mich., January 17,
1934. In 156Z, Colin, lert an or
phan three years earlier, drove an
oxen team to Oregon. His career
Included hotel work in Olympla,
Wash., service for two years as
private messenger t o Governor
Stephens; and service as a mes
senger between military posts in
th war with th Yakima Indians.
He enlisted for Indian war ser
vice four years after reaching the
Wallace was married in 1857
to Eliza J. Shuck of Yamhill coun
ty, the couple residing in Yamhill
county for 24 years after settling
on a farm there In 1858. removing
from Washington to this state
Mrs. Wallace died In May. 1922
at the age of $3 years. Their son
J. West Wallace, and grandson.
West Wallace, died in th same
month and year.
Besides Mrs. Kay and Mrs.
Todd, three grandchildren, all of
Salem, survive: A. L. Wallace, Br
eel Kay and Mrs. Hollls Hunting
Funeral services will b held at
th First Christian church here at
3 o'clock this afternoon, following
short services In Portland this
morning. Rev. D. J. How will
officiate. At Mr. Wallace's own re
quest, made seven years ago, pall
bearers will Include: Adam Burns,
8. Spencer. John Harrltt. Thomas
Brunk and A. M. Hansen. He naa
also named the late Judge Bur
By the Associated Press
The president announced the
personnel of his law enforce
ment commission.
The house neared conclusion
of Its general debate on the tar
iff measure.
The St. Louis and O'Fallon
railroads won its valuation ease
before the supreme court.
The house-senate conference
committee on the farm bill met
without reaching any agree
ment. Senator Norris charged thaX
the "nower trust" was attemofW
lng to buy the press of the nation.
City Council Authorizes
Purchase of 96.41 More
Acres for Salem's Field
Four Traffic Lights
to Be Installed
on Streets
Aldermen Unanimous
in Favoring New
Four traffic control lights in
stead of the seven previously pro
posed, will be installed on Salem's
downtown streets, it was indicated
when th city council Monday
night rejected all bids previously
submitted and authorised a new
call for installation of the four.
They are to be at State and
Commercial, State and Liberty.
State and High, Court and Liberty,-
and are to have only red and
green lights. Instead of three
lights including a "caution" sig
nal. The vote to ask new bids was
unanimous. Alderman Paul John
son, chairman of the police com
mittee, had asked that it be an
expression of the council's atti
tude on the matter of Installing
the lights. In view of objection
voiced in certain quarters.
Letter Refute
Previous Attacks
With respect to these objec
tions, Mr. Johnson read a letter
from H. S. Jenkins, city electrician
of Bellingham, Wash., s t a t In g
that traffic control lights are giv
ing good service In that city and
are being used about nine hours
each day excepting Sundays and
holidays. Claims had been made
that Bellingham had abandoned
their use.
A .telegram had also been re
ceived from Seattle officials, stat
ing that the signal suspended in
the center of the intersection, is
giving satisfaction there.
A sample of the lights which
may be Installed here, was on dis
play in the council chamber. A
representative of the company
which makes them, stated he had
been misquoted in the afternoon
paper in a story which reported
him to have said this type of
lights, was not adapted to Salem's
FORT WORTH, Texas, May 20.
(AP) The single-motored
Ryan-Brougham monoplane "Fort
Worth" soared into its second
night with two hopeful civilian pi
lots aboard determined to topple
the refuelng endurance record of
150 hours, 40 minutes and 15 sec
onds established by the army mon
oplane Question Mark. The ship
took off Jiere Sunday at 11:33
a. m.
The Fort Worth's chief pilot is
Reg. L. Robbins and the co-pilot
is Jim Kelly, both resident here
Th first refueling contact was
made early this morning, 110 gal
Ions of gasoline being transferred
with oil and food. In notes
dropped In the forenoon, Robbins
said he had been sick every time
Kelly had been at the controls
and requested that be be sent
some medicine, explaining that he
always becomes ill when In a
plane he is not flying himself.
Under the rules that apply to
such tests, the fliers must exceed
a record by one hour to break it.
20. (AP) Roger Q. Williams
and Captain Lewis A. Yanchey ar
rived here from the Teterboro air
port, N. J., late today In the mon
oplane "Green Flash" In which
they plan to fly to Rome.
The fliers were accompanied by
Ben Zborl, a mechanic, who said
he- would not make the Rome
Williams said they would hop
off tomorrow at daylight If
weather conditions were favorable.
The plane, in which Martin Jen
sen broke the world's solo endur
ance flight record, was to be
fuelled tonight. Williams said
the take-off would depend on ad
vices expected late tonight from
Dr. Kimball, meteorologist at the
United States weather bureau In
New York.
PORTLAND, Ore., May 20.
(AP) Fire of undetermined or
igin destroyed the Mount Hood
box factory, on the outskirts of
Portland, tonight entailing a loss
of 818,000, fully covered by in
Salem's Growing;
New Herd Law Is
Placed in Effect
It's now Illegal to pasture,
or keep any horse, cow,
mule, sheep, swine, goat,
chicken, goose, duck or rab
bit within 200 feet of any
person's property i Salem,
without the written consent
of the owner of that prop
erty. An ordinance to this ef
fect was passed by the city
council Monday night, aft
er amendment extending
the provisions to hte entire
city Inst cad y of a prescribed
Another amendment plac
ed the duty of impounding
livestock of fowls kept in
violation of this ordinance,
upon the shoulders of the
street commissioner Instead
of the chief of police.
Councilman 0'Hara Leads
Opposition to Measure;
Vote Deferred
Objections to two features of
the franchise asked by the South
ern Pacific Motor Transport com
pany for its bus lines in Salem,
voiced by Alderman David O'Hara,
resulted In the franchise ordin
ance being tabled for two weeks
and referred to a committee for
murther study, when it came up
for final disposition by the coun
cil Monday night. -
Mr. O'Hara said he objected to
the provision proposing to grant
an exclusive franchise, since the
people of his ward now enjoy a
lower fare through competition.
He added that in his opinion, the
charter would not permit the
granting of an exclusive fran
chise, citing a supreme court de
cision in the case of Parkhurst vs.
Capital City Transit company, a
number of years ago.
Proposed Fee Too
Low, Is Charged
The other objection was to the
fee which the ordinance proposed
the company should pay. Based
on the regulations of the public
service commission for busses on
the highways, the company should
pay 2500 to $3000 for the priv
ilege of using the streets here
he declared.
The council deferred any action
upon its rsolutlon with respect to
the possible revocation of the
Oregon-Washington Water Serv
ice company's franchise, follow
ing a statement of the company's
plans for Immediate improvement
of the water, made by Wallace
(Turn to Pass I, Column t.)
II. F.
A shorted wire on the ear of
W. F. Brown is thought to have
started the flames whieh resulted
in the total destruction of the
auto while it was parked on a road
12 miles sooth of Salem Monday
Brown who is a local real es
tate dealer, had left the car to in
spect a piece of land. When he re
turned to the auto it was a mass
of flames.
Unfortunately Brown had no in
suranee. The ear. a 1925 model,
has recently been completely out
fitted with a new set of tires.
Legislation to Control
Newspaper Ownership to
Be Asked by Sen. Norris
Intimations of proposing legis
lation to control the ownership of
newspapers were heard in the sen
ate today as Senator Norris, Re
publican, Nebraska, - assailed a
"power trust" which he said was
attempting to buy the press of the
The Nebraska- senator, who
spoke all day placed before the
senate evidence which he con
tended proved a "power trust"
was attempting not only to extend
Its power but to influence public
opinion through JJe newspapers.
Th Nehraskan was auestloned
by Senators Walsh; nZ Massaehu-
sens, wneeier ana wauu oi i
tana; Dill of Washington, and Mc-I
Purchase Price Fixed
at Over Fifteen
Tract Will Be Added
to 120 Acres Al
ready Owned
Purchase of 96.41 acres of pri
vately owned land to supplement
the tract of approximately 129
acres bought recently from th
state, for Salem's municipal air
port, was authorized by the city
council Monday night on recom
mendation of the airport com
mittee. The total purchase price of this
additional land will be $15,461.
Sixty acres lying east of the state
tract is to be bought from Thomas
W. Holman for 1 0.000, and
36.41 acres south and west of the
original tract will cost $150 an
acre. The state land cost $60 an
acre, the price lelng kept Kw be
cause of the advantages which the
state expects to derive from the
location of an airport here.
Class A Rating
ow Given Airport
Purchase of this additional
land will give the airport th
area necessary for class A rat
ing, since every runway will be
3,000 feet or more in length. R.
D. Cooper, engineer employed by
the airpvrt committee under autk--
orlzation of the council, is now pre
paring plans for the layout of run
ways and arrangement of build
ings, and for the drainage systesa
which will be necessary.
The council authorized a call
for bids on the North Salem fir
station, which is to be erected at
th Intersection Of Fairground
Road, Winter and Jefferson
streets, across Jefferson from th
Jason Lee Methodist church. Bid
will be opened at the next coui
New Bids Asked On
Manhole Covers
Action of the council at its
vious meeting in awarding a con-
tract for manhole covers to the W.
I. Spencer company, was recon
sidered and a new call for bids
was authorized. Objection had
been raised to this contract en
the ground that W. W. - Rom
braugh, a member of the council,
was a stockholder in the Spencer
company. Mr. Rosebraugh had
asked the reconsideration, it was
reported, as he did not wish ta
prolong the controversy over this
Contract for the bridge on
North 15th street was let to F. L.
Odom on a bid of $7,612.92. Oth
er bidders were P. L. Frazier and
Riddon Brothers.
(AP) George W. Wickersham,
attorney general in the Taft ad
ministration, has been selected by
President Hoover as chairman ol
the national law enforcement com
mission and will have associated
with him nine other lawyers and
one woman representing all of the
major geographical divisions of
the country.
In announcing the personnel of
tiie commissions late today, Wbtt
Hons officials said Mr. Wicker
sham would call the group togeth
er her later in the week to map
out a preliminary program for
the work which is expected to last
upwards of two years and which
is regarded by the chief executive
as the most Important task con
fronting his administration. -
Heading the list of members of
the commission is Newton D. Ba
ker, fecretary of war in th Wil
son administration, and chairman
of the'national crime com mission.
Kellar of Tennessee, all Demo
crats who Indicated agreement
with his views.
The Massachusetts senator was
warned that "if the time come
when all the press is controlled by
the power trust or by big business,
there is no other position for free
people to have than to have the
government take over the press. -
Senator Dill suggested that the
right of special mall rates could '
be denied to papers being used to -
influence readers in behalf of spe-1""
cial interests. w f I
Disclosures In the federal tra4
commission's investigation into
mi n mt, nveitmiit iV In
1 ternatlonal Paper and. Power com-
(Turn to Page 2, Column L)