The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 19, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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    Events in the Social World and News of Varied Club Activities
Week-End Parties
Fill Willamette
THE Beta Chi formal carried
out the roof gacden motif
with a formal dinner at the
chapter house where lattice en
twined with ivy and flowers form
ed an attractlre background for
the two long tables lighted by a
number of seven-point candelabra.
Music and feature dances enter
tained the group between courses.
Spring flowers in shades of or
chid, yellow and pink centered the
Faculty guests at the dinner In
cluded Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, house
mother. Dean and Mrs. F. M.
Eriekson, Dr. and Mrs. E. C.
Richards, Prof. Roy Lockenour,
and T ,e 1 a n rl Chanln.
With the last course the sur
prise of the evening was announc
ed with tine "Cat-out-of-the-Bag"
cars which announced the engage
ment of Miss Mildred Pngh and
Clarence Scott Emmons. Mr. Em
mons is a freshman in law and be
longs to the class of '31 from Wil
lamette, and an Alpha Phi Delta
fraternity. He is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. O. W. Emmons of Sa
lem. Miss Pugh is the daughter,
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Pugh
of Salem. She is a member of the
class of '31 and a member of the
Beta Chi sorority.
THE Alpha Phi Alpha formal
carried out the Egyptian mo
tit with a garden party at
the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. N. C.
Kafoury. The garden sloping
down to the Mill stream was deck
ed with varl-colored lights and
numerous palms. An interesting
musical program entertained the
guests throughout the evening.
The guests were greeted at the
door by Mary Kafoury. Dorothy
Gordon introduced to the receiv
ing line which included Mary
Clanfield, Al Page. Mrs. O. P.
Hoff, President and Mrs. Carl G.
Doney, Mr. and Mr3. J. H. Lauter
man, and Mr. and Mrs. N C. Ka
foury. Among Qther interesting af
fairs in University circles will be
the tea at which the local chapter
of the American Association of
University Women will entertain
the women of the Senior class
Wednesday afternoou at Lausanne
President and Mrs. Carl G.
Doney will hold their annual re
ception to the members of the se
nior class Friday evening at Lau
sanne Hail.
THE Delta Phi sorority enter- j
tained with a garden party
Saturday night at the Delta
Phi house. Colored lights shed
oft shadows over the garden and
room3 of the house where iris, li
lacs, wisteria and palms made a
beautiful background for the most
successful party ot the year.
Miss Marjorie Miller, vice pre
sident of the sorority, introduced
to the receiving line in which
stood Buneva Culvertson, Ronald
Craven, Mrs. John Reed, Miss
Frances Virginie Melton, Dr. and
Mrs. Charles Sherman, and Miss
Lois Latimer.
Progressive bunco was the feat
ure of the evening.' Refreshments
were served picnic style. During
the luncheon hour lovely electric
ally lighted roses were given away
as favors by Miss Dorothy Uosh
ard, who lead the girls in singing
the new Delta Phi Sweetheart
sor.g. Just at this time Mrs.
Reed, house mother for the girls
came in carrying a large basket
with flowers and containing gold
letters which Fpelled ov,t the
names of Miss Doivxhv Pember
ton and Gurnee Allen Flesher. Mr.
Flesher is the ton of Mr. and Mrs.
Allen A. Flesher cf Salem, and
.Miss Pemberton is the daughter of
the Rev. G. Parker Pemberton, of
Hood River. Mr. Flesher is a
senior and a member of the Al
pha Psl Delta. Miss Pemberton is
a member oi the Delta Phi soror
ity. Mrs. R. C. Hunter
Bridge Hostess
Mrs. R. C. Hunter was hostess
at an attractive bridge affair in
her home last Wednesday even
ing. Assisting Mrs. Hunter dur
ing the evening were Mrs. P. E.
Fullerton and Miss Macyle Hun
ter. Pretty spring flowers in pas
tel shades were arranged about
the rooms.
Included in the guest group
were Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Fuller
ton, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. White.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Halik, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Lilequist. Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Jarman, Mr. and Mrs. W. I.
Staley, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Loose,
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rafferty, Mr.
and Mrs. Eric Butler, Mr. and
Mrs O T. Vlihir VO anI Mm.
F. E. Needham, Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
Doughton and Dr. and Mrs. Bur
ton Myers.
High score awards of the ev
ening were won by O. L. Fisher
and Frank Loose.
Last Institutions
Program is Sponsored
The last program of the year to
be sponsored by the institutions
department of the Salem Woman's
club under the .chairmanship of
"Mrs: S. M. Endicott will be given
at the school for the deaf Tuesday
evening at 7:30 o'clock by Salem
school students from the depart,
ment of physical education under
the direction of Mrs. Grace. Wolf a
-mott, head of the physical educa
tion department of the Salem
schools. There will he about 40
girls taking part In this demon
stration. The program Is a follows:
tumbling act. Girls Letter clnb;
toy soldier dance, pantomlne clog
dance,. "Raggedy Ann and Ragge
dy Andy", Sailor's elog dance;
Horn Pip dance, a "twin poney
dance, Irish jig by six girls, tar
antella dance, and Italian dance.
lAf, : ryr: r:r ofe v
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Mrs. Fred Turner, who will take the
part of Barbara in the play The Pip
er the next Salem Drama League
production to be given for the first
time June 2.
Bridge Afternoons
Are Elaborate
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy and Mrs.
H. H. Hulsey were joint hostesses
for two of tha most elaborate and
attractive bridge parties of the
season at the home of Mrs. Ken
nedy, 10 6 West Washington
street Friday and Saturday after
The guests rooms of the Ken
nedy home were beautiful in a
gay and attractive arrangement
or spring flowers. Bridge was In
piay at nine tables each after
noon. Friday afternoon Mrs. P.
NT. Gregory won high 6cors and
Mrs. Otto Hillman held second
high score. Saturday afternoon
Mrs. Paul Burris held hih score
and Mrs. R. A. Myers had second
Mrs. Kennedy was assisted in
serving Friday afternoon by Mrs.
E. B. Grabenhorst, Mrs. T. F.
Mesch. Mrs. Paul Hauser and Mrs.
A. C. Smith Saturday Mrs. Paul
son, Mrs. Jack Johnston and Mrs.
Rood Rowland assisted in serving.
The guost list for Friday in
clud:d: Mrs. Lee Canfield. Mrs. Elmer
Daue. Mrs. J. C. Perry. Mrs. Wil
liam Hamilton, Mrs. W. L. Phillips,
Mrs. Geraid Newton, Mrs. Rex
Sanford, Mrs W. J. Liljequist,
Mrs. C. E. Stricklin, Mrs. O. A.
Ol-en, Mrs. Paul Hauser, Mrs. A.
L. Wallace, Mrs. George Forge,
Mrj. C. I. inman, Mrs. C. F. Pat
ton, Mrs. Leon Gleason, Mrs.
James Imlah, Mrs. Oliver Huston,
Mrs. J. R. Humphreys, Mrs. T. S.
Roberts, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs. A.
C. F. Perry, Mrs. Lewis Lunsford,
Mrs. p. M. Gregory, Mrs. Eugene
Grabenhorst. Mrs. Walter Fage,
Mrs. F. E. Halik, Mr3. Ross Bid
well, Mrs. H. K. Stockwell. Mrs.
B. B. Flack, Mrs. Lawrence Ober
cr. Mrs. Hans Seitz, Mrs. T. F.
Mesch, Mrs. Harry Wiedmer. Mrs.
Otto Hillman, Mrs. V. F. Kuhn.
The guest list for Saturday in
cluded: Mrs. Earl Paulsen, Mrs.
William Brann, Mrs. Reed Row
land. Mrs. Sterling Smith, Mrs.
William Gosser, Mrs. George Nel
son, Mrs. Otto Hoppes, Mrs. L.
Imlah, Mrs. Earl Daue, Mrs. Paul
Burris, Mrs. L. J. Newman, Mrs.
R. A. Myers, Mrs. Kenneth Ship
ley, Mrs. Carl Armstrong, Mrs.
Edwin Armstrong, Mrs. Ellis Cool
er, Mrs. Cllrton Mudd, Mrs. Ly
man McDonald, Mrs. Elmer Arm
strong, Mrs. Jack Johnstone, Mrs.
James Jennings, Mrs. Albert
Gragg. Mrs. J. R. Brady, Mrs.
John Stimpson, Mrs. Jess George,
Mrs. J. M. Smith, Mrs. Miles Mc
Kay, Mrs-. Oscar Olson, Mrs. A
F. Hayes. Mrs. Barnay Brunk,
Mrs. Cecil Swope, Mrs. D. W. Gib
son, Mrs. Roy E. FoHis, Mrs. Fa
ban Steeves, Mrs. A. T. Anderson.
Council. of Church
Women May 3 1
The annual spring council of
church women will be held at the
Knight Memorial church on the
afternoon of May 31. The coun
cil will meet for a 1 o'clock lunch
eon for which the ladles of the
church will be hostesses. This
will be followed by the afternoon
session which wilt b a combina
tion of the executive committee
meeting and. the regular'-meeting.
Mrs. E. D. Cannady of Portland
will be the principal speaker of
the afternoon.
Any additional information may.
be obtained by calling Mrs. Edwin
Mlsson, president of tha council.
Mrs. R. J. Hendricks enter
tained with a Una party In honor
of Mrs. E. Hofer at the Capitol
theater Saturday afternoon for
the matinee production of "Show
Pupils of Miss Melton in
recital at 8:15 o'clock in
Waller hall.
White Shrine of Jerusalem
at Masonic Temple, meeting
and cards.
War Mothers' exercises in-
definitely postponed.
Etoka club trip fo Chil-
dren's home at Corvalli3 lear-
ing from Mrs. Mason Bish-
Mizpah class at 8 o'clock
with Mrs. E. J. Ayers, 2:45
South Cottage.
Dakota club at 2 o'clock
with Mrs. H. J. Linfoot, 3 60
Fawk street.
W. C. T. IT., 2:30 o'clock in
the hall at Commercial and
Ferry streets.
Ever-Ready Birthday club
with Mrs. Ida Shoesmith,
1480 Bellevue.
Knight Memorial women
will sponsor a silver tea in
the social rooms of the
First M. E. church aid so
ciety, in church parlors, Na-
orai circle hostesses.
Miss M. S. Creishton's Col
umbine gardens oicn to the
public from 2. until 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Fletcher Hostess
At Attractive Tea
Mrs. Aubrey Fletcher, Sr . and
her daughter. Miss Mayre, enter
tained at tea Wednesday after
noon for Mrs. Elliottt Fletcher
who is visiting here from Moscow,
Idaho, and for the members of
the Delta Phi sorority.
Receiving with Mrs. Aubrey
Fletcher, Sr., were Mrs. Aubrey
Fletcher, Jr., Mrs. Elliott Fletcher
Mayre Fletcher and Mrs. Charles
Presiding at .the tea table be
tween the hours of four and five
were Mrs. John Reed, Delta Phi
house mother, and Dean Olive
Dahl, and from five to six Mar
garet Bolt and Buneva Culbert
son presided. Gladys Taylor as
sisted in serving.
The guest group Included MlsS
OliTe Dahl, Mrs. Alice H. Dodd,
Irma Sawyer, Dorothy Eastridge,
Beneitta Edwards, Josephine Al
bert, and Gladys Taylor and the
members of the Delta Phi sorority.
Farewell Party
Given at W. W. Hill's
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hill enter
tained a group of friends at their
home Thursday evening in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin who
plan to make their home In Van
couver, Washington. Spring flow
ers were attractive about the
rooms. Music, games and conver
sation were the diversions of the
Among the guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Hill. Mr. and
Mrs. Miles Edwards, Mrs. Harry
Ross, Mrs. J. E. Lucas, Mrs. J. D.
Berwick, Mrs. May Irwin and her
son Paul, Robert Irwin. Miss
Rnth Davidson, Mrs. Dorothy
Van de Walker, Mrs. Leah Weir,
Mrs. Dora Peebles of Tamer. Miss
Frances Walker, Miss Beatrice
Kurtson, Mrs. Mabel Wilson and
Mrs. Anna McDonald.
Mrs. Ida L. Nlles has returned
to Salem after a few days spent
in Forest Grove where she was
called to attend the funeral of
her cousin, the Reverend Dora
Barber, an ordained minister In
the Congregational church who
with her husband, also a minister,
had served tho church for many
years fa Oregon In the home mis
sionary service
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Miss Fay Janice Irvine, to be present
ed in violin recital Thursday at the
Woman's clubhouse.
A. A. U. W. Holds
Last Meeting
Of Year
MRS. Virginia Bacon was the
principal speaker before the
members of the local chap
ter of the American Association of
University Women at their last
luncheon meeting of the year at
the Gray Belle Saturday after
noon. Mrs. Bacon's subject was
"The Library and Adult Educa
tion." Concerning the importance
of the library to adult education,
Mrs. Bacon spoke of the present
place of the library as only a pi
oneer accomplishment as compar
ed with its aims and ideals as an
ultimate peak of success for a
real and great Influence in com
munity life.
Victor Wolf sang a group. of se
lections that brought hearty ap
plause. The final reports of the stand
ing C0mmittee3 ot the A. A. U. W.
concerning the work of the vari
ous divisions throughout the year
were highly satisfactory.
Miss Frances Melton
Presents Students
Miss Frances Virginia Melton,
director and professor of piano
and theory at Willamette univer
sity, will present a group of her
advanced students In recital at
Waller hall Monday night at 8:15
o'clock. This will be the last gen
eral rectal of the school year..
Miss Helene Price who appears
on this program will also appear
May 27 in a solo recital at Wal
ler hall.
The program for this Monday
night is as folows:
Valte Polonaise Arensky
Edith Findley. Lucille Cumming3
Rustle of Spring ....... .Sinding
' Grace Henderson
Polonaise D Sharp Minor. Chopin
Arthur Shwart
Valse Chromatique Godard
Helen McPherson
Etude Mignonne Shuett
Marie Dunlavy
Sonate Pathetique-Grave Alle-
-gro Beethovan
Passacalia Cyril Scott
Doris Corbin
Sherzo a Capriecio. .Mendelssohn
Lois Fellows
Polonaise La Major Chopin
Song Without Words, No. 21
Impromptu op. 90-2 ...Schubert
Rosalind Van Winkle
Fugue V from Well-tempered
Clavichord Bach
Etude, op. 10-3 Chopin
Lucille Cummlngs
Romance Sibelius
Edith Findley
Etude op. 25-7 Chopin
Elizabeth Boylan
Rondo Beethoven
Helene Price
(Orchestra pans on second pi
ano, Doris Corbin).
Mrs. W. J. Linfoot
To be Hostess
The Dakota club will meet with
Mrs. W. J. Llnnfoot, 360 Fawk
avenue Tuesday afternoon. Be
sides the program which has been
arranged, there will be the annu
al election of officers. Assisting
hostesses for the afternoon will be
Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn, Mrs. R. A.
Blevlna and Mrs. W. Cochran.
Tha present officers of the club
Inelade Mrs. Casper Lathrop, pre
sident, and Mrs. Stanley Quamy,
The Brer-Ready Birthday clnb
will meet Wednesday afternoon
with Mrs. Ida Shoesmith in her
home at 1480 BeHevue. The hon
or guests at this affair are Mrs.
Ida Shoesmith, Mrs. Mary Hall.
Mrs. Pauline Clark and Miss Doris
Society Editor
Camp fire Circles
The members of the Otakuye
campfire were entertained by Miss
Edna Holder, a returned mission
ary from India, who gave an in
teresting talk at the regular meet
ing held this time at the home of
the associate guardian, Miss Eli
zabeth Clements recently. Miss
Holder chose to speak upon some
of the differences between the In
dian life of India and the Ameri
can m'ode of living.
Otakuye members present for
this meeting were Maxine Se.ho
maker, Marjory Schomaker, Evan
geline Voth, Ruth Roberts, Mar
guerite Clark, Marguerite Gab
bert, Maxine Stout, Mrs. W. H.
Gilbert, Mrs. Dean Schomaker,
Mrs. P. Voth. Mrs. C. M. Roberts,
Mrs. George Clark. Mrs. L. O. Cle
ment, and Miss Edith and Eliza
beth Clement.
Following the talk by Miss
Holder an impressive "Mother's
Day" program was given consist
ing of song3, readings and each
girl presented a flower to her
Refreshments were served late
in the afternoon. The tea table
was centered with Iris, and spring
flowers. These flowers also were
about the rooms in profusion.
Mrs. W. L. Phillips
Mrs. W. L. Phillips has been
hostess for two charming affairs
this week. Wednesday afternoon
from three to six Mrs. Phillips re
ceived 50 guests who were bidden
to informal tea, at her home on
West Lafelle street. Mrs. Roy
Keene and Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., pre
sided at the tea table, which was
beautifully arranged with pink,
lavender and white spring flow
ers. Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele,
Mrs. Merrill Ohling, and Miss Sal
ly Lansing assisted in serving.
A one o'clock luncheon was the
second attractive affair for which
T . . w, . 3
jiru. runups was nosiess rnurs
day. Low stemmed flowers in
soft shades of lavender, pink and
white centered the luncheon table
where covers were laid for Mrs.
G. S. Chambers, Mrs. Sterling
Smith, Mrs. Douglas MfKay, Mrs.
Earl Gilbert, Mrs. Charles Olson,
and Mrs. Phillips.
Patterson-S mith
Wedding Announced
The recent announcement of
the marriage of Miss Julia Lenore
Smith of Portland and Frank
George Patterson of Salem which
was solemnized last January In
Dallas is as much of a surprise to
Salem friends as it was to those
on the campus and in Portland.
Mrs. Patterson Is the daughter
of Captain and Mrs. James Smith
of Portland. She is a graduate of
St. Helen's and a member of the
Gamma Phi Beta sorority at O. S.
Mr. Patterson Is the only son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson
of this city. Mr. Patterson is a
graduate of Salem high school and
will graduate from O. S. C. this
June. He is a member of the Phi
Delta Theta fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson plan to
make their home in Corvallis for
the summer.
The W. C. T. U. will hold the
regular business meeting Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In the
W. C. T. U. hall at tho corns of
Ferry and Commercial streets.
Mrs. .Arthur Welsh will have
charge of the devotions. Dr. Es
tella Ford Warner of tho Public
Health Clinic will be tho speaker
of tha afternoon. Additional
numbers on the program are being
arranged by Mrs. Florence Long,
county director of social morality.
Tho public is welcome' to the
Miss Margaret Burroughs who will
take the part off Veronica in 'The
City Beautiful
Contest Under Way
Tho Salem Garden club has for
some time been promoting a "City
Beautiful" contest and will con
tinue with the contest on through
the summer. With the fall time
the contest will close and it is
hoped that it will have accomp
lished the many things so ably set
out In a recent discussion by Mrs.
Dan J. Fry, Sr., in which sho said,
"I regard the City Beautiful con
test as one of the most commend
able campaigns ever undertaken
In this- city.
"The City Beautiful contest will
encourage people throughout this
city to improve and beautify their
home grounds and once they have
done this, men, women and chil
dren will begin to enjoy the out
of doors, to spend more of their
time there, to live more of the'day
In the open air and sunshine.
"We know the value of. the out
of doors but this nier9 knowledge
is not enough. We must be at
tracted by its beauty rather than
be repelled by its barreness. Na
ture itself Is always attractive but
in cities nature must have our as
sistance and co-operation or she
can not manifest her beauties.
"It i3 to supply this more nat
ural environment, as I see it, that
we should beautify the yards
about our homes by plantng trees,
shrubs and flowers. And for
growing children such an environ
ment is a necessity."
Young Couple Wed at
Minton Home
Miss Margaret Stewart became
tht bride of Walter Einfeldt at the
home of the Rev. and Mrs. J. G.
Minton Saturday night. The Rev.
MlnPon, pastor of the Christian
Missionary Alliance church per
formed the ring ceremony beneath
a great white wedding bell.
Miss Verna Einfeldt and Mrs.
Robert Savage sang "I Love You
Truly" preceding the service. Mrs.
Savage played the Mendelssohn
wedding march. The young cou
ple were attended by Miss Mary
Stewart and Albert Barker,
gown of bluejdespringel(OT..A
The bride was dressed in a
gown of blue slik flat crepe and
white gardenias. The bridesmaid
wore pink crepe de chine.
Mr. and Mrs. Einfeldt plan to
make their home in Salem where
Mr. Einfeldt is employed with the
Berger Furnace company.
South Circle Guest
Of Mrs. W. McMorris
Mrs. William McMorris enter
tained the South Circle of the
First Christian church at her
home Wednesday afternoon. A
covered luncheon was held at the
noon hour.
Special guest of the afternoon
included Miss Joy Beams of Pay
ette, Idaho, Mrs. R. T. Stokes, of
Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Nowe,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jackson. Mrs.
Sydney Lloyd, Mrs. Earl Wood.
Mrs. C. J. Emerick. Mrs. E. W.
Cooley, Mrs. Perry Walcher; Mrs.
S. M. Beaver, Mrs. J. E. Douglas.
Mrs. Lloyd Robinson, and Wil
liam McMorris.
Miss Beams pleased the group
with a solo Just after the lunch
hour. , -i
1309 Court St.
Owing to leaving city greatly
reduced prices oa all Art goods,
Chinese- embroideries, linens,
v - - i: jjs.
Girl Reserve Circles
The Garfield Girl Reserves took
advantage of one ot the fine
spring days and enjoyed a hike
and picnic Thursday afternoon.
They hiked out to Bush's pasture
where, after games and fun they
prepared their food.
Those hiking were Louis Carl
son, Grace Lawrence, Esther Var
ney, Dorothy Harlan, Barbara
Kurtz, Marjorie Farlow, Juanita
Cross, Bonnie Selander, Elva Ter
hune, Evelyn Berger, Lillian
Roethlin, Helen Wiedmer, Rosle
Cheren, Clara Eld, Sybil Johnson,
Charlotte Stokes, Alvera Sohey,
Maxine McKlllop. Mary Jane
Adams, Mildred Crocker, Maxine
Murphy, Ruth Kellogg, Doris
Schunke, Faye Thompson, Mar
garet Stadden, Louis Ferry, Thel
ma Paris. Gladys Hawley. and the
director, Miss Elois White.
Final Party Given
By Entre Nous Club
Members of the Entre Nous club
held the last evening meeting for
its season at the clubhouse Wed
nesday evening. Mrs. H. Hummel,
Mrs. Ronald O. Lewis, and Mrs.
Elmer D. Cook were hostesses.
The final grand prize for the
season was awarded at this time
and was won by Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan Goodenougb. High score
for the evening was won by Mrs.
Henry Lvicar and Waldo Mills,
for the gusets and for the mem
bers Mrs. William Moses and H.
Hummel won high score.
Following cards Mrs. Hummel,
Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Cook served,
and afterwards dancing was en
joyed. Guests for this evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McCarter, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Lvicar, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Wickert. Mr. and Mrs.
Waldo Mills and Miss Constance
Smart. Members present were Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Smart, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Hummel, Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan Coodenough, Mr. and Mrs.
William Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Jarobson, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O.
Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D.
The club will have picnic meet
ings once a month during the
summer months. Mrs. Harry
Smart will be hostess for the first
Mrs. Frances Smith of Albany
is the week-end guest of Mrs.
Mary McDowell and Mrs. Osa
King at their home on North 15th
street. They were once all resi
dents of Prineville where they be
came friends.
f OR 1929-30
JuueJ hy the "Art-Point" StuJio, proJueen
, of SocUlly Correct SoeUl Stationery. . edited
by Virginia Courtcnay, s modern authority . . .
Detcrihinfr the proper aocial tiMje and ilLstrzt
in$ with actual tarn pie.
' - Yo r invited to conauk it,moor countcn,
witLout ezfrcaac or oUigatMa. .' .
Program Is Given
For B. & P. W.
HE state convention for the
Business and Professional
women will draw many wom
en from all parts of the state to
Eugene May 24, 25, 26. Those
gping from Salem are Josephine
Shade, local president; Dr. Mary
B. Purvlne, 1st vice president fur
state: Phebe McAdams. Ruth Mr
Adams, Ruth Moore, Mona Yoder.
Amy Martin, Jessie Martin, Grace
Sehon, Edna Purdy, Edith Burih.
Merl DImick, Maude Presnall. Mav
Cleveland, Laura Hale, L Mo,::.
R. Clark. Julia Webster. Si?i..
Paulson. Irene Breithaupt. Estlu r
Hagedorn. Lois Ohmart, Joy hhi.
Blanche Isherwood. Izora Temple
ton, Susan Varty, Grace L. Tayh.r
Clara McNeill.
The program which will be pre
sented tor the three day session h
given in full.
Friday, May 24
12:30 p. m. Executive Council
luncheon and business session. A ,
full an attendance of tho Count ii
as possible is urged in order
all business may be attended to
before the regular business s.
sions of the convention open.
3:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. Open
ing session of the Conventual.
Reading of reports, anaoun.t
ments, etc.
6:00 p. m. Executive Count il
dinner and business session re
sumed. 8:00 p. m. Reception, Alumni
hall. University of Oregon. All
members of the State Executi-.e
Council (officers, directors ant
club presidents), are asked to
stand in the receiving line.
Saturday, May 23
7:30 a. m. Emblem Breakfa.-t,
under the direr tion of the state
emblem committee chairman.
9:00 a. m. Regular convention
session opens. We are going to
jtiy to uke- an hour and one half
of this morning period for club
committee roundtables. . . In t-j
i far as possible each state commit
tee chairman will be responsible
for the program. These roundta
bles should give club members un
opportunity to exchange ideas.
The remainder of the morning
will be devoted to reports of com
mittee work and other business.
12:30 p. m. to 2:00 p. m. In
ternational Luncheon. Dean V.
Dubach, of Oregon State collet,.,
will give the main address on the
Relation of the United States m
the Orient.
2:30 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. Con
vention session resumes. One , r
the most interesting features , r
this session will be the Vocati,.; :.,
Roundtables. There will be inn: , f
those as follows:
1. Office Workers, clerieil. ( r
fice executives, etc. Chairm
Miss Alice Hutchinson, Poi tlan I.
2. Sales Women Any one v i
sells. Chairman, Miss Vivian ('..
ley, Portland.
3. Women who own and op i -ate
their own business. Chair
man, Miss Paloma Randlenuui.
Grants Pass.
4. Professional Women-Do.-tors,
lawyers, teachers, etc. Chair
man, Dr. Lucretta Smith, llo .
burg. The convention business, iiu-lud-ing
the election of officers, will
be concluded during this session.
7:00 p. m. State and National
banquet. Main Bpeaker Mrs. .1.
K Bowman, first national vice
president. Business and Profe -sional
Women's clubs.
9:00 p. m. Presentation vt
charters to new clubs. Stunts and
Sunday, May 20
9:00 a. m. Complimentary
breakfast by Eugene club. Simple,
religious service
10:30 a. m. Installation ofS'w
Officers by National officer. Im
mediately following this will be
the joint meeting of the old and
new Executive Council.
Mrs. W. Connell Dyer motored
to Vancouver Friday and will re
turn to Salem today.
Sandwich Shop
275 S. High St.