The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 19, 1929 PAGE FIVE i JENKINS IS NEH IN TEST IN 51 Per Cent Incline in Frisco Yields to Speed Maker Building the First Transcontinental Railroad Ab Jenkins, holder of all Inter national contest board speed re eorda for stock motor cars re tords hung up at Atlantic City with his fast stock Studebaker President Eight has added an other Ecalp to his collection: the ascension of the South Peak of Twin Peaks, San Francisco's fam ous 51 per cent "uncilmnabie trade. And. Indicative of the faith that the world-famous Jenkins has In Kiehf ield gasoline, which has pow ered him to so many victories of speed and power, it might be not ed he chose Richfield-Ethyl as the fuel for his dare-deril climb up Twin Peaks. The results, it is daclared, morel than satisfied "Ab." The gaso line gave hts Studebaker roadster unfailing power and speed for the terrific test, a veritable vic tory over gravity. Not one but several successful climbs were made, each time more passengers being added, till on the last one a "real test," Jenkins called it the Richfleld-powered roadster carired sixteen passengers, more than a ton of human cargo. Folliwlng Jenkin'a "flight" up the steep hill, where no road .ex lata and on which loose rock and (travel make the gradient the more difficult for traction, anoth er Studebaker also Richfield nowered also mads the climb. Thi3, a stock demonstrator from the Chester N. Weaver company showrooms, San Francisco Stude baker distributor, was sent over th etop to prove that Ab's mount was strictly stock and not equip ped with special gears. city mar is IT BIBS i'- &""m,mBm-j't - ( y - : v First transcontinental train meeting last covered wagon Yl-' fiC , ' ' - "r,i . v I TraeWaylno Yi n ' through the v ' Palisades, - " Htvada. J . '" '1 Hay 11889 JT Si?: V VT-V LfZ&&JSZVK Av- M - IT 1 J. . - '"".1.. . V.' TRADE STILIJ PROSPERS e e Gretna Green Nuptials Prove Unsatisfactory OPPOSE EASY WEDDINGS Stage Coach bridged gap between ends of track GRETNA GREEN. Scotland (AP) Sentiment is growing alone the Scottish border for the abolition, of the "easy marriage" system at Gretna Green where 350 hasty weddings hare taken place within 18 months. Only 31 of these marriages was subsequently registered. That is the outstanding factor in the agi tation against Gretna Green 'ro- Popular revulsion against the 'romance." romantic traditions" of the fron tier Tillage was intensified by the recent marriage at the famous nuptial blacksmith shop of Miss Olive Risdel, a young English heiress and Hector Mappln, a Cambridge undergraduate. The elopement of these promi nent young persons, both minors, and their Joining of hands over the anvil where so many romantic hymenlal " knots have been tied. has Increased the volume of pro test among the border folk who say the situation has become scandalous. Scottish Law Changed In 185S the Scottish law was changed so as to provide that one of the contracting parties must have resided in Scotland for 21 days before marriage. Previously no legal residence requirement ex isted. But the marriage business of Gretna Green has flourished nevertheless, possibly because there has been laxness in enforc ing the residence law. Until a few weeks ago, couples had a choice of two nuptial altorj in Gretna Green: the old toll bar which stands on the main highway from England into Scotland, a few yards for the border, and the old smithy which is ten minutes walk from the boundary. Bat the toll gate keeper has gone out of business as a marriage agent. "Trade" is flourishing, howev er, at the blacksmith, shop. Elm er the smith or "Mrs. Smith,' is prepared to marry man and maid on their declaration that they have observed the residence pro vision. No witness is. required. The smithy was the scene of 216 weddings last year. This year these impromptu ceremonies have averaged almost one each day. The sixtieth birthday of the Southern Pacific, first transconti nrntal - railroad was celebrated Ma JO by a radio broadcast from KPO San Francisco. Reinald . tferrenrath, famous baritone, came from New York specially to take part In this en tertalnment. Construction of the Southern Rounding "Cape Horn" en way te Summit Leaving Oakland Pier, 1869 t acific's first unit, which was the Western end of the first transcon tinental railroad, cost $61,000, OOO. The Southern Pacific, which has grown with the west, la still driving spikes and has just com pleted, in the last 15 years con struction to open up new territory at a cost of S88.0O0.O0O. Now is Time to Decide on Summer Trip and Also Time To Make All Needed Goods BERLIN (AP) With about ISO, 000 people house hunting in Berlin, a three-year program to provide 32,000 new homes annual ly has been drawn up by the mu nicipality. Funds for 24,000 houses will be provided by the Income from the the tax on house rentals and the. cost of the remaining 8,000 will be covered by municipal loans. The capita Iclty is paying the penalty of overcrowding for its growing economic importance as the center for Germany industry and business. Homeless apart ment seekers must be ticketed, registered and investigated by government bureaus before they can achieve private living quar ters. Even then, there is usually a premium to be paid, and one room with possibly the use of the kitchen, must be reserved for the apartment owner. Apartments allotted by the bu reau under this system have ris en rapidly from 8,9(7 in 1924 to 26.069 In 1927 and 21,194 1b 1928. Building, however, has fallen far short of keeping up with the demand, chiefly because capital has been attracted to more prof itable lines. The 92S construc tion. Instead of showing an in crease over 1927, provided 200 fewer homes; with the result that the municipality has been forced to aid the private builder. The family who has decided to j spend the summer vacation on a camping trip might well begin to "shop around" and see which of the many available trips offers the most for the money, advises Man ager Clarke for the Western Auto Supply company. With such a wide variety, it is often difficult to select any cer tain trip that will please all mem bers of the family. The tour,-it wisely chosen, will fit the needs, as well as the purses of all. Mod ern camping equipment, which has done much toward getting Amer ica out into the open during the summer months, gives the vaca tionist' a home away from home and enables him to take many in expensive trips which otherwise could not be considered. The itinerary of a vacation should be planned weeks before the trip is actually begun. Defi nite plans Ehould be formulated and many problems must be solved. How many are going on the trip? What is to be the aim of the trip? What points of in terest are to be seen? How many miles can comfortably be covered in a day? What accommodations are to be had along the way? Where t camp at night? These are but a few of the problems that should be solved before starting out With a road map or touring at las, such as may be obtained from any Western Auto store, many touring problems can be worked out over the library table. This map, together with a list of rec ommended auto camps will help In planning the trip. Th eaverage man who goes wrong on a camping trip. is usual ly the man who took too much for granted and started out un prepared. One fine day he de cides to go, he throws a few ar ticles of camping equipment Into the car, ties the rest to the running-boards and is on his way with little thought of what actually will be needed. The average amateur auto camper takes too much equipment along and the old-timer often takes too little. A happy medium must be struck between thesetwo extremes. The man who gets the greatest amount of enjoyment out of his trip is the man who takes the least amount of equipment. yet has everything that will be needed. The less you have to han dle and unpack, the better you will get along. IRISH TOH IS REQUIRED BY Uw HUDSON EXPORTS ft I RECORDS Hudson Motor company offi cials state that for the first four months of 1929, export shipments hare reached a new high record, keeping a parallel pace with do mestic business. J. S. Draper, general export manager, says that 27,071 Hudson and Essex cars were shipped In this period by the foreign and Canadian divisions of the export division a gain of 28 per cent ore rthe 21,214 cars shlp--ped in. the same peried of 1928, which had been a record-breaking period ip to that time. . ; Estimates of export easiness (or the year are now fixed at more than 79,999 Hudson and Essex cars, conservatively" figured, and could run to the 75,000 mark without cansiag surprise to the Hudson management, it is said. RADIATORS GRACEFUL Distinction is added to the gen eral beauty of the De Soto Six, product of Chrysler Motors, by-the graceful radiator lines. Utility is also a- feature of the radiator, af fording proper cooling conditions for the engine under all condi tions of operation. The water is Impelled into the radiator by a specially designed pump, driven by a "V" type belt which also drives the fan. DUBLIN". (AP) The legal profession in the Free State is in dignant at the decision of the gov ernment to make future lawyers speak the Irish language. The government's bill, which has the cordial support of the of ficial opposition, Eamon de Va- I lera's party, provides that all per- sons now under 15 years of age who desire to become solicitors must satisfy the chief justice that they can conduct business in the Irish tongue. The measure has aroused much opposition, and many members of the government party are refus ing to support it. Irish is compulsory in the schools now, and it is argued by the bill's supporters that future lawyers now in schools have ample opportunity to comply with the proposed act without hardship. The opponents of the proposal contend that there is at present no legal text book in Irish, that technical law terms are lacking in that language, and that litigants will suffer increased expense in paying for Interpreters. MOSCOW. (AP) A conven tlon establishing customs control sones in the Finnish Gulf has been signed in Moscow between the Soviet union and Finland. The tones are outside the territorial waters of the two countries. Richfield Winner Oi Huge Contract Contracts to furnish the United States nary with 4.165,000 . bar rels of fuel oil during the 12 months beginning July 1, 1929, hare been awarded the Richfield Oil company of California, accord ing to official notification Just re ceived by the company from Washington. Richfield secured erery award eorering which It entered a bid and the barrelage Includes dellr ery of 2,500,000 barrels at San Pedro, California; 1,000,000 bar rels at San Francisco, California. 30,000 barrels at Portland, Ore gon, 10.0 01 barrels at the Puget SnuodjnaTy yard and 75,000 bar rels to be dellTered to. Seattle. Make Performance yoir Yardstick! This dashing Buick reveals clear-cut supremacy in per formance ' V Get behind the wheel and Get the facts! CtmtUer JtUmrtd prict mt wU m J fisf Pric$ BUICK MOTOR COMPANY FLINT, MICHIGAN i Gmtrtl Mtn i tlUxS us I ISM M f MM Car iiaas SZXUS tat -4l4MM f I JM f Wlf 1 IM f itrt m fat4f . SlSaS tm SiSva SewtCM fisajtoiisse i priotf t . fc Baick He MM MfM CM M M1MCC4 M .ikrJc.M A.C Tta OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Commercial Telephone 220 When Better AetofaobOes Are Built s Baick V21 Build Thess Motor Car company. Mr. Rue has been in the automobile business nearly 20 years with this time divided about equally between ac tivities as a distributor or dealer and as a factory sales executive. He has been two years in the Hudson-Essex organization. "In the first half of 1929," said Mr. Rue, "Hudson-Essex dealers will dispose of' around 250,000 new cars and probably 300,000 used ones which they have taken in trade on the new ones. Thus even the used car sales constitute oae the largest merchandising efforts in the country. Hudson has formed its used car sales divi sion to study all phases of used car merchandising with its distri Duiors ana dealers and to pass along the most successful and practical operating ideas. transmission and differential fear grease. Continuously adding small bits of lubricant to the old gear grease that has seen thousands of miles of service without a change and thorough cleaning is just where many a careful motorist unknow ingly makes a serious mistake. It la just as necessary to change the transmission and differential lubricant as it is to drain and re fill the crank case with good mo tor oil. Gears that are forced to run in old unchanged grease that is filled with chips of steel, grit and dirt wil become worn, noisy, hard to shift, and be the cause of un necessary repair bills and delay. All of the leading automobile manufacturers recommend that you have the gear lubricant changed twice yearly, winter and summer, because one season is cold and the other is hot. The winter gear lubricant should be an especially prepared lubricant that has undergone a freeze test that would insur it to flow and lubri cate to a temperature of zero or below. The summer season calls for a lubricant that has been blended to Insure it from break ing down under warm or hot wea ther conditions. Are Your Gears N'oisy and Hard To Shift? Many a motorist intend? to re ligiously care for their automo bile. They hare It washed, pol lshed, motor oil changed and the chassis lubricated, ail of which are very essential saays "Jim" and "Bill" of Smith & Watkins. To further this care they have a Dound or two of cear lubricant while he will visit the United added to the (already worn out) 'States to gather data. CHARXWOOD HARD AT WORK LONDON (AP) Lord Charn wood. author of a biography of Abraham Lincoln, hopes to have a life of George Washington ready for publication in 1932. Mean- 1 n ID I Kill FOR USED CI SALE Appointment of H. Dale Rue as manager of -the used car depart ment is announced by the Hudson A high compliment to Ameri can automobiles was paid recent ly by a European who is recog nized in his own home as a lead ing sylist a man whose opinion on the harmony of lines and col ors is valued throughout the world. The authority is Paul Polret, aPrislan designer and style arbiter. And M. Polret roleed more than a casual opinion for, on his last and recent rislto to this coun try, he backed up his statements by purchasing an Oldsmoblle six which won bis favor while visit ing a special showing of General Motors cars held during the au tomobile show in Chicago. I n V SISJNHDAY DDIftHVE! We Suggest a Loop Trip to Wolpopt,, Howpofff ..Copvallio Leaving Salem, take the west side highway te Oarrsffis 37 mile then to the west 5.1 miles to Philomath, here you turn left and go southwest tor 21 miles to Alsee then west 50,1 miles to Tidewater and go on 10 miles more to.Walport, Cross the bay at WalpoTtnnd go north if miles on Beach road and ferry to Newport. After leaving Newport go east ;J miles to Toledo- then 4M xoues to Corraltts and on home mak ing a total Of 214J miles for this wonderful loop trip. BEFORE YOU GO PUT ON A SET OF NEW 13MMSSSL TMtiS GEARED TO THE ROAD Toar trip will not be marred by tire trouble if you have Miller's on your car. Miller Tire Service Co. RUSS SMITH 197 So. CoEuaerdal Street PHONE SIS r one coach ....525 '525 .595 '675 TtmSpmH' 'AOS Th CottrttHm STIC LANDAU I 9 rw irne Stdsma Ddhvi 7e7 ESw...'400 IHTn OmmU . . . .'545 Clmrti with Cub... OUV AB pcicaa f. . b. factory rumt,lfkk If you are considering the purchase of an automobile, you owe it to yourself to learn the true extent of Chevrolet's value leadership. And all you need to do is check the new Chev rolet Six against any other cox value for value and price for price! Here, in the price range of the four, is offered a smooth, powerful, six-cylinder valve-in-head motor which delivers better than 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline and whose smooth, quiet, velvety operation, with its com plete lack of druraming and vibration. Is a revelation even to those who are accustomed to driving high-priced automobiles. Here are beautiful bodies by Fisher. Here, in all closed models, are fitments by Ternstedt . rich; deep-tufted upholsteries . . . adjustable driver's seat ... and a completely-equipped instrument panel. And throughout the entire chassis are found numerous examples of advanced engineering such as quiet, non locking 4- wheel brakes. . .ball bearing steering mechanism ... automatic acceleration pump . . and chromium plating on all bright metal. But no mere recital of features can give ydu any conception of Chevrolet's value leader ship. So we urge you to come in and see for yourself why over 500,000 people have chosen the new Chevrolet Six since January lstt COMPARE the delivered price as well as the list price In considering auto mobile value. Chevrolet's delivered prices include only reasonable charges for delivery and nn-iwj- J - nW wsn m jes fissses m . i inusBssnsanl sbsj r- H -YsannnV ' DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 430 N. Commercial St-Phone 1802 Ball Bros., Turner Hardy Chevrolet Cow Woodbura Hollis B. Smith, Dallas Columbia Garage, Mt. Angel Halladay's Garage, Monmouth