The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 19, 1929, Page 18, Image 18

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, OregoaySnnday Morning, May 19, 1929
1 E. F. FUS
Hockey Season Closes
tle field tour retracing the path of
the only American flag carried in
the front ranks of the A. E. P.
daring the world war la planned
Lieut, vol. TQomaa j. vicisob,
senior chaplain of the 1st division,
baa been detailed by the historical
section of the war college to re
peat the course of the flag Colonel
Dickaon carried OTerseai for use
In barial service.
Flags were barred from the war
zone, and despite exhaustive re
serch, no record has been found
of other colors having been carried
Into action.
Colonel Dickson guarded his
precious bunting and managed to
display the emblem in the actual
battle zones on many occasions
which since have become historic.
in Anrii nf 1918 the flae was
at Cantlgny and at Bonvilliers
when the fourth enemy arive oi
that dread year was halted. Its
stars and stripes flung out over
the wheat rieids oi soissons m j -ly
and went up by forced marches
It flew in the woods near Beau
mont when the armistice suuea
the guns. Then came Verdun and
. oin from the French keepers
of the fortress. And on a drizzly
December day the Has crossea ine
Rhine at Coblenz, where Roman
t ..nnnn1 AAntn riot IT A
" The flag is in the archives of
the war college ana lis compel
history will be a part of the na
tion's records.
Berkeley Chief
Of Police Will
Teach In Chicago
BERKELEY. Calif.. May 16.
(AP) August Volmer, chief of
police here, announced today he
will become a member of the Uni
versity of Chicago faculty for six
months, beginning October 1. He
will teach a class in police organ
ization and administration he said.
Volmer is known as the dean of
scientific crime experts on the Pa
cific coast.
fAP) The fine private collec
tion of models of old ships, long
exhibited in the training vessel
"Mercury's" museum, has been
purchased by Sir James Cair, ship
owner, for $150,000. Some of the
models are said to have belonged
to Samuel Pepys, the famous diarist.
ROME (AP) Prince Bon
eompagni Ludovisi, governor of
Rome, was given a chased silver
cup by the city of Calucutta, In
dia. He has Ben a return present
to the mayor of Calcutta.
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Finger-Tip Control Feature
To Please Many Motorists
Last week saw the end of the ice hockey season, which has enjoyed a great run on the coast
this past winter. Here are some of the players of the San Francisco team holding their
clubs over the diminutive Chevrolet Convertible Coupe.
Rebuilding Car Found to be
Economical; Life Table is
Formed on Car's Expectancy
Minefs Pick In
California Plant
Cause Of Blast
Motorists are quick io respond
to mechanical improvements em
ployed by automobile manufactur
ers In their products which pro-
rid added conveniences, safety
and comfort. This response Is
seen in the wide public acceptance
of the new Superior Whippet fours
and sires which bring to the low
priced fieldk In addition to out
standing beauty and design, me
chanical Improvements which set
a new high standard of perfection
In this price classification.
Notable amonr the features on
these new Willys-Overland prod
ucts Is the "Finger-Tip Control",
which Is admitted to be the grea
test single driving convenience
since he self starter.
The 'Finger - Tip - Control"
mechanism consists cT a button in
the center of the steering wheel.
this making 1 possible for he driv
er to start the motor, operate the
lights and sound he horn wihoun
changing the -driving position.
With the Introduction of these
cars the public immediately dia-
The motorist of today is finding
it more economical to rebuild or
overhaul his car iath?r than trad
ing it in every year or two. As a
consequence, the question is often
asked "how long will the aver
age car ast?"
Prom Information supplied by
the Oregon State Motor associa
tion it is estimated that the av
erage life of a car i sapproximate
ly seven years. Erery car, how
ever, will not be in service at the
end of a seven year period. Less
than 90 per cent will survive the
first three years.
A very interesting treatise on
this subject has been written by
C. E. Griffin, professor of mar
keting at the school of business
Elaborate New
Plane System
Is Anticipated
A system of national airways
interconnected by radio and inter
spersed with adequately lighted
landing fields, will in the future,
insure safety for air passengers,
although flyers never will com
plelely conquer darkness, dense
fog and storms.
This was brought out today at
the first national airport conven
tion here.
administration. University o f
Michigan. The following table
taken from his booklet, "The Life
History of Automobiles," gives
the result of his study of the mor
tality of 100.000 automobiles of
different makes:
Age In
Number living at
flr3t of year
. 97
. 90
. 85
. 78
. 68
. 57
. 42
, 32
. 20
. 15
. 7
. 4
The Bingham Springs hatch
ery on the Umatilla river which
has been idle for two years will
be opened this season by the state
game commission. For some time
the sportsmen of Umatilla coun
ty have been urging that this be
done. Eastern brook .and rainbow
trout hatched and cultured there
will be released in the streams of
the surrounding territory.
CALISTOGA, Cal., May 16.
(AP) An explosion in an under
ground tunnel of the Palisades
Gold mine, five miles north of
here last night, killed one work
er and seriously injured two oth
ers, one of whom may die. The
dead man whose pick is thought to
have struck a buried percussion
cap, causing the blast, is believed
to be Fred Surther, 26, of Albany,
LONDON (AP) Dr. Vihjal
mur Stefansson, noted explorer,
told the Royal Geographic society
that within 20 years the Arctic re
gions will be criss-crossed by dal
ly aviation services. He said that
Wilkins and the aviators who
worked at rescuing survivors of
the Italia disaster proved that
landing could be made on the Ice
with skld3.
BERLIN (AP) The 1929
budget of this city was drawn on
the basis of tfn increase of 90,000
in population in one year, making
Berlin a city of almost 5,000,000
The total was $268,80,0,000. Last
year's deficit was $1, 480,000.
HAVANA ( AP ) The nar
row rimmed carts, long character
istic of Cuban roads, have been
ruled off the new paved streets of
this city because they cut up the
surface faster than it can be re-
Twice across the continent Free!
Thousands of miles of De .Soto Six motoring at no cost
Why pay more for a car than it
costs to get just what you want?.
Paying $1000 for a car typical of
that price field will not gire you
ny more in prestige, in beauty, in
performance, in comfort, in riding
ease, in. dependability and in econ
' omy than De Soto Six gives! or $845
j over $150 less. In fact, all com
parisons are in favor of De Soto,
t Make these contrasts yourself.
Drive a De Soto Six. Then try out
car in the $1000 class.. If you are
like the other thousands and thou
sands of motorists who have made '
this study of .values, you will write"
a check for considerably less than
you had expected to pay, .and win
get considerably more than you had
expected to get. YouH lose no time
adding your name to the rapidly
increasing list of De Soto owners.
The money you thus save, you can
use in runningyour new De Soto Six.
At the average price of gas and oil,
De Soto's saving of about $150 will
be a gift to you of mUeae equivalent
to a luxurious trip twice across the
continent, free of charge, in one of
the smartest and most sestf ul sixes
built today.
De Soto Six is Chrysler-built a
fashionable, beautiful car you will
be proud to own in any company.
Then why pay more than De Soto's
moderate cost? 'Phone us for
a trial without obligation.
Wotton .
"Roadster Espamol
Stdan Coch .
'Cup rtmfmit
M5 Seda .
343 CbtpedsLmJo
845 Stdan dslMjm . .
B4S All rfc mt
and up at the factory
360 Marion St
Wv L Anderson Inc
Tclehpnoe 928
General Motors
Begins Airplane
The General Motors corporation
today announced its active partic
ipation In the aviation Industry by
the purchase of a block of 400,000
shares of common stock of the
Fokker Aircraft company of Am
erica, representing a 40 per cent
interest in that concern.
This makes the third large au
tomobile company to enter the air
plane field. Ford already has or
ganized the Stout airplanes divi
sion, specializing in the manufac
ture of heavy tri-motored metal
planes. The Packard Motor Car
company has been experimenting
for months with a Diesel oil burn
ing airplane engine, the first suc
cessful flight of which was an
nounced this week.
Pineapple" Is
Exploded Among
Folk In Chicago
bomb exploded early tonight on
the fourth floor of the Trentier
hotel, home and gathering place
of negro politicians.
Edward Fox. the manager, said
the bomb was thrown from the
ground through a window or tak
en Into the room where It explod
ed. The explosion occurred in a
room occupied by a Pullman por
ter who registered a few hours
closed unusual Interest la the
"FlngeT-TIp-Contror. so marked
was It a new convenience in driv
ing. Then followed the demand
for hte cars which has resulted in
a popularity for these models nev
er rivaled before la ihe company's
Young Bandits
Get Big Amount
In Bank Holdup
WOODLAND, Cal., May 16.
(AP) Two young, masked ban
dits robbed the bank of Yolo of
between $5000 and $10,000 in
currency here this morning after
binding and gagging' seven em
ployes. Including four women
The bandits broke into the bank
two hours , before opening time,
overpowered each worker as he
entered, and ransacked the raults
when the time lock released the
opening mechanism. The robbers
SAN LUIS, Maranhao,' Brazil
(AP) Thirty-two thousand tons
of babassu nuts were grown in
this state last year. Most of the
crop was exported to Europe.
well-groomea ana capaoie
d and
Jo.b. Jkctory
lZhE Chrysler ''75"
Royal Sedan is a
well 'groomed car.
The moment you look at it you
get tte impression of personality,
refinement and capability.
The very first mile you drive
it or ride in it confirms the
impression that its appearance
gives. You find its performance
all that the name Chrysler inv
plies in flexible power, .eager
speed and easy control.
You find its riding qualities
well beyond any previous ex
perience or expectation.
And, probably you will find
the low price $535 f- b.
factory the climax of all the
surprises that this remarkable
car has in store for you.
A demonstration will con'
vince you that Chrysler, per'
fprmance cannot be had in any
other car at any price.
Interior appointments in formal good taste
Broadcloth or fine mohair upholstery, in har
mony with exterior color combinations, optional
without extra cost - Interior fittings of
artistic pattern, richly finished Padded
armrests and a broad, carpeted footraiL,
both ornamental and comfortable Deep, soft
cushion springs, insuring complete relaxation.
CHXYStER M65" $1040
ft?ll45 Six fiMfy Styles
CHKYSLER "75" $1535
$1795 Eight Bdy SijUt
All prices f. o. b. factory
Fitzgerald-Sherwitr Motor Co
JLeaa the HOrld in JOater Car Virtue
5 CabMQ)lefts
DaPiwt FmOf Equipped
Delivered, FuBj EdppU
TJOR thoM who lika to be out tad
M400" diree smart 400-CahdoUts.
u9 vjompieievy JLjpappea X
ta Atanfref spask flags
Hit cuijinrfja
Howdaffle md Lonjoj Aedi
BobeaUte ahMlaeaa alley
Double-dray frame s
These cats combiaa rha advantages of
dosed and open car travel. With cba
top up and windows raised, they are
laxoriouf dosed cars with tha top
down aad windows either down or
ap, they ara today's smartest open cars.
All hara a big, comfortable, roomy
romou seaxt
The Standard Six Cabriolet U oaa of
the most popular cars in its price field,
because & combines the smart opeo
eodosed motoring Togo with Stand
ard Six perzormanct scperiority;
It has a big, high compression, .7
bearing saocor foe power and speed
, r400" steering for the world's easiest
: driring lovejoT hydraulic shock ab
sorbers, outboard mounted, far cnsb
ioned smoothness over all roads.
The Special and Advanced Six Cabri
olets ara distinguished by sttdt OO".
features as the new 4O0u Twiavlgni
wo amor, wwr uenxraiaea
- z - - . r
Lubricatioo press d Ul,omr cr It
Lorejoy and Houdame hydraa
Iic shock absorbers.
And price is one of the most Interest
ing features of all these Cabriolets.;
Every "400 model comes from rha
tactoty equipped with droxaium-nickeled
bumpers, hydraulic shock ab
sorbers, spare rlre lock and dre cover.
Soma dealers charge as much as $50
or $60 extra for bumpers alone.
Compara these Cabriolets to others,
tbm compare their fully equipped, de
lirered tice& Yoall sea the advan
tage in buying a Nash!
7-beaitng crawkh
Bflor rttiifred chassis
Kxterior metalwsre dwoaM
pitted over nickel
Short teniae; radios
Looser waeelbases
One-piece Salon seeders
dear vlskm Croat pillar ports
Nash Special Deslfu boat
and rear bumpers
DefcaereJ, F ullj Ef.i,i Prlee Bang. 2S m4QQT 2lMh $ 1 Q80 to $2465.
365 North Contmereial Street
Telephone 1260