n rwm sewn w twww mw.i w The OREGON. STATESMAN, Salem, Orejron. Sunday Morning, May 19, 1929 OFFICIAL LISTS E Total Amounts to Nearly 2 Million Dollars for Year 1928 Merely two billion dollars, II.' t03.483.82S to be exact, in fire and life Insurance of U classes. except health and accident and miscellaneous, was carried by in surance companies operating in Oregon at the close of the year 1928. which was an increase of $235,787,207 or 14 percent over the amount of like insurance in force in this state on December 81, 1927, as shown by the annual report of Insurance Commissioner Clare A. Lee to Governor Patter ton, made public Saturday. These classes embrace fire, stock, mu tnal and automobile and life, or flinary group, industrial, assess ment and fraternal. These same companies collected an aggregate of $30,288,151 in net premiums in 1928 as compar ed to $28,151,756 in 1927, an in crease of $657,769 or 2.3 percent, and paid losses amounting to $12, 723,754 in 1928 which was an in crease of $1,000,205 over the 1927 losses, or 9 per cent. The heavy aggregate loss ratio, revealed by these figures, is due to the extra ordinary losses suffered by fire companies in Oregon in 1928, which were $561,970 or 25 per cent greater than those of the pre vious year. All other classes of business, health and accident and miscel laneous, which do not report the ! total amount of insurance in force, collected an aggregate of $7,472,101 in net premium in 1928, a decrease of $921,970 or 11 percent as compared to 1927, and paid $5,638,595 in net losses last year, which was $860,457 or IS per cent loess than those of the previous year. The 72 reporting life compan ies operating to Oregon show $605,214,497 in insurance in force at the close of 1928 with a receip.t In net premiums of $19,644,946. "This," says Commissioner Lee, Is Indicative of a healthy and commendable growth in this branch of the insurance business, the increase In 1928 over any pre vious year being in excess of $47, 700,000 in insurance in force, with as increase of $1,596,496 in pre miums received from agents over 1927 and a corresponding growth In revenue for the state f $21, 400, an increase of approximately percent over 192". Since 1924 life Insurance in force has increas ed $196,700,000 or 48 percent net premium receipts $6,800,000 and elalfs paid $2,300,000." Mining Employes Go Out On Strike For Regular Pay DAWSON, Y. T., May 18. XAV) A general walkout of em ployes of Burrall and Baird, Ltd., and associated companies, operat ing what is claimed to be the larg est placer gold mining leases in the world, occurred here today. The men protested against ir regular pay days and demanded that" regular pay days be estab lished. Company officials expect the board of directors to settle the difficulties without delay. The companies involved control hundreds of miles of the best placer creeks and hill ground in the Klondike. They operate dredges and hydraulics. Sup erintendent To Speak Before Graduation Class Charles A. Howard, state super intendent of public instruction, will give an address before the graduation class of the Birken- teld high school in Columbia coun ty next Wednesday night. He will address the graduation class of the Clatskanle high school on the Blight of May 23, Rainier gradua tion class May 24, The Dalles graduation class May 29 and the Pendleton graduation class June T. Other graduation addresses will be given by Mr. Howard before the schools are closed. For any kind of Job Printing call 500. Dr. Caldwell's Keep Dr. Caldwell watched the re sults of constipation for 47 years, and believed that no matter how careful people are of their hearth, Siet and exercise, constipation will occur from time to time regardless of how much one tries to avoid it. Of next Importance, then, is how to treat It when it comes. Dr. Caldwell always was in favor of getting as close to nature as pos sible, hence his remedy tor consti pation, known aa Dr. Caldwell's Syrup 'Pepsin, is a mild vegetable compound. It can not harm the most delicate system and it not a habit firming preparation. Syr up Pepsin Is pleasant-tasting, and youngsters love it. It does not gripe. Thousands of mothers have written us to that effect. Dr. Caldwell did not approve of drastic physics and 'purges. He lid not believe they were good for human beings to put into their systems. In a practice of 4? years he never saw any reason tor their use when medicine like Syrup Pepsin will empty the bowels Just as promptly, more cleanly and gently, without griping and harm to the system. Keep free from constipation! t robs your strength, hardens your aIier nd brlns on premature id age. Do not let a day go by ill POET-HUMORIST FOUND Parrish Student Produces Genuine Gem ASSIGNMENT IS FILLED When Miss Gladys Humphrey, English teacher at Parrish Junior high school, asked her eighth A class to write poems on school spirit as a piece of class work, per haps she didnt expect her act of making the assignment to be turned back in rhyme. Bat this is what Elizabeth Nelson did. In "Writing a Poem": The teacher said: "You write a poem Of things about our school. Pencil sharpeners or baseball games, Or about the traffic rules." "But teahcer," I said, with a look of despair, "I was not born a poet." She gave me a very decided lcok And said. "Don't you think I know it?" "You don't have to be a poet," she said. BIS PUB 3-OAY PILGRIMAGE Klamath Falls, Ashland and Other Southern Oregon Towns on Itinerary Salem Cherrians are making plans for a visit through Southern Oregon June 18 to 20, King Bing Giese having sent out Inquiries to the Cherrians to ascertain how many will make the trip. The plan calls for a trip south by the "Cascade" to Klamath Falls and a return up the Pacific highway by 'motor bus. The fare for the round trip has been set at $17.35. Local organizations will receive the visitors and treat them to ban quets and other entertainment, says Gjese, who is active in pro moting the excursion. In an in quiry sent out Saturday Giese asks that at least 25 Cherrians sign up for the trip. Local citizens not members of the Cherrians are also Invited to make the pilgrimage but it is re. quested that reservations be made in sufficient time to permit the Cherrians to make needed reser vations. The tentative schedule for the Cher'rian trip is: Tuesday, Jane 18, 1029 10.25 a.m. Leave Salem S. P. train "The Klamath." Through Cascade mountains by daylight. Diner on train eat anytime. 7.25 p.m. Arrive Klamath Falls. Dinner (or supper) with The Pelicans. Night at Klamath Falls. Wednesday, June 10, 1029 Breakfast and lunch at Klam ath Falls. Sight seeing trips dur ing tbe morning. 1 o'clock p.m. Leave Klamath Falls, by S. P. Bus Route via Green Mountain Highway. 3:30 p.m. Arrive Ashland. Drink Lithia Water (free). 5.30 p.m. Leave Ashland. S. P. Bus. 6 p.m. Arrive Medford. Din ner (or supper) with The Craters. Night at Medford. Thursday, June 20, 1929 Breakfast in Medford. 10 a.m. Leave Medford, Southern Paci fic Bus. 11 a.m. Arrive Grants Pass. Luncheon with The Cave Men. 2 p.m. Leave Grants Pass, S. P. Bus. . 4:30 Arrive Roseburg. Dinner (or supper) with the Ump qua Chiefs. Leave for Salem fol lowing dinner, traveling by S. P. Bus. Railway and bus fare, re turn trip, $17.35. You spend Tuesday night at Klamath Falls. Wednesday night at Medford. " Dr. J. F. Seibert To Talk Here Dr. John F. Seibert of Chicago will give a public lecture at the American Lutheran church, on Church street between Chemeketa and Center. Wednesday evening. May 22, beginning at 8 o'clock. Dr. Seibert will speak on "Putting Lutheranism over," of "TJie Lar gest and Strongest Protestant Church in the World." LA GRANDE, Ore.. May 18. (AP) A defense of modern schools and modern youth was made here today by Dr. William J. Mayo of Rochester, Minn. 3 Rules You Healthy AT ASK OS without a bowel movement. Do not sit and hope, but go to a drug gist and get one of the generous bottles of Dr. Caldwell's Bjruo Pepsin; Take the .proper dose that night and by morning you will feel like a different person. Get a bottle today, at any drug store and observe these three rules of health: Keep the head cool, the feet warm, tha bowels open. v , Jt" - - "To write some little jingle. Or even some nice long verses That would make your blood Just tingle. "One of the many ways to show- The spirit of tbe Parrish high Is to write a poem for the Perl scope; ; You cando It if you try." So I sat down and thought and thought. Not liking the role of a poet. And thought how true the words had been When the teacher had said, "Don't I know it." Always fZsSafe ' f ' When your Children Cry for It Here's relief and comfort for crying, fretful, feverish babies or children that you don't need to urge or command them to take. They love the delicious taste of Fletcher's Castoria. Your doctor will tell you it's absolutely safe, so you can give it as freely and as often as needed to keep your chil dren happy and well. A few drops is all it takes to quiet fretful, fev erish, colicky babies; relieve their biliousness, gas on stomach, con stipation, etc.; soothe them to sleep in a Jiffy. For like disor ders in older children, you simply use a little larger dose of the same reliable Fletcher's Castoria. Don't use grown-folks' medicine; with babies or children, specialists say. Ninety per cent of them recom mend Fletcher's Castoria; and thirty years of steadily increasing popularity proves they're right. To protect you from Imitations, the Fletcher signature Is on every bottle of genuine Fletcher's Cas toria. On The Corner State and Liberty X-. 5 1 L1L EM nnniiEs Three hundred boys and girls of the Salem schools are expected to take part la the "Lean to 8wrm" campaign to be staged by the t. M. C. A. this week. The campaign i spare of National Swimming Why are there so many EeHfly ITiiires HJseiro that it takes a tire of merit to withstand Because the automobile bwner knows commercial deliveries and salesmen's usage. KELLY DESIGN Kelley's Best 29x4.40 $ 8.20 30x4.50 9.15 31x5.25 13.60 33x6.00 16.45 J30x3Y2 $6.70 Invite Us To Your The Graduate THE graduate will appreciate a jewelry gift that offers a life time of service and pleasure. A va riety of items and prices to suit. We Suggest! Fountain pen or pencil set. In black or the new smart colors. In handsome box $1.50 , $10.00 Accurate time-keepers. Pocket or wrist style. 7 to 17 jewel movements. From $12.50 $15.00 $25.00 $35.00 and up Smartly fashioned bracelets necklaces. As low as $1.50 t. $10.00 and HA week, May 20 to 24. Instructors will be Mrs. Elisa beth Rowley, T. W. instructor, for the flrla and Coach Louis Ander son of the high school for the boy. Chaperons for the girls classes will be furnished by tbe T. W. . Classes for buys will meet on Monday and Thursday and the girls on Tuesday, and Friday. The first class is at t o'clock and they run to o'clock. A halt hour will be devoted to each group. The national campaign is a " ?5vl 4 EfflG irnELE SALE ) ? 1 32x4 $12.80 ALL HOUR SERVICE X Ran Next Blowout Jewelers and Agents forHhe Famous Gruen Watches. fight against the death toll of more than 8,t0t annually. Since the swimming campaign was in. augurated In Salem, practically no drownings have occurred to swim mers, before there were as many as It a year. DAVIS ACCEPTS WASHINGTON. May 18. (AP) The acceptance by Dwight F. Davis of the post of governor general of the Philippine Islands was announced today by Secretary Good. Other sizes priced in Proportion w a IT For The Graduate GRADUATION ... a mile stone in the young career. Mark it well with a gift of Jewelry whose durable pre ciousness will always recall the occasion and the donor Bin Folds and Belts $2.50 to$10.00 .P A finely executed necklace for Miss Graduate. From $5.00 . $25.00 He's sure to like one of our fiae pocket or strap watehee f $10.00 , $50X0 "A ring of beauty is a joy for ever". . Styles for all. Priced upwards from , $5.00 . $50.00 Silversmiths ' We Specialize in Gifts'for the N Excavation For Office Building Begins Saturday The work of excavating for the new state office building to be erected here this year, started Saturday. The excavation opera tions probably will require six weeks. are made of nothing but A-l 24 pound tensile strength cord and first grade flex ible rubber. KELLY BUCKEYE DESIGN A First Grade Guaranteed Tire 29x440 . $ 6.60 30x4.50 :Hs7.35 31x5.25 11.20 33x6.00 13.55 30x32 CI. .. $5.40 8,760 Hours Each Year That means we never close it is n i?j A Lasting Gift One that will be Cherrished and Remembered all through life Hundreds of articles to choose from. Let us help you today. Graduate. In the meantime the state board of control will advertise for bids and award the contract for tht general construction. The building will be four stories high and wll cost approximately $500, 000. Money necessary for the erection of the building will be borrowed from the state industrial accident commission under a law enacted' at the 1927 legislative session. Read the Classified Ads. 30x312 S. S. $7.90 "DILI" Pkonc JEE OUR V '' WINDOWS i