The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 19, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair today; Moderately
warm with low humidity.
Max. temperature Saturday
79; Mia. 42; River SJJ; So
-aba; No wind; Clear.
They Pay!
Classified ad 9 brine bl
tinu; they are th$ little
merchants for the small buy
er and big seller.
..r. tit.
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning:, May 19, 1929
l lr I I I I I I r V "V il III I V I VI r V I Ll I I ON ?VtT fZT 41 I I U III I r Y I
hi i 1 1 1 11 iii
Roy D-?-Vie Said to Have Told
Wife of Prisoner He Had
Big Inside "Pull"
Pose Netted $350 Is Charge
Made by Federal Cops;
Other Acts Cited
PORTLAND, Ore., May 18.
(AP) Federal authorities to-i
night announced the arrest of Royj
Davie, 40. in connection with the j
11 1 ' , 1 9 A v tha i
aiiegCU tilUl IIUI1 Ul HUM ."
Wife of Sheriff Fredrlckson, Wah
kiakum county, Washington, re
cently convicted on liquor charges
at Tacoma, by posing as a. federal
agent with sufficient Influence to
'spring" the sheriff out of Jail.
The alleged defrauding of Bruce
Ogden, Portand student flier, out
Of $1.50 brought about Davie's ar
rest. Authorities said Davie rep
resented himself to Ogden as an .
aviator in the service of the cus-"
toms department and promised to;
obtain employment for Ogden.
Charge Used To Hold
Defendant In Jail
Charles W. Erskine, assistant
United States district attorney, ad
mitted the charge involving the
Ogden case was preferred against
Davie to hold him In jail until
after ths investigation of the Fred
rlckson deal was complete.
Erskine said Davie telephoned
Mrs. Fredrlckson when her hus
band was convicted in the Tacoma
courts and told her he was a gov
'wrsment agent with enough "pull"
to get the sheriff out of jail.
He Arranged to have an agent
Tisit Mrs. Fredrlckson, the district
attorney said, and then called
upon her at Cathlamet, Wash.
Mrs. Fredrlckson is said to have
cashed a check for $250 and given
the cash to Davie. Her father-in-law
raised another $100 which
also was turned over to Davie, but
the sheriff remained in jail.
Woman's Sister Also
Asked For Money
A complaint was then made' to
the department of justice about
the same time Davie is said to
have approached Mrs. Fredrick-
con's sister, a nurse in a Portland
hospital, in an attempt to raise
another $100, authorities Raid.
When a messenger was sent to
the hospital to receive the money
federal agents wrapped a few
coins in paper and followed the
messenger, Davie was arrested
Walter Hagen had a wonderful
game of golf today with the Prince
of Wales. He said tonight, when
he returned to London from the
porty and aristocratic Swlnley
forest course where with his royal
highness he defeated Sir Philip
Sasson and Aubrey Boomer, Brit
ish professional, one up.
The pro from the United States
was enthusiastic over the game
be saw the heir to the British
throne play. "He's a good player,
and a good chap." said the four
time open champion.
"He hits the ball well and is
keen on his game all the time.-He
Is about a '90' man now and with
the attention he is giving his
strokes and analysis he is applying
be ought to improve a lot in not a
cry long time."
Hagen and Boomer smilingly
denied a facetious suggestion that
they had been "kidnaped" when
they were taken out to play the
prince, but their disappearance
from a big hotel on the stand had
all the trappings of a sensational
disappearance, engineered in dark
est secrecy and deepest mystery.
8 Forest Blazes
Now Controlled
18. (AP) Eight incendiary
fires in the Klamath county pine
forest were under control tonight
and Coleman Berry, sheep herder,
wat in jail charged with setting
tlrest after more than 400 acres of
second growth timber had been
Petitions Reported Ready
To File Supporting Slade
For Job on School Board
With school elections for the
Salem district less thaji a month
way, little Interest has been cre
ated in the matter or at least
llttl surface interest. Following
announcement of Dr. C. A. Downs
several weeks ago that he did not
Intend to become a candidate for
reelection to the directorship, the
petitions to place the name of E.
P. Slade, of the First National
bank. In the running for the office
were circulated and there are un
derstood to be ready for filing
Mark McCallister, incumbent
whose term as director la also
coming to a' close, will again seek
the office anr bas petitions . al
ready filed. , r.-v ; -
In Dispute
V i - x
The differences between the fun
damentalist school and the mod
ernist of the Baptist church were
aired again at les Jioines im
versity, a Baptist school, when Dr.
T. T. Shields, top, fundamental
ist, ami president of the board of
trustees, ordered the school clos
ed after a student riot in protest
against Dr. Shields.. Miss Edith
Rebnian, secretary to Dr Shields,
figured prominently in the strike
which the students called.
Co-ed Found
Real Logger
Upon Water
One real "co-ed logger" emerg
ed out of an octette of plucky as
pirants when Willamette univer
sity mermaids competed in a log
rolling contest on the Willamette
river while students in canoes and
rowboats shouted encouragement
and both action and sound were
recorded by a Fox Movietone ma
chine which was being used for
the first time in Oregon. A large
crowd lined the river bank to
watch the contest.
The girl who rode the slippery
log fciiccessfuly through a half
dozen trials while her less sure
footed companions plunged re
peatedly into the water, was Miss
Isabelle Morehouse, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Morehouse of
this city. - On the log first used,
two feet in diameter, she kept
her balance throughout all of the
trials; but in a final trial on a
stiir smaller log, against her sis
ter Margaret who was runner-up.
she took a ducking like the rest.
Following the log rolling con
test, the freshmen-sophomore tug
of war of last week was re-enact-
I ed at the stream immediately be
low the Kay mill. Despite rumors
that were circulated to the' effect
that the sophs would gain re
venge for their defeat of last
week, the freshmen had no
trouble in pulling their opponents
into the stream. The pull which
was to have been a four-minute
affair, lasted only a minute and a
The girls' tumbling teams were
more evenly matched for their
pull, and it was only after three
desperate attempts that the up
perclass team was victorious.
Cameramen were well pleased
with the results of their work, it
was stated.
Pasco Has Big
Air Derby For
Its New Field
PASCO, Wash.. May 18. (AP)
Fleets of airplanes soared over
the new Franklin county airport
here today as more than 3000 peo
ple gathered to dedicate it during
the anaual Jubilee for the estab
lishment 'here of the first air mall
system to link the northwset with
the country's majn air lines.
Dedication of the field came
just prior to the establishment of
Spokane-Pasco and Portland-Pas-co
Rumors that Bert T. Ford,
lawyer, was eyeing a school post
were definitely put to rest last
night whgn Ford declared he was
not interested in any way and was
not to be considered in the run
ning. Elections fall the third Monday
next month, June 17, with all pe
titions to be filed with the clerk
of the district 10 days prior to
that date, which means that there
is still plenty of time for aspirants
to get into the running. Although
no candidate has come out in the
open. It is persistently rumored
that at least another name will be
ready before filing time closes to
dispute McCallister's - right to a
unanimous election.
Graf Zeppelin Passes Hours
in Air Beyond Control
of Its Crew
Queer "Life Boat" Drill Is
Held Aboard Vessel as
Danger Looms
The following- story of the dramatic
struggle of the trans-Atlantic dirigible
Graf Zeppelin to each safety after
aha had turned back to Frledrlchsh&f
en and found herself in the grip of a
gale was written by Alexander R. Von
Kryha, a passenger, for the Associated
Press. It was prepared from notes
made while the Graf Zeppelin was
beating- her way over southeastern
France In an effort to find landing
Passenger of the Graf Zeppelin
Written for the Associated Press
CUERS. France, May 18 (AP)
Dr. Eckener, commander of the
Graf Zeppelin en route to the
United tSates, walked Into the
salon of the ship Thursday after
noon as the passengers were dan
cing merrily to the tunes of a
phostograph and, striking a serious
attitude, said:
"Ladles and gentlemen, I have
bad news to Import to you. We
must return to Freidrlchshafen.
There Is some trouble with the
motors but there is no danger. Re
main calm. We shall reach home
safely Friday evening or Satur
day morning."
The announcement came as a
thunderstroke out of the clearest
sky to the passengers who were not
aware of any difficulty to the mo
tors. The dancing stopped Im
mediately as the ship swung about
to return to Barcelona.
Announcement of
News Is Dramatic
Such was the dramatic manner
In which the passengers of the
Graf Zeppelin were made aware
that their flight to United States
had failed. Then, after a long,
hard pull, over the Gulf of Lion
and over the southern part of
France, the zeppelin fought for
headway past Nimes, Montelimar
and Valence.
Just as the sun was setting in
(Turn to Page 2, Column 4.)
Discovery Made Near Where
Woman's Torso Was Dug
Up Last April
(AP) The head of a girl was
found buried in the sands near the
Florence avenue bridge over the
Los Angeles river by deputy sher
iffs late today. The discovery was
made not far from the spot where
the torso of a woman was recov
ered from the river last April.
The head was preserved suffi
ciently to permit identification by
any one acquainted with the vic
tim, deputy sheriffs said.
After a cursory examination, au
thorities declared the manner in
which the head had been severed
corresponded to the surgery prac
ticed on the woman's body. A pos
itive connection cannot be estab
lished, they said, until chemists
have studied the physical struc
ture. The skull was that of a woman
(Turn to Page J. Column 4.)
Because the sign posters of the
Al G. Barnes company plastered
their circus announcements on his
building on the corner of Com
mercial and Ferry streets, D. Sam
uel has - brought suit in circuit
court to recover $400 from' the
company for alleged damages in
curred to his , property. Samuel
sets forth in his complaint the
fact that the public was given
adequate notice to keep its signs
oft the walls of the building and
that the circus violated this writ
ten notice.
Damages of $100 for the ex
pense of taking down .the signs
and $300 punitive damages are
asked from the company by Sam
uel in his complaint.
Examinations To
Be Held Soon In
U. S. Civil Service
Examinations for the posts of
Junior stenographer and junior
typist will be made next month
by the United States civil service
commission with headquarters at
207 Postofflce building. Seatlte.
Information about making appli
cation and necessary application
blanks may be obtained from any
first or second class postofflce
within this district.
. . Only men are eligible to take
the examinations. Salaries for .the
positions range . from 129 ts
110 III 611
Congressman May ,
Again Fact Trial
On Booze Charge
M1AMA, Ha, Hay 18.
(AP) Further prosecution
of Congressman aC. A. Ml
ehaelsou, of Chicago, oa
charges growing; out of his
testimony during; his Key
West trial on charges of Im
porting Uquor, was in pros
pect today as the govern
ment won its first move to
obtain a record of the Key
West testimony.
Judge Halsted I. Bitter
signed an order impounding
notes taken at the trial, but
refused to grant the govern
ment's request that counsel
for Michaelson be restrained
from preventing sale of the
transcript by their court
The government did not
make a stenographic report
of the Key West testimony
but under the court's ruling
it will be possible to make
limited use of the defense
Eight Union Members Prose
cuted For Attempted
Murder, Word
18. (AP) Eight striking union
textile workers tonight were free
on bond pending grand jury action
while others who faced prelimin
ary hearing before two magis
trates on charges of conspiracy to
commit murder were released.
Announcement that the eight.
members of a group arrested on I
Thursday after a clash with non- j
union workers, returning to the
American Bemberg and American
Glanzstoff mills, would be held to
the grand Jury was made today,
taking of testimony and argu
ments in the cases. Involving 100
or more workers, began Thursday
and was completed late yesterday.
The state charged the eight
strikers held were ring leaders In
a disturbance on a road at Valley
The others, it was announced,
would be released as most of them
were unidentified, at least 75 hav
ing refused to give their names
when arrested.
Many of the warrants for strik
ers were made out against "John
Boe" or "Mary Doe". One war
rant named a "Redhead Boy," an
other just "A Boy." while many
were served on "One hundred per
centers" and "Whoopee."
Names were still withheld when
bonds were posted and during the
trial the majority of the defend
ants mingled with the spectators
and less than 20 testified, among
them being the eight bound over
to the grand jury under bonds of
$1,000 each.
Adjutant General W. C. Boyd,
directing the National Guard, to
day waived a preliminary hearing
on charges to "aiding and abet-
ting and attempt to commit mur
der," preferred by Evelyn Heaton
yesterday. He was held to the
grand Jury under bond. The girl
charged he ordered a bus driver
to charge a group of pickets who
were blocking the road and that
she was injured.
Explosions continued sporadic
ally in widelyseparated sections
today but no damage was done.
Train Line
Hires Girls
For Diners
SPOKANE. May 18 (AP)
As the old order changeth,
"George" of the familiar "Yes
sah," will disappear and pert,
bobbed-haired blondes and bru
nettes will balance trays in dining
cars of the Northern Pacific's
Yellowstone park trains after
June 20.
R. C. Taylor, assistant superin
tendent of dining car service ton
the Northern Pacific, announced
here today that girls now are be
ing trained to replace negro wait
ers, chefs and assistant chefs on
their trains running between Liv
ingston and Gardiner, Mont.
The new order, Taylor assert
ed, is in line with his company's
effort to appeal to feminine tastes
in the matter of food. "We cater
to women," he said, "because they
are experts in food and know all
about it. Give a man enough and
he is satisfied."
The change will be brought
about June 20 when the class now
in training is "graduated."
Police Discover
Who Fired Shot
At Spokane Lad
SPOKANE, Wash., May 18.
(AP) Police fonnd oat who shot
and possibly fatally wounded
Thomas Goddard, 17, last night,
bnt it wasn't because Tom
"squealed" on his friend.
Tom, together- with Wllmer
Hyer. 16, and Donald, 14, started
out to collect subscription pay
ments for a newspaper. Wilmer
carried a revolver. While showing
it to his companions, he pointed
it at Tom and pulled the trigger.
He said he didn't know the cham
ber had a cartridge in it. The
bullet entered Tom's shoulder,
swerved downward into bis chest
and probably punctured a lung.
Capone Makes Desperate Ef
forts to Avoid Sentence
Officials Declare
Theory of Escape From His
Enemies Scouted by All
Who Know Facts
(AP) It became known today
that "Scarface Al" Capone, man
of affairs in Chicago's underworld,
sentenced to prison for a year for
carrying a loaded pistol In this
city, made desperate efforts
through his attorneys to save him
self from going to prison, or fail
ing that to have the court give
him a short sentence.
The court refused to grant any
leniency and treated him and his
bodyguard exactly as it bad been
treating other offenders of the
law, convicted of carrying con
cealed deadly weapons.
Judge John E. Walsh, of the
criminal division of the municipal
court, said he did not take serious
ly the opinion held In some quar
ters that Capone walked into a
police trap to save himself from
rival gangsters.
Capone Treated like
Ordinary Criminal -
"The case of Capone was hand
led like any other case," said the
Judge. "Before he and Cline were
placed on trial, I had sentenced
two other men for the same of
fense and each was given the max
imum prison sentence, one year."
Bernard L. Lemisch, who, with
Cornelius Haggarty, Jr., repre
sented the gangsters revealed that
he had made proposals to Judge
Walsh for liberty or for leniency
before Capone and Cline had en
tered their pleas of guilty.
"Judge Walsh would not con
sider anything but the maximum
sentence: I had to bow to his
Judgment," Lemisch said.
James (Shooey) Malone and
John Creedon, the two Philadel
phia detectives who "spotted" the
two Chicago gangsters in the the
atre crowd Thursday night, gave
their version of the arrest today
(Turn to Page 2, Column .)
Children of Every Age Jam
Way Into Big Top Tent
to See Performance
The kiddies'll have something
to talk about today and tomorrow
and tomorrow: for the big top has
made its periodical visit, folded its
canvas and slipped, not so noise
lessly, away.
Yesterday was circus day, and
while Henry Ford has made his
impression on the big top even to
the extent of the funny driverless
flivver, it's still the kids who got
the real wallop out of animals, and
acrobats, and more more animals.
If you don't believe it, try sitting
along with 'em.
For, somehow, the kids don't
seem to worry themselves about
what's going on in the other two
rings; they get their rapt eyes
glued on the things nearest at
hand generally speaking at the
kick they get out of looking at
that, whether monkeys, horses,
elephants, clowns, tigers, dogs,
pretty girls, Hons, dwarfs, sebras,
parrots or what not. The glitter
of decorations; the incessant
poundings of the band, the rattle
of chains and clang of workman
they're all a part of the circus
and kids, whether old or young,
had their fill yesterday.
McMahan Back
In Salem From
Yamhill Court
Circuit Judge McMahan was
back in Salem on Saturday after
spending the week in McMinnville
hearing cases in circuit court
there. .McMahan took the place of
Judge Walker who has seriously
ill for more than a month.
One of the interesting and am
using experiences of the week, Mc
Mahan reported, was a clash be
tween two attorneys, one of whom
peeled off his coat and was ready
to resort to time honored means
to settle his grievance with op
posing counsel.
For Sale
That heading in the classi
fied columns always includes
a lot of tempting offers.
YOU can list the surplus ar.
tides from your home or
shop for sale too. At tiny
cost yon can advertise them
bring your offerings to the
attention of thousands.
Phone in your advertisement
Call "Five Hundred"
Will Quit
I - t i xn u
rv-vx h " v t
t trr f V
p,? i, -
t t
I rt,i U
President W. W. Campbell of the
nounoed Wednesday he will retire
work on the Berkeley, CaL, campus.
Flax Retting Now
All Previous Records
First Three Weeks
New Tanks are Used Successfully
THE retting of flax for the present season was begun at
the Oregon penitentiary flax plant three weeks ago, up
to Saturday evening 425 tons had been put into or through
the retting tanks, including the new ones built since last sum
mer's season.
There were 2500 tons of threshed straw, from the crop
of last year, on hand when retting began, and the indications
are that it will all be put through the tanks before the re
ceipt of any flax from the coming harvest, which will be
Garage For
State Cars
Reports that certain state em
ployes are using state-owned au
tomobiles for private purposes,
has caused Hal E. Hoss, secretary
of state, to advocate the erection
of a state garage near the pres
ent group of state buildings in Sa
lem. The proposal will be placed
before the state board of control
at its next meeting.
Under the plan proposed by the
secretary of state all state-owned
cars would be housed in- the gar
age at night unless out of the city
on official business. Mr. Hoss
said it was his opinion that such
an Innovation on the 'part of the
state would save the taxpayers a
large amount of money annually.
Many of the state-owned cars
are now housed in private gar
ages, with the result that they are
used by state employes while not
engaged In official business.
Suit for divorce was filed in
circuit court Saturday by Essie
Royal who seeks to be released
from her marriage contract with
Theodore Royall. Five children in
cluding one only six months old
will be given to the custody of the
mother if her divorce is granted.
OUve Marie Doan filed suit for
divorce in circuit court Saturday
against Eugene D. Doan, her hus
band, whom she married in 1.908.
She has two children whose cus
tody she seeks, together with 25
support money each month for
each child. Mrs. Doan alleges
cruel and inhuman treatment on
the part of her husband.
New Mark Made
In Plane Flight
(AP) What was declared to be
a new record for airplanes be
tween Cheyenne and Salt Lake
City was jet today by Pilot H. A.
Collison ot the Boeing air trans
port when be flew the 417 miles
in two hoars nd 69 minutes. This
was said to be 1 8 minutes less
than the previous mark. ; 3
University of California, who an
next year after completing 39 years
425 Tons
Far Surpassed During
of Activities Here;
carried on in July and August.
Of course, this is the larg
est tennage ever put through
at the prison in any season
prior to the 18th of August,
and this will be the first year in
which all the available straw will
have been taken rar rf from all
j former crops before the receipt of
any of the new crop. There will
be enough time to ret a lot of the
coming crop, after its receipt this
year. The threshing operation
comes before retting, and this can
be commenced soon after the first
load comes from the field; though
there is no advantage in retting
early, excepting for the conserva
tion of time. In fact, the fiber
content ot flax Improves with age,
in both quantity and quality, for
at least a year or two.
Capacity or Prison
Plant Is Doubled
The new retting tanks give the
prison plant about double its for
mer capacity for this work, and
there will have to be a constant
increase, till the 10,000 acre mark
is reached, which will be within
two or three years. The acreage
handled last year was 3000. It is
4500 for this year, in over 300
contracts with farmers in seven
valley counties.
The flax fields so far examined
by Col. W B. Bartram, superin-
(Turn to Page J, Column 1.)
Salem Dog Gets New Job
As Mother to Six Tiger
Puppies of Barnes Show
The Al O. Barnes circus, when
it arrived in Salem, bad an addi
tion to its animal family, in the
shape of six tiger puppies. That
fact in Itself is Interesting, but
there Is something about it of still
more interest, to those who do not
follow circus life.
The mother tiger in captivity
kills her young, so that there was
the necessity of getting another
mother for the tiger puppies.
There was a search about Salem,
and a female shepherd dog with
a new litter' was found and
The tiger puppies will never
know the difference. The milk of
their new mother is richer' than
that of the tigress that whelped
them. So they will grow sleek and
Mr. Brown, of the business staff
of the circus, a man with a Ken
tucky drawl who bas followed the
"big top" for a long time, said
last night that a Barnes circus
tigress whelped a litter of puppies
Important Business Will Be
Faced at Meeting To
morrow Night
Issue on Water and Power
Rights Will Come Up
for Decision
More Important business thna
has faced the city council in manv
months, is due to come up for
consideration Monday night. The
principal Issues are:
1. Decision on maintaining or
abandoning the city's protest
against water and power filings
of the Northwest Power company
In the Marion lake district.
2. A hearing at which the Oregon-Washington
Water Service
company has been asked to show
cause why its franchise should not
be revoked.
S. Final disposition of an or.
dinance bill granting the Southern
Pacific Motor Transport company
a new franchise for bus service on
Salem's streets.
Final Disposition of
Issues Yet Uncertain
What the council is likely to do
on any of these matters would be -difficult
to forecast without tak
ing a poll of the entire member
ship. The committee appointed by
Mayor LIvesley to look into the
water and power rights question,
has made certain investigations
but up to Saturday night had not
met to frame a recommendation.
At the same time, one member of
this group has stated his attitude
as being opposed to giving up any
water rights the city might have,
for he believes the city should take
over the task of furnishing water
for domestic use here, and should
get its water from the mountains.
General Sentiment Is
Is Still Uncertain
A number of other councilman
are of the same opinion, but It is
uncertain whether ihe sentiment
is general enough to bring about
a decision to put the question te
a popular vote.
This same sentiment Is certain
to have a bearing on the council's
attitude with respect to the water
company's franchise. However,
since the summons to appear was
Issued two weeks ago to the wa
ter company officials, several
councilmen have admitted that the
ultimatum was possibly not the
proper initial movement; that if
the city wishes to go into the wa
ter business. It should proceed to
lay careful plans first and nego
tiate with the present utility later.
The ordinance committee, which
has had the proposed bus fran
chise ordinance under considera
tion, had not made a report up to
Saturday night, but it was pre
dicted that the bill would be re
ported back without recommenda
tion and considered on its merits.
MARSHFIELD, Ore., May 18.
CAP) A deal for sale of the
transmarine steamer Sujameco to
the Pacific salvage company was
completed here last night, al
though the terms were not releas
ed. One who was present at the
conference, however, said Lleyds
disposed of the vessel "dirt
cheap." Captain R. C. Brennmh.
surveyor to Lloyds, who has beil
in charge of salvage operation
since the ship went agrovni
March 1, last, left for Portland
last night.
W. Jordan of the Pacific Sal
vage company went to the ship to
day and plans to remain In
charge. The company hopes to
float the ship on high June tides.
It is understood that if the ship
is refloated she will be repaired,
loaded for Japan and sold as jasJt
when she arrives there.
pDnniunrn CTmo
at Coalings. Cal., fn 1925. She at
tempted to kill them, and see
ceeded in ber deadly work, witk
the exception of one. That one wag
badly injured, but a man at Coal
ings took that one as a gift and .
nursed it to health. He still hat
the mature tiger, a pet; kept in
a cage. He has trained it. He has
been offered and refused a thous
and dollars for it. Tigers, have a
value, for 100s and other snow
On its present tour, the Barnes
circus started from winter quar
ters, near Los Angeles the: latter
part of March. Up to last night. It
had shown every day, Sundays and
all, for "43 straight day's. Circuses
show on Sundays In California, " -but
not in Oregon or Washington.
So there will be. a rest for the
circus people in Portland today,
which they will enjoy. They Will'
show on - Sunday In Seattle, but
they will give a percentage ot
their receipts to . the milk fundt,
of that city. . .