The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, May 18, 1929 PAGE FIVE 6S ILocal News Briefs t Choir Organizes The choir of i ;4b Calvary Baptist church met at ,;.th honie of Mrs. Edward Raffety, ;.;SJt,J3ellevue street, Thursday eve :, ruing, and effected a business or. aalxation, with 45 charter mem. r,qn: In attendance. Dale Taylor tas elected president of the f-exops; Ben Ramseyer. vic-presi-dent; Mrs. Katherine Middleton, .. eeoreiary-treasurer. Rev. W. Earl .Caouran, pastor of the church, dl rerta the choir. Games and re (rbftamenti wert features of the , evening ' entertainment. This la :Alie.ilrst time the choir has been vrcrcanised, although It has been in ..Resistance for about a year. vfrsikpohs Elect Nine new ...pledges have been elected to the !,$ntkpoh Dramatic society of the !,janJor high schooL They are: Wil t'Kleener, Robert Gamer. Jim i.Helttel, Leonard Shafer. Kather ,iae Laughrige, Joe King. John Meredith and Velma May. The t -dramatic society win hold a Hue iTjjfcftyist the Cspttol theatre Friday uuing,Mny 2t. , .Tamalaint Filed Suit to re- . ,ier a' commission of 1182. St to be due Marvin Johnson and Dark has been filed In jus , .tlce. court by th two men, local realtors, wHh U. Speck named as .defendant. The complaint - seta '.forth that property rained at i' IZiO was sold by the firm with- onV any payment on commission Jeing made by Speck. vJkes Grocery Work Mr. and : lira, Raymond Myers, formerly of . lm but who hare been Urine in V Astoria for the past year where , Mr., Myers has been employed at , tbe Thrift grocery store left Thurs. jCLhj moraine for Taklma where he , a accepted the management of ' 'rAa of Wesfa dependable stores. ,'. air. Myers to a son of Mr. and Mrs. r TV P. Myers, 1122 N. Com!. Session Laws DellTered Deliv - exjvof the session laws of the 12 , Oregon legislature was being made . Friday by County Clerk Boyer to the... different county officials and ataer district officers entitled to receive the law without cost. The .books contain. 8J4 pages of laws . aaa resolution and with, the In- Aesmak a. total of S95 pages. tJplrtha Reported Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. CampbeU. IJ South 14th atxaet, are parents of a baby "rt. Lnetla bora May 11; and Mr. and ,lrs. Clarence Edwin Hlllstrom. J $ North Capitol street, are par. tst a. rirl. Kadda Jeanne HIHs- taem, born May 14. according to . birth certificate xnea wun .' cty health officer. , arl Pease Goes South Carl Jse left hurriedly tor Los An - Thursday upon receipt of rra tnat ni mouier. w um JLhat. city, was seriously III. Mr. p,ase Is a salesman tor the Pet Irtrifn Motor Co. local dtstribut Jor the Nash car. ttllrtwrm lev Stockton Mrs. Hop t Le and daughter Isabel, termer .Irestfenu of Salem, will return to Wtr home m Stockton. CaHf., this morning alter spending a week a v business and visiting old friends. KfUmhes Visit The Rev. Ben number orams rass, fily, isited la Salem Friday on gjij way to Portland. Mr. Klmber, cauaty work secretary at the Se- JlfSsrY. M. C. A. to ll, edits the i.tywats Pass Bulled. ullcport Filed The semi-annual iJard. deceased, was Wed Friday 'jnrobat eonrt. Receipt! for 'jjaetejhalf year amounted to $745 a disbursements - - ji. - riufMi Chester A vMc&eln was arrested In Salem -nnarsaav nignt on coi , feeding. IllFind It Here l fratnlture CjjboUr 4ad repairing Glese-Powers rf jicalture Co. LfMUar Dinner rery night to at tbn tollarlon hot. ..raallry Wanted. Fitts Market 216 N. Com!. St. Phone 211. ,For Used Cars See Vick Bros. High and Trade. iri.nn..i Rmlh .-" -Cat Mellow 3ioon eery rJTewltry Wanted. Flits Market - J16 N. Com'L St. Phone 211. , ,OM Tim Dance k Crystal Garden. Erery S edne Mi' and Satvrday night. m11 FrI. aad Sat Flowers and bedding plaata at Salem's Petland, til State street. .Aaatber Hatchery TSeanup this week. White Leg rns st 16 and $8 per hundred. Salem's Petland. rJBatted Petunias in Bloom ,2 for 15c. Sat. only. Salem s .tind, 273 State. .Jtkawce Kentl Hall gat. Bites. Good floor, snappy rrSUtsiC. A. R. Cooked Food Sale . Saturday. May 18, 10 to 5 vurT'a State St. store. ifr Vsed Cars See ; Vick Bros. High and Trade. rdToaltry Wanted. Fltts Market '216 N. Com'l. St. Phone 211. lAjaerk-an Legion Opening Dance Sat. Night. Open Air PariHian. Stay ton. vOTiitc Leghorn ChU-ks Special, 16, $8. 10.5.and $12. .jSO- Now's your chance. Act .quick. Salem's Petland. ifr'ar Used Cars See . - vVick Bros. High and Trade. . 1A mntl IS rVnt Annual Also tomato, cabbage and caul iflower plants at Holders, 5 miles euth on Rosedale road. Itoby Potted Plants ItFor porch boxes, ltceach. Sat. nl. Salem's Petland. rssss tS6. In Eugene Today H. F. Dur ham, principal of Parrlsh, Miss Pheobe McAdams, Leslie junior high teacher and Mrs. Maybell Burch of Richmond will be In En gene today to attend a meeting of the 0. S. T. A. committee on stan dardization of Junior high school. Superintendent Robert Goets of SUrerton is chairman of the com mittee, of which W. L. VanLoan of McMlnnrile. Harley A. Notter of Eugene and D. E. Oleman are also members. While In the Lane county city, Principal Durham will lnterrlew eppllcatlons for a posi tion In the Parrish school. Leaves For New Post Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Poling hare left tor Portland where they will make their new home. Dr. Poling has been presiding elder of the Salem district of the Erangelical church and was appointed to that posi tion ror the Portland district at the recent conference. Dr. Poling had served the northern district a number of years ago. Dr. C. P. Gates, successor to Dr. Poling nere, and formerly of the Port land area, will continue to make his 'home In Portland for this yar. 8. W. V. Chiefs Contla All Spanish War Veterans, are urred to be present at the armory Mon- aay evening, utay zu, when Depu ty State Commsnder Campbell. Senior Vice-Commander Edwin Clark, also the department in- spector and adjutant will be pres ent, announces Arthur Girod. commander of the local group. The meetiur will onen at 7:20 clock. Expresaes Appreciation Miss Signs Wahlstrom, acting superin tendent of the Salem general hos pital, has asked the Statesman to express her appreciation tor the splendid cooperation of townspeo ple and the unusual Interest shown In the hospital for national hospi tal day. held last Sunday, when the hospital also held graduating exercises for six student nurses. Cochraas la OorraUi Rer. and Mrs. W. Earl Cochran and Mrs. Stoddard and two clhldrea went to Corr sills Tuesday to at tend the farewell reception for Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Bryant and family of the Baptist church there. Dr. Bryant is tearing to accept a pastorate at Eagle Rock, a suburb mi Los Angeles, Calif. Many Finish Grade School Approximately 12 fi boys and girls wtn flaialt the eighth grade la Sa lem schools this year, according U figures for both semesters just prepared at the offte of the city superintendent. Boaey la Graats Pass Presi dent Doney of Willamette univer sity was in Grants Pass Friday. Ho gare the address at the high school commencement in the eve ning. He Is expected to return to Salem today. Answer Is Lang Nine pages ar taken In th answer filed in circuit court Friday in the case of J. A. Craft rs. F. A. Detknand. The lawsuit lnrolres the exchange f property recently made by the two parties. DefanU Jarfgment Granted Judgment by default la th sum of 11234.11 and interest was al lowed by the circuit court here Friday la th eaa of Bank of Stayton rs. S. Paul Jones. Student Nontiaat e List of nominations for the next year's student bedy officers for the Par rlsh Junior high school is being prepared in committee and will be announced early next week. Last 8ary Hoar Today The last "story hour" of th season will be bold at the public library Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. It Is announced. Elevator Shaft Under Way Plastering of th interior and ex terior of the elerator shaft being erected in the county courthouse Is nearly finished. Return to Home Mrs. W. J. Murphy returned to her home in Dallas Friday after spending two days at the Deaconess hospital. where she underwent a minor op eration. Scaaol Head in Portland Su perintendent and Mrs. George W. Hug and baby daughter, Ann Kathleen, are spending the week end in Portland. Suit to Quiet Title Suit to quiet title has been fired in the circuit court here by Ira Jorgen- sen vs. Eleanor T. Wythe, et ai. Stanley Foster Faces Charge Oi Stealing Auto Stanley Foster of Salem was ar rested In Portland Thursday and was brought back to this city Fri day, to face a charge of stealing a Willrs-Knight automobile be longing to Charles A. Goodwin here earlier in the week. It was reported that Foster was arrested while in possession of the car. Two machines were stolen hare Thursday night, a Cherrolet coupe belonging to D. M. Feller of Port land and a Cherrolet coach be longing to R. T. Bairey. 2220 North Commercial street.. Feller's car was found early Friday morn ing on Ferry street. Blanks Ready For Audition Entries Local, singers, both young men and . woman between the ages of i ind 25. who ar interested In competing for the honor of rep resenting Salem m tne staie wiae itmir Kent audition contest. are being asked to call for appli cation blanks at the home or Mrs. Waiter A. Denton. 1831 Court street. Mrs. Denton, who has been appointed local chairman again this year, announces mai the local contest will probably be held in the second week in June. soinmio MUSTWA1TF0RTIME Federal Road Bureau Head Thinks Projects Under Way Come First Construction of the south San tlam highway in Linn county as asother route' across the Cascade range most await the completion of other forest highway projects, despite the financial assistance offered by officials of Linn coun ty. Dr. Thomas H. Mac Donald of the federal bureau of roads has decided. He has written Senator McNary to that effect, after study ing the report of a conference held In Portland by the state highway commission on April 19 and con ferring with District Engineer Lynch. McDonald says that the accept ance by the highway commission of $79,000 tendered by Linn coun ty officials for use on the south Santlam project aasures its Im- prorement in the course of time. tearing the order of its construe tioa as the only matter to be de cided. Uniform Road Seen "There Is no doubt In my mind as to the importance with which Linn connty and the community surounding Albany regard this road." writes Dr. McDonald. "It is erldent that much of the traffic to nad from eastern Oregon will follow this road rather than take the longer route by way of Eu gene and the McKenxle rlrer route, assuming the origin and destination of sueh traffic Is north of Albany, but the fact remains that there is at present the outlet by way of Eugene from eastern Oregon to connect with the Pa cific highway through Eugene and Salem and points north and south. "One of the principal bjecthres of serriee to th forest is reached by the already completed section of this highway, and the rery large expenditure which will be required to complete th remain er of th rout to th Sisters raises a serious question as to the allotment of large sums for either stste or forest highway funds for this project until some of th oth er uncompleted projects hare been further adranced. This is the ques tion with which field represent tire of the forest serrte and th bureau f public roads ar con cerned and whleh they are endear- rlng fully to consider, girlnc In this case particular deference ta the policies of th stst highway commission, since this highway is a part of th stat system. Detective Flue Caused Blazze At McConnell Home SCOTTS MILLS. May 17. The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Connell caught fir Wednesday about 1 o'elock. A defectlre fa caused the base. Mr. and Mrs. McConnel were eating dinner. when one of the neighbors rush d la to tell them, th fire depart meat was called and if It had not been discovered when it was, they would not of been able to sare it, as th fir started from the in side, burning a place about ten feet square In th roof. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bennett and son Jlmmie of Mllwankl rlsltsd Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Saueressig Sunday. Mrs. Reuben De Jardin rislted friends in Salem Tuesday. Mrs. S. B. Moberg. Mrs. J. B. Lawrence and Mrs. Walter Scott were la Salem Tuesday on bus iness. Industrial Firm Incorporates At $500,000 Here The United Industrial corpora tion. wtth headquarters in Port land and capital stock fJ 600,0 00 has been incorporated by William D. Bennett, Charles D. Crouch and L. W. Mathews. Other articles filed In the state corporation department today follow : Better Business Bureau of Ore gon, Portland, 8250: Paul T Shaw, E. N. Strong and Robert M Mount. Beeson-Baker General Insur ance Agency, McMinnrille, $10,- 000; Earl S. Beeson, Gordon Ba ker and J. C. Compton. Master Barbers Supply. Inc. Portland. $5000: A.'Mattley, J. G Rlsley and A. Aquino. Middle Fork White Cedar com pany. Bandon. 8150,000; Ralph S. Smith, W. J. Sweet and George A. Dlett. Motion Day Will Take Place Today Today is motion day in circuit court here. Judge Percy Kelly baring a grist of motions to hear for lawyers in different cases filed in circuit court. Monday trials will be resumed, two cases being booked for the jury. The case of Dustin rs. Spaight and the case of Sollals rs. Hntchins are both to b heard on money. Each case in rolres alleges damages due to auto accidents. YOU ARE INVrfED TO VISIT OUR SANDWICH SHOP The Sandwich Shop 275 S. High St, HURRY UP Canvas Being Stretched on Olinger Field CIRCUS TODAY IS LARGE The tooting of calliopes, the pulse-stirring tempo of red-coated bands, the Insolent comments of ungle beasts on our city and on our people, the good natured asides' of herds of elephants as they lumber along, trunk to tail and tail to trunk; the steady roll of tableau, den and allegorical wagons all . these sounds will fling their strident but welcome medley against the eardrum this morning, for the world's largest wild animal show will gire two performances here today at 2:00 and 8:00. The long trains of Al G. Barnes Circus steamed into the railroad yards early today, bringing 1.0 SO people, 5 SO horses and a great 67 Kiddies Get Tickets To Big Show No trouble at all to get orders for th Oregon Statesman, de clare the 67 boys and girls who hare already turned in their or ders and will be guests of the Statesman at the Al G. Barnes cir cus when it shows her next Sat urday. Any boy or girl who se cures one new three-month sub scription to the Oregon Statesman-will receive a ticket for the big top main show, the side show and wild west show. Willi Poole. Le Ohmart ajtd Herbert Morley hare turned in three orders each, and say all they hare to do is tell their friends and hare them sign the blanks. Orders will be accepted up to noon Saturday. The circulation manager reports he has plenty of tickets for ambi tious boys and girls. Adrance agents for the circus say the show is better than erer. Power Mower For Schools To Be Vsed Today The power mower, vital item In th plan for summer beautiflca- tion and upkeep of a number of th Salac school grounds as pro posed at to last school hoard meeting, has been ordered and will be on hand today. Heretofore th high school. Par riah. Highland and Garfield school lawn hare bea maintained dur ing th summer months, but not without expenditure of a grat deal of time and labor. Th new mower will greatly taellitat th work, as wall as allowing th sam laborers to keep th Leslie aad Richmond lawns in trim. Janitors hare bes making a lawn en th north side of the Les lie grounds this week and will hare th work don shortly, re ports G. W. Smalley, head janitor. A pip ttn for sprinkling has also been laid at th Leslie grounds and workmen have grad ed the ball grounds. Pheniei J. W. Phenleie. 545 S. 17th. died May 17 at the age of 68 years. He was a local carpenter and native of Transfer, Pa, Surrlred by his widow, Daisy Phenleie. and one daughter. Doris, both of 8a lent. Remains in ear of Rigdoa's mortuary, from which funeral an nouncements will be made later. CassMy At a local hospital May 17. Miss Catherine Cassidy at the age of 42 years. She is surrlred by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cas sidy, and a sister. Ellen Cassidy, all of Portland. Remains in care of Salem Mortuary. Funeral an nouncements later. MeClow Henry L. McClow died at a lo cal hospital May 15 Bp the age of 69 years. He lived on route one, box 323. Mrs. McClow died here in 1922. Survived by a daughter. Mrs. Blanche Kris of Salem, and six grandchildren. Funeral ser vices Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at Clough-Huston's chspel with Mrs. LaValley officiating. In terment City View cemetery. 33elcregt iHt mortal $ars U4mtly 2209 .Trie A Park Cemetery with perpetual care Just ten minutes from the heart of town City View Cemetery EstabBabed 1883 TeL 12M Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for Prices Reasonable 'cJUmtsolfums LLOYD T. BIGDON, Mgr. TOP'S HERE menagerie of "beasts of the jun gle, the plains, th mountains snd the air," as the old time announ cer used to put it. All of old friends of the sawdust and the spangles came today to entertain us, and, the circus men say, they brought many new friends to gire us new thrills, new laughs aad much more pleasure than of yore. Five Rings In Tent Soon after the great, billowing sweep of caaras that Is the "big top" Is raised on the circus grounds at Olinger field scores of men will begin the work of hoist ing the mase of rigging for the aerial offerings, and other groups begin laying the fire rings and steel-barred presentation dens. Th all new opening spectacle. Aladdin and the Parade of Gold." edition 1929, employs a east of 1,080 people, along with 1,200 ed ucated wild animals. A few of the features this year to thrill you are Tusko and the Mighty Tnsko. largest elephants in the world. Lo tus, performing hippo, Klin khardt'a equesterian midgets, Max Sabel, famous Eureopean horse trainer and his Liberty horses, the Davenport family of equestrians. the Letourneaus, daring aerial ar tlstes, the educated seals, Samson. aerial lion, herd of . zebras, one hundred girl riders and high school horses, and the famous wild animal trainers, Herr Louis Roth and Captain John Myers. Al ma Taylor, Betty Kenyon and Miss Bobbl Todd, completely subju gating huge group of tigers, lions and lionesses and leopards. Spe cial attention is called to the thrill of thrills when Miss Betty Ken yon enter the eenter steel arena and wrestles with her bare hands a full grown man-eating Bengal tiger. GBESOFCOIIY IS WOODBURN, May 17 Th granges of Marion county will be guests at th Presbyterian church at a meeting to bo held Sunday. A pedal sermon by Rev. Henry O. Hanson, music by Miss Juanltn Kicks. Miss Ruth' Lawrenc of Medford, and selecttens by the Al bany collf quartet will feature th morning session. At noon a potluck dinner will be served th guests In th church basement. Th afternoon program will begia at 1:30 and wUl be in charg of th Woodburn Grange. Dr. Wallace How Lee of Albany colleg. and Mr. Palmlter, Master f th Stat Grange, will be among the speakers om th program. Mu sic by Miss Marvel Larson, and Ladies trio, and other numbers win complete th program. . W. Baker Dies Friday Morning J. W. Baker, father of C. B. Baker of Salem who is yard mas ter at the Southern Pacific yards here, died in Portland Fridar morning at th age of 92 years. J. w. Baker was one of Oregon's early pioneers and had been prom inent in th work carried on the hpioneer groups. Mr. Baker cross ed tne plains in 1J53 in a wagon train wtth George H. Himes, cur ator of the Oregon Historical so ciety. . Funeral arrangements had not been mad lata Friday. PARK BEING COMPLETED Memorial gates will soon be !n plaee at Belcrest Memorial park according to announcement mad Friday by the management. Brick work on the entrance posts Is be ing finished this week. The gates are being made by a. local Iron factory. PILES CORED wltaeet epsrattea er loss at tune. DR. MARSHALL 32 Orefoa BIS. CUM GUESTS 9 Opening on or about June 1st WHJJAMS SELF SERVICE STORE 370 State Street Carrying Dependable Merchan dise for the Whole Family ' Over 5000 pairs of Shoes Remember Serve yourself and Save CIY BEAUTIFUL en CONTESTS Improvement of City Will Also Mean Health Betterment "In the interests of public health and Improved municipal sanitation the City Beautiful con test, now begun in Salem, can be considered one of the most con structive movements ever inaug urated in our community." said Dr.- Vernon Douglas. Wednesday, in commenting on the program. "One of the principal results of the City Beautiful contest should be a general clean-up of private property. Before trees, shrubs, or flowers can be planted and set off to best advantage we must first clean up the home premises, as well as surrounding alleys, streets, vacant lots, and all places where rubish has accumulated. The in dividual home owner or renter should look first to his own home grounds. From a sanitary stand point this means doing away with objects and accumulations which serve no usefaK purpose aad which at the same time arc detrimental to the health or peace of mind of he neighborhood. Do Away With Disease "This means doing away with (1) everything which is capable Itself of producing disease, refer ring especially to human excreta improperly disposed of, always a potent producer of disease; (2) eliminating things which provide a breeding place for disease car riers such as flies and rats. To this end piles of manure, garbage, and rubbish in which these disease carriers may live and develop should be removed. (3) Remcving objects and accumulations which offend the senses and serve no otner usetul purpose. This ap plies to the removal of unsightly buildings or signboards as well as collection and disposal of piles of tin cans, and in general all other annoyances which offond th sens es, such aa excess smoke or gas nuisances, aad even preventing oud and unnecessary noises which often offend ur ears. ' "It should b a requirement of very yard and ardn contest that an entrant must keep a clean alley behind hto home. It he is to win a prise. If he ha not don this, n of th important lessons which every contest of this kind should teach has not been learn 3 Fatalities Are Reported In Week There were three fatalities due' to industrial "accidents in Oregon during th week ending May 1C. according to a report prepared her today by th state industrial accident commission. The victims were Roy Oliver White, La Pine, sawmill laborer; Ceorg L. Schroeder, Portland, la borer, and Randolph Craven, Pen dleton, laborer. There were a total of S13 acci dents reported to the commission during the Week. VOGANS Chocolates Mellow as Moonlight Regular price on this special 60c per lb. For this week end only 36c per LB. or Two Lbs. for 70c Schaefer's Drag Stor 1S5 N. Com'l. St. Phone 197 The Original Candy Special Store ot Salem. Penslar Agency i n 4 Amity Men Take On Clean-Up and Repair Their Park AMITY, May 17-The park committee of the Amity chamber of commerce, as sisted by a number of busi ness men, appeared this week with hoes, rakes and sytbes to clean the park. The ramp ground, tourist parte and city park are be ing put in shape for the summer season. The local baseball field which adjoins the park has been put In order for the first game of the season which will be played oa May 19. The work has been done by members of the team who volunteered their services. SMITES U TO VISIT 0. S. C. CAMPUS A number of Salem people plan, to attend the Campus Week-end at Oregon State Saturday at Cor. vallls. Among the special features will be water sports on the Wil lamette at the Corvallis bridge. A crew from the University of Washington will compete with the senior class crew at O. S. C. at 3:30. Rowing is developing rapid ly at Oregon State and promises to be recognized soon as a major sport. Besides the boat race var ious other sport events are plan- ned on the water Including a kick er derby, swimming and diving events, equaplaning. canoe tilting, etc. One feature Is the dive .of the human torch; one college student, his swimming suit saturated In gasoline and then ignited, will dive frori the floor-of the bridge. BANK BRINGS SUIT DALLAS. May 17. Ladd Bush has filed suit of foreclosure against P. C. Hansen et al. A note was taken by them on Janu ary IS. 124 for f 200. which was secured by a mortgage on 128 acres of land located in the Rich ard McMahan donation land claim In Polk county. The corporation asks for Judgment of $2000. costs, and foreclosure of tne mortgage. ajsovy local oa ainjroan nun ' PCCNE 727 CKn Hwwtriw r "limiiii TaOy Lam . YOU may have the ser vice of this strong fi nancial institution as your executor and : trustee for - the same fee allowed by . law to individual execut ors. An individual executor may fail to survive the set tlement of your estate, may become incapacitated by illness, may travel, for get, be too busy, embar rassed financially, or be in experienced, so that your estate may suffer loss and additional expense. Which executor do you prefer? Consult our trust offic er about the settlement of your estate. Ladd & Bush Trust Co. Let-Kenneft-Ellis Make Your Cuts, ; Engravings or Half Tones SEE US ABOUT REDUCED PRICES We Can. Save You Money KENNELLr ELLIS - Artist Photographers -429 Oregon Building Telephone 95 1 n OF iEl JT CHILE K CLOVERDALE. May 17. Clo verdale school closed today with the usual good program followed by a basket dinner and all-day picnic. The program consisted of reci tations, dialogues and music. There was a fine display of sewing done by both boys snd girls and the regular school work has been highly commended this yesr. Several from here attended the funeral services of Mrs. Lucille Hart, held In Salem Wednesday. Mrs. Hart was a former Cloverdale girl, her parents living here for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and chil dren of Salem and Mrs. Jay Cook and daughter Gertrude of Clover dale, drove down to Albany Sun day. The Greydlggers played ball on their home ball ground Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hadley and children of Longview, Wash-. ington. drove down and spent Sat urday eve here with Ivan Hadley and family, and Sunday the two families drove to Salem and spent the day with their mother, Mrs. A. Hadley. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fliflet of Dallas vislte dhere with Mr. Flit lets sister. Mrs. Arthur Krenke, Sunday afternoon. ACTRESS REMOVED LOS ANGELES. Cal.. May IT. -(AP) Alma Rubens, film actress, was removed to the city psycho pathic wsrd early today. m TDIU HE SAYS A late 192 Chevrolet 4 door Sedan, fully equipped, has ran bat few miles aad like new 1st zrr s675.oo Tb Ms ass That Set-vie Built t! Oil 'A