The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    fhc OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, May 16, 1925
Gerviais to See Play Put on
By Young People of Salem
Brooks Party Goes to Kei
zer for Meeting and
for Program
BROOKS, May 15. Mrs. Wil
liam Sehafei. and daughter. Miss
Vtxda. Mr. and Mrs. William Bu
chanan and children, Delores and
Kenneth and Miss Constance Bu
chanan, Mrs. John Dunlavy and
daughter. Miss Marie of Brooks,
went to Keiier Sunday evening to
attend the Epworth League and
Mother's day program.
The Epworth League held Its
annual election of officers at this
meeting and the following were
chosen for the coming year: Pres
ident, Glenn Savage; vice-president
Miss Mildred Gardner; second and
iMwt-sice-presiaents, Misa Mar
garet BarTriiff; fourth vice-president..
Miss Myrtle McClay; secre
tary and treasurer, Carrol Pool;
song leader, Glenn Savage. The
following program was presented
by the Keizer Sunday school: vo
cal solo, Glenn Savage; reading.
Miss Myrtle McClay; quotations
ZrslrrUZT savl Missionary Alliance Set for
age Jr.; vocal solo, Miss Mildred
I The pastor. Rev. D. George Cole
tpoke on the subject of "Mother."
The text was "Behold Thy Mother."
Black Crepe Put
On Halls as Men
Take "Sneak Day"
Black ' crepe adorning the
halls and rla&s rooms of the
senior high building on
Tuesday was explained to
the lower riant men wlen
they learned that It was Se
nior Sneak day.
Practically the entire
class, accompanied by Prof.
-Tinglestad, J. C. Gun t her,
Coach Delay and Mrs. Pow
ell, of the faculty, ' motored
to liake Oswego, where they
enjoyed the day in picnic
rtyle. Swimming and boat
ing made np the day's recreation.
en puns
May 23; Daughters to
be in Attendance
HAZEL GREEN, May 15 Miss
Leila Luckey and sister Mrs. Or
ville Luckey will be hostesses to
the Women's Missionary associa
tion Thursday afternoon May 23
at the parsonage.
This is the Mothers' and Daugh
ters' meeting. The date of meet
ing was changed from May 9 until
school closed that the daughters
could attend.
Cordial invitation to all inter
ested women and girls of com-
spnivr. VAI.I.EY. Mar
o Vntici rvaarfnril and her munity.
" L :; : ; There are to be ball games be
their home here after having tween tae girts and boys teams of
spent the past three weeks in Hayesnlle and home team May
Portland at the home of Mrs. 20-
rJV. narpnt. Mr and Mrs. Orville Luckey and family. Jo-
, 7, , h hoon seph Zelniski and family. C. A
-"in .J n". . not im. Van Cleave and family and G
... i, v,nA G. Looney's attended the dress
ihe present time. Another dangh- Prade at Chemawa Sunday
:":p. ii w Prurharii nf The warm weather is hur
WaWburg. Wash, - is helping her the farmers in planting corn The
mother care for Mr. Zinser at o d saying Is. "Corn should be
GERVAIS, May 15 The young
people of the Jason Lee church In
Salem will present the play, "At
the End of the Rainbow," in the
Gervais City hall, Friday evening.
May 17, 8 p.m. The comedy will
be given under the auspices of the
Gervais Presbyterian C. E., and
the proceeds will be divided be
tween the Jason Lee Epworth
League and the local Christian
Endeavor society.
This play, which was well re
ceived in Salem, is considered one
of the best theatrical productions
ever to be presented in Gervais.
The cast includes several members
of the Theta Alpha Phi, National
Dramatic Fraternity of Willamette
and some members of the Snikpoh
Dramatic Society of Salem High
school. All members of the cast
have had previous experience in
amateur theatricals. The ocach,
Marcia Fuestman, received an M.
A. degree in dramatics at Wesley-
an conservatory in Missouri.
Comedy Of College Life
The play is a comedy of college
are m an average college town.
n't.- i ...
iue casi is as ioiiows: imp, a
Freshman, Margaret Eddy; Phyl
lis Lane, a football enthusiast.
Buelah Graham; Emily Elliot,
wun a conscience, violet Beecher;
Polly Price, sorority girl, Sarah
Dark; Ted Whitney, a football
captain, Joe Felton; Marion Day
ton, ward of R. Preston, Evelyn
Cummings; Robert Preston, a
lawyer, Raymond Miller; Dick
Preston, a groom, William Hesse
man; Nellie Preston, a bride,
Ruth Bower; Jane, a maid with a
taste for literature, Marjorie Mo
ser; Elaa Ernest, a sorority girl,
Gwendolyn Hubbard; Kathleen
Knox, chairman of Rushing com
mittee, Bernice Rickman: Mar
jorie Arnold, sorority girl, Bar-
oara uarnam; Molly Bruce, pledge
to Theta Phi. Ruth Smith: Jack
Austin, Preston's secretary, Don
ald Douris; Stanley Palmer, as
Hawkins the Butler". Donald
Watson; Louise Ross, known as
Miss Grayson, Leah Fanning;
Douglas Brown, a football player.
Bill Lewis; Mrs. Brown, atenmoth-
er to D. Brown, Dorothy Whipple.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haines and
son Ffcjyd and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Woeld all of Salem spent Mother's
Day with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Schubert.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Ray and
two children Elma and Johnnie of
Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Kirkwood and their children, Dor
is. Vera. Norman and Homer of
Salem were Saturday evening vis
itors at the Belle Simpkins home.
. c j ! t: 0mi,t, -. homecoming picnic June 1
truest Sunday Miss Iris Smith ol . ,f . -
Plans were made for the annual
. Miss
Marjorie Oliver pleased very
-v-1 i .
x o?Y-i" . . much with a reading. "Mother O'
duuU , eTCUi"B '.t " p C Mine." followed by dainty refresh
i "r-i-Uents served by Mrs. U. J. Leh-
ders were: .Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Lowry of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. E.
F. McKlaney and Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Chenoweth.
! I A V Ct a- it arm
i k. n-'fc ...J MrVv By". Mrs. Monty Harris, Mrs. Ed
and daughters Ruth and Shirley va,'a
man, Mrs. Oliver Whitney, Mrs.
John Schindler and Miss Marjorie
Oliver. Guests who were pres
ent Thursday were: Mrs. Anna
Carl Alderman.
present were: Mrs. John Schlnd
Mr. and Mrs. Chris lungen and r a t TT T
Lhfi! iWA0nl: aAd" Lehman. Mrs. Fred Ewing. Mr,
1 . ci " Oliver Whitney. Mrs. Charles Mc
D" fu,s" "u"' "l , Carter, Mrs. Walter Hatch, Mrs
air. auu mis. i . vyumt i- tt.i r j ti j
Jt Salem were Sunday visitors at the . Mra ' . ' V
. !". ,.: ' Olsen, Mrs. L. Himmel. Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Higgins of K - nl: .
5 ;,.n daughter, Miss Marjorie
of Mr. HTggin s cousin. Mr. and J
Mrs. P. G. McLench. Mr. Higgins
is enjoying being out again after
a sick spell of several weeks dura
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Windsor
and family attended the opera "H.
M. S. Pinafore' given by the Sa
lem High School chorus Friday ev
ening. Their daughter. Miss Irene
Windsor who is a senior at s. m. i nnspnii F i is ra.,.i,.
. , . . . ,-1. I . .....j - " P "
e. too a pari in m tm of the Rosedaie community
of he presentation. entertained their mothers at a de-
Mr. and Mrs. Lee ersteeg,,.,,. ,r e.lllrj
Kenneth and Ha Marie Versteeg . riniIniv hmn Tha -mo
apeni ounuay in "'"S l were decorated in the Mother'.
tBe aonw OI wr. bu r. ueimw color. m.rnlp .nd whlta
versteeg. uiuer Kueia yjco- narno. nt-
.... -r.An. , --- v
eni e "',, "5 , " ,, I wort program followed
Sir. SHU ' '' I - U ,1 Borrhtn Pnlc sgnlr "Thaf
Hopewell. I Old-fashioned Mother of Mine" in
a verv nlea;ine manner. Read-
Adams Back From vxlvzj Ca"?f'
T-; UmA Trick. Talks were given by Mrs.
1 LIU M. KJ lAUtUC Mary Cam mack and Mrs. Holdy
I ine motners eacn toia a tunny m-
stt.vitrtov Mm 1 Mr and cident of their daughter's child-
Mrs. Edward Adams and Mr. Lew- 'hod.
is Adams returned to Silverton en Guests were: Mesdames Cole,
Friday from a five-weeks' trip rearson, carter, uecKiey,
hich tOOk them tO many POlntS swiiri. nmuy, necnari,
in thA mlndlfl ast anil Pennnvl- "ay- aminacK
-ania i The daughters who entertained
The Adams brofeers visHed wer hisses tva ana uorotny
,ir oM hniriA In Ohio and dnr- McKiey, wna Jr neaa. mm, jew
ell Carter. Lucile Bineenheimer
family there Mrs Adams AeeQ Day, Berchen Cole, Esther
also was happy to return to her "eckart, and Laura Lammack
p-lrlhovid home in Homestead. '
Penn., where she visited with her JlfoyOT? T .Zin crfn rrl
brothers. Owing to severe weath- " ACTjr iuaiil KJl U
er conditions, the Adams return
ed to Oregon sooner than was ex
To Be Life Guard
Surprise Party Is
f m . cided Tuesday morning by the
KllVen At KaiSCtZ playground board. He has held
Life guard at the Fourteenth
street playground this summer
will be Maxey Langford it was de-
the position for the last two sea
T"N 11 A.
, . . i ,nnnr nr curing me mu seasona bang
F5,8e v.y " . 7 :i VC; "I ford has been at the. playground
VALSETZ, May 15. A snr-
jura. sziiiA wtLuuuw uv v -
or "er aaugulCr-.u-... red ,n .nJ watter Louis Ander.
McConnell of Camp 1 Thursday I jf.., . .v .
afternoon, it being Mother McCon-l'ma., T mn. ' 'V. ,v '
nell's aniversary. The friends en- po, and he was cnoBn wltn
joying tne uaj 1 no hesitation by the board. He
mer. Mrs. oiei"". wuu
March. Mrs. Massie, Mra. Dod
on, Mrs. BUI xeaa, aw. 8CHOOLKR NEW HEAD
tad. Mrs. Goheboi. Mrs. rnuups, W'OODBURN, May 15 Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Morris, Mrs. Emmett, gcbvoler was elected student body
Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. 1 r - president In a clase vote over Low-
aon. After a very delicious lunch- en Gribble at an election held at
, eon Mother Mconnell opened the tne school Monday. Other officers
packages containing many beau-1 to genre- on the board of control,
tiful birthday remembrances. Innder the new constitution are
: I Jane Tergen, vice president, Na-
LAST DANCE ENJOYED I omi Van Cleave, secretary, and
MILL CITY. May 15. The Mill Cletus Chapelle and Murel Nehl
City dancing club enjoyed Its last I members-at-large. A tie between
dance of the season saiuraay eve-1 uora iresiaaer ana xvennetn uu
.1.. with a laree attendance. The I landers for the third of the mem
next dance will be the first Satur- bers-at-large will be decided at an
Week of Commencement Is
to be Busy One, Says
Principal Ryan
PERRYDALE, May 15. Com
mencement week exercises have
been announced for the coming
week at the Perrydale schoolhouse
by J. C. Ryan, principal. The
events will occur between May 19
and May 25, Inclusive. The pro
gram follows :
Baccalaureate address Sunday.
May 19, "Facing the Task of
Life," Rev. A. F. Van Styke.
Monday, May 20, 8 p. m., audi
torium recital, Mrs. Lynn Lance-
field, director.
Tuesday, May 21. 8 p. m., au
ditorium, H. S. class day, featur
ed by under classmen.
Wednesday, May 22, 8 p. m.
eighth grade graduation exercises
Thursday, May 23. 8 p. m.. H.
S. commencement, (a) Invocation,
H. McKee; (b) Presentation of
the class by Principal Ryan;
(c) Quartette Maid of the West;
In Quest of the Best Welcome
Miss Electa A. Richmond.
Address "The Greatest Bat
tle Yet to be Fought," M. Doug
las Miller.
Oration "America the laat
Word," Harold O. Stapleton.
Farewell Entering the high
way, Miss M. Lavelle Miller.
Address to senior class Dean
Roy R. Hewitt.
Presentation diplomas. H. J.
Elliott, chairman board directors.
Class song.
Friday. May 24 school and
community picnic.
Saturday, May 25 8 p. m.
Alumni banquet.
Bookkeeper, After
Seven Years Work,
Take Last Balance
Xelnur King, who baa been
bookkeeper with the John
Wolfard store for seven
years, finished her work
with the store on ' Tuesday,
when she balanced the
books for the last time. The
pioneer store has been sold,
all remaining stock being
purchased by the Okls Wort
man and King Co., of Port
land. Miss King will spend
an Indefinite time with her
father on the home ranch on
the Sllverton-Stavton highway.
Guests Come To
Brooks Home For
Weekend Visits
8th Grade Exams
Set For Weekend
For Polk Schools
ZEXA. May 15 Mr. and Mrs.
W. N. Crawford and daughters
Alice and Wilma of Zena accom
panied by Mrs. Alice Simpson of
Lincoln, mother of Mrs. Crawford,
motored to Fruitland Sunday and
were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Noel Simpson. They al
so called upon Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Simpson at Swegle.
Charles Dawson of Oregon City
was a weekend visitor in Zena at
the home of his mother, Mrs. J. E.
James Hlatt, in charge of equip
ment on the coast highway con
struction work visited here during
the weekend with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Phillips of
Portland were Monday callers at
the farm of S. H. Barker and sonJ
while en route to lliianvx.
DALLAS. May 15. State exam
inations for the eighth grade Polk
county students will be held in
Dallas on May 16 and 17. The
Dallas schools is the only school
In the county which is not re
quired to take these examinations.
and their final examinations will
be given later by the local instruc
tors. The program for the state
examinations follower
Thursday morning Arithmetic
and writing.
Thursday afternoon History,
spelling, agriculture.
Friday morning Physiology,
language (for 6th grade).
Friday afternoon Geography,
civil government and reading.
girl under 1C Jtist sacare one new
three month subscription to The
Oregon Statesman.
SILVERTON. May 15. Milton
Thostrud left Silverton on Satur
day for Glendale, Ore., where he
has accepted a position In the
mill there. His family will follow
him later In the month.
BROOKS, May 15. Recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Thur
man of Brooks were Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Foren and children, Edith,
Fay and Eva of Clear Lake, and
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Northern and
children, Joseph and Carl of Har
risburg, Oregon. Mrs. Foren and
Mrs. Northern are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rap spent
the past week at the home of their
son. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ray,
and family at Glad Tidings.
Miss Ellen Hackit and her ne
phew Robert Glover went to Mt.
Angel Sunday and were dinner
guests at the home of Mrs. Finn
amore and daughters Misses Ethel
and Agnes. In the afternoon they
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Finnamore, also of
Mt. Angel.
A special Mother's day service
was held Sunday at the Brooks
community Methodist church. The
following special selections were
given: duet. Miss Marie Dunlavy
and Mrs. John Tonkin: reading by
Miss Constance Buchanan, follow,
ed by a special Mother's day ser
mon by Rev. D. George Cole, pastor.
Saturday Evening
Club Entertained
DALLAS, May 15. Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Woods entertained the
Saturday evening bridge club last
week at their home on the Haw
thorne highway. Late In the eve
ning a pot luck lunch was served,
after which dancing was enjoyed.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. U. S.
Loughary. Mi. and Mrs. Riley
Craven. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hay-
ter, Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Staats, Mr
and Mrs. C. B. Sundberg, Dr. and
Mrs. A. B. Starbuck, Mr. and Mrs
W. L. Soehren, Mr. and Mrs. R.
L. Chapman, and the host and
SILVERTON, May 15. Mrs
Theresa Kriesel of the English de
partment of the Silverton high
school, entertained In honor of
her mother, Mrs. W. P. Fowler,
who has Just returned from Oal
ifornia. The affair was In the
form of an attractive bridge
wiiST SALEM, May 15. F. A.
Miles who has been working at
Brownsville, was a weekend vis-J
itor at his home here in West!
Sunday callers at the J E l
Thomas and M. A. White homes
were: Mr. -and Mrs. A. V. White I
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Henkle of
Mr. and Mrs. Craft of Califor
ia. and Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Brieney and- children of Browna-
ville visited at the F. Aj Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hendrlck-
son of Salem, were Sunday afte--noo
ncallers at the J. E. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fox and
danghter, Eleanor Virginia, were
Sunday afternoon and dinner
guests at the home of Mr nH
Mrs. Peter Schlitt ot Salem..
Aliss Marie Sebern who has tak
en up -work In Portland, was a
aaiuraay dinner guest at the
Leonard L. Burgovne hom n
Second street.
Earnest Moore and famiiv nt
Airley, Oregon, were Satnrdav
guests at the F. M. Moore home
on Edge water street.
Delbert Moore, son Of Mr arA
Mrs. F. M. Moore. nrt fomiw
were Sunday eveninsr rnest at
the home of their parents.
Waldo Baker and M. Rarher
plowed at the church grounds
Monday morning and the work
was done ffne.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Koch and
daughters LyDia and Aurifca, son
Frederick, of 'McMinnville, were
Sunday evening luncheon guests
at the C. Fox home on McNary
Daniel Weizel of Salem was a
supper guest at the C. Fox home
North Howell Is
Scene For Visits
Mr. and Mrs. Will Powell and Mr.
and Mrs. Richards of Salem called
at the home of their son S. n.
RIckard last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Florence Oddie spent
Mothers Day in Forest tJrnv'-o
the guest of her son Gilbert Oddie
at the university there.
Among those from North How.
ell who drove to Buttevllle last
Saturday to attend special Grange
ceremonies mere were; Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. Wilsner, Mr. Ellis Stev
ens, Mrs. Daisy Bump, Misa Ber
tha Wiesner and Mr. and Mrs
Archie WIesner.
A little daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. La Fontaine last
Wednesday. The T.a irnntain.
live on the Hartley-Craig farm.
Hooker's Son To
Wed, Dallas Word
DALLAS, May 15. Sheriff T.
B. Hooker received the annonnra.
ment from his son, Robert Eugene
Hooker, of his engagement to Miss
Winifred Cecilia Strachan of Sac-
a.iucuiu, Ksa.ui. itoDert is very
weu anown nere as he was raised
in Dallas, but has been em nl overt
for the past two years In Sacra
mento by the Southern Pacific
machine shops of that eitv. Th
wedding will be an affair of late
DALLAS, May 15. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Kreason and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Eakin spent Monday
evening in Grande Ronde where
they attended a joint meeting of
onenaan post. American Legion
and its auxiliary. Following the
business session refreshments
were served and then dancing was
enjoyed, with splendid music fur
nished by the Sheridan post or
160 North Lr-erty Street
To Be Real and Lasting Must Combine Quality
with Low Price All Three Are Found Here
Sweater Values
For Outdoor Men
This worsted plaited slip
over sweater is offered in a
variety of smart patterns and
color combinations. W e 1 1 -knitted
and shaped. Outstanding-
value, at
Our Feature Value ta
Men's Shirts
Here Are VALUES in
PUht Colon
Our "Foremost" and extra
heavy full mercerlied Sock
With Tu-Toe Feature
3 Prs. $1.00
jf4-forl.w Fall mercuked
Vttdiuni weight sock, with Tn
tToe" featnre. 4pairsfljML
701 Brand." Pr
thread sflk hose wftn
snercericed top and tee.
r-Te" feature for
Idded itreng th. CSc
'49c .... A silk and nyod
ock whn mercerized top, toe
and heel In newest fancy ef
fects. 25c ... A rayon and met
cerized plaited hose in a gen
erous aaMrtment of fancy patterns.
All the Style and Comfort that Can Be Put in c
Hat Are Yours in This
Printed broadcloth.
madras and woven broadcloth
shirts in many smart new pat
terns. Plain colors, too.
Men's Athletic
Union Suits
of good quality
White Balbrig
gan and is full
cat throughout.
making for
both coolness
and comfort on
the warmest
days. Expertly
made and well-,
trimmed. Also'
offered in but
ton -at-shoulder
modcL One of
oar exceptional
values, at
Boys' Shirts
For Work or Play -Of
fadlgo-blne chambray ad
room snd sturdily made,
"Solar Straw"
Young Man's Champagne
color, sewed braid straw,
with telescope crown, snap
brim and
Smart Self -Figured
Scarf Band
Attractively finished, too, with
satin strip tip and full leather
aweatband. Excellent value, at.
Golf Hose
For Boys
A smart cotton hose of heath
er mixtures. Fancy striped pat
terns with fancy top. Also plaid
ad Jacqnard patterns.
Harvest Hat
16 Eyelets
Of Peanft straw, sbxlheed,
oll trimmed; adjustable band.
Mexican Hats
FoHarvest Wear
Of durable Anker o; fancy
land and ventilating eyclcta,
Sport Shoes
For Boys
Durable, cool and comfort-,
able. Fashioned to give the foot
the rapport It needs while fa
action. In a variety f styles
and sizes. Low-priced, too.
79c . $1.98
I These washers are the latest
I Aluminum Tub Models with
I the new. soft rubber water
1 remover and are in splendid
I condition.
I "iet M U(
I 28 . C'oiim,,, stm
r epho 2ais j
Free circus tickets for boy or
QfflOCSu U
(.! mwmmmmmmmrmMmmmwm
456 State St, Salem
t. In nttnher. - leiecuon awn.